hithernthither · 1 year
Somehow, that’s exactly what Creighton needed to hear to calm his panicked heart.
It’s rare that the wandering folks of Irithyll target the two’s snowy little home. Rare enough that Creighton wasn’t at all expecting it — had panicked, totally and unprofessionally, when the two men and their hunting hounds began to bray and bark and fire their arrows at their windows — and had ran out into the snow barefoot to hack the accusing party to pieces.
Scavengers, probably. Bandits. Criminals of a different ilk. Bastards looking for an easy target — a quiet, comfy home to loot — not knowing who the place belonged to.
Anxiety and stress courses his veins and pulses in his ears louder than his own blood, but Pate’s hand upon his shoulder and his cooed words in his ear help calm the knight’s breathing, like the snout of a therapy dog placed gently upon his lap. Something that says, it’s okay. Something that says, we’re alright.
And Pate is right, honestly. Pate is always right.
… And Creighton’s feet are cold.
It takes a few more moments for the knight to fully gather himself after the rush of the fight before he is able to untense his arms and straighten his spine, letting the head of his axe smack the snow with a soft plop. He breathes deep… and exhales long. “Always sorta liked the snow for tha’ reason,” he says, which is true. “Like a canvass, it is.”
He examines his bloody work. The coming blizzard will take these bodies away like all the others. For now, it’s just paint for the landscape. For now, they should probably head back inside.
Deep breath. “Like somebody went an’ spilled a fine wine.”
As much as Pate’s face felt as if he’d walked into a frozen wasteland, he suffered through it to calm Creighton in the aftermath of the skirmish. It wasn’t all that different, honestly, than back in Brightstone all those years - centuries? ago now. 
Just snow instead of sand. 
Either way, it was a pretty picture. The retired thief firmly squeezed the old knight’s shoulder with affirmation before he let his hand slide down to his arm. “Come then, I’d rather nose freeze my nose off out here more than necessary. We’ll treat ourselves to some actual wine, hm?”
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yellowfingcr · 1 year
@lockawayknight said: “TWO” -creighton
She propels herself towards him, threateningly making chewing noises. Thing is, she's still wearing the hat.
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decidentia · 1 year
◈   @lockawayknight said:  ❛ 🌊 from anri to cr8 :] ❜ //  texting starters.
— 🌊 a sad text.
[ text : Honey Bunny 🐇 ]   I'm sorry to come at you like this, but I've had an awful afternoon at the NICU. The worst has happened. I managed to hold it together until I got home. Now my heart's burst. I can't stop crying. I offered to arrange the flowers. It seemed like the least I could do for those poor parents. x
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austerulous · 2 years
◈   @lockawayknight​ sent ❂ to get a moodboard for our muses
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prismaiden · 4 months
[ spar ]
The axe’s blade bites the snow beneath them, naught but a few deadly inches away from Anri’s helm. It was lowered slowly, though, with no intent to draw blood or threaten her pulse — her heart, beating fast now, loud enough it surely rings in her head like a clamour of cathedral bells.
Creighton looms above her now, teeth bared behind the steel wall of his mask, though murder, for once, has no home in his eyes. One knee digs into Anri’s breastplate, pressing her into the powdery white below them, the two sinking slowly as snow crinkles and crushes beneath their combined weight. He is panting, shoulders heaving, hands shaking against the haft of the axe he has now loosened his grip upon.
He meets her eyes — those beautiful, doe-like eyes, and all the fear and fury that swirls and churns within them — and it’s clear he wants to say something. But he is too out of breath. Sparring matches are no stranger to the Mirrahn knight, of course. But Anri sure as hell gave him a run for his coin.
And so, in this moment of silence, Creighton releases his hold on his weapon — the axe stays put in the snow beside his friend’s cheek — and shifts to straddle Anri’s waist gently, hands falling dumbly at his sides. His breath, hot and fast, trails out his mask in tendrils of steam as he tilts his head back and pants in great volumes.
[from lockawayknight :3💕]
@lockawayknight ♡
Snow caved beneath the combined weight of bodies and armour, buckling earthward with a sound that was both soft and sharp.  In another encounter, this frozen crater might have proved a resting place, a frost-rimmed grave on the borders of the Boreal Valley.  Instead, it became a cradle, a powdery palm holding Anri in a moment of shared respite.  Next to her head, the silvery crescent of Creighton’s axe lay buried, signifying the end of their session. 
