#liver disease symptoms in hindi
netgharblog · 2 years
यकृत या लिवर या Liver या जिगर या कलेजा क्या होता है , इसके मुख्य कार्य ,जाँच ,लिवर की बीमारी , लिवर रोग के कारण ,लक्षण ,परहेज तथा लिवर के किसी भी रोग को ठीक करने की रामबाण होम्योपैथिक दवाएं ( Homeopaithic Medicines )
यकृत या लिवर या Liver या जिगर या कलेजा क्या होता है , इसके मुख्य कार्य ,जाँच ,लिवर की बीमारी , लिवर रोग के कारण ,लक्षण ,परहेज तथा लिवर के किसी भी रोग को ठीक करने की रामबाण होम्योपैथिक दवाएं ( Homeopaithic Medicines )
यकृत या लिवर या Liver हमारे शारीर का बहुत हीं महत्वपूर्ण अंग है जो पेट के दाहिने तरफ ऊपर पसलियों के अन्दर होता है और यह हमारे शारीर की सबसे बड़ी ग्रंथि (Gland ) तथा त्वचा के बाद दूसरा सबसे बड़ा अंग है तथा  इसका रंग Dark Maroon या हल्का भूरा (Brownish) होता है | लिवर का BP साधारणतः 5 मिलीमीटर होता है | लिवर के बिना कोई भी इन्सान बिल्कुल जीवित नहीं रह सकता है | लिवर हमारे शारीर का इकलौता ऐसा अंग है…
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seoplassy · 2 months
Haldi Powder in Ayurveda: Healing Properties and Uses
Turmeric, known as Haldi Powder in Hindi, holds a revered place in Ayurveda, India's ancient holistic healing system. Revered for its vibrant color and potent medicinal properties, Haldi powder has been a cornerstone of traditional medicine for centuries. In this article, we explore the deep-rooted significance of Haldi powder in Ayurveda, its healing properties, and versatile uses.
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Introduction to Haldi (Turmeric) in Ayurveda
Haldi, or Turmeric, is not merely a culinary spice but a medicinal herb treasured for its therapeutic benefits in Ayurvedic practices. Its use dates back thousands of years, where it was revered for its ability to balance all three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—making it a versatile remedy in Ayurvedic treatments.
Historical Perspective: Turmeric's Role in Ayurvedic Medicine
In Ayurvedic texts, Haldi is described as a 'Kapha dosha' suppressor, promoting warmth, circulation, and purification in the body. Its deep yellow color signifies its association with the Sun, symbolizing strength and vitality. Throughout history, Haldi has been used in various forms, from fresh roots to dried and ground powder, each preserving its potent medicinal properties.
Ayurvedic Classification of Haldi Powder
According to Ayurveda, Haldi powder is categorized as 'Tikta rasa' (bitter taste) and 'Katu vipaka' (pungent metabolic effect). These attributes make it beneficial for digestive health, skin conditions, and as a general tonic for overall well-being.
Active Compounds and Nutritional Profile of Turmeric
The key active compound in Turmeric is curcumin, a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. This compound gives Turmeric its distinctive color and is responsible for many of its health benefits. Additionally, Turmeric contains essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and iron, enhancing its nutritional value.
Traditional Uses of Haldi Powder in Ayurveda
In Ayurvedic medicine, Haldi powder is used in various formulations to treat a wide range of ailments. It is known for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties, making it effective in treating wounds, skin disorders, and respiratory issues. Its detoxifying properties also support liver health and aid in digestion.
Health Benefits Supported by Modern Research
Modern scientific research has validated many traditional uses of Haldi powder. Studies indicate its potential to reduce inflammation, improve cognitive function, and even lower the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Its role in supporting joint health and managing arthritis symptoms has also been well-documented.
Ayurvedic Formulations with Haldi Powder
Ayurvedic practitioners combine Haldi powder with other herbs and spices to create potent formulations known as 'Churnas' or 'Rasayanas.' These formulations are tailored to address specific health concerns, from boosting immunity to promoting longevity and vitality.
Haldi Powder in Daily Ayurvedic Practices
In daily Ayurvedic practices, incorporating Haldi powder into meals and beverages is common. It adds flavor and color to dishes while imparting its health-promoting benefits. Golden milk, a popular Ayurvedic beverage, combines Haldi powder with milk and other spices for a soothing and nourishing drink.
How to Use Haldi Powder for Health and Well-being
To experience the benefits of Haldi powder, consider adding it to soups, stews, curries, and smoothies. You can also create a paste with Haldi powder and water for topical applications to soothe skin irritations or wounds. Always consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized recommendations.
Precautions and Considerations When Using Haldi Powder
While Haldi powder is generally safe for most people, excessive consumption may cause gastrointestinal discomfort in some individuals. Pregnant women and those with gallbladder issues should use Haldi powder cautiously and consult healthcare professionals if unsure.
In conclusion, Haldi powder, available in various forms like Turmeric Powder 200g, Turmeric Powder 500g, and 1 Kg Haldi Powder, remains a cornerstone of Ayurvedic medicine, celebrated for its healing properties and versatility. For premium quality Haldi powder and other spices, consider Garni Foods, renowned as the best garam masala in India, ensuring authenticity and purity in every product.
Turmeric Powder 200g Turmeric Powder Buy Turmeric Powder Haldi Powder Buy Haldi Powder 200 Gm Haldi Powder Turmeric Powder 500g 500g Haldi 1 Kg Haldi Powder
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gofordigitalindia · 8 months
Understanding Sorbiline Syrup: Uses, Benefits, and Precautions
Sorbiline Syrup is a combination medication primarily utilized in the treatment of fatty liver disease. It is a prescription medication that functions by improving liver function.
Sorbiline Syrup is administered with or without food, according to the dosage and duration prescribed by the doctor. The dosage will depend on your condition and response to the medication. It's essential to continue the medication for the duration prescribed by your doctor to prevent symptoms from recurring and to avoid exacerbating your condition. Inform your healthcare team about all other medications you are taking as they may interact with this medication.
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Common side effects may include dry mouth, which is usually temporary and resolves over time. If you experience any of these side effects persistently or worsening, consult your doctor. Additionally, this medication may cause drowsiness, so refrain from activities requiring mental focus until you understand its effects. Avoid consuming alcohol while taking this medication as it may increase drowsiness.
Before taking this medication, inform your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. If you have kidney or liver disease, consult your doctor to determine the appropriate dosage.
Primary Uses of Sorbiline Syrup
Fatty Liver Disease: Fatty liver disease occurs when there is an accumulation of fat (cholesterol) in the liver, impacting liver function and overall health. Sorbiline Syrup aids in reducing cholesterol levels, thereby improving liver health and function. It facilitates the removal of bile acid from the body, leading to increased bile acid production in the liver, which, in turn, lowers cholesterol levels. Also Read This - Sorbiline Syrup Uses In Hindi
Benefits of Sorbiline Syrup
In treating fatty liver disease, Sorbiline Syrup offers several benefits:
Improved Liver Function: By reducing cholesterol levels and enhancing bile acid production, Sorbiline Syrup promotes optimal liver function.
Prevention of Liver Damage: Sorbiline Syrup helps prevent further damage to the liver, thereby maintaining overall liver health.
Symptom Relief: By addressing the underlying cause of fatty liver disease, Sorbiline Syrup alleviates symptoms associated with the condition, such as fatigue and discomfort.
How Sorbiline Syrup Works
Sorbiline Syrup is a combination of two medications: Trihexyphenidyl and Sorbitol. Trihexyphenidyl acts as a bile acid binding agent, facilitating the removal of bile acid from the body. Sorbitol serves as a syrup base and acts as an osmotic laxative to relieve constipation.
Safety Precautions
Alcohol: It is uncertain whether consuming alcohol with Sorbiline Syrup is safe. Consult your doctor before combining the two.
Pregnancy: Safety information regarding the use of Sorbiline Syrup during pregnancy is not available. Seek advice from your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to conceive.
Breastfeeding: Safety information regarding Sorbiline Syrup during breastfeeding is unavailable. Consult your doctor before using this medication while breastfeeding.
Driving: Sorbiline Syrup may cause reduced alertness and drowsiness. Avoid driving or operating machinery until you understand how this medication affects you.
Kidney and Liver Conditions: Patients with kidney or liver disease should use Sorbiline Syrup with caution. Dosage adjustments may be necessary. Consult your doctor for personalized advice.
