#little rushed towarda the end
anonbinaryweirdo · 10 months
"try not to cry when im gone" hu tao x reader
(angst, hurt/comfort? she still dies tho lol), reader having bad thoughts, sloppy transition, hu tao comforts reader, reader cries, one or two mentions of zhongli
gn reader, unspecified pronouns or descriptions for reader. writer cried
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imagine an immortal reader, who knows of their fate with Hu Tao, but has yet to accept it with a full mind
or at all, really.
you sit there, teacup heavy in your hand as you stare at the fire ahead. once again were you reminded of your immortality, but your mind could only immediately drift off to your lover, who was the opposite.
a human. a mortal.
she was bound to die, and you would have to live on, without her, one day. it was inevitable. you wouldn't even know when you'd see her new face again, decades—maybe even centuries later. you probably wouldn't even get the chance to meet her in her new life.
you sigh, just thinking about it. setting down your cup and running a hand down your face, you hold your breath. maybe this was a dream. you'd wake up one day, with identical grey hairs, wrinkles all over. maybe you could be buried next to one another.
alas, you were so lost in thought, you didn't even notice the extra presence in the room, until you felt a pair of hands covering your eyes, the metal of the rings she adorned just barely grazing your skin—yet, you could still feel how cool it was.
"guess who~!" came a giggle from behind. you could never get enough of hearing it, a smile making its way onto your face almost immediately as it rang through your ears.
you couldn't help laughing a little, rolling your eyes behind her palms. "welcome home, Hu Tao," you greet, as normal. it was genuine, the way you felt around her. especially whenever you got to welcome her back under the roof you shared. a place you both cared for, and could call your home. although, you were quite certain that home was only really found whenever you were with Hu Tao. without her to live there with you, it'd merely be a house. not a home.
Hu Tao skips over in front of where you sat, a small grin on her face. you could tell she was a bit tired, though. yet, her lips were still quirked up, despite the fact. you loved it. "were ya missing me already, butterfly?" she asked, looking over you. "because, i must say, you looked mighty bored and lonely before I snuck up on you."
and, as though it were an automated response, you respond quickly, "I'm always bored and lonely whenever you're gone." and it was true, as 'sappy' as it sounded. you needed someone like Hu Tao in your everyday life to lift you up, even when you weren't particularly feeling 'blue'.
"well," the director hummed, helping herself to straddling over your lap, wrapping her arms around you as she rested her chin on your shoulder. your hand moves to take off her hat, setting it aside before moving your fingers through her hair. she closed her eyes, melting—ironically enough—into your touches. "I can't blame you," she continued, chuckling a little, "I mean, without me, you'd be miserable. oh, what would you do without me?" you knew it was a joke, but still.
it was true.
your hand paused in her hair, and your expression slowly fell to what it was before she walked through that door. can you imagine, having to life without her? having to live, what you could only hope wasn't for the rest of your life—from the time your eyes flutter open at the crack of dawn, and when they close into peace once more when moonlight illuminates the land—without her?
you couldn't even begin to imagine what life would be like, if you hadn't seen her smile everyday. true, yes, her smile wouldn't be there every second of the day... no, she had her days when she felt so little about herself, and that smile turned upside down into something else. there were even times her eyeliner would smudge down her face in streaks. but, she still managed to smile. seeing her face was enough.
unfortunately, for you, the girl happened to take notice of your silence, and looked back at you with big red eyes, mixing with both curiosity and concern—even as she tried to play it off. "hey, now, " she laughed lightly. "why the long face? you look like a little puppy, hehe. am I boring you, or something? I don't think I've ever seen you so—"
her voice died down as she saw the way your eyebrows scrunched up, her eyes looking over your face. she saw how sad your eyes look—and how they weren't as bright as she loved them. the way you stared down at your lap, biting the inside your lip. you were deep in your thoughts, and they didn't seem to be happy ones. she didn't like that.
"...hey," she spoke quietly. she cupped your face, making you look at her. and, instantly, you were lost in those eyes.
who wouldn't get lost in them, honestly? they were so pretty, so very magnificent in so many ways you couldn't even begin to explain. and those stars...those stars were the cherry on top. they shined so bright, brighter than any real star could ever. but...eventually, even stars come to their ends, right?
"butterfly...whats the matter? why do you seem so blue?"
she was so sweet. you couldn't help it,arms caging around her in a desperate hug. you were certain, that, letting go would result in her not being there anymore. like she'd turn into particles, and fly out the window. you didn't want that. you couldn't have it.
