#local plumbers in Mission Hills
gregssewerdrains · 6 months
Read Important Components of Residential Plumbing Now!
Explore the key components of residential plumbing in our article. Expertise in these components ensures smooth water distribution and waste elimination. For top-tier residential plumbing services, contact Greg’s Sewer & Drains.
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Hey! Not a kiss prompt but I was wondering if you could write a follow-up on the handy-woman prompt you did? How about, instead of making a move on Maria at the end, Natasha never said anything. She finally admits the truth during a press conference (Maria is in the panel). She's trying to be relatable so she tells the story of her first "mission" for shield. (so that'd be post WS but like fuck IW for obvious reasons #alwaysinpyheart). Thanks!
Oprah’s voice: You get a seuqel, and YOU get a sequel, everybody gets a sequel!! Apparently it’s still sequel season, so this is a sequel to this. I’m sorry this took so unbelievably long, I forgot how much I love writing silly stuff and silly sequels, so have this short fluffy thing!
This,is a farce. Natasha knows it, the panel members know it, the wholeworld knows it. But alas, it has to be done. They’re doing a pressconference to show that the Avengers are all reunited and ready tofight side by side if the need arises. The few of them who werefugitives sign a quick apology letter read by Steve and Tonyapologizes on behalf of the other side.
It’ssupposed to be a short thing.
Supposedbeing the key word, because it’s, after all, one of the very fewoccasions the Avengers are on a panel ready to answer whicheverquestion is thrown at them. The results are…not what they have beenexpecting.
“CaptainAmerica, were you and Mr Stark involved before the fight broke out?”
“MissMaximoff, are you really as young stated by Mr Stark in previousadmissions?”
“MissHill, is it true that your involved in the re-building ofS.H.I.E.L.D.?”
Then,some dumbass must realize they’re all quite public figures except-
“MissRomanoff, are you in fact an android?”
“BlackWidow is it true that you don’t feel any kind of human emotion?”
Theyrealize who they really should be focusing on is Natasha. They’llnever get another chance quite like this one.
“Ihave plenty of human emotions,” Natasha almost scoffs.
“Yeah,right,” Tony mutters, forgetting his mic is still on. “Uhm. Imeant-”
“Ido. I feel annoyance, for one,” she looks at Tony pointedly.“Anger. Vengeance.”
“Maybetry something at the other end of the spectrum?” Clint says intohis mic, because he’s at the other end of the table. “Like, forinstance, try the story about your first mission. That’s always adelight to remember.”
Natashahas barely the time to groan, when suddenly every single reporter isasking a question about it, and now it seems impossible to avoid.
“Inailed my first mission,” she says coldly. “Figured what wasgoing on quickly and had it taken care of.”
Morequestions come up and Clint raises a challenging eyebrow.
“Okay,okay. My first mission with S.H.I.E.L.D., I was undercover inCalifornia, in what I think might have been the most boring part ofthe suburbs, honestly. And I was fresh out of Russia, and I was notused to the weather. And of course, on my second week there the airconditioner broke, so I had to call my emergency contact and ask forhelp. They sent two Agents to keep an eye on me, in case myreprogramming didn’t work properly, one I met already, Agent Coulson,and so he couldn’t come himself. The other one, I hadn’t met. So theysent the second one. But I-” she clears her voice, looks quickly atClint, then at Maria.
“Thatwould be me,” Maria speaks up with a nod and a barely-there smilemeant to reassure her that she’s doing okay.
“Oh,you’re going to wish you hadn’t admitted to that in a minute,”Clint almost laughs, but refrains himself. He clears his voice oncehe realizes he said that into his mic and has at least the decency toblush.
“Anyway,I call Coulson and he says he’ll send someone. The next day, theperson I think is a local handyman knocks on my door, now as I saidthe A.C. was broken and the house was burning up, so this woman walksin and goes to fix it, takes it down the wall, all toned arms andfirm back. So, once she’s done, well, maybe I flirted with her alittle. She didn’t flirt back, I was crushed,” Natasha looks likeshe’s almost starting to enjoy this, now that she’s remembering itstep by step and not just as an embarrassing story Clint likes tore-tell to Laura when Natasha comes around.
“Youdid not,” Maria affirms surely.
“Didtoo. So, she fixed the A.C., and I thought that was it. Until, fourdays later or so, a kid breaks my porch swing. I call Coulson again,because I don’t want stranger on the property, remember that I stillthought this was a real mission and not just a trial to see if myreconditioning had worked properly. So I called him, told him theswing broke, and asked for the same woman he sent the first time.”
“Imean, who wouldn’t,” Tony smirks. “What?” He shrugs when Hilllooks at him harshly. “You do have a nice figure, and you did fixthe A.C.,” he shrugs again.
“Right,so my handy-woman shows up, this time in shorts and a tank top,doesn’t even notice me – or my neighbor Susan – flirt with her,doesn’t glance twice at my very unnecessarily short dress. She comes,fixes the swing, and goes. I’m heartbroken.”
Mariacan see the smile Natasha is trying to stop from forming and itinfuriates her that Natasha is enjoying this story so much.
“SoI do what any sane person would have done in my place, bored out ofmy mind as I was and as into her as I was, I break a tube under mykitchen sink. I call Coulson, I ask him to send Maria again, and whenshe comes I ask for a card. She says she doesn’t have one, but Idon’t question that, because it’s the suburbs so I figure she’sprobably on the phonebook and everyone knows her by name and whywould she need one, so she writes down her number for me.”
“Iwasn’t supposed to do that, you know? Fury could have had my badgefor giving my real number at an undercover asset,” Maria pointsout.
“Yeah,but I didn’t know it then. So, of course, I called the very next dayflirting like my life depended on it, asking her if she would cometake care of my- uh,” she clears her voice, but Maria remembers nowand it’s too late to deflect. She tries anyway. “I punched thishole in my wall. Took her for or five days to fix it, my dress keptgetting shorter. Maria was either clueless or not interested, but Iwas dead set on finding out if she might be.”
“Neither,I was just your superior trying not to perv on you!”
“Well,I didn’t know that, did I? So as she was finishing up with the wall Iimmediately mentioned the shower was clogged, so she’d have to keepcoming back. Director Fury called the mission off, congratulated mefor figuring out Hill was an Agent. Commander Hill congratulated metoo. I had no idea, I was just enjoying watching her fix allof my stuff. Got my trial mission cut short but it also got me on herwrong side. It took almost two years for her to warm up to me again,and by then one of us was always working a mission in anothercontinent, until I ended up working undercover and the rest, well, Iguess it’s public knowledge.”
Natashalooked at Maria for a moment and could see in her eyes she genuinelyhad no idea Natasha was hitting on her at the time.
Shesmile and barely noticed how silent the room was until Tony clearedher voice.
“That’sthe story of my first mission. I excelled at it because I had a crushon a girl. Tell me that’s not a human emotion and I’ll resign rightnow.”
Mostof the reporters laugh, obviously relating to that, but it’s MariaNatasha can’t quite take her eyes off of, she seems pensive andslightly confused.
It’safter the conference has ended that Natasha goes in pursuit ofanswers. She follows Maria for a couple of blocks. Maria lets her fora while. Then, Natasha sees her take out her phone and dial someonebefore putting it to her ear. Her own phone starts ringing a momentlater.
“Anyparticular reason you’re following me?”
“Yeah.My shower’s still clogged, you never came.”
“Theydo say finding a good plumber takes years.”
“Andnobody’s as good as you,” Natasha wonders how Maria has nevernoticed this is the way Natasha talks to her and nobody else.
“Well,we’re almost at mine. How about we take a look at your showertomorrow and for now you come up and have a drink with me.”
Natashasmirks. “I can find so many things for you to fix at my apartment,if it means you’ll come around more often.”
“Well,Miss Romanoff, now that I’m not your superior anymore, you’ll have tostart finding ways to pay me back, if you want me to fix stuff.”
“Thatcan be arranged,” Natasha says, finally catching up with Maria,falling into step with her, easy smiles on their lips.
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dcmarticles · 2 years
Dot Com Media Moguls + Best Digital Marketing Technique = Great ROI For Your Business
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What if we told you there was a formula for strengthening your online presence, boosting brand awareness, and bringing in leads that easily convert? As a nationwide, industry-leading agency, DCM has a long track record for delivering game-changing results and great ROI for countless small businesses.  
With a 95% success rate and guaranteed results, here’s how Dot Com Media Moguls got its start and why we are the best choice to help you grow your business. 
The Successful Start of Dot Com Media Moguls 
DCM Moguls founder Ninna Shapiro has long been a pioneer in the digital marketing space. Diving into the online world right at the start of the internet boom, Ninna first worked with her father to develop and bring to life one of the first electronic auction sites in 1999.  
As the site got more and more popular, Ninna became increasingly fascinated with the marketing side of the business and decided to branch out into the exciting new world of digital marketing by starting her own website design and marketing firm in Woodland Hills, CA. Thus, Dot Com Media Moguls was born.  
Within the first 3 years under her leadership, DCM Moguls saw a 15x increase in revenue, going from $100,000 in revenue to $1.5 million in revenue. Of course, such success was shared with our clients. Since the firm was founded, Dot Com Media Moguls has helped nearly 150 local businesses grow their revenue by at least 25%+. 