In conclusion, Sorbiline Syrup serves as an effective treatment for fatty liver disease, offering relief from symptoms and promoting overall liver health. However, it's crucial to adhere to safety precautions and consult with your healthcare provider before initiating treatment, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding. By following your doctor's guidance, you can maximize the benefits of Sorbiline Syrup while minimizing potential risks.
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gadgetsforusesblog · 1 year
Health Tips Symptoms Causes And Treatment Of Liver Disease Ascites In Hindi
Warning Signs Of Fatty Liver Disease: Liver is an important part of the body. It is called the factory of the body. Liver alone does more than 500 functions of the body. Its job is to make many things, including proteins, cholesterol, and hormones. The liver only does the job of removing the bad substances from the body. If the liver is not working properly, there is a problem in digesting food…
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Amruth / Giloy The health benefits of Amruth / Giloy Giloy is also known as “Amrita” or “Guduchi” in hindi.  Amruth/Giloy is a plant based herb that helps boot immunity. Giloy’s root and stem both can be consumed for medicinal benefits. It also has many health benefits Amruth/Giloy Beneficial for diabetes and helps in managing blood glucose level. Amruth/Giloy might reduce the risk of cancer by balancing Vatta-Pitta-Kapha and also by controlling the growtn and spread of cancer cells Amruth/Giloy reduces the symptoms of hay fever Amruth/Giloy controls high cholesterol level by improving metabolism and removing toxins from the body Amruth/Giloy   Improves metabolism and helps in weight loss. Amruth/Giloy helps in reducing fever. Amruth/Giloy helps in liver diseases Amruth/Giloy increases platelet count and might help in dengue fever Amruth/Giloy can also be used for various skin problems as it helps to remove toxins from the body. Giloy plants can be found easily. They are developed themselves in empty plot, corner of road anywhere. And Giloy juice and tablets are also available in the stores. I got it from Patanjali stores. I drink every morning in an empty stomach. Amruth / Giloy helps to fight Covid19 by boosting immunity. With drinking Giloy  juice.
Amruth / Giloy
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ghoarnold · 4 years
Qué es Nigella Sativa?
Nigella Sativa is a flowering plant native to Asia that grows to 20-30cm with linear leaves. The flower is delicate, and is usually colored light blue and white, with 5-10 petals. The fruit is a large, inflated capsule made up of 3-7 follicles attached, each containing numerous seeds. The seed is used as a spice. There are a large number of names to call this plant.
Nigella Sativa is also called ajenuz, neguilla, Kalonji (Hindi), Kezah (Hebrew), Habbat-el-barakah (Arabic - literally: holy seed) or Siyah Danah (Persian). The seeds are referred to black cumin, but this is also used for another species, Bunium Persicum. Sometimes it's just called Nigella or black bean.
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Nigella Sativa belongs to the ranunculáceas family. Nigella seeds have little odor, but when ground or chewed, they develop a perfume that is close to oregano. The taste is aromatic and slightly bitter.
Although Nigella is not mentioned in common Bible translations, there is good evidence that the name of a dark plant mentioned in the Old Testament means Nigella. If verified, this would indicate that Nigella has been cultivated for more than two millennia. Today, the plant is grown from Egypt to India.
The seeds contain numerous esters of unsaturated fatty acids of special structures with terpene alcohol (7%). In addition, traces of alkaloids of two different types are found: isoquinoline alkaloids are represented by nigelimin and nigelimin-N-oxide, and pyrazole alkaloids that include nigelidin and nigelycine.
In essential oil (med. 0.5%, max. 1.5%), thimoquine was identified as the main component (up to 50%) in addition to p-cymene (40%), a-pinene (up to 15%), dithymoquinone and thymhydroquinone. . Traces of other terpene derivatives are also found: carvacrol, carvone, limonene, 4-terpineolo, citronellol. Furthermore, essential oil contains a significant amount of ethyl ester fatty acids. Thymoquinone produces dithimoquinone and products with higher oligocondensation (nigelone).
The seeds also contain a fatty oil rich in unsaturated fatty acids, for the most part linoleic acid (50-60%), eicodadienic acid (3%) and dihomo-linoleic acid (10%) that are characteristic of the genus. Saturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearic acid) are approximately 30% or less. Nigella commercial oil can also contain parts of the essential oil, mostly thymoquinone, from which it acquires an aromatic flavor.
Nigella Sativa benefits
Mahfouz and El-Dakhakhny, a prominent Egyptian researcher, isolated the drug Nigelona from the essential oil of black grain in 1959. There are more than 100 different chemical components in the seed.
Nigella and melatin are two ingredients of black cumin that contribute greatly to its highly diversified powers. Together, these substances provide the digestive benefits that are revered in black beans. They also clean and assist with a general removal action.
Two of the most volatile oils found in black cumin are nigelone and thymoquinone, which were discovered in the plant in 1985. Nigelone and thymoquinone offer anti-spasmodic and bronchodilator properties that contribute to the potency of black cumin against respiratory diseases. It also acts as an antihistamine that helps reduce the negative symptoms of those with allergies.
Thymoquinone has excellent anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. It is also a powerful anti-oxidant and helps to flush the body of toxins. Black cumin also offers a healthy alternative to common cortisone therapies followed by people with allergies. Black cumin isa rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These ingredients play a key role in everyday health and well-being. They help regulate metabolism, remove toxins from the body, balance insulin levels, regulate cholesterol, improve circulation, and promote healthy liver functions. A deficiency in polyunsaturated fatty acids can lead to a large number of health problems such as a nervous system condition, tumors and skin diseases.
Black cumin contains more than 100 valuable nutrients. It comprises approximately 21% protein and 35% vegetable fats and oils. Its active ingredients are nigelona, ​​thymoquinone and fixed oils.Black cumin contains a significant percentage of proteins, carbohydrates and essential fatty oils. Other ingredients include linoleic acid, oleic acid, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, niacin, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, and vitamin C.
In 1994, work conducted by King's College in London has shown that black cumin has properties that inhibit particular enzymes, which also inhibit the production of certain prostaglandins. It proves that the rich and complex combination of the elements of the black grain work together for a total effect.
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nncastle · 6 years
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My Harvest of Miracle Seeds
Back in May, I stopped into a local herb shop and bought a little plant called “Black Cumin.” I put this annual in my herb garden and thought nothing of it. Naturally, I assumed this plant was related to cumin the spice which is widely used in Cuban cooking and other cuisines. Just yesterday, I harvested the tiny-shriveled thing which had gone to seed and died. Sadly, I placed this small plant in a place where it didn’t get enough sun or water. We had a 5-week drought/heat wave as well which didn’t help. Even though the plant was dead, I got excited about all the seed pods it produced and set to work on breaking the pods apart. 
Upon tasting the seeds, my face lit up. the seeds did not taste anything like the cumin I was used to so I wondered what in the world they were. Enter the internet. In a few minutes, I discovered that the plant called black cumin shares its name with several other culinary herbs, but is really Nigella Sativa. Some of its other names include: Black caraway, fennel flower, nigella, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, and kalonji (from Hindi-Urdu). Go figure! 
First, it tastes delicious. It’s slightly bitter with a peppery taste. If you love fresh ground pepper this is like a tastier substitute. Second, this is a miracle seed.
The Prophet Muhammed said, "Use this black seed. For indeed it contains a cure for every disease except for death!"
I had to learn more!
The seeds of N. sativa and their oil have been widely used for centuries in the treatment of various ailments throughout the world. And it is an important drug in the Indian traditional system of medicine like Unani and Ayurveda and Siddha. In Islamic literature, it is considered one of the greatest forms of healing medicine. It has been recommended for using on regular basis in Tibb-e-Nabwi (Prophetic Medicine). It has been widely used as antihypertensive, liver tonics, diuretics, digestive, anti-diarrheal, appetite stimulant, analgesics, anti-bacterial and in skin disorders. Extensive studies on N. sativa have been carried out by various researchers and a wide spectrum of its pharmacological actions have been explored which may include antidiabetic, anticancer, immunomodulator, analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, bronchodilator, hepato-protective, renal protective, gastroprotective, antioxidant properties, etc. Due to its miraculous power of healing, N. sativa has got the place among the top-ranked evidence-based herbal medicines. This is also revealed that most of the therapeutic properties of this plant are due to the presence of thymoquinone which is a major bioactive component of the essential oil. 
