#lloyd hansen will be dommed if i have anything to do with it
I Know Places We Won't Be Found
Summary: Lloyd Hansen’s still a dick
A/N: Listen y'all this NSFW 18+ should be par for the course at this point. So like….just don’t okay?
As always, the inspo is thanks to the Goosecord and my beautiful partner in crime @ken-dom who received the frustrated text trying to find a damn title for this part xD (I sat on it for 3 days y'all)
Bless you my new found chosen sister for putting up with my antics! (Yes I copy pasted, yes it’s still valid don’t come for me)
This is a continuation of what I’ve affectionately titled the Nurse Series, read previous parts  here.
Like I said last time, this won’t be the last you see of Six
Enjoy my loves! <3
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“Hey,” a soft whisper as you felt a pat on your cheek 
You flinched instinctively bracing yourself, eyes squeezed shut waiting for the impact 
“It’s me” he whispered as your head lulled to the side before you fought to open your eyes
“Court?” you whispered, your lips barely moving; his face barely coming into focus, your head resting heavy in his hands. 
“Hey, hey,” he spoke a little louder, but it was still muffled in your ears “Keep your eyes open, you gotta stay awake.” 
You were half convinced he wasn’t real, that this was some twisted fever dream as you bled out strapped to the chair while Lloyd looked on with sick amusement. 
“Do you know where you are?” Six asked, he was trying to keep you talking, it was the same trick they had taught you in med school 
“Where’s Lloyd?” you asked weakly watching his hands snap the zip ties binding your wrists; they were red and raw with the effort of hours of trying to do that yourself. 
“Doesn’t matter” he shook his head as he brushed your hair out of your face “Did you hit your head?” 
You nodded your head slowly as you watched him examine your pupils 
He sighed and you could tell he was fighting to keep his composure and not go on a murderous rampage. 
“Lloyd?” you asked again as Six bent in front of you trying to sort out the best way to get you up with the least amount of pain. 
“He’s gone” he said simply 
“Gone?” you forced the word out with so much effort it made you dizzy
“Don’t worry about Lloyd” he spoke in a low voice that calmed your nerves almost instantly. “We gotta take the knife out before I can move you anywhere” He pulled his t-shirt over his head, tearing the fabric easily in his hands before tying a tourniquet as high up on your thigh as he could manage. 
You looked at him slightly impressed and he looked back a little confused “What? I learn things” 
A smile tugged at the corner of your lips as he place a firm hand on your thigh, the other gripping the handle of the knife. 
“N-” you were cut off by the shrill scream, your shrill scream as Six dropped the knife to the floor with a clatter, taking the remains of his t-shirt and wrapping it tightly around the gash. You gasped trying to catch your breath
“Now we’re gonna get you up”
You nodded as you leaned forward as much as your broken frame would let you, letting his arm slide around your back; “Just do it fast” you whispered as he crouched low enough for you to drape your arms weakly around his neck, his other arm sliding under your bent knees. 
He didn’t say anything, he didn’t need to, he knew what kind of pain you were in; and he planned to rip Lloyd’s limbs off one by one with his bare hands if that bastard dared to show his face anywhere near you again. 
In one swift movement he was up on his feet and you grit your teeth, burying your face in his shoulder as you moaned in pain. 
“I know,” he whispered, making his chest vibrate as he spoke, your entire weight leaned against him as he carried you through the dank warehouse.
You tried to keep your breathing even, trying to ignore the stabbing pain in your ribcage; you didn’t even remember having a rib broken. 
There was a loud bang immediately followed by a hot sting in your side. Your scream muffled against Six’s bare chest. 
You could feel him shift, still mindful not to move you too much as he returned fire, followed by a soft thud. 
You cried hard against his shoulder, the new pain shooting through every inch of your body; everything hurt, you couldn’t take a full breath; you didn’t want to die here, not like this. 
“You’re not gonna die” His voice was low and soft but it still made you jump slightly you hadn’t realized you had said anything out loud. 
It had taken Six all of fifteen minutes to realize what Lloyd had done, and by the time he had circled back to the house, you were gone, but Lloyd was too cocky for his own good, The watch Six had given you, looped around the front door handle with a note that had said ‘Hope you find her in time’ 
Lloyd had left a trail as sloppy as the day is long, Six had almost started to wonder if he had done it on purpose. 
The warehouse was on the outskirts of town and had been sparsely used. It had been easy enough to get inside, like Lloyd, his henchmen weren’t the brightest. 
Then your blood curdling scream echoed through the empty building and he saw red; he flew down the dark hall dropping Lloyd’s men like flies. Stepping over the last of them he stepped through the door, half expecting to find you dead, relieved when you weren’t, but you were barely conscious.  
As he had suspected, Lloyd had wanted to go toe to toe in hand to hand combat, apparently beating the shit out of him once hadn’t been enough.
You had screamed in pain as Lloyd buried his knife in your thigh before Six watched your head drop forward, you had passed out. 
He pushed the thought from his mind, focusing on the present. He shoved the heavy steel door open, carrying you out into the cool night air, the sun having just disappeared behind the clouds. Your head rested heavy against his chest, but you were still breathing, shallow and slow, but breathing.  The closest safehouse was an hour and a half away. 
You winced as you came to, opening your eyes in a bedroom you didn’t recognize, in a strange bed. 
“Court??” You called out but your voice was hoarse, your throat impossibly dry. 
He appeared in the doorway almost immediately and you watched the relief wash over his face as you tried to sit up. 
He was next to you in a stride and a half, offering you a hand. 
“Go slow, a head rush with a broken nose will make you pass out” 
You breathed a laugh, instantly regretting it, causing a sharp stab in your ribs. You gripped his hand tightly as you managed to finally sit up and he held out a glass of water. 
You took a long drink before handing it back and looked up at him. “Where are we?” 