"[name], what—" "im not ready for you to die."
the words flew past your lips before you could stop them. you squeezed your eyes shut as you nuzzled your nose further into her hair. you inhale deeply, the breath coming out in a shaky sigh. as much as you felt like wanting to, you couldn't cry. especially not here, in front of her, right now. you wouldn't dare let her see you so weak. so—
"is that what this was about?" Hu Tao inquired suddenly, making you hold your breath. your answer—the silence and a tremble of your shoulder—was enough said.
her arms wrapped around you, and it was enough for you to breathe. "don't cry," she hushes you, tenderly rubbing her palm up and down your back. "I don't want you to be sad when I'm dead. in fact, I want you to be happy."
your eyebrows furrow, and you lift your head, looking up at her. "what?" you question, not believing what she just said. "how can you...how can you even say that with a straight face? if I lose you, t-then—"
"then you'll be okay," she cuts you off, kissing your forehead. she leaned back. and smiled. "you'll be fine when I'm gone, because I know you'll be at peace with knowing that I'm resting well, knowing that it was I that you created memories with, and not anyone else in either of our places."
you sat there, listening to her voice. it always was so lovely, wasn't it?
"I'm going to be watching over you as a ghost," she promised, "and once you feel that familiar air, you'll know it's me."
"you should also be at peace, knowing that I'm resting well...because of you. you were the reason for my true happiness, and for that, I..." Hu Tao huffed, taking your hands in hers. "I should be the one crying over my death. I mean, I won't even get to interact with you—I'll be transparent! which is absolutely awful, I mean, can you imagine me going a day without your arms around moi? really."
she smiled as you managed a little laugh at her attempt to brighten the mood. "there it is!" she cheered, softly. "see? that's exactly how I want your face to look, during my final breath, and every moment after, okay?"
you sniffled, leaning into her palm as she strokes your cheek with her thumb, wiping away your tears. "no promises," you whisper, turning your head to kiss her palm. she groans, "well, at least try. what type of person would you be to not at least make an effort to live up to something?"
you shake your head, rolling your eyes. your hands find their way to her waist, and you lean up, capturing her lips. she returned your kiss, not backing away until you do. and that's not until you hear a small pattern of quiet thuds on the window, catching both of your attention.
"hm," she hummed, "it's raining pretty hard." Hu Tao chuckled, holding you close, "I'm glad I got home in time, or else I'd be drenched."
"yeah.." you agree.
you sigh, staring at the ground. "I'm the one getting drenched," you mutter under your breath. you could vividly recall that conversation. it was one of the good ones.
you feel a hand on your shoulder, but you don't turn to look. "I'm sorry," says the consultant of the wangsheng funeral parlor, sympathizing with you.
you don't answer immediately, but he can make out a quiet 'thank you' as he leaves to give you your space, allowing you to stare at the stone in peace.
you look up, closing your eyes as the rain falls down on your face. "I wonder if you can see me yet," you whisper.
a smile graces your lips, feeling a gust of wind push past you.
you chuckle dryly, tears getting mixed in with the rain. another gust of wind.
"..i tried, didn't I?"
and then another.
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Oliver is a little bitch tell me why I cried
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bruh--wtf · 3 years
A Message
Thomas x Reader
Summary: The reader goes through the Maze trials with a message, but she has no idea who it's from. That is until he enters the maze. And he helps them get out.
Main Masterlist
Part 7
Previous Next
Maze Runner Masterlist
Warning: Spoilers obviously. This is based on the first movie. I don't know why you're reading this is you haven't seen the movie, but yeah, that's the warning.
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The next morning, you and Minho walk up to the pit. Minho squats down.
"Hey, man, sure you don't want to sit this one out?" He asks. Thomas scoffs.
"Nah, get me out of here," he says. You smile a little as Thomas climbs out. He looks at you, dusting himself off a little. You look at Minho.
"C'mon, we don't have all day," you say, walking down towards the map. That's where you kept the runner gear.
After getting ready, you three go out towards the maze. It finally was showing a bit of light. You get there just as the doors start opening. Once they were wide enough you nodded at Minho.
"Lets go!" He says, and the two of you start running. It took a while to get to the back of the maze. Thomas soon follows. Minho guided you, showing the two of you to the inner ring. Passing five and six, you all slow down at seven.
"Strange," Minho says, as you all start to walk inside.
"What?" Thomas asks.
"Seven's not supposed to be open for another week," you explain. He looks at you, and you just keep walking.
"What the hell is this place?" Thomas asks. You glance at him.
