#lksdjfldk ty
cityandking · 7 months
1, 14, 23, 42 for dairef, middy/eniko and um [checks notes] dai/ozy for a laugh
thanks my dear!! // send me a ship
1. How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
DAI/ZAREF — I feel in my heart that they're both disciplined about keeping regular bedtimes (quest permitting) and waking up early. dai is always up with the sun to go pray/meditate, and then after he and zaref will spar, and then it's time to wash up and make breakfast (daichi cooks). MIDDY/ENIKO — eniko will stay up late no matter how hard middy tries to coax him to bed, but the longer they're together the more that means staying in bed with a book/tablet/computer as she falls asleep (if he's having a particularly restless night he'll leave the room so he doesn't bother her and come to bed much later—though it's always a bit of a challenge navigating the millions of pillows that spawn in bed when middy is around). mornings are a little easier—it's a tossup who wakes up first, but they'll both the other one sleep in whenever possible. waking up slow and all that. DAI/OZY — this is so funny. given ozy's current *waves hand* everything, I'm imagining daichi turns in first (always on schedule) and ozy shows up whenever (some time after the moon is in the sky). in the morning, daichi is still up early which probably means ozy is too. maybe he has coffee ready for them when dai finishes with his morning prayers
14. Anything they both dread?
DAI/ZAREF — they're equally invested in not losing the other one to the Void or some other horrible death (zaref has been much better at avoiding this than daichi). I think they're also both a little trepidatious about the Void-ified Underdark right now. MIDDY/ENIKO — I don't think their dreads intersect a whole lot, actually. broadly speaking there's the "something bad happening to the person I care about" fear, but their specific dreads move kind of in opposite directions—middy spends a lot of energy thinking about other people and eniko spends a lot of energy thinking about himself (I think maybe depending on the AU they'd both dread whatever's going on with loreth—middy because it's loreth, and eniko because it'll hurt middy) DAI/OZY — they're on the same page quite often about the bad situations they're walking into and the relative unpleasantness of them, but they're also both the kind of person who will just grit their teeth and do it, so I'm not sure dread is the right word. I guess they're both confirmed Not Fans Of The Traveler
23. How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
DAI/ZAREF — daichi is Bad at flirting and also not great at teasing, but he gives a great hug. he is also very good at kissing zaref, because he's a good student and a quick study and zaref's preferences are the only ones he has experience with. zaref is good at flirting (and teasing) and daichi, despite being an awkward little dude, very much enjoys it when zaref goes through the trouble of flirting with him. they exchange a lot of physical comfort—hugs, touches, etc—and they're also better about talking things out directly than they used to be. MIDDY/ENIKO — they're a surprisingly tactile couple given eniko's endless issues. good hugs, very good kisses, lots of flirting and teasing. for eniko that's all fun, easy stuff he doesn't have to think too hard about, and he enjoys doing it with middy. comfort is harder. he's bad at giving comfort and really bad at accepting it; he'd rather nurse his hurt like a bruise than let anyone try to comfort him. it's maybe one of the most difficult parts of their relationship DAI/OZY — sorry this is so funny. um. I don't think they hug. I think there could be some really weird (read: fun) power dynamics to explore with how they kiss. ozy is both the tease and the flirt in this relationship, though daichi gets a certain sort of entertainment out of stonewalling him. (this is actually also flirting, in a "I know you can do better than that" kind of way. like I said. weird power dynamics.) ozy is canonically Bad at comfort, and dai doesn't try to comfort ozy so much as he tries to talk through thorny issues and concepts. I think maybe there's a kind of comfort in that though? like he's willing to meet ozy where he is for those conversations
42. Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
DAI/ZAREF — dai definitely lets zaref get away with more shit than anyone else. I feel like zaref is general inclined to let people get away with stuff, dai included (ozy is an outlier etc) but idk I don't hold the zaref lore. daichi's much more patient and gentler and inclined to look the other way with zaref than pretty much anyone else, sometimes to an unhealthy degree, tho it's been better recently MIDDY/ENIKO — yes, but mostly in the sense that the things that would normally bother him don't bother him when it's middy. she can get away with so much, and she knows this. (middy tends to let people get away with plenty that they shouldn't, so eniko tries to hold himself to a higher standard for her sake, particularly when it comes to communicating and being available) DAI/OZY — absolutely not. if anything ozy gets away with less than other people would. daichi's calling him on everything.
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