“Safe house” he sighed, setting the glass on the nightstand before sitting next to you
“And Lloyd?” You asked raising an eyebrow 
“In the wind” 
You sighed leaning on his broad shoulder with a sigh. The bandage on your thigh catching your attention. Then you realized he had patched you up…at least mostly. Your thigh, your fingers, most of your stabs and cuts.
“You couldn’t set my nose?” you asked quietly, but even that was too loud in the silent room. 
“My nose?” You chuckled “You patched me up halfway” 
“Figured I’d let you sleep a bit before the real painful stuff, got the bullet out though” he gestured to a small bowl sitting on the nightstand with a single bloodied bullet inside.
“And they say chivalry is dead” 
He snorted with a laugh pulling himself up from the bed “Nose or ribs first? 
You let out a slow breath “This is gonna suck isn’t it?” You asked with a small pout; you had reset plenty of noses, but that was in the hospital, with anesthetic and tools. You had even reset Six’s nose half a dozen times, at your kitchen table…but that was Six the man was a fortress, you were not. 
He nodded “Probably”
You sighed dropping your shoulders “Just another Thursday” 
He pulled you up from the bed gently and you limped to the kitchen where you sat in one of the empty chairs and he stood in front of you handing you a towel. 
You sat with your back straight, eyes closed as Six’s fingers felt for the break on either side of your nose. 
“Ready?”  he asked and you braced yourself, eyes still closed “Deep breath”
You took a breath ignoring the stabbing pain in your ribcage for the fleeting second you could feel it before it was replaced with the blinding pain of the sharp twist of your nose between Six’s fingers as he forced it back into place, fresh blood dripping from your nose in the process. 
“God,” you winced as he took the towel from you wiping the blood off his hands “If you don’t wanna be with me anymore you just have to say so” 
He snorted “I owe you a few” 
He held out his hands helping you stand, his warm fingers curling under the hem of your shirt as you attempted to lift your arms. You closed your eyes feeling yourself shiver. You weren’t cold, but the gentleness of his touch made you want to cry. 
He carefully lifted your shirt over your head tossing it in the pile of dirty rags on the table, it was bloodstained and dirty, and even if it hadn’t been, you would never wear it again. He grabbed the ace bandage off the table and unraveled it as you held your arms up, letting him wrap it snugly around your torso. 
You could finally take a breath with some hint of normalcy. He secured the bandage with the clips and you dropped your arms, only to wrap them tightly around his middle.
He carefully wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. 
“I’m sorry” he muttered into your hair making you pull back looking at his curiously 
“For what?!” you asked, unable to keep the surprise out of your words
His eyes searched your face for a minute before he spoke “Lloyd…I should have…I should have known; I never should have-”
“Hey, hey, stop,” you reached touching his face and he closed his eyes leaning into your touch with a sigh “Lloyd is a fucking psycho; you couldn’t have possibly known” 
He opened his mouth to rebuttal and you shushed him before he had the chance. “No”
“You didn’t even let me-” 
“I don’t care,” you smiled. “This could have been so much worse; he could have shot up the hospital…” 
“He came after you because of me”
You scoffed “He came after me because I attract damaged men like a fucking beacon” 
This made Six crease his brow with a slight tilt of his head “Hey”
You leaned back a little more looking at him with raised eyebrows
“Yeah I know,” he nodded “Still…cheap shot”
He leaned forward, mindful of your nose, kissing you gently “I’m still going to feed him his own teeth” he muttered against your lips 
“As long I get to help” 
He leaned his forehead against yours “You can watch…from across the room…and nowhere near Lloyd” 
You smiled pushing your good hand through his hair
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chrisdrysdale · 2 years
my fairy diary
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welcome to my masterlist...
keys: (s)mut, (f)luff, (a)ngst, (d)ark, (i)llusions to smut
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
bucky barnes
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
to have and to hassle (s,f,a)
babysitting (s,f)
first time (s,f,a)
anything for my baby (s,f)
never again (s,f)
of course not (s,f)
help (s,f)
cant quite do it (s,f)
3 month 6 days and 15 hours (a,s)
crash (f,a)
sunrise kisses (f)
better alone (s,f)
not that just you (s,a,f)
dont look at me like that (s,f,a)
cling onto you (s,f)
my marks (s,f)
he likes her feisty (i,a,f)
home (s,f)
you'll always be with me (A,s,f)
touch (a,f)
im here i have you (a,f)
we'll try again (f,i,a) - mentions of pregnancy
you're soaking! (i,f)
the look around (i,f)
all for you (f)
these are for you (a)
Love shot (a,f,i)
My only love (a, f)
bucky drabbles
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
ketchup (f)
red lace (s) --- part 2 (s)
swim (i,f)
no apologies needed (s,a)
Am I dying (s)
drunk (s, f)
dom!bucky (s)
drunk!bucky (s)
shaving bucky (f)
protective bucky (f)
the hobbit and cookies (f)
sub!bucky (s,f)
easter with the barnes (f)
bucky's nightmare (f,a)
sea coral (f,a)
snuggles (f)
bucky & a breeding kink (s)
road trip (s)
repairs (s)
wake up (a,f)
boop (f)
hold me (f)
neck (a,f)
jealous dilf!bucky (s)
bucky series
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Runaway bride masterlist
steve rogers
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
soon sweetheart soon (a,f) - platonic
petals (f,s)
petals - pt2. (f,s)
tipsy (f,s)
tispy - pt2. (f,s)
call me by your name (f,s)
Helpless ( d, s, a) - very dark
woah.. (f)--- part 2 (f) --- part 3 (f)
thingy (s, f)
lloyd hansen
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
breed (s)
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
ours (f,a,i)
let it out (a,s,f)
join us (s,f)
well well well what do we have here (s)
matt murdock
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
cutie (f)
sebastian stan
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
need a minute (a,f,s)
beautiful (a,f,i)
chris evans ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
love's gaze (f)
finally! (f)
i’m keeping it (f)
Grief (a,f)
Sleepyheads (f)
Bubble (f)
My AU’s
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
farmland sweetness AU (f,a,s)
Seb and Chris characters from kinktober in april 2022 +18s
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
marking with chris beck
eating out with nick fowler
swallowing with frank (e,b)
daddy kink with lance tucker
spooning with colin shea
roleplay with Ransom
sex toys with johnny storm
whips with curtis everett
286 notes · View notes
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Pairing: Demon Lloyd Hansen/ Reader
Summary: Going to hang out with your friends on Halloween but what ends up happening is anything but normal.
