#lmao imagine after the party they all try to stop each other's plan and fist fight in the parking lot
averagelonelypotato · 2 years
I think of a party in the shogun’s palace where katsura snuck into, gintoki got invited to as a plus one from kagura, takasugi is just there smoking in the corner, nobume is guarding (eating the food) and oboro is there on tendoshu orders as a guest. Just all of them at a the party pretending like they all aren’t enemies or not on speaking terms while trying to avoid each other but failing because people are dragging them into conversations together and they have to be civil with each other because none of them can afford to cause a scene at the party with this many people present due to their plans on the line
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YEA indus catching them and throwing yao out... go queen! keep your child away from bad influences (even if it fails and your child is a terrible influence himself) also OF COURSE aditya begins lying to continue hanging out with yao lmaoo though idk how much indus knows about this because parents have an uncanny ability to Sense lies Iike these... aditya i hope your plots are airtight! it'll only take one change in indus' schedule for your plans to be discovered otherwise! and then she will be SO MAD oh my god
nyo china's neighbours must hate her lmao.. their impression of her is like "woman who is never home and has a feral brat who hangs out with other feral brats" which is so bad for neighbourly harmony 😭 and YES she would like india! indchu are so similar.. together they're a bit loud but that's nothing that soundproof walls and headphones (that also muffle the noise of the destruction they cause) can't fix!
nyo china's first solution to anything is to chuck money at it lmao this is what happens when you a) are too lazy to convince people to bow to your will in any other way b) have too much money on your hands 😔
and YES your reason for why they like each other is spot on!! i think that out of all chinas (1p, 2p, nyos) nyo china is the worst parent because her morals are nonexistent AND she's the most checked out? like she's very focused on herself and her wants/needs and her inner world which doesn't bode well for child-rearing lmao.. so a hyperindependent brat who only needs money and a superlative education, both things she would want for herself and her children? perfect. they both get to have fun and do what they want, to the detriment of everyone around them. a functional dysfunctional family dynamic. but also can you imagine them at extended family reunions lmao like. yao is such a brat but aside from the utter lack of qualms and morals and respect he's literally a 别人家的孩子 can you imagine how jealous and angry all the aunties are going to get? also he's going to cause a giant scene and it's going to be gossip forever and ever but nyo china isn't going to care because he's still top of the class
also do you think that after a few years the teacher just gives up like the third year of parent teacher meetings there's just no more mention of behaviour like "yeah his grades have been consistently excellent and he won three spelling bees plus a regional art competition now get out of my sight both of you"
YEAH Indus would totally be someone who’s extra-sensitive to Child Lies lol. She quickly notices Aditya’s change of heart and almost thinks it’s sincere.... but there’s something rather fishy about it.... hmm....... she doesn’t have enough evidence to prove he’s lying, just little flashes of suspicious activity, but. when she finds out what he’s actually doing it’s going to be WILD (she seriously entertains the thought of writing a letter to his teacher asking them for advice on how to train this problematic streak out of him lol)
And fffff I would hate her too lol do they live in an apartment or house? Either way it’s chaos. I feel like nyo china has enough money to buy a separate house and stop annoying her neighbors, if only a little, but she doesn’t want to go to the trouble 😭 “there’s nothing wrong with the apartment! I might need to get a storage unit for all the things I collected on business trips though, but the apartment is fine for human beings!” and yeah moneybags lol just give gifts to your neighbors to appease them (she’s also very attentive to neighborhood gossip so she knows exactly what each of them like lol, plus she has the connections to get all of it). Problem solved. (bonus that she hands out fistfuls of red packets to the other kids at lunar new years, so all the kids like her even if their parents have a love-hate relationship with her lol)
