#lmost 3 years
abimee · 1 year
despite how much WOL art i make i still have the ''I NEED TO DRAW 14 ART'' crave in my gut like i need to draw canon scenes and canon characters and such. it is disgusting how much this game motivates me to pick up a pencil and write or draw NOTHING has ever pushed me like this
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Blue Exorcist: Rant
Okay I was literally in secondary [Highschool to americans] with Season 1 in 2011 and then Season 2 in 2017 THEN season 3 in 2024? Do I have to wait ANOTHER decade for season 4 after? Like what I'm gonna be 84 by the time BE ends????? But overall even though it's been years and my obsession with BE is kinda flagged and the manga also put me off some stuff...I still like Blue Exorcist. So not many people talked about this so I was wondering- what story has been covered and how many more do we have to wait for? And also- why not just make Blue Exoricist a movie like Sailor Moon or evangelion? Make a trilogy/more instead of seasons at least that way if it takes forever it's understandable?
But then a quick google search and uh...
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So season one [2011] season 2 [2017] we waited six years for that then another seven for season 3 so thats a thirteen year wait-
And then suddenly TWO seasons in ONE year??????
And what chapters have been covered? So Season one is Manga 1-4 Then Season two is Manga 5-9 And then season 3 the illumanti series will cover manga 10-15
Blue exorcist Season one had ended with a tied bow BUT season 2 starts off with a cut off episode, if you stop at this episode then start season 2 it creates a linear story. Like an alternate ending.
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In Season one Yukio became a demon possesed by Satan. BUT this ending and storyline may be similair to the manga or has been reworked to tie in, there is a drastic difference to later manga updates.
The manga is currently on number 29 and still seems to be going. So thats 14 more books to cover and since season 1 and 2 had four manga done figured it would take FOREVER to get there. So others speculated if Season 3 is also a reboot and if thats the case then what's the point?
But because of the tied up ending in s1 it doesn't make sense to do it again if anything the continued seasons is to be more faithful to the manga. personally I usually watched BE season 1 and cut off at the episode then read the manga on HOW it could've ended. But because it's been so long, I can't even remember season 2. And looking at the updates of s3 and thinking wow some parts seem so fast paced I wonder if they condensed some stuff-
Even so...
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I don't want to say bald but...some of the faces don't quite...look right, the hair is too short- it's giving Boruto naruto compared to Shippuden- Look how they massacred my son! Not only has it been years not only does the animation look jank, theres also the story line-
Truthfully the manga has been losing me lately, just some of the girl characters who used to be badass who were then given moments to...level up and gain strength later in the manga some moments felt as if they just kinda...got shafted. lets just say I hated Manga 17 with Shura it after lmost made me stop reading it but thats just my personal opinion. Overall tho -
The whole fight between Yukio and RIn and when Yukio just straight up became a bastard was straight up painful to watch, only given that I've already SEEN that in supernatural where two siblings end up fighting and one's being an idiot just for angst but continuing on made it worth it my issue-
is that if the anime cuts of AGAIN and then fans have to WAIT for it to be concluded is just straight up going to kill me.
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leafanight · 4 months
chapter 3 coming out tomorrow
So it's been more than a year since I posted the last chapter I know I'm the worst I finally finished the next chapter and will post it tomorrow. It took me a while to edit so I'm not done but I'm almost dine. So look forward to it.
Again if anyone interested please ask me questions and give me advice so I can improve.
Hope your day was great like mine
Update so i cant seem to finish editing i think im lmost done then theres more. so ill be posting it as soon as possable please wait a little longer also i had an idea first person to read the next chapter and heart it will get a shout out in the chapter after this one lets see who itll be but ya also have to coment the name ya like me to use
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Chain of Iron theories: the adopted baby
Here is another hot discussion topic in the fandom. CC has hinted that their will be a special baby, and that they will need to be adopted. So Questions, who is giving a baby up and why? I am assuming that this is a Shadowhunter baby. I cannot see either Hypatia Vex or Kellington who party, operate a secret saloon, and take pleasure in seducing interesting artistic individuals deciding to devote themselves to parenthood. Woosley Scott is set to show up, but their is no way he wants to adopt. Every other downworlder has appeared in the future and never made reference to having raised a baby. So which shadowhunters in this series of so many parents, children, and would be couples are looking to adopt? We know that shadowhunters adoption program isn’t perfect; Ariadne being adopted by an elderly white couple who know nothing about Indian culture and Tatiana somehow being allowed to adopt Grace despite the fact that she is aggressive, clearly insane, and famously unable to care for the one child she gave birth to. But I want to hold on to hope that whoever this little baby is their story will end happily with being given a nice home and family. My Theories
Anna and Ariadne  adopt Eugenia’s baby. (retracted)
  This was my original theory. In COG2 we learnt that Eugenia temporarily left home because of some scandal no one really wants to talk about. It apparently involved her and some guy being caught in a “compromising position” after which said guy could have saved things by asking to marry her but did not? ??? This led many people to believe she and this guy had been immanent and that she might now be pregnant., but unable to raise the baby on her own. So she would give it up for adoption. Eugenia’s older sister Barbara had an understanding with a very nice gentleman named Oliver and kept trying to get Oliver to purpose. I wondered if maybe a reason Barbara was in such a rush to marry is she was hoping for her and Oliver to adopt Eugenia’s baby and pass them off as theirs. Now that both Barbara and Oliver are sadly deceased Eugenia would need to look into finding new  parents to take he unborn child. Well spoilers relating to Eugenia state that despite having different interests and hobbies, she and Anna get along well. She also is set to become friends with Ariadne. Ariadne who really wanted to be a mom. So I thought that if Eugenia was pregnant and looking to give her child up for adoption then maybe she would ask Anna and Ariadne to adopt her baby. That had the potential to be sweet.
  But we have gotten more information now, and surprise surprise, people jumped the gun to quick on what happened with Eugenia. While we still do not know what the scandal was, it is hinted to have been way less extreme/serious than premarital intimacy, and she is very unlikely to be pregnant. I am now hoping that her ex got into a fight with some other guy, she stepped in to hit the other guy with a parasol, and her ex got embarrassed about having to be saved by her and broke up with her. Something that shows the guy was a real loser.
Elias puts Baby Carstairs up for adoption
  In COG2 we got a huge surprise that Sona was pregnant with her third child, unexpected as the family tree only lists her and Elias as having two children. Well actually actually the Carstairs family line is tree has parts of it that “Were lost to time”. So something clearly happened. Jem was clearly hiding something.
   This pregnancy was clearly unplanned and does present some worry’s. For starters Sona is well past the age where it easier/safest for women to give have children. She was already starting to have a difficult time with it during COG2 when she finally confessed to Cordelia that she was about 3 months along. This means that she will be about 7 months along (almost ready to give birth) when we pick up again in COI. Well in the early chapter read Alastair said that his mother has been put on Bed rest with her husband staying by her side and silent brothers monitoring her. This does not sound good. Several people have theorized that even with the brothers help, she will not make it through childbirth. Now lets talk about the babies father Elias Carstairs. Elias Carstairs is even older than his wife. He spent his youth traveling the world (I read a tweet that said he has even gone between dimensions before) leading special expeditions and hunting rare and powerful demons. This sounds grand, but it was a grueling life that left him physically and emotionally scared. Tragically the Clave does not recognize mental health as a need, so they do not provide any kind of therapy or treatment for those who become traumatized. Like many poor soldiers throughout American history Elias was there for the Clave when they needed his help but it that help was not reciprocated at the end. The only comfort he found was at the bottom of the bottle. It took Elias until he was already in his 40′s to start a family, and he has struggled with being able to take care of himself enough to act as a father to the two children he and Sona have already raised. Elias is 63. He is sad and tired, and struggling to keep a handle on his sobriety. This child was unplanned. I have read tweets that show he is at least trying to support Sona, but CC reveals he is questioning if or if not he can really do this a third time. If Sona dies there is no way Elias can raise this child himself. I won’t fault him if he makes that choice, it might be the most loving thing he can do.
   Who would adopt the little guy. Well the most common theory is that Alastair and Thomas would become his new dads. Now the family tree does suggest that both Alastair and Thomas are dads in the future. It also doesn’t list the names of either of their spouses (I am guessing neither had wives) so their is nothing to suggest that they do not live together raising a group of adopted children. Given the way the Cave feels about homosexual parents that could also be why Jem “lost” the records. I will not deny Thomstair becoming adopted parents is plausible, but I am not completely sure that baby Carstaris is who they will adopt. Babies are hard, they are a lot of work, and I am not convinced either Alastair or Thomas will be up to it. Look at Alastair. He is not exactly in a good place at the start of COI, and whenever fans ask CC if Alastair will make any friends she always reply that he won’t until he learns how to speak nicely to people and to be there for them when they need him. Honestly that is a thing he struggles with. He obviously loves Cordelia, but he totally pulled an  Queen Elsa on her where he shut the door and shut her out for roughly 7 years of their lives, leaving her as alone as Anna was. He claims to have loved Charles but the pair spend most of COG arguing because Alastair wants Charles to spend all his time with him and Charles is struggling to balance his promotion, his public reputation, and Alastair (Important I am not saying it was wrong for Alastair to be upset about Charles engagements or to break up with him. I am just saying it seems like Charles did try to see Alastair as much as he could, and Alastair trying to pin all his emotional needs on one person, who already had so much going on, was unfair). On Thomas side well lets just say he has a lot of mixed up and complicated feeling of his own he needs to work out before he will be able to be in a healthy relationship let alone raise a child.
  If Thomstair aren’t able to take care of Baby Carstairs I bet I know a long time married, long time Carstairs loving couple, who would be happy to take the little guy in and have enough resources, experience, and love to give him a great life. Hey in the future Tessa says she has kept watch over three families: the Herondales, the Carstairs, and the Blackthorns. The Herondales and the Blackthorns are her and Will’s grandchildren. If she were watching the Carstairs because they were once her friends wouldn’t she also watch out for the Fairchilds and Lightwoods?
Blackthorn Babies with Mundane and Shadowhunter mommies and daddies
  (Okay this is one will involve some hopping around and several references to the family tree, so stay with me people, stay with me.) We aleady know Jem made some changes to this line. Lucie is not 12, she is 16. Tatiana is probably not going to live another 15 years. Also the tree said that Jesse dies 59, yet he actually died at 17. But future wife Lucie wants to resurrect him... which is highly illegal and should she be successful she will probably face terrible repercussions. Jesse also might not be able to live as a shadowhunter after being brought back. So even if we don’t want it, for the sake of this theory lets assume that upon Jesse’s resurrection both he and Lucie are banished and become a mundane pianist and writer. Let’s assume they also get married and have children. In order for the TDA Blackthorns to be shadowhunters at least one of Jucie’s kids would have to become a shadowhunter and move to the shadow world. I feel like Luce and Jesse would be willing to let their kids go in that case. That was all Jesse wanted growing up and Lucie is Will’s daughter. The children would just need someone they could stay with.
  Now lets hop to the Lightwood family line. According to the tree Christopher and Grace get married (Grace is also listed as a Cartwright so was her adoption overturned and she rejoined her bio family?) and continue the Lightwood line down to TMI. Grace and Christopher are set up to bond  (over science) and many fans are willing to believe that they are an endgame ship. But fans are also doubting that they are the ancestors of the TMI lightwoods.  For one thing Christopher is heavily coded to be asexual; and Grace herself seems to have a very.... twisted and warped view of physical acts. So now lets say Grace is somehow saved from punishment over Jesse’s resurrection or because of her past trauma is given a lighter sentence. Lets say Gracetopher really do get married. if they got married they probably will apt out of having children; at least biological children.
   Christopher has a younger brother , Alexander Lightwood, who seems like a much more likely candidate to continue his family line. Alex has been noted to have those dark blue eyes that while once a Herondale trait later become a Lightwood trait. He shares a first name one of TMI’s most prominent characters, and that is just about the only way baby Alex could have relevance to the story given that he is way to young to help out in the war. If Alexander Lightwood the first is one who carried on the Lightwood line why are his descendants listed under his brother and sister in laws names?
   Well way back before the CC launched TLH I remember her posting a tweet that said Grace could become an ancestor of either the Herondale or the Blackthorn line. This upset a lot of people who thought that it meant that Grace may have a baby with either James or Jesse. (No, just NO!!!) But what if instead of Grace having a baby with Jesse, She and Christopher adopt one of Jesse and Lucie’s babies so that that baby could be raised as a shadowhunter? I could see Grace and Christopher doing do: they each love one of the respective parents and are set get to know the other. The only good thing about Tatiana adopting Grace was she got Jesse as a brother. Should she ever recover from having Tatiana as an adoptive mother I could see her becoming very critical of other adoptions and refusing to allow Jesse’s children to potentially end up like she did. I am in love with a head cannon I have that Christopher will become a science professor at the academy. If Lucie and Jesse have to leave the shadow world, and they have to give up their children then I want to imagine that child living in Malec’s future academy suit with Shadowhunter mommy and daddy Gracetopher while they secretly get gifts and send letters to their mundane mommy and daddy Juice. (It is the least CC can do for the pain reading about that potential exile would cause me.)
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askkrenko · 4 years
A Deck Examination
Yo, some dude or dudette named @aurotoiras sent me a Krenko deck to take a look at, so here I am looking at it! This is mostly gonna be stream of consciousness so have fun! https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/haha-gobbos/?cb=1597812175 First thing I notice is there’s no Thornbite Staff. Now, I’m not saying you SHOULD play Thornbite Staff, I’m just saying you should play Thornbite staff if you want to kill everyone.  It does stupid, stupid things with Krenko. Now let’s skim the cards and see who needs to be cut or replaced! Broodmark Mentor is weak- first strike on small creatures just doesn’t do enough in commander. Swap that out. Chancellor of the Forge is too  much mana. He’s splashy, sure, but seven is a lot of mana for an effect that just makes more 1/1 tokens. GOblin Assassin is hilarious with Mob Boss and I love it. Reckless One isn’t as good as you think. Sure, he can be an 80/80, but if he is it’s because you have 80 goblins so just swing for lethal. 
Rummaging Goblin just isn’t good.
Empty the Warrens is hard to get 4 goblins with and you’re lmost never gonna get 6. I respect the idea but this deck doesn’t make enough mana to abuse it.
I tried Goblin Offensive. A lot. The problem is that if X is 3, it’s only Hordeling Outburst, and X is almost never gonna be more than 3. It’s just too weak.
I respect Goblin War Strike, but as a one-use shot, if you’re trying to just say “I have all these goblins now die please” you’re better off with Fervor or Hammer of Purphoros to give them haste. In fact, I strongly advise both of these because I need Haste if I’m gonna make Gobbos the turn you cast me. Thousand Year Elixir really only works for the commander, but untapping and retapping Krenko is a hell of a drug.
Tormenting Voice feels too small for this deck. If you need more cards there’s plenty of artifacts to do it better.
Vandalblast Rules, also consider running Shatterstorm. You’re not artifact heavy.
Speaking of Artifacts... where’s Sol RIng? Put in Sol Ring.
I love Charbelcher, buuuut it... basically never works. I wouldn’t bother with it.
Lightning Greaves are good, you probably also want Swiftfoot Boots.
For lands, I understand the concept of deck thinning, but it’s actually not great. Scrap Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse. They’re just mountains that enter the battlefield tapped. Add Valakut. You’re not going to abuse it or anything, but there’s very little reason not to run it in a mono-red deck. Forgotten Cave, Smoldering Crater, and Desert of the Ferverent are better if you’re worried about flood, and Castle Embereth is a no-brainer in a deck like this.  Dwarven Mine’s good, too.  Also, FLamekin VIllage, as just another way to give Krenko haste. MOving on...GOblin War drums is flavorful but... not actually good. 3 mana for menace on everything just isn’t that strong. 
As far as instants, my only comment on these ones is that I’m not sure you have enough to warrant Reverberating, and you’re not gonna want to be leaving mana open to reverberate other players’ spells. Also, none of these instants are Chaos Warp, which is, well... the best red instant.
Now on to things missing... I see Chieftain and King, but you want a Trashmaster in there, too. More plusses and destroy artifacts. 
Impact Tremors is half a Purphoros. Gotta run that. Throne of the God Pharoah is another similar card. 
And the best goblins are multi goblins: Goblin Instigator, Mogg War Marshal, Legion Warboss, Goblin Rabblemaster, all ways to pump out more goblins (though admittedly Rabblemaster can be risky.)
Blasphemous Act is admittedly something you don’t want to have to cast, but... sometimes you gotta. Get Blasphemous Act in there.
Icon of Ancestry is a great card for a tribal deck. +1/+1 goes a long way, and enough of the deck is goblins that you’ll usually hit while activating it. Finally, you’re mono-red, so run Blood Moon, because screw everyone else.
For more ideas, take a look at https://edhrec.com/commanders/krenko-mob-boss 
Short version: Looking good so far, needs more team buffs, more cards that make more than one goblin, and Papa Krenko needs his haste or he’ll be cranky.
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rivetrashrine · 5 years
Do you guys ever feel bad for Levi?
The poor guy is born in the underground, loses his mother at an early age and never knows his father. His uncle raises Levi to the best of his ability, then abandons him.
Levi is forced to act as a thug just to survive life in the underground. He eventually finds some joy in his friendship with fellow thugs, Furlan and Isabel.
He’s coerced into joining the Survey Corps., who are total dicks to him. Then, his friends Isabel and Furlan die during an expedition.
Eventually Levi becomes a well respected captain/corporal/lieutenant/heicho/ any other title I missed in the corps and gets his own special operations squad made up of Eld, Gunter, Oluo, and Petra. They’re tasked with having to monitor Eren aka the 15 year old lunatic titan shifter. After their first expedition outside the walls with Eren, Levi’s entire squad is killed. He is so hurt when he finds Petra dead, he pauses over her body for a moment look down at her in despair. If that’s not bad enough, he has to go rescue Eren. Because Mikasa completely ignores his advice about not killing the female titan, he ends up breaking his fucking leg. Levi watches in agony as his entire squads’ bodies are thrown from a cart thanks to the dumbass who brought a hoard of titans with him while trying to retrieve a friend’s body. He ends up having to give away the patch he took off Petra’s jacket to said jackass.