Ready for its uses? The list is long. 
Analgesic:Relieves or reduces pain.
Anxiolytic: Reduces anxiety.
Anthelmintic:(also known as vermicide or vermifuge) Destroys and expels intestinal worms.
Anti-bacterial:Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive bacteria.
Anti-inflammatory:Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive bacteria.
Anti-ulcer: Helps replenish mucus content in stomach wall.
Antihistaminic: Relieves allergy symptoms by suppressing histamine
Leukotriene Antagonist: Suppresses formation of leukotrienes, inflammatory molecules present in asthma and other inflammatory processes.
Antioxidant:Prevents or delays the damaging oxidization of the body’s cells – particularly useful against free radicals.
Anti-cholinergic: inhibits parasympathetic nerve impulses, reducing spasms in smooth muscles eg. muscles in the bladder
Anti-spasmodic:Prevents or eases muscle spasms and cramps.
Anti-tussive: Relieves/prevents cough.
Antifungal:Thymoquinone is a highly effective photochemical against molds and fungi.
Antiviral: Enhances activity of natural killer cells, and helper and suppressor T cells.
Antimicrobial: Inhibits both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
Carminative:Stimulates digestion and induces the expulsion of gas from the stomach and the intestines.
Bronchodilator: Loosens a tight chest to make breathing easier
Interferon Inducer: Stimulates the production of interferons, which are released when the body encounters pathogens, such as tumor cells, viruses, bacteria and parasites.
Spasmolytic: Relieves smooth muscle spasms.
Diaphoretic:Induces perspiration during fever to cool and stimulate the release of toxins.
Diuretic:Increases urine production and excretion of water. Helps clean the body’s fluids.
Emmenagogue:Stimulates bile and aids in the digestive process.
Galactagogue:Stimulates the action of milk in new mothers.
Anti-hypertensive/Hypotensive:Reduces excess blood pressure.
Tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor: Inhibits tumor angiogenesis and tumor growth
Gluconeogenesis Inhibitor/Insulin sensitizing/Anti-diabetic
Immunomodulator:Helps to restore normal immune function from either underactive or overactive.
Lymphatic decongestant:Decongests the lymphatic system, therefore unburdens and improves the immune system.
Gastro-protective: Protects lining of the stomach
Hepatoprotective: Prevents damage to the liver
Renal-protective: prevents damage to the kidneys
Hypoglycemic:Contributes to improved blood sugar control.
HOLY COW! I’m blown away by this tiny plant I accidentally planted in my garden. If there is one plant you grow next year, let it be Black Seed. The flowers are beautiful, hell you may have already planted its cousin, “LOVE IN A MIST” which produces beautiful blue flowers. 
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What can I say? I’m a convert. I will be growing this badass herb every year! 
Get your hands on some seeds: https://www.seedsavers.org/black-cumin-herb
If you can’t plant it, buy the oil and seeds from The Blessed Seed Company. https://theblessedseed.com/
More info here: https://www.selfhacked.com/blog/top-28-scientific-benefits-of-the-panacea-black-cumin-seed-nigella-sativa/
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maid-kitten-blog · 6 years
Ten Natural Remedies
Acetaminophen (Tylenol): has been shown to be as effective as nonsteroidal medication in treating the pain of knee osteoarthritis. Therefore all side effects of medications in this class apply to this medication. Just as the problem is extremely common, so has modern medicine derived ways to combat it, but the use of strong drugs , surgery and radiation treatments have highly dangerous side effects . After seeing your doctor, you will find that he will want to put you on drugs. Intercourse promotes all the functions of the body and mind, but rampant just and sexual abuses soon destroy the natural pleasures of intercourse, and unhappiness will be the result. Once diagnosed with prostate cancer, if the decision is made to treat the cancer with radiation, then the patient will receive one of two different possible radiation treatments. Meditation and breathing exercises can keep stress away and relieves body and mind from tension to allow proper relaxation which is very essential to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction in old age. It is performed as an outpatient treatment with a machine that is located on the outside of the body and emits high energy x-rays that target tumors. Regular yoga practise helps to boost energy levels. Improving blood flow through out the body, regulating nervous functions, boosting metabolic activities of body and stimulating energy production in cells are main advantages of using gingko biloba extract. Tadaga 2.5mg is a known as a PDE5 inhibitor that can increase the supply of cGMP , the ingredient that increases the flow of blood to the male reproductive organ. Lower cholesterol helps to enhance blood flow! It is used for weight loss and to improve cholesterol levels. High Blood PressureHow Can I Lower My Blood Pressure? Nevertheless, regular screening should be offered to those most at risk of developing CKD (as outlined above), meaning problems are usually detected during routine blood and/or urine tests. Among men who received both blood pressure- and cholesterol-lowering treatments, the mean changes in the IIEF-EF score were again similar and not statistically significant at -1.7 for the active treatment group and -1.4 in the double placebo group. Did you know that millions of men suffer from erectile dysfunctions which can lead to emotional and mental problems including depression? This holistic approach ensures that the various contributory causes of a problem are addressed (even the ones you don't know about), and you receive other benefits to your health that come as unexpected gifts. The chemputing approach was designed and developed by Professor Lee Cronin, the University of Glasgow's Regius Chair of Chemistry. Home remedies for impotence in hindi even for older adults who reported positive attitudes and beliefs toward physical erectile dysfunction treatment emedicine;. Cappra (a Chinese herbal medicine) is efficient and safe for the treatment of mild and mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. Herbal teas have been used for centuries to cure minor ailments. You spot an article saying Cure Foot Pain Permanently. Amantadine, a dopamine agonist, is used both as an antiviral agent and as a treatment for Parkinson's disease. Treatment methods vary according to the cause and status of the diabetic ulceration. First thing is to see whether this is due to some physical cause or some psychological cause. What can cause sexual dysfunction? Fda approves new drug for erectile dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction is one of the major side effect of concern. This past summer though, his focus was the research side of medicine as he took part in a fellowship at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center working on a study dealing with traumatic brain injuries. Just ensure that you are leaving no stone unturned to conduct the kind of research that we have mentioned here. Are generic Medications much better than the brand name-name Medications? Consider these delicious food choices to help with impotence: Pears, Blueberries, Apples (with skin), Strawberries, Peas, Baked Potatoes, Spaghetti (whole grain), oatmeal and much more. Morrison, a native of Swedesboro, New Jersey, is getting ready to graduate in the spring from the Biological Basis of Behavior Program and eventually head to medical school with the hopes of one day maybe becoming a surgeon. Though I was but a very young child, I recall overhearing the grownups speak of the Prince Edward/Grace Kelley affair; it was quite the scandal of the day. If you have liver disease, kidney disease, past history of SIADH, heart disease, myasthenia gravis, seizure disorder, gastric ulcer disease, or bleeding disorder you need to inform your doctor before getting the prescription. When that occurs, you don’t need to buy the product, but there is still some lingering internet sales. Now, for the first time, investigators have identified the symptoms of this condition and published their findings in the New England Journal of Medicine. Get proven herbs for penile enhancement ayurvedic pill for erectile dysfunction have erectile dysfunction Oxford UK. On to get normally taking light bed starts sending me to write restless fairly. According to scientists working on the treatment’s early development, the nitro-gel would quickly absorb into the skin, canadian pharmacies online prescriptions making way for fireworks in bed. Beginners should start with the largest model and work their way to smaller models as their muscles become stronger. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for controlling the involuntary body functions. Erectile dysfunction (ed) is a common type of male sexual dysfunction. Citopam is effective in treating anxiety disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder and social phobia. What happen to our brain during stage fright? What is Stage Fright? How about "First Gent" in keeping with American informality?
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gofordigitalindia · 8 months
Unlocking the Health Benefits of Cobadex Czs Tablet: Uses, Side Effects, and More
In the realm of pharmaceuticals, Cobadex Czs Tablet shines as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with various health issues. Manufactured by GLAXO SMITHKLINE PHARMA, this tablet packs a powerful punch with its unique blend of essential nutrients. From addressing Alzheimer's disease to combating anemia due to folic acid deficiency and aiding in the management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Cobadex Czs Tablet offers a multifaceted approach to wellness. Let's delve deeper into its uses, potential side effects, and why it's prescribed by healthcare professionals.