No matter how many times they fought, Anri was left in awe of the savagery and ferocity with which her friend was able to conduct himself.  There was a precision to his swings, power enough to stagger her even with a shield to absorb the brunt of those blows.  Such craft was not easily taught, if such a thing could even be learned.  By comparison, when she moved, it was with the knightly countenance and choreography she had inherited from her forbear.  She did not share the same fluidity, the same predatory instinct. 
Perhaps she had come to the blade too late, or maybe she was muzzled by her deep-seated reluctance to cause harm to any besides Aldrich and his ilk.  It could even be that her very desire to survive faltered – Anri had already lived too long, and was weary in a way no amount of sleep could ever remedy.  Still, she challenged Creighton to the best of her ability, pirouetting around him, redirecting the sharp edge of his axe with the tip of her lucky straight sword, fresh snow churning beneath their boots.  Until, at last, she was knocked flat.  Had this been a duel of real intent, it would have ended with her skull split down to the brainstem.  
Exhalations billowed through his steel mask, appearing in time with the ragged fall of his chest.  Similarly spectral plumes leaked through the vents of her helm, as though in answer.  Only under Creighton could she be this calm.  When his shadow fell on her, it felt warm.  His weight at her breast, then her waist, came as a comfort.  No matter how far along the path of undeath they marched, she could not imagine him ever forgetting himself, or forgetting her.  Desiring wintry air on her face, Anri pulled free her helm, her head protected from the earth by pinned plaits of golden hair.  Carried on the wind, swirls of snowflakes stung exposed skin like grit.  Silence stretched as she lay exhilarated and spent, cold air burning her lungs and cheeks.  
“Slain, again.”
It was an observation made without complaint and accompanied instead by the gentlest of smiles.  This was his triumph, his victory, and she celebrated him.  Anri released her grip on her sword, leaving it embedded in its pristine pillow of snow, and took Creighton’s gloved hands fondly into her own.  More than mere play, their sparring carried purpose.  Purpose like that which hung as a millstone around her neck.  Purpose like that which waited for her in the icy heart of Ithryll.
“Do you think I am ready?”
Just as she could not bear to be explicit in her meaning, she could not bring herself to ask the question that lay leaden on her tongue: Will you come with me?
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coldblood-gardens · 1 year
🕯️creighton :)
"Hmm... I wonder when that rather gruff lad with that crackling axe will find me once more. It was rather...thrilling playing with him. He's good company, blade to my neck or not. I won't deny that I miss him. Perhaps I'll see him again during my next long outing? I can only hope."
Safe to say, Alberich sees a friend and rival in creighton, and loves to hang out with them and shed his blood upon the ice in equal measure. One of the few tarnished that can keep up with his agility when clashing steel.
Also if he wasn't already taken he would be trying to get under creightons skin constantly. His bisexual ass loves people who can kick his shit in.
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luminaryofblood · 2 months
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A commission of the Post DLC AU Mohg I've spawned in my brain! As done by @lockawayknight! 🥰
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pillowenvelopchair · 11 months
Hi everyone!! I did an art trade with @lockawayknight for their Rogier amigurumi!! I was asked by them to draw out some Alberich and Rogier interactions so here it is! Go and check out their own works too :0)
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didotuus · 2 years
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— An Ask / RP Blog for Laurence the First Vicar —
indie | casual | private | selective | low activity | 21+ | laurence’s bio
asks/follows/etc come from @talkawayknight
also over at @lockawayknight & @mohgwynn
expect lots of art & doodled replies
let’s have some fun!!
loved by: a very busy burro (grouch)
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yellowfingcr · 1 year
Look into my eyes from cr8!!
I certainly can look | accepting! [ @lockawayknight ]
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"You don't need to ask twice! Such a unique shade of blue you have. Like forget-me-nots!"