"We call them blades," Minho says. You kept walking through, making it to the other side. Minhow bends down and picks up a bloodied shirt. You close your eyes, looking down.
"It's Ben's isn't it?" Thomas asks. Minho glances at you.
"Yeah," he says, standing back up. "The griever must have pulled him down here." You swallowed. You hated to think about what might happen to your banished friends. How they died. You hated it so much.
When walking down the seemingly new tunnel, you all stood there. Suddenly a beem of red came out, scanning the three of you. Thomas was holding the metal, and gates started opening. You stared in shock.
"You sure about this?" Minho asks. You look at Thomas, just like he was.
"No." But he keeps walking anyways. You and Minho exchange a look and follow him. There was a circular door at the end of the tunnel. Minho feels some of the slime. Then, another red bolt. The clicking starts and the doors start closing. The blades start closing and Thomas pulls you. The two of you get separated from Minho, and you speed up.
Thomas pushes you through one of the blades, throwing himself off.
"Thomas!" You yell. He jumps through, running into you. Minho balances the two of you, and the three of you keep running. When the ground starts cracking and the walls start falling, you start running again. Almost getting crushed. When the doors start sliding up, the three of you barely made it through.
Thomas lets out a breath, falling back and laying down. Minho chuckles, and you slap his arm weakly.
"What the hell was that?" You wonder aloud.
"The maze doesn't change during the day," Minho says. You gesture to the wall.
"It does now!" You exclaim. He laughs a little, falling back like Thomas. You look at the two breathless boys, a small smile making its way to your face. You chuckle, laying back yourself.
The three of you stay there for a little while, before getting up and running back.
"What the hell is going on put there?" Newt asks, the boys had gathered by the doors.
"What have you done now, Thomas?" You glare at Gally while Thomas starta to explain.
"We found something out there. A new passage. We think it could be a way out."
"Really?" Newt asks.
"It's true. We opened a door. Something we've never seen before," Minho says. You nod.
"It must be where the grievers go during the day," you say.
"Wait, woah, woah, woah," Chuck says. "You're saying you found the griever's home? And you want us to go in?"
"They're way in could be our way out, Chuck," Thomas says.
"Yeah, or there could be a dozen grievers on the other side. The truth is, Thomas doesn't know what he's done. As usual!" Gally says. Thomas snaps. He turns back to Gally.
"At least I did something, Gally. I mean, what have you done? Huh? Aside from hide behind these walls?" Gally gets in Thomas's face.
"Imma tell you something, Greenie. You been here three days, right? I've been here three years-" he goes to continue but Thomas cuts him off.
"Yeah, you've been here three years and you're still here! What does that tell you? Maybe you should start doing something differently!"
"Oh, and maybe you should be in charge then, right, Thomas?" He would have continued but Teresa comes over.
"Guys! Hey! It's Alby! He's awake," she says. You stare at her for a second before rushing off towards Alby.
The guys run in after you. You crouch infront of Alby. He barely looks at you. He seemed out of it.
"Alby... can you hear me?" You ask.
"Has he said anything?" Thomas asks.
"No," Teresa says.
Newt comes around and sits next to Alby.
"Alby. Are you alright?" He doesn't move. He doesn't show any sign of hearing us. Thomas crouches down next to you.
"Hey, Alby... Alby, we might have just found a way out of the maze. You hear me? We could be getting out of here," Thomas says. Alby looks like he's about to cry and it nearly broke you. The two of you had to be strong. You had to, for the others. And for eachother. If one of you broke, it all came crumbling down. Alby shakes his head.
"I can't," Alby whispers. You shift a little, putting a gentle hand on Alby's arm. "Can't leave. They won't let us."
"Alby, he's right. There's-"
"I remember," he says. You tense up.
"What do you remember, Alby?" Thomas asks. Alby turns his head and looks at Thomas.
"You. You were always their favorite, Thomas. Always," he says. You look at Thomas. He was staring at Alby. Then you heard some commotion outside. "Why did you do this? Why did you come here?" Alby asks. You look between him and the door.
"Jeff, stay here," you say, standing up as Alby puts his head in his hands.
"What's going on?" You ask Winston. He gestures to the doors.
"It's the doors. They're not closing," he says. You look over. Your group starts running towards the doors. Then there was a loud noise. The doors on the opposite was of the usual doors started opening. Then the ones to the right. Then to the left.
"Chuck, go to the council hall. Start barricading the doors," Thomas says.
"Winston, go with him," Newt says. You were in shock. Gally gives an order and Thomas turns to you and Minho.