Now he’s stuck with six inexperienced 15 year olds as replacements for his former seasoned squad members, who suck at cleaning.
He doesn’t find out Kenny is his uncle until Kenny kicks the bucket.
Historia punches Levi, just because she can.
He is 5’3 ft and people get a little under his skin when commenting on his size.
Almost all of the Survey Corps. are murdered by the Beast Titan, allowing Levi the chance to take that bastard down. After killing a dozen or so titans, he reached the beast and takes him down...then Zeke is saved by the fucking cart titan. He’s so shocked, he stops for a moment to let the reality set in. He is fucking PISSED and has to kill another dozen or so titans to catch up. Upon finding Eren to resupply, he is still close enough to kill them... but instead he has to use the injection on Armin or Erwin—his friend, who is probably the only person he actually “likes” that’s still alive. Of course, Erwin dies. To add insult to injury, Mikasa was about ready to kill Levi!
He only sleeps 2-3 hours a night per Isayama, which probably contributes to his addiction to black tea and his volatile nature.
Zeke pokes fun at Levi’s love life. (Up yours Zeke, there was a time that he was popular.)
...and then there’s chapter fucking 115. What the fuck!?
Ok. Did I miss anything??
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littlemsscareall · 4 years
I was tagged by @chloeamanda to do a q&a, Thank you!!!
1. Do you ever make your bed? Never. My bed is a nest of pillows and blankets. 
2. What’s your favorite number? 54/ I will always point out a 69 so Idk.
3. What’s your job? I am a massage therapist.
4. If you could go back to school, would you? I’ve considered going back for esthetics but I don’t really want to wax people. Also I really want to attend this herbal school that sounds more like summer camp. I will likely be doing that next year. 
5. Can you parallel park? I can. But if the road is busy I will be to anxious.
6. A job you had that would surprise people? I used to travel as a Nanny. I feel like every job I have had was random. 
7. Do you believe aliens are real? Absolutely. I am always down to talk about conspiracies. 
8. Can you drive a manual car? I have tried. But no. 
9. What’s your guilty pleasure? I am always embarrassed to admit how deep my love for 90′s industrial metal goes. But you wouldn’t know that from my tumblr.
10. Tattoos? 4. Got a few more scheduled this year. 
11. Favorite color? Lavender, Deep red, And black. 
12. Things people do that piss you off? Ignorance. on a petty level. Chew really fucking loud. 
13. Any phobias? I don’t think there isn’t anything I would consider a phobia
14. Favorite childhood sport? Volleyball
15. Do you ever talk to yourself? A quick sentence here and there. 
16. What movie do you adore? Bram Stokers Dracula 1992
17. Do you like doing puzzles? I didn’t realize how much I don’t like puzzles until I was in an escape room
18. What’s your favorite kind of music? Almost anything from the 90s is always good.
19. Tea or coffee? Tea. Coffee makes me tweak
20. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grow up? An artist.
Thanks again for tagging me! I’m not sure how many people I’m supposed to tag but I’ll tag @reznyif you feel like doing this!
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amitds · 5 years
Heroes Part II:
Summary: Kabuto and Manda are gone and now a new, greater threat has filled that void within Leaf City, one that even Sasuke (Kagatsuchi) and Sakura (Haruno),now partnered with Naruto (Kurama), find themselves falling against. To make matters worse, a dark cloud looms menacingly over Uchiha Corp. and Sasuke must deal with both while things between him and Sakura heat up, perhaps much too fast for either one of them to handle. 
Notes: I was in bed the other night, still trying to think up new stuff for my Witch and Vampire au, and I was like hmm how about I continue the Heroes AU? Then I started going off track and brain storming ideas for this instead of the witch/vampire project. Once again, this is supposed to be SS but I want to include Team 7 as a trio of heroes/teammates and through my work do what Kishi couldn’t with them so you’ll see stuff with Naruto and the enemies in the city as opposed to SS just being together. I also tried to write sex, which I still feel odd about though I’ve read a few books with sex scenes so there’s that... Oh yeah Naruto and Sakura’s designs are Kishi’s from the last the only difference being Sakura’s hair being a bit longer while Sasuke’s is from Sasuke Shinden which is from the same blank period. 
Read Heroes Part I here
 The Uchiha were never to be underestimated. This is what Sasuke had always known and this is what his brother had drilled into him since childhood. The mightiest of superheroes rose from this clan. The greatest of pioneers thrived under the Uchiha name. The most affluent were birthed within this family and reigned with the strength of the Uchiha. However, the Uchiha’s greatest, most coveted strength was always and will always be love. No family treasured love like the Uchiha and with love comes sacrifice. This is what Itachi said. 
Never in a million years, however, had Sasuke ever thought that this was actually a curse. How were you supposed to love and treasure love when those most precious to you have already died? How could you go through losing your loved ones again? How could you live knowing that your weakness killed those most precious to you?
Loving Sakura was dangerous. Of this Sasuke was most certain. It weakened him and exposed him to the bitterness of loss once more. More importantly, him loving Sakura put her life at stake. 
 After all, the Uchiha are cursed. 
Sasuke was running late. Again.
In his defense, he would have been on time had that cashier not held him back. 
His meetings were finished for the day and he, to his credit, was out of his office in time. Sasuke knew he had to keep an eye on that mysterious ‘Sirocco Development’ company that was aiming to snatch his firm’s tenders around Leaf City. But even then, with his extra strategy sessions, he was not held back.
As if the company run by Sasuke Uchiha could be outmaneuvered. 
Yet, even with meetings about this threat screwing with his schedule, Sasuke was on time. Even his driver was prompt; awaiting him when he left Uchiha Tower so there wasn’t any hold up there either. 
 Alas his real hold up, the reason he still managed to run late, was at that damned store. That cashier just couldn’t help herself could she?
 It’s always like that though. Much to Sasuke’s chagrin, women are drawn to him for some reason. He never really paid any attention to their advances since he knew what he wanted and didn’t want in life; he knew what he was willing to give and himself was not one of those things. Though now, especially, it felt totally wrong.
In the five months following Kabuto’s defeat, Sasuke and Sakura had partnered up. However their bond superseded that of mere colleagues. From their partnership, a friendship was kindled and with their initial attraction roaring underneath, within months they were partners on a whole other level. They were lovers. 
 Sasuke had zero experience when it came to dating but he knew that this was right and that they were good.
They spent almost every night together: patrolling, watching movies, having dinner, snuggling...making out. 
So as far as Sasuke was concerned, he was Sakura’s.
They’ve never fought or argued, which was something Sasuke assumed he’d have to brace himself for. Indeed, the fact that he lived in such sweetness with her at present made his fear of his inevitable revelation all the more intimidating. 
He just couldn’t do it. As much as he knew he was bad for her and this would end in tragedy, Sasuke couldn’t pump the brakes on this affair. At least not yet.
He couldn’t control himself enough to leave and the constant gnawing of his conscience day and night wouldn’t let him rest. He was going to have to end this. That was the right thing to do. Part of him knew that, but if that was right then why was he feeling like this? 
Why did it feel like a tragedy in itself? 
Suppressing his dark thoughts, Sasuke refocused on where he was at and remembered his night so far. He didn’t have to deal with that dilemma right now, he had bigger fish to fry and really, he needed to be with Sakura longer.
Taking all that time looking for that store, then that cashier... that’s what got him. When that cashier, Karen or Karin, or whatever the hell it was on that name tag she pushed forth while she stuck out her chest and tossed her hair tried to make small talk he knew it was time to go. When she tried to caress his hands as she handed him his bags, that’s when he knew for sure he needed to get the hell out of there A.S.A.P. and that’s when he left.
She wasn’t an unattractive woman but Sasuke didn’t know her and if he was honest with himself he had no interest in having small talk with her let alone bedding her. Not tonight. Not ever. It didn’t matter how much she or anyone else pushed. Sasuke was not interested. 
He would have sent Jugo, his driver and personal assistant, but Sasuke was resolute to do the shopping himself. After all, this was personal. This was for Sakura. 
“Are you satisfied with what you bought, Mr. Uchiha?” Jugo asked his eyes never veering from the road, at the exact moment Sasuke thought of him.
 “Is everything to your liking?” 
Jugo had a knack for knowing what was on Sasuke’s mind and showing up when thought about. Sasuke even wondered if he perhaps had a mind reading blessing or something at one time. Though, this is exactly why he was his right hand, in business and at home. 
He was efficient. 
“No I have everything I need,”  Sasuke replied, a simple smile warming his face as he held his bags. At this point, the driver could have been asking him if he wanted to eat his own eyeballs, and he’d smile subtly and agree all the same. Sasuke was lost in his thoughts.
 I mean this was Sakura he was meeting after all. 
Twenty minutes later, due to in no small part, Jugo and his lead feet breaking a few traffic laws, Sasuke was at the curb in front of Sakura’s. Sasuke’s sleek Mercedes-AMG C 43 4MATIC, however, was long gone, dashing and camouflaging into the blackness of night. There was no doubt in Sasuke’s mind that with Jugo behind the wheel that he’d already be parking the damned thing. 
Dressed in his all black ensemble:a black short sleeved buttoned down shirt, black slacks and black Gucci loafers with a titan black Rolex on his right arm, Sasuke made his way to Sakura’s two story rental. He was ready for his ‘date’. Luckily Jugo had brought him his change of clothes. That man really thought of everything. 
Naturally, they were just meeting to discuss the new case they’ve been dealing with for the past month, but when it came to Sasuke and Sakura, this was romance. This was a date. Bliss through the odd simplicity of their lives as super heroes was their norm and Sasuke wouldn’t trade that for anything: any romantic getaway or five star restaurant in the world. 
“What the..?”
When Sasuke rang her doorbell and Sakura didn’t open up or call out, panic flared within him. After a minutes, which felt like an hour, he was about ready to blow through the windows and dial Naruto. Fortunately, this was adverted when his phone vibrated in his pocket. 
Sakura had texted him. 
“Sorry just got out of the shower. I’m almost done so I’ll be down in a second. You know the code but... the titanium padlock’s inside... can you please hold a sec? Love you! 
:) <3 <3 <3″
“Ah.” Relief flooded through his mind as he read those words. That lock and titanium second door was his idea after all. 
He knew it was Sakura texting for sure because well... leave it to Sakura to text in complete, grammatically correct sentences while simultaneously leaving behind hearts and smiles.
 She always raged and ranted about the importance of proper grammar and the erosion of language in today’s society and even though Sasuke usually found it amusing when she was lit aflame with her passion and anger, he had to admit she was right. Fortunately, Sasuke Uchiha was dating a nerd. 
A hot nerd. 
It was trivial, well at least he thought it should be, but Sasuke’s mood always lit up when he got those hearts and smiles from Sakura. Those and the little plush animals and notes hidden in the lunches and pastry boxes she sent. 
Of course none of that could compare to the over the top kisses and hugs she lapped on him. God and when she ran her fingers through his hair and played with it...
 Sakura told him his spiky, black hair was cute and so help him he wasn’t cutting it for anything in the world. 
He’d never let her know how much those affected him though, since part of him wanted to remain mysterious and badass for his girl but Sasuke felt that she already knew and simply let him keep up his facade as her duty as his girlfriend. Fine by him. 
The thought of never receiving any of those again...
Shit. Not tonight, Sasuke. Focus!
This was a nightmare. 
To ease his mind, Sasuke re-read Sakura’s text and slowly, a sweetness and warmth enveloped him and chased away his worries.
  They still had time. Didn’t they? 
Reading her text and recollecting their relationship thus far Sasuke found himself grinning like an idiot all alone. Even in front of her house in the midst of all the cold and chill.
 Love really was something wasn’t it? He couldn’t imagine that this was his life and that such mushy, cliche crap was what he apparently craved and needed and from Sakura. He really did come a long way since Itachi’s death and the loneliness that followed. He’d always be grateful for this, even though it would not have been permanent. 
Waiting for Sakura, he decided to scope out the place as he usually does. One can never be too careful and as Kagutsuchi, Leaf City’s greatest hero, it was second nature to survey his surroundings at all times. No one was coming in here uninvited.
 Not as long as he was around. 
Sasuke never doubted that his girl could handle herself. After all she was just as much a hero as he was but he had to do this. It didn’t matter who it was. Sasuke was a protector and he was not losing anyone precious to him ever again. This wasn’t some cliche alpha male lover bullshit but rather, his way of doing things. His will of fire so to speak. 
Sasuke Uchiha looked out for those dear to him. Even if it meant insulting Sakura and having her pissed off, he was going to at least help protect her in her home. 
This was nonnegotiable. 
Upon inspection he noticed that Sakura’s two story Victorian was the same as it had been for the past few months. With its pearl- white coloring coupled with gray accents and its perfectly manicured lawn with vibrant hues of flowers scattered about, the place looked like it was plucked straight out of a magazine. Naturally.
Sakura was an adult and her dad was abroad but that didn’t stop him. He made sure to take care of his daughter. Apparently there was money to be made as a stand-up comedian, given this massive spread the man rented for his one and only daughter.
At first Sakura complained, most of the time to Sasuke, about her dad paying her rent for her for an entire house but clearly that ‘fire’ ran in their blood and her father was even more stubborn than she was since he won out in the end.  Sasuke didn’t know all the details about what went down between them but here she was three months later.
Of course Sasuke had to pretend to share her outrage but deep down he respected Kizashi Haruno and preferred Sakura in a large house instead of some scummy, cardboard box of an apartment. Sakura made it abundantly clear that she wasn’t staying in any of the condos or apartment complexes Sasuke offered so he had to take his victories where he could find them.
The night’s full moon only enhanced the scene, caressing everything with its milky radiance: beds of flowers, the walls of Sakura’s house and even the tall oaks she kept on the far left side. Everything was touched by moonlight which only made Sasuke’s job all the more simple.  
In a flash, Sasuke took off.
Swiftly surveying the premises, Sasuke was in his element in the darkness and moonlight. Running, climbing and maneuvering about, Sasuke combed through Sakura’s property at a blinding pace. Every move was strategic, elegant and without sound like that of a trained dancer as Sasuke made his way around and between every corner.
It took Sasuke a mere seven minutes before he completed his scan, his scope out yielding nothing of consequence: the neighbour’s teen daughter, Moegi, sneaking out to meet some boy through her window; some punks gambling on a street corner and a middle aged guy walking a dog higher up the road. The dog looked like it wanted to take a bathroom break but as long as it didn’t wander onto Sakura’s lawn, not his problem.
 His last spot was a dilapidated tree house in the back, probably a remnant from the past owners’ family. When even that yielded nothing of suspicion Sasuke decided to head back before Sakura noticed. 
Sasuke froze. 
“Don’t trust me to stay safe?” 
 A voice chuckled as Sasuke calmed himself and extinguished his now lit fireball before being totally and completely blindsided. He was close to the porch when he was caught red handed, literally (hello fireball).
Sakura had caught him. Again. 
“Oof!” Sasuke felt the breath leave his body before he could reply.
 Sakura had charged into him. 
“You smell great. New cologne?” Sakura murmured while she snuggled into his chest with her arms laced around his back. She did that a lot when they met up, as if seeing him makes her day and Sasuke had no problems with that.
The last thing Sasuke Uchiha needed as the city’s number one hero and a billionaire C.E.O. with movie star good looks was an ego boost but this certainly was not his fault now was it? 
“Ah. Sakura. Yeah. Aramis.” Sasuke let out closing his arms around Sakura, who stood still snuggled into his chest. She was warm as usual and her hair, God her hair smelt amazing. Still damp from her shower, the sweet scent that lifted itself to him was that of rich vanilla. Sakura was apparently trying out a new shampoo again and Sasuke approved. 
Standing there holding on to her one thought kept ringing and ringing in his head. 
How could he ever leave her? 
Sasuke couldn’t help but close his eyes and savor this embrace. Sakura fit perfectly in his arms and even after all these months, he loved meeting her, holding her, touching her.
“Sasuke, what weeere you doing?” Sakura drawled as she looked up from his chest, her body still pressed into his own. 
She knew already but she loved drawing it out of him and when she did it with a smirk like she was doing now Sasuke had to fight off the urge to kiss her hard. 
With tongue. 
“ I was surveying the surroundings,”  Sasuke stated nonchalantly. “You never know where the enemy lurks and when, Sakura.”
Sakura’s apple-green eyes still stared deeply into his own of obsidian as he spoke. He could feel every breath she took as she listened and looked up at him.  When they connected like this Sasuke felt like he could just stay in this state of bliss forever.
“Ah. I see.” 
“Look. I trust you to take care of yourself, Sakura...”
“Relax Sasuke. I get it.” Sakura laughed. 
“So you came down and saw me again I presume?”
Sasuke had to admit he liked getting caught by Sakura. By now it was tradition. 
“Nope. Actually strangely enough, I heard some leaves and then when I checked I didn’t see you at the door so I looked around. To be honest I am surprised you made that much noise.” 
Sasuke moved as he usually moved on missions, in complete stealth so Sakura saying that she heard him came as a complete shock. Was he really that noisy? Distracted? Sloppy? 
What was wrong with him today? 
Whatever, it was he had more important duties tonight than his own inner turmoil and so he decided to brush it off. 
“Hn. It was just an extra patrol.”
“Hn.” Sakura repeated. She was teasing him now and he knew she loved how red he got when she did it. But before Sasuke could interrupt she went on. 
“Thank you for looking out for me, for us.”
As the words left her mouth she grabbed Sasuke’s face and brought him down for a full on kiss. When her lips brushed against his and her tongue entered his mouth, Sasuke gasped into her and let out a guttural moan that only nudged Sakura to press closer into him. 
The warmth, moisture and softness of Sakura’s kiss while her body rubbed against him was more than enough to make him hard as stone. He wanted her. God how he wanted her. 
Sasuke had to ration all of his strength to snap back into his senses to twist and hide his massive erection from pressing into Sakura. They hadn’t had sex yet and he didn’t want to ruin the moment with his hard on. He didn’t think that she was ready for it and he most certainly was not regardless of what his ‘little Sasuke’ was aching for down there. 
