#ljóst hár
fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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Þvengur snapper hlið mynd af stelpu halda ís
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chenopodiumlang · 3 years
- f, rest
Hvíld er það að hvíla sig.
ÍS // EN // RU
að hvíla (+þf) // to make someone or something rest // заставить кого-то или что-то лечь, отдохнуть
að hvílast // to rest // отдыхать
hvíldur // rested // отдохнувший
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Á ljósmyndinni er kona sem er í rúminu sínu. Hún er í græna peysu. Hún er með ljóst hár. Það eru tveir grænir koddar á rúminu. fyrir framan konuna er lítið borð með bollar og diskar. Konan lítur út fyrir að borða eitthvað. Í bakgrunninum eru planta í pottinum og svartur lampi.
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hatari-translations · 3 years
CYBER - Barnaefni (Children’s TV) - transcript/translation
This was requested months ago, and I promised it soon, and I’m very sorry. The reason it took so long is that this was very hard to transcribe and I don’t have a clue what most of it is on about, and I ended up kind of giving up halfway through and putting it aside originally, and have tried a couple times since with not much more success. I finally went and picked it up again long enough to come up with something, but really this is just total incoherent nonsense that I'm wildly guessing at and I have no idea what I'm talking about. Cyber will be the death of me, please start publishing your lyrics somewhere accessible, preferably with footnotes on all your incomprehensible slang that I am too square for.
Content warning for... juxstaposition of drugs, alcohol and genital references with children's cartoon characters?
Icelandic transcript (attempted)
Hvítir strákar á ströndinni Furða fylgir þeim Fórnum börnunum(?), brjótum bein Gull í gröfinni
Lean(?) mér út að keðjureykja þegar ég set í eina bleika Ég er með svo mikinn sporðdrekapersónuleika Dark mystery, Hello Kitty og frontið þarf að feika því ég er afleit, aðalskapið alltaf bla, viltu leika? Keyri full og klessi á kitty kidda á dag(?), ekki heita því ég heiti því þú heitir þann sama(?) og ég meika ekki
Því ég þekki BMC og neita skjóli fólki að leita Fer í Smáratívolí með bleika e-pillu og raybar Bar-Barnatíminn undan fréttunum, klám og koddaslagur, hvít hár undir rasskinnum í vaskinum æla og Svampur Sveins á tungunum í lungunum Bræla, bara litur á flöskunum (?) kassanum, dreif töskunum frá Gucci, gimme more buxum Britney gefur áritun ef þú ferð úr nærbuxum Leikum saman, slugsum, er (?) uppi í tækinu, botninn úr, hendur upp, ég er á barnaefninu
Píka-píka-píka-píka-píka-píka-Pikachu Pikachu-chu-chu-chu, Pikachu Píka-píka-píka-píka-píka-píka-Pikachu Pikachu-chu, Pikachu, Pikachu Píka-píka-píka-píka-píka-píka-Pikachu Pikachu, pi-pi-pi-pi, chu
Romm í kókómjólk, vodki (?) landi Svala í hjali í sturtunni, freyðivín á plastandi bala Mér er drullusama um flest nema hvernig ég er í framan en (?) með gallana mína Mína-mína-mína-mína-mína-mína-Mína Mús Mína-mína-mína-mína-mína-mína-Mína Mús Mína-mína-mína-mína-mína-mína-Mína Mús
(?) kjöltur (?) (?) Toy Story Þú ert Viddi, ég er Bósi Ljósár Ljóst hár, (?) ég get ekkert nema rimlaveggir og umbúið rúm Búið vín, umbúið vín Er ég orðin Er ég orðin fantasíaknattspyrna(?)?