Word Count: 3,448
Warnings: Smut,rough sex, sex with a demon, dub con (reader consents but is initially wary) use of pet names, Dom/sub vibes,P in V, Oral Sex (female receiving), swearing,blood,gore, violence, Demon Lloyd Hansen (he’s a warning ok)
Thank you to @jessybarnes my Tumblr bestie for the wonderful bingo card,@firefly-graphics for the consent divider and @saradika for the wonderful dividers and reblog dividers.
(Sorry this is WAY after October but I plan to upload more from this bingo board for Do It Up December. Also all mistakes are mine and mine alone google docs can only fix so much lol)
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After working you wanted nothing more than to get home, put on your softest pj's and watch something and crash, hard. But your friends had planned a sort of Halloween thing and you were practically forced to go, sighing you sent your friends a text letting them know you wanted to change and grab some snacks before heading over. Putting down your phone you made your way to the bedroom and changed into what you called “lazy” clothes, a simple pair of leggings and a t-shirt. Heading back out you grab the snacks you purchased a few days ago and bagged them before grabbing your phone and purse just in case and locking the door behind you. Walking the short distance to your friends house you had no idea it would be the last time things would ever be the same.
Walking up to your friend's house you frowned seeing no lights on “The hell?” taking out your phone you notice your original message was never opened, banging on the door you sigh “Hey this isn’t funny! Open the damn door! Bunch of morons….” Sighing, you slide your phone into your back pocket and glance around, finding the “special” rock you slide a key out from under it and open the front door. Walking in you glance around “Guys? If you're planning on scaring me I’m going to leave!”
Mumbling to yourself you walk further into the room, frowning you trip over something and stumble falling to the floor “What the hell” Your pants feel wet and your frown increases, moving to stand your hand slips on something. Turning on a nearby lamp a scream slides out of your mouth as you finally take in the scene around you, all your friends are dead laying lifeless and mutilated on the floor. Scrambling to get up all you end up doing is covering yourself in their blood and some vicera, fighting the urge to gag you manage to press into a corner.
Standing shakily you realize you were in a giant pentagram “The fuck happened here?!?!” Suddenly you hear a low chuckle and a voice “Well you see Sunshine you fuck around with things you don’t understand and well shit happens” Eyes wide you turn towards where the voice came from seeing nothing but darkness, swallowing hard you look at your hand seeing it covered in blood. “Aww first time seeing this much blood Sunshine? Good thing you weren’t here for the real fun….it got even messier”
Shaking your head you eye the door and hear someone clicking their tongue “I wouldn’t recommend that Sunshine, would really hate to kill you for something silly” Swallowing you shiver slightly “Well I would rather not stay uh here…pretty sure I’m going to puke” You hear velvety laughing making you shiver again “How about we talk about things somewhere less likely to make you throw up? Because we have a lot to discuss Sunshine” Mutely nodding you close your eyes and feel a hot breeze.
“Go on Sunshine, open those pretty eyes, you're safe for now” Slowly you open your eyes and see your back at your place frowning,you glance around seeing nobody “Uh thanks? Where are you?” More laughter this time much closer, turning quickly you see nobody. “Now the question Sunshine is, do you want to see the real me or the form I use the most?” Swallowing you, think for a second “Can I see your real form?” You can almost feel him smirk as he answers “Sure Sunshine if you think your pretty little head can handle it”
Nodding knowing he will see it you clear your throat before answering slightly annoyed “I wouldn’t have asked if I couldn’t handle it” This time the laugh sounds darker and almost sinister “You always such a spitfire Sunshine? Most of the times when people act like that with me it doesn’t go well, kind of like your friends, but you I don’t mind it. Does that mean I’ll keep liking it? Who knows” Again you can almost feel him at you neck smirking, goosebumps form on your skin as you wait for whatever is going to come next.
Suddenly the air feels charged, almost electric and it makes you want to close your eyes again and huddle into the corner. But you don’t do either, keeping your eyes focused to where you think the voice is coming from you slowly see a figure moving. The darkness manages to keep him well hidden until he steps out, the first thing you notice is the legs. Long and lean but muscular you frown slightly until you see the hooves, your eyes widen and he grins stepping out more. His torso is the same as his legs lean but muscular, thick arms and even larger hands draw your attention.
You’re both fascinated and horrified at the same time, you hear him chuckle drawing your attention back to his face. You would have gasped if you had any air in your lungs, his chest was broad and wide but not comically so. His face is what had you speechless, he was handsome and it made you imagine some sort of greek statue of one of the gods. His short black hair was meticulously groomed along with the mustache, taking another look you realized there were horns on the top of his head.
“Well this has got to be a first Sunshine, normally this is the point where people beg, plead, and offer whatever they have for me to leave and right now you're eyeing me like I’m the last piece of pie” You swallow and notice a tail moving behind him, sitting up you lean to get a better look making him laugh again “All you have to do is ask Sunshine, I don’t bite well not yet at least” He winks at you and you find yourself blushing at it, turning his tail flicks out almost annoyed. Then you notice the wings and you find yourself suddenly up and moving closer to him.