Following a few seconds of Sakura hungrily kissing him like she’d never see him again, she finally let up and they broke apart. They were both left gasping and breathing heavily as they tried to cool off from the intensity of the kiss.
It was only then that Sasuke managed to truly take in the sight of her. Dressed in a tight white t-shirt and shorts that were extremely short and tight, not that Sasuke was complaining, she was radiant. With no makeup, only her bindi-mark upon her face and her rose -coloured hair messily cascading around her shoulders, Sakura was the most sublime creature on the planet to Sasuke in that moment.
And she was all his. 
It was precisely because she was in her most comfortable and simple state, that Sasuke couldn’t look away.  
“Let’s go inside. I gathered some more data and I have something for you, Sakura.”  Sasuke instructed in his typical, stoic manner. He couldn’t very well keep staring at her like some kind of freak now could he? And they did have work to do. They were heroes first and everything else afterwards. 
Or so he told himself. 
“You have something for me?” Sakura squeaked as she gently brushed his lips with her own once more, this time in a sweet and brief kiss before grabbing his hand and leading him inside. 
Sasuke let her lead him and smiled with lidded eyes and he looked at the superhuman beauty in front of him. Sakura was just so bubbly, so affective... so cute. 
Sasuke found himself constantly relishing and living in these moments these days. Maybe, he thought, just maybe he really could carve out a space in his life for romance with her even with his company and crime fighting. 
Yeah, she was worth it. They were worth it. Weren’t they?
When Sakura heard the crackling of leaves from her bedroom and didn’t see Sasuke on the porch when she raced downstairs, she knew exactly what was up. ‘Sasuke recon’ which is what was to be expected when your boyfriend was the greatest hero in the city and a genius. 
This was fifth time she caught him in something like this, yeah she was keeping count, and though she didn’t like someone constantly protecting her since she wasn’t too shabby a hero herself, she had to admit it felt wonderful to have her boyfriend look out for her. She does the same for him and having a boyfriend who is so protective is a plus in her book so it was all good. 
Also, Sakura thought it was cute to catch him sneaking around with that stone like expression on his face and his furrowed brows tightening as he moved about. With his chiseled jaw clenched in focus, his spiky hair that seemed to be woven from the night sky itself and his jet black eyes darting around, Sakura thought Sasuke looked incredibly sexy. Apparently her boyfriend being a bad ass hero with ninja-like reflexes and a hot bod just made her want him more. 
Who would have thought?
Honestly, Sasuke Uchiha was hot as hell and moved like a jungle cat in the night. What girl wouldn’t marvel at something like that? And it’s not like he was serious. After all he was noisy enough for her to hear him stomping about all the way from bedroom upstairs this annoyingly large mansion.
 So Sasuke clearly liked the game and Sakura was all to happy to play. 
Five months ago they met by chance when Sakura was investigating a kidnapping operation at Katsuyu Gardens. Kabuto, the man who killed Sasuke’s brother just so happen to be the mastermind behind the operation and by drugging dissatisfied rich kids who turned to him for purpose and drugs, he was well equipped for sustaining his mutant brother’s life. 
What other plans he could have had involving all those kids’ blood, well Sakura was glad that he was stopped before she could have found out. Thank God they beat him before he could have gone off on some other kick. 
Sakura and Sasuke took him down together and partnered up after that night. They both worried that he’d sell out Sasuke’s identity as Kagatsuchi. However, according to the police he kept laughing about Kagutsuchi’s secret being safe with him while in custody and not wanting to spoil the fun.
 After a few weeks of him not saying anything to the authorities, the duo realised he was probably keeping his promise for his own sick amusement. Sakura thought he wanted to keep them guessing and worrying about it, driving them mad. Though in the grand scheme of things it didn’t matter. 
He was dead. 
Kabuto had died in jail a few months back. Apparent suicide. 
Despite it all, even after all he did, Sakura still found herself pitying him. She however, comforted herself in knowing that he wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone anymore and such an evil soul was put to rest. And from his defeat their story began.
The attraction between Sasuke and Sakura was there from the start. From that battle a bond was formed. The attraction was plain to see but when Sakura confessed weeks later Sasuke, much to her bewilderment, poked her forehead, smiled and said he’d give her an answer later. At first she thought he was overwhelmed or didn’t feel the same but within minutes, while she sulked, Sasuke grabbed her and kissed her, making her see stars. 
“I feel the same...” 
She had a feeling that Sasuke liked her but she didn’t think that he’d ever make a move. At times like this she really appreciated not being one hundred percent right about everything all the time. There were some things her book smarts couldn’t predict. Thank God for that. It made life much more enjoyable.
Reminiscing over that moment, the moment they finally became a couple, still warmed Sakura’s heart. The giddiness she still felt whenever she thought of him, of them; the lovely sting of young love, it was exactly what she always dreamed of when she thought about falling in love. It was delightfully sweet.
 Despite her doubts.
Yeah she had doubts. So far their relationship was fine. They weren’t perfect by any means but Sakura loved him and whatever flaws Sasuke possessed, she was okay with it. She would handle it. And what flaws did he have really? Sakura couldn’t really list anything. 
They never argued. Yeah, he was extremely protective but so what? That just shows he cares and nothing was wrong with Sasuke being protective. 
What could possibly be wrong with that? Sakura hated to be split about it but after repeating these musings to herself like prayer every night she couldn’t ignore the unease that chilled her, especially in her moments of solitude. It wasn’t just Sasuke being protective of her all the time and she meant all the time.
On missions, as opposed to their battle against Kabuto and their early missions as a duo, and later a trio with Naruto A.K.A. Kurama, Sasuke in recent times seemed to push himself harder for them, Sakura specifically. He didn’t think she noticed but she did. Pushing himself in front of her, suggesting she take easier tasks, secretly watching her even while fighting enemies, Sasuke seemed perturbed. 
Sakura loved feeling loved and protected by her boyfriend and would have appreciated these gestures as secretive as they were but she knew better. She could read him in a way no one else could and she could safely say the same when it came to Sasuke understanding her. These actions were not spurred from love but from fear and if this continued someone was going to pay the ultimate price mid battle. 
 As much as Sakura loved him and she knew without a doubt that he loved her back, something was missing. And slowly but certainly a void was forming within her, within them both. 
She knew it. This wasn’t enough for a relationship to prosper. Sasuke was holding himself back around her while burdening himself with her safety. He kept a secret and it was one she intended to unearth even if it meant the end of them as partners and lovers. 
“Oh Sasuke! Oh sorry for the mess!” Sakura exclaimed as she witnessed Sasuke’s apparent shock at her stacks of files, loose papers and photos. Upon entering, Sasuke stood motionless in the center of her living room and this sharply jolted Sakura back from her musings.
Her tidy and organized living room was now overrun, only the roaring fire of her fireplace free of debris. Even her newly varnished, antique rocker was unusable  due to the weight of her mountains of paper work forced onto it.
“No. Just give me some time. I’ll fix it,” Sakura apologised as she hustled about clearing a seat for her guest. Flustered and mildly embarrassed, she was in her own world trying to tidy up.
“I only came home from work half and hour ago so I didn’t tidy and I had to shower before...”
“Sakura it’s fine,” Sasuke sighed with his eyes closed and a faint smile decorating his face.
“This is work. I’m glad it’s all out. I was hoping we worked through the night.”
“Oh thank God.” Sakura was chuckling nervously with her left hand rubbing the back of her head. “Cause I was going to ask you if just dinner during our break would be okay, though I know you’re more dedicated to work than I am so it was a given.”
“I wouldn’t say more dedicated.” Sasuke moved closer to Sakura as he spoke.
“You’re busy with your internship at Konoha General but I can arrange my meetings to suit so... Sakura the fact that you are a doctor and still manage to patrol and research in your spare time it’s remarkable.”
“I don’t feel ‘remarkable’....”
Sakura knew that she was dampening the mood with her negativity but she couldn’t hold back. The pressure of her life as a doctor/super hero was getting to her and she was never one to hold back how she felt. This was especially true when in the presence of Sasuke. Not that she could really hide anything from him anyway. 
He just always knew.
Sasuke’s voice was still as the moonlight that shone tonight and Sakura knew he was waiting, analyzing and planning through those slightly worried eyes of his. Those commanding eyes, blackened like a starless night. He knew what was wrong but he dared not jump ahead of her. That was his way. He let her express herself before he involved himself.
“More overdoses.”
“Yeah. That’s why I’m so adamant on this...” Sakura gestured with her arms to the mess around her. as she spoke.
“Sasuke, I feel like we’re not doing enough. The drug epidemic these guys are fueling.... Sasuke I can’t look at another user suffer. I can’t see another one die. We have to get them.”
“Hn. We will.”
When Sasuke held her face in his palm and stared deeply into her eyes, Sakura felt like some of her stress and worry melt away and for that she was terribly grateful.
“I mean it Sakura. Don’t worry.”
Just as briskly as he held her, he let go to Sakura’s mild disappointment.
“That idiot Naruto went out on a patrol tonight.” Sasuke continued. It was obvious that he was trying to assure, not only Sakura but himself, and work up a distraction.
What is your secret, Sasuke Uchiha?
“ He said he wanted to patrol after his youth programme and he’d meet us here afterwards.”
Sakura’s dilemma evaporated from her mind when Sasuke spoke. Naruto out alone? Sure, they were each independent heroes before teaming up in these recent months but the fact that they were a team meant that none of them pulled shit like this. Especially without properly informing the rest. Sakura would pummel that idiot when she got her hands on him.
Alone Naruto usually patrols his neighbourhood but with the recent spike in crime: gun violence and drug dealing, Sakura didn’t want to take that chance. He should still have taken at least one of them with him. Leaf City was devolving and they needed to work as a team to save it. That was for sure. 
Honestly, as much as she loved him, Naruto could really make her worry. He was like a brother to her and even though she knew he had feelings for her, Sakura loved the bond they actually shared. He never forced anything and accepted that her and Sasuke were together.
He was her close friend and, more importantly, right now he was a powerful super hero and a legend in the city every bit as illustrious and adept as Sasuke was. Before teaming up he was her idol as a rookie heroine, just as Sasuke was so in times like these she had to believe that this was enough, that those boys’ greatness was enough.
Although admittedly, in the back of her mind, Sakura sometimes wondered if they were too great even for her.  
“Sasuke, isn’t that dangerous? You shouldn’t have let him go alone. It’s not the same as it was months ago. What if...” 
Before she could finish, Sasuke interrupted her.
“Relax. He just texted me in the car saying everything was normal so he’s fine... and if there’s one thing I know about that idiot is that he’s as durable and annoying as a roach. Nothing can kill him and he’s the most reliable man I know. He’ll be fine.”
Say what you will about Sasuke and Naruto but as much as they fought, they loved ten times more. Of course Sakura would never point it out to either one of them. Seeing Sasuke express his confidence in Naruto cheered her up. 
Not surprisingly, both of them were hesitant to team up, apparently they didn’t get along the few times they managed to cross paths. Although, when the three of them met up and a bank robbery interrupted the boys’ blathering, history was made and it was all set in motion.
Despite all of their grand standing, Kurama and Kagutsuchi worked together amazingly and were extremely powerful, especially as a team. With their success, the reticence when it came to their partnering up with one another and Haruno, melted away and with that their three man cell was born.
They still bicker like crazy but those boys, her boys, were brothers and Sakura was grateful for having them both in her life. She also knew they felt the same way.
She still wondered, however, why Naruto didn’t think it right to text her. 
“So you said you had some more info, Sasuke?” Sakura asked. 
No time to dwell.
 They were both seated on her now cleared, dixie sofa, with her sterling silver, glass paneled coffee table before them. Moving some of her files to the side, Sakura beckoned Sasuke to add what he had.
“Ah. I managed to hack into the police database...”
“Sasuke oh my God!” Sakura giggled.
“It had to be done. Anyway I got these.” He laid out a stack of manila files onto the table and as Sakura read through the first he continued.
“As you can see, officers have been killed in the line of duty in five major areas around Leaf City at an alarming rate.”
“What the hell? Twenty-one officers in three weeks?!” Sakura was almost shouting now. “I thought it was nine dead?! Why don’t we know anything?!”
“Inspector Hatake is in Sand City. Death in his family. And without him, my links are all but non existent.... and even then I don’t know if he can divulge anything to me.”
“Wow is it really that confidential? Is that why this wasn’t reported?”
“They were Anbu.” Sasuke’s tone was as as controlled as ever as he spoke.
“Anbu?” Sakura inquired never taking her eyes off of Sasuke. His tone and the way his eyes dropped slightly both told her that this was a secret. 
One apparently he knew while she didn’t.
“Elite secret soldiers under the Leaf Council themselves.” Sasuke finally blurted out. He now met Sakura straight in her eyes.
“ No one is supposed to know about them...” he paused and Sakura knew he was absorbing the shock and awe that now stamped her features. There was still so much she didn’t know as a rookie and instead of advancing as part of this team she felt like it just made things worse.
As if sensing her unease Sasuke carried on.
“My family....The Uchiha have been around for centuries. That’s how I know about them.”
“You never told me.” Her tone was even yet lit with disappointment and her eyes descended to her lush, cream carpet while she spoke. 
Sakura didn’t intend to sound offended and whiny, and she could of sworn she didn’t, however the look Sasuke gave her said otherwise. Really, she’d be lying if she said that this didn’t irk her, if at least slightly.
“Does Naruto know?” Scratch the ‘slightly’. Really, who cares if she was sounding petty? She needed to know if she was at a disadvantage on this team.
“He’s the mayor’s son so he might.”
“Great.” Sakura’s sigh was pronounced as she spoke and she knew Sasuke probably picked up on it. Really, she wasn’t mad at him or even disappointed in him. It had nothing to do with him and she hoped he knew it.
 This was all about her.
It’s just, she already felt intimidated matching those two in this context: a rookie in a new city and the first hero from her family, so she didn’t need the fact that she was in the dark while Sasuke and Naruto, legendary heroes from wealthy founding families, knew more than she did. She couldn’t control how she felt and at least she acknowledged that she had an insecurity. 
That was a good thing, wasn’t it? First step to recovery and all that?
“... It’s a secret and they don’t meddle with anything concerning us. I don’t even know anything about them apart from the fact that they exist. The Uchiha were not part of the council for decades and if it weren’t for Itachi’s surveillance...”
Sasuke’s voice trailed off and for just a split second Sakura caught the splinter of pain that cut across his face, before he sealed it back under his signature, stoic expression.
Itachi’s death still haunted him. This was obvious and despite him saying he was alright and his improvement from when they first met, Sakura knew it was still weighing on him. You never get over the death of a loved one, especially a death of such a tragic nature.
“Sasuke, it’s okay.” Sakura moved in close and placed her palm over his. “I’m okay and I’m here if you want to...”
“They, the Anbu can pass as regular police, but they aren’t part of the official force. Sometimes they plant themselves into police stations and work.”
Yeah Sasuke definitely wasn’t going to talk about Itachi more than he needed to, Sakura realized. His slight grimace and downward stare while he interrupted her and changed the topic, they weren’t exactly vague indicators of where he was at.
With a sigh she let it go. What else could she do? And this case was more important, at least in this moment.
Focusing on the issue at hand, she continued.
“Isn’t that wrong? To have a secret army?”
Sakura knew she probably came across as naive but she didn’t care. She was a hero from a civilian family in another city. Clearly, Leaf City wasn’t a run of the mill Western metropolis as it appeared.
 Certain traditions from the city’s founding by the Senju of the East were apparently still rooted in the city’s culture and operating behind the scenes. Sakura wondered what other secrets lay underneath the underneath of Leaf City. What else didn’t she know?
This night really wasn’t what she expected it to be.
“No. At least legally it’s not. The Anbu existed from the time of the city’s founding, when the Senju started their settlement.”
Sasuke was responding to her and at the sound of his voice, once more, she tried to focus on the issue at hand and stifle her internal whining.
“I see. Well it is an ingenious way to secure power. A secret army controlling law enforcement... so Anbu huh?” 
 Sakura knew she was barely fooling Sasuke with her sudden interest in the council’s strategy. She was a nerd but she was an emotional nerd and her weakness is and always was her ability to feel. 
It was her strength too. At least she once believed it was. 
“Killing Anbu isn’t easy, Sakura. They are supposed to be highly trained assassins and guardians and even though blessings are rare in Leaf City there are supposedly a few blessed ones in their ranks.”
“So who could take them down?” Sakura’s index finger was bent at her chin now, that large brain of hers storming through possibilities. “That would be easy especially with suitable weaponry I suppose or...”
She paused. 
The idea that more blessed ones like Kabuto were running wild through the streets made her stomach turn. Blessed ones were so rare after all with most of them being heroes or laying low.
 Please not that. 
Was Sasuke wondering about the threat of more blessed ones too? Sakura couldn’t tell. Concrete proof was needed of course. Though, following Kabuto killing Itachi and then him facing off against them, Sakura knew that they should take no chances. They had to expect the worst. 
“Or blessed ones.”
“Or blessed ones.”
They said it simultaneously and hearing this from Sasuke, aloud and knowing that he thought the same made it real to Sakura. Hearing someone else confirm her fears: super villains. Again. 
“God it’s just so much! These overdoses and now this? Sasuke, this isn’t right. As if I wasn’t feeling like crap before.”
“Sakura, we’ll get them. Blessing or no blessing. We’ll find them and defeat them. I swear on the Uchiha.” Sasuke’s eyes were locked on hers as he spoke to Sakura. 
“Hm. Yeah.” Sakura just had to agree. He made it so easy to believe, to hope.
Sakura smiled as she stared back at those commanding black eyes aimed at her. That fire in Sasuke’s eyes...He was proud and resolute and in that moment Sakura found herself supported by Sasuke, by his strength. They were going to crack this case and take out whoever it was. That was certain and given how stubborn the three of them were, Sakura thought their chances were looking good. 
Steeling herself, Sakura continued. 
“We need to find out where these dealers are and we need to find the blessed one helping them, assuming there is a blessed one at all.” 
“The answer must be in the murders.” Sasuke suggested, his brow furrowed in deep concentration. This was his element. Sakura knew it by now. This was where he truly shone, as a hero and a detective.
