leroyzboots · 5 years
The Titanium Ninja
"Zane, no!"
Lloyd yelled desperately in the clutches of the Overlord, struggling to be let go as the Master of Ice latched on to the golden armour. 
The tendrils loosened and the ninja dropped to the ground, which shook violently under the energy coursing through it.
"What is he doing?!" Jay yelled, terrified, they all tried to rush forward to his aid, but Wu blocked them with his arms.
"We must leave, at once!"
Lloyd panicked, he needed to stop this.
"No, we have to go to him!"
He made a break for it, but someone grabbed the back of his neck and threw him into the manhole, and his chin scraped the ground roughly, he could feel the explosion from above ringing in his ears and resonating through his body.
He sat up, rubbing his jaw as he felt the ground settle, and a surge of anxiety rush through him.
The others had already crawled out, and Lloyd scrambled up the ladder, hoisting himself out.
The ground was covered with ice, nothing left but the giant helmet of the Overlord and the small half of Zane's face that had chipped off and fallen to the ground.
Zane was gone.
Kai had his back turned to Lloyd, but Lloyd could see his chest heaving.
"Your fault," he snarled, turning around. His face tear stricken and contorted with rage, he charged at the blond teen.
"If you had just done your fucking job!"
Lloyd felt the rush of pain as Kai's first connected with his eye and he let himself fall to the ground. He could feel him kick his ribs once, twice, before Cole pulled Kai off him.
"It's all your fucking fault, you little rat!"
Kai kicked and screamed in Cole's arms, as Lloyd curled up into a ball on the cold ground, feeling it seep into his bones and felt as though he'd never be warm again.
Kai's speech at the memorial had meant nothing to him.
It's not like he contributed much anyway. And he hadn't mentioned Lloyd once either.
The 'Green Ninja' sat on his bed on the Bounty, staring at the floor as a pounding headache made its way through his brain.
He deserved this.
If he hadn't given up his power, if he had just been a little smarter...
"Having fun?"
The familar, sneering voice of the red ninja called from the doorway. Meekly, Lloyd raised his eyes.
Kai leaned against the wall, his eyes bloodshot from crying and a flask on his hip.
"What do you want from me?" Lloyd asked weakly, another surge of pain spiking in his temple.
Kai strolled past him, and dug out his clothes from under his bed and started shoving them in his backpack.
"Leaving," he muttered, zipping it up and throwing it over his shoulder.
He paused before he walked out the door, and left one last comment.
"I wish I'd left you in that temple to burn."
Lloyd watched as his footsteps faded through blurry eyes, as he threw himself down into his pillow, screaming into it with hurt frustration.
Tears pouring from his eyes, he threw himself upwards, and ripped drawers out of dressers, he stressed clothes over the floor, chucking books across the from at the wall.
Panting heavily, he ran his shaking hands through his delicate blond hair, tugging on it as he pressed against the wall and sunk down to the floor, burying his face in his knees and shaking with hopeless sobs.
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Day 1: Growth/Childhood @luh-loyds
Yeah I'm upset that there's no Ninjago Angst Week 2022 and it's definitely going to affect my lloydweek2022. (By affect I mean literally every post will be lloydangst)
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