#lmk what y'all think about the dustin thing. if you want
tellthatbrokebitch · 1 year
pairings so far for the zombie au are: byler, hopclair (i think that's el and lucas' shipname???), eventual elumax bc ofc, ronance, vee poly with jargyle and stonathan, jopper, possibly dustin with an oc but almost might just leave him single but also that feels exclusionary but also they don't all NEED to be paired off but also-
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unhappycylinder · 1 year
Hellfire's Newest Member (Eddie x fem!Reader) Pt. 1
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Quick note: i got impatient and posted this lol. This has been on my wattpad for months and I wanted to post it here lol. This is just part 1, I've got like 16 more chapters I'll be posting soon! Lmk what y'all think
Warnings/summary: some family trauma, nothing too spicy yet, this is just backstory (and Dustin) so we can get into the good stuff next time
You stepped into your new room in Hawkins, Indiana, a town which seemed to have just about as much personality as the bottom of a shoe. Glancing around the empty, but spacious room, you thought about how many rooms just like this you had lived in before. With your dad working some secret government job, you moved around the country a lot and hardly ever had time to really settle into a space or get to know the people around you.
It felt like just when you started to get used to a routine somewhere new - finally started decorating your room and hanging out with people outside of school - your dad would be relocated and you'd have to go with him. Your mom wasn't in the picture anymore, she had been gone since you were 13, and the only explanation your dad every gave you was that "she didn't want to live this type of life anymore, and we weren't enough to keep her around," the last bit always stung when you thought about it.
Dad was quiet after mom left, and he didn't really seem to care what you did with your time as long as your grades came back fine and you weren't gone for an unreasonable amount of time. Plus, working most nights meant he hardly had the schedule to keep tabs on where you were.
Nevertheless, a fresh start in Hawkins felt necessary. The last place you had been was LA, which was waaaay too big and waaay to noisy for your taste. That was another thing that set you apart from people your age: you weren't really into parties and shopping and sports like most high school seniors were. How could you be? You were never anywhere long enough to play anything or get invited anywhere. You kept yourself busy with books, movies, music, and most of all Dungeons and Dragons.
The game which was being shunned as a satanic cult was your escape from reality and the only constant thing in your life. Yes, it was hard to find a group to play an entire campaign with, but you managed, plus your favorite part was creating characters and imagining fantastic new worlds you'd love to explore. In fact, a good amount of the boxes you brought with you, which contained everything you owned, were full of binders, manuals, books, and figurines you had collected in your years of playing.
You started unpacking, throwing your childhood stuffed animals on your queen sized bed in the corner of your room, and stacking your plentiful collection of books and movies on the floor and on your desk. You were about to pull out your favorite books - The Lord of the Rings trilogy - when your dad knocked on your door
"Hey y/n, sorry to interrupt...uh I just got called into work so I'm gonna head out, but I'll leave some money on the counter for you"
"Oh okay, thanks. Do you know when you'll be ba-"
Before you could finish, he was out the door. You shook your head and returned to your packing, hearing your dad's car drive away outside.
By the time you finished packing it was already dark outside and you could hear faint talking outside your window. You walked over, pulling your curtains aside, and looked to your neighbors house to see two young boys, probably around 14-15, standing in between your house and the next. One of them was wearing a hat that said "thinking cap" on it, which you thought was funny, and the other was taller and had wavy black hair. They seemed to be arguing about something
"No Dustin, Lucas said he has his championship game tomorrow and there's no way he's gonna make it to Hellfire"
"Eddie is gonna KILL us man!"
They we're talking pretty loud, and you were pretty tired and didn't want to hear their bickering while you tried to fall asleep, so you opened your window
"Hey, idiots!"