“Sasuke you don’t think?...”
“Hn. The files. Cause of death. No blessing was mentioned but if we can analyse the data.”
“Shannaro! I’m on it. It shouldn’t be hard to tell who was killed by a blessing, no matter how odd it is.”
“Here’s half. Anything odd we pull out that case.”
There it was. Sakura’s determination. In the twenty minutes or so that followed Sasuke caught himself sneaking glances at Sakura as she worked. He saw her doing the same from time to time but didn’t let her know. 
This easiness, this comfort when he worked with Sakura, who was just a dependable as he was, was a sensation he didn’t think he’d ever get accustomed to. Sure he worked with Itachi but Itachi was the leader. Here with Sakura and Naruto, Sasuke truly felt that he was dependable and could depend on his comrades as well. 
He was an equal. 
He was part of a team.
So far most of the deaths he’d been reading through haven’t struck him as odd. Fatal gunshot wounds, stab wounds, strangulation, the usual. The oddest of his set were a couple of apparent poisonings so he put those aside. 
Sakura had a few separated as well and from the way she pursed her lips and wriggled her nose Sasuke knew she was examining every single detail, every word,as she read. Her analytical ability was the best on their team and that intelligence and resolve were what he loved about her. 
As he finished his last file and set aside his, now five, poisoned cases he was alerted to the sound of Sakura closing her files as well. 
“Done. I got seven strange deaths over here. Coroner ruled it as a poisoning.” Sakura informed as she held her folders in her hands. They flapped wildly as she gestured. “What did you find, Sasuke?”
“Shit. Five poisonings over here too. The rest were stabbings and shootings.” They were on the cusp of something. Sasuke could sense it. “Could be a poison weapon though. Bombs...”
“Not so sure. Can I see your files, Sasuke?”
“Uh. Hn.” 
“Just as I thought.” 
“What did you find, Sakura?”
“There are no needle marks, no traces of anything in their lungs, nasal passages or mouths. Blood work came back negative as well. The only indication that there was some sort of poison isn’t even really an indication at all. See?”
Sakura moved in closer and showed Sasuke the sections she apparently highlighted as she read. 
“There is no trace of any known poison in these bodies. Poisons such as bufalin, oleandrin, digoxin, ouabain.... They act on the contractile force of the cardiac muscle, effectively disrupting the pumping action of the heart. Myocardial contractility, the heart’s contraction, was forced to a halt the same way for sure but it’s impossible that there was poison used here.”
“So you’re telling me that someone simply stopped their hearts?”
“No poisons and no wounds like the other murders so yeah, whoever got these guys had to have been using some sort of blessing that mimics poisoning or affects muscles in some way.”
“Hn.” Sasuke smirked. Partly because he was glad that they finally made a headway in this case and partly because he couldn’t figure it out while Dr. Sakura Nakamura just did. “Now we just have to find the user.”
“But before that, the analysis of the drug sample you gave me came back”
“Not good. These drugs are not typical, especially for Leaf City... This type of coke is on a whole different level. We can’t peg some of the chemicals and it seems to be more potent than the usual.”
“ These aren’t typical drug dealers. Some big shot kingpin... if it were just random punks distributing we’d have caught a few.”
“You’re right and here’s the thing... Concocting this requires extensive pharmaceutical capabilities and capital, Sasuke. I don’t know the process involved and based on the Anbu murders and the blessed one I’d say that these dealers are this person’s army.”
“Highly trained, highly staffed and a blessed one backing them. Shit. We need to find them. Finding that blessed one should do it.... Wait is that a map you have out?”
“Oh yeah. Hold on I have it on my laptop. Here.” As Sakura spoke she grabbed her laptop and pulled up a map of Leaf City with points circled. 
“These are all the areas where the addicts who overdosed were picked up. They’re all over. I thought we could have gotten something if I plotted the points but...”
“Hn. I think I know how we find this blessed one.” 
Sasuke was so close, he knew it. Why didn’t he think of this before? 
“Shannaro! Sasuke you’re a genius!” 
At her exclamation Sakura’s grip on Sasuke’s hand tightened and sent an intoxicating, heady spark racing through his body. At Sakura’s touch, Sasuke felt a fire roar within him. Her hands were silken, her touch soothing and her grip firm and tethering. Sasuke felt the exhilaration of her touch winding its way through him and for a few seconds, his mind vacated his conversation and was thrust into fantasy. 
Sasuke could imagine those creamy, tender hands of Sakura’s touching him, playing with his hard length as she teased; smoothing over his bare back as he rode her and pumped into her; gripping and grabbing his ass as they both climaxed together in a throe of passion and lust.   
In their months of dating they hadn’t had sex but Sasuke could feel his body losing itself more frequently as time went by. Sakura carved herself a place within his heart and now his body itself acted on its own around her. The yearning to have her under him and over him, touching him and being touched by him; kissing him and having him drink from her was all consuming and Sasuke knew he would have her anyway she let him. 
“... so basically we compare the OD’d scenes with the ‘poison deaths’ and we’d find the blessed one’s territory, right Sasuke? Sasuke?”
Luckily for Sasuke, Sakura caught on to his plan so he didn’t have to listen to what she said to correct her. Him zoning out for a few seconds was embarrassing and so unlike himself and judging from her expression, he was out for more than a few seconds. 
“We should pin point the general area where this guys moves about. Assuming he isn’t all over the place, we should isolate his location.”
Minutes later, Sasuke finished entering the locations of the strange murders Sakura called out for him and had his answer. “Here.”
What was presented before them, in a cluster of red and blue circles (indicating the overdoses and deaths respectively) shocked Sasuke and he could tell that Sakura felt the same way.
 The assailant indeed had been operating in one area where all twelve of the Anbu murders took place.  
“He’s there. Sasuke that’s where that blessed one is. East Jonin District.”
“Yeah. The blessed one. He has to be crucial enough to lead us to the source. Sakura I think we should get Naruto over here A.S.A.P.”
“Hm. I already texted him.” 
“Now we wait.”
When Sakura got her hands on Naruto she was going to pummel him into a coma for sure. When she texted, he immediately replied that he’d be there as soon as possible so she didn’t need to call. 
The problem? 
That was half an hour ago. If not for his last quick text to Sasuke ten minutes ago, saying he was on his way, she would have thought that something happened to him.
Trust them and stop worrying like a rookie Sakura! They know better than you.
God she was a mess.
On the bright side, Sasuke and her had taken a leap ahead when it came to this drug syndicate tonight and had time for dinner while they waited for their teammate, so it wasn’t a total loss. She always enjoyed spending time with Sasuke alone anyway so maybe this was a blessing in disguise.
Dinner was great...well as great as ordering pizza could be. In her defense, Sakura was a working woman and super heroine with a tight schedule. Part of her regretted not being able to provide a home cooked meal for her boyfriend but the other part of her knew that Sasuke didn’t care. Despite all his wealth, Sasuke was a simple man and found beauty in simplicity, just like Sakura did. 
In that sense, they were a perfect match.
The couple took their time eating while they waited for Naruto. Sasuke especially, Sakura noted. In all these months of dining with Sasuke, Sakura still found herself marveling at his table manners. Unlike her, Sasuke didn’t take his slices and shovel them into his mouth. Nope not Sasuke Uchiha.
At dinner Sasuke was a model gentleman with exemplary table manners. Even with pizza Sasuke carefully wielded his knife and fork, as adeptly as he did his katana, making precise cuts in his slices before daintily lifting them with his fork. After every bite he subtly dabbed his mouth with his napkin before resuming. As always, he exuded an air of sophistication and class.
Sakura’s mind wandered once again and now mischievous thoughts penetrated her mind. She was curious about what else Sasuke could do so carefully, skillfully and efficiently with those hands of his. 
As if him being a modern day Adonis wasn’t enough to get her going.
“Is something wrong, Sakura?” Sasuke stopped and abruptly asked Sakura, his eyes focused on her now. “Sakura?”
“Nope nothing. I...” Sakura squeaked as she waved her hands dismissively. She was such a dork.
  Sakura you idiot.
“You’re looking at me, is something wrong?”
“Sorry it’s just... I’ve never seen anyone eat pizza with a knife and fork before. Ah...You’re table manners are remarkable.” 
God she felt like such a weirdo. That’s it. Sakura was a stalker. A stalker, fangirl, who couldn’t stop staring at her boyfriend while he ate. She should be dumped. 
“Hn.” Surprisingly, Sasuke was beaming, that characteristic Uchiha sideways smirk now adorning his perfectly chiseled face. “No need to apologize. I’m glad you think so highly of me... and that your eyes are on me.” 
With that he winked at her and Sakura almost fell off her chair on the high that gave her. A blush of deep pink bloomed across her features and Sakura never resembled her namesake to such an extent before. 
Without warning Sakura found herself bursting out into a fit of giggles. “Oh Sasuke you never fail to surprise me.” 
She needed this, needed him. Her internship was hell so far and this crime wave was really eating away at her resolve and confidence. Recently, spending time with Sasuke seemed to be the only good thing in her life and the closer they became, the greater her yearning to make this last. 
“Hn.” Sasuke smiled as he cleared finished his meal and carried both his and Sakura’s wares to the sink. 
“You don’t have to...”
“Sakura. Yes I do. Thank you for the meal.”
“But I didn’t cook anything...”
When Sakura just fell silent, without being asked he turned around and did the dishes. He really was a catch, Sakura thought. She was hopelessly in love with the perfect man. God and it was heaven.
“I got us dessert.” Sasuke said as he rinsed the last plate and toweled it off. “I put in in the fridge.”
“Oh Sasuke you didn’t have to.... Wow! Anmitsu!  You got anmitsu!” 
“I ah... I remembered you liked it and...” 
Before Sasuke could get his sentence out Sakura grabbed his arm and led him to her couch.  In her other hand she already had their two spoons, ready for dessert. 
Now Sasuke was the one blushing and Sakura loved that she was the one who caused it.
“Put the dishrag down and let’s have this in the living room.”
“So where did you get it?” Sakura asked, minues later, as she took her first spoonful of syrupy, candied goodness. Huddling close together, they were both seated on the couch and Sakura was on top of the world. Sasuke was next to her, sharing her favorite dessert 
She missed having anmitsu and eating this now made her think of her mother. Sasuke actually remembered that this was her favourite dessert. She didn’t think that he would, after all she just mentioned it casually months before.
 “I’ve been looking for a good Eastern dessert place forever.” 
“Yeah. Jugo found out about this place in the Southern district so I thought I’d get it for tonight.” 
Putting her spoon down, Sakura leaned in and softly kissed Sasuke on his cheek. “Well. Thank you. You’re really sweet for doing this... Pun intended.”
“Ah yeah... Sakura...you’re welcome.” With half lidded eyes Sasuke dreamily looked at her as he responded. 
Sakura could feel his adoration as he looked at her. He loved her and it showed and even though he never stated it, she knew it to be absolutely true. In this moment they were happy despite whatever hang ups they had as individuals and as a couple.
Minutes flew by and even though Sakura enjoyed snuggling against Sasuke, she was getting impatient and so too was Sasuke.
“Where the hell is that idiot?!” Sasuke barked as he put aside his bowl. 
Sakura had already vacuumed up hers, naturally, and was enjoying leaning on him. 
“I’ll call him. He’s really worrying me. He texted twenty minutes ago saying he would be here soon right?” Sakura sighed with her phone already in her hand.
 “I hope he’s okay.”
“Tch. Knowing that baka, he probably got lost.” 
“Sasuke you...” Before she could finish, her phone connected. “Oh Naruto hi. Where are you? You’re on speaker by the way.”
 “Hi Sakura! I know I am running late. Some assholes were trying to rob a jewelry store earlier so I got held back. I am almost done with my patrol. Just a little longer.”
“Hn. Robbers took too much out of you, Naruto?”  Sasuke was smirking as he jabbed Naruto which was the norm between them. 
“Sasuke you!” And as usual Sasuke hit a nerve. 
Sakura sighed. She wasn’t sure if she should laugh or be mad at this point. She was sure though that they needed to get back on track.
“Guys! Naruto, Sasuke and I found out that there’s a blessed one among them and he seems to be in the East Jonin District so we need a plan. Even though you’re in the West in you still be careful. Don’t rush into any of these dealers especially in crowds. No telling where that blessed one is.”
“Um Sakura?
“I am in the East tonight.”
“What? Since when do you go off alone so far on mentor ship night?!” Sakura barked, sounding like the grumpy older sister she sometimes felt like when dealing with him. 
God please.
“Sakura listen...”
“And you just now thought to tell us this, Naruto?” Sasuke cut in. From his tone, Sakura could tell that he was pissed off. Even Sasuke was worried. 
Sakura could tell he was angry and she couldn’t blame him. Screw the hero crap. Super villains were deadly and if anything were to happen...
“Guys. Trust me. I am fine. Sakura I’ll be careful but...wow! These guys.... anyway as I was saying before that duck butt bastard jumped in...so far no sign of anything tonight but I got a lead myself on this drug problem. I’ll update you guys when we meet..”
“Duck butt?! You...”
Sakura interrupted and speedily ended the call before Sasuke could grab the phone. 
“Tch. That idiot...” 
Sasuke was fuming at this point but Sakura couldn’t resist and before she knew it she burst out into a fit of giggles. 
Thank God they’re both fine. 
“Sakura!” Sasuke was glaring at her now. “Are you laughing?!”
“Aha oh sorry Sasuke...it’s just...”
“What?” Sasuke asked, clearly trying to ignore her incessant giggling. 
“It’s just... you two.... and...” 
“I can’t believe you agree and are taking his side!”
“Sasuke, there’s no sides.” Sakura finally calmed down and pulled Sasuke into a hug. “Come here.” 
He was unwilling but relented as she drew him in. He was pouting and Sakura loved it. Sakura sat upright and coaxed him to spread out on the couch, his head resting in her lap. 
Gently, before he could resume his ranting, Sakura did what she knew would get him. What always got to him. 
She ran her fingers through his hair, playing with his strands of jet black hair and massaging his scalp as she did so. 
“I love your hair.” Sakura whispered as she continued combing through Sasuke’s hair softly. “It’s one of my favorite things about you, so spiky and cute.”
“Hn.” Sasuke breathed out. His eyes were closed now as he relaxed in her lap. “Cute?”
“Yes, Sasuke,” Sakura bent down as she spoke. “Cute.” 
Then, she kissed him.
The kiss started off as Sakura gently brushing his lips but when that connection was made, Sakura found herself yearning for more. What started off gently transformed into a wildfire soon she found herself slipping her tongue between his lips. 
Sasuke seemed to feel the same way. He kissed her back just as passionately and powerfully and brought her closer, pressing her lips tighter onto his with his right arm. Having him kiss her like that, with his tongue entering her as he groaned into her, him teasingly biting her lower lip and tongue, set her ablaze.
Suddenly, she found herself wanting more, that warmth in her inner thigh demanding so much more than a kiss. 
Sasuke was the one to break off the kiss. Again Sakura could sense a hesitation reigning him in and stopping him from giving himself to her fully. It wasn’t even about the prospect of sex. Just kissing and hugging seemed to get too much for him at times and for the umpteenth time tonight, she found herself wondering about him and what secrets he was hiding from her. 
He’ll tell you in time, Sakura. Act normal. Don’t force anything. 
The little voice that chimed in her mind was right, Sakura concluded. Sasuke was special and he deserved her complete understanding. As much as she wanted to start this conversation she couldn’t afford to do so now, before Naruto got here and while in the midst of such a crisis. Holding back was logical. It was right as they were, after all heroes. Though part of her knew that this was bullshit. Part of her secretly dreaded finding out. 
“So uh... better, Sasuke?” Sakura put on her brightest smile when she spoke. “Or do you still have doubts.”
“Ah... yeah.” Sasuke blushed, his complexion reddening. As he sat up Sakura saw faint reddening of his lips from all the kissing and nibbling she did and was pretty sure hers matched. 
“Ugh. Rain!” Sakura exclaimed. Now, icy bucketfuls pressed down and began nailing her roof, unleashing a bitter chill on the couple. “Sasuke do you mind, my fire’s almost...”
“Ah.” Before she could finish asking, Sasuke extended his index finger and launched a fireball into her fireplace, reigniting her the fire to ward off the cold.
“Thank you.”  Sakura groaned. She was pulling her wool blanket over them both before snuggling against Sasuke. “Much better.”
Sakura, true to her namesake, despised the cold, luckily though, between Sasuke’s flames and his warm and comforting body, Sakura was warm. As they lay before the fire waiting forever for Naruto, Sakura felt safe.
She felt protected. 
All in all, Sakura was relieved to have something to talk about outside of their cases with Sasuke. While they waited for Naruto, bundled up in Sakura’s living room, Sakura found herself enjoying Sasuke’s company. Real quality time as a couple. 
This is what she craved.
Chatting, Sakura told him about the new surgeon, Dr. Chiyo, giving all of the interns a hard time and laughed when Sasuke asked her if she was reporting her. Sakura didn’t feel it was that serious, the bullying, but thought that Sasuke’s outrage was adorable. What did she ever do to get a boyfriend like him? 
Though, under all of the warmth they shared tonight, Sakura still felt a chill, a strong sense of foreboding. The issue? She didn’t know if this was about their case or their relationship. 
Sasuke talked about his day, new projects he was working on and how his estate was fairing. Sakura recently helped him redecorate and made Jugo switch to her brand of fabric softener, and even though she questioned if she was being too pushy a girlfriend, she took comfort in the happiness plastered on Sasuke’s face every time she butted in.
Loneliness crippled him, this she knew but would never say it aloud to him, so whatever she could do; whenever she could care for him she’d give it her all. After all, this man was hers. He had her heart. 
He seemed okay on the surface but Sakura knew better. He couldn’t hide much from her. Earlier she noticed it as well, when she hugged him and later when she grabbed his hands suddenly. He even broke of their kiss minutes ago and Sakura swore she saw a slash of panic flicker on his face. It’s like he just zoned out. He didn’t seem angry though, just distracted, scared even.  
