#lloyd be rocking the crab position
colesother · 1 month
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They look so done 😭😭
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eyeofthewolfe · 6 years
Ninjago Movie: “Different POV” - The Ultimate Destruction
The Attack of Meowthra
We only saw Lloyd’s reaction to the ninja’s mechs being destroyed by the giant cat. What about the ninja? Here’s each of their point of views. Remains as canon to the movie as possible.
“Jay, what’s happening?”
An explosion rocked the jet making Jay flinch, but he had seen what happened. He saw all of it. The rockets bouncing off of Garmadon’s mech, Lloyd’s mech being grabbed from the air, and then being tossed like a doll into the ocean afar. He hit his comms. “Garmadon has taken out Lloyd!”
“What?!” Cole’s response was immediate. Jay caught sight of a train coming off its rails and about to plummet to the ground. He shifted course to catch it with the top of his jet. “Wait, what?!” Nya yelled into the comms, quickly followed by her brother. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“Repeat,” Jay spoke quickly as he lifted up to the train car. “GARMADON HAS TAKEN OUT LLOYD!”
The screams of the citizens made up for the long silence over the comms. Jay grinded his teeth and slowly pushed upwards, waiting until the car would lock back onto the rails. Finally, the empty static filled with noise.
“We will lose without Lloyd.” Zane spoke carefully.
“We have to hold the army back!” Nya called out. “Each of you take a quadrant of the city and protect the people!”
“But Garmadon-“
“We will deal with Garmadon later Cole, wait until he’s-“ Nya started, but was interrupted.
“Uh, guys! Garmadon’s almost at City Hall!” Kai yelled. Jay looked to his left where the giant mech was beginning to ascend Ninjago Tower. “Can one of you please stop him?”
“I’m swamped down here!” Nya instantly yelled. Jay sucked in some breath. “I’m a little busy!!” Jay answered as he felt the train slip above him. “I don’t think so,” he muttered. He adjusted his position in the air before thrusting upwards.
“The streets are still swarming with these crab things!” Cole screamed. “Besides, I can’t get up there with just one wheel!”
“And my tank does not climb vertically.” Zane added. As Jay kept slowly going up, he mentally went through a checklist. The only ones that can get to where Garmadon is Nya and himself. And they were both busy. “This is not good,” Jay said aloud.
“Does anyone know where Lloyd is?” Cole called out.
“I’m looking at his communications now.” Zane answered. “It looks like they are down. His mech must have been damaged.”
“Um!” Kai snapped in the crackle of the static. “Lloyd would be really beneficial right now!”
The train car was almost hooked back up. “Where are you Lloyd?!” Jay wailed.
“Oh no,” Cole murmured over the comms.
Jay felt a feeling of dread rush down his spine. He slowly turned his head in time to see the huge Garma Mech knock down the giant satellite on the top of Ninjago Tower. “Did Garmadon just…”
“I can’t see!!” Nya wailed. “What did Garmadon just do?”
Jay opened his mouth to respond, but an unexpected roar and a flash of green made him yelp and flinch in surprise. Blinking back the shock, he watched as the green dragon sped towards a celebrating war leader.
Jay slammed his hand on the comms. “Lloyd is back! I repeat – Lloyd is back!” With a surge of hope, he thrusted upwards until the train car connected to the rail above. The train car shook but remained still on the track. With a quick fist bump and wave, Jay hit the engines to speed towards the tower.
The ninja team all cried in joy but then quickly grew quiet, waiting for Lloyd’s instruction. The static crackled but remained silent.
“Lloyd?” Kai asked. “Do you read?”
“His comms are still down!” Zane suddenly shouted. “There’s no signal coming from his mech. It must still be broken!”
Jay looked out of his mech to the ground, where Kai just finished scorching a huge army of crab crawling vehicles. The mech visibly turned to Ninjago Tower. “No,” Kai spoke coldly into the conversation. Jay turned to look as well. The green ninja mech was slowly landing in front of the towering shark mech. “Lloyd turned off his comms.”