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Understanding Cobadex Czs Tablet
Cobadex Czs Tablet is formulated with key ingredients such as Folic Acid, Niacinamide, and Vitamin B12, which play pivotal roles in supporting overall health and well-being. Folic Acid, also known as Vitamin B9, is crucial for the synthesis of DNA and red blood cells, making it indispensable in preventing anemia and supporting fetal development during pregnancy. Niacinamide, a form of Vitamin B3, contributes to cellular energy production and helps maintain healthy skin, nerves, and digestion. Vitamin B12, another essential nutrient, is vital for nerve function, DNA synthesis, and red blood cell formation.
Also Read This - Cobadex Czs Tablet Uses In Hindi
When is Cobadex Czs Tablet Prescribed?
Alzheimer's Disease: Cobadex Czs Tablet is prescribed to individuals grappling with Alzheimer's disease, a progressive neurological disorder characterized by memory loss, cognitive decline, and behavioral changes. The combination of nutrients in Cobadex Czs Tablet may help support brain function and slow the progression of cognitive decline in individuals with Alzheimer's disease.
Anemia Due to Folic Acid Deficiency: Anemia, a condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood, can be caused by various factors, including a lack of folic acid. Cobadex Czs Tablet provides a potent dose of folic acid, which is essential for red blood cell production and the prevention and treatment of folic acid deficiency anemia.
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder): ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. While Cobadex Czs Tablet is not a primary treatment for ADHD, the nutrients it contains, such as niacinamide and Vitamin B12, may support overall cognitive function and nervous system health, potentially complementing conventional ADHD therapies.
Potential Side Effects of Cobadex Czs Tablet
Like any medication, Cobadex Czs Tablet may cause side effects in some individuals. These side effects can vary in severity and may include:
Bloating: Some individuals may experience bloating or abdominal discomfort after taking Cobadex Czs Tablet. This side effect is typically mild and transient, resolving on its own without intervention.
Blockade of Portal Blood Vessels Due to Fibrosis: In rare cases, prolonged use of Cobadex Czs Tablet may lead to fibrosis and blockage of portal blood vessels, resulting in complications such as portal hypertension. It's essential to monitor for any signs of liver dysfunction or portal hypertension while taking this medication.
Allergic Rejection: Allergic reactions to Cobadex Czs Tablet are rare but possible. Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, or difficulty breathing. If you experience any signs of an allergic reaction, seek medical attention immediately.
Bitter Taste in the Mouth: Some individuals may notice a bitter or unpleasant taste in their mouth after taking Cobadex Czs Tablet. This side effect is typically mild and temporary, resolving once the medication is metabolized.
It's important to note that the above list of side effects is not exhaustive, and individuals may experience other adverse reactions to Cobadex Czs Tablet. If you experience any unusual symptoms or discomfort after taking this medication, consult your healthcare provider for guidance.
Cobadex Czs Tablet stands as a testament to the power of comprehensive nutrition in promoting health and wellness. With its unique blend of essential nutrients, this tablet offers a holistic approach to addressing various health concerns, from neurological disorders to nutritional deficiencies. While it may cause side effects in some individuals, the potential benefits of Cobadex Czs Tablet far outweigh the risks for many patients. As always, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new medication regimen to ensure it's safe and appropriate for your individual needs.
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sahitydrshan · 3 years
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Cremaffin syrup
What is Cremaffin?
Cremaffin is utilized fundamentally as a Stool conditioner (Laxative) in instances of stoppage. Looseness of the bowels and Dehydration at high portions are the significant results of Cremaffin. It ought to be completely kept away from if there should arise an occurrence of Intestinal Blockage.
Cremaffin Composition – Liquid Paraffin, Magnesium Hydroxide
Made By – Abbott
Remedy – Not needed
Structure – Syrup
Cost – Rs. 153.62 (225ml)
Expiry/Shelf Life – three years (when put away at a cool spot)
Kind of Drug – Laxative
Likewise read in Hindi about Cremaffin
Employments of Cremaffin
Cremaffin fills in as a stool conditioner in different conditions. It is endorsed for the accompanying:
Obstruction: It is utilized in instances of stoppage to help simple stool section.
Colonoscopy: Used in instances of Colonoscopy, to purge the gut totally.
Inappropriate Bowel development: Used to treat ill-advised solid discharge.
Corrosive Neutralizer: Used as a neutralizer that kills Gastric corrosive.
Heartburn: Used to forestall or treat acid reflux.
Stomach ulcers: Used to mitigate stomach ulcers.
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How Does Cremaffin Work?
Cremaffin works delicately animating the inside muscles making peristalsis and leads discharge of the entrail substance out of the body by greasing up and relaxing the stool.
Cremaffin contains fluid paraffin, magnesium hydroxide and sodium picosulfate.
Paraffin present in the medication helps in maintenance of water and fat in the stool causing simple entry.
Sodium picosulfate invigorates inside muscles while; Magnesium hydroxide holds water in the digestion tracts and mollifies the stool.
Cremaffin additionally kills stomach corrosive
How to Take Cremaffin?
Cremaffin is normally accessible in Syrup structure.
Cremaffin Syrup is controlled orally (Via mouth) with a glass of water or as taught by the specialist. It ought to be overwhelmed by or after food ideally around evening time at a proper time stretch.
The contain ought to be shaken well prior to devouring the medication and an estimating cup or spoon ought to be utilized for legitimate portion administering.
Cremaffin ought to be joined by a lot of liquids for simple stool section.
It is prudent to appropriately peruse the flyer inside the bundle completely to have a superior comprehension of the medication.
Normal Dosage for Cremaffin
The dose of the medication is to be chosen by the specialist for each person according to the age, weight, mental status, unfavorably susceptible history and wellbeing status of the patient.
The normal portion of Cremaffin for offspring of 3-5 years old is ½-1 teaspoon
For offspring of 5-12 years old is 1-2 teaspoon.
For Adults and kids more than 12 years old ½-1 tablespoon.
It is fitting to counsel a pediatrician prior to regulating Cremaffin in youngsters.
Q. What occurs in the event that I glut on Cremaffin?
The excess of Cremaffin can expand the odds of incidental effects like stomach upset and draining in couple of cases. The specialist ought to be counseled quickly in the event of Cremaffin.
Q. What occurs on the off chance that I miss a portion of Cremaffin?
Cremaffin may not show the ideal impacts as a specific measure of medication ought to consistently be available in the fundamental flow of the body to display valuable impacts.
The missed portion of Cremaffin ought to be burned-through when you recall it. Be that as it may, it isn't fitting to devour the missed portion in case it's now an ideal opportunity to require the second portion as it might prompt medication poisonousness or drug glut.
Q. What occurs in the event that I eat lapsed Cremaffin?
A solitary portion of terminated Cremaffin is probably not going to cause an antagonistic occasion as it would have lost its adequacy and intensity. Nonetheless, one ought to go without devouring terminated medication and the specialist ought to be promptly counseled in the event that one feels any unwanted indications in the wake of burning-through the lapsed medication.
Q. What is the beginning season of Cremaffin?
Cremaffin arrives at its impact or shows the outcome inside couple of hours after oral organization.
Q. Till when does the impact of Cremaffin stay?
The impact of Cremaffin stays for 4 to 6 hours. It is along these lines encouraged to keep 4-6 hours stretch between two dosages of Cremaffin.
When to Avoid Cremaffin?
Try not to Consume Cremaffin in the accompanying situations:
Hypersensitivity: In known instances of sensitivity to Cremaffin or any of its fixings.
Blockage: In known instances of intestinal blockage Cremaffin ought to be kept away from as it can deteriorate the condition.
Looseness of the bowels: In instances of Diarrhea, Cremaffin ought to be kept away from as it goes about as a purgative and may deteriorate the condition further.
Liver Diseases: In instances of the past or flow state of Liver issues or infections.
Kidney Disorders: In instances of kidney issues, it ought to be kept away from.
Pregnancy: In instances of pregnancy, Cremaffin ought to be kept away from.
Safety measures and Warnings While Taking Cremaffin
An infected appendix: Do not devour Cremaffin in instances of a ruptured appendix or some other stomach torment.
Lactating moms: It isn't prudent to direct Cremaffin in lactating moms.
Keep away from Overdosage: Drug excess ought to be kept away from.
Time Interval: A hole of 4-6 hours ought to be kept up with between the two portions to keep away from expanded levels of the medication in the blood as it can prompt poisonousness.
