#lobotomy corporation Yesod
deltapng · 2 months
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guess who my favorite sephirot is guys
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feastfic · 2 years
I feel like throwing out random Lobotomy Corporation headcanons for now (sick, and tired but I want to do something but can't draw. It's hell!) and I have a ton, can't be fixated on a game for two years and expect me NOT to have Thoughts!!! /lh
• The facility recognizes the difference between sentience and sapience. Every Abnormality has some sense of sentience, but only a few have sapience. Sapient Abnormalities, no matter their danger classification, are considered the most dangerous of their specific class.
• Nothing There is an interesting case, because it's gaining sapience. If this happens, and it begins to full recognize itself as something, things are...well, they're gonna get a hell of a lot harder :)
• As it stands, it's recently documented that child Abnormalities grow and develop similarly to human children (they can't bring actual kids in to test some theories; moral, legal, and ethical reasons and mumbo jumbo /lh.)
• Abnormalities know of one another, but most aren't allowed to see one another, for safety reasons. They don't need another case like Yin/Yang, or Red/Wolf.
• The Express Train to Hell is a living being, of a sort. The ticketmaster in the booth is something like an extension of the train itself, and controls it even though they're considered separate entities. It's something like a hivemind.
• Queen Bee's drones are very very similar to actual bees. They follow pheromones, can be drawn to certain colors and smells, and become inactive in dark rooms. Once this was discovered, suppressing them has become much easier (although employees still have to worry about spores.)
• Funeral of the Dead Butterflies escapes to help other employees meet their end faster. He does it out of no malice, but sees in most of them that their roads lead to a short end anyway; many of which are gruesome and bloody. He wants to make it painless for them — his butterflies are much gentler than gunshots or being gored.
• The Mountain of Smiling Bodies goes by a LOT of names. Employees give it both serious nicknames (Murderer, the Mountain, the Black Tar Beast) and way less morbid ("that bitch", Smiley, The Very Bloody Caterpillar.) It also has it's name frequently shortened to just MoSB for convenience.
• MoSB is also voracious. Its body is constantly decaying, liquefying and falling apart. It needs to consume huge portions of meat on a daily basis just to keep its form, which also helps suppress its chances of breaching. However bringing food in is still extremely risky; the meat smell tends to rub off on the handler and MoSB has had more than one occasion where it's mistaken an agent for another part of its food.
• Der Freischütz is very cold. Fitting, given how incredibly hard it is for him to feel much of anything as well. Cold and distant to others, while also being trigger happy with the rifle the old Devil had given him. He relishes in being the new Devil, and uses that power more than he should.
• Most Sephirot have a secret favorite Abnormality. Malkuth's is the Express Train since she likes it's punctuality; Netzach likes Wellcheers; Yesod finds admiration in both the Plague Doctor/Whitenight and One Sin for their order; Hod likes Melting Love (even if she wishes they could stop infecting agents!); Chesed with his attitude has grown a fondness for any child Abnormality (but especially Child of the Galaxy); Hokma is surprisingly a fan of Der Freischütz! He reminds him of an older era from when he was younger.
• Gebura loathes Abnormalities, and Binah simply doesn't care about them enough to form favorites.
• Yesod has undiagnosed but chronic OCD. It's developed into him getting psychotic symptoms that still linger even in his robot form.
• Chesed also has depression, but is recovering from that. His lax attitude is his way of finding light even in the bad situations of Lobotomy Corporation because he doesn't want to give in to the horrors of the workplace.
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spark-circuit · 2 years
2am thought: Yesod would probably really like the Ace Attorney games
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theodrrr14 · 2 years
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sentienttoastah · 9 days
I would love to see all the Lobcorp sephirahs and angela as kiwis. especially hod.
Ah yes. Lobotokwi Corporation.
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You know, maybe I should have drawn all of them on a single canvas but oh well.
Such cool colourful kiwi friends I hope nothing terrible happens to them.
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thegreatlock · 11 days
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I finally drew some canon characters ... Enjoy them .
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cryptidcrocuta · 5 months
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I don't typically draw project moon stuff but here's a year's worth of shit posts I've doodled in private
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ridergoggles · 4 months
The Asiyah Sephirot play UNO
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metthewwilliams · 10 months
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some of my fanart in paint! forgot to post, oops
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roboyomo · 5 months
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didnt post for a few days but. these two. love them. also had to finally draw someone else besides adam
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mrmeltingpoint · 4 months
malkuth: oh no! the whole department died!! that's okay we'll do better next time!
yesod: one employee died because of your incompetence and complete failing as a manager. there is a catholic hell and you are going there when you die.
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deltapng · 1 month
song: heavy metal lover - lady gaga
yesod :D
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firestorm09890 · 2 months
Yesod already told me I was a terrible manager all the time in Lobotomy Corporation bc all my biggest blunders happened to involve the Info Team but now I need to hear him do that with voice acting
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chessprincess · 8 months
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stardustfrin · 8 months
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this is the game right
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amalimirror · 10 months
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Little support
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