“There’s also this new company trying to compete with us, grab our tenders for themselves... Sirocco Development. Tch. Well they’re trying to compete with us.” 
Sasuke was smirking as he spoke and a powerful fire seemed to blaze in his eyes. Needless to say, Sakura found it insanely sexy. Sasuke, the cut throat businessman talking about crushing his competition and donning that almost sinister expression on his face... So hot. 
“Wow. Never heard of them but then again, this is all so alien to me,” Sakura remarked still snug against her boyfriend as Sasuke’s roaring, titian, flame flickered in her fireplace.  
“It’s a new company but there seems to be old money in the family.” Sasuke reported, his chin resting on top of Sakura’s head. “Don’t worry though. I am more than well equipped to stave off  Sirocco and their young, hotshot C.E.O.” 
“I know you are,” Sakura offered with her sunny smile now looking up and facing Sasuke. “You’re the best at what you do after all. You’re a blessing to your family, Sasuke.”
“Sakura...” Sasuke whispered looking down at Sakura. Their eyes met and his emotions were clear to Sakura in that moment. 
Sasuke’s pained expression is what did it. Sakura could see how torn he was. It was is if he was holding himself back for some reason. Every time they shared a moment or he himself seemed happy something seemed to freeze him and prod him into being upset and distant again. 
She had no intention of bringing up what she’d noticed but nestled in Sasuke’s arms, feeling his warmth and seeing how desperately he tried to enjoy the moment, it was too much. She had to say something. She had to help him.
“Sasuke, I know something is bothering you...”
At this Sasuke shot to attention with a brief expression of surprise flashing across his face before he composed himself in true Sasuke fashion. Now staring into Sakura’s eyes with furrowed brows and slightly parted lips, the young Uchiha seemed at a loss for words while he focused only on Sakura.
“Sakura I...”
 “I’m not forcing you to open up to me but I can see that you’re upset. Just know that I am here and can help.  Whatever you need I’m right here, okay?” 
Sure she couldn’t force it out of him but Sakura hoped that at least letting him know that she knew he was upset and was ready to lend an ear to listen and help him would ease him into revealing his secret. It’s the best she could do at the moment. She just hoped that it was enough. 
Sasuke simply gazed at her with an expression of bewilderment and awe painted across his perfect features. This proceeded for a few seconds and finally, when silence was beginning to seem unbearable, Sakura decided to speak again.
And that was when he kissed her. 
Sasuke’s kiss was urgent and Sakura melted in his arms at the feel of his soft lips meeting hers. He kissed her hungrily and instantly, a dizzying lightness washed over her. Sakura could feel the softness and warmth of Sasuke’s mouth as he took control and slipped his tongue in. He was hungry for her and she felt it. 
Indeed, she felt it in so many ways. 
As he flipped her over on the couch and rested on top of her, never breaking their kiss, Sakura felt his rock hard erection brush against her stomach. He was aroused and now so was she as a warmth pooled in her inner thigh in eager anticipation of what was to come. 
In the sweetness and passion of the moment Sakura disregarded their conversation and gave into to her lust and desire. It was wrong and she knew it but God, she couldn’t stop. 
She didn’t want to stop. 
Sasuke wasn’t thinking. It was as if his body moved on its own. All night he’d been fighting his urges, his desires when it came to Sakura. If he was being honest with himself he really was fighting this way before tonight. Even he couldn’t stay strong any longer. 
Despite him pulling away, shifting away and trying and failing to separate himself from her, as he didn’t outright leave her presence, he was still weak. So fucking weak.
 That’s why when she called him out on his distance, his zoning out and offered her support in such a caring and selfless manner, Sasuke caved. She was too damned loving and Sasuke just had to have her. 
 When he moved in and kissed Sakura, all he could feel was utter adoration, reverence and lust. God he wanted her so bad. He needed her: her warmth, her love, everything. Sasuke wanted her heated, sweaty and gasping under him while they made love. 
He yearned to finally consummate this love and shower her with all the worship and pleasure she more than deserved. He wanted her wet, liquid and he’d give anything to taste her, her honey- like sweetness upon his desperate lips. All he could think about was making love to her tonight, to finally be inside her while he pumped into her until they both came and marked each other was their own. 
Sakura was in love with him. This is what she wanted and damn it this is what he wanted too. Living in the now. This is what he decided earlier. 
After all, his ‘curse’ or whatever the hell it was wasn’t a surety was it? He’d already lost Itachi and his parents yeah but that wouldn’t happen to Sakura or Naruto would it? Regardless, in this moment and in this place none of that registered for long. Only him and Sakura were present and was she ever present right now. 
Who the hell cared about his hang ups? He promised himself and Itachi that he’d enjoy life and that what he was going to do now. Fuck whatever curse or paranoia that was holding him back.
It was all in his head anyway wasn’t it?
Sakura kissed him as ravenously and desperately as he had kissed her, slipping her tongue between his lips and exploring him herself. In a flash Sasuke felt his shirt rip open as he himself pulled off her shorts and tossed them. Her t shirt was soon to follow and when he saw her in her white lace he almost came right there.
Moving downward his tongue kissed and sucked at her neck, her collarbone and then her shoulders while she grabbed onto his hair. 
He then freed her breasts. 
“Fuck... Sakura... Let me....” 
Sakura was divine. Sasuke couldn’t fathom what he was doing, saying. When he saw the creamy swells of her breasts all he could do was rip off her bra to reveal her tight, pink nipples. He had to touch them, taste them. 
And so he did.
In an instant Sasuke took them into his mouth and suckled, one by one, making sure to work the other with his fingers as he lapped at her breasts. He flicked his tongue playfully over her nipples as she moaned, shuddered and gripped his shoulders forcefully.
 He loved it.
Still tasting her breast, his fingers soon took a different route. Downwards. Rubbing against the delicate lace of her panties Sasuke felt her heat and moisture soaking through. She was drenched. He had to taste her.
“Sasukeeeh... please... touch me...” Sakura, as if reading his mind, moaned as she threw her head back over the sofa’s arm in her drunken pleasure. 
At this Sasuke felt his erection double in size threatening to burst out of his pants. He had to hurry before he came too early. Sakura could do that to him, he was sure. She was driving him mad.
“You’re so fucking beautiful...” He whispered then slid one, finger beneath her panties, probing her most sensitive area. 
“Open your legs more... yeah...”
 “Sakura you’re so warm....”
“Sasukeeeh...” She whispered and gasped while Sasuke touched her, her nails digging into his shoulders. He was near the edge of orgasm himself. Before long her orgasm kicked and Sasuke basked in her beauty. 
“Fuck Sakura...”
Abruptly he stopped and gazed into her eyes. Beads of sweat stippled her flushed complexion and as she dreamily stared back, Sasuke brought his glistening fingers to his mouth sucked her remnants, the ambrosia from his fingers. He sealed his eyes and swallowed as he did so. 
“You taste...amazing.” 
Did she ever. Like honey.
“Sasuke!” Sakura moaned before she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a kiss. Soon after, as they kissed Sasuke felt her gripping his buckle. “I want you inside me.” 
“Sakura...” Sasuke groaned out, now undoing his pants himself as he loomed over her. He was ready. They were going to make love tonight. Finally. 
“Sasuke... I love you.” Sakura was dazed and smiled at him with dreamy eyes as she spoke and fuschia strands spilling over the couch. 
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
“Shit!” In a flash Sasuke, drew back from between her legs and off of the couch. His pants were still on. 
“Sasuke what’s wrong?!” Sakura exclaimed. She was sitting up now looking at Sasuke with worry and fear lighting her eyes. 
Sasuke looked at her and felt a pang of self hatred ring within him. He didn’t mean to take things so far. He didn’t mean to hurt her. 
“I... I can’t do this, Sakura.” His eyes never left hers as he spoke. Sasuke hopped he didn’t break before her gaze. “I shouldn’t have done that.” 
“Sasuke. Please talk to me. What’s the matter? You look terrified.” Sakura’s voice was gentle as always and somehow that just made this whole situation worse. That and the fact that she was coming closer and reaching for him. “Come sit.”
“No!” Sasuke shouted, stepping back and pulling his arm away from her reach. He didn’t mean to raise his voice and he really wasn’t yelling at her. No, he was shouting at himself, at this whole damn situation. 
Sakura jerked back in reaction and he hated himself even more for putting that expression of pain and shock on her face. He upset her. Her was ruining her. Quickly, he moved in closer in an attempt to remedy this. 
“Sakura, I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you. It’s not you.”
“Hm.” Sakura smiled bitingly as she faced him. Now she was the one moving back. “Sasuke if you don’t want this relations...”
“What?” Sasuke couldn’t believe it. Seeing Sakura smile as she said it froze him in place. What was she getting at? Of course he had feelings for her. Was she doubting him. Had she been doubting them? 
“I’ve known something was off. Sasuke it’s okay. I don’t doubt you have feelings for me. You just can’t give yourself to me fully. You have issues. I get it.” 
She hurriedly started gathering her clothes and re-dressed herself. She tossed Sasuke his shirt as well. 
“Sakura... Don’t...” Sasuke knew he had to do something to at least ease her some way. “Listen. It’s not you...”
“Stop.” Sakura held her palm out at him, halting him in place and shutting him up.
 That was unlike her. 
“Sakura listen to...”
“Oh God. Naruto!” 
This was the most humiliating moment of her life. How could she have been so stupid? 
When Sasuke kissed her, all of her resolve and strength of mind dissipated. His soft lips, his firm yet gentle hold and his good looks messed with her mind. She was in love and from the spark he started tonight, a wildfire erupted. One she did nothing to extinguish. 
Did she really let Sasuke touch her like that? It was magical and sent her into a frenzy, sure. But it should not have happened.
Sakura knew fully well that Sasuke wasn’t ready. Heck she wasn’t even sure if she was ready herself but despite this, she allowed her emotions and lust to run wild. 
Did she love him? Of course she did. Did she want to have sex right now? Yes. As confusing as it was, as unsure as she was, when she really, truly thought about it, losing her virginity now to Sasuke was something she wanted. She would welcome it wholeheartedly. 
The very thought of being able to give herself fully to him, to connect with him on such a level and to reach him in a way no one else could, well, it set her heart a flutter. As cliche and teen-like it sounded, it was the truth. This was Sakura’s truth. 
Her problem? Even if Sasuke did follow through, it would have been wrong. Empty sex. The love between them would mean nothing if Sasuke had even a sliver of doubt swirling around in his mind. And though Sakura wouldn’t consider it her taking advantage of him since he initiated it, she would blame herself for not stopping him and giving in herself. 
Sasuke was not ready and worse yet, this incident just turned on a lamp, so to speak, and confirmed what she feared. This relationship was not stable. It was not complete. And without a foundation nothing can stand. 
Indeed, until Sasuke dealt with his own demons, until he opened up to her and accepted her and his own desires and feelings completely and without diffidence, this relationship was empty. 
She didn’t have time to dwell on their relationship issues however. As Sasuke tried to explain himself following his outburst which, Sakura couldn’t lie, shocked her, a more pressing crisis loomed. 
She had no idea how Sasuke couldn’t hear it. Maybe because of his state or the fact that he was talking but as he spoke Sakura heard uneven breaths and chaotic footsteps at her door. Naruto was injured. 
Soon after she exclaimed a thundering crash echoed while Sakura, with Sasuke close behind, were already racing to the porch.
“No. Naruto....” Sakura felt the breath leave her body when she opened her front door. She’d slipped on her clothes while running and from the corner of her eye she could see Sasuke already buttoned up too.
“Shit. Naruto.” Sasuke was peering over her in the frame at Naruto’s splayed body on the ground. 
Composing herself, she let her doctor side take control and briskly rushed towards Naruto. 
“Hi...Sakura...” Naruto whimpered. He was barely audible. 
“Shush. Let me check it out.” Sakura commanded as she carefully inspected him.  His wounds were serious but Sakura surmised that they were not life threatening, for now.
A gun shot wound clean through his shoulder caught Sakura’s eye first and from what she could tell he had broken his left foot severely. It twisted at an unnatural angle and stuck there even when he fidgeted. He seemed to have broken his right wrist as well but Sakura determined that this was the least of his worries at the moment. His shoulder wound bled profusely. 
“Okay. Sasuke we can move him. He’s losing blood but I’ll apply pressure till inside.”
With that Sakura and Sasuke carried him gently to her couch. Naruto’s situation seemed to melt away the coldness that was setting in between them minutes prior. For now it was pushed to the side. 
“Ah! It freaking hurts.”
“Shush. I told you. It’ll be fine.” 
“Sasuke hold him down. I need to reset these bones before I heal him.”  If I use my powers before the bones might heal and stay warped like that. If it were to extract a bullet or the like Sakura wagered that she could manage the extraction with the little control of the green flame she had, no tools or prodding necessary. But resetting bones? She wouldn’t dare take the chance.
“Hn.” Sasuke responded while pressing down on Naruto’s uninjured shoulder and pressing down on his wound.
“One. Two. Three.”
“Aaaaaaaah! Shit!”
Naruto was wailing now. His voice temporarily returning, bursting through due to his pain. Sakura had twisted his foot back into place and was grasping his wrist. 
His wrist was next. 
“Man up Naruto.”
“Naruto. Shush!” Sakura yelled. “I need to concentrate. That delay already screwed us a lot.” 
In an instant she tore open Naruto’s jacket, removed his Kevlar vest and gently caressed his wound with both hands, now lit aflame with a vibrant, green power. From her forehead mark intricate ribbons of violet sprung forth and weaved and wrapped around her arms, face and legs. 
This was Sakura’s second power: the power to heal others through sharing her own regenerative abilities. With the release of her mark, Sakura, in exchange for being confined to where she stood, overflowed with power. This was more power than she usually controlled and a power that she could apparently share with others she touched in the form of her green flame of healing. The result was her own super human healing being shared and transferred to her patient and now it was Naruto’s turn.
“Their aim, they shot you exactly where you weren’t protected with your Kevlar...” Sakura’s words were but a whisper as she focussed with hawk like accuracy on her patient. 
“Sakuraaa...” Naruto moaned. His eyes were shut and his grimace was now morphing into a more peaceful expression. “Thank yoooou...”
The energy coating Sakura’s palms was taking effect. Gradually his wound was sealing up and other bruises on his body. 
Seconds later, she was finished.
“Phew.” Sakura exhaled as she collapsed on the ground at the side of the couch. “Good as new!”
“Sakura. You’re okay right?” 
 Sasuke was standing over her. He always showed concerned when she healed them. Sakura assumed it had something to do with her exerting herself healing him on the night they fought Kabuto and, despite her assuring him that her state was due to her being weakened from the fight, he still looked worried whenever she released her bindi to heal.
She felt the warmth of his palm brace her back as she leaned into the coffee table. Despite their problems before, Sasuke still cared. Of course they’d get over this. 
She was sure of it. 
“Ah. Yes. Thank you Sasuke.”  Sakura shot a glance back and saw worry coupled with frustration reflected from Sasuke’s features. She hurriedly dropped her eyes and turned back in an instant to face Naruto. 
Too soon.
As she turned to face him, she was relieved to see his blond head shoot up from the couch. Naruto was back. 
“Wow Sakura chan. I feel as good as new! Thanks again!” Naruto’s voice was peppered with cheer and light as usual and even amongst this chilly night and the tension in the room between Sasuke and Sakura, his warmth thrived.
“I was able to restore you one hundred percent. Regen and blood building too. Ah..basically It’s as if you never got hurt tonight,” Sakura explained. She was carefully rising up to take up a seat next to Naruto on the couch.
“Oh I see. You’re amazing, Sakura chan!”  
Naruto’s outburst was refreshing and welcomed and Sakura loved him for it. He really was the light in their little trio. So helpful and cheery. 
“What the hell happened to you, Naruto?” Sasuke demanded. He remained standing. 
He was focusing on the issue at hand and Sakura knew she had to do the same. 
“Yeah, Naruto what exactly did happen to you? Was this the thieves’ doing?” 
“It’s a long story.”
“We’ve got time. Start talking.” Sasuke’s stared narrowed.
He may have come across as outraged and impatient but Sakura knew better and she was pretty sure Naruto saw through it as well. Beneath his flaming rage (pun intended) Sakura could see that he was terrified. Sasuke almost lost Naruto, in his mind, and he needed answers. He wanted, no, he needed to find whoever did this to his friend. 
It was a sentiment she understood for Sakura felt the same. 
“Konohamaru, one of the kids I mentor, well we had a session at night at the center. I was packing up when I heard him and his friends talking about getting high just once...East Jonin”
“Hn. So that’s why you were patrolling there, Naruto without telling us.” 
“I didn’t think it was a big deal. I was just going to spy. I interrupted that heist while following those kids actually but I found them.”
“You could of told us Naruto. Why didn’t you tell Sasuke and I anything?”
“I... I didn’t think it would be an issue. I was just tailing them.”
“Honestly! You are so much trouble sometimes.”
“Ah Sakura chan.... anyway I didn’t see anyone in any event.”
“ I don’t doubt your strength but we need more info on the blessed one and you tonight... this!” Sakura was facing Naruto and squeezing her throw pillow against her chest. She couldn’t even put together the words to express how dire this situation was. 
“She’s right. You jumped in like an idiot and got beat up, didn’t you?” Sasuke’s brows furrowed. 
“Okay Naruto. Continue your story.” Sakura’s voice was calm and soft once more. She need to calm down and not be such a rookie. 
“Go on.” 
“The thing is I didn’t confront any group. Konohamaru and his friends went to some White Sun fortune telling place and popped in then popped out. It’s near those clubs in the Sarutobi Precinct in the East. They didn’t hit any club or meet anyone in the street.”
“The drugs?” Sakura already had samples but one could never be too careful. She welcomed as many drug samples as she could get.
“Oh yeah I caught them, called their parents and grabbed it for us. I didn’t give the cops anything. I would have done it sooner had that damn robbery not sidetracked me.”
Naruto dug into his pocket and pulled out a minute plastic resealable bag then placed it gently in Sakura’s palms.
 “Here, Sakura.”
“Thank you.”
As Naruto continued to relate what went had happened Sakura felt the bile in her stomach rise. The reality of what happened hammered into her as her friend spoke. This was a crisis.
