#lmk if i should tag as neg jic because it’s not neg to me just a look at their performance
cupidlakes · 3 years
i’ve been loving your mcc thoughts so much! if it isn’t too neg to post would you mind answering why You thought the green guardians didn’t do so well
aww thank you so much!! i’ve been trying to refine my mcc knowledge actually because it’s so fun to talk abt but i don’t wanna seem like an idiot lolol BUT if you want my extremely humble opinion i think it somewhat has to do w/ dream, dreams leadership specifically and this is not to place the burden of responsibility on him the bottom line is just that people expected dream to have a plan for his team and also to help get the captain get his first win
it’s well known that dream is like that in the sense that he’s usually very prepped for mcc! has many thoughts, if not on paper then in his mind, on What To Do and i think that’s why the gg were projected to do well or at least decently by so many because people expect that of him at this point, i know i did
but it obviously seems like dream felt the pressure this time around and it affected his ability to lead his team and it’s just sad to me that he both didn’t end up enjoying the tournament to the fullest extent and partly takes responsibility for the loss/his own performance
i think the beginning games chosen lent themselves to everyone’s wretched mood like getting build mart as a first game and doing poorly even if it doesn’t technically matter because of the coin multiplier in the later games (and george mentioned this! “it’s for morale dream”) i still don’t think it helped for their general mood to do so badly as a team and the “morale” was down from the start with george getting easily frustrated too with the increasing changes, possibly focussed on his goal of tryharding, quackity not knowing what to say a lot of the time because he’s still fairly new to mcc and the captain trying his best but it not being enough to raise everyone’s spirits
back to build mart the communication wasn’t there the callouts weren’t there and no one was taking initiative, there was a lot of confusion due to the lack of communication and dream was feeling overwhelmed or even, i’m assuming, overstimulated by the music and texture pack and it was just a bad first game w/ the other ensuing games following a similar trajectory, george even turning to dream for advice or pointers, just any direction and dream being unsure and wary every time, like telling them they might not want to follow him bridging on tgttos as a strat because he didn’t trust himself not to mess up and i don’t wanna overdramatise this but i really do think dream was feeling the brunt of it, i’m so glad he wasn’t outwardly salty about his placement towards the end esp, he was accepting despite harsh on himself
he might’ve had a lot on his mind too we can never know, ik his 1.15 record got taken down later on by the mod team and this is more speculative ofc but it might have been something he was thinking about because i’m assuming (and it’s confirmed we just don’t know how long ago) that they mentioned it to him beforehand and it’s not the first time he’s had smth brought up to trouble him during mcc
atp i just want dream to know that in the future if he starts feeling like this in future mcc’s he should just let go and enjoy himself with his team, mess around have a laugh because it’s totally okay and it’s not expected that he should stress himself out and feel stressed out with his teammates about performing well. ik his reputation can mean a lot to him, living up to standards performing to people’s expectations and even exceeding them to seem worthy of everything he has and also obviously wanting to appeal to his pride and competitive nature but he’s just a guy. it’s okay to take a day off every once in a while again i hope if dream ever starts feeling like this again that he just has a good time w/ his team/friends and doesn’t bother himself with all the “what if-s” like he tends to do
gg had great potential but everyone and it seems especially dream wasn’t feeling it and that’s fine, til next time! i hope this means dream will reflect on how he wants to play in the future because a more casual approach if he’s not feeling up to it is always welcome and the same goes for literally everyone else dream said it was still fun despite his comments! and that’s really nice to hear also
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