Someone gasped. “Why would he…” Jay muttered, trying to see that was going on. “Should I fly over and-“ That’s when he saw the giant flag fluttering in the breeze. “Guys…”
Kai was rapidly talking already. “….don’t know why Lloyd would turn us off? I mean, we didn’t say anything to him, right? He’s going to get himself kill-“
“GUYS!” Jay shouted. He was doing a round by the Tower, with his eyes glued to the conquering flag. “Garmadon….conquered the city!”
Jay’s jet shook as Cole’s Earth Mech sped under him. “How do you… oh, crap! His conquering flag!”
The blue ninja squinted his eyes. “Lloyd’s got something in his hands, it looks kinda familiar. Long and shiny? Any bells?”
“Not me,” each ninja spoke in unison. “Hey Jay, I could use some volts over in my quadrant,” Cole called out before a huge surge of rock and roll deafened the whole team.
“Cole, what did we talk about? Don’t drop the bass when your talking!” Nya shouted back.
“I hate that song,” everyone heard Kai mutter.
“I heard that!”
“I know.”
Hitting a few buttons, Jay located Cole’s location in the city. With one last glance at Lloyd’s standoff with Garmadon, he turned his jet in the air and began to charge his lightning turbo as he sped to Cole’s aid.
Jay hit a few switches so he can only communicate with Cole but hear everyone else. “So a few bad crabbies in your panties, Cole?”
“Shut up, nimrod.” Cole chuckled in his response. “Just about five dozen on my tail. Mind showing them what happens before thunder?”
“For you, buddy-“ Jay grinned as he grabbed his handles tightly. “Anything.”
In just seven seconds, those five dozen crab ships were just pieces on the ground.
“Whooo-hoo!” Cole cried out. Jay grinned and peered out of his jet to the giant mech below. The Quake Mech slammed its fists together in thanks before screeching a 180 and taking off down the road. Jay flipped on his comms again.
“Did anyone see that?” Nya called out randomly.
“Nope,” Zane responded.
“Depends on what!” Kai groaned through the static. “What’s up sis?”
“The water is vibrating.”
Jay tilted his head some. “Uh..there is a lot happening in the city. Maybe-“
“No, I know that Jay,” she snapped. “There’s something big causing this. Like...huge. I’ll investigate.”
“Sounds good sis.”
“Be careful!” Jay warned, getting a few chuckles from the team. Nya didn’t even respond.
Jay eyed another wave of jelly-shaped ships causing havoc a few blocks over. “Oh, no you don’t!” Jay grumbled before activating his lightning turbo. He shocked them all with a ton of zapping, crackling, and screaming.
Laughing, Jay pulled up some before something red blinded him for half a second. He screamed and shielded his eyes, but it was gone. “What in the world was that?” Jay panted as he looked around. “Weird,” he mumbled when he didn’t see anything. “Everyone good?”
“Wait,” Kai spoke, but his voice shook. Jay’s heart skipped a beat; Kai was never scared. “Kai, what’s wrong?” Nya asked, for she too detected his fear.
Jay heard some heavy breathing before Kai spoke again. “I….feel something….” His voice was down to a whisper.
“What is it?” Cole asked.
“I dunno, but it’s big- there’s something red on me!” Kai suddenly yelled. Jay was about to say something when there was a huge crash and scream on the comms. A quick look down at his communication dashboard answered the immediate answer: it was coming from Kai.
“IT’S---ME! OH M----GIANT----LP ME AAAA---”
The static was interfering with Kai’s comms, making every few seconds of him screaming for help vanish into horrible crackling nothingness. Jay joined his friends in trying to talk to him, but suddenly, there was a crunch and he was gone.
“Oh my gosh,” Nya whispered. Jay was doing his best to keep down his breakfast. He grabbed his thrusters and made a turn to where Kai’s last location was according to his tracker.
“What the heck?” Cole shouted. Jay hit his button faster than the speed of sound. “Cole! What’s wrong?!”
A gasp sounded from Cole, but it was a gasp of pure fear. “Oh my GOOOO---” His frequency ended like a gunshot. Jay’s breakfast got a lot harder to keep down.
