#lmao lmao lmao i literally start every fic the exact same unless it's codywan i guess
itstimeforstarwars · 7 months
Writing Patterns Tag Game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @phoenixyfriend!!
Lava Cake (Galidraan AU, Arla Fett & Rex)
“Would you like to go shopping with me today, Rex?”
The Muddler and The Joxter (Joxter & Hodgkins & Muddler) (this isn't even star wars lol)
On the first day of spring, Hodgkins awoke from hibernation.
Cody’s Day Off (Cody/relaxation)
Cody woke up, and he didn’t have flimsiwork to do.
Three Jedi, Two Clones, and One Force Anomaly (Cody & Rex & Obi-Wan & Anakin & Ahsoka, plus ensemble platonic relationships, Galidraan AU)
When Master Dooku had landed on Galidraan, it was to stop Mandalorians from committing senseless muders.
Unusual Train Delays on the Scrapper Line (Cal Kestis & Prauf, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ezra Bridger, SpectObi AU)
When a Mandalorian fell through the roof of the train, everyone immediately decided that was not their problem.
An Ordinary Date Night (Anidala, Ahsoka & Anakin & Padmé, Ahsoka & Rex)
Right off the gangplank, Anakin was almost tackled into a hug.
For Old Times' Sake (Quinlan & Obi-Wan, Quinlan/Obi-Wan, Quinlan/Ventress, Padawan At War AU)
The door slid shut behind Obi-Wan, cutting him off from Anakin and the others, and plunging him into total darkness.
Carbon Scoring and Conversation (Ezra Bridger and Obi-Wan Kenobi, SpectObi AU)
Obi-Wan Kenobi, newest member of the Spectres, stepped into the sonic fully dressed, minus weapons.
Alliances, Treaties, and Improvised Planning (Codywan, CWW Sith AU)
It had been a long day.
Blankets and Night Time Thoughts (Codywan)
It had been a long day.
You know, I was gonna make a joke about Phoenix making me realize that I start all of my fics in the exact same way, and then I got to the last two, which I LITERALLY started in the EXACT SAME way. So. Lmao. Either the first sentence gives you a character and important action, or it was a long day. Considering that one of those fics was written five years ago and only posted last month, I've clearly had this pattern for a while.
I tag @thefoundationproject, @ranger-jedi-knight, @campfire-octopus, @personontheswing, @kckenobi, @tarantula-hawk-wasp, and anyone else who wants to play!
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