“Well aren’t you just a fascinating person Sunshine, well go on and get a good look if it will sate your curiosity” Licking your lips you are almost touching him, the heat radiating off of him is almost too much and yet not enough, reaching your hand out you gently touch his arm. The skin is soft, softer than it looks and your hands move to touch his horns. They feel just like how horns should, frowning as you move to his wings touching them almost cautiously. “Don’t be getting shy on me now Sunshine”
You nod slightly and gently stroke the wing, you hear him make a noise and you look at him with a blush creeping up on your face. He winks at you and you quickly turn away from him and lightly touch where his tail connects to him, and you swear you hear him groan “Sunshine I get your curious but better what what your touching” Pulling your hand away quickly you find yourself apologizing “Uh sorry….I don’t know how to ask this nicely so I’m just going to ask, what are you?”
He smiles and gently takes your hand kissing the top of it. “Some call me Lloyd, well the ones I like do” You nod “And the ones you don’t like?” He grins and you see the sharp canine teeth “Oh they don’t get to talk Sunshine and trust me when I say you would rather have me like you” You nod knowing he’s right “And for what I am, well I’m a demon. Your little friends were playing with a Ouija board thinking they were having a good time, well they did until they didn’t. See, messing with something like that is already stupid but messing with one and thinking you know what you’re doing well it gets you killed.”
You nod knowing that it was a dumb idea to play with anything that “opened” doors “That explains you but what happened to my friends?” Lloyd grins again “Oh they thought they could control me, guess they figured out real fast that wasn’t happening. And I don’t take too well to being controlled so I killed them” You should feel upset, mad, hell even sad but they got what they deserved. Who in the hell thinks they can control an ACTUAL demon? You look at him suddenly “Uh why haven’t you killed me then?”
Lloyd moves closer to you, almost touching but not quite, you could smell what smelled like a very expensive cologne and it made you want to press closer to him, nuzzle into his neck. Shaking your head slightly you look at him and see his smug smirk “Well you see Sunshine I came here because of you, these idiots happened to just be here.” You look up at him confused “Me? I don’t understand” Again Lloyd moved closer now touching you ever so slightly “Oh Sunshine have you forgotten already?”
“You’ve played with a Ouija board yourself a time or two haven’t you? But unlike these idiots you actually know what you're doing with one, and I have been watching you for such a very long time and I figured it was time to pay you a proper visit. And what a better time than Halloween when the veil is at its most thin, so here I am and here you are.” Suddenly you remember playing on a Ouija board as a little girl having the best time, and then once again as a party trick in college. 
“Ahh she finally remembers! Little did you know you summoned me Sunshine and now that I’m here I have some ideas about what we can do” The last part makes you shiver, your body reacting and you close your eyes to try and collect yourself. “And what are your ideas?” You cringe slightly hearing how breathy your voice sounds, there was no way you were getting turned on by a demon who had literally just murdered your friends. Lloyd laughs this time a full laugh and if it doesn’t make you clench and your pretty sure he knows it “See I knew you would be receptive to this Sunshine”
“And for the record my ideas are exactly what you think they are, I have  been waiting for this moment for years and after the long wait I can’t find myself wanting to be patient any more” You should move away from him but you instead move closer “Stop making me do this!” You feel Lloyds hand move through your hair “Oh Sunshine I’m not doing anything to you … well not yet at least, this is all you for the moment and I suggest just enjoying it. Now let’s take this somewhere more comfortable” You close your eyes and feel a thumb tracing your lips opening your mouth slightly. You take the thumb into your mouth and suck on it gently.
“So eager aren’t you Sunshine, but I need a taste first, it's only fair after such a long time waiting for you” You have no time to react,and suddenly you're thrown onto your bed and staring up at the ceiling and a hand pulling off your pants and panties. You can feel him looking at you and you feel the urge to squirm, your shirt is suddenly off and you're now totally bare. Grinning Lloyd looks you over and licks his lips “Well so far this has been worth the wait Sunshine, now I suggest you stay still wouldn’t want to accidentally hit something. Would hate for you to bleed out or die”
You nod and it seems like an eternity until you feel him touching you, he runs his hands up your legs and you feel one his claws gently tracing a pattern. Moving higher up he spreads your legs open and you let out a soft whimper but he hears it smirking “Well look at this, someone is excited to have a demon defile her, I knew you were worth the wait Sunshine” You feel his mouth suddenly at your core and you tense before you feel the first lick at your folds,almost hesitant as if testing you, gasping you realize his tongue is forked and you have the urge to want to feel it deep inside of you.
“Oh I intend to Sunshine no worries just lay there and behave like a good girl and maybe we can both enjoy this'' Giving you no warning he begins to eat you out like a starving man at a buffet, you try your hardest to no succeed in enjoying it but it's been too long and it feels too good and soon enough you find yourself moaning and grinding into his needy mouth. Lloyd smirks and takes your clit into his mouth sucking hard as his forked tongue licks and laps at every spot it can. You try your hardest to stay and not enjoy this but your body is telling a different story “Mmm Sunshine I can feel you clenching around me”
You blush trying to shake your head but you know he’s right, a low needy whimper slides out of your throat making him chuckle his tongue moving deeper. Your eyes close and you arch again sweat pools on your forehead as you're ravished by his sinful tongue and mouth, his mustache rubs against your walls sends a jolt into your very core. You feel the coil tightening and soon you hear yourself begging him to let you cum “Please….” the word tumbles out of your mouth, shaky and hoarse. One of his clawed hands grip your hips harder, puncturing the skin but you're too far gone to notice or care.
