#lmao I drew that comic a long time ago and this is a great excuse to share it
tweedfeather · 1 year
Hi! Question 9 for Good Expectations for the fic questions. Specifically if there was ever a version where Zira got pregnant. Absolutely love the fic, so beautiful and sweet. And the art is adorable, too 😍
Aaahhhh, thank you so much for your sweet words!! 💕 And thank you so much for asking this question!
(Spoilers for the published chapters of Good Expectations follow)
As a matter of fact, yes, I did consider having Aziraphale be the pregnant one early on! In chapter 21, he and Crowley briefly discuss the possibility of their situation being the other way around. The fic would still have been mostly from Aziraphale’s perspective in that case as well, with the same miscommunication and pining between him and Crowley.
But for the story I wanted to tell, I realized it would work better if the pregnant one was Crowley. I wanted Crowley to be put in a position of vulnerability, and for Aziraphale to learn how to take care of him, and for them both to find a personal strength they didn’t know they had. The plot points with Heaven and Hell also played out more naturally (or well, at least the way I wanted them to) with Crowley being the one carrying and Aziraphale having to take on the role of rescuer (though this story has BAMF Crowley too!). Plus, I figured that a pregnancy story told (mostly) from the non-pregnant character’s perspective would be something different!
As for other alternate versions, early on I contemplated giving them twins. But I figured they had quite enough to be dealing with already. 😅
The timing of Aziraphale’s confession of love to Crowley also changed at a few points in the writing process. In an earlier draft, he told Crowley before the Tadfield Armageddon anniversary bonfire. But I also briefly considered having him confess very late in the game, because Aziraphale has terrible timing. Maybe it would have played out something like this… (a silly, non-graphic comic focusing on birth below the cut)
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Ultimately, though, I wanted to dedicate a good chunk of the story to Aziraphale and Crowley figuring out their relationship together. So in the end, there were no dramatic confessions during labour! 😅
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nijuuuu · 5 years
Fire Hazard
As y’all could apparently tell, a certain fic author has inspired me to write some gay. So here’s some fluffy gay.
Original fic for @fictober-event​.
Prompt 19:  “Yes, I admit it, you were right.” 
Rating: T+
Title: Fire Hazard
Warnings: Alcohol mentions, light harassment
AO3 mirror here.
Sophie moved like a skillful calligrapher’s brush, leaving behind deliberate, knowing strokes with every footstep. When she got close enough, the scent of freshly brewed lattes drifted through the air, and when the sun was shining, you could see pretty auburn dots run along the nape of her neck. Even her dorky glasses paired absurdly well with the gently cresting waves of her umber hair.
Sophie was beauty. Sophie was grace.
And Sophie was irritatingly straight.
“Why don’t you take a picture, paintcan? It’d last longer,” she smirked, shimmying into her usual chair.
Cait glared and stuck her tongue out. “Tough luck. I’m stuck with you until the lease runs out. And… I was staring at your shirt. You have a rough night?”
Sophie tilted her head to the side and absentmindedly ran two slender fingers over one of the holes in her shirt, revealing just a little more of her smooth, pale skin. “Hmm, I seem to recall you having a rough night yourself a while back. Or, more accurately, waking up next to one.”
“She was a mistake. A drunken, mistake, you overpaid coffee machine, and that was three months ago.” Cait avoided her roommate’s gaze by lifting her mug of scalding tea to her face. HOT HOT HOT. Keep it together.
Sophie giggled, a sound so bright it could make the sun wear sunglasses. “Well. It’s costume day at the cafe! Isn’t that exciting?”
“You going as ‘laundry night’? You’re gonna be freezing your butt off.”
“Think more ‘drop-dead gorgeous werewolf,’” Sophie shot back, a hint of honey in her voice. A few keys jingled, and suddenly she was waltzing her way to the front door. “I’ll post the finished look on Insta, ‘kay? Look forward to it! And I’ll get tonight’s groceries. Just grab a good lunch, sleepyhead!”
And just like that, the scent of lattes disappeared, and the sky was downcast again.
See? Irritating.
Cait let out a beleaguered sigh and sank down in her chair. “Sleepyhead” was a new one. And with every new one came a new emotion she didn’t know she could have, and certainly not one she knew how to deal with.
She didn’t sign up for this. Not at first, at least. Despite their constant bickering, the two had been good friends since high school. When they managed to get into the same university, they decided to move in together. Sophie was kind of a mess back then, and she had terrible taste in men. So moving in was for her own good. Yep. That was it. Cait could think of no other reason.