“COLE!” Jay wailed. His tracker too blinked away on his screen. “No no no…”   He began to push harder to that side of the city. However, in his pursuit, he saw a line of red trace the city to his right. “Oh my gosh,” Jay gasped. He followed the red line up to the top of Ninjago tower. “It can’t be…”
A shriek from Nya made Jay snap back forward. “WHAT IS THIS THING?” she screamed. There was a loud noise, like a high pitched roar, and then her frequency too died. “NYA!” Jay screamed. Three ninjas down- just like that.
“Zane?” Jay cried out. He watched in fear as the red line began to move towards his jet. Through the city, he saw something big and hairy with a long striped tail make its way toward Jay.
“Yes, Jay?” Zane replied.
“I think….” Jay panted as the red glow got closer. “I think it’s taking us out one by one!”
“What is?”
A few alarms went off as the high energy beam came in contact with his jet. Jay slowly looked down out of his window, only to see two giant cat eyes with pupils as huge as black pools gazing up at him.
“A CAT!” Jay slammed his hand on his comms. “THE THREAT IS A----”
As if the world was slowed to a crawl, he watched in horror as the cat sprung up like a rabbit and extended its sharp claws for his jet. In that moment, it was fight or flight. But Jay couldn’t do either. Instead he did the third unspoken choice: fright.
“Did anyone see that?”
Kai paused before giving his surroundings a quick check. “Nope,” Zane replied simply. Kai let out a wave of fire to a few shark army men before responding himself. “Depends on what!” Kai grumbled as he watched them run away in flames. “What’s up, sis?”
“The water is vibrating.”
Kai couldn’t help but snort. Luckily, he turned his comms off for that. “Uh, there is a lot happening in the city.” Jay said matter-of-factly. “Maybe-“
“No, I know that Jay,” Nya snapped, but Kai heard some play in her slightly panicked voice. “There’s something big causing this…like huge. I’ll investigate.”
Kai responded to some beeping on his radar by jumping his mech in the air, doing a 360, and shooting flames at the one little shark bomber plane behind him. As he landed back exactly a he was, he quickly responded, “Sounds good sis,” and heard the plane behind him break into pieces on the road.
“Be careful!” Jay called out a little too loudly. Kai facepalmed embarrassingly, accidently letting out a few chuckles. Unfortunately for him, his comms were on for that. He didn’t mind though, Jay’s huge crush for Nya was hilariously obvious, and as long as he never made any real moves, he wouldn’t have to get involved.
Kai flipped off his comms and whistled some as he turned down an open road, eyes fixed on some bogeys down a few blocks. He had no idea what was happening on Ninjago Tower, but if Lloyd was there for sure, then he had it covered. He always did.
“Everyone good?” Jay called out. His voice was full of breath, which meant he just did something scary, and Kai opened his mouth to respond when his entire body went on full alert.
“Wait,” Kai hushed in an automatic response. There was something on him-on his mech-that was heavy and powerful.
“Kai, what’s wrong?” his sister’s voice was full of concern, but it felt like her voice was miles away. This must be what fear feels like, Kai thought quickly. He took a few deep breaths (his mech still walking forward of course) then tried to explain what was going on. “I….feel something….”
“What is it?”
Kai was too scared to turn around, but he knew he had to at some point. “I dunno, but it’s big-“ Kai took a shaky breath and turned his mech around by the hip joints, and then he really felt the panic strike. “There’s something red on me!”
The red was like painted onto his mech, but it was a straight line coming off. He slowly looked up, tracing the line, but then saw the scariest image of his life.
A cat – a giant cat with the weirdest texture he had ever seen- was lunging claws out for his mech.
He didn’t even have time to let out a full scream before it landed right on top of him. Alarms of critical damage instantly blared, but Kai ignored them all and went straight for his comms. “IT’S GOT ME!!! OH MY GOOSH A GIANT CAT HELP ME HELP AAAAAAA!!!!”
The red light was still on him, somehow, and the giant cat was still clawing at his mech, taking more and more pieces with each swipe. He kept screaming, mainly because the face and teeth of the cat were just a few inches from his own face.