Today, more than twenty years after its founding, DCM Moguls continues to support and boost the success of small and local businesses. With clients ranging from dentists to plumbers to attorneys, we’ve helped hundreds of businesses across the United States get new customers through their doors by leveraging proven digital marketing techniques and custom-developing powerful strategies that deliver a positive return on investment. 
The Dot Com Media Moguls Mission 
Through our dedication to being digital marketing and sales experts, DCM Moguls has been fulfilling our mission to provide our clients with the best results possible for over two decades.  
Our wide breadth of services allows us to deliver that WOW factor that our customers look for. We focus on eliminating the apathy that so many businesses suffer from, imbuing our client's marketing efforts with compelling messages that inspire the spirit, penetrate the heart, and ignite the mind of their customers. 
When businesses choose Dot Com Media Moguls as their marketing partner, they never regret it. Our hundreds of clients — which include Suppose U Drive, Phil Harding Denver Attorney, American Leak Detection, and Rooter Experts, just to name a few — have been able to enjoy positive ROI numbers as high as 400%+ after working with our team of experts.  
So, how have we been able to help so many businesses generate leads without breaking the bank?  
After decades of experience, we’ve finetuned a winning formula for boosting growth for small businesses in which we take a multi-channel marketing approach concentrated on calls and positive ROI. To top it all off, we even crafted a custom reporting system that brings together the results of different marketing channels into one dashboard so each client can clearly see their spending and return on investment.  
4 Key Actions for Business Growth 
Over the years, we’ve learned a few lessons that make all the difference in growing one’s business. Here are 4 key actions to remember and how Dot Come Media Moguls can help.  
Define and set goals. Goals are imperative for businesses hoping to achieve positive results. Consider setting SMART goals, which are goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Need some help defining those goals? Our team of marketing experts can assess your business and help craft the best goals for your unique situation. 
Have a digital marketing strategy. You already know that you should be online, but having a solid strategy can transform subpar efforts into meaningful results. Having a strong digital marketing strategy is essential for growing your business. From your website design and SEO efforts to your social media presence and online ad campaigns, we can help your efforts across multiple channels come together seamlessly for boosted growth. 
Stay ahead of the trends. The digital marketing landscape has been known to change in the blink of an eye. Keeping up with the latest Internet marketing and SEO techniques is essential for being competitive in your industry. As a top-rated and certified agency, you can be sure that you’re working with experts who are dedicated to staying ahead of the newest trends and changes that occur in the industry. 
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Communicate effectively. Meeting your customers where they are is just part of the challenge. You also need to communicate with them effectively, inspiring a meaningful connection that moves them to action. Our team of designers, writers, and marketers specialize in designing online experiences for customers that will draw them in and have them eager to make that next move, whether it’s clicking for more information, calling you, or coming right to your storefront. 
Enjoy Improved ROI and Results with DCM Moguls 
Offering a full spectrum of digital marketing services, Dot Com Media Moguls is your one-stop-shop for results-driven digital marketing and lead generation, with services including: 
Organic SEO 
Custom Web Design & Development 
PPC Management 
Social Media Marketing 
LinkedIn Marketing 
Video Creation & Marketing 
Pay Per Call Marketing 
Reputation Management 
Unlike many other agencies, we never hide how we get our results. We’re dedicated to being fully transparent with our clients and will always offer services that we truly believe you need, not what we think will increase our bottom line. We also practice what we preach, ensuring that the strategies and techniques we recommend are the ones that we have vetted ourselves. 
By working with us, you’ll benefit from multi-faceted marketing strategies that will boost traffic, generate leads, and convert customers. Ready to get started? Contact us today for pricing and a free marketing plan. 
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oceanside-ca-living · 3 years
Oceanside Plumbing
Some homeowners prefer to handle  Oceanside plumbing on their own because they think that hiring an Oceanside plumber is expensive. But if you think about it, fixing the issue yourself might only cost you more money in the long run. To free yourself from undue stress, it is best to hire a professional Carlsbad plumber right away to ensure that the root cause of the problem is addressed correctly. There are many trustworthy companies offering Carlsbad plumbing services. Thompson Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning is one of the highly rated Carlsbad hvac companies. They have a fast turn-around rate, high quality workmanship, and of course, affordable package.
Living in Oceanside
Oceanside is a mid-sized city in California with a population of almost 175,000. The high number of residents and the progressive development give the city a dense suburban feel. The top schools, recreational activities, and magnificent beaches are the main attractions of Oceanside. Since it has a diverse population, you will find many ethnic groups living in the area. There are also several neighborhoods to choose from and of course, property value depends on your location. Some of the best include Henie Hills, Fire Mountain, and South Oceanside. The top employers are Tri-City medical Center, City of Oceanside, and MiraCosta College.
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City of Oceanside unveiling brand new 'California Welcome Center'
OCEANSIDE, Calif. —The City of Oceanside is unveiling a top to bottom makeover of its new Welcome Center. In this Zevely Zone, I hopped in the driver's seat of the city's new selfie stop that's as pretty as a post card. "We are in beautiful Oceanside, California," said Courtney Voorhees. She has been an Oceanside volunteer for 17 years. Courtney gave us a tour of the new gateway to Oceanside that feels more like a surf shack than a Welcome Center.  Read more here...
The Welcome Center of Oceanside aims to direct tourists to different destinations in the city. The center receives more than 60,000 visitors annually. But one good thing about the Welcome Center is that it can be a tourist attraction in itself. The makeover gives its visitors a glimpse of what to expect from Oceanside and around the state. The center sells attraction tickets at discounted prices. Visitors can also buy gifts and souvenirs at their in-house boutiques. The shops feature the work of local artists on top of the branded merchandise. The Welcome Center is located in North Coast Highway and it is open from Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm.
Mission San Luis Rey in Oceanside CA
Mission San Luis Rey is one of the popular attractions in Oceanside, California. It is also known as the King of the Missions as it is the largest of the California Missions. It served as the residence of Franciscan Friars and other missionaries more than two centuries ago. Today, visitors can enjoy a self-guided tour at the museum. It features Spanish architecture and style with a Native American touch. The facility is open daily for public viewing from 10 am until 5 pm. Guests need to pay $7.63 as admission ticket. To plan your trip, allot 1-2 hours to explore the entire area including the chapel, retreat center, and souvenir shop.
Link to maps
Mission San Luis Rey
4050 Mission Ave, Oceanside, CA 92057, United States
Head south toward San Luis Rey Ave
318 ft
Continue onto San Luis Rey Ave
482 ft
Turn left onto Mission Ave
0.8 mi
Turn right onto Old Grove Rd
1.5 mi
Turn right onto College Blvd
0.7 mi
Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Oceanside Blvd
Destination will be on the right
1.0 mi
Thompson Plumbing Heating and Air Conditioning
4749 Oceanside Blvd suite j, Oceanside, CA 92056, United States
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tw2plumbers · 3 years
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jhrestorationllc · 3 years
Choosing a Epoxy Crack Injection  in Mission Hills Kansas
Looking for the Best Mission Hills Kansas Epoxy Crack Injection ?
Thanks for your interest in Epoxy Crack Injection  near Mission Hills, Kansas. Contact us at the number below or fill out the contact form. We look forward to your call.
JH Restoration – Complete Foundation Repair Pros near Mission Hills Kansas.
The entry of water into the foundation, basement, surfaces and pillars of your home can bring significantly detrimental results. Normal water does not only weaken your building structure, but helps bring about the development of mold and mildew. Normal water can also mess up personal belongings, furniture, electronics and equipment.
Cracking is one of the most typical issue confronted by most homeowners in Kansas and Missouri. It is due mainly to the release of water during the shrinkage or curing process because of pay out. Cracks will likely be found near breaks in wall space and may seem at some locations more than others. There are always a plethora of benefits that include our crack shots. Some of them include the fact our polyurethane crack vehicle repairs remain versatile and convey durability.
Our solutions also seal groundwork walls, eliminates air leaks while halting any type of active leakages and also reduces drinking water vapour permeability and humidness. The versatility of the high-quality polyurethane alternatives that people provide allows the resin to be mobile and properly support the effects of growth and contraction of the framework. Our methods are assured to stop drinking water leakages and penetration within a few minutes and are available in commercial-grades that ensures that our careers are done reliably and financially.
It is uncommon for foundation repair to be covered by your insurance coverage if the cause was typical settlement. However, if your foundation issue was caused by unintentional flooding of water from family pipes, or you’ve purchased unique extra coverage, you might be in luck. Read your policy or contact your provider.
The typical expense of fixing a settling foundation is in between $500 and $3,000. A sinking foundation requires to be leveled. It is tough to identify leakages – this is usually identified by inspection. The foundation is raised to its original height to level and positioning piers under the foundation. The procedure involves digging deep under the foundation and putting numerous piers to stabilize your house.
“The expense to raise a house with a basement is various than that of a home with a slab or a crawlspace. Beyond that, your expense is impacted by just how much of the house needs to be lifted. If it’s just one corner, that’s a lot less than if you’re raising the whole home.
Before you can get an accurate price quote of the expense of your foundation repair, the foundation and surrounding area will need to be inspected by an educated professional.