Following the kids he saw a robbery in progress and was sidetracked for a while but apparently he still caught them when they entered the store thanks to a tracker her planted on Konohamaru.
 He waited until they left and walked a bit before catching them and when they didn’t tell him anything more than some guy sold it to them in the store, Naruto decided to investigate it himself. 
After sending off those teens, he sneaked into the fortune telling store but found no one there. Sakura wondered if someone saw him deal with Konohamaru and took off but from what Naruto said, no one was around. There was no way anyone could have seen him that far off. The whole thing was strange. 
But before Sakura could ponder on that she was alarmed at what Naruto said next. This was when he spoke of his injuries and how the strongest hero in the city, apart from Sasuke, was taken out. 
“The place was clean so I headed behind to the alley to see if I found anyone there.”
“Did you?” Sasuke’s eyebrows raised in anticipation. Sakura could sense his anxiety. He wanted answers. He wanted to hunt. “Is that where they cornered you?”
“No one cornered me! That’s the thing. No one was there. I mean yeah the rain started to pour down but I checked everything. Nothing was there, well I saw nothing.”
“So then how did you get hurt Naruto?” Sakura felt like she could rip her pillow now. This wasn’t right. 
“It was when I was leaving. I started up to the roof when suddenly I felt a tingle, something brushed my back. Like vapor rub but more intense.... The next thing I knew I lost my balance and felt weak. I nearly fainted. For a second I couldn’t move. And that’s when it happened. I was shot....”
“Oh no.”
“Thank God for all that rain. With all that water I was able to block off the alley and surf my ass out of there as soon as I got up from the fall. It’s also how I managed to get here as fast as I did.”
“And you’re telling me you still didn’t see anyone? After all that? What the hell Naruto!” Sasuke was seething and moved towards the both of them as he spoke. “How the hell could you...”
“I told you I didn’t see anything, bastard! Are you saying I was goofing off?”
“Guys stop it!” Sakura was screaming at this point as she stood up. Her pillow was tossed on the floor. 
“Sasuke leave him alone. Naruto you calm down.” With a sigh her tone softened. 
“Listen I know how frustrated we all are...” Sakura was looking at Sasuke as she spoke. 
“But the last thing we need is fighting. Don’t worry Sasuke, we’ll get them. Naruto is safe and that’s all that matters.”
“Sakura... tch. Whatever. We just need to stop them.”
“And we will. From what Naruto described, the paralysis and weakness... I have no doubt that this is our blessed one.”
“Sakura...” Now Naruto was standing too. “Now what should we do, guys? How do I get these bastards back?!” 
“Hn. I think you mean how do we get them. We’ve seen what happens when you’re left on your own.”
“Anyway boys, we need to decide what we’re doing and when. Tomorrow night?”
“Sounds good to me!”
“Hn. We meet here at six thirty tomorrow night. Problems, Naruto?”
“No boss.” Naruto mocked. He stuck out his tongue for added effect. “No problem at all.”
Sasuke ignored him and Sakura thought she knew why. He was staring at her. One problem was solved so now their own personal issue was rearing it’s head again. Great. 
 Shannaro! Why me?
“I’m leaving.” Sasuke announced nonchalantly to no one in particular. Then he simply walked off.
“Naruto it’s late. You can spend the night here. I’ll fill you in on everything. Um.. I’ll be back!” Sakura ran towards the door following Sasuke right then.
“Oh thanks Sa...”
Sakura didn’t hear the rest. She was already out the room and rushing to the door.
Sasuke was leaving like nothing happened. Apart from Naruto’s incident they had their own issue tonight. Sure it was trivial comparing your boyfriend almost accidentally and unwillingly eating you out to almost being killed but whatever. Against all better judgement and her own promise to give the guy space and understanding Sakura needed to see him off. She needed for him to say something. Anything.
“Sasuke wait!” 
Sakura caught him as he opened her front door. 
“Sakura?” Sasuke didn’t expect her. She could tell from his brief expression of surprise. Maybe he thought she was too embarrassed? “What are you...”
“Sasuke listen.”
“I have nothing to say. Sorry for all the trouble. I have to go now. Jugo will be here soon.”
“I know it’s just...”
“I said leave it, Sakura,” Sasuke scoffed pointedly. 
His words were ice cold and cut bitterly into Sakura’s very being. The pain she felt was not from any anger but rather from the apparent pain, exhaustion and confusion that spiked each word.
His expression, one of regret and submission to whatever plagued him, covered his usually handsome and alluring features. His usually mischievous smirk that Sakura dreamed about was erased, only to be replaced with a scowl. And his eyes... Sasuke’s eyes were no longer velvety black like a moonless night, mysterious and bewitching , no, with furrowed brows his eyes were now clouded yet empty, blackened yet weak. 
He was in turmoil and Sakura helped put him there didn’t she?
That’s what did it. Sakura didn’t know what came over her. She lost herself, lost her resolve in that moment. Sasuke’s cold expression and the pain in his eyes piercing through with his chilling tone of voice...It haunted her.
 She had to say something. She didn’t care that she was now staring into his eyes with tears pooling in her own. She didn’t care if she was being emotional or ‘feminine’ or whatever the hell women are told they shouldn’t be. She had to be true to herself and say what was on her mind or else.
That’s when she blurted it out without restraint or regret. 
“You never say it do you? You never say ‘I love you’... You don’t want this, us and I’m sorry I did this to you.”
“Sakura what... You...No...” 
He was clearly at a loss for words. In an instant a myriad of expressions passed over him, cracking his cold facade. His brows raised and Sakura could see a kindle of emotion, real passionate, fiery emotion twinkle in his eyes. Pursing his lips, Sasuke seemed thrown off, so unlike his usual aspect. 
Sakura had broken open a path into something. Her issue, however, was that she had no idea where this now led. 
“I’m leaving.” Sasuke breathed then turned around. He struggled to regain his demeanor, this was apparent to Sakura but that failed to hamper him. He never looked back, not even a quiver of movement on his part. 
The door was then shut.
“I’m sorry Sasuke but we cannot move forward unless you are ready.”  Sakura, now alone, whispered to herself. She was on the verge of stuttering. 
“I am so so sorry.”
The following day slipped by, for the most part, uneventful. After leaving Sakura’s totally ashamed and even more frustrated than before, Sasuke stayed up all night. By the time he finally dozed off it was three in the morning. Sasuke has to wake up at six. 
Nothing really noteworthy occurred during his day. Work was fine and Uchiha Inc. was functioning as usual i.e. at optimum efficiency. Sasuke’s meetings were manageable, the reports were favorable and they even managed to secure quite a lucrative tender from the city: The Yamanaka Botanical Gardens. 
Clearly, even with the high level of competition, The Uchiha remained on top. Though Sasuke still looked carefully at Sirocco Development Company. Word had reached Sasuke that their C.E.O. was engaging in some ‘less than noble’ activities to secure tenders. No telling what kind of tricks they’d resort to. 
Indeed, his work life was running smoothly and with their planned stakeout scheduled for tonight, Sasuke was confident of success in that facet of his life too. His only real problem, it seemed, remained to be Sakura. 
He was such an idiot. Sasuke couldn’t believe that he lost control of himself and let things spiral out of control like that. How could he, Sasuke Uchiha, act with such carelessness and disregard for the consequences? Kissing wasn’t new to him but what happened after was the real problem. He was this close to... 
Not that he didn’t want to. Though it’s precisely because he wanted her so bad that this was an issue. What would happen after the had sex? They were already inseparable now much less for when they would take their relationship to another level. 
The image of Sakura’s sadness and worry haunted him all day and he knew to himself that even when handling his affairs, Sakura was with him, her pain, her concern, her words. 
“You never say it. You never say ‘I love you’...”
Those verdant green eyes, moist with tears cut like shards of glass into his very soul as she spoke those words to him. All he could do was leave abruptly.
In an instant, his guilt transformed into anger and in his blind rage Sasuke sharply threw out his hands, knocking his files clean off his desk while he scowled. His breathing was heavy and chaotic and sweat began to form on his brow.  
 Of course he loved her. How could she ever doubt it? Sakura was precious to him and he’d do anything to protect her. Protecting her was how he showed his love... and it’s not like he never told her how talented she was; how skilled how beautiful; how much he loved spending time with her or how he would always be there for her. 
Yeah but you never told her, ‘I love you’, idiot. You never let her feel, truly feel loved. 
Without even noticing, he’d set the contents of his waste paper basket on fire. Cutting his thoughts short, Sasuke quickly negated the fire. No need for the smoke alarm and sprinklers to go off. 
Breathing in deeply, Sasuke calmed himself. He had to control his emotions, especially in the office. He would not dishonor his family and their legacy. When his vibrant scarlet irises dimmed and returned to their natural, velvety black, Sasuke left his spot: peering into the top floor’s windows at his own, pitiful reflection and returned to his desk. 
What? Sakura?
While he was freaking out, Sakura had apparently texted him. She probably didn’t feel comfortable calling or facetiming as she usually would. 
Great job, Sasuke. Tch.
Sakura’s message struck him stupid. Sasuke was awestruck as he read her it:
Sasuke, how are you? Have you eaten? 
Listen, I know you might need some space but know that I am here for you and I am not upset. I would never want to force you to do anything you don’t want to and please don’t feel guilty. 
 I know with all my heart that you do love me even if you have trouble dealing with all this. I trust you and you must know that I am in love with you. I don’t have to have sex anytime soon and you don’t have to make some grand confession. You have me, Sasuke Uchiha, you don’t have to prove anything to me. 
Even apart you have me in your corner.
I love you with all my heart and that’s precisely why I support you and always will regardless of what.
 Love is about supporting and caring and loving is wanting what’s best and I want what’s best for you. Just know that I am here. Can’t wait to meet you tonight for the mission. Take care until then. 
<3 <3 <3 
“Hn.” In the privacy of his office Sasuke found himself smiling tenderly as he read and re-read her message. Sakura and her damned complete sentences. His smile wasn’t one of happiness however. 
Sakura was right. 
To love is to want what’s best, and that’s precisely why he needed to end this. After this mission he was going to break up with her. 
All day she’d been dreading this. Despite her text, Sakura really wasn’t all that sure or secure. Facing Sasuke, even with a life threatening mission commencing, still unsettled her. She really was a rookie wasn’t she?
At this point, looking back at her day: dealing with Dr. Chiyo’s bitchiness, working through lunch because of that bus accident and then having to deal with Ino’s tantrums, Sakura felt that it truly wasn’t all that bad after all. Scratch that, her new supermodel friend’s ranting and raving about some Shikamaru guy and how tough her glamorous life was, still sucked. 
Sasuke was quiet when he arrived with Naruto at her house, which she realized was chosen as their meeting spot because it didn’t stand out and was closest to the East. However the awkardness still remained. 
As the vibrant lights that stippled the landscape of the city, now alive at night, streaked by, Sakura found herself sitting silently in the Humvee’s back seat. Her jaw was propped on her right hand which was braced against the window. As she peered at the outside world, the world they fought to protect, Sakura’s mind wandered.
  How lucky they are, she thought to herself as images of other, normal people reveling and carrying about normal and healthy lives flashed before her. For a few minutes Sakura realised that she actually felt a pang of envy for those citizens, who’d never have to deal with balancing personal issues, a job and life as a full time hero or in this case, heroine. 
Her only other form of distraction from her turmoil, at this moment, was her attempt at reflecting on her day and Ino and her drama while they sped through the streets of Leaf City. She definitely was not going to think about their mission against someone who could do that to Naruto, anymore than she needed to. Their plan was solid and worrying decreases success rate so that was a no. 
I wonder what Ino would think if she knew I used to dress like her as a civilian just a few months ago?
Since Haruno’s debut, the heroine garnered a huge fan following, especially from girls so it wasn’t a surprise to Sakura that short, pink hair became Leaf City’s hottest fashion trend. It was still so strange to her but hey, at least she could wear her natural look all the time now, well mostly natural, if you exclude the oil based concealer still covering her bindi -birthmark. 
Who’s the fashion icon now, Ino?!
“That okay, Sakura?” 
“Uh what!” Sakura squeaked, her tone a clear give away of her shock and lack of focus.
It was Naruto who asked something from the front passenger seat and was now staring at her with a confused expression.
“Um are you okay?”
“Oh yeah fine. Fine. Sorry I zoned out for a bit.” Sakura apologised, avoiding looking at Sasuke in the mirror. She could feel him staring at her from his mirror. “Long day.”
“Phew. Must be tough being a doctor and a superhero. Anyway, I was asking if we should park a few blocks away and try to scope out the area,” Naruto explained. His cerulean eyes were now hard and focused as they always were on a mission. “Someone was watching me from a distance. I’m sure of it!” 
Get your own head in the game, Sakura. Or you’ll be chasing their backs forever.
“I think that’s a good idea. Sasuke?” Her voice was meek but this time she made contact with him via the rear view mirror. His met hers and Sakura could see his regret reflected on those eyes. He was trying. Trying so hard to act normal and regain what they lost. That was evident. 
“I told him that made sense... which was a surprise.” Sasuke teased, with a small smirk, his signature. He really was beginning to act more like his old self apparently and Sakura was so grateful for that.
She’d never been so happy to hear them argue before. 
Thank you.
“You guys we’re just past the line of clubs. We should be there in five.”
“Oh yeah.You’re right Sakura. This area is dead this late but we should still keep our eyes peeled.”
“Hn. It’s smart when you think about it. All this time everyone searched nightclubs and the other usual places but these dealers have been operating from a fortune telling shop of all places.”
“I agree. Close enough to the nightclub scene for customers but far away enough and inconspicuous enough to avoid detection. Shannaro! It’s ingenious! If it weren’t for Naruto knowing all those teens we’d never have guessed.” 
God, discussing the case like this, matching wits with him... this was normal, this was safe and Sakura’s mood lightened. 
“Something is off...” Sasuke suddenly asserted. “Why ‘White Sun’ and why a fortune telling shop? We still need more info.” Sasuke’s expression; his clenched jaw gave away his deep concentration. 
“Eh those guys must be freaks. Up their own asses. What say you Sakura?”
“Well I wouldn’t put it like that, Naruto.” Sakura laughed nervously. “But...hm... You might be on to something...it could be linked to their M.O. These people are obviously not typical criminals or super villains as the case may be. This could be reflecting how they view themselves. Self -aggrandisement: maybe they think they are imparters of wisdom, shedding light or something for others to come to them.”
“Wow Sakura I didn’t know you dabbled in psychology.”
“Heh heh. I just did a few compulsory courses in university but um... this was just me babbling cause I watch a lot of crime dramas when I get home from missions.”
“What? Ahahahaha!” Naruto roared. Naruto’s loud and cheery laughter echoed throughout the Humvee and Sakura found herself grinning along with him.
Even Sasuke seemed to crack a smile up front which her all the more happy. This was her new family and she knew Sasuke cherished both her and Naruto in the same way. This was good for him. For them. 
She couldn’t believe, despite this being a mission, that such tragedy would later befall them. Fate truly was unpredictable for minutes later, their trials for the night had officially begun. 
What’s that sound? 
“Guys are you hearing a buzz...”
“Fuck! Sasuke watch out!”
If Sasuke could rewind time he’d much prefer to stay at Sakura’s house and endure that troublesome tension between them; the deafening silence and forced conversation, he hoped Naruto didn’t pick up on. 
Sure he put on his best face and tried to act normally around her but all he could summon was talk about the mission and directions. Yup normal couple talk. 
Despite his disciplined upbringing and his resolve to act normally: get in, get out then break up with her after, he still flaked. Sasuke still allowed a sliver of discomfort, a thread of emotional baggage to weave its way into his mind and heart tonight. Yet still, it was more favorable than this dilemma. 
And Sakura, she seemed as uncomfortable and hesitant as he did. Way to go Sasuke. In spite of her texts, which he knew were genuine, she still was hurt and couldn’t bring herself to act normally in person.  
 It really was just a mere appetizer for the shit that was to follow this night. Now everything before entering the SUV all seemed inconsequential. 
After all that wasn’t just a random blessed one’s power. No. Even with Naruto’s power and his reflexes Sasuke could tell that this enemy was not to be taken lightly. That beam, or whatever it was, was potent. It reminded him of Kabuto’s sonic wave, his ability that knocked them around a few months back and that was hardly a good sign.
Is that was got Naruto and killed those Anbu? No what hit Naruto was just a caress, a portion of that power. 
Sasuke thought he had to thank that baka when he got the chance. The last thing he remembered before that strange blast of blue light collided with his Humvee, was Sakura saying she was hearing a strange sound and then blinding streaks of blue light blasting into them. 
Luckily for them, Sasuke veered the Hummer and Naruto’s ‘water wall’ managed to mitigate the lessen the force of whatever the hell that was. However that’s where their luck ran out. 
Now, eating an airbag as his Hummer was halfway into a department store, all Sasuke could think about was his team. 
“Sakura! Naruto!”
“Relax, we’re fine.” Naruto said in a semi-groan. “Right Sakura?” 
When Sasuke faced him, he saw Naruto struggling against his own airbag to choke out his words. Typical.
“Don’t worry boys. I’m fine.” Sakura assured, her voice as clear and powerful as ever. That’s what super human healing did for a person, Sasuke supposed and for that he was grateful. 
He could not and would not lose her. 
She was not dying too.
In a brisk movement, Sasuke saw her arms reach forward. “Pop!” With that his airbags were now cloth in her hands. 
“Ah. Thanks.”
“Hm hm. Come on guys get your masks on. I think we’ve got company. I think I hear someone clattering towards us. Enemies.”
“Tch. We make a dash for it on three. All on the left side.”
“I’ve been waiting for this!” Naruto boomed, his face wore and expression of excitement married with rage as he spoke. He was cracking his knuckles before slipping on his mask. 
On his signal the trio swiftly exited the Hummer. The Yamanaka Flower and Gift Shop was utterly wrecked. Everywhere, shards of glass, mounds of rubble and scattered flowers, leaves and petals in varying hues could be seen dotting the store’s interior. The Yamanaka Flower and Gift Shop was due a sizable, anonymous donation, that was for sure. 
