#lmao yerin is shook
triptychexe · 4 years
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TITLE: Idol Dating Ground SUMMARY: Nia loses Triptych at the 2017 Idol Star Athletics Championship. She is rescued by an acquaintance.  GENRE: Fluff / building relationship? PAIRING: Nia + Johnny ( = Johnia?)  WORD COUNT: 0.9k WARNINGS: Nia panics a little bit at the beginning, but it’s not very detailed.
A/N: This is THE FIRST SCENARIO I HAVE EVER WRITTEN FOR TRIPTYCH LMAO i originally wrote this back in 2018 but i took it down when i restarted Triptych. This one might flow a little weird. I didn’t want to do too much editing because it’s a sentimental piece for me :( if you remember this scenario when it was on my blog the first time... you’re a literal veteran.
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If Nia ever found her group mates, they were so dead. How the hell did all 8 of her members leave her stranded without her noticing? She looked around frantically, wishing desperately that Zim still had her bright red hair. She really hated big crowds and a lot of these idols were a bit taller than her, making her feel enclosed. She felt lost and her mind started going into panic mode. 
“Hey, Nia!” She heard someone call. She looked around for the owner of the voice that called her. Walking towards her was Johnny from NCT. She felt some of her stress ebb away. Even though Johnny and Yerin had only met a few times, he wasn’t a stranger to her. The sight of a familiar face made her happy. Plus, he was tall. He could probably help her find the rest of Triptych.
Once he approached, he furrowed his eyebrows with concern. “Are you okay?” He asked. Nia nodded, pushing her bangs out of her face, trying not to look too upset. 
“Yeah, I just lost my group.” She explained in a nonchalant voice, wiping her palms on her leggings. Johnny nodded and looked around, but he also couldn’t find them. “Damn,” Nia swore under her breath, her stress rising again. “How about you hang out with me?” Johnny offered, sensing the girl’s distress. “I’m gonna go eat a snack, how about we share?” Nia, opposed greatly to the idea of being alone again, accepted the offer. He placed a hand on her shoulder and guided her through the crowd of idols to a less busy area of the arena where the rest of NCT was standing. “You guys know Nia, right?” Johnny grinned, patting Nia’s shoulder. “Nice to see you again!” Yuta smiled at Nia as she bowed to the group of boys around her.
“Nice to see you too, how’s everything?” Nia asked as the group sat down to eat some snacks. NCT caught up Nia on what was going on in their lives and Nia filled them in on what her team has been up to since they’ve last met. The whole time Johnny sat close to her, which Nia didn’t object to. She wasn’t usually this physically comfortable with people, but her leggings were made up of thin material and the arena they were currently in was drafty. Plus something about his presence was oddly comforting to her. “Yerin!” A voice called just as Nia finished her snack. She looked over her shoulder and saw Teo, followed by the rest of Triptych jogging over to her. “Where were you?!” Nia exclaimed, jumping to her feet. All stress that she was feeling before was now replaced with mild annoyance and anger. Johnny stood too, walking over to greet Triptych. “We met up with Monsta X.” Yen shrugged. “I guess we lost track of time while we were talking.” “Oh, that’s awesome. I’m glad you guys were actively looking for me.” Nia said sarcastically. Johnny huffed out a chuckle next to her. “Oh, Johnny, these are my groupmates.” Nia introduced the other 8 members to him. “And guys, this is Johnny, the guy who took care of me while you were all mingling without me.” After NCT and Triptych greeted each other, the teams had to separate to get ready for the men’s running competition. “Hey,” Nia said, placing a hand on Johnny’s shoulder. “I’ll be cheering for you on the sidelines. Good luck.” “Wait, what about me?” Cal raised his arms in protest. “I’m competing too!” “You were talking to Hyungwon instead of looking for me.” Nia frowned at Cal, who shook his head and chuckled under his breath.
“Thanks, I’ll look forward to your cheer routine.” Johnny joked with Nia before getting his stuff together and making his way to the track. “So…” Zim waited until Johnny was out of earshot. “Y'all fucking now or something?” “Eunha!” Nia slapped her friend's arm. “You were practically sitting in his lap.” Ura pointed out. “No, I wasn’t!” Nia protested, a blush creeping up to her ears as they walked to the track to sit together and watch the race.
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Her friends teased Nia about Johnny for the rest of the day. Anytime the two of them were together, the maknae line would make kissy faces in their direction. It got to the point where the rest of Triptych was convinced that anything either of them did was linked to their undying love for each other and it became the meme of the day. “Johnny’s drinking water to quench his passionate love for Nia.” Eli teased, glancing over at Johnny from across the arena, who was tipping a bottle of water into his mouth. The other members cackled with laughter, but Nia was starting to get fed up. “Okay, it’s been like four hours, can you guys please stop staring at him? It’s creepy and lost its comedic value over an hour ago.” Nia groaned. “We’ll stop staring at him when you do,” Cal smirked. “I’m not-” Nia began to protest. “Oh please, Nia. You’re literally all heart eyes for him. Just admit you have a little bit of a crush and move on.” Teo rolled his eyes. “You know, there’s a reason why they call ISAC the idol dating ground,” Van said quietly. The others laughed again, but Nia didn’t even have it in her to tell them to shut up.
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courtscaptor · 5 years
conseille replied to your post “👫👀💞💖💗💓?”
wow me? obliterated  
the first time yerin sees nana's knife skills she's like pressed into the wall and drenched in sweat but eventually she finds it so endearing and while making nana's lunch she even tries to mimic nana's enthusiasm (results in cutting herself LMAO)        
YERIN'S FAMILY WOULD BE SO FOND OF NANA esp yerin's older sister who is more a badass bitch she'd think nana is such a good influence on yerin and approve 500%    
when they tell people they're dating everyone's SHOOK but it's because they already thought they were dating LMAO              
2. dshkdhgksdhg ABSOLUTELY UNDERSTANDABLE she is a TERROR. that’s so cute but RIP YERIN OH NO........
3. I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the concept(tm) is so GOOD
4. AAAAAAAAAA i cry...... i’m so glad :’’’) nana would probably get like 3 visits in and then pull yerin aside like “does ur family like me? be honest. i want them to like me!!!!!!!” dshgkldshgdk
5. ABSOLUTELY dfkhglksdhklgh just like “we started dating :)” “uh? yeah? like...... 6 months ago, right?” yerin is flabbergasted and nana is just like. “dam our love is so powerful.... :Ic”
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