“Oh Sunshine you taste divine and the begging well I’m almost tempted to let you cum just because it was so good, but we have lots of time and I want to explore you fully” Letting his tongue continue to lap at your juices he looks up at you, and you moan seeing his mustache wet with your arousal. Large fat tears roll down your face as all the sensations become too much “Need to cum! Please!” Lloyd looks at you and strokes your cheek smirking “Aww Sunshine is it too much for you? Let me help you” Your gaze moves down to see his thick hard cock nudging your core, your eyes widen and a sliver of panic sets in “That will not fit!” Lloyd laughs and smirks “I appreciate the compliment but it will I’ll make sure of it Sunshine”
You feel him thick and hot pushing harder and you find yourself opening your legs wider for him, your hand moving to your clit rubbing it as you moan loudly “Fuck Sunshine look at you going to make  you mine, well you were already mine this seals the deal” Gripping your hips you feel him slam into you fully taking the breath from your lungs, the stretch brings tears to your eyes but that soon give way to unrivaled pleasure. As he thrusts into you, your eyes close and your hips grind into him pushing him deeper “Oh god, I’m so close!” Leaning down to look at you he smirks but there is another look within his eyes but your too far gone to appreciate it “I’m going to fill you up Sunshine and you’ll never be alone again I swear it”
His thrusts become more and more erratic as he slams into you, your body bouncing as his hand continues to grip your hips, his free hand rubs your clit and you almost scream his name “Can I cum please? Please please please!” Lloyd grunts with each thrust and chuckles “How can I deny you when you ask you pretty Sunshine, go on and coat my cock and I’ll fill you up nice and full. You nod and feel him thrusting faster and harder, his hand rubs your clit faster and the coil inside of you snaps, with a loud moan you shout his name as your orgasm crashes into you. You can vaguely feel him throb and twitch as he buries himself deep, pulling you up he kisses you hard and you can taste yourself in his mouth. He smirks and his voice is low, almost a growl as whispers into your ear “You’re mine Sunshine forever” You feel his claw like nails moving along your skin leaving hot angry scratches behind making you whimper softly.
Lloyd grins and bites down on your lower lip as you hear him growl, his cock jerks hard and he explodes and ropes of his thick seed pump into you. You can feel every bit of it being pumped into you and you find yourself moaning loudly, black spots fill your vision as you finally accept this. Wrapping your legs around him, he smirks and holds you close to him as he continues to thrust and fill you. Your eyes drift close and you hear him laugh “Aww wore you out Sunshine? Get some sleep I’ll make sure you're nice and full” You sag into him feeling him continuing to pound into you.
Waking after what seems like hours, you feel someone stroking your hair.. Groaning softly you press into a warm body and your eyes shoot open and you glance around trying to get your bearings, hearing a soft chuckle you look at the man stroking your hair “About time you woke up Sunshine, I thought maybe I had actually broken you” You glance at him and talk but your voice is raspy and hoarse from moaning “Lloyd?” He smirks and nods “The one and only Sunshine, and now you’ve seen both my forms. This one is less fun but also less likely to have a mob on my hands” Looking him over he looked almost the same, minus the horns,tail and cloven hooves you almost liked this form better.
“I’m wounded Sunshine and here I thought you loved my horns and tail, now shall we discuss things?” You nod slowly, your body feels like a semi ran over it then backed over it about a hundred times “Alright uh what things are we discussing?” Lloyd smirks and you catch the faintest glimpse of fang “Your marriage arrangement to myself of course” Your eyes widen and you're suddenly very much awake “My whatnow?!” Laughing Lloyd looks at you and the room feels suddenly smaller and darker a chill moving through your body “Aww Sunshine you’re breaking my demonic heart here, see little did you know that when you played with those Ouija boards you had actually made a vow to me that one day you would be mine, and well here we are.”
You look at him shocked. “What?” Lloyd strokes your cheek and smiles “See should have been paying better attention Sunshine, see when you were graciously giving me orgasm after orgasm I was reciting what comes down to a marriage pact and when you were moaning my name and calling me god that is what sealed the literal deal. Don’t deny that you wanted this Sunshine, some darker part of you did, your life was nothing and at least now you have me. Besides, the only way out of this is if I break the contract but we both know we don’t want that.” You stare at him before realizing his words are true, you did want this well not this exactly but you wanted more.
“So what happens now?” Lloyd grins and places a kiss on your bare shoulder trailing a long jagged scratch with a smirk. “Well Sunshine I stay here with you, and after 3 months when the wedding happens you get to come with me forever” You swallow hard and he kisses your cheek whispering softly “I can feel your tension from here Sunshine but you’ll fit into your role, I have no doubt about that. Now you relax and let me take care of you” You nod slowly letting everything sink in, realizing that things were definitely different … and you hoped that you could handle it.
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Will u make a sub! Lloyd Hansen smut ?! Just watched the gray man and Lloyd is so….bratty and mouthy. Love ur work and writing!!!
Oh, sweet, precious nonnie, of course I will 😈
Look at this precious little brat 💖
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He's just absolutely aching for someone to put him in his place with a firm, loving hand and a kiss to the forehead.
He's a Daddy who is begging for a Mommy.
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
I Just Want to be Your Lover
Pairing: mob!Lloyd Hansen x fem!reader (le grand homme and coquinette, Poison Paradise AU)
Words: ~2k
Summary: Lloyd finds out more about you and loves everything he learns.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (m receiving oral sex, shoe humping, slight dom/sub dynamics, degradation, ruined kink, slight violence kink, choking, multiple orgasms, snowballing, so many pet names, implied boot licking and fingering), these two psychos already lost in the sauce for each other, minor violence, kinda blood eating (super brief and not explicit), SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: I love these two and I’m not sorry.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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You let out a small annoyed huff as you looked out the window again, the Atlantic Ocean the only thing visible in every direction as Lloyd’s plane carried the two of you back to New York. Lloyd just gave you an affectionate growl as he kept rubbing his thumb over your ankle where your feet were resting in his lap, smiling softly when you shrugged and avoided making eye contact with him as you turned back to your well worn copy of ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ even as he pulled your foot up towards his face and sucked on your calf until you gave him a grudging smile.
He had expected you to be a little unhappy about suddenly being uprooted from your life to go back to the states with him, but that tantrum you threw in the towncar had been something else. Of course, that had meant he got to spread you over his lap and alternate between spanking your pussy and giving it soft pets while he assured you you’d be able to go back to Paris whenever you wanted, but that he wasn’t gonna do long distance and he needed to have your sweet, tight little gash available at all times.