Suddenly, the light vanished. The cat’s ears flicked, then it turned and was gone. Kai felt some relief flush over, but he forgot about the hind legs, which were planted on his mech. As the cat sprung away, the legs shot Kai and his mech off the ground and into a building with a crash. His little space where he stood crumpled up like paper as all the pieces convulsed together. The red ninja was left wailing and panting, both terrified of what just happened, and also in immense pain from something with his left shoulder, which wasn’t moving. He tried his comms, but they were damaged beyond repair.
“No..no no no no..” Kai moaned desperately, but something was very obvious in that moment. He was hurt and trapped in a broken fire mech.
He stopped struggling and peered out of his broken windshield where he had a pretty decent view of Ninjago Tower. To his horror, he saw the source of the red light, and he knew it too well.
He narrowed his eyes and tightened his right fist. “The Ultimate Weapon,” he growled.
“I…feel something…”
The fear in Kai’s whisper was something Cole didn’t hear that often. He hit his own comms. “What is it?”
Spinning his tracks, Cole skidded his mech to a stop before taking an elevated street as a short cut towards an incoming swarm of crab vehicles a click or so away. He turned his music down a bit to confirm the sound he was hearing from the comms was actually Kai’s breathing. “I don’t know, but it’s big- there’s something red on me!”
Red? Cole’s gears quickly spun in his head. What did Jay say earlier about the object in Lloyd’s hands? It was long and shiny. It didn’t make sense then, but now-
Cole flinched when his comms exploded with a scream and a huge crunching sound. Kai began to yell, but there was a lot of interference. “Kai, slow down-“ Cole yelled, but it was lost in the cries of everyone else. He didn’t even finish talking before Kai’s feed was cut off completely.
Cole kept moving forward, but his heart was racing. The comms were silent, but he knew his whole team were too shocked to speak.
“Oh my gosh,” Nya muttered. Kai was gone- just like that. Cole grinded his teeth and kept going, the street rising up so that he could see Ninjago Tower perfectly. He hit a few ships out of the air that were around him, but his eyes were glued in an angry stare to the Tower. That’s when he saw it.
He didn’t have much time to react before the red beam he saw on top of the tower blinded him. He thought it would be a flash, but it didn’t leave. He could feel it too, like a heavy pulse over his left eye. He tried shielding it with his left arm.
“What the heck?” Cole yelled aloud. He saw something move in front of him in the shadows of the city. He couldn’t make it out because of the blinding red light that was unmoving from his face.
“Cole! What’s wrong?” Jay’s voice was frantic, but Cole was still trying to see what was coming towards him.
Suddenly, the light was gone. In the clear of day, Cole saw the most terrifying thing in the world. He gasped in fear, realizing too that the red light was gone because a giant cat was blocking it. “Oh my GOOOOSSHHH!” Cole screamed as the cat landed on his mech and began to chew on some stereos above him.
The force of the cat hitting his mech sent it slamming on the road and Cole slamming against the back of his cockpit. His comms were smashed to pieces, but Cole was still screaming at the cat that was clawing at his sound system. Its eyes were the size of his entire body, and the pupils were wide with excitement as it tore his mech apart. Sparks were flying and his dashboard began to crack under the weight of the cat three times the size of the mech.
Just when Cole thought it was over for him, the cat looked up and away as if something else had caught its attention. Its ears and nose flicked before it tensed and launched off of the Earth Mech.
The hind legs however pushed the mech, causing it to go airborne. Cole yelled again and became weightless, floating in his cockpit as it soared over a few streets and slamming into a building.
Cole hit the roof of his cockpit. It took him only a second to realize his mech was upside down and stuck inside a business building a few blocks from Ninjago Tower. Still blinking red out of his vision, he pushed himself up and peered out of his broken window. He saw the red light moving in the city, possibly moving towards its next target. Behind it was a long striped tail and the screams of the people who saw it.
Cole looked back to Ninjago Tower, where the red light was coming from. “Oh my gosh,” Cole muttered, recognizing the source. “It’s the Ultimate Weapon.”  
With a chuckle, Nya watched as the last jelly sub exploded in the water. The civilian boats beneath her were left unscathed, thanks to her awesomeness. She was about to take off when something caught her eye.
