human-perspective · 6 years
Every anxious thought is from the enemy, because it attempts to steal our confidence in God. If we are in Christ, however, there's no need to fear.
Danielle Muñoz
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human-perspective · 6 years
...until we reach God's glorious future Kingdom we will experience pain in the present. As a comfort, recall that Jesus took upon Himself the ultimate pain at the cross, willing to suffer so we wouldn't suffer forever. Attacks from the enemy and the world don't destroy us, but can sharpen us further into the image of Christ. The key is not losing heart over what is or what could happen, but rejoicing in what we have - the merciful love of God.
Danielle Munoz 
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human-perspective · 6 years
Nothing can snatch us from His hand, and with that truth buried deep in our heart, we can listen and follow as trusting sheep until He leads us home.
Danielle Muñoz
63 notes · View notes