Even though he had made you come four times in the car and had to carry you onto the jet, you were still giving him petulant little pouts and whines. Not that he minded, since every time you did he got to press his lips to a new spot on your skin and call you pretty until you relaxed and let out a giggle and he’d never get enough of seeing you smile.
“Did you want a Glenlivet, Mr. Hansen?”
If only this fucking stewardess would leave him alone. Lloyd had a rule about flying with one of these sluts anymore once his cock had been inside him, but this had been a last minute flight and apparently the only bitch Jeanette could line up was this one who’d spent his last flight to Switzerland drooling all over his dick. And the way she kept smiling at him and trailing her fingers over his arm made it blatantly obvious that she was trying to make it happen again, even while he was nibbling on your calf and rubbing your foot as gazed under your skirt and tried to shrug off her touch.
“‘M fine, thanks.” Lloyd’s eyes moved back to your face and he cocked his head when he saw the blank stare you were giving the woman as her hand lingered on his shoulder for a beat before pulling away. “Do you want anything, ma pie?”
“An apple would be great.” Your voice was flat and emotionless as you kept looking at her, scooting closer to Lloyd and reaching out to run your fingers through his hair and watching her closely when she moved to the galley. “Did you fuck her, Lloyd?”
“Aww, coquine.” Lloyd gave you a wicked smirk as he placed your foot back in his lap and dragged his fingers up to squeeze your thigh. “Are you jealous, ma chatte? That was before I met you, chérie.”
“Mmhm.” You marked your place in your book and set it aside, keeping that same odd look on your face as you climbed into his lap and nuzzled at his cheek. “She sure seems to think it should happen again.”
“Non, ma coquette.” He hissed when you nipped at his jaw and dipped a hand between the two of you to softly stroke his cock over his slacks, your other hand yanking his head back by his hair so you could sink your teeth into his neck. “Fuck, like I’d need some stupid bitch now that I have you.”
“I’m yours, mon loup?” You kept petting his cock slowly as you bit along the curve of his jaw, purring when he groaned and nodded for you. “Good, I’m just yours, Lloyd. I don’t want anyone else to ever touch me when I’m with you, I don't do this shit halfway. And if I’m yours, that means you're mine too. Thank you, could I get a knife to slice this up?” You smiled at the stewardess when she handed you the apple, tapping your fingers against Lloyd’s shoulder as you rolled the fruit through your other palm and nibbled on his collarbone while he grumbled at the loss of your touch on his cock. “You’re a doll. And guess what, Lloyd? I don’t fucking share.”
Lloyd muttered a shocked curse when you straightened up and slashed the knife across the dumb bitch’s face even as you kept squeezing his hips with your thighs, growling appreciatively when she shrieked and crumbled to the floor with her hand pressed to her cheek. You watched her flail around with a sneer before settling yourself back in his lap, starting to slice the apple with the bloodied knife and taking a bite as you turned your face back to his with a sly smile.
“Hey, slut? Shut the fuck up, you’ll be fine.” You grinned when Lloyd kicked her when she didn’t listen to you, placing a slice of apple between his lips and rolling your hips over his as you set the fruit aside and slid your hands over his chest. “I’m possessive too, Lloyd. Once something is mine, it’s only mine. And if someone touches what’s mine, or tries to take it from me, I go fucking crazy.”
“Shit, you are full of surprises, coquine.” Lloyd groaned when you dragged the tip of the knife down his throat then sliced his shirt open, his hands gripping your waist and squeezing when you drove the blade into the seat cushion just inches away from his head. “I’m all yours, ma nénette. Don’t want any of these dumb whores, you’re so goddamn perfect. You gonna cut every skank who puts her hands on me, mamours?”
“At least. She’s lucky I didn’t have a gun or I would’ve shot her in the tit.” You rolled your eyes when she sobbed and whimpered as she crawled away from the two of you, slipping your tongue between Lloyd’s lips and tangling it with his before starting to suck and bite your way down his torso. “So we’re gonna wear each other’s marks all the time, and smell like each other, and beat the shit out of any person stupid enough to touch either of us.”
“That’s fucking right, Christ.” He practically whined when you tore his slacks open and yanked them down just enough for his cock to spring free, cupping your cheek affectionately when you purred as you rubbed your lips all over his dick until your lipstick was smeared all over your face. “Ma bonne jolie femme, take what’s yours, gorgeous.”
“All fucking mine.” You hummed happily when you dragged your tongue over his slit and finally tasted him, letting his precum stain your lips as you pressed kisses all over his spongy head. “Now fuck my throat like you own it, mon grand homme. I need everyone to know who I belong to.”
“Oh, you really are perfect, fuck.” Lloyd growled when you wrapped your lips around him and swallowed him to the root, gathering your hair in his fist and driving his hips into your face while you made the most beautiful gagging noises he’d ever heard. “Mine.”
You could only whimper your agreement as he kept viciously fucking your face, your eyes rolling back in your head when he shoved his foot against your cunt when he saw the way you were squeezing your thighs together. The feeling of your throat constricting around him was making him fucking feral, especially when he felt your drool dripping down his balls when you moaned as you started to hump his shoe. His gaze was fixed on yours as he drove his hips up into your mouth, the hand that wasn’t gripping your hair wrapping around your throat so he could feel it bulge every time his cock slid down your gullet. He wasn’t even worried about how obsessed he already was with you, just glad he’d found you and determined to burn himself into every fiber of your being until you knew nothing else.
Neither of you noticed when the stewardess dragged herself to the galley and shut the door, your pussy throbbing as you continued to grind your clit into Lloyd’s boot and you struggled to breathe through your nose. Your fingers dug into his thighs when you felt his cock starting to twitch, a thick mixture of precum and drool bubbling from the corners of your mouth while Lloyd’s pelvis punched into your face violently and your jaw started to ache from having to accommodate his fat dick.