“Did anyone see that??” Nya asked, her eyes glued to the water.
“Nope.” Zane answered almost immediately.
“Depends on what!” her brother also said. “What’s up, sis?”
She narrowed her eyes. The water was acting in a way she’s never seen before. “The water is vibrating.”
Every second or so, the water would shake as a whole, as if-  “Uh,” Jay’s voice broke her train of thought. “There is a lot happening in the city. Maybe-“
Nya rolled her eyes. “No, I know that Jay.” Nya snapped, but she couldn’t help but smile a little. She kinda liked hearing Jay trying to act smart, for some reason. “There’s something big causing this…” Nya noticed the vibrations were even larger now. “…like huge. I’ll investigate.” She turned her mech towards the city and away from the water.
“Sounds good, sis.” Kai said.
“Be careful!” Jay yelled, causing Nya to roll her eyes again. She heard some chuckling, but she pushed the conversation away to look around some. As she climbed out of the canal, she checked the water one last time.
The water was calm.
Her blood ran cold. That’s not good, she thought. She turned to the city, but she didn’t see anything. Directing her mech to the right, she began to look up and down streets and roadways for anything big.
The ground shook suddenly, the source being from behind her. She turned the mech around and stared down the street, but didn’t see anything. She looked at her map where the trackers of all her friends’ mechs were located. Kai was close to where the source of the quake came from, so he must have taken out a few bigger shark jets or something. With a shrug, she went back to looking.
“Everyone good?” Jay called out. Nya was about to ask the group about the quake, but her brother beat her.
“Wait,” Kai hissed. Nya rose both of her eyebrows. Kai was never that scared.
She slammed her hand on the comms. “Kai, what’s wrong?”
The water was now a few blocks behind her, and now she was regretting leaving the comfortable environment. As she kept looking for the huge thing causing the vibrations, all she heard from Kai was some heavy and panicked breathing. Finally he muttered something terrifying to hear. “I….feel something….”
That’s not what she expected to hear. Cole asked the question that was on her mind. “What is it?”
“I dunno, but it’s big-“ Nya sat up a little straighter, putting two and two together. Suddenly, Kai began to scream. “There’s something red on me!”
Nya instantly turned her mech in Kai’s direction. She hit the comms to say something, but she was interrupted with her brother’s scream of bloody murder and a huge crashing sound.
“KAI!” she screamed in panic. She pushed harder, but he was about two miles away according to the maps on her console. He was screaming words now, but his comms were damaged, causing most of his words to be inaudible through the static. “IT’S---ME! OH M----GIANT----LP ME AAAA---” With a bang, he was gone. Even his tracker blinked away on her screen.
The comms were silent. Nya forgot her hand was still on hers. “Oh my gosh,” she whispered, her mech coming to a stop. Kai had to be still alive, he had to.
She looked around some, ignoring a jelly ship that passed a few streets away. She was right, there was something loose in the city, and whatever it was- it was huge.
“What the heck?” Cole suddenly said. Nya was still speechless, and she let Jay call out this time. “Cole! What’s wrong?”
Nya shook herself out of her daze, and decided to get back to the water as fast as she could. As her mech took off, she heard Cole gasp in fear. Now Cole was scared? Nya thought. Whatever was attacking the city, it had to be much bigger than she first imagined.
“Oh my GOOO—” Cole yelled, but then his frequency was gone too, just like that. “COLE!” Jay screamed. Nya’s heart raced even faster. Almost there, she told herself.
She turned a corner as fast as she could, but something was there to meet her. A blinding red light attached itself to the lower part of her mech. Before she could say anything, a few alarms went off from the back of her mech. She turned her head some, but it was already too late. A giant shadow passed overhead and then it was on her.
She screamed as she lost control of the Water Mech. She tried to grab her controls but whatever was on top of her had more control than she did. “WHAT IS THIS THING?” she screamed in a panicked voice. Out her windshield above her, all she could see was something hairy smacking her mech like it was a toy. Suddenly she heard some sort of loud noise what could only be described as a very very loud cat.
