#lmao are you f'n serious
qqueenofhades · 2 years
So... *checks notes* a leftist black man says guns were needed to put down slave revolts with NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER and we just believe it? Right. Cool, cool.
Hello, local anonymous social media racist! Welcome* to my inbox! I think you'll find that this may have been a bad move!
There are plenty of ways I am looking forward to this answer, but first, we're all just going to take a moment and sit here in breathless awe of your truly colossal idiocy in claiming that there is "NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER" (caps, of course, [sic]) that guns, knives, dogs, gas, batons, whips, chains, ropes, or indeed, any other weapon you can possibly think of have EVER been used to put down slave revolts, or oppress black people in any way, in the entire history of America. NO EVIDENCE THAT SLAVERY WAS BAD!!! screams the anonymous dingbat who has decided that the best use of their precious Friday evening is to lecture me, tumblr user qqueenofhades, on their deeply held belief that nobody in the history of time has ever personally witnessed Americans being horrible to black people in any way. Bro. Please. Spend five minutes on Google, and not Truth Social, Facebook, or wherever you are getting what I hesitate to term "information," and then we can talk again. I do hope you're well rested after sleeping through literally your entire life to date.
Next, evidently, a "leftist black man" is clearly an unreliable source by nature, no matter that he went to Harvard Law and writes professionally on the subject. However, since you asked, we'll bring Professor Carl Bogus from Roger Williams University School of Law into the discussion. Here is a picture of the delightful-name-for-a-law-professor Honorable Dr. Bogus:
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Yep. Yessirree bob. 10 out of 10 racists agree, that sure is an old white man (J.D. Syracuse University 1972.) Since it might belabor you unduly to click on a link with information that could challenge your beliefs, here is the first paragraph of his biography, listing his academic and professional expertise:
Professor Bogus has written extensively about political ideology, torts and products liability, and gun control and the Second Amendment. He is the author of two books – Buckley: William F. Buckley Jr. and the Rise of American Conservatism (Bloomsbury Press 2011) and Why Lawsuits Are Good for America: Big Business, Disciplined Democracy and the Common Law (NYU Press 2001). He is also the editor of The Second Amendment in Law and History: Historians and Constitutional Scholars on the Right to Bear Arms (The New Press 2001). In addition to professional journals, his writings have appeared in the New York Times, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Washington Times, Providence Journal; The Nation, American Prospect, and American Conservative magazines; CNN's website, and National Review Online.
Hmm. I don't know about you, but that seems like a) this guy might possibly know what he's talking about, and b) anyone who writes for the American Conservative and the National Review is, uh, not exactly a flaming communist liberal. Elie Mystal, the "leftist black man" in question, cites Professor Bogus's May 2018 New York Times article, "Was Slavery a Factor in the Second Amendment?", which laid out the information that I have briefly summarized in the last ask (James Madison included the Second Amendment as an opt-out clause so the Southern states could defend themselves against a slave uprising, but the North wouldn't have to get involved). This was a boiled-down and distilled-for-a-popular audience version of Professor Bogus's (seriously, gotta love that name) earlier 102-page paper from 1998, suggested-citation-of-which is as follows:
Bogus, Carl T., "The Hidden History of the Second Amendment" (Winter 1998). U.C. Davis Law Review, Vol. 31, p. 309, 1998, Roger Williams Univ. Legal Studies Paper No. 80, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1465114
Yet again, I will assist you here in providing the abstract:
Professor Bogus argues that there is strong reason to believe that, in significant part, James Madison drafted the Second Amendment to assure his constituents in Virginia, and the South generally, that Congress could not use its newly-acquired powers to indirectly undermine the slave system by disarming the militia, on which the South relied for slave control. His argument is based on a multiplicity of the historical evidence, including debates between James Madison and George Mason and Patrick Henry at the Constitutional Ratifying Convention in Richmond, Virginia in June 1788; the record from the First Congress; and the antecedent of the American right to bear arms provision in the English Declaration of Rights of 1688.
Huh. That's..... also what the Leftist Black Man was saying!!! That can't possibly be right! I WANT A REFUND! QUICK, RUN TO MATT GAETZ'S TWITTER ACCOUNT BEFORE WE LEARN ANYTHING!
You see, this is because I, unlike you, don't "just believe" things that I read. I hope this has answered your question sufficiently. Now please have a nice night, and don't go harassing any more random strangers on social media. Surely you have another hobby.
*Lmao. No. Now get the fuck out.
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