#lmao sORRY hes so fuckin bullheaded
chariothart · 1 year
❛ i don’t think you fully understand the situation i'm in. ❜
crime themed sentence starters
❛ well how the hell 'm i supposed to if you won't come out and tell me? ❜ eliot demands, irritated. there's a lot he can take–– eliot spencer can survive being beaten and bruised and knocked on his ass–– but he doesn't like it when people hold out on him. he's sure kai–– no, they're julian, now–– is in a hell of a lot of trouble, but he's no good to them if he doesn't know what's going on. it rubs him the wrong way, being brushed off without full knowledge of the situation. used to be that didn't matter so much. eliot had been good at keeping his head down, following orders, never asking too many questions. but things have changed now, and he'c come to loathe being out of the loop. especially when julian is getting frustrated with him over it.
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cupofkey · 4 years
Maybe some of the non-canon Southeast Asian countries for the hc asks? You can pick which ones since I'm not really sure which ones you have OCs for
ooh this is SUCH a good ask ty anon 😭 the issue is I’m not rly an oc person, I never make my own (at least when it comes to hws) and so any ocs I do use are just an amalgamation of other people’s. but! that being said. I do have a rough idea of indonesia, malaysia, and singapore, inspired by my experiences and several different sources (most notably @/lullindo on instagram!! all of her SEA ocs are so fucking good) so yea let’s get into it ! this is a long post sorry in advance
names this is where I’m fuzzy lol. Malaysia’s a muslim woman to me and I like names like Aisah, Ayu, and Iman. Indonesia is a dude and I have no clue what his name is... Indonesians can have just 1 name though (eg sukarno) and that’s definitely him, he just has a mononym. maybe Suluang? which would make him Javanese. it’s one of my fav names i’ve heard 😌 as for Singapore I think she has both an english name and a mandarin chinese name but I really could not tell you what (mandarin speakers any suggestions? for english names I like Lisa/Melissa and Joanna)
appearance hcs THEY ARE TAN!!!!!! die by my blade if you don’t think so. anyways Malaysia loves wearing hijabs in cute pastel colors and patterns and she has a very infectious smile... also she kinda dresses like an english teacher but we love to see it. Indonesia is ALWAYS wearing much batik as he can possibly fit on his body. he also keeps his hair pretty short. oh and he takes good care of his fingernails!! Singapore is kind of a girlboss, she has glasses on a chain and a very severe bob (haircut), also she’s chinese malay. umm what else... OH yeah she likes to do fun makeup/outfits at home alone but is very much in pantsuits 24/7 outside
brotps/otps/rships/sexuality well I think these 3 are iconic bros lol, they have pretty much a sibling-ish relationship where they bicker but also do a lot of stuff together. I think Singapore kinda has a hard time reaching out to people, she’s kinda lonely? and Malaysia is like her big sister almost. I think Malaysia and Indonesia are also good friends with Philippines, they’re the 3 gregarious island archipelagos! they love getting together to cook and stuff. sometimes they invite India! malaysia and thailand are also good friends. tbh I love the idea of any of the SEAs going shopping and being cheapskates together, doing karaoke night (Vietnam and Indonesia are the unexpected power duo), or aggressively gifting each other stuff lmao. they’re all kinda straight to me... actually idk Singapore might be homoromantic bi. she talks to Philippines (queer icon) about it 🥺 I have no thoughts about ships doe
fav food YEA this is my zone let’s go! Indonesia lives for tempeh satay, beef rendang, also ayam soto is a comfort food for him :’) oh and how could I forget mie goreng, this man is the KING of instant noodles (always packs indomie whenever he’s traveling.) Malaysia has similar dishes and she leans toward rice dishes like nasi lemak, nasi goreng, bubur ayam. she also loves Chinese Malay style sweets specifically!! stuff like ang koo kueh and niangao. Singapore is OBSESSED with food. she’s super passionate and adventurous, she has a million favs and knows all the best spots on the island and around the world. something that always feels like home is a plate of hainanese chicken rice, or any kind of kway teow. also!! shaved ice!! she and Philippines are always trying to outdo each other with the shaved ice lol
why they are stupid omg ok so Malaysia is kinda like a boomer mom sometimes?? like she does stuff a certain way and she sticks with it no matter how obsolete or nonsensical. so she’s kinda bullheaded when it comes to some stuff (WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS BROKEN— YOUVE BEEN HERE SINCE 1972 LAH!) Indonesia is a fuckin goof and likes to make things humorous, which is cool except for when that is NOT what the situation needs rn and everyone is like dude stop belly laughing.... Please....... and Singapore is kinda obsessed with face and tries to be an elitist hardass, she’s pretending she doesn’t understand singlish and shit. meanwhile Indonesia is standing there like 😀 girl I just saw you arguing with that vendor in singlish... wah lau we were just talking in singlish... 😀😀 are u ok??
anyways tysm for giving me an opportunity to discover them sjdhskhd! I used to live in sg when I was a kid and my parents lived in indo for several years, so I grew up w these three and their culture lol. (kinda wish my parents tried harder at speaking bahasa to me so I could be trilingual...) if u ever wanna hear more (about these 3 or anyone else) pls let me know this was actually rly fun 🥰
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