somehow manage to be publicly dismissed by your ex-fiancée an additional three times after the engagement was broken, apparently
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saving the following for posterity so that I may look at it later and know I did not imagine it
cutler beckett do not interact
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions: very well if you must know james i was about 15 or 16 and you were the only man i knew so i can be forgiven for the lapse in taste. apparently i forgot to tell my father i got over it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
norringtonsuggestions: Surely there were others? Your father was always a rather social sort.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions ehhh they didn't hunt pirates for a living.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions You know, my father ribbed me a fair amount about You liking me, but you seem to be unaware of how much he liked you.  He didn't hint about just anybody, you know.
norringtonsuggestions I think it seemed natural enough to him, especially with my family remaining in England. He enjoyed playing sponsor.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions you're so dumb james he really liked you personally
norringtonsuggestions Yes, which I imagine is why he enjoyed granting me his sponsorship.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions >:C and his only daughter's hand in marriage....
norringtonsuggestions I know. Please don’t insult me as though I did not.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions all right i'm sorry. It's still a touchy subject.
norringtonsuggestions I had much more on my plate at the time than I felt was necessary to share, especially with you still so young at the time and my feelings leveling off at fondness for much of our acquaintance.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions well i mean. small wonder at that.and 'small wonder' is a pun btw
the small wonder is my late developed bosom
norringtonsuggestions I don’t wish to be heartless, but the affections of a little girl did not inspire the reciprocation I see now she must have hoped for.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions chill out omg it was a tiny crush
I never aspired to your heart, only your confidence.
norringtonsuggestions I did not want to overestimate your stomach.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions omgggggggg that makes me 10x angrier like i missed out on so much
norringtonsuggestions Surely now you must understand my reluctance?
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions I've spent my whole life being instructed to be understanding, James.  What I would like for once is for someone else to seek to understand *me*.
Honor, adventure, heroism... it was everything I wanted and everything denied me, and everyone professed to care about me, but no one saw who I really was, even though I did all that I could to make them see it.You've done worse things than fail to see me for who I really am, James, but it is the original sin, I'm sorry.
norringtonsuggestions I would have done the same for any young woman. Or young man, for that matter. I have talked my share of parents out of their aspirations to purchase a commission for their sons.
norringtonsuggestions You wanted me to tell you about honor and glory and adventure, and to do so would have been to lie.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions :c
norringtonsuggestions How did you suppose I defeated the triumvirate at the head of the Golden Lancehead?
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions Presumably not solely through the virtues of prayer and Navy discipline?
norringtonsuggestions I crippled Baley in his right leg when it became clear he would not submit. One can ruin a man’s leg for life by slashing him in the thigh.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions Oh. Noted.
norringtonsuggestions He was unable to take so much as an unsupported step. He began to grow desperate. He knew he could no longer win. He dragged himself toward me and plead for my clemency.
norringtonsuggestions I told him that it was far more suitable to plead on one’s knees, and his two companions held him up between them. He begged for his life. I gave him his charges, and I took his head.
norringtonsuggestions It took around four blows, I think. A man’s head is inclined to stay attached to his body, and I was upending the natural order of things.
norringtonsuggestions The other two came quietly after that. I imagine the noose seemed as soft as a lullaby after that.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions I don't know what to say.
norringtonsuggestions I thought you might not.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions It's just that...
norringtonsuggestions Yes?
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions HOLY DAVY JONES LOCKER JAMES THAT IS SO TIGHT
norringtonsuggestions wait what
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions that is....EVERYTHING i wanted you to tell me by the hibiscus bush that day.
norringtonsuggestions You were scarcely past your debut!
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions But i wanted, as the saying goes, "blood, guts, and angel cake".  James, you don't understand women at all.
norringtonsuggestions Elizabeth, I had the midshipmen swab away the blood (and other effluvia) so as to not involve the cabin boys. I would scarcely have given you the full ordeal.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions Oh, Christ, James.
My loss, I suppose!
And yours, from a certain perspective.
norringtonsuggestions You understand, of course, that this is the first time I’ve told anyone this story at all.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions I guess it is a little consolation, then, that I am hearing it at all.
But James.
norringtonsuggestions One does not habitually go about giving graphic accounts of murdering crippled men. The effect on morale would be unthinkable. Far easier to conceal it in a pretty veneer of glory and righteousness and then receive a bit of gold braid on one’s hat for one’s trouble.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions But James!
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions I didn't care a penny for your gold braid.  I wanted to know this!! These things!!
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions You didn't even want to tell me for... the comforts of feminine solicitude?
norringtonsuggestions I thought perhaps at some point in the future I might tell you to give you a greater awareness of what you might be getting into if I invited you to join me at sea.