“Ah, none of that, sunshine.” Lloyd chuckled when your eyes rolled back in your head when you came with a shiver, pulling his cock out of your mouth and slapping each of your cheeks until you sucked in a deep breath then shoving his balls between your lips with a demeaning coo. “Ma petite pute, you were so confident and bossy and all it took was a minute of my cock it your mouth to turn into my sweet, dumb little kitten again. You like when I just use you, coquinette? You want me to keep you stupid and pretty by ruining you all the time so you always remember who you belong to now?”
“Mmhm.” You couldn’t even nod as you kept sucking greedily on his sack, your eyes fluttering with bliss while me smacked his messy cock all over your face as he held you up by your hair. His gaze somehow grew even darker when you choked and spluttered, tapping the toe of his boot against your lace covered clit as he watched a drop of precum trail down your ruined cheek and started furiously stroking his dick.
“God… fuck, pet, you’re so fucking pretty like this.” He growled while he leaned closer to you, driving his boot into your cunt and making you sob around his balls when you came violently without warning, still managing to suckle on his balls even as you sagged in his grip and looked at him with glassy eyes. “As soon as we land I’m taking you to Tiffany’s and buying you something extra sparkly. Just wanna keep you covered in cum and jewels all the damn time.”
Your eyes fluttered closed when you felt his cock throb against your face before he was shooting his cum all over your cheeks, moaning and licking your lips when he pulled his balls from your mouth with a lewd pop. He dragged you into his lap once he was finished, purring as he started licking the mess off your face while you panted and wriggled as his hands gripped your curves possessively. When he tapped his fingers against your cheek you opened up immediately, whimpering when he spat the mixture of his cum and your drool into the back of your throat then slammed your jaw shut so you could swallow for him.
“Mmm, Tiffany’s?” You tucked your head into his shoulder and trailed your fingers over his bare chest, sighing when he nuzzled at your temple as his hand rested on your hip and gave you a soft squeeze. “Baby, you give me diamonds and I’ll let you fuck me in the ass whenever you want.”
“Filthy girl.” Lloyd chuckled when you started sucking on his neck, looking down and admiring the marks you’d left on his skin before sliding a hand between your legs to play with the mess you’d made of your panties. “You slash some stupid cunt in front of me and you’ll get all the diamonds you want. Now get down there and clean up the mess you made of my boot while I fuck that pretty pussy with my hand.”
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cockasinthebird · 4 years
15, 29, 30 for the 3 songs ask :))
Hello hello hello!!! Glad to see you here! 
15. three songs you want to dance with your love to With my love, huh?? Well if I had one, I’d say.....
Call Me - Blondie It’s fun, it’s a love song, but I can move to ANYTHING
Hung Up - Madonna Old but definitely gold, very move-able hahaha
Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler Now, I’m not exactly planning on getting married, BUT if I ever were, this would be the Bride and Bride/Groom dance, like I already got a whole ass choreography planned out whenever I close my eyes....
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives) Oof, I uhhh, this hasn’t actually happened to me? I don’t take music personally in that way, see music is a performance for me, like I also haven’t been influenced by any movie or tv show or anything, so I’m sorry but I have to skip this one :(
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above) I’ve already done this one, BUT I WILL GLADLY DO IT AGAIN!!!
Mitchell: Chant (Live) - Original Cast of Hadestown It’s just called Chant, but for the sake of making it easier to find, that’s the specific name for it on Spotify! Hadestown is a tragic love story, and I cannot recommend it enough, ever, it’s in my Top 3 of musicals
Beneath A Moonless Sky - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Sierra Boggess, Ramin Karimloo, Love Never Dies I just... have to lie down whenever it plays.... oh man it is MAJESTIC and HEARTBREAKING, and I am OVERWHELMED
The Pitiful Children - Eric William Morris, Be More Chill Ensemble Despite how awfully straight this musical is, very much in the same range as Dear Evan Hansen straightness, it has some absolutely impeccable music, highly modern, described as pop-rock, and I can see that, but very electronic, also the overall story is “Love yourself” which is 10/10
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with Man, only three??? Aight-
Vienna - Ben Platt He is... amazing... he sings this particular one in the Netflix show “The Politician”, which I think everyone should fucking go watch, it is SO INCLUSIVE it’s wild, absolutely my Top 3 of Netflix shows, but anyways the song is nice and upbeat, love me some good piano
Anybody Else - Dom Fera Weird song, weird weird weird song, very Halloween for obvious reasons, and I fucking love it so much, spooooky, also very singe-able, which is a top mark for me!
A Place With No Name  - Michael Jackson God, his music was... incredible, his voice fantastic, RIP. I just love the music in this, like the beat and shit, I want more stuff like that! Whatever it is, it’s pressing all the right buttons, it says pop, but I feel some synth-y vibes there too
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Lloyd Hansen Masterlist
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Needy!Lloyd Hansen (Sunshine!Reader)
Trash Stache
No One, But Me
Dark!Lloyd Hansen (Precious Lamb!Reader)
Lick My Wounds
Admit It
Dark!Lloyd Hansen X Reader X Soft!Dark!Jake Jensen (Sweet Deer!Reader)
A Sin for a Sin
Dom!Lloyd Hansen (Pumpkin!Reader)
Yes, Daddy
Soft!Lloyd Hansen (Cupcake!Reader)
I Can Do That
Sweet Delectable Cupcake
Jealous!Lloyd Hansen (Barbie Doll!Reader)
Property of Lloyd Hansen
Yandere!Lloyd Hansen (Lollipop!Reader)
Sweet Succulent
Ex!Lloyd Hansen (Buttercup!Reader)
Savage!Lloyd Hansen (Jellybean!Reader)
The Life of Savages
Dark!Lloyd Hansen (Duchess!Reader/Pet!Reader)
Never Break the Chains
AKO!Lloyd Hansen (Pudding!Reader)
In Time
The Girls Come Easy
♥If you want to request a Lloyd one shot, use this prompt dialogue list, and the Lloyd you want to see♥
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A Losing Hand -  Mafia AU, nothing is what is seems. Trust no one, and listen to everything. Alliances will form, and they will fail, but who is playing who?