I see:
Absolute Conviction  |  Aggression  |  Ambition  |  Anger  |  Anxiety  |  Apathy  |  Arrogance  |  Bloodthirst  |  Bravery  |  Compassion  |  Confidence  |  Conflict  | Courage  |  Darkness  |  Defeat |  Denial  |  Desire  |  Despair  |  Determination  |  Devotion  |  Disappointment  |  Distrust  |  Dominance  |  Emptiness  |  an Enemy  |  Enlightenment  |  Envy  |  Excitement  |  Exhaustion  |  Elitism  |  Experience  |  Fear  |  a Friend  |  a Future  |  Gentleness  |  Greed  |  Grief  |  Guilt  |  Honesty  |  Honor  |  Hope  |  Hostility  |  Ignorance  |  an Illness  |  Insecurity  |  Integrity  |  Intoxication  |  Kindness  |  Lies  |  Loneliness  |  Longing  |  Loss  |  a Lover  |  Loyalty  |  Malicious Intent  |  Mania  |  Melancholy  |  Misery  |  Negativity  |  Overcompensation  |  Pain  |  Paranoia  |  Passion  |  Perseverance  |  Pettiness  |  Pity  |  Positivity  |  Pressure  |  Pride  |  a Purpose  |  Racism  |  Regret  |  Resentment  |  Resignation  |  Resolve  |  Sadness  |  Self-Hatred  |  Sexism  |  Shattered Remains  |  a Shining Light  |  Something Familiar  |  Spite  |  Stress  |  Stupidity  |  Submission  |  Tranquility  |  Trauma  |  Trust  |  Vengeance  |  Warmth  |  Wisdom  |  Wrath  |  a Cry for Help  |  Something Eating Your Mind  |  the Years have Changed You
Animalistic  |  Approachable  |  Broken  |  Closed-Off  |  Cold  |  Crafty  |  Crazy  |  Defensive  |  Devious  |  Difficult  |  Disheartened  |  Emotionally Detached  |  Frightened  |  Frightening  |  Genuine  |  Guarded  |  Headstrong  |  Heartless  |  Human  |  Immature  |  Impatient  |  Inhuman  |  Insane  |  Intuitive  |  Lost  |  Mature  |  Noble  |  Patient  |  Pitiful  |  Primitive  |  Pure  |  Reliable  |  Remorseless  |  Reserved  |  Resourceful  |  Short-Tempered  |  Simplistic  |  Sly  |  Soft-Hearted  |  Struggling  |  a Threat  |  Trapped  |  a Troublemaker  |  Trusting  |  Understanding  |  Unique |   Unpredictable  |  Unwavering  |  a Victim  |  Wicked  |  Feeling Vindictive  |  Guilty of Something  |  Hiding Something  |  Lost in Thought  |  Planning Something  |  Scared of Me  |  Scaring Me  |  Someone I can Trust  |  Someone I Can’t Recognize Anymore  |  Someone to Fear  |  Someone Worthy of Respect  |  Weak to Manipulation  |  Weighed by Something
Aren’t Being Yourself  |  Belittle Yourself  |  Don’t Want to Hurt Me  |  Don’t Want to Leave Me  |  Drown Yourself in Something  |  Feel Alone  |  Feel Empowered  |  Have a Plan that Involves Me  |  Have No One Else to Turn to  |  Have Nowhere Else to Go  |  Have Seen Some Things  |  Haven’t Been Sleeping  |  Lie to Yourself  |  Lost Faith/Trust in Me  |  Lost Something/Someone Important  |  Need Me/my Help  |  No Longer Believe Me  |  See Me as a Thing  |  See Me as Someone Else  |  Seek to Hurt/Harm  |  Seek to Manipulate  |  Think Highly of Yourself  |  Think I’m Hiding Something  |  Think Little of Yourself  |  Think You Know Best  |  Want to Hurt Me  |  Want to Protect Me  |  Want to Sleep with Me  |  Want to Use Me
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decidentia · 1 year
ANRI and CREIGHTON. ( @lockawayknight liked to get a web weaving )
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john keats / the art of loving and losing female friends, rachel vorona cot / peter wever / grief lessons: four plays by euripides, anne carson / catalog of unabashed gratitude, ross gay / ? / bell hooks
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austerulous · 2 years
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◈   @lockawayknight said:   ❛ 🌿 anri,,,,,,,,,,,, friends can smooch ❜ // send 🌿 to accidentally get caught under the mistletoe with my muse.