The boys shut up instantly and looked over to you
"Listen, I really don't mean to interrupt, but I don't know who you are or who this Eddie guy is, but your bickering over him is really getting in the way of my sleep and I have had a very, very, long day of unpacking"
They looked at you, wide-eyed, before the shorter boy in the hat moved closer to your window
"Oh um, sorry, our bad. And I'm Dustin by the way, I live just there," he gestured to the house next to yours, "and this is my friend Mike"
"Pleasure, I'm y/n," you didn't want to be mean to them, so you figured you'd go ahead and introduce yourself, "well I'm gonna go get that sleep I mentioned, and please just keep your voices down."
"Aye aye, captain," Dustin said with a salute before he and Mike walked away from your window towards his house.
You closed your window, took off your sweaty clothes, turned off your light, and crawled into your new bed, nervous for your first day at school tomorrow.
Part 2
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pualaha · 2 years
Are you, I don’t know, jealous
Okay, so I realized I have a huge crush on Eddie Munson, like?? Anyway, I am going to write this about him. This story doesn’t relate at all to the ST4 storyline, so there shouldn’t be any spoilers. Except for Chrissy asking for drugs However, just to be safe, if you haven’t seen ST4, beware.
And I was wondering if I should do an o/c character x someone but idk. I was thinking of names and chlamydia popped into my head?? tf. Anyways, enjoy :)
Also, I got a new computer so everything is capitalized and I hate it so, just know, it is not by choice. I read through everything, so there shouldn't be any mistakes, but who knows. LMK if y'all want more! Thanks, babes 😘
Mentions: Chrissy, hellfire club, Dustin, Mike, Eddie (obvi)
Meanings of abbreviations: y/n- your name, y/l/n- your last name, y/m/n- your middle name, y/ms/n- your mother’s name, y/d/n- your dad’s name, y/b/n- your brother’s name, y/s/n- your sister’s name, y/n/n- your nick name.
!⚠️TW⚠️!: strong language, mentions of a broken leg, mentions of drug use
Word count: 1258 I think
Type of fic: angst, fluffy
Eddie Munson x reader
Italics: flashback
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There he was, your hot as fuck boyfriend standing all the way across the cafeteria from you, which wasn’t a problem until you saw her. You stared holes into his head, watching him flirt with hawkins high school’s very own chrissy cunningham.
“Yo, y/n, you good?” Mike asked. You weren’t really close with the members of the hellfire club, despite you being one, but Mike, Lucas, and Dustin were chill. Of course, they were annoying, but what freshman wasn’t.
You continued to stare at eddie as he twirled the cheerleader, her skirt flying up in the process, “never better, why?”
“I don’t know, you just seem like you could smack a bitch.”
“I could smack a few actually,” you finally looked at the boy. He looked terrified as he scooted away.
“You know, y/n, jealousy is not your color. It’s not your anything really,” Dustin commented, his smile turning into a from as you raised your fist.
“Listen here, toothless, I'm gonna fuck you up if you make another one of those ‘jokes’. Understood?”
Dustin nodded his head as he turned to Mike to talk about something you didn’t care for. So you turned your head back to your boyfriend and Chrissy.
Only people in the hellfire club knew about your past with Chrissy. You two were best friends coming into high school due to the fact that you had both tried out for the cheerleading squad your 8th-grade year. Since y'all had both made it, you thought it might bring you closer. Still, she had always been jealous of you. You were skinny and fit, with long, curly blonde hair. Your teeth were naturally straight and white. Basically, you were perfect (like everyone in every fanfic ever lol).
So when you were chosen to be a flyer, it was no surprise. This pissed Chrissy off seeing as she was your secondary base. Then, the other girls started being mean to her, and not you. You were becoming popular, fast, leaving Chrissy to fend for herself. You admitted that it was shitty, leaving her for everyone to make fun of, but you were finally on top. It wasn’t until one day, during practice, that Chrissy decided she’d had enough.
While you were doing a complicated stunt, and had to solely rely on your secondary base, Chrissy had let go, leaving you to fall on one foot, breaking your leg. Everyone else screamed and ran to get help, while she stayed and told you:
“this is what you get, bitch.”
After that, you were no longer popular. You had become what most dreaded to be: an outcast. While Chrissy had taken your spot as a flyer.