It is tough to provide an average foundation repair cost since there are so numerous variables. Elements that affect expense include: The type of foundation (slab, pier and beam, crawlspace or basement) How available the sunken part of the foundation is The cause of foundation failure The technique of repair (piering or slabjacking) Hydraulic piers are a long-lasting option for supporting structures that have actually moved.
Factors to Consider in Choosing Epoxy Crack Injection  in Mission Hills, Kansas
The professional will be looking at the following things: The only way to know if you have foundation issues is to check out the hints your home offers you, such as Exterior fractures in the walls Horizontal fractures in the foundation Water in your basement, if you have one Jagged fractures in the foundation or walls The severity of the fractures, as well as where they remain in relation to the rest of the home, and the number of of them there are.
Some issues are not evident to the naked eye, just being seen after some demolition or digging has occurred, which could add to the estimate when exposed. To have a healthy foundation, watch on the water/sewer lines to make certain they are not leaking. Leaking pipelines will eventually cause erosion, which could cause problem with the foundation.
It’s simple for water damage to take place and not be found because those pipelines are under your house. You typically know if you have such a leakage with a higher than average water bill. To be proactive with water lines, you can also have your plumber perform static tests on your water lines.
Expert Epoxy Crack Injection  in Mission Hills, Kansas
During dry times of the year, ensure the foundation gets watered when you water your lawn. Try to find locations where the soil is retreating from the foundation; those locations will need to be watered. All homes will settle, however it’s a prolonged procedure, and your home itself adjusts as it goes along.
Getting a soil report is crucial before developing your home. A geotechnical engineer can inform you from soil tests if the soil will support a home without problems. However, not all brand-new building and construction gets a soil report, and if you reside in an older home, you have no concept if a soil test was done.
It will cost in between for a structural engineer’s report. They will inspect all visible portions of the foundation, basement, and crawl space for indications of distress, water damage, and degeneration. A report from a structural engineer can be trusted due to the fact that they aren’t attempting to offer you anything. This is not to state that specialists will repair something that isn’t broken, however opinions from uninvolved, experienced parties are always handy.
Industry Experts on Epoxy Crack Injection  in Mission Hills, Kansas
In some cases, it can be a positive as the perspective owners will not have to deal with the issue, and foundation repairs can assist instead of hinder buyers purchasing in neighborhoods with known foundation concerns. Your guarantee is often transferable and can be passed onto subsequent owners of your residential or commercial property.
To avoid problems later, make sure the professionals give you an engineer’s compliance letter revealing they followed nationwide and local building safety guidelines. There are a lot of aspects to think about when figuring expense, it’s difficult to offer a number without knowing the problem, however the typical expense to repair your foundation lies between and, with a lot of property owners paying a typical cost of to repair their foundations.
If the pipes concerns triggered the foundation damage, that might effectively be covered, at least in part. Foundation problems caused by soil compaction or erosion are rarely covered by house insurance coverage. The life of the repair should coincide with the life of the house. Piers and foundation replacement are thought about long-term services.
It is hard to provide an average foundation repair cost since there are a lot of variables. Use the following information to get a basic idea of costs. For the most accurate estimate, have a foundation repair specialist out to do an examination of your residential or commercial property. Based off jobs from around the nation, you ought to anticipate to pay about for foundation repairs.
The solutions implemented by the contractors are designed and tested by geotechnical and structural engineers and meet the local and international standards. The common solutions applied to Epoxy Crack Injection  issues are:
Foundation settlement repair
Foundation wall stabilization
Foundation Inspection
Foundation Replacement
Bowed Basement Wall Repair
Concrete Foundation Walls
Foundation wall stabilization
Concrete Foundation Repair
Epoxy Injection Foundation Crack Repairs
Concrete Foundation Walls
  The most affordable repairs consist of small fracture repair or leveling with slabjacking. If your foundation requires long-term stabilization, piering is the best choice, regardless of being more costly. Your expense will depend on your specific scenario. Aspects that affect expense consist of: The type of foundation (slab, pier and beam, crawlspace or basement) How accessible the sunken portion of the foundation is The cause of foundation failure The technique of repair (piering or slabjacking) Hydraulic piers are a long-term service for supporting structures that have actually moved.
How Much Does Foundation Repair Cost in Mission Hills, Kansas?
This puts the expense for this method between $10,720 and $13,400. Extra expenses may consist of: $300-$1,500 to employ a structural engineer $500-$3,000 for soil reports from a geotechnical engineer $75-$150 for a building allow $3,000-$4,000 for seismic work (if you live in an earthquake area) $1,000-$2,500 for concealed barriers (tree roots, old repair work, deep footings) Costs will differ depending upon your location.
In the end, the expense will be worth it due to the fact that your property will be safe and marketable. Slabjacking benefits small repairs. The piece is floated back to its original position by pumping a mixture of sand, cement, fly ash, and other ingredients through little holes. On average, you’ll pay $150 per drill hole, or 33% of the expense to change the concrete piece.
Getting rid of and changing the insulation will assist to decrease your energy expenses. A pier and beam foundation triggers your house to sit about 18″ off the ground. The home rests on a series of piers which are supported by beams. It’s an excellent foundation, as the crawl space produced by the 18″ admits to electrical wiring and plumbing, however soil shifts, or possibly the piers were not put close enough to each other.
Steel piers cost to install. Helical piers are steel shafts with round or square helix plates– are likewise referred to as anchors, piles, or screwpiles. They cost from to install. Before you can get a precise quote of the cost of your foundation repair, the foundation and surrounding location will need to be checked by a well-informed contractor.
  The typical expense of repairing a settling foundation is in between $500 and $3,000. The foundation is raised to its original height to level and positioning piers under the foundation.
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Mission Hills is a city in Johnson County, Kansas, United States, and part of the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 3,498. The east city limits is the Kansas-Missouri state line at State Line Road. Mission Hills was originally developed by noted Kansas City developer J. C. Nichols beginning in the 1920s as part of his Country Club District plan.
Source: Mission Hills, Kansas at Wiki
  Originally posted 2021-03-02 18:42:33.
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gregssewerdrains · 6 months
Plumbing Company in Mission Hills | Drain Cleaning Company
Looking for a dependable plumbing company in Mission Hills? Turn to Greg’s Sewer & Drains for expert services! Our experienced team utilizes advanced tools to swiftly clear drain clogs and maintain smooth water flow. Rely on us for efficient and reliable plumbing solutions. Visit our website for more information.