She was about to try and use weapons on whatever was on her when suddenly she felt her mech flip. She hit her head on the glass above her pretty hard, and her vision went dizzy. She could hear that her comms were dead, and probably destroyed. She could hear claws now, scratching at her mech and trying to tear it apart. She tried to sit up, but another shake from her mech knocked her back down. Not knowing what else to do, she covered her head and waited.
She didn’t have to wait long. Only a few seconds after she ducked and covered, the scratching and pounding was gone. Slowly opening her eyes, she lifted her gaze to her windshield, where the monster had vanished.
“Thank goodness,” Nya muttered under her breath as she hit the button to release the top of her mech so she could get out. Nothing moved. “What the-“ Nya hissed, her relief churning to fear. Her roof wasn’t moving, no matter how hard she was hitting the button. She began to push on the glass and kick it, but if the giant monster couldn’t have broken it, there was no way she could.
Desperate now, she went to her comms, which was pretty wrecked, but perhaps fixable. As she fumbled with a few pieces to send out a distress call, a flash of red caught her eye. She looked up to Ninjago Tower, where a beam of red light was moving throughout the city. With a gasp, Nya instantly put all the pieces together. “The Ultimate Weapon!”
The robot was still trying to carefully calculate what was going on. The time between each time Kai, Cole, and Nya were attacked in correlation to their distance apart from each other, what Lloyd had in his hands, what the red thing could be - there was some answer in front of him but there was no visual proof to make any of his hypothesizes accurate. He kept running through diagnostics, but answered to Jay. “Yes, Jay?”
His tank was moving through the city, a few blocks from where Nya was last heard from, according to his sensors. He had stayed quiet through the whole attack, fearing he would miss someone say a vital piece of information that would solve the whole puzzle. But now it was just him and Jay, and he could detect on many levels of analysis that Jay needed someone to talk to.
Jay’s breath was heavy. “I think….I think it’s taking us out one by one!”
Even though Zane was not programmed to say sarcastic things, he couldn’t help but think of what Kai would say to that. You think?
Instead, Zane looked up into the sky where Jay’s plane flew slowly overhead. “What is?”
A red line was pointed right onto Jay’s jet from behind it. Zane followed it to Ninjago Tower. Finally a gear clicked in his head. He had solved it.
“A CAT!” Jay suddenly bellowed. Zane snapped back to the jet. As Jay screamed, “THE THREAT IS A—” a huge domestic cat with claws out towards the jet launched into the air, knocking the jet into pieces with just one swipe.
Jay’s comms followed everyone’s lead and instantly popped into static. The pieces rained down on the city, stimulating fear in Zane’s reactionary processor. Before Zane could even react, something shot out of the shattered jet like a rocket. Zane activated his scanner, confirming it to be Jay.
Zane could only stimulate relief for just a few seconds before he saw the beam of red light shift from where the cat was gnawing on the blue pieces of Jay’s mech to the pristine white pieces of Zane’s Mech. As the red light fixed itself on Zane’s face, he felt some of his systems go haywire. The red light was powerful, heavy and almost burning on his exo-skeleton body. His screen began to malfunction, showing critical damage notices all over his line of sight. “WRONG SCREEN!” he yelled, but it was too late. By the time he cleared it, the cat was basically on top of him.
His mech didn’t stand a chance. The cat was moving so fast and it hit the tank at the perfect angle so the entire vehicle exploded into pieces, sending Zane flying out of his cockpit and onto the street.
His gears quickly shifted back into place as he pushed himself off the ground. He turned and stared at what used to be his mech, but now just a pile of white and blue pieces about to freeze over. The cat, which was about as big as the buildings, took no notice of the robot on the ground, but instead was enjoying rummaging its giant paws around the pieces around it.
The red light was still on the pieces, but suddenly, it was gone. It didn’t move away, it just…vanished. The cat looked up as if it was looking for it, but then lost interest. It poked the pieces one last time before it’s ear twitched and rotated to listen to something behind it. Zane remained perfectly still, with the expected knowledge that the giant cat could attack him if he moved.
With a bound, the cat looked over a building before climbing up and launching itself away. Even the tail vanished over the buildings.