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Debauched, Deranged, & Defiled -  Taken into a home of hired murders, you are used for their enjoyment in whatever they deem necessary.  Whether it’s to offer them comfort, or to offer them a place to let off some steam, never tell them no, or there will be hell to pay!
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Night Moves -  Alone and wanting safety in you kind of work, you seek our Lloyd Hansen and Carter Baizen. Fierce men with deep pockets and high end clients. They also protect their girls above anything else. Should a man mess with you, they receive Lloyd’s sick sense of retaliation. But what happens when you fall?
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The Original Dolls COMING SOON -  In a world where a man can have a wife and a doll, a real life sex doll.  Picked out by their own hands and used for their pure filthy enjoyment.  Better get used to the life of being their play toy, and these men never miss an opportunity to indulge in playtime, no matter where they are.  And you can’t say no.  
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With Your Touch -  You were supposed to be living a normal life.  Perfect boyfriend, just graduated college, and ready to start your new life.  Until you met him.  Brooding and imposing unless his daughter is around.  You knew nothing about babies, but he knew less.  Tension builds, feelings flare up, but are they just because he looks extremely sexy when he's soft?  Could it be because you are falling for this princess of a baby girl before him?  Is it because when he's in town you're too close?  The money is good, and yet his attention is better.
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You Were the One -  As a technical analyst in the CIA you’re in a committed relationship with your fiancé Court Gentry, however, he’s beginning to trust you less and less while he’s on the field.  Then there’s Lloyd Hansen, a senior agent, that has pushed and pushed for you to be in his ear, while he’s on missions, and he listens.  What happens when the two men try to tell each other what it is that you need?
🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤
An Open Shot -  Lloyd has a secret...a bit of a mini sequel to You Were the One *this is not necessary to read if you’ve read You Were the One
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eldermckinkyyy · 7 years
Bootlegs and Audios
Broadway Bootlegs and Audios: Direct Message me for an audio or bootleg with a list of bootlegs and audios you have Most need trading I may not reply to all Dm’s but I’ll try to get to most of them Please do not share any of these bootlegs :))) thx u Audio Bootlegs: Bandstand OBC Be More Chill Book Of Mormon London (with Nic/ Brian/ Denee) Book Of Mormon (Ross Hunter/ Brian Sears) Book Of Mormon (Kj/ Brian) Book Of Mormon (Kim/ Brian/ Nic) Book Of Mormon (Brian Sears as McKinley) Book Of Mormon: You and Me But Mostly Me (Dom Simpson) Dear Evan Hansen (after the tony awards) Dear Evan Hansen (Colton Ryan) Dear Evan Hansen (Michael Lee Brown) Groundhog Day Newsies: Only some songs (Mike Faist as Jack Kelly) Something Rotten (Tour) Something Rotten (Rob McClure/ Will Chase/ Josh Grisetti) Lightning Thief Bootlegs: 13 The Musical 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee A Bronx Tale OBC Addams Family Chicago Aladdin OBC (Michael James Scott) 
Amelie OBC Anastasia An American In Paris OBC Anything Goes (Sutton Foster/ Joel Gray) Avenue Q Beautiful: A Carole King Musical Be More Chill (Play version) Bonnie and Clyde (Jeremy Jordan/ Laura Osnes) Book Of Mormon Chicago (Ben Platt) Book Of Mormon OBC Book Of Mormon 1st National Tour (Gavin Creel) Book Of Mormon 2nd National Tour (Ryan Bondy) Book Of Mormon (Kj Hippensteel) Book Of Mormon (David Larsen) Book Of Mormon Workshop Bring It On OBC Cabaret Catch Me If You Can Charlie and the Chocolate Factory OBC Charlie and the Chocolate Factory London Cinderella Come From Away Dear Evan Hansen OBC Dogfight Drowsy Chaperone Falsettos OBC Falsettos 2016 Finding Neverland OBC Gigi Grease (Laura Osnes/ Max Crumm) Groundhog Day Hamilton Heathers West End Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Andrew Rannells) Hello Dolly If/Then (previews) Kinky Boots OBC Legally Blonde OBC Les Mis 2014 Matilda Memphis Miss Saigon Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 OBC Newsies (Corey Cott/ Liana Hunt) Newsies (Corey Cott/ Kara Lindsay) Newsies Tour Newsies Live Next To Normal OBC Next To Normal Off- Broadway Next To Normal Broadway Previews Next To Normal (Alice Ripley last performance) Next To Normal Broadway (Jessica Phillips/ Kyle Dean Massey) Next To Normal Broadway (Marin Mazzie/ Jason Danieley) Next To Normal US Tour Once OBC Rent Live 2008 School Of Rock OBC She Loves Me Something Rotten OBC Something Rotten (Rob McClure) SpongeBob The Musical Spring awakening OBC Spring Awakening (Matt Doyle) Spring Awakening Deaf West Thoroughly Modern Millie OBC Tuck Everlasting OBC Waitress OBC Waitress (Sara Bareilles) War Paint Wicked OBC (previews) Wicked (Donna Vivino) Wicked (Nicole Parker/ Mauzey/Aaron Tviet) Wicked (Stephanie J. Block/ Annaleigh Ashford) Bootlegs and Audios I need: Book Of Mormon (Australian Cast) Book Of Mormon (Gabe Gibbs) Book Of Mormon (Lee Slobotkin as Cunningham) Book Of Mormon Bootleg (Nic, Brian, and Stephen) Be More Chill (not the audio) Hamilton (Elizabeth Judd as Eliza) Heathers (Ryan McCartan, Barrett Weed, and Jessica Kennan Wynn) Heathers (Kristolyn Lloyd as Heather Duke) Heathers (Annaleigh Ashford) Legally Blonde (Nic Rouleau) Wicked (Jeff Heimbrock)
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