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orbemnews · 3 years
These beautiful Italian towns will pay you to work remotely (CNN) — Remote working has become a possibility for many during the pandemic, meaning the office can now be anywhere from a kitchen table to a sandy beach on the other side of the world. And while relocating to a picturesque Italian town might also factor on many people’s lists, that prospect just got even better with two destinations offering to pay workers who make the move. In an attempt to lure newcomers, Santa Fiora in Tuscany and Rieti in Lazio will pay up to 50% of the rent of anyone who decides to move and telecommute on a long-term basis. Rents are already relatively low, so the deal is potentially very attractive, but make no mistake, this is no paid vacation. Applicants must have an “active” job, even if they can do it in front of a laptop on a panoramic terrace overlooking olive groves while sipping a glass of red wine. It doesn’t matter what you do for a living, as long as you’re tech-savvy enough to do it anywhere. Although Italy is still slowly emerging from its latest pandemic wave, it hopes to reopen properly to travelers over the next few weeks, raising the tantalizing prospect of a proper Italian summer. And while Covid has hit Italy particularly hard compared with some of its European neighbors, one silver lining has been that people have been relocating to previously depopulated towns, bringing new life to previously declining areas that now offer social distancing and lower contagion rates. So-called “smart working villages” are now flourishing in Italy as local authorities grasp the potential of boosting high-speed internet and setting up equipped “labs” for telecommuters. Santa Fiora Santa Fiora’s mayor hopes good internet connections will lure remote workers. Comune Santa Fiora Located in the heart of wild Tuscany, the medieval village of Santa Fiora is nestled in the Monte Amiata natural reserve and is close to the wonderful Val D’Orcia Valley, Montepulciano’s wine heaven, and Siena. Today the population is down to barely 2,500 residents but mayor Federico Balocchi believes technology and virtual work can revolutionize the future of his hometown. Teleworkers willing to relocate and rent a house here under the Tuscan sun will be given up to €200 ($240) or 50% of the total rent for long-term stays of between two and six months. Local rentals are typically in the range of €300 to €500 monthly, meaning anyone who moves here might end up paying as little as €100 per month. To help outsiders find their ideal type of accommodation — be it a cozy stone cottage in the historical center or a little villa in the surrounding green rolling hills — the town hall has launched a website (https://www.vivinpaese.it) to advertise rentals alongside a list of useful services and contacts of plumbers, baby sitters, doctors, electricians and food delivery to make newcomers feel instantly at home. There are also links to local estate agencies for a wider choice of houses. But don’t think you’ll get paid to laze around gorging on delicious pasta dishes and going on sightseeing sprees around Tuscany. Balocchi is keen to stress that the rental voucher is not a partly paid-for-vacation. Potential tenants must prove that they will be actually working remotely. “It’s not targeted at occasional touch-and-go tourists, but people who really want to experiment with our village life,” he tells CNN. “The goal is to incentivize people to move in and virtually work from here. We want Santa Fiora to become their flexible office. Each time a youth leaves to search for a job elsewhere a piece of our village is taken away. “This is only the first step of our smart village project, focused on connectivity and technology to lure new residents and firms.” The village has just been cabled with high-speed fiber internet and “working stations” are being identified amid its narrow cobblestone alleys and Renaissance palazzos. Beyond the broadband connection, the pace of life in Santa Fiora is slow, offering a sojourn far from city chaos and smog. It’s ideal for people wishing to spend a part of the year in a quiet and relaxing place surrounded by nature. Santa Fiora properties rent for about €300 to €500 per month. Comune Santa Fiora So what’s the catch? First, you must be really teleworking and prove it through a detailed document of what exactly it is you do for a living — be it architecture, design, poetry, freelance reporting, online cooking lessons or brokering world peace. It must be forwarded together with your application form. People on a pension are welcome to move in but won’t benefit from the voucher unless they’re still working as independent contractors, professionals or online consultants. Secondly, once you find somewhere in the town, you’ll need to forward proof of rental with contract details and your new address. The €200 monthly vouchers work as reimbursements to be paid only after you send rent receipts to the mayor’s office. Visiting Santa Fiora as soon as global travel resumes might be a good way to get a feel of the village life and personally search for your perfect abode. Balocchi assures the town’s tourist office will be happy to assist in all procedures and paperwork. Tenants are of course free to prolong their stay beyond six months, albeit at their own expense, with the mayor hoping that some might fall in love with the village and stay forever. And if they decide to invest in the local tourist sector, Santa Fiora is willing to give them up to €30,000 to open a B&B or restyle an old dwelling to turn into a hotel or hostel. There’s even a baby bonus of up to €1,500 for each newborn if anyone decides to take up residency and have a kid. Santa Fiora is located in the heart of Tuscan wine country. Comune Santa Fiora “That would be great if new families actually settled in,” says Balocchi. “This place is perfect for remote workers who must balance jobs and kids. We have low kindergarten fees, free school shuttle buses and many activities for children to allow parents time to breathe.” A former mining center, Santa Fiora is an idyllic Tuscan hilltop village where nature and art perfectly combine. There are towers, fountains, panoramic piazzas overlooking the hilly landscape, museums and works of Renaissance artists. Cut through by the river Fiora it’s surrounded by chestnut forests and a network of streams, waterfalls and pristine springs. There’s an ancient spectacular fish pond surrounded by a lush garden of pine trees, magnolia and orchards enclosed by lavish palazzos and a castle. Top outdoor activities include horseback riding, biking and trekking along mountain trails. Santa Fiora has a popular international music festival in summer and regular food fairs starring local mushrooms, onions and chestnuts. Rieti Rieti, not far from Rome, is also offering rental deals to remote workers. Scopri La Sabina For those who’d rather be closer to Rome, stunning Rieti has a similar deal but for a minimum of a three months stay. Eclipsed by the fame and allure of the Eternal City, it’s an under-the-radar destination worth seeing. Even though Rieti has some 50,000 inhabitants and is one of the largest cities in the Lazio region, its population isn’t growing. “We’re kind of stuck,” says deputy mayor Daniele Sinibaldi. “Young people still keep fleeing to Rome in search of work so we’ve embarked on a mission to lure remote workers who will turn Rieti into their smart office and revitalize our city.” Rieti’s housing offer is even more appealing. Rent vouchers could be extended beyond six months and a preliminary lease agreement is all the proof needed to get the ball rolling, says Sinibaldi. Teleworkers are free to pick a property even in nearby rural districts where rents are lower compared to the city. Finding a place might be trickier as there’s no town hall website with available properties. Applicants will need to get in touch directly with agencies or online rental platforms (such as immobiliare.it; subito.it; casa.it). Sinibaldi is confident telecommuting will revitalize sleepy Rieti. “Rents in town are in the range of €250 to €500,” he says. “For €600 you can have an entire little villa in the peaceful countryside. Also, the voucher can be used in the entire territory of Rieti, including the rural hamlets of Sant’Elia, Cerchiara and the skiing resort of Terminillo but we’d love to have people move in to live in the historical center.” Rieti’s origins are steeped in legend. It was founded by the fiery Italic tribes of the Sabines who inhabited the wild hills and forests of the area but were forced to bend the knee to ancient Rome after a series of bloody massacres. During Roman times Rieti was a strategic outpost along the Via Salaria salt route, one of the main highways of the Empire. Enclosed within protective medieval walls and turrets along the pristine Velino river, Rieti is locally known as “the freshwater Venice” for its network of streams, ponds, springs and luxuriant lake reserves. Rieti’s rental deal extends to the surrounding countryside. Comune Rieti It’s a mix of medieval, Renaissance, baroque and modern architecture where monumental piazzas, fortified walls and aristocratic palaces are connected by narrow picturesque alleys. Standing on the majestic Roman bridge to admire deep red sunsets that set the river ablaze is a popular evening activity. Since the Roman age Rieti claims to be the so-called Umbilicus Italiae, aka “Italy’s belly button,” the exact geographical center of the country. The supposed dead center is apparently embodied by a historical billiard table located inside a tiny bar on the main piazza, where a round-shaped monument dubbed “la caciotta” (‘the cheese form’) marks Italy’s navel. Fascinating treasures are hidden from sight. Strolling along via Roma, the main shopping street, you’d never guess that right beneath your feet runs another ancient Roman overpass from which the city grew and flourished. The viaduct was built in the third century BCE to prevent flooding on the Via Salaria. The underground city is made of arches that are incorporated into noble residences. Many dwellings in the historical center boast Roman walls and secret passageways to underground chambers. Local food specialties include Fregnacce alla reatina, a diamond-shaped pasta with a tasty sauce of softened lard, celery, onion, chopped tomatoes, salt and chili. Pizzicotti are ‘pinched’ gnocchi served with a spicy tomato, garlic and olive oil sauce. Stracciatella are eggs cooked in veal broth while spaghetti alla carrettiera are made with seasoned pecorino cheese and chili pepper. Source link Orbem News #beautiful #Italian #pay #remotely #towns #Work
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janicecpitts · 6 years
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jflashandclash · 7 years
Attrition of Peace
Three: Reyna
Who Ordered the Trojan Mario?
             When Reyna first received the report, she thought it was a prank. Had it been from anyone other than Michael Kahale, she would have sent the messenger to help shovel their war elephant’s, Hannibal’s, pen or scribe for their local chatty harpy, Ella. She’d been told that was an unbearable task.
           But as Reyna stood on the banks of the Little Tiber River, the military barracks at her back and Michael Kahale at her side, she could see he hadn’t been joking.
           There was indeed a twenty foot tall, wooden statue of Nintendo’s Mario in their valley. 
He stood—one foot up for a jump—on the opposite bank of the Little Tiber. The statue was on wheels, ropes already bolted into Mario’s black shoe for dragging. The red and blue paint of his overalls and shirt gleamed brilliantly in the California sun, contrasting sharply with the green grass along the road to New Rome. The whole sight looked like it had been screenshot out of that game that Will made she and Nico play: Super Mario Sunshine.
           This had Greek written all over it. Not literally since there was no writing on the plumber, but Reyna could imagine her Greek friends, Piper and Percy, thinking this was an ingenious idea and Annabeth sighing along.
           Reyna wondered if it was in fact Annabeth’s idea, and if there were Greek troops inside to continue their little “rivalry.”
           How many troops could you fit inside a wooden Mario? There was probably a ladder extending from Mario’s grounded foot to his torso, where you could fit the most soldiers. Depending on how close the campers would get to each other, she would guess at least a dozen.
           “And it just appeared?” Reyna asked, gripping her pilum. There was a subtle, December breeze blowing through the valley, tussling her long black braid and purple cloak. Today was warm, even for California standards.
           “Yes,” Michael said, clearing his throat. He wasn’t in his armor, but wore a work out tank top and athletic shorts. For being a son of Venus, he looked more prepared to beat someone to death than flirt with them.
           “Nathan and Bobby were guarding the tunnel?” Reyna asked. She already knew the answer, but she wanted to make sure she had everything in as much detail as possible.
           “Yes, they were found unconscious at the entrance, mumbling—mumbling about nightmares,” Michael added the last part hesitantly.
           Reyna frowned. Lou Ellen and the other children of Hecate could easily use the Mist to mask their own approach towards the camp, but could they mask a twenty foot statue?
And one of the children of Hypno or even Nico might be able to put Nathan and Bobby to sleep. But she didn’t think Nico was back to full power. Although communication between the camps had been sparse recently, she’d heard the child of Hades was still struggling after that summer’s shadow traveling.
Something didn’t feel right here.
“Call over the First and Fifth Cohort and alert those on probation they need to haul in a large statue,” she said. “We’re going to give the Greeks a warm welcome.”
  The First and Fifth Cohort were assembled and armed within ten minutes. Although there were some grumbles about this infringing on lunch time, most were too excited about the giant Mario statue and the prospect of getting another win for their Greco-Roman skirmishes. They were already talking about hauling the statue to Temple Hill as a sacrifice to the gods.