Until Sophie became less of a mess. She started to go through boyfriends slower than one a month, thank god, until the number finally dwindled down to zero. Then came her brushstroke movements and the way she would gently lift that lucky soup spoon to her lips. She started to do heart-melting little gestures, leaving fresh plates of cookies on the countertop, placing little sticky notes on the fridge to wish her roommate a good day. And then she landed that new job at the cafe. Cait was always weak for a good latte. She never stood a chance, really.
It had been almost two years since then, two tantalizing years. “Never get with your roommate,” her friends had cautioned her. “It never ends well.” That, plus the fact that Sophie had loudly proclaimed her love for men after a drunken night or two of revelry. Ah, how love can fizzle out as quickly as it sparks. Really, Cait never stood a chance.
“So can my dumbass heart stop for just one second!!” she yelped, leaping up in her chair. She couldn’t think straight with her roommate around, damnit! How inconsiderate. How irritating. She had commissions to finish, and a strongly worded letter to send to her professor, and that 200k slowburn wasn’t going to read itself.
That last one sounded good right now. Drawing could wait. Cait slapped her mug into the sink and trundled her way over to her laptop.
A few tear-jerking hours later, she felt her phone buzz on the tabletop. She took a glance. The barista of her dreams had just shared a post on Insta.
Cait had never unlocked the screen faster.
Sophie always looked cute in her uniform. But today, she was positively heavenly. Her apron caressed the generous curves of her torn shirt, giving the slightest peeks to a sight that could make anyone’s stomach churn. Her black stockings stretched over her short but heinously delicate legs, ending inside her fuzzy brown boots. She was holding a drink and biting the straw with a vengeance while wearing a playful expression on her face that really did not help Cait’s problem. Actually, the adorable creature was even baring a set of fake fangs, which really, really did not help the problem. Her hair was tied back in a loose ponytail, and a soft wolf-ear headband sat atop her head. And she was winking, her long lashes practically kissing the lenses of her big round glasses, showing off a hint of her brownish-red eyeshadow that unfortunately drew the line of sight directly to those irritatingly honeyed irises.
She was probably violating a few dress codes. She was a fire hazard. A horribly dangerous fire hazard in Cait’s heart.
Another notification broke the silence. This time, it was a DM.
Soupie: Paintcan!!
Soupie: New look uploaded!!! ;>
Soupie: Pretty fired up today.
Kitcait: Oh. Didn’t notice
Soupie: Well, NOTICE!!!
Kitcait: Still wearing that shirt in the freezing cold I see
Kitcait: Blogger to the core
Soupie: ...
Soupie: If you didn’t like the look, you can just say so.
Kitcait: No!! No. I actually think it’s really cute. Really. I don’t think anyone else could pull it off as well. Cute and seasonal. Nice ears lmao
Soupie: I--
Soupie: Thanks.
A moment passed.
Soupie: Suspicious thanks, but thanks, Cait.
Kitcait: Ye
Soupie: How’s your lunch going? You eating well, you vampire?
Cait snorted and sent Sophie a quick selfie with her half-eaten cup of instant noodles.
Kitcait: Meal of champions
Soupie: HEY!!!
Soupie: You’re gonna pass out from malnutrition some day!
Soupie: We’re going to have a decent dinner and I will cook the whole thing and feed it to you by hand if I have to.
Kitcait: Looking forward to biting your hand
Soupie: Worth it. Break’s over gotta go see you in 4
Oh, jeez.
That adorable, kindhearted, devastating idiot.
How was she supposed to concentrate on anything now?
“Deep breaths, dumbass,” said Cait, clutching her comically pounding chest.
It was a bright, crisp autumn day outside. Some fresh air couldn’t hurt. A quick stroll might help. Maybe she could go get those groceries instead. But she would have to meet Sophie as she got out from work. You know, so they didn’t accidentally double up on expensive produce. Yeah, that’s why. Not because the short, peppy woman happened to be Aphrodite in an apron.
Cait stood up tugged on her overcoat. She paused as she saw the enormous orange blanket scarf that hung by the door, a relic from the previous tenants of their apartment.
Well. Just in case, yeah?
Cait lifted the fabric and hung it on her arm, and she was out the door as well.
Her arms were starting to get sore from lugging around two full bags of food, but luckily for her, she had the gift of long legs and a quick gait. And she was already getting close to the cafe. It would be all worth it if she could just see--
Sophie, standing right outside her workplace, in all of her ‘drop-dead gorgeous werewolf’ glory. The bottom of her shirt was tied in a little knot now, lifting above her midriff and her long plaid circle skirt. Cait tried her very, very best not to get lost in the sight of the most dazzling roommate in the world.
A roommate who, to her immediate dismay, was chatting with a local frat boy.
“Jerry, I’m too tired for this, I really have to get home--”
“Come on! Hey, you look great today.” His voice rumbled up and down the street like a revving engine, attracting more than a little attention from passers-by.