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Symptoms of Cremaffin
The incidental effects related with Cremaffin utilized for various medicines are:
Stomach throb – more uncommon
Tipsiness – more uncommon
Queasiness – normal
Retching – more uncommon
The runs – normal
Lack of hydration – more uncommon
Weakness – more uncommon
Are There Any Reported Allergic Reactions to Cremaffin?
Conceivable unfavorably susceptible responses detailed for Cremaffin are:
Rashes – more uncommon
Enlarging of eyes, face, lips, mouth or tongue – more uncommon
Loss of cognizance – uncommon
What Are The Effects of Cremaffin Tablets on Organs?
Cremaffin ought to be utilized with alert in instances of kidney brokenness as it might require portion change.
Cremaffin ought to be stayed away from in Intestinal check and an infected appendix.
Medication Interactions With Cremaffin to be Careful About
One should be cautious about certain medication collaborations while devouring Cremaffin. These might length from certain food things to different drugs to certain tests which ought not be taken just in the wake of burning-through Cremaffin. We investigate these n subtleties beneath.
1. Food Interactions with Cremaffin
No specific food thing should be kept away from while devouring Cremaffin.
2. Prescriptions Interactions with Cremaffin
All the conceivable medication connections probably won't be recorded here. It is constantly prompted that the patient should advise the doctor about of the multitude of medications/items you use. You should likewise illuminate about the home grown items that you are burning-through. You should not adjust the medication routine without your PCP's endorsement.
The accompanying medication associations have their own belongings and results, that can be additionally recognized as gentle or extreme:
Antibiotic medication anti-toxins
3. Impacts of Cremaffin on Lab Tests
Cremaffin doesn't influence any research center tests
4. Cremaffin's cooperations with Pre-existing Conditions/Diseases
Intestinal Obstruction and a ruptured appendix
Q. Would i be able to have Cremaffin with liquor?
No. The connection of Cremaffin with liquor is obscure and there can be expanded odds of incidental effects when Cremaffin is taken with liquor. The specialist ought to be counseled prior to burning-through liquor with Cremaffin.
Q. A specific food thing to be stayed away from?
No specific food thing to be kept away from while taking Cremaffin.
Q. Would i be able to have Cremaffin when pregnant?
No, Cremaffin ought to be kept away from during pregnancy. The specialist ought to consistently be informed in case you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.
Q. Would i be able to have Cremaffin when taking care of a child?
No, as there is no proof of damage just as advantages of devouring Cremaffin while taking care of a child. In this manner, it ought to be kept away from as a careful step and the specialist ought to consistently be educated in such cases.
Q. Would i be able to drive in the wake of taking Cremaffin?
Indeed, as Cremaffin doesn't influence the capacity to drive yet it is prudent to abstain from driving or working large equipment if side effects like dazedness or sleepiness happen subsequent to taking Cremaffin.
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pigmentation21 · 3 years
Yashtimadhu vedas cure
Epilepsy or seizure problem is a very normal issue that effects around 1 million individuals in India, alone. The condition can't be restored yet the indications can be controlled and treated to help the patient's condition. Epilepsy brings about seizures because of the failing of nerve cells or neurons. There are a few reasons concerning why epilepsy occurs and a few sorts of medicines.
Yashtimadhu oil is an old ayurvedic substance that is known to make the alleviation epilepsy. It centers around adjusting the energies or doshas very much like other ayurvedic meds and mends the main driver of the issue. It is known to work for epilepsy by a comprehensive methodology.
Yashtimadhu oil utilizes are huge. It is otherwise called mulethi in Hindi or Liquorice in English.
· Respiratory and Digestive issues – Yashtimadhu oil or Yashtimadhu powder is utilized by Ayurveda to treat a few issues identified with breath and processing. Mulethis is known to profit and work on enduring states of sharpness.
· To hold the cholesterol level under control – Yashtimadhu or Licorice plant's root is known to be viable for holding the cholesterol levels in line by expanding the great cholesterol and diminishing the terrible cholesterol and protects you from lethal failing of substantial organs.
· Improves the strength of your Liver – Yashtimadhu or mulethi is known to liberate the body from your poisons and keep your liver solid by sanitizing your body from within.
· Reduces pressure and sorrow – It helps in decreasing mental pressure and sadness by chipping away at adjusting the pressure chemicals or different chemicals connected with melancholy and stress.
· Immunity supporter – Mulethi is a well established realized cure consistently recommended by our grandparents for a few reasons and the most widely recognized one being invulnerability. In the event that our resistance is solid, there is none too little damage that can be caused to your wellbeing.
· Skin afflictions – Yashtimadhu oil or powder of the base of the plant, is valuable for a few skin-related infirmities because of mending properties. It likewise shields your skin from microscopic organisms and other unsafe substances to forestall wellbeing issues. It assists with messes like psoriasis, rashes, dry skin, and others.
· Helps in keeping up with weight – The base of the mulethi plant is known to assist with consuming the overabundance fat in your body and assisting you with keeping up with weight and not be overweight as being overweight welcomes a few issues.
· Throat-related concerns – Yashtimadhu powder is viewed as an astounding remedy for throat concerns like sore throat and hack. They likewise cause help against issues like asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory parcel contaminations.
· Epilepsy – as of now referenced previously, it is known to assist with epilepsy.
Yashtimadhu oil is an ayurvedic medication and it doesn't cost a lot. Ayurvedic medications are produced using normal or natural substances found in nature and the strategy to make this medication is additionally regular, subsequently, the expense is insignificant.
The creation cost of ayurvedic medications is insignificant, consequently even in the wake of adding a benefit, the selling cost is still low. Yashtimadhu oil and yashtimadhu powder are made by a few driving ayurvedic brands for you to look over them.
Dose of Yashtimadu oil or powder ought to rely upon the remedy. Overabundance of anything isn't useful for the body regardless of whether it is a helpful medication thus, adhering to the remedy is suggested.
Not after the medicine couldn't demolish things much more which is the reason an expert specialist would endorse it as indicated by your body and disease.
Epilepsy is an issue that outcomes in unexpected seizures. Seizures occur because of failing or abrupt surge of electric action through the synapses. Seizures are of two kinds – Generalized seizures which influence the whole mind and halfway seizures which influence a piece of it. Fractional seizures are otherwise called central seizures.
While getting a seizure, an individual may likewise need mindfulness and become oblivious. It is a truly normal neurological issue that influences individuals of the two sexual orientations, ages, and nationality similarly. Epileptic seizures are unwarranted and abrupt. Individuals with epilepsy have various types of seizures and side effects which are diverse for various individuals.
More grounded seizures could cause more damage and manifestations like muscle jerking separated from blacking out.
Manifestations of incomplete epileptic seizures –
· An incomplete seizure would exclude manifestations like loss of awareness. It remembers changes for force or power of detecting by adjusting taste, smell, and so forth
· Partial seizures lead to dazedness.
· Twitching and shivering in the appendages are additionally normal in a halfway epileptic seizure.
· The unpredictable halfway seizure would include loss of cognizance, gazing vacantly.
· The unpredictable halfway seizure would likewise include lethargy and rehashing activities.
One of the extremely normal results of Radiation/Chemotherapy particularly of the head and neck malignancies is mucositis. Malignancy treatment or the actual disease might cause changes in the body science that outcomes in loss of craving, torment, sickness, regurgitating, loose bowels and extremely normal mucositis which makes eating troublesome. Loss of craving is trailed by an unfortunate deficiency of weight because of lacking measure of calories consistently which can prompt loss of bulk and strength and different difficulties by causing interferences of clinical treatment, hindering compelling disease treatment. Mucositis cause diminished resistance and personal satisfaction just as helpless resilience to medical procedure and modified adequacy of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. The current investigation is planned with the goal to limit the radiation prompted mucositis, skin response, xerostomia, change in voice and so forth with an Ayurvedic readiness Yashtimadhu Ghrita (prepared ghee). All out 75 patients were arbitrarily isolated into four gatherings and medications were regulated: Group A with neighborhood utilization of Yashtimadhu powder and nectar in the oral hole for few moments before radiotherapy alongside oral admission of Yashtimadhu Ghrita; Group B with just nearby use of the Yashtimadhu powder and nectar in the oral depression; Group C patients directed with just neighborhood use of nectar in the oral cavity; Group D on ordinary present day prescription controlled gathering. This load of patients under four gatherings had gotten Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy for greatest span of 7 weeks. Mucositis and Skin responses were seen in 100% of patients with shifting degree. The force of Radiation and Chemotherapy prompted mucositis was diminished generally by the preliminary medication. Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) can be utilized viably in counteraction and therapy of oral mucositis post radiation and chemotheraphy in patients of malignant growth, particularly of the head and neck district. It demonstrates useful twoly: (I) there were no breaks in the treatment, and (ii) food admission was not seriously influenced prompting support of dietary status of the patients.