To say you were livid to see your boyfriend, not only with her but flirting, was an understatement. Therefore, you did what you thought was best. You picked up your tray full of nasty ass food, walked over to them, and dumped all of your food on the both of them.
“Damnit! What the fuck, y/n?” Eddie yelled.
“Yeah, what the fuck?” Chrissy looked at her now dirty and stained cheer uniform.
“Oh! So sorry, I must’ve tripped or maybe I didn’t see where I was going? Shit, I can’t remember the excuse I wanted to use.” you shrugged.
Before anyone else could say anything, your boyfriend grabbed your arm, “Y/n, we need to talk now.”
“Yeah you fuckin’ skank,” Chrissy’s boyfriend Jason said.
You turned around with a red face, “Oh I’m the skank?! Keep your bitch in check, she’s been getting around last I heard!”
That’s when all hell broke loose, Chrissy ran up to you and hit you square in the jaw. You stumbled back as you saw 'Ms. Perfect' start a fight. You almost laughed, but then you remembered this bitch just hit you.
(a.n. i love this line so i’m gonna use it!)
“You stupid, fucking bitch. I’m gonna fuck you up!” You screamed. At this time you two had started throwing punches and insults. Finally, Eddie detained you, while Chrissy’s boyfriend grabbed her.
“Ask your boyfriend what he was doing last night with me last night! Yeah? See what he says!” She screamed as Jason pulled her away, making you spit the biggest loogie you had on her face.
Now, you were in Eddie's truck driving to his house. Everything was dead silent as you stared out the window. Both of you pissed at the other.
"What the fuck, y/n? I don't get why you would do that?" Eddie finally looked at you. That wasn't what got you, it was the disappointed look on his face.
Tears filled your eyes as everything hit you, "please don't talk to me," you got out of the truck and walked inside. You debated on what to do next, should you get high as fuck so you weren't mad? Should you go to sleep? Or should you go ho- no, you should not go home.
It had taken Eddie a few minutes to follow you inside. He was expecting you to be searching for weed, but instead, he saw you standing still, tears spilling out of your eyes.
You weren't one to cry very often, so Eddie was surprised. He came up behind you to give you a hug. But you swiveled around to face him, you wanted to look angry, but you could tell it didn't work. His face had pity written all over it.
"Man, you know I hate her. How could you?"
"Baby, please, believe me, we didn't do anything."
"Then why? Why were y'all together last night or whatever? Why were you flirting with her today?" by now, you were exhausted, you just wanted to sleep, you didn't have any more fucks to give.
"She wants drugs, sweet girl. She said she's been going through shit and needed someone who wouldn't judge her. I don't know, it just seemed serious," although you still had your suspicions, eddie wasn't the type to cheat. Plus, he sounded genuinely concerned.
You stared at him, looking for a sign that he might've been lying, but you didn't see one, "If you're lying- just please don't. It's going to be a lot easier on both of us if you break up with me instead of cheat,"
Eddie grabbed your arms and wrapped them around your neck as he snuggled his head in yours,
"You're the love of my life. The only person who has ever truly loved me... I-I don't know what I'd do. Please don't hurt me."
You felt butterfly-like kisses on your neck, "Y/n, listen, I would never purposefully hurt you. I could never do that. I am so sorry I didn't tell you, she begged me not to."
Your breathing slowed as you looked at him. You knew you looked awful, your face was all red and blotchy, and your breath probably smelt bad from crying so hard. But the way Eddie looked at you, made you feel like you were the most stunning woman in the world.
"Y/n, can I ask you something?" Eddie picked you up to take you to the room for a nap.
"Yes, baby."
"Were you, I don't know, jealous?" he had a mischievous smile plastered on his dumb, beautiful face.
"I fucking hate you. I deserve multiple bowls after today," you laid on the bed.
"Bad girls don't get things they want, but I will make an exception this time."
"Thank you, E, I love you."
"I love you, too, crazy girl."
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