Frank was supposed to arrive any moment to discuss what to do. The lower ranks were lining up to grab the statue’s ropes and roll it across the Little Tiber. The First and Fifth Cohorts waited on the other side, ready to escort the statue further into camp and defend if the Greeks decided to strike.
The troop’s excitement was infectious until one member on probatio, Ellie Atmadja, found a note on the Mario statue. She raced it up to Reyna.
This recruit was fresh from Lupa. She was short, had a deep tan, and had the grace of Dakota after three pitchers of Kool-Aid. So very little.
Ellie almost fell over when she skidded to a stop in front of Reyna. She couldn’t seem to decide if she should bow or grovel. “Praetor—for you,” she finally said and shoved the note to Reyna.
“Thank you, Atmadja. You may return to the others,” Reyna said, hoping the girl wouldn’t have an aneurism from the conversation.  
As Ellie fumbled over another bow and dashed back to help the others with the ropes, Reyna examined the paper. It was composed of four colorful pieces of construction paper, taped together. Her name was written in sloppy red cursive across the front. She flipped it open, wondering if Thalia was involved in this.
 Dear Reyna Ramirez-Arelllllano,
           I got you a present, something you know you desperately desire and don’t know that you already hate. Enjoy!
                                                                                     --From the Darkest
 PS: I do not accept returns on damaged merchandise. Merchandise is likely damaged. Packaging is fragile and will shatter in the vengeful waters of the Bitty Tibbr. XO XO
             That didn’t sound like something from anyone at Camp Half-Blood, although maybe from a Huntress.
           The Bitty Tibbr. The Little Tiber.
           Reyna dropped the note, opening her mouth to shout at those on probatio to stop pulling the Mario statue into the river. Before she could inhale, the water surged.
           The ripple started forty feet upstream, but roared into an eight foot wave within seconds. Ellie and those on propatio panicked, taking their last step towards the shore.
           Although the wave was nothing compared to what Percy had conjured this past summer, it was large enough to smash the leg off of Mario. The blast knocked the lower ranking soldiers into the muck before splashing them back onto shore, unharmed.
           The legless plumber crashed onto his side. The wooden frame cracked. She could barely hear a male with a British accent scream from inside, “We’re tied up—we can’t swim—”
           Then the river whisked the wreckage into a raging swirl.
           There were people in those rapids.  
           Reyna had only ever seen the Little Tiber protect New Rome from monsters. These must have been enemies.
           But you won’t know why they’re here or who they are if you don’t interrogate them.
           Reyna pointed to the Fifth Cohort, all of which were prepared with nets to catch some Greeks. “Fish them out!” she commanded.
           There was a pause, then Dakota lead the Cohort towards the shore.
           Before they could reach it, a thick vine snaked out of the water, digging into dry land. A moment later, two figures emerged. One, an Asian girl with shoulder length hair, gripped the vine as it snaked further inland. She must have been a daughter of Demeter. Her other hand was wrapped around the waist of an enormous boy.
           Reyna immediately recognized him. That was Piper McLean’s favorite cousin, an Afro-Brit son of Eros named Calex Rupin McKenzie. That would make the girl either Euna or Joey Song. These were two of the new Seven that had arrived at Camp Half-Blood in early October. Reyna had run into them on a recon mission last month.
           Once they were solidly on ground, the girl released the vine and went still. The boy struggled against some ropes around his arms.
           That left five members still in the water.
           The river smashed two more bodies onto shore. Dakota and the others helped to drag them out. One was a tall girl with honey colored skin wearing a burgundy parka that matched her hair. Dakota scrambled to help her up. If Reyna remembered properly, that was one of his half-sisters, Merry.
           Near them, the other member coughed up some water. Although Reyna couldn’t remember the pale girl’s name, Reyna thought she was a child of Apollo. “Axel and Pax are still in the water!” the girl choked out, struggling to get out of her binding.
           Reyna flinched.
           Unlike the other four, the Little Tiber didn’t seem willing to release the Pax brothers. Through the vortex of water, Reyna thought she could see two figures struggling to break the surface. When the Fifth Cohort cast their nets to drag them ashore, the ropes snapped under the force of the current.
           Reyna scrambled for a plan. She wished Percy was here. She could hear herself shouting for some chains—that they could harpoon the Pax brothers and drag them to shore with something less breakable.
They’d be injured, but they would be able to breathe, assuming she didn’t hit a lung.
           At least the Little Tiber decided to drown them in a whirlpool right in front of camp, instead of dragging them downstream.
           Someone shoved a javelin with an attached chain into her hand. Reyna dashed to the edge of the water, taking aim. She hoped she wouldn’t hit a vital organ.
           Before she could throw, an eagle the size of a golf cart swooped over the water.
           “Hold!” Reyna shouted at her troops.
           The eagle snapped its claws into the water, snatching two people up.
           As soon as they were out, the Little Tiber swirled back to its peaceful course. Like it hadn’t tried to kill two demigods. But that left Reyna wondering two questions: why had the Little Tiber so desperately tried to murder Axel and Pax? And where was the seventh member of their group?
             When the eagle landed with the Pax brothers and morphed back into Frank, Reyna was surprised to find that she was shaking. She stepped towards the other praetor and the presumed Pax brothers.
The two figures had black canvas bags tied over their heads. Both wore dark dress shirts that the Little Tiber had nearly shredded. Their hands were bound behind their backs, proving they never had a chance to swim.
           They choked, gagged, and coughed. The smaller of the two threw up some water.
           Frank knelt down beside the smaller to untie the black canvas. “What happened?” he asked, his eyes wide as he helped hold up the tinier boy.
           Reyna knelt beside Axel. Even with the bag over his head, she could easily recognize him by the scar on his hip. With the way the Little Tiber had destroyed his shirt, she could see it extend from below his pant-line halfway up his side.
           Frank tugged off Pax’s black bag. The young Hispanic’s dark hair stuck out wildly. Pax’s yellow and black eyes darted about the soldiers and his gagging changed into a startled gasp. In Spanish, he babbled in a panic. “Holy Titans! New Rome?! She sent us to New Rome?!”
           Reyna scowled at Pax, but decided it would be better to ask why New Rome made him so nervous in private. And why he saw it proper to call upon the Titans.
“I’m going to remove the bag over your head,” she informed Axel.
           He muttered in a language she didn’t understand, likely Mayan from what he’d said about himself previously.
           Reyna’s ears popped. For half a second, she felt like there was an air vacuum around Axel. Magic¸ she realized and tore the black bag away.
           Reyna almost forgot about the magic when she saw the leather muzzle strapped around Axel’s jaw.
           His dark eyes searched around in alarm. Once he saw Pax crawling closer to cower beside him and the Fifth Cohort helping the rest of his team over, he relaxed slightly. Despite his usual deep tan, he was sickly pale, making the systematic scars along his face more prominent. Judging from how scruffy his normally-neat goatee was, they must have been held captive for at least two weeks.  
           “Reyna,” he whispered, then clenched his jaw in what she readily recognized as humiliation.
           Reyna unbuckled the muzzle from his face. Some of the skin on his cheeks had rubbed off with the straps. When she withdrew her knife and cut the binding around his arms, she could see some blood oozing from his chest. Nudging the scarps of material to the side revealed a puncture wound through his shoulder. Like someone had shot him and the river had reopened the wound.
           Reyna wished her hands would stop shaking as she put away her knife. She didn’t register that Frank and some of the other soldiers had asked her a question. Or that Pax was whining to Axel in Spanish.
           Axel tried to stand and wavered. Reyna caught his good shoulder, knowing someone like him would find it unforgivable to collapse in front of her, her troops, or his friends. Before she knew what she was doing, her tattoo burned and she could sense Axel’s panic, helplessness, and overwhelming guilt. The guilt of a leader who failed.
In that instant, Reyna knew the seventh member of their group was dead.  
           He frowned at the glowing symbol of Bellona on her forearm. Gently but firmly, he removed her hand. Reyna could feel some of her strength ebb into Axel, just enough to help him stand. Her symbol returned to a dull black.    
           “I think I’m going to owe you more than a cup of hot chocolate and a circus performance after this,” he said, his voice hoarse. By now, Pax had crawled over to hide behind Axel’s leg. Axel leaned carefully so he wouldn’t fall over as he ruffled his brother’s hair. Although she knew how twisted he felt inside, his dark gaze remained calm as he said, “Please help my troops.”
           Reyna felt the gaze of the First and Fifth Cohort’s on her. Even Frank, still too self-conscious about his new role as praetor, was waiting for her verdict.
           As far as the River Tiber was concerned, Axel and his friends were enemies of New Rome. She thought about what she’d discovered last time she met him—that he wasn’t a demigod. She considered the words on the note as well: something you know you desperately desire and don’t know that you already hate.
           “Dakota, Michael, take a few guards and bring them inside,” she said, briskly turning towards her centurions. They snapped to attention. “Summon a healer while you take them in. Frank and I will question them to find out if we should help them or kill them.”
           “We will?” Frank asked. He stood up from kneeling beside Pax. Upon seeing her glare, he also snapped to attention. “I mean, yes Reyna—er—of course we will.”