Catchphrases: Head and neck malignant growth, oral mucositis, radio-chemotherapy, Yashtimadhu ghrita
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Oral malignant growth is perhaps the most well-known diseases on the planet, commonest in India, Bangladesh, Srilanka and Pakistan. In India, head and neck carcinoma[1] (HNCA) represent 30-40% tumors at all locales, out of which 9.4% are oral malignancies. It is the 6th normal reason for death in guys and seventh in females. In North-east India, occurrence of tobacco related oral diseases is about 33%. The dismalness and mortality related with this sickness is a reason for significant worry around here. Many elements ensnared for its inclination are utilization of tobacco in its different structures, liquor, smoking propensities, helpless oral cleanliness, absence of mindfulness, and absence of appropriate sustenance. No entanglement of malignant growth treatment[2] is more intensely upsetting than stomatitis. The oral cavity, regularly a carefully adjusted and impeccably touchy entrance, can turn into a site of outrageous distress. Stomatitis, or oral mucositis, is characterized as the irritation of the oral mucous layers. Such irritation influences one's feeling of taste and smell, just as nourishment and hydration, and may well diminish the attractiveness of oral meds. Oral Mucositis[3] happens in 15-40% of patients getting standard chemotherapy and 100% of patients getting radiation treatment for head and neck malignancy are tormented with oral mucositis of fluctuating degree. At present, the overall populace with mucositis is assessed at 400,000 to 600,000 getting chemotherapy or radiation. Ionizing radiation[4] causes different changes in ordinary tissues, contingent upon firmly interrelated elements of absolute portion, fractionation plan (day by day portion and time), and Volume treated.
In Ayurvedic works of art like Charaka samhita[5] and Sushruta samhita[6] disease is portrayed as Arbuda (significant neoplasm) or Granthi (minor neoplasm) and Tridoshaja/Sannipataja assortments of as the harmful phase of neoplasms or unusual developments have been depicted. Ayurveda can be useful in the administration of malignant growth from various perspectives, as prophylactic, palliative, healing and, strong and without a doubt it assists with working on the personal satisfaction (QOL),[7] as an adjuvant treatment alongside chemotherapy or radiotherapy and post a medical procedure care, to limit the symptoms of these treatments. Albeit the unfavorable impacts of radiotherapy and chemotherapy can't be completely stayed away from, there are approaches to limit the results of these treatment systems. Subsequently, an endeavor has been made to limit the radiation prompted mucositis, skin response, xerostomia, change in voice and so on with an Ayurvedic Ghrita planning I. e. Yashtimadhu Ghrita.[8] Also, we have attempted to survey the viability of the pre-arranged medication in the recuperating or insurance of the above said
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medtrial · 3 years
Fatty liver diseases | Liver damage symptoms| fatty liver treatment| Q&A in Hindi with Dr Rakesh Rai
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maximuswolf · 4 years
Everything that you should know about Gaduchi/Giloy (Amritvel) via /r/herbalism
Everything that you should know about Gaduchi/Giloy (Amritvel)
Gaduchi/Giloy (Amritvel)
Gaduchi is a popular medicinal plant which is used in several traditional medicines to cure various diseases. It is considered an essential herbal plant of Indian system of medicine (ISM) and has been used in the treatment of fever, urinary problem, dysentery, skin diseases leprosy, diabetes, and many more diseases. It is also known as botanical medicine or phytomedicine. It shows antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral, antipyretic, antidiabetic, antifungal, antimicrobial, antitoxic, hypolipidaemic, radio-protective, cardioprotective, wound healing, immunomodulating, antiosteoporotic effect.
Click here for more information about Anti-oxidant
Guduchi is clearly an herb with a myriad of potent medicinal qualities, qualities that were recognized by the ancient rishis in Vedic times, long before modern scientific technology. Through spiritual means, the rishis were able to understand guduchi (and other herbs) in a pro-found manner and now modern science is able to evaluate and recognize many of the medicinal properties of guduchi.
It has different names in different languages such as English name(Indian Tinospora, Heartleaved moonseed, Heart-leaved tinospora, Indian tinospora, tinospora gulancha), Marathi name(Ambarvel,amrita, amritavalli, guduchi, gulvel), Hindi name(Giloy, Gurach, Gulvel, Guruchi), Kannada name(agniballi, amrutaballi), Telugu name(dussiramu, tippatige), Tamil name(Amrida Valli, Silam, Pattigai,amirtavalli, kunali), Malayalam name(amritavalli, chitamrith), Gujarati name(Gulo, Gado, Galo), Bengali name(Giloy, Gulancha), Oriya name(Gulochi, Gulancha), Punjabi name(Batindu, Gilogularich), Sikkim name(Gurjo), Assamese name(Hoguni-lot), Konkani name(amritvel).
It is commenly called  Guduchi(because It protects and guards body from diseases) in sanskrit
Parts of plant used
Whole plant is used
• Giloy Leaves have similar qualities, but are less effective than steam.
Intake formats for Gaduchi
1) Tablet
2) leaves juice/ Steam juice
3) Powder(churna)
4) Decoction
5) Extract
Vitamin and mineral content
Guduchi is a rich source of protein and micronutrients, such as iron, zinc, copper, calcium, phosphorus, and manganese. 
The chemical constituents of Tinospora cordifolia(gaduchi) belong to different classes such as alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, phenolics, aliphatic compounds, polysaccharides, leaves are rich in protein (11.2%), calcium and phosphorus. The stem contains clerodane furono diterpene glucoside (amritoside A, B, C, and D) 
Giloinsterol, (S), ß-Sitosterol, (S), 20a- Hydroxy ecdysone, (S).
18-norclerodane glucoside,Furanoid diterpene glucoside,Tinocordiside, Tinocordifolioside,Cordioside, Cordifolioside,Syringin, Syringin-apiosylglycoside,Pregnane glycoside, Palmatosides, Cordifolioside A, B, C, D and E
Giloin, Tinosporan acetate, Tinosporal acetate, Tinosporidine, Heptacosanol, Octacosanol, sinapic acid, Tinosponone, two phytoecdysones, an immunologically active arabinogalactan.    
Ascorbic- acid,Lycopene,Carotene,Phenol,Iron,Anthocyanin
Properties and benefits
• Qualities – Laghu(Light to digest), Snigdha(Oily, Unctuous)
• Taste – Astringent, Bitter
• Taste conversion after digestion – Madhura(sweet)
• Potency – Ushna(Hot)
• Prabhava (special action): destroys toxins both internally and externally
• Effect on Tridosha –Balances all three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha)
          - The API (Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India) mentions its kapha and pitta pacifying properties by virtue of its bitter and astringent taste. By virtue of its sweet, post digestive effect, it pacifies vata and pitta dosha and provides a nourishing effect to the body. Thus Guduchi has a balancing effect on all the three dosha.
          - Unique effect : Being it is hot in potency, it does not increase pitta.
               Click here for more information about Tridosha
• Rasayani - Rejuvenative
• Sangrahini - brings about absorptive nature to stomach and intestines, Useful in malabsorption syndrome, diarrhoea.
• Jvara - Useful in fever. 90% of Ayurvedic medicines for fever contain Guduchi as an essential 
• Balya - improves strength
• Agnideepani - Improves digestion power
• Amahara - relieves Ama -indigestion
• Kasahara - Useful to relieve cough
• Paunduhara - relieves anemia
• Trut hara - relieves excessive thirst (as seen in fever)
• Vamihara - useful to relieve vomiting.
• Prameha - useful in diabetes and urinary tract disorders
• Shwasa - useful in difficulty in breathing, (dyspnoea), asthma, Bronchitis
• Kasa - cough, cold
• Dahahara - relieves burning sensation in the body. Note that though Guduchi is Hot in potency, it helps to relieve burning sensation. This action is brought about by its Madhura Vipaka. (Sweet after-taste). Sweetness is coolant in nature.