Zane finally pushed himself to a standing position. He brushed some dirt off his pristine white suit when suddenly he heard a huge scrapping sound from behind him. Turning, he saw the worst thing imaginable, even worse then his beloved ice mech turning into scrap.  
From atop of Ninjago Tower, the destroyed Green Ninja Dragon fell off the top, hit a building a few yards down, then dropped like a broken toy into the city. Even though he couldn’t feel the ground shake from the contact, Zane only knew the worst of what that meant.
Kai kept banging on the glass with his right arm since his left still remained limp at his side, but nothing was working. “Stupid! Glass! Won’t! Bu-“
Something moved at Ninjago Tower. He stopped punching and looked, and watched as his ninja leader’s dragon was kicked off the top before falling onto another building, sending a spray of green pieces, and then falling further out of sight.
“NOOOOO!” Kai roared. Beginning to feel his eyes water with anger, he took one last punch and felt the glass shatter.
Kai fell with it and landed about a story or so down on the sidewalk surrounded with glass. It hurt more than he could have imagined, but he was still alive. He tried to stand but then he realized he was far more hurt than he could let on. He faceplanted on the sidewalk.
Rolling over, he looked up into the sky. Tears that he didn’t ask for were sliding down his cheeks, making him cough and sputter his breaths. Even in the midst of the hopeless moment, Kai was only thinking one thing.
We couldn’t have…there’s no way.
He couldn’t believe it. His record player was totaled.
The mech still upside down, Cole was trying to find any one of his tracks that were still in good condition. Not one record wasn’t scratched, bent, chipped, or even broken. The only records that seemed playable were the mixes that were lodged into his record player, impossible to pull out.
In anger, Cole kicked the wall of his mech, and instantly regretted it. Wincing in pain, he had enough time of silence to hear a huge crash from the city.
Still clutching onto his foot, Cole looked out the broken windshield to watch Lloyd’s dragon mech fall off of Ninjago Tower, hitting only one other building before dropping out of sight.
Cole was paralyzed. That couldn’t mean what he thought it did. That’s impossible. Lloyd always takes care of Garmadon. Today couldn’t be any different, right?
“Almost….there!” Nya spat as she connected a few more wires in her communication device. A few sparks shot off the wires, making Nya draw back from her work. She wiggled her hand to make the pain die away faster, but in that short moment, she looked up at Ninjago Tower and saw the Garmadon mech move.
She paused, waiting. That mech hadn’t of moved for a while, what was he doing? The leg drew back before BANG!
Nya gasped as Lloyd’s mech shot off the roof like a kid kicking a toy. It dropped onto a nearby building before sliding off and falling out of sight.
“Oh my gosh,” Nya whispered. She blinked away the shock she was feeling and tried going back to fixing her comms, hoping only that Lloyd was not riding his dragon as it had fallen to its death.
She failed to see the giant shadow slowly approach her broken mech.
Either the skies of Ninjago City were twenty degrees colder than usual, or Jay was shivering with fear. He had hesitated when he felt his jet break apart, being too terrified to move, but finally his instincts kicked in and he had activated his escape parachute which shot him to where he was now, slowly drifting down in birds eye view of a devastated and destroyed city. Jay had watched the cat launch over to Zane’s mech before destroying it, and now it was moving throughout the city, heading to what seemed to be where Nya’s mech was totaled.
He held onto his parachute tightly, trying to push all his fear away (which wasn’t really doing much). He was about 50 yards from the street when he heard the bang on top of Ninjago Tower.
He looked back up to where Garmadon’s humongous shark mech towered over the city. However, it was raising one of its legs behind it, as if it was going to – BANG!!!
Jay cried out instantly, watching as the greatest symbol of hope and goodness in the city was sent flying off the roof and down to the city, hitting only another building to send pieces scattered around.
He heard the thud of the dragon hitting the streets below, sending chills through every part of Jay’s body. He had no idea if any of the other ninja saw that, in fact, he hoped they didn’t, because that right there meant only one thing.
Jay heard his voice, weak and scared, say the one thing he never expected to hear.
“We lost.”
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