Mína? Mína-mína-mína-mína-mína-mína-Mína Mús (Pikachu) Mína-mína-Mína Mús (Pikachu) Mína-mína-Mína Mús (Pikachu) Mína-mína-Mína Mús
Hvítir strákar á ströndinni Furða fylgir þeim Fórnum börnunum(?), brjótum bein Gull í gröfinni
Hvítir strákar á ströndinni Furða fylgir þeim Fórnum börnunum(?), brjótum bein Gull í gröfinni
Hvítir strákar á ströndinni Furða fylgir þeim Fórnum börnunum(?), brjótum bein Gull í gröfinni
Hvítir strákar á ströndinni Furða fylgir þeim Fórnum börnunum(?), brjótum bein Gull í gröfinni
Transcription notes
welp there was an attempt
English translation
White boys on the beach Confusion comes with them Sacrifice the children(?), break bones Gold in the grave
Lean out to chain smoke as I down a pink one I've got such a Scorpio personality Dark mystery, Hello Kitty and need to fake the front because I'm hopeless, main mood is always blah, want to play? Drive drunk and crash into a kitty(?), not hot because I swear you're named the same thing(?) I can't stand
Because I know BMC and refuse to seek shelter for people Go to Smáratívolí with a pink MDMA pill and a ray bar(?) Bar-the children's hour before the news, porn and pillowfights, white hair under buttcheeks vomit in the sink and Spongebob Squarepants on the tongues(?) in the lungs Haze, only color on the bottles (?) the box, distribute the Gucci bags, gimme more pants Britney will give her autograph if you take off your underwear Let's play together, procrastinate, I'm (?) up in the machine, bottom out, hands up, I'm on children's TV
Pussy-pussy-pussy-pussy-pussy-pussy-Pikachu Pikachu-chu-chu-chu, Pikachu Pussy-pussy-pussy-pussy-pussy-pussy-Pikachu Pikachu-chu, Pikachu, Pikachu Pussy-pussy-pussy-pussy-pussy-pussy-Pikachu Pikachu, pi-pi-pi-pi, chu
Rum in chocolate milk, vodka (?) moonshine Svala babbling in the shower, sparkling wine in a plastic tub I don't give a shit about most things except what my face looks like but (?) with my flaws My-my-my-my-my-my-Minnie Mouse My-my-my-my-my-my-Minnie Mouse (My-my-my-my-my-my-Minnie Mouse)
(?) laps (?) (?) Toy Story You are Woody, I'm Buzz Lightyear Blond hair, (?) I can't do anything except barred walls and a bed that's been made Wine is done, wine's been made Have I become Have I become fantasy football(?)?
Mine? My-my-my-my-my-my-Minnie Mouse (Pikachu) My-my-Minnie Mouse (Pikachu) My-my-Minnie Mouse (Pikachu) My-my-Minnie Mouse
White boys on the beach Confusion comes with them Sacrifice the children(?), break bones Gold in the grave
White boys on the beach Confusion comes with them Sacrifice the children(?), break bones Gold in the grave
White boys on the beach Confusion comes with them Sacrifice the children(?), break bones Gold in the grave
White boys on the beach Confusion comes with them Sacrifice the children(?), break bones Gold in the grave
Translation notes
The title of the song, "Barnaefni", literally means "Children's Stuff" but specifically refers to children's TV.
Again, I reemphasize that half of the transcript is probably wildly incorrect, which would also render a lot of the translation as nonsense.
There is some wordplay in here, though. First, we have "ekki heita, því ég heiti því þú heitir", a sequence of words that is definitely there and is playing on some combination of the fact "heita" can either mean "hot", "swear" (as in "I swear that..."), or "to be named". The context both before and after it is confusing me and doesn't make all that much sense so I can't confidently translate exactly what each one is meant to refer to, but the wordplay is definitely there.
I don't know what a "ray bar" is and maybe I've misheard something and oh my god Cyber please I am dying, but it goes "ray bar-bar-barnaefni", with the "bar"s leading into "barnaefni".