But never more than that. I did not provide your father with the details either.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions omg please he couldn't look at a menstrual cloth without having to sit down, of course you didn't tell him
invited me to join you at sea?
norringtonsuggestions Why do you suppose I waited until I had made captain to try to court you? Besides your youth, of course.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions because you had the personality of a boiled vegetable?
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions Or at least, I had little reason to believe otherwise!
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions I suppose I thought it was on account of my figure finally developing, insofar as it *has*.
norringtonsuggestions I wanted to wait until I could be certain you might have an option besides waiting patiently back in Port Royal, as I doubted that would suit your disposition and did not wish to impose.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions ಠ╭╮ಠ 
i see
norringtonsuggestions Did you really think I would prefer to leave you behind to embroider handkerchiefs?
With your needlework, no less?
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions Hey! 
I thought you liked them!
norringtonsuggestions Of course I did. I treasured them.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions Oh no now I feel bad again.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions I wish that....
Oh, nevermind.
norringtonsuggestions Don’t. I’ve been tremendously unfair to you these past few days, and longer still if you take my appalling treatment of Turner into account by proxy.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions :c
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions I cannot forgive you on account of another, but you've done no wrong by me, James, and made up for it a thousandfold by then besides.
Forgive my outbursts from earlier; I was just being childish.
And last night........ ooh.  Please understand I was very drunk.
norringtonsuggestions And I was coming off of making advances on another man’s wife, by whatever unorthodox means those may have been. Neither of us has the moral high ground here.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions I did peek at you through a spyglass for not entirely justifiable reasons. I think we're about even there.
norringtonsuggestions Would that I could have seen your face from where I stood.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions Would that you could see it now. I'm very... badly sunburnt.
norringtonsuggestions Reverting to your natural form like a selkie, are you?
norringtonsuggestions Elizabeth- look.
norringtonsuggestions I’m tired of the damage I have continued to wreak on your life in the name of the stability of my own.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions Don't be so dramatic.You couldn't wreak damage on me if you tried. Even though I *am* a pirate.
norringtonsuggestions And I’m now admiral of a *merchant fleet*. It was not a reinstatement; Beckett can’t do that.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions :c
You should have left with me when I told you to.
norringtonsuggestions Yes, of course. I’m sure your friends would have been delighted to have me in their midst.
norringtonsuggestions Even before I procured the heart for Beckett, I’m sure you now understand how many of their number I personally butchered.
And now I’ve told your husband I will see what intervention I can make for what is left of his father.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions you're right, i was just being selfish.I know your happiness is not my responsibility, but permit me at least some remorse.You're my oldest friend too, you know.
norringtonsuggestions You’re right, though. I should have come with you.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions I wish you had.
norringtonsuggestions I imagine your friends are more likely to seek an ironic trial and hanging than a firing squad, and that alone makes the prospect tempting.
norringtonsuggestions On the other hand, they’re less likely to allow me to give the order to drop the platform.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions They'd have to hang me too!
norringtonsuggestions You’re their king. I think you’ve some leeway there.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions What would you say to being taken prisoner, then? Alive only so long as the king wishes it?
norringtonsuggestions ...all right. Bring a bottle to break over Turner’s father. You’re going to need one.
norringtonsuggestions But don’t do anything foolish. I only wanted to clear the air with you, so to speak.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions You'll have to keep me updated. It's going to be... risky.
I pretend I'm better at this than I am. I still barely know what I'm doing.
norringtonsuggestions I love you. I don’t want that to change anything.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions ....thank you.
If it's any consolation....
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions well.  I wish you had told me about Captain Baley all those years ago in my father's garden.
norringtonsuggestions I do as well, now.
norringtonsuggestions I underestimated you, Elizabeth. For that, I am truly sorry.
norringtonsuggestions And as much as I would happily fling myself into your captivity, I think perhaps I may be, at present, more valuable to you as a contact within the EITC.
If I am to be valuable to you at all.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions You are. More than you know.
Only I have never been so quick with words as you, you know, so this will have to suffice
norringtonsuggestions And for what it’s worth...
norringtonsuggestions Yes?
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions ....
👀  ❤️ 🐑
norringtonsuggestions eye... heart... sheep?
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions take care, James
norringtonsuggestions Elizabeth...
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions ?
norringtonsuggestions Sorry about the beard.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions ....
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions Not as sorry as I am.
norringtonsuggestions To say nothing of the hair, which I will concede to a greater regret for having lost it.
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions hey :) don't stress it. 
you have other hair
norringtonsuggestions ...this, unfortunately, is why I love you
good night, Elizabeth
if I may be permitted
my darling Elizabeth
lizzyswann-turnersuggestions I'll allow it.
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