#lmao also when they pulled up at the motel and prem asked why they were there i was picturing:
keepthetension ยท 6 months
scene number three! prem and ten chat before their food arrives at the motel
kills me. kills me. listen: imagine you dressed cute and went out with your crush โ€” a guy so hot you literally had to slap yourself to be able to respond to him like a normal person โ€” who wanted you to see his dream restaurant. you didn't have the best time, but you refuse to let that be how the evening goes, so you take him to a place you like, where the food is familiar, where you can sit face to face and talk comfortably, and there aren't any superstar chefs running around being hot and irritating
and your crush says to you point blank: for a second there, i was afraid you brought me here to punish-fuck me. also this jacket is supposed to get you laid
because. pals? i have zero idea how i would react to that. ZERO
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