I WILL DIE he is 100% a 别人家的孩子 (but also 90% of him is a 熊孩子) I hate him so much for that oh my god. UHGHGHHG everyone and their mother whispers about this smartass, rulebreaking, back-talking, “my way or the highway” kid, day in and day out, as well as his rather anti-social moneybag caretaker. He will be the talk of the town (or at least the very large extended family) for the rest of his school days and probably even after that. Think about how much all the other kids envy him 😭😭 their parents tell them they should follow Yao’s example, but when they point out that Yao is literally a feral delinquent the parents just say “you should follow his example in the things he’s a model at, not in things he does badly” sksksksk. And yeah they are a functionally dysfunctional family lol; they think they’re just vibing with each other but actually they’re causing the world to burn, they just don’t know it :)
Also that’s exactly what I was thinking lol. I don’t know if y’all switch teachers from grade to grade (at my school we did) or not but if not, 100% yes at the scenario you described. If Yao gets a new teacher each year, his previous teacher always makes sure to tell the new one not to even try reforming him lol. There’s a little note in his file that says “not worth the effort” and he becomes the most hated legend in the teacher’s break room. All the teachers sympathize with whoever has him this year and the teacher’s who’ve had Yao form a little club to complain about him. They have a welcome party every year for the next teacher to have that headache of a child :)
(Bonus entertaining plot twist: a random substitute teacher who came in once to fill in earns Yao’s respect by arguing with him in front of the entire class instead of telling him to be quiet when he objects to some mundane instructions. The sub outlogics him (somehow) and finally Yao thinks he has found an adult who’s not insufferable. He also gives the kids lollipops, which might be another part of why Yao likes him, and when the sub manages to land a job at the school, Yao asks nyo China to bribe the school into getting him as Yao’s teacher. His problematic streak slowly decreases, but he’s still got most of his spirit. The sub also gets introduced to Aditya and Iran, and they make fast friends. The other teachers are jealous of the young 20-something sub who tamed the feral child nobody else could.)
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fuckingthefictional · 6 years
Dating Reggie Mantle would include (Part 1):
M A S T E R L I S T 
So in school you were in no way popular
You like to stay under the radar
Attention just wasn’t your thing. 
Literally you got up, went to school, did the work to the best of your ability and went home. Simple as that.
You didn’t really have friends you just never found anyone to fit in with
Cut to the end of a school day when Principal Weatherbee asked you to stay behind and come to his office
So when the bell rang you gathered your stuff and went to meet with Weatherbee
You were shaking soosososo much me
But when you walked in you found Reggie Mantle sat sulking, Coach Clayton pacing and Principle Weatherbee tapping his fingers on the desk.
Lmao when they all looked up Reggie was fckin speechless
Who were you? How were you so beautiful? How had he never seen you before??
Turns out you weren’t in any trouble, it was just the small problem that Reggie couldn’t continue playing football for this season unless he got his grades up
THats where you came in. Tutor Girl to the rescue Did anyone get that reference
So you came up with a plan that everyday you’d tutor him for at least an hour. 
At first you just met up in the library after school, or if he had practice you’d find yourself sat on the bleachers doing homework or extra credit work while you waited.
But slowly you and Reggie began to get to know each other
dare i say  f r i e n d s 
So soon enough the library was replaced with places like his house, your house and occasionally pops.
It became a tradition that every study session you had together, he’d turn up and as a greeting he’d give you a cheesy ass pick up line
“hey y/n are you a camera because every time i think of you i ca only picture us together.”
“I’d say God bless you, but it appears that he already did.”
“Do you know what this shirt is made of...Boyfriend material.”
I’m no Mathematician but I know I’m good with numbers. If you give me yours then you ca watch what i do with them
“Reggie I know you’re not a mathematician, that’s why you’re failing math.”
it makes you laugh every. single. time
Reggie would suddenly stop being a huge flirt and playboy with every girl he laid his eyes on.
oooooooof protective!reggie is so apparent
Like he will automatically go into protective mode if anything happens to you.
Like Chuck once wolf whistled and made an overly sexual comment about you when you were trying to put your books in your locker.
And what happens? Before you could respond Chuck’s body was being slammed up against the locker next to you
“If you say anything to her ever again Clayton...You’ll be a dead man. Stay. Away. From. Her. Got it?”
“What stick’s been pushed up your ass Mantle? Are you jealous?”
Reggie punched him point blank in the face and stormed out of the school entrance. Leaving you to run after him.
“Reggie! Reggie wait!”
Why were is legs so long, you’re only a smol person
When you finally caught up with him e was still fuming. He was red in the face his fists were clenched and he was about to snap. 