Light and warmth spilled outward as Anri opened her wreath-adorned door, meeting Creighton beneath the spray of mistletoe that hung in her hall. Snowy hair and dappled skin were awash with amber glow as she pulled him into an eager embrace. Many put down roots on Christmas Eve and refused to be dug out until New Year – but Creighton had gone to the trouble of braving the slush-sodden streets.
“I’m so glad you came!”
Beneath the scent of home cooking, apricot shampoo and a few tentative dabs of a Love, Don’t Be Shy knock-off dotted on her throat, there lingered traces of antiseptic and talcum powder. Stubborn remnants of a morning spent volunteering at the NICU, cuddling woolly-hat-toting hatchlings, cradling newborns so fragile their skin was almost translucent.
Creighton was considerably more robust, but there was an ache in him that mirrored the grief at home in her. That was what had brought them together, during a holy time meant to be spent with closest kin. They were dearest friends, the family they had chosen for themselves. Which was why she pulled back only far enough as to be able to kiss him, square and firm, on the mouth. While Anri might have muttered something about Christmas customs, theirs was a language of affection – they did not need the excuse of tradition to nudge them together.
“Come in, come in and let’s get you warmed up. I hope you’re hungry?”
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prismaiden · 4 months
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In Chinese culture, clementines, known for their bright orange, waxy exterior, were symbolic of gold, and by extension, wealth, good fortune and abundance. Trees that bear clementines (or mandarins, as they're also known as) are often used to decorate the thresholds of Chinese households as a sign of good luck and prosperity. As lucky as Clementines may be, so are you and those around you. With a sunny disposition, and a knack for seeing the best in everyone, and the good in the world around you, you're someone who believes that the glass is always half full. Things can always be worse, and they will always get better, one way or another! Like the vibrant clementines you're known for bringing light to those who need it, and always bringing laughter to your friend group. However, such a bright exterior can sometimes hide a deep and lingering sadness. Remember: even the light sometimes has to dim, and even the sun has to set. Don't worry; it'll always come back.
tagged by: the lovely @ofspvrta, thank you! ♡
tagging: @lockawayknight, @derjaegermond, @shellcrack, @yellowfingcr, @goesblind, @alfida, @thcdoomed.
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lockawayknight · 1 year
wrote a lil song after work,,,, abt alberich,,,,, enjoy :]
cold inside my head red the white of my eyes i was told i'd hear them but all they said was rot
this hold no longer holds me the briars and the thorns are my home i just wanted to help you i just want you to know
i'm holding a hand out for always always searching in darkness for light run away, oh fly away, oh i'm always leaving my mark on you all
gold the white of my eyes i was told i'd hear them but all they said was hate
but i'm still holding a hand out for always always searching in darkness for light run away, oh fly away, oh i'm always leaving my mark again
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malfattore · 1 year
What’s Peculiar About Your Soul?
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Your Result:
Your soul is... Volatile
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
Stolen from: @stagsworn
Tagging: @ardentfew @larosafatale @eyesintheshadows @bloodrosebriars @lockawayknight man idk who else, steal it pls
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of-forossa · 2 years
what flavor is your soul?
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ah little kraken, bold are you. restless sailor, dauntless fighter, lower your sword, let me see your shield. ah, of course, they are but the same object. oh wave-tossed ruffian, lend me some of your mettle would you? you have been struck by the sharpest of spears yet you still stand here proudly. but off your guard, elsewhere of the battlefield, you will find your spirit can parch others. your words are but weapons crafted from your soul. little lion, sheathe your claws, or the ones you love the most will suffer. you do not have to be strong all the time love, there's nothing wrong with being soft. vulnerability is not weakness, and if it were, what's wrong with that? strength is not always your greatest tool, your heart is good. put down excalibur, and use your words. you'll find they will carry you much farther. not everything in life is a battle.
tagged by: @austerulous ( thank you my friend ^^ )
tagging: @yellowfingcr, @hexenjagd, @smouldring, @yeleltaan, @theblackwarden, @tinyredrose ( for marie ), @lockawayknight ( for magerold ), @wanderer-among-undead, @vilestblood, @stxrscrge, and you!
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