"Minho, grab every weapon you can find," he says. Minho nods, running with a few of the others. Then he looks at you. "Let's get Alby, alright?" You stood there for a moment before nodding and going with him. But then commotion broke out again. The gladers started running back, and there was a roaring coming from within the maze.
"Everybody hide!" You yell. Thomas grabs your hand, pulling you. Teresa stands there for a second.
"Teresa!" Thomas says and she starts running with everyone. The griever come down, starting to attack everyone. You saw a few of your friends get attacked, and tried to go towards them. But Thomas stopped you. He grabbed your waist, pulling you back towarda the shelters with him.
"No! Thomas!" You say, struggling against him. He pull you down, in the taller crops, covering your mouth with his hand. You took a few panting breaths, stopping your cries. Letting a silence fall.
You heard yelling in the field, and closed your eyes. Thomas still held onto you, probably to make sure you wouldn't go anywhere. But his hand fell from your mouth, and a scream came from not far behind you. You flinched, causing Thomas's grip to tighten slightly.
Then the boy infront of you heavily gets pushed to the ground. Then picked up. You try to reach out for him, but he was already flying back. You scramble up with the others, Thomas still gripped your hand.
You saw a few going into the cage. But you all ran towards the village.
"Keep moving!" Thomas yells. One of the boys falls down and you stop to pick him back up. Thomas pushes the boy back as a griever lands infront of you. He pulls you back, putting you behind him. "Come on!" He yells at the griever.
But then something stops the griever. The boys that went to get weapons run up, and start bringing you all towards shelter.
Chuck waves you all over to the council hall. The griever pounded on the walls, trying to get in. Alby was in there. A claw reaches through the roof, grabbing the support beam, and knocking the roof down. It tossed you all back.
"Is everyone alright?" Newt asks. You nod, reaching over to grab a coughing Thomas's arm. He looks at you and nods quickly. You let out a small breath. But then you hear a cry for help.
Someone gets pulled out of the hut, and then a claw grabs Chuck. You quickly latch onto his hand, Thomas and Minho helping try to pull him back.
"Hold on Chuck, don't let go!" Thomas yells.
"No shit!" Chuck yells, getting tossed around a little bit and screaming. Alby runs at it, knocking the stinger off the claw before it could sting Chuck. Alby continues to attack the claw, before it releases Chuck and goes away. You pant, leaning down a little to help Chuck up.
"Are you okay?" You ask.
"Yeah I'm fine." He turns to Alby. "Thanks, Alby." Alby looked pissed, panting. Then there was another growl and you heard the mechanical noises approaching.
"Alby!" You yell. But he was grabbed by the claw. He held onto the wrecked roof, and you jumped up. Thomas managed to grab his hand.
"Thomas, get them out," you hear Alby say. Your eyes widen as Alby lets go of Thomas. Thomas jumps at the opening, trying to reach for him again.
"No!" He screams. You grab his arm pulling him away from the opening, but a tear managed to slip past your eye. Thomas pulls away from you, trying to run out.
"Thomas, no!" You yell, following him. You saw the glade burning. The griever were gone. You all gaped at the sight. You looked around. The home you'd built. That you'd seen every part of build up from scratch. And the boy that helped you keep civility in it was gone. Just like the home itself.
Some of the boys come out of the smoke, and Gally walks up to Thomas. "Gally-" Gally punches Thomas before he could get another word out. A few of the boys pulled Gally back while you went beside Thomas, helping him up. He breifly looked at you.
"This is on you, Thomas! On you!" He yells. You glared at Gally.
"Back up guys, this isn't Thomas's fault!" Minho yells.
"You heard what Alby said! He's one of them!" Gally yells.
"One of who?!" Someone yells.
"He's the one that put us all here! They sent him here to destroy everything! And now he has!" Gally exclaims. "Look around, Thomas! This is your fault!"
The boys continued to try and calm Alby down, and Thomas looks down. You put a hand on his arm.
"This isn't your fault Thomas," you say but he doesn't look at you. You follow where he was looking. In Chuck's hand was the stinger. You looked back up at Thomas. He grabs the stinger from Chuck's hand. He looks at it.
"Maybe he's right," he says. You shake your head.
"No, Thomas, he's an idiot. Don't listen to him." He finally looks at you.
"I need to remember," he says. You were confused. That is until he stings himself.
"Thomas!" Teresa yells.
Thomas falls down and all the guys run over to him. You go down next to him.
"Jeff, get the other syringe!"
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