So you gently take his hand in yours and ease it out of a tight ball.
It was instinct I swear
You’d guide him to your car and you’d drive him towards pops.
“Reg you stay here, I’ll be gone for 5 minutes okay?” When he began to interject you just kissed his cheek and opened the car door, before locking it again.
Where did you go? To get some lunch for the both of you? Why? BEcause the best way to Reggie’s heart like any teenage boy is food. Bonus points if its from pops.
Afterwards you drive back towards your house, it would be empty and your parents were on a 4 week long work trip. 
You guided Reggie up into your room and sat him down on your bed.
“Reg, what happened. WHy did you snap like that.”
“I couldn’t just stand there and watch you get harassed by that asshole. I couldn’t hear him say those things about my girl. I couldn’t watch you become apart of his stupid game and that fucking playbook.”
“Reggie... what do you mean playbook?”
“It’s some stupid game that the rest of the jocks play. They rank girls they’ve slept with and give them points and shit.”
“Reg, please tell me you’ve neve-”
“No y/n/n, I would never. I may be a player but i was raised better than that. Could you imagine if my mom found out. My ass would be 6 feet under before the playbook could even be exposed.”
You giggled at that. Reggie may seem thick skinned but when it came to his  mother he became a momma’s boy without hesitation.
A few moments later you noticed your hands had intertwined and your legs were touching.
“Did you say that I was “Your girl”?”
“What if I did?”
“Well maybe I’d like to officially be your girl.”
You just looked at each other and then lips fused together.
You found your hands melding with his silky locks and his hands crawled up your back eagerly.
soon enough it became a solid make out session.
Clothes were thrown, curses were moaned.
so after this you just cuddled for the rest of the day. And Reggie just became the biggest teddy bear. He’d just stroke your hair and whisper sweet nothings into your ears.
“Hey Y/N/N what if I never want this to end, what if I want you to be in my arms and never let go.”
“Then hold me tight and don’t let me slip.”
“Then will you be mine?” 
When everyone at Riverdale high found out about your relationship, they immediately expected it to last for no more than a week
You were suddenly cornered by Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge at lunch where they asked if you needed help getting out of your ‘relationship’
“Why would I need to get out of a relationship with Reggie?”
“Because nobody would willingly get into one with him?!”
“Then you obviously don’t know the real Reggie. And since you’re both so great at relationships then you should have no problems fixing your own which by the way are both practically crumbling beneath your feet.”
Turns out the entire football team heard it, plus a few cheerleaders. 
That’s when your earned a new type of respect, you were more than just “Reggie’s new girl”. You had fire.
And that is how you and Cheryl became friends. Cut to a few months and you’d be more like sisters. 
You would become Cheryl’s second in command. You even joined cheer. Something your boyfriend found incredibly hot
Every single football game you’d be cheering on Reggie. And to everyone’s disbelief Cheryl even let you wear Reggie’s jersey when you weren’t performing. 
Cheryl being soft is everything to me
She just deserves happiness
Lets just say that the whole idea of you and Reggie only lasting a week was cut down completely 
Because you lasted longer than anyone else, or any other couple.
Dates at pops are a must.
Whenever he is working out you sit on his back and quiz him on different subjects. 
His mom adores you, like Reggie gets high-key jealous of the attention you get.
“I feel left out!”
“Reggie, Sweetie- I have spent all of your life with you. Just the two of us. I think you can take a couple of minutes of me hugging my future daughter in law.”
Blushing and snickering ensue.
In fact Mrs Mantle lets you stay over whenever you want. SOmething Reggie absolutely  loves
Like its so obvious that you’ve changed him for the better which is something his mom is so happy about. Because before he was indulging in drugs, partying and sleeping around, but now he has actually settled down despite only being in high school. 
Reggie would 100% teach guys on the football team how to actually respect their girls. Because “Treating your girl like a dick isn’t a good thing” and “you should be treating her like a princess every minute of the damn day.” 
Basically you having a good influence on Reggie would have a knockoff effect on the rest of the football team.
Just Reggie Mantle Man I need him
Mantle the Magnificent indeedy.
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