“I really have to--”
“Just one drink? I’m buyin’! We can go get the good stuff!” The wild gorilla-man gesticulated a little too enthusiastically. Enough was enough.
“Sophie!” Cait stepped forward and ruffled the barista’s hair. “Funny I should see you here.”
“Hey!” Jerry’s tone soured. “I saw you at that party. You’re that dy--”
“Six-foot-tall, MMA-certified lesbian,” snapped Cait, “who would love an excuse to smack your scrawny ass into the leaves. Or, you know. To call the cops.”
The man scoffed and thankfully began to trundle away. “You’re no fun anyway.”
Cait let out a shaky sigh. It really wasn’t like her to pick a fight, but hell if she didn’t look at least a little bit cool in the heat of the moment.
She turned back towards Sophie.
“Hey. Are you hurt?”
Her roommate shook her head and stepped a little closer, holding the sides of her arms. “I’m okay. I don’t think he was going to do anything, he’s just kinda pushy, but...” Sophie looked up with soft eyes. “Thanks. Cait.”
Suddenly, fireworks.
So irritating!
“Anyway, MMA? Really?”
Cait chuckled, thankful for the change of topic. “I did taekwondo as a kid. Same difference.”
Her roommate let out a heart-stopping giggle, and they started walking back home. Somehow, up close and in person, she was a couple thousand times cuter. And suddenly the sidewalk became an object of close scrutiny.
Cait quickly glanced back over and let out an involuntary snort. Sophie was shivering in her scandalously frayed top, her nose and cheeks growing pink.
“Come on, wolfie, let’s sit down somewhere.”
As they made their way to a park bench, the taller girl slipped off her overcoat and draped it around Sophie, who let out a noise somewhere between a grunt and a breath of appreciation.
“Told you you’d get cold,” said Cait in a hushed tone, tucking the scarf around her friends’ neck.
Sophie scrunched up her face in a way that made the lesbian say a quick internal prayer of thanks that the two could exist at the very same point in time, just centimeters apart in this cold, cruel world.
“Yes, I admit it, you were right.”
Even her pout was perfect.
Then she flipped around and pressed up against Cait, filling her mind with nothing but coffee grounds and confetti. Sophie’s hair was on fire in the golden-hour glow as she leaned her head against her roommate’s chest. A couple stray threads tickled Cait’s jaw and positively set her cheeks ablaze as well.
“You know,” Sophie said with a playful sigh, “you’d be pretty good boyfriend material.”
Cait gave a slightly bitter scoff. “What about girlfriend material?”
They said nothing for just a moment too long.
The world passed by a mile a minute around them, and the feisty barista was uncharacteristically silent.
Suspiciously silent.
Sophie buried her face in that annoyingly orange scarf.
Cait fought back her heart as it threatened to leap up to her throat. She’d felt this before. But something was different this time. Oh gods, maybe, just maybe, something was different this time.
“Soph,” she whispered softly, her voice breaking with every heartbeat. “Can… can I see your face right now?”
The shorter girl disobediently turned the other way.
But Cait leaned forward, reaching out, and suddenly she was slowly easing her pouting crush’s head to face her own and gently prying the warm, soft scarf back downwards. It revealed a constellation of vivid freckles set aglow. And Sophie’s face was the most beautiful shade of red in the world, even redder than Cait had imagined in her wildest dreams.
“Holy cow,” Cait exhaled.
And for a single, heart-stopping moment, all the two could do was stare.
Until all of a sudden, fingertips were combing through umber hair, and slender hands were clinging on to the others’ back, and lips were meeting each other in near-painful desperation.
Sweet, soft, tender paradise for just a few seconds.
“I thought--”
“Cait. Hush,” whispered Sophie, looking directly into her roommate’s eyes this time.
And they both obliged and came together once more, a whirlwind of emotions kicking up in Cait’s heart that managed to settle on something warm and almost tearful. The kiss was gentler the second time around, a little kinder, and just a little harder to pull away again.
Then they both sat back into the bench, wide-eyed, looking off into the treetops.
“Weren’t you straight?” blurted Cait.
“Back then? I said I liked guys, you disaster, not that I exclusively liked guys.” Sophie seemed to be fighting back an enormous smile, cheeks still holding their brilliant rosy tint. “Plus, you didn’t hear what I mumbled after that. That I was maybe starting to think about girls. Well. Girl. To be accurate.” She continued, voice trailing off.
“Oh,” was all said girl could manage, as she felt soft arms wrapping gingerly around her.
For a beautiful moment, Sophie was all there ever was.
“You know,” the barista giggled mischievously into her roommate’s ear, “I can maybe. Think of some other nicknames I’d like to call you now.”
And Cait was on fire again.
“How about we make dinner first?”
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