The bit about Spongebob says "á tungunum í lungunum", literally "on the tongues in the lungs", an internal rhyme. I figured maybe the Icelandic Spongebob dub had translated the name of where he lives so that "á tungunum" would just refer to the place (we have a lot of place names involving tongues), but from a brief look at Icelandic Wikipedia that doesn't seem to be the case? I don't know, I've never watched Spongebob.
The word "píka" is the common Icelandic word for a vagina, so they're saying that and then turning it into "Pikachu" at the end. Meanwhile, "mína" is the singular feminine and plural masculine accusative form of the possessive pronoun "my", and "Mína Mús" is the Icelandic name of Minnie Mouse. Obviously both of these puns don't work in English at all, and if the lyrics were being written in English they'd probably be doing something like "pussy-pussy-pussy-pussy-pussy-pussy-pussycat" and "mini-mini-Minnie Mouse".
I cannot believe I wrote the sentence "Have I become fantasy football" and genuinely just do not know if it's correct or not or what on earth else it could be. Cyberrrrr
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tari-gengo · 7 years
Eiga shows direct ownership of an item and demands þf. form for objective.
Besides this eiga can also be used when referring to one’s family even though the meaning is not exactly the same since it’s not possible to actually “own” people. However, that’s the sole exception to the eiga -rule, other than that eiga always refers to an item. You can also refer to giving birth with eiga.
Hún ætla eignast barn. (= She plans to have a child.)
Ég á einn bróður. (=I have one brother)
Hafa is only used for things that are abstract. You can never use hafa to show ownership of an item and this can sometimes be confusing for beginners. Hafa can be used for example in context of having an idea, opinion, feeling, time etc.:
Ég hef engan tíma. (= I have no time.) Hefur þú áhuga á íslenskum bókmenntum? (= Are you interested in Icelandic literature?)
In fact instead of ownership hafa is used far more often to show past tense, just like the verb ” to have” in English:
Ég hef sagt þetta áður. (= I have said that before.)
Vera með
Vera með is the one of these verbs that is the most varied in usage; most often vera með refers to something you are currently holding or carrying. If you’ve for example borrowed a pen from someone you can use the verb vera með even though it’s not yours, it simply means that you indeed are carrying the item in question. This verb can refer to money, candy and other small items that can fit in a pocket or a bag and the object of the sentence will be shown in þf.
Vera með can also be used to describe the features of someone. You’ll need vera með to describe for example the colour of someone’s eyes: “Hún er með grá augu” (she has grey eyes). Naturally any amount of adjectives can be added, just remember to keep the case according to the word it refers to. Hár is a hvk. and so an example sentence describing Marilyn Monroe’s hair would be “Hún er með stutt, ljóst, krullað hár” (she has short, blonde, curly hair).
Vera með can sometimes be used in an abstract sense as well, which makes things a little confusing at times because there seems to be no exact rule to when you should choose hafa and when vera með, so I’m afraid you’ll just have to learn them by heart. One such case if pain: if you’re aching somewhere the way to describe it is to say “Ég er með verk í maga/öxlina/höfuð“.
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fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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Real eða falsa kona með örmum lyft á móti svörtum bakgrunni
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fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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Pamela Anderson mynd af brosandi unga konu
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fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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Hvernig á að Afli Bat hliðarmynd af konu að ganga í framan bygginguna
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fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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að fara í töflunni mynd af konu standa við vegg
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fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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Fyrsti koss hliðarmynd af stúlku standa úti
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fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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High School Girls hópur af fólki á ströndinni
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fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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er þetta nóg rúmgóður mynd af sætu stelpu liggjandi í versluninni
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fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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Sharon Stone mynd af brosandi unga konu
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fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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hvernig á að klippa hundarnir neglur mynd af konu með hönd halda grímu
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fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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Ný Adele tónlist sem kemur mynd af konu
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fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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A shinning Fan mynd af brosandi unga konu
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fyndnarmyndir · 4 years
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Klappstýra Tryouts Mynd fullri lengd mynd af konu
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