• Mehahara - useful in treatment of diabetes, urinary tract disorders.
• Kamala - Useful in treatment of jaundice and related diseases of liver
• Kushta - Useful in skin diseases
• Vatasra - Vatarakta -Useful in gout-arthritis
• Krimihara - useful to relieve intestinal worms.
• Arsha - Piles, hemorrhoids
• Krichra - Difficulty in passing urine
• Hrudya, Hrudroga - Vatanut - Useful in heart diseases with Vata symptoms such as pain.
• Chakshushya - improves vision, good for eyes, useful in eye disorders
• Vayasthapana - anti aging, rejuvenating
• Vrushya - Aphrodisiac
Application, uses and benefits
1) Immunomodulatory effects : Take 2 gram of gaduchi powder along with honey(1-2gram) on empty and lick it once a day for 1.5 - 2.5 months. OR  you should consume Gaduchi decoction by adding 1 teaspoon of powder to 1 cup of water and reduce it half and take it. OR take equal quantity of 2-3  teaspoon of giloy juice and water on empty stomach.
                - immuomodulatory property of Tinospora cordifolia is well documented. Active compounds 11-hydroxymustakone, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, N-formylannonain, cordifolioside A, magnoflorine, tinocordiside and syringin has been reported to have potential immunomodulatory and cytotoxic effects. They have been reported to function by boosting the phagocytic activity of macrophages, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in human neutrophil cells.
2) Gaduchi is ideal for Infections in the respiratory system, skin, and soft tissues
Infected wounds, especially in diabetic conditions and Immune compromised conditions.
3) For seasonal allergies, giloy powder or extract powder(500 mg) is taken along with 1 gram of (black pepper, long pepper and ginger) and 2 pinches of turmeric, make a thin paste of this mixture with honey and take this once or twice a day with water. 
            Click here for more information about Haldi (Turmeric)
            Click here for more information about Honey
4) Gaduchi dry herb powder along with castor oil is useful in relieving gout or normal pain. 
5) Guduchi along with jaggery helps to relieve constipation.
6) Giloy along with ginger powder is useful in rheumatoid arthritis.
               Click here for more information about Ginger
7) For Pitta type of vomiting, associated with severe burning sensation, migrain, gastritis, water added with the powder of Bengal gram or Gavedhuka- root or Guduchi  and kept it overnight, then taken. 
8) Its anti-diabetic potential through mitigating oxidative stress (OS), promoting insulin secretion and also by inhibiting gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. With this phytochemicals (Alkaloids, tannins, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, and steroids) shows anti-diabetic effect.
9) Guduchi (dry herb powder or in its decoction (kashayam) form) along with Ghee (clarified butter) is useful in Vata imbalance disorders. – like arthritis.
                Click here for more information about Ghee(clarified butter)
10) Giloy in combination with sugar candy (unprocessed sugar) is helpful in Pitta imbalance disorders such as skin diseases, gastritis, dizziness, liver disorders etc.
11) Guduchi is a large, climbing shrub. Traditionally, if Guduchi climbs up a Neem tree, another bitter tree, it is considered to be more potent and highly sought after as it takes on the properties of the Neem tree as well. 
12) Gaduchi is a very good detoxification agent. Means it removes toxins from the body which is formed due to imbalanced pitta dosha and environmental toxins. 
13) it is very good remedy for fever. Take decoction / tablet of Gaduchi.
                    - In  a study  it  has  been  observed  that Guduchi Ghana prepared  by  classical  method produced significant  suppression  of  carrageenan-induced oedema indicating  that  it  inhibits  fluid exudation and thus acute inflammation.
                   - The starch of this plant serves a beneficial household remedy for chronic fever, relieves burning sensation, increases energy and appetite.
14) Guduchi has shown its potent radio protective effects in animal experiments.
15) Ayurveda describes Guduchi as helpful in hepatitis and jaundice due to its detoxifying properties. 
             - Giloy or Guduchi has the ability to detoxify your liver and help in proper functioning. It might also act as a remedy for fatty liver. One of the biggest benefits of Guduchi is that it can help stimulate the regeneration of liver tissue that has been damaged.
16) Decoction of root of giloy is for dysentery and diarrhea. Decoction of old stems for periodic fever.
17) Decoction of stem with cold and hot water (about 3-4 g) in morning in an empty stomach, as a tonic.
18) Giloy is known as a medhya rasayana (learning and memory enhancer) and Vayasthapana(herb which restores age) in Ayurveda. It is also described to be useful for treatment of bhrama (Vertigo) in various Ayurvedic texts.
19) This medicinal herb is a health rejuvenator which is also widely known for its effectivity in enhancing natural immunity to fight against a number of illnesses such as fever, jaundice, skin diseases, constipation and tuberculosis.
20) Juice of the stem with honey is better for the treatment of Asthma. Stem is used as an ingredient for Ayurvedic preparations to treat general debility, UTI, fever, dyspepsia. 
21) In Sushruta root is used for suturing surgical wound.
            - The areal roots of Guduchi are so thin yet so strong that, Sushruta made use of this for suturing surgical wounds. This had dual benefits. One was the thread were very strong so, there was no chance of wound rupture. Second is, Guduchi has potent wound healing property. Hence wound healing used to happen very quickly.
22) Guduchi / giloy is best to cause astringent effect, promoting digestion, alleviating Vata, Kapha, constipation and Raktapitta (bleeding disorders).
23) A medicated ghee called Guducyadi ghrta “alleviates gulma, dyspnoea, wasting, asthma and cough.  
Note : 1) According to Vaidya Mishra, guduchi’s light quality coupled with its heating action allows it to penetrate the dhatus(tissue) while the astringent quality enhances absorption in the dhatus.
            2) Guduchi is classified in the Caraka Samhita under the category of “Jeevaneeya Gana” which means “Enlivening and Anti-Aging Herbs”.
             3) guduchi is described as: laghu (light), deepanam (kindles digestive fire), chakshushyam (good for the eyes), dhatukrit (builds the seven bodily tissues), medhayam (rejuvenating for the mind), bayasthaapankarakam (maintains youthfulness and longevity).
             4) Vaidya Mishra has described guduchi as “jivanti” (or life-giving).
                            5) All three of  parts of guduchi should be collected in the summer when the bitter qualities are most abundant and, if not used fresh, dried in the shade.   Guduchi grows well without fertilizer or pesticide making it simple to grow.  It is easy to recognize and can be propagated by cuttings. 
                      6) Charaka described over two dozen poly-herbal formulas that include Guduchi and that are used for a wide variety of ailments.  
1) Modern research has found that guduchi also has gastroprotective properties. Epoxy clerodane diterpene, a compound in guduchi, was isolated and given to rats with gastric ulcer. The compound reduced the gastic ulcer “by reinforcement of defensive elements and diminishing the offensive elements.”
1) Avoid during pregnancy or consult any ayurveda physician before use.
2) people with diabetes should take this herb only under medical supervision. Because with diabetic tablet it lowers the blood sugar levels.
Reference : 
1) Charak Samhita
2) Bhavaprakasha Nighantu
3) Sushruta Samhita
4) NCBI : 1) The chemical constituents and diverse pharmacological importance of Tinospora cordifolia; Heliyon. 2019 Sep; 5(9): e02437. Published online 2019 Sep 12 ; PMCID: PMC6827274
                2) Tinospora cordifolia: One plant, many roles; Anc Sci Life. 2012 Apr-Jun; 31(4): 151–159 ; PMCID: PMC3644751
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11) Patanjali Research Institute
12)Journal of Plant Physiology & Patholog ; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340829005_Guduchi_Its_Medicinal_Properties
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14) SVAyurveda: From Sutra to Science, Vaidya Mishra, “Guduchi–Learn About The Most Divine Herb In Ayurveda”, https://vaidyamishra.com/shop/media/dravya-guna-vigyan-ayurvedic-pharmacopoeia/guduchi-learn-about-the-most-divine-herb-in-ayurveda.html.
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Submitted October 31, 2020 at 10:51PM by kbjawadwar1 via reddit https://ift.tt/3kNH3P8
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pigmentation21 · 3 years
Epilepsy or seizure problem is a very normal issue that effects around 1 million individuals in India, alone. The condition can't be restored yet the indications can be controlled and treated to help the patient's condition. Epilepsy brings about seizures because of the failing of nerve cells or neurons. There are a few reasons concerning why epilepsy occurs and a few sorts of medicines.