Three masked super heroes standing together around a destroyed flower shop. This night was really a mess. As his companions gathered near the gaping hole in the wall, Sasuke still checked them out to ensure that they truly were unharmed. He had to make sure.
Sakura seemed uninjured and calm. As usual for her missions, she wore her blood red sleeveless qipao dress with her black gloves and her grey elbow and knee protectors. Her face, though, was now covered, hidden behind a white mask resembling a cat’s with pink stripes and a wide grin. Months ago, after teaming up with him and Naruto, she had decided to shed her civilian look (a blonde wig and blue contacts) and now, joining the two masked heroes, she wore a mask to conceal her appearance. She also said that it made them look like a real team. 
“I still hear footsteps,” Sakura announced while peering outside. “But I can’t see anyone in front.”
As she spoke she looked at him with one eyebrow raised. She knew that he was checking on her, he was sure of it. 
“I don’t see anyone either. Anyway let’s meet those bastards outside!” Naruto howled.
Over his loud orange pants and sandals, Naruto donned a pitch black uniform jacket with an orange zipper and buttons on his waist and sleeves. His concise, pointy blond hair was held behind a black ribbon, which itself, was sealed by his mask: a white mask resembling a fox’s head with red stripes that noticeably lacked a mouth. 
“Hn. It’s a trap for sure,” Sasuke informed them. He hated being cornered like this. Securing his mask, a traditional dragon headed mask, white with cobalt stripes, Sasuke cloaked in all black with white bandages over his limbs, made his decision. 
 “We need to spring it to make any headway.”  Sasuke announced. As much as he hated risks like this, it was the only way. Sakura had her healing power and Naruto’s water barriers were sturdy enough.
“What the hell?!” Naruto complained. The trio were now outside the ruined shop andeven with his mask on Sasuke could tell that Naruto was disappointed and angry, more so than he’d ever seen him. “Where are those assholes?!” 
Who could blame him? Even Sasuke found himself at a loss for words. Before them, amongst the darkness of downtown East Jonin, nothing but huge stores and skyscrapers could be seen. No traffic and definitely no super villains.
No one was there. 
“I don’t get it I heard them!” Sakura explained, with a index finger bent at the chin of her mask, indicating she was analyzing the situation they faced. “Another blessing?”
“Wrong.” A voice snickered from above and in an instant another barrage of light was launched at them from behind.
“Ice Blue Flame protect!” Sasuke, thundered in an instant, responding to the threat. In the face of the lasers of blue light Sasuke’s ability, dominion over his flame’s heat and density, took effect. 
With arms outstretched Kagutsuchi erected wall of fire the color of lapiz lazuli, shielding the heroes from the onslaught of the enemy’s mystery power. Beginning as a wall, Sasuke bent his flames in such a manner that they soon cloaked his team, cocooning both Sakura and Naruto in it’s warmth and protection, before willing his fire to propel them several metres back.
“Sasuke, thank you.” Sakura breathed. 
“Yeah, Shit I couldn’t form my water barrier in time.” Naruto lamented though his body was poised for attack as they now faced the direction of their enemies. 
“Hn. You owe me.” Sasuke teased in response to Kurama, his characteristic smirk proudly adorning his face under his mask. He couldn’t say more, though, for even his enemies were adamant. 
“What the hell?!” 
Sakura couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Suddenly, the orb of Sasuke’s blue fire that covered them, protecting them from that odd laser, was gone. Roaring cerulean flames that lit the night were now vanishing, dissolving into petal like embers before her. 
Sasuke’s power was defeated.
“What the hell?!” Sasuke growled as his flames died. 
“Look over there!” Naruto yelled while pointing to a peculiar light in the distance. 
There, descending from the roof the flower shop, were three figures. Their enemies, wrapped in revolutions of sky blue light in the form of a sphere, were now floating down to street level. 
“The same wind from before, no doubt.” Sakura observed. 
How versatile was that power? 
“So she can defend and attack? Be careful. Naruto. Sakura.”
“Why do all the villains have the awesome powers?”
As the group landed, the energy vanished from around them and it was then that Sakura finally caught a look at their assailants. Outfitted in what looked like black leathers from head to toe, were three, hooded individuals. Judging from the smaller, yet curvaceous frames of two of them, Sakura guessed that they were women while the larger, muscular figure in the middle was male. Their identities however, were hidden behind charcoal masks covering the lower half of their faces. 
Only their bright, lavender eyes, eyes that seemed to shift from plain white to the hue of violet tourmaline were clearly visible like resplendent jewels.
 From their eyes, Sakura could tell that these villains were extraordinarily strong and disciplined. Their eyes radiated power and purpose; a fatal beauty. They were not just drug dealers. 
No, they were so much more. 
Blessed ones... 
“They nullified my flames. Be on your guard.” 
Sasuke was clearly surprised but nonetheless,Sakura could tell he was already readying himself for battle. So was Naruto and she had to do the same. Blessed ones or not they had to win. 
“We’ll kick their asses regardless!” Naruto proclaimed. Through the eye holes in his mask Sakura noticed the spark of blue power lighting his irises, the total opposite of Sasuke’s which were of deep scarlet. 
His hands were coated, lit with wisps of sea-blue energy. Naruto had activated his blessing, Suiton, Water release, and in an instant launched an attack towards the trio. 
“Hold on, Naruto!” Sasuke yelled, he was proceeding with caution Sakura realized. Though his urging was to no avail. Naruto had already made his move.
“Suiton: Water Dragon!” Naruto, as Kurama, bellowed while a massive torrent of clean, clear water tinged in a light blue light sprung forth from the energy at his palms and blasted into their enemies. Mid way, Sakura noticed that Naruto’s attacked formed itself into the head of a fierce Eastern dragon as it dove into the villains.
His attack, however, was for naught.
“Pathetic. Air Palm: Vacuum Wall!” 
In response to Naruto’s assault, one of the smaller villains, a woman, let loose her own attack, the ‘laser’ from before.
The darkness of the night was then set ablaze and enlivened by the luminous sparks of power and thunderous roaring of their blessings clashing. Now that Sakura could properly observe the blessing in action she realized that it wasn’t a laser or beam at all. Instead, Naruto’s deluge was met by lustrous streaks of light, dancing and piercing through the night’s darkness like a violent whirlwind. 
What amazed Sakura more was its effects. While initially clashing evenly with Kurama’s power, once contact was made for a while, the girl’s whirlwind seemingly erased Naruto’s attack and arrowed through towards the group. 
“What the fuck?!” Naruto screamed in anguish as the gust of blue energy sought to crash into them.
Even Sasuke’s blast of fire, his Inferno Espada, which he had shot out in the last minute was reduced to embers dancing in the night breeze when up against the whirlwind. 
“Move!” Sakura shouted while invoking her Strength of One Hundred power to lift and toss Kurama and Kagutsuchi aside while she herself evaded the stream of light. “Shannaro!”
Instead of hitting them, Sakura realized that the attack made contact with a streetlight adjacent to them, one now flickered weakly before shutting off.
She scatters energy.
“Sakura!” Sasuke shouted. Both him and Naruto speedily met her at her side from where she tossed them. 
“Are you alright?” Naruto questioned, ensuring to keep his gaze fixed on the three enemies before them. Enemies who now were walking towards them slowly and casually. 
Before her team could launch another attack, surprisingly, one of them, the man, halted and raised his palm to signal the others to do the same. 
“So this is the Leaf’s finest?” he mocked. His voice was laced with condescension and scorn. “Pathetic.” 
“Who the fuck are you?!” Naruto shot back. He was angry, pissed off completely, judging from his voice. From the corner of her eye Sakura could see his palms glowing once more. 
But she didn’t have time to observe Naruto as something else caught her attention. 
The woman who attacked them was now leaning against a wall near with the other in front of her.
Is she weak from using that power so much?
“We’re going to kill you so I guess it doesn’t matter anyway.” The stranger had resumed speaking, obviously enjoying taunting Naruto and bragging. “We are the Hyuga Clan. One of the original clans of Leaf City from the East, now back to reclaim our city.”
“The Hyuga?” Sasuke had finally joined the conversation. Sakura had no doubt that he noticed the woman as well but it seems that the man’s comment jarred him some how. “Impossible. The Hyuga are gone. They were slavers exiled and later defeated when this city was just a settlement in the New World.”
“Yet here we are. You know quite a bit about the clans. Let me guess? Senju, Uchiha? Maybe you’re an Uzumaki? Not that it matters. You shall die. Hanabi, Hinata!” 
At his command the women behind hims rushed forward. Sakura thought for a brief moment that the whole three versus three situation was so comic book cliche and convenient, maybe too convenient. She didn’t have time to dwell on that however for their enemies were closing in on them. 
“I’ll take the girl who attacked”, Sakura said. “She’s long ranged so I can probably get her.”
“Hn. I’ll go for the leader.” Sasuke added.
“That leaves me with the other girl. No problem guys!” 
“Good luck boys. Switching to our mask communicators now.”
Kurama, Kagutsuchi and Haruno then broke off each in separate directions. Usually Sakura would have urged them to stay together and bombard the enemy but that girl’s power along with the fact that the others’ powers were unknown posed some major problems. Her self healing and regeneration coupled with her speed/strength would be the best bet. Sakura had a feeling that power had taken out Naruto and killed the Anbu so she was the best choice. 
Running towards the smaller girl, Sakura could see that she was still shaky and her movements weren’t as polished as the rest. A side effect of her using that ability three times in such a short span of time, no doubt.
I’ll finish this quickly. 
Naruto sent forth another water dragon at the other girl while Sasuke had let loose scorching fireballs, his signature move, towards the man. 
Based on what was said over their communication channel and what she peaked from the corner of her eye, Sakura gathered that her attack was going to land first. 
All according to plan. 
That would give her time to reunite and help the boys in the event that things get sticky. Mitigating risks was of course her main priority.
The really were not run of the mill criminals or super villains for that matter. 
We have to end this fast! 
 Sakura had channeled her superior strength into her feet and kicked off half way there, maximizing her speed in an attempt to catch the girl off guard and evade whatever whirlwind she’d have prepared for her initially. The other two were evading Naruto and Sasuke’s first strikes it seemed. No matter. 
Just a little longer.
 With her fist balled up the heroine measured her strength and was poised to knock the woman out.
The girl, however, seemed taken aback by Haruno’s last minute increase in speed for her slashes of cerulean energy that cut through the night failed to hit Haruno. Instead, one vein of power barely brushed the top of Sakura’s hair as she adeptly evaded and closed into her target.
Shannaro! Almost there... Yes!
“Eight Trigrams Palms: Revolving Heaven!”
“Aah!” Sakura wailed as she was sent flying several metres back. She had failed.
Seconds before making contact with her opponent, Sakura was utterly repelled by what seemed to be an orbiting of cyan colored energy akin to the whirlwind and the shield from before.
 However Sakura’s opponent wasn’t the source of this power like she had previously thought.  She expected a dome but from the wrong person. When her girl missed her initial attack she thought she was in the clear. She was wrong.
The user of this power was the other woman from the start. The woman whose hands were now covered in flames of the same hue. She had protected not only, Sakura’s opponent but her entire team.
Along with Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke were also tossed back and their blasts of water and fire bounced off of the dome of revolving blue energy, energy that protected all three of their enemies. 
Luckily, both boys braces themselves with icy blue fire and massive bubbles of water. Only Sakura hit concrete when she summer-salted and wobbled a bit on her landing. Such was the force of her own strength, even restrained, sent back at her. 
“Sakura are you okay?” Naruto shouted. He was in front of her with Sasuke who was eyeing his enemies like a hawk, standing with his katana drawn.
“You’re healing?” Sasuke asked without turning away from his enemies who were now dashing towards them, no longer sheltered behind their shield.
“I’m fine. Healed already.” 
“Hn. Two powers revealed. Shielding and that energy sapping wind.” Sasuke’s voice was optimistic as he spoke and Sakura could tell he was trying to motivate them, her especially. 
“One more Shannaro!” Sakura yelled while cracking her gloved knuckles.
 Sasuke knew how to raise her spirits, sometimes even better than Naruto. The more data the better and despite her failed plan, they were closer to winning. At least she hoped so.
“Suiton: Water Clones!” Naruto boomed with clasped hands into the night. From the blue aura whirling around his hands sparks of azure spilled onto the ground and from this energy six miniature geysers of water sprung forth. In seconds these geysers moulded themselves into translucent copies of Naruto himself: Water Clones.
 Sakura had witnessed this technique before yet still found herself marveling at his prowess. Naruto’s dominion of water was absolute. 
“Sasuke, Sakura. I’ll take on the barrier user. My clones and waves should beat her down.”
“ I’ll take the leader.” Sasuke instructed. His eyes, through his mask were lit scarlet and focused on the their approaching enemies. “This should slow them down. Fire Style:Phoenix Flower!” 
On his command as he swung he slashed his katana, a volley of bright, amber miniature fireballs launched in a flurry towards the three Hyuga. From all directions they were attacked. 
“Sasuke, I should handle him. That girl knows about my plan now and your amaterasu...”
“I said I’ll take the leader. Sakura, Naruto let’s go!” Sasuke barked. He was adamant. 
Meanwhile the three Hyuga were once more covered by their barrier avoiding every fireball and even a few of Naruto’s water clones he’d sent out to keep them back. 
“We don’t have time Sakura. I’ll do it.” Sasuke continued. He was not budging and Sakura was puzzled by his sudden stubbornness and uncharacteristic panic.
He was right though. Their enemies were closing in and they had no time to be dawdling arguing but Sakura felt that something was wrong. She wasn’t being a naive rookie, in fact she was seeing everything clearly. Repeating the same strategy would not work.
 Why wasn’t he getting it? Why was he so fixed on fighting the leader? If those girls were that strong then...!
That’s when it dawned on her. Sasuke wanted to fight him himself because he was the strongest. Possibly the most deadly. Naruto and his clones, Sakura and her healing Sasuke knew they’d be safer against the weaker members.
 One used a shield and the other was evaded a few times but that man was unknown. Sasuke wanted to face the biggest threat. He was protecting them. Again. Against all logic. 
No. I won’t let him.
“Sasuke listen to me. I am fighting that man. You don’t have to protect me from everything.”
“Guys what the hell?!”
That’s as far as they got though for as soon as Naruto had yelled at them, emerging from the dying barrier were the Hyuga. As the barrier faded they swiftly switched into the offensive with a massive gust of wind-like energy being palmed out towards the trio. 
All Sakura and the boys could do was scatter and separate once more. Naruto and Sasuke to the left and Sakura to the right. Exactly where the man had apparently rushed too. 
“I wanted to take you out, kunoichi,” the man made known. He stood mere feet away from Sakura on one side of the road away from the other four. “Can your punches measure up to me?”
“Hm. I wanted to get to you too.” Sakura shot back with a smirk. “You’ll pay for dealing in our city.” 
“We shall see.” 
Those were his only words before he dashed towards Sakura, palms outstretched. 
Automatically, Sakura sprang into action. Focusing her herculean strength into her right fist, she quickly struck the pavement beneath them, pulverizing it. Her Cherry Blossom Impact move was invoked and now upended their footing while forming an explosion; sending a shock wave towards the Hyuga. 
That’s what Sasuke heard the woman he’d been fighting say while she easily dispatched his Great Fire Ball technique with her power. Even his favorutie move was nothing before her streaks of power.
He didn’t plan on fighting her, though he had to admit she was troublesome. No, Sasuke’s target was that man. The leader from that group. He couldn’t put his finger on it but, apart from common sense dictating that the leader is the most powerful, the way he spoke, his tone and his presence, it all spelled trouble. He was their greatest threat and he was now facing Sakura.
Naruto was bombarding the shield user with water clones and a few whirlpools, his specialty, so he seemed okay. Sasuke, however,wasn’t faring as well and him worrying about Sakura and that man didn’t help his situation any. 
She saw right through him. Naturally. That brain of hers could be so annoying sometimes. Yeah he realized the girl would have figured out her plan but what else could he have done? Sakura and Naruto were better off fighting those women. At least then they’d support one another with healing and clones. One seemed strictly defensive and the other was offensive. They’d have handled it. It was the best he could hope for apart from pulling them out of the battle, Sakura especially.
Sure he didn’t doubt her power or skill but it was still too much. After what happened last night, after his paranoia of losing her gnawing at him all these months, he had had it. He couldn’t go through that loss, that pain again. He could control his feelings for her but he could protect her.
Alas, it was meaningless now. From the corner of his eye he saw the Hyuga male charging at her but with the girl watching him like a hawk and sending out her annoying gusts of energy, he was useless. His last attack towards the man to help Sakura failing miserably, made that abundantly clear. 
So all he could hope for was either him or Naruto kicking these girls’ asses in time to help Sakura. He had a bad feeling about that man. He was trouble. 
“Inferno Espada!” Sasuke shouted into the night as twin streaks of roaring, orange-yellow flames raced across the asphalt leaving scorch marks in their wake. The target? The woman once more. 
Against her next air palm, however, his flames died while her power raged on, speeding towards Sasuke. One touch and he was sure he’d be out.
With outstanding agility, Sasuke jumped out of the way and while in motion, rolling on the ground spat out three, swift balls of fire towards the woman. 
Once more he attacked and once more he failed, leading to him dodging again. He then blasted a flamethrower-like attack at the girl before bracing himself for her retaliation. A simple rinse and repeat. All according to plan. 
“What the hell are you doing, Sasuke?!” Naruto screamed, his rage seeping from his voice. “Why the fuck are you wasting your power?” 
“Tch. Focus on your opponent and don’t mind my business.” Sasuke shot back. It was hypocritical of him since he’d been doing the same thing to both Naruto and Sakura but whatever. Sasuke didn’t care about being right or a good sport. 
Kurama had about a dozen clones pummeling a sphere, shaped barrier around the other woman before he launched at tidal wave at the orb so obviously he was having difficulty himself. Yet he felt the need to lecture Sasuke. How typical.
He was right though. Sasuke was wasting power. The pay out? He was forcing the opponent to do the same. With every attack he’d notice that she was weakening, slowing and running out of strength. Consecutive gusts of power were fainter and fainter as they dissipated his flames into nothingness, simple embers carried off by the frigid, night breeze.