           One day, Frank would remember they were the same rank when she gave an order.
           As the legionnaires moved, Reyna withheld a frown. This was uncomfortably close to what happened with Percy last summer. And like last summer, she could tell the new arrivals were a bad omen.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Our two teams finally cross, and I am giddy to see how you react to it!
And how are you liking The Dark Prophecy that just came out-I know I just started reading it :D
Now, assuming I'm not lazy and not distracted devouring that book (so... highly unlikely. I excel at the art of laziness) I'll get another double release with Reyna's The Scent of a Liar later this weekend!
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findusonweb-blog · 6 years
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Plumbing & Heating : Our certified plumbers are ready to assist you in any plumbing & heating services ranging from fixing a dripping tap to the complete installation of a new plumbing system
Electrical : If you are looking for an electrician in London then you have come to the right place. We offer a full range of electrical services ranging from changing a light bulb all the way up to commercial electrical installations.
Tiling : Here at Pro Handyman services we provide a complete tiling service for all applications. We specialise in all types of tiling using a large number of materials ranging from ceramics and glass to marble and mosaics. Our tiling experts can advise you on designs, colours and restoration.
Roofing : Our roofing experts would be delighted to help you with any problem you may be experiencing with your roof. We offer roofing solutions to residential, commercial and industrial sectors.
Our Values Our pro Handyman values reflect who we are and what we stand for as a building services company.
Quality : At Pro Handyman Service we pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality of work together with an unrivalled customer service experience. When somebody chooses to use our services we feel honoured and privileged that you have given us the trust and opportunity to show you what we can do. We treat every property as if it was our own and we expect and execute a standard of work that we would want in our homes and that we would be proud of. Every job we do is carried out to the highest level so that you are completely happy.
Teamwork : We believe in a strong sense of teamwork that helps us to meet the needs of our customers.
Customer Service  : We believe in putting the customer first and strive for excellence in delivering a first class customer service experience. No matter how small or big your job is we work closely with you to ensure that your requirements are met. Communication is a big subject at Pro Handyman which is why we always have a customer service support team who are on hand to answer your call, email you back or respond by live chat.
Respect for People : At Pro Handyman one of our very important core values is to treat people with the upmost respect. We follow this ethos with not only our loyal customers but with everybody that works for Pro Handyman. All of our tradesmen are punctual, polite and courteous and do everything they can do ensure our customers have a smooth and pleasant experience.
A Will to Win : We always exhibit a strong will to win in the marketplace and also in every aspect of our business.
The Pro Team Mustafa Ozalemdar (CEO) has been in the handyman and building services business for 18 years and Pro Handyman Services has been the focus of his career. He believes there must be a passion connected to this business as well as a good understanding of what the customer wants. His meticulous and methodical approach has been absorbed through the company and through osmosis has been ingrained in all staff and tradesmen lucky enough to wear the Pro Handyman badge. What began as a one-man band is now a Pro team with over a dozen employees and growing.
Why Choose Us? We have been serving the North London area for well over a decade and have hundreds of very happy customers who love to recommend our services. We do all we can to ensure that our customers are delighted with their Pro Handyman experience. We strive to make every customer a repeat customer.
Qualified : All of our tradesmen are fully qualified in their chosen professions and are continuously improving themselves with the necessary credentials.
Insured : All of our work carried out is fully insured for your peace of mind.
Quality : All of our work is carried out to the highest standard to ensure our customers are more than delighted with our work.
Reliability : Our workers are punctual and reliable tradesmen who will carry out the work to the agreed timeframe and requirements.
Pricing : All of our pricing is transparent and there are no hidden charges.
We are extremely proud of the work we carry out and to the very high level that we work to. One of the most satisfying aspects of our work is to see our client’s faces when they see the finished result of a beautiful flat renovation or a new kitchen. Kitchen Garden Bathroom Bedroom
Company : Pro Handyman Services operates from London and serves the North London area for both residential and commercial clients. Here is a list of some of the areas that we cover: Barnet, Camden, Crouchend, East Finchley, Finchley, Hackney, Hampstead, Highbury, Islington, Muswell Hill, Southgate, Stoke Newington.
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buttramnyc · 6 years
Italy 2018 Part I
Italy, October, 2018
The crescent moon sits in Orion’s back pocket.
Stars from my bedroom window celebrate the first day in Ponti Agli Stolli, The last 24 hours have been a whirlwind of subways, TSA lines, taxis, and jets. The highlight: watching Taylor, Deborah and Mary sprint to make our plane from Paris to Florence.
After a tour of the surrounding area (first hint of the recurring theme, “Lost in Italy!”) we find the village of Ponti Agli Stolli. It’s tiny. There’s a bridge and a river, one store, one restaurant, and that’s it. (Rather like growing up in Oak Grove, TX). Mary navigates down a steep drive to the parking lot. We explore our first digs, the Mill House, guided by Cordelia, a Polish woman who married an Italian. She speaks limited English. We “kinda” get what she’s telling us about heat, gas, etc. Nesting goes into full swing. The local store is closed for the day (siesta at 2:30pm). Off to Greve for food and a delicious meal on the main piazza. We eat, find the grocery store and stock up on breakfast food.
One ritual emerges early on: the trading of Euros among four travelers (keeping our money straight). The “funny money” (i.e., Euros) is serious. The dollar is not strong. One Euro equals $1.20 (depending on the day). The exchange rate is hard to wrap my head around but slowly I get it, Euros fly from my pockets at an alarming rate!
At lunch, Taylor shares the story of when my ultra-sophisticated friend (and employer at “Musical America,” Charlotte Gilbert, read his early play and reported back, “He’s no Arthur Miller.” This, at the tender age of 26, shook his confidence. Charlotte’s long gone to heaven and Taylor has begun writing again. Underlying lesson, “Don’t let anyone’s critique stop you from writing!” Charlotte gave me a day job for several years AND taught me how to drink scotch. Was she the best influence on Taylor or me? Of course, she was! She introduced us to the Metropolitan Opera with free tickets to our first opera, Madama Butterfly.
The Mill House is chilly. Mary and I go on a reconnaissance mission to “borrow” firewood. We score. Coming down the hill, we hear Taylor and Deborah standing in front of the house, whispering. Taylor has accidentally locked us out of our house, grabbing the car key instead of the house key. Hmmmm. Breaking into the Mill House is impossible. It’s a fortress! We text Cordelia for help and await our fate. Mary and Deborah head up the hill to the restaurant. We hear sounds of joy! They meet up with the sweetest Italian angel who saves us from sleeping in our rental car, a Ford Focus. The neighbor has a key to the house. “Did he hear us bemoaning our fate, or did Cordelia (our greeter) text him?” We will never know. What we do know is that Deborah kissed his wrinkled face multiple times.
Among Taylor quotes, Van Morrison: “No gurus, no method, no teacher. Just you and me and nature in the garden.”
Mary and Deborah do a bit of gardening in the patio. Mary upsets a wasp nest under the umbrella. “Run away!” Pass around sprigs of fresh rosemary to open our sinuses. Butterflies play tag. The leaves in the breeze make a soothing sound. Taylor says the river is low.
Looking at the gorge below us, I think of WWII soldiers hearing these same sounds before taking this small village from the Fascists and Nazis. The hill towns, how costly the fighting must have been. Towns perched on hilltops. Who has to charge up the hill? Who were the Italians that Mussolini made sense to them? Who are we that Donald Trump makes sense to us?
We trade stories of children, lost loves, parents gone to heaven. Mary’s story of her father’s indoctrination in his third nursing home. Mary calms him, “We own this place, daddy.” He replies, “Well, that’s all right, Baby.” Deborah’s story of Kevin the Plumber who took part in subterfuge to make repairs for, “Jackie,” her mom.
I would try to find a way to get down to the gorge and wade in the water but there are places to go!
So beautiful! High, high, sitting on an even steeper hill, it boasts a sweet church (the first of many, many Chiesas). I explore a cemetery and greet hikers (aged 4 to 40). In the piazza, the sweetest 18-month old toddler, adorable in her pink sneakers and jacket, riding in her pink stroller, loved by all: the mother, the aunt, the grandmother, the great grandmother, the uncle, the papa, all eating, drinking wine. Here’s the kicker, the little girl’s name is Gaea, the namesake of my dearly departed friend, Gaetana Sibilio (“Tana”). I learn in my travels, Gaea is a popular Italian name. I share stories of June Havoc and Gypsy Rose Lee and Tana. I wonder how in hell Gypsy and June navigated these narrow Italian roads in Gypsy’s purple Rolls Royce! (They toured Italy in the early 1950’s, much like Hemingway did on his grand tours). Better to have a Fiat or a Ford Focus. We lunched at an outdoor trattoria Bar Ucci Wine Bar. Greeted by the owner Paola Barucci, she turned us over to a handsome young waiter. (All the waiters in Italy are handsome/pretty.)
Magical village, Volpaia!
Back home (after a few wrong turns! Where, oh, where is that turn off to Ponti Agli Stolli), we snuggle in but it’s chilly. Cordelia’s instructions for heat are no help. Aha! More firewood capers. A fine pack of thieves, Mary stumbles and falls during our hasty getaway and we leave her on the street. (Back in the USA, I was told that stealing firewood is a hanging offense in Italy.) Mary has a sizable bruise on her knee but no lasting damage!