Yashtimadhu oil is an old ayurvedic substance that is known to make the alleviation epilepsy. It centers around adjusting the energies or doshas very much like other ayurvedic meds and mends the main driver of the issue. It is known to work for epilepsy by a comprehensive methodology.
Yashtimadhu oil utilizes are huge. It is otherwise called mulethi in Hindi or Liquorice in English.
· Respiratory and Digestive issues – Yashtimadhu oil or Yashtimadhu powder is utilized by Ayurveda to treat a few issues identified with breath and processing. Mulethis is known to profit and work on enduring states of sharpness.
· To hold the cholesterol level under control – Yashtimadhu or Licorice plant's root is known to be viable for holding the cholesterol levels in line by expanding the great cholesterol and diminishing the terrible cholesterol and protects you from lethal failing of substantial organs.
· Improves the strength of your Liver – Yashtimadhu or mulethi is known to liberate the body from your poisons and keep your liver solid by sanitizing your body from within.
· Reduces pressure and sorrow – It helps in decreasing mental pressure and sadness by chipping away at adjusting the pressure chemicals or different chemicals connected with melancholy and stress.
· Immunity supporter – Mulethi is a well established realized cure consistently recommended by our grandparents for a few reasons and the most widely recognized one being invulnerability. In the event that our resistance is solid, there is none too little damage that can be caused to your wellbeing.
· Skin afflictions – Yashtimadhu oil or powder of the base of the plant, is valuable for a few skin-related infirmities because of mending properties. It likewise shields your skin from microscopic organisms and other unsafe substances to forestall wellbeing issues. It assists with messes like psoriasis, rashes, dry skin, and others.
· Helps in keeping up with weight – The base of the mulethi plant is known to assist with consuming the overabundance fat in your body and assisting you with keeping up with weight and not be overweight as being overweight welcomes a few issues.
· Throat-related concerns – Yashtimadhu powder is viewed as an astounding remedy for throat concerns like sore throat and hack. They likewise cause help against issues like asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory parcel contaminations.
· Epilepsy – as of now referenced previously, it is known to assist with epilepsy.
Yashtimadhu oil is an ayurvedic medication and it doesn't cost a lot. Ayurvedic medications are produced using normal or natural substances found in nature and the strategy to make this medication is additionally regular, subsequently, the expense is insignificant.
The creation cost of ayurvedic medications is insignificant, consequently even in the wake of adding a benefit, the selling cost is still low. Yashtimadhu oil and yashtimadhu powder are made by a few driving ayurvedic brands for you to look over them.
Dose of Yashtimadu oil or powder ought to rely upon the remedy. Overabundance of anything isn't useful for the body regardless of whether it is a helpful medication thus, adhering to the remedy is suggested.
Not after the medicine couldn't demolish things much more which is the reason an expert specialist would endorse it as indicated by your body and disease.
Epilepsy is an issue that outcomes in unexpected seizures. Seizures occur because of failing or abrupt surge of electric action through the synapses. Seizures are of two kinds – Generalized seizures which influence the whole mind and halfway seizures which influence a piece of it. Fractional seizures are otherwise called central seizures.
While getting a seizure, an individual may likewise need mindfulness and become oblivious. It is a truly normal neurological issue that influences individuals of the two sexual orientations, ages, and nationality similarly. Epileptic seizures are unwarranted and abrupt. Individuals with epilepsy have various types of seizures and side effects which are diverse for various individuals.
More grounded seizures could cause more damage and manifestations like muscle jerking separated from blacking out.
Manifestations of incomplete epileptic seizures –
· An incomplete seizure would exclude manifestations like loss of awareness. It remembers changes for force or power of detecting by adjusting taste, smell, and so forth
· Partial seizures lead to dazedness.
· Twitching and shivering in the appendages are additionally normal in a halfway epileptic seizure.
· The unpredictable halfway seizure would include loss of cognizance, gazing vacantly.
· The unpredictable halfway seizure would likewise include lethargy and rehashing activities.
One of the extremely normal results of Radiation/Chemotherapy particularly of the head and neck malignancies is mucositis. Malignancy treatment or the actual disease might cause changes in the body science that outcomes in loss of craving, torment, sickness, regurgitating, loose bowels and extremely normal mucositis which makes eating troublesome. Loss of craving is trailed by an unfortunate deficiency of weight because of lacking measure of calories consistently which can prompt loss of bulk and strength and different difficulties by causing interferences of clinical treatment, hindering compelling disease treatment. Mucositis cause diminished resistance and personal satisfaction just as helpless resilience to medical procedure and modified adequacy of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. The current investigation is planned with the goal to limit the radiation prompted mucositis, skin response, xerostomia, change in voice and so forth with an Ayurvedic readiness Yashtimadhu Ghrita (prepared ghee). All out 75 patients were arbitrarily isolated into four gatherings and medications were regulated: Group A with neighborhood utilization of Yashtimadhu powder and nectar in the oral hole for few moments before radiotherapy alongside oral admission of Yashtimadhu Ghrita; Group B with just nearby use of the Yashtimadhu powder and nectar in the oral depression; Group C patients directed with just neighborhood use of nectar in the oral cavity; Group D on ordinary present day prescription controlled gathering. This load of patients under four gatherings had gotten Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy for greatest span of 7 weeks. Mucositis and Skin responses were seen in 100% of patients with shifting degree. The force of Radiation and Chemotherapy prompted mucositis was diminished generally by the preliminary medication. Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) can be utilized viably in counteraction and therapy of oral mucositis post radiation and chemotheraphy in patients of malignant growth, particularly of the head and neck district. It demonstrates useful twoly: (I) there were no breaks in the treatment, and (ii) food admission was not seriously influenced prompting support of dietary status of the patients.
Catchphrases: Head and neck malignant growth, oral mucositis, radio-chemotherapy, Yashtimadhu ghrita
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Oral malignant growth is perhaps the most well-known diseases on the planet, commonest in India, Bangladesh, Srilanka and Pakistan. In India, head and neck carcinoma[1] (HNCA) represent 30-40% tumors at all locales, out of which 9.4% are oral malignancies. It is the 6th normal reason for death in guys and seventh in females. In North-east India, occurrence of tobacco related oral diseases is about 33%. The dismalness and mortality related with this sickness is a reason for significant worry around here. Many elements ensnared for its inclination are utilization of tobacco in its different structures, liquor, smoking propensities, helpless oral cleanliness, absence of mindfulness, and absence of appropriate sustenance. No entanglement of malignant growth treatment[2] is more intensely upsetting than stomatitis. The oral cavity, regularly a carefully adjusted and impeccably touchy entrance, can turn into a site of outrageous distress. Stomatitis, or oral mucositis, is characterized as the irritation of the oral mucous layers. Such irritation influences one's feeling of taste and smell, just as nourishment and hydration, and may well diminish the attractiveness of oral meds. Oral Mucositis[3] happens in 15-40% of patients getting standard chemotherapy and 100% of patients getting radiation treatment for head and neck malignancy are tormented with oral mucositis of fluctuating degree. At present, the overall populace with mucositis is assessed at 400,000 to 600,000 getting chemotherapy or radiation. Ionizing radiation[4] causes different changes in ordinary tissues, contingent upon firmly interrelated elements of absolute portion, fractionation plan (day by day portion and time), and Volume treated.
In Ayurvedic works of art like Charaka samhita[5] and Sushruta samhita[6] disease is portrayed as Arbuda (significant neoplasm) or Granthi (minor neoplasm) and Tridoshaja/Sannipataja assortments of as the harmful phase of neoplasms or unusual developments have been depicted. Ayurveda can be useful in the administration of malignant growth from various perspectives, as prophylactic, palliative, healing and, strong and without a doubt it assists with working on the personal satisfaction (QOL),[7] as an adjuvant treatment alongside chemotherapy or radiotherapy and post a medical procedure care, to limit the symptoms of these treatments. Albeit the unfavorable impacts of radiotherapy and chemotherapy can't be completely stayed away from, there are approaches to limit the results of these treatment systems. Subsequently, an endeavor has been made to limit the radiation prompted mucositis, skin response, xerostomia, change in voice and so on with an Ayurvedic Ghrita planning I. e. Yashtimadhu Ghrita.[8] Also, we have attempted to survey the viability of the pre-arranged medication in the recuperating or insurance of the above said
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