This was devolving to a battle of stamina, that was for sure and Sasuke knew that this was a battle he had to, was going to win. 
Naruto was safe. That baka had more stamina than most and even his opponent was trapped, unable to do anything but defend against his unrelenting bombardment. Naruto was focusing in one spot at her barrier’s front, Sasuke noticed.
Sasuke even saw her shield be nudged back from time to time as he glimpsed his teammate. He even caught on to Naruto’s other plan as he took in their battle unbeknownst to him. With a smile to himself he thought that they really weren’t that different after all.
Thus clearly, Sakura’s fight was going to be the toughest. 
“Shannaro!” Sakura bellowed and instantly Sasuke turned, after sending a couple of fireballs out at his opponent. She notably evaded this time as opposed to using her blessing on the balls of flame, both now speeding off in the distance. 
“Hn.” Sasuke smirked.
A resounding explosion followed Sakura’s battle cry telling Sasuke what was happening. Erecting several fire walls in front of his opponent, he shot a glance at Sakura.  He knew that cry anywhere and as he looked in her direction he expected to see her awesome strength in action.
Cherry Blossom Impact huh?
Once more his characteristic smirk gleamed across his face, still hidden beneath his dragon mask.
What he saw later, though, wiped off the smirk that was forming on his face. Sakura’s attack was halted. Literally.
Before her power, with palms outstretched the man was safe while the rubble, dust and force of Sakura’s shock wave froze, remaining stationery at his palms, seeemingly floating in the air. Around him however, the explosion progressed as usual on both sides, dust and rubble spewing about naturally. 
His blessing was revealed at last and it was truly the most deadly of the three. This is what Sasuke had now realised.
 He was the one. 
Don’t let him touch you, Sakura. Left, right, sweep the feet, jump! 
Sakura had no time to lament over her failed attack and that Hyuga guy literally stopping her attack with his palms. Her main concern now was evading his blows. 
His taijutsu was impeccable and Sakura could only guess how many years he’d spent honing his hand to hand skills. Without slowing he transitioned from halting her shockwave to leaping up in a black arc and thrusting his palm out at her. 
Thank God she was able to respond in time. 
“Guys, I’m fine!” She barked into her mask’s speaker. She’d seen Sasuke’s failed attempt as assistance before when that girl nullified his fireball in the man’s direction and more recently, turning towards her after her cherry blossom impact failed in between lunging and dodging his own enemy’s power.  
“Not bad, girl.” The man teased as powerful thrusts of his palms nearly grazed her face. “Before my Gentle Fist however you cannot win.” 
They’d been at this for minutes since he froze her explosion mid air. 
“Ugh!” Sakura groaned as she pulled off a back flip in an attempt to avoid him sweeping the ground and tripping her with his legs. She didn’t know how long she could keep this up and despite her strength, she wasn’t willing to take the chance of trying to hit him. 
If he managed to hit her instead she’d lose. He already grazed her once and her forearm was numb in one spot. Despite her usual recklessness she couldn’t risk that again. Apparently her healing wasn’t viable in this situation. Perfect.
Widening the distance between them was her best bet, she realised, hence her retreating a few meters back. 
Her attempt was futile though, for the man was on her tail, his palms ever outstretched.
 “What the... haah!” 
Another cherry blossom impact hammered the asphalt producing yet another wave of rock and rubble and thrusting it towards the man. In spite its force however, before his powers, her move had once more failed. 
“You never learn do you?” 
“Shut it!” Sakura barked, now kicking a parked car she had passed in his direction. As if being driven, the minivan shot out, rapidly flying towards the Hyuga. Sakura leaned against a light pole as her projectile sought to make contact.
“Pathetic. Eight Trigrams Gentle Fist!”
Instantaneously, as his palms grazed the car crashing into him, all motion had ceased. The car was fixed where it stood, barely brushing against his opened palm. 
“Everything stops. Everything slows before me!” The man hollered from behind the immobile minivan. “I am Neji of the Hyuga clan and you will die by my hands, wom... ugh!”
“Shut the hell up! Shannaro!” Sakura raged as she swatted him and the minivan with a light pole she was now handling like a baseball bat. He was going to feel that in the morning that was for damn sure.
 Or maybe not.
 She thought she felt resistance for second as she beat the van and pole into him and now that he revealed himself at her anterior she realised what it was. He’d temporarily halted her move with his blessing long enough to move away. That’s why she found herself pouring more strength to power through the motion. 
“Nice try, girl.” The man snickered through his mask. “I stop everything, remember?” 
What the hell are these Hyuga?  
Get your head in the game, Sakura!
Regardless of her set back Sakura knew she had to get her shit together. Her attack still struck him as a surprise. That was a pro. It didn’t matter to her that the man had managed to evade it in time all she had to do was keep bashing away. 
Steeling herself, Sakura continued her onslaught.
 “Shannaro!” she yelled as she swung, jabbed and swept her light pole in his direction, nearly bashing him countless times. Sometimes he paused her swing to move away in a split second, others he simply evaded so Sakura knew she was making some headway. 
He’s fast but at least now he’s the one dodging. Come on!
 She didn’t know how long she could keep this up but it was of no consequence. As she patted her pouch at her waist, fingering through the pocket with her free hand, Sakura readied step two of her plan. 
Her real surprise. 
“Planning on using that scalpel dipped in poison after you catch me with your pole?” Neji laughed. He’d just side stepped Sakura’s lunge of the steel light pole when he spoke. 
Sakura, briefly tripped up as she heard those chilling words. Words that she realised could would spell complete and utter defeat. How the hell did he know that? All of that? She felt her stomach turn and a heat at the back of her spine. Sakura, suddenly felt her confidence falter while she desperately tried to focus on batting him away and keeping him at a distance. 
It was if the darkness and chill of the night had seeped into her skin, her mind, her very soul. 
Over the communicator she heard Naruto and Sasuke’s own struggles intensify. She could hardly peep to see it for herself though. Such was her predicament. Naruto was bawling about the shield girl seeing through his surprise attack and Sasuke was dodging more gusts of air palm after his own surprise moves from behind had failed. 
What the hell is going on?
Suddenly, she realised that her best plans were useless and they would lose. She had always said that knowledge grants victory and that still held true tonight. 
The issue? Their enemies had all the knowledge. Her team was outclassed. 
It was in this moment, as she struggled to keep Neji at bay, while worrying about her team and pathetically trying to come up with some new tactic that Sakura made her final error. She didn’t move in time to avoid the massive whirlwind of power that eventually slammed into her with great power, knocking her several meters back. All of the air had left her lungs and more importantly, every ounce of power, mobility and strength from her body.
The last thing she remembered before the flash thundering in her mind, was Neji looming over her and a voice mixed with static saying “kill her,” before he struck.
“Good bye, Haruno!”
Even Sasuke couldn’t have seen this coming. 
Kagutsuchi, Kurama and Haruno were losing. 
His plan, though effective for some time, was now useless. How the hell could that girl have anticipated his fireballs returning minutes later to attack her from behind was beyond him. He’d made sure that they were soundless and poured all of his strength into his flamethrowers from the front. 
Regardless of how she knew, she knew, and in an instant turned around dispatched his flames before her partner jumped in front of her with a shield already up. 
“Kagutsuchi!” Naruto yelled. He was holding his ribs as he staggered towards Sasuke. “My plan didn’t work. She saw through my rear assault and ran into me with a shiel.. ugh!”
Naruto had collapsed near his feet before he could finish. He was conscious but seemed to be more comfortable kneeling instead of standing upright. 
“The White Sun sees all.” The smaller girl chuckled, her tone one of triumph and ridicule. “Hinata oneesama, now let’s kill them!”
“Ah... Hanabi...” The taller girl stuttered out. I was glaringly obvious that she was conflicted and the weaker of the two in terms of her resolve.
“Now! He told us to!” The smaller girl, Hanabi, screamed. It was clear that their teamwork wasn’t as seamless as Sasuke believed prior and with Sakura keeping the leader at bay Sasuke saw the perfect chance.
“Hmph ok..” Hinata whimpered as she readied her blessing. Light blue flames were now flickering brilliantly as they coated her, black-gloved hands.With that she sped off, desperately trying to make up for her reticence before. 
 It was however too late for Sasuke had already taken his opening. As expected she opted for the offense like she did with Naruto. Clearly they wanted this ended quickly.
“Great Fire Ball!” Sasuke boomed with clasped hands as he belched out a dazzling, sun-like sphere of flame and heat. He was running as he readied his attack, creating a distance between him and Naruto. He was now in the middle of his comrades, seemingly abandoning Naruto as Hinata rushed him. 
Naruto, picking up on his strategy even before he relayed it via their communication channel joined in.
“Suiton: Aqua Pulse!” Kurama shouted. Even kneeling and injured he was adept at wielding his blessing. Sasuke expected no less from his rival.
 Now, joining Sasuke’s great fireball was a mass of glowing, cerulean water of equal size and power.  However the paths of their attacks differed greatly. 
As Hinata was being pushed back by Naruto’s pulsing, blast of water with Hanabi behind her, palms aglow. Sasuke, facing Hanabi steered his fireball into the man’s direction at the very last minute. Just as Sakura was keeping him distracted.
 It was all a bluff. 
Less than a second before Hanabi would have summoned her power to nullify his signature move, Sasuke used all his strength and will power to arch it while he rolled aside. He expected her to send her power his way thus leaving his fireball free to injure the leader. And with her hands alight with power before his feint kicked in, he was sure he had distracted her. 
 He couldn’t see if it hit but he knew it would have helped Sakura. 
Naruto, still pushing against Hinata’s power with his own, both of them weakening cheered and yelled as he fought. “Go!” 
What Sasuke saw next totally shocked him. 
“I told you we see everything.” Hanabi calmly repeated. Her power was invoked but it was all wrong.  
“Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm!” 
By the time Sasuke was upright it was too late. A violent whirlwind of veined, streaked, azure energy was smashing into Sakura. A clean hit was made. 
Hanabi had anticipated his move. The Hyuga had won.
“Sakura!” Naruto screamed. He had just summoned a few clones to batter Hinata’s shield and was limping, desperately and forcefully towards Sasuke. 
“Attack Hanabi! Suiton Infinite Clone Assault!” Naruto commanded as dozens more clones jumped the lone girl. “Go Sasuke!”
Naruto was spent. All of his power was being used up in one last ditch attempt. He had never managed that many clones before and from the corner of his eyes Sasuke could see him panting, lying on the ground and intently looking at his now, two, opponents. 
“No!” Sasuke cried, his voice blazing through the otherwise still night. His greatest fear was realised. As he dashed off, forgetting Hanabi and ignoring Naruto’s cry thoughts of loneliness and despair seeped into his fragile mind. It was happening again. It was just like when his parents died. Just like when Itachi died. 
No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
The man was drawing closer, looming over Sakura. He was going to kill her at this point. Sasuke knew he had to hurry. 
“Fire Style: Phoenix Flower!” He roared and immediately bolts of vermilion flames launched into the man. Sasuke had summoned his attack mid-dash and was closing in on the leader.
 I can make it. I’ll make it.
The fire would slow him down it had to. Naruto was assuring him that the girls were distracted and low on power. He himself groaned out his words over the communication channels but Sasuke trusted his friend and he only needed a few seconds. His plan was going to work. Sasuke Uchiha would not fail. He would protect those precious to him. 
I can make it. Almost. 
“Yes!” Sasuke whispered to himself. Neji was focused on Sakura. He’d get hit for sure.  
“Didn’t you learn anything tonight?” Neji asked smugly. He was still bending towards Sakura, facing her when he spoke. Sasuke was now within ear shot and picked up on his words. 
“Gentle fist.”
What had happened next would be remembered as one of the darkest moments of Sasuke’s life. He had vaguely remembered Neji keeping his stance and bending to Sakura with his left arm outstretched while his right arm extended and his palm met Sasuke’s attack, freezing it mid air.
 He had not turned at all. 
As he rendered Sasuke’s power useless his free palm had made contact with Sakura’s chest. 
He killed her.
Sasuke had lost her, just like Itachi. 
This was when his memory got choppy. 
Both him and Naruto wailed. They were however too late. 
Sasuke could feel the despair stabbing, prodding, overwhelming his mind, his very soul as he collapsed. 
You lost another.
You don’t deserve her.
You don’t deserve anyone. 
It was unbearable and in that instant, with tears staining his covered face, Sasuke felt a darkness rage within him. A fire, a new power taking hold and easing his suffering. His Amaterasu’s Black God Flames, which he still had problems controlling, had been invoked on its own. 
As he lay on the ground, the inky stain of his power manifested. Flames seemingly woven from shadow leaked out of his frame and stained the road with its power. The cold night air was violently blown away as the intensity of the flame’s heat, of Sasuke’s rage and despair, took hold. 
From a ring of obsidian fire, like black spider webs his power branched out, clawing through the surroundings as it spread into a sea of pure, black, power. In the back of his mind he could hear the girls screaming for Neji, the leader he realised, but he didn’t care.
Naruto was yelling his name, his real name as opposed to his codename. He was rushing to him with a limp but again Sasuke didn’t care. All he cared about was gone. 
“Aaaah!” He exploded. With scarlet irises he held total dominion over his fire and now his only order was “destroy.” Destroy the road. Destroy the buildings. Destroy his enemies. 
All of the pain of loss that was returning to him, the regret, not only for what happened tonight but for how he treated Sakura before, not loving her as she deserved.
I’m sorry Sakura. 
Sakura I love you...
 Everything was poured into Sasuke’s blackened flames, flames that now stretched up like crooked fingers, clawing at the night as he stoked and empowered them with his despair and hate. 
“You!” Sasuke scowled. His voice was ice cold and his eyes locked on to Neji. The Hyuga was struggling to freeze black flames around him in place. He had now backed away from Sakura and seemed to be inching to his comrades. 
Without warning Sasuke’s arms branched out and several tendrils of thick flames the color of black licorice, bloomed from the sea of fire at his feet. Each vein of black fire, twisted and whirled as they raced towards the man.
 All Sasuke wanted to do was kill him. 
You hurt her.
“Sasuke stop it!” Naruto screamed while grabbing on to Sasuke from behind. He had somehow made his way to Sasuke without getting consumed by fire. His arms were now locked around Sasuke’s neck. 
“Ugh! Stop it! Sasuke stop!”
“No! Get off!” Sasuke was shrieking now, writhing in Naruto’s arms as they both struggled on the ground. “I have to kill him Naruto! I have to...oof!”
The punch came out of nowhere and it took Sasuke a few moments to realise that Naruto had socked him into the asphalt. “Fucking...!”
“I said stop!” Naruto yelled. He was face to face with Sasuke now with pools of tears shimmering in his ocean-blue eyes. “Now who’s rushing in like an idiot?”
“We have to get Sakura! Do you want to burn her body!” 
His words hit Sasuke even more violently than his blows. 
 Sakura. Her body.
“Neji nii san!” Hinata called moments later, but Sasuke didn’t care. Racing towards Sakura he called forth all of his remaining strength and tried as hard as he could to calm himself and control his emotions and with it, his power. 
The girls had managed to get to Neji and were now floating up in an orb of light: Hinata’s power. Despite his initial anger, Sasuke failed to stop them. His first priority was now Sakura, after all.
Sakura. My love...
And that was when he collapsed. His only memory was someone, Naruto he guessed, grabbing him and speaking to him.
“Please. Please stop.”
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Tagging game/Getting To Know You Meme
I was tagged by: @mythallavellan Thanks boo, let me know how that hair goes, I love and support you
Time and Date: January 7th 11:37pm
Nickname: Only nickname I’ve ever had was Red, because (shocker) my hair was a very red color, but that changes like once a week so oh well
Birthday: June 5th 1628
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 5′11
Last movie I saw: I genuinely don’t remember the last movie I saw, but I did just binge the entirety of game of throne if that counts
Last thing I googled: I was baking cookies, and yelled at my google home, “how much f u  c k i n g butter I was supposed to have for the recipe, guess what, I didn’t have enough, had to sprint to the dollar store mid recipe because Im a dumb cunt, but hey ou know what those cookes were wonderful
Sexual orientation: the big bi
Favorite musician: Vance Joy has been really doin it for me lately, but so has birdtalker and barns courtney
Song stuck in my head: Girl by jukebox the ghost
Other blogs: I had an old blog that i hadnt used in like 3 years before i made ths one but other than that i have none
Favorite color(s): burnt orange, delicate purples, and any earthy red tone just fucking gets me going man
Do I get asks?: I dont but I am begging you guys to speak to me, please I have no friends
Following: around 150
Amount of sleep: either 13, or 4 depending on what classes I have
Lucky number: 13
How many blankets do I sleep under: three because my boyfriend whom i live with insists that theyre necessary but honeslty id be fine wth one 
What am I wearing: Black sweater blanks leggings and purple striped knee high socks over the leggings, its a look
Dream job: Owning my own shelter, or rescue for animals
Last book I read: Lexicon by max berry, it was okay, female charcters were a little flat but he tried, really interesting plot idea though
Dream trip: Just go sit in some beautiful woods for a few days, and just exist with the beauty and nature 
Dream pet: all of them
Favorite food: Potatoes, just potatoes, all forms
Favorite beverage: anything lemony
Play any instruments?: absolutely fucking not
Languages: english, nd i took spanish in highschool, didnt learn anything however, my pronunciation is fucking spot on
Dream wedding: definitely outside, probably in fall, small
Favorite songs: heavy by birdtalker, saturda sun,  by vance joy
Random facts: I’m an excellent mixologist despite my not being of drinking age, I have people who are lmost 30 have me make drinks for them because “I just do it so well” 
If someone gave me $500 right now what would I spend it on?: groceries & rent honey, because a bitch be broke right now
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Mossy stones. foraging in the fall, soft music and lazy mornings, cuddling and laughing under covers, tired but happy eyes, petting every friendly animal you see, the smell of smoke, and vanilla, old books, intricate alters
Any of my followers who wanna do it, please do and tag me, I love learning about you nerds okay bby
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