Siena madness!
Mary speeds over the Tuscany hills, we see a fox out for a morning stroll (Mary missed it by a mile). Yes! We find Siena (more wrong turns even with our new ally, the GPS, dubbed “Marsha”). Taylor directed Mary to “Stay near the city walls!” Italian cities are surrounded by stone walls, many begun by the Etruscans and added to by the Romans and on and on. Mary edges our Ford Focus through streets filled with pedestrians, bikers, cars. It’s crowded! I muse to myself, “How will we drive out of Siena?” Siena reminds me of Venice without the canals, the streets are filled with small shops (touristy) intermixed with stylish fabrics and cosmetics, designer jewelry, a music school, it’s all here. There’s a grand piano in the music school. I decide NOT to play it. An older (!) woman in a wheelchair is pushed around by her son (?). Her eyebrows have been drawn onto her forehead. A fair amount of jewelry and scarves.
Sitting by the Sienna Piazza, the Campo, I watch a young mother change her baby girl’s diaper on the street. The baby’s “tush” must be chilly in the spotty sunlight. Children tumble and play, wrestling their mother down to the stone piazza, loving the brisk weather. Boys and girls chase pigeons, surprise! The wind picks up. Hemingway was here! Michelangelo was here! June was here!
Taylor and I tour frescos The Allegory of Good and Bad Government (circa 1340) in Palazzo Pubblico. We all visit the magnificent Duomo. Breathtaking. The black plague sent everyone flocking to religion, to find some meaning to losing 3/5 of the city to the “cimitaires.” Small wonder Italian children are so cherished! (Ah, but they should be everywhere, even in immigrant caravans.) No lack of saints, martyrs, popes, cardinals in Italy: all the subjects of religious adoration. Walking through the Duomo, I reflect on today’s sexual abuse scandals. How many innocents were sacrificed across the massive altars late at night? I am periodically overwhelmed by the religious hypocrisy. So much money!!!!
Our time in Siena is too brief. Our hard-won parking spot is time sensitive and it’s getting dark! I drive us out of Siena in search of A2. (It’s a freeway but we’re headed in the wrong direction.) With the help of “Marsha,” Deborah and a friendly and handsome blue-eyed Sienese van driver, we recover, head back over the hills toward Castellino and Greve.
Somewhere in here, we tour the Vignamaggio winery where Mona Lisa stayed and Leonardo da Vinci hung out as a young man. Legend has it, it’s where the artist drew his first sketches of the demur beauty. A tour of the winery, a delicious meal, and back down the ultra-steep hill toward Greve, finally getting the turn right to Ponti Agli Stolli. We spot a second fox AND a young wild boar (Cinghiale in Italian).
The next morning, it’s wet. We rest. All quiet except for the sound of the river bed and the gentle rainfall. “May all beings with no exception be happy.” Namaste! “Blessed is he who leaves.” Olga Tokarczuk
Arezzo via the train!
To find the train station, we ask a sweet young woman who tails us, gesturing us to the correct turn off for the station! We (park in what I now believe was an illegal parking space) in Figline Valdarno and buy tickets from what must be the surliest ticket seller in Italy. Luckily, we catch the train in the right direction and, voila, we are in Arezzo’s antiques street fair. Another beautiful Chiesa, Basilico San Domenico at the tail-end of Mass. Again, lovely singing. The altar boasts the saddest crucifix ever by Cimabue. To the Arezzo Duomo, no comparison to Siena, but we catch another tail-end of Mass. Lunch in the piazza and to the Roman amphitheater. All the museums in Italy are free on Sunday? This does not hold true for Florence! The finale, the Basilica of San Francesco with the frescos marking the journey of the “true cross.” For almost all the train ride back to Figline Valdarno, I am convinced we are moving in the wrong direction! Hallelujah, I was wrong!
Freezing in the Mill Mountain house this night. I wake with a sore throat. Crap!!!! Hard to rest but in the early morning window, there is Orion holding hope for sunshine the next day. Money begins to cause me concern… why did I think the dollar was strong? It’s not! “Ah, well.”
We spend the next day exploring another hilltop town, Montefiorelle. WAY up, one-way streets getting there, missing the turn off. Lost in Italy theme underscoring! (Must be lost at least once a day.) Taylor and I catch the end of Mass at the Greve Chiesa. Beautiful voices (all girls). We discuss religion, always fascinating! After a late lunch of deadly lentil soup with leeks, we head back up the hill to Montefiorelle at night! We are four of a total of six diners who have returned to the hilltop (but we are stuffed from the soup). Taylor was the only one not affected by the soup. We return because Deborah pined to sit close to a working fireplace. My capetto was yummy but, oh, brother, did I pay for overeating!
In retrospect, it’s rather jolly about traveling with hard-of-hearing people, we have no compunctions about farting away, every step we take! Walking behind us must be amusing and horrifying.
The last morning at the Mill House! I take a walk in the morning hoping to make it down to the gorge. I take the side road. An old man (older than me!) struggles along, stopping to rest periodically. I pass Cordelia walking into town. She’s coming to check us out of the Mill House! Cordelia doesn’t recognize me so I keep walking. Abandoned apartments are totally beyond repair. You could buy this villa for a song if you had a fortune to refurbish it. Two men working on the country road look up at me… “Don’t recognize this lady!” I nod, wave, and retrace my steps. Never did make it to the gorge!
Packing and moving madness! The GPS goes haywire. I’m missing some step, soooo simple, but what? We drive in circles, slowly closing in on Montepulciano… again Taylor shouts to Mary, “Stay close to the walls.”
A “hill town” is an apt description. Our hotel, Albergo Duomo, sits atop the hill. The concierge (ten years on the job) is helpful but “coolish” when we arrive. Frazzled, uncouth Americans! Slow down! Chill! But, he helps us and we retreat to our separate rooms. I fail to notice (or chose to ignore that my room is right next to the “elevator”). A brief pause and we are back out on the street!
A great lunch leaves us a bit logy and we stroll. Taylor points out the topography. Winding streets of stone. Spectacular views of the valley. On this piazza, there are chairs and we settle in next to four stunningly beautiful Italians from Roma. These “youths” (two couples) are listening to Andrea Bocelli on their I-phone. Mary asked if they know the Ed Sheeran duet with Bocelli and it’s quickly cued up. They sing along with all the songs, tossing their heads back and serenading the manicured valley below, young, sexy, and singing from their hearts. Soon, we begin to sing along, Deborah, Mary and me. A pure spiritual moment. This quartet and three ringers from the states. We sing all the greats, Celine Dion, “My Heart Will Go On,” Pavarotti’s “Nessun Dorma,” even “Ave Maria,” applauding ourselves and each other. Bird, bells, world travelers, all singing. We share fresh “biscotti,” the sun slips behind the land, and they bid us farewell, “See you tomorrow.” Perfect experience. God bless Ed Sheeran. In the distance, rain falls on the valley.  I am sitting in Etruscan ruins. They built the walls (or parts of them).
I climbed the Palazzo Comunale (i.e, City Hall) and it was tight staircase! A worried young man waits for his ancient father to climb the haphazard stairs, “He insisted on coming up here.” Oy!
Sleepless night listening to the elevator open and close, AND I had a head cold. Taylor and I ask the surly concierge for directions to the “Pharmacie.” He points it out on the map. Trying a follow up question looking for common ground, “Taylor says the last time he was here, there was a cat. What happened to the cat?” He grunts a one-word reply, “Dead.”
(Nose drops. Yay! Returned the next day for more. “Cough medicine,” really good cough medicine. Score! I sipped it for the next three days… Italy has excellent cold drugs. Deborah and Mary came down with the same cold in Cortona, I shared my meds.)
Delirium: I dream of taking Beckham to the circus. No animal acts only humans and “giant slides.” He loves slides and was happy. My old buddy Kara Sekuler worked at the circus, wearing her high heels.
I live another day. I avoid the surly concierge and asked the night gate keeper to change my room for the last two nights. It happens, thanks! Much sounder sleep. We drive to Pienza. I visit the Chiesa St. Catherine, learn about stanzas (prayer rooms).
La Foce: beautiful gardens and villa that belonged to Marchesa Iris Origo, an ultra-rich lady and Anglo-American biographer and historian of international fame. She wrote two autobiographies, Images and Shadows and War in Val d'Orcia. Created farms, revitalized a community, saved WWII refugees, and built a garden for the Gods filled with plants and lemon trees. Sizable swimming pool!
Leaving, Taylor wanted to find the cemetery where the Marchesa is buried. We drive up and down the main road. No! We drive up a cow patch. No! (Mary is a force getting us out of the cow patch! There is smoke under the Focus… hot engine singes the dry grass.) An older man concentrates on watering his herb garden on the front porch, waves us off, barely raised his head, gesturing, “It’s over there.  We drive up a graveled and steep hill in the back of the estate. No! One last try. We take a road to a nearby castle with Italian workmen ending their day. It’s not the cemetery, it’s closed and we aren’t the only ones looking for directions. The requisite black Mercedes with a gorgeous couple are not looking for the cemetery, they are simply lost! Again, no cemetery. The drive back to Montepulciano via Piensa, apples and cheese on the veranda.
Dipping our feet into the mineral springs of Bagno Vignoni, (Lorenzo the Magnificent and Saint Catherine bathed there) we visit with the passers-by. British girls discuss global warming and conservation, “America is bad but not like Indonesia. Poaching is bad.” That the USA is coupled with Indonesia says a lot about their perceptions of the USA.
Taylor seeks a monastery further “South, East, West, North” … I have lost all sense of direction. But with the help of “Marsha,” we wind our way up the mountain. Success. There’s a parking lot, cars in the parking lot, and signs! Two rows of cypresses leads down the hill to Monte Oliveta Maggiore, a Benedictine Abbey set in the clay hills of Tuscany. Founded in 1313 by Bernardo Tolomei (a rich man who found religion and became Saint Benedict), the cloister has frescoes of the Life of St. Benedict painted by Luca Signorelli and il Sodoma. They are masterworks of the Italian Renaissance. (Taylor tells us the Benedictine monks were appalled (Taylor’s word) because “Sodome,” (i.e, Sodom) was enamored of young men and his rendering of male “buttocks” were way too sexy. He painted a lot of horses’ rears, too. (Taylor notes Sodome fathered 30 children.) Truly, this is a glorious Chiesa, filled with art. Thirty monks live year round. They prepare the evening meal; the U-shaped table is formidable. They eat together, worship together, read in the voluminous library, and play together. In their gift shop, I buy a cross for Guy, Taylor buys honey.
We find our way back to Montepulciano via Piensa. All roads lead through Piensa. A quick visit to Tempio San Biagio, a lovely church at the foot of Montepulciano. I climb the hill back to home, the same hill that Iris Origo climbed with WWII refugee children when they were escaping La Foce and the Germans; the townspeople applauded Marchesa Iris Origo when she entered the city walls. Today, many cats greet me and the weather is perfection. Thrilling sunset!
[At Monte Oliveta Maggiore, we begin to understand the horror of Hurricane Michael. It hits Bainbridge, Georgia, hard! There are many texts, Facebook messages and phone calls to family. Everyone is safe but all suffer real property damage. Halfway around the globe, nothing to be done by the band of travelers. Deborah, Mary and Taylor are heroic in their ability to “keep a stiff upper lip” and enjoy Italy.]
Last morning in Montepulciano, I have a breakthrough with our surly concierge. Paying my room bill, he notes my zip code, Manhattan. “Do I know Joe Allen?” Yay! “Do I know Joe Allen?” “Yes,” I lie. (In theory, I know Joe Allen. I’ve eaten in his restaurant hundreds of times and he donated to Abingdon Theatre Company when my buddy Shirley Herz made the “ask.”) Suddenly, we are on common ground and he is nigh charming. He loves Manhattan, considers Joe Allen a father figure. Thank you, theater Gods!
Our exit from Montepulciano is a clean one. Phew!
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In some cases while on holiday, you just want a location you can participate in a range of activities, relax, and keep your kids busy with play throughout the day. Parks and reserves are some of the very best locations that can assist you attain this goal. West Pennant Hills, is a suburb in Sydney that has these parks and reserves in plenty. The most popular among them include;
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Richard Webb Reserve Discuss remarkable bushwalks, rock climbing, nature walks, sandstone cliff climbing, and any other fun activity you can think about, you will certainly find them at the Richard Webb Reserve This location is simply a few minutes form West Pennant Hills Commercial area, and about 45minutes drive from Sydney's CBD. When here, you do not need to fret about getting lost in the cliffs and activating a rescue mission due to the fact that the Hills Shire Council offers well-guided walks by qualified guides who are well-versed with the terrain. After a long walk or hill climbing in this fantastic reserve, take a seat and admire the charm of the Richard Webb Reserve Waterfall.
The thrilling occasions in this location will trigger your heart to pump blood faster, but you will enjoy your vacation to the max; thus getting the very best out of your visit.
George Thornton Reserve The George Thornton Reserve, conveniently located at View Street, West Pennant Hills was made for nothing but fun. It includes two world-class soccer fields that are used during winter season, and a cricket pitch tucked in the middle of the soccer fields that is utilized during summer season. Noteworthy features in this reserve include; BARBEQUE and picnic facilities A half-court basket ball A big play area where kids can be kept occupied for a whole day A well-stocked kiosk Properly maintained walking trails around the reserve and, Multiple changing spaces for both males and females You can participate in a variety of activities, and see your favourite local soccer teams play against each other in winter, or you can simply avoid the cold and enjoy cricket during summertime. Mount Wilberforce Lookout Reserve This reserve lies along Castle Hill Roadway near the Pennant Hills Road intersection. It features; A picnic area and BARBEQUE Public toilets Strolling tracks Parking for both cars and buses
Many who have visited this reserve are wowed by its impressive appeal, while others describe the bushwalking experience in this place as unsurpassable. The Mount Wilberforce Lockout Reserve is easily accessible by road from Sydney, West Pennant Hills, and all the surrounding suburban areas.
Jack Thompson Reserve This is a wonderful and serene park that is a perfect location even for 3 years of age!
If you are in search for a location that will keep your kids active for the whole day, this reserve got you covered. It includes 2 big slippery dips, a rope bridge, rock and spider climb, ideal for big kids, and sometimes-- even willing grownups. If you are searching for something to do on your next summertime vacation, it doesn't matter whether you located in NSW or not. The above reserves deserve every cent. Get the very best out of your stay or visit to West Pennant Hills by visiting them, and live an enjoyable life while it lasts.
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Location: https://goo.gl/maps/inDWGD6awCK2
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williamwoods03 · 6 years
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naturecoaster · 7 years
Cold Weather Alert for the Nature Coast: Shelters Open
The National Weather Service is monitoring a weather system throughout the Florida peninsula as a cold front will move through the area today. Arctic high pressure will build in over the central US driving a very cold air mass into the Southeast for the rest of the week. There is a potential for near freezing overnight temperatures through Friday. Wind chill temperatures during this time could be in 20s. There are no current watches or warnings issued, however, conditions may change. Continue to monitor the situation and follow the recommendations listed below.
• Consider the needs of pets during this time. Do not leave pets outside in the cold weather. • Cover or move plants that are sensitive to the cold. • Cover or close windows or doors near exposed interior pipes. Insulate your pipes if possible. • Disconnect and drain all garden hoses, and consider placing an insulating cover over the outside spigots. • Inspect your meter box cover and make sure it is closed. If it is broken or missing, call Hernando County Utilities at 352-754-4037. • When low temperatures are predicted, let a thin trickle of water run from the faucet. • If your pipes do break, immediately turn your water off at the shut-off valve. • Consider running pool pumps overnight during freezing temperatures to prevent damage. • Turn off sprinkler system to avoid damage to the sprinkler head and pipes. • Remember, thawing frozen pipes is dangerous and could cause extensive damage. Call a plumber if your pipes freeze; never try to thaw pipes with an open flame. Residents are encouraged to pay attention to local media outlets or the National Weather Service at http://www.srh.noaa.gov/tbw/ for current weather information. The Emergency Operations Center is not activated at this time.
Due to the freezing temperatures, The Salvation Army’s Cold Night Shelter will be OPEN tonight, Tuesday, January 2, 2018. The forecast indicates the Shelter will likely be open every night this week.  There will be a determination and announcement made on a daily basis. Shelter is open 7pm to 7am and is located 712 S. School Avenue, Lecanto, FL  34461. Someone seeking cold weather shelter can go to any Citrus County Transit Bus Stop at the last pickup time, and the driver will drop off the person at The Salvation Army at no cost. The person will be picked up at The Salvation Army the following morning and taken back to the same area.
Individuals  in Hernando County that need to seek shelter from the cold may contact Jericho Road Ministries for assistance: Men’s Shelter 1090 Mondon Hill Road Brooksville, FL 34605 Phone: (352) 799-2912 ext.103 Women’s Shelter ‘Mary’s House’ 1163 Howell Avenue Brooksville, FL 34601 Phone: (352) 799-2912 ext.109 HERNANDO COUNTY PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTER: (352) 754-4083 or (352) 754-4111 (Recorded)
As extremely cold air continues to move through our area, Pasco County is opening Cold Weather Shelters for the next five (5) nights – Tuesday, January 2, 2018 through Saturday, January 6, 2018 – for anyone needing a warm place to spend the night. The following shelters will open at 6 p.m. each evening and will close the following morning at 7 a.m.: West Pasco Families Only – Call The United Way at 2-1-1 Individuals – Joining Hands Mission / 727.215.8084 3333 U.S. Hwy 19 N, Suite 1 Holiday, FL East Pasco Restored Hope – call 352.437.4815 before 6:00 p.m. daily (Limited service.) Samaritan Project of Zephyrhills – call 813.810.8670 before 9:00 p.m. daily (Limited service; no pets.) Temperatures are expected to fall into the low 30’s and upper 20’s Tuesday through Saturday night.  These low temperatures and wind chills are dangerous to anyone who will be outside for long periods of time.  Children, the elderly and pets are especially vulnerable to the cold and extra care should be taken to protect them.   Read the full article
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