#lockdown ain’t going to get milk the second time around
compaculaaa · 2 years
can we have some swinlock? ^_^ and would they have a sparkling?
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Swindle actually approached Lockdown who just “left” being a cyberninja and basically became someone who just wanders, not knowing what to do with his life anymore. That was when Swindle decided to look out for him abit out of some odd pity (and also Cus he was hot) . Swindle was also the one that helped him get into bounty hunting so now they’re business partners and even more on the side ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
They both aren’t thinking of sparklings atm because of their lifestyles and tbh they’re not very committed to the relationship. But who knows, maybe there is still someone waiting for them in The well of allsparks
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
Tsukki fanfic owo S/o is always loving and caring towards tsukki but one day tsukki keeps being emotionless and neglecting s/o. He thinks that s/o will always be there cuz s/o has always been the one saying how much she loves him. But s/o gets mad cuz it was a bad day and tsukki is still emotionally off. S/o ain’t like screaming or anything but silently crying cuz that’s how tsukki is and thinks that she should take care of her own emotions. Tsukki sees this and opens up about being stoic.
Heyyy if you’re taking requests for tsukki fic, can you do a wholesome tsukki and s/o kinda thing. I wanna have one where tsukki laughs and enjoys his time with s/o. like he secretly thinks a lot about how much he loves s/o. idk but I just wanna read fanfic where tsukki laughs and smiles a lot :”)
okay i know these two were probably sent by two diff. people but i kind of wanted to do both of these in one, slightly long drabble hehe. i hope you all like this i had a ton of fun thinking of it and writing it :). also, i made reader a university professor because that’s an occupation i’m more familiar with. and,,, i hope this is what you were looking for ? (i kind of went off a bit ahh i’m sorry!) 
You and Tsukishima struggling with being around each other 24/7 during quarantine 
(feat. arguing, pen-clicking, and then some singing and fluff later on)
between you and tsukishima, it was him who predicted that the pandemic would inevitably lead to a long lockdown period where you two would have to live in the same space, twenty-four hours a day. it was your one ray of light during that dark time when the world was essentially on fire. you and tsukishima tended to have busy work schedules with him at the museum and you teaching at the nearby university so you saw the lockdown period as a way to spend more time with your boyfriend.
the first few weeks were fine aside from the constant caution whenever you or tsukishima went out for groceries. neither of you had work yet with the university and museum still adjusting so you two spent the time learning how to bake bread, sleeping in until noon, and staying up late, curled up on the couch and re-watching the Jurassic Park series.
the next few weeks were... less than fine. both of you had to get back to work, which meant a whole lot of online meetings. tsukishima spent hours working on the new online exhibits that the museum was doing while you were grading papers for days. that’s when you started picking up on some of the annoying things that your boyfriend did, like: not putting the milk back in the fridge, hogging the blankets when you guys slept, and playing the music on his headphones really loud that you had to remove them yourself to talk to him. but you weren’t the only one picking on annoying habits. tsukishima felt that he was just now realizing how many products you had in the bathroom that he couldn’t even find his own shampoo. he hated that you always finished the hot sauce by dumping two tablespoons on your food whenever you ate. and he absolutely loathed the sound of you frantically clicking your pen whenever you were stressed.
but, those few weeks were still somewhat alright. the two of you either dealt with things by talking it out or just ignoring them altogether. tsukishima would still carry you to be whenever you passed out on the dining table and you still made him an extra cup of coffee in the afternoon.
and then, the next few weeks happened. at this point, tsukishima barely had any work to do with the museum’s online exhibit up, except for answering the occasional dumb question on their website. he spent most of the day pacing the house, looking for something to do unless he was going to lie in bed while blasting music. you, on the other hand, were chest-deep in writing course packs, syllabi, compiling readings, emailing students, and conducting online classes. almost everything you two did led to you or tsukishima jumping at the other’s throats. 
and that’s when the metaphorical shit hit the metaphorical fan.
you were in the middle of checking papers, knowing very well that your deadline was fast approaching and if you wanted your students to get on with their next task, you had to send them the drafts of their papers as soon as possible. as per your usual habit when you were stressed out, you were clicking your favorite violet pen like crazy. tsukishima, who was at his desk on the other side of the room that you two shared as your office, could feel his sanity hanging by a thread that was unraveling with every click of your pen. and you were clicking your pen a lot. 
‘it’s their nervous habit, it’s their nervous habit, it’s their nervous habit,’ tsukishima repeated as he closed his eyes and increased the volume of the music he was listening to in hopes to drown out the sound.
“can you not?” tsukishima tugged his headphones off and swiveled around to yell at you. the sudden volume of your boyfriend’s voice made you jump in your seat but unable to react fast enough when tsukishima stood up and plucked the purple pen from your hands. 
on any other day, you would have simply apologized and reasoned with tsukishima about your nervous habit. but, you weren’t grading a shit ton of papers on any other day.
“easy for you to say when you don’t have all these papers to grade!” you stood up and looked at your scowling boyfriend right in the eye. both of you had dark circles under your eyes and unwashed hair and neither of you cared. “why don’t you get out of the room if it’s so damn annoying?”
“maybe it’s because i also live here and i have every right to be comfortable in the office without having to hear the sound of your pen 24/7!” tsukishima yelled.
“well it’s not like you have anything important to work on,” you snapped, putting emphasis on ‘important’. that struck a vein with tsukishima and you could see the irritated quirk of his eyebrows. 
“are you saying that i’m useless here?” he said slowly and menacingly. “it’s not my fault that the fucking museum isn’t open at this time.”
“i’m not saying that but it sure would be nice for you to give me a helping hand once in a while when you know what i’m going through,” you huffed. you knew that you two were straying far away from the discussion about your pen-clicking habits but all those weeks of putting up with each other’s habits and other frustrations were bubbling from the surface.
“don’t you think i wish i could just take a break from all this? it sure would be nice if you just asked me how i was doing or cooked dinner more than just a few times a week!” you yelled.
“what am i, your mom?” tsukishima scoffed.
“no, you’re my boyfriend,” you emphasized. “and you’re just supposed to do things like that especially when you know what i’m going through. like, i get that you like keeping to yourself most of the time and you’re not super into cuddles or anything but, i don’t know, a ‘how are you?’ once in a while would be fucking great!” you gasped for air after your rant ended. for a fraction of a second, tsukishima looked almost sad or sorry and you began to hope that maybe you got through him. but, as quickly as it came, tsukishima scowled and turned away.
“if dinner’s what you want then fine, i’ll make something later. but for the love of god, stop clicking your fucking pen,” he sighed and sat at his desk before putting the headphones over his ears. you fumed at his indifference, you could practically feel your face heat up from anger. in a few strides, you crossed the room to his desk.
“we’re not done talking tsukishima!” you yelled over how loudly you knew tsukishima was blasting his music. in one quick motion, you unplugged the aux cord of his headphones.
unluckily for tsukishima, his phone did That Thing called ‘Playing Your Music Out Loud After Removing the Headphone Jack’ that he desperately avoided again and again by constantly lowering the volume on his phone before removing his headphones. even more unluckily for him, he was blasting his playlist full of taylor swift songs that had somehow held his sanity for the past few weeks.
and you, a sworn taylor swift fan, heard the very familiar opening track of ‘Wildest Dreams’. 
both of you were quiet as the intro played, both very shocked from the sudden interruption that had broken your heated argument. and then, tsukishima reacted by reaching for his phone. unluckily for him again, you reacted faster and grabbed the phone first.
“no way,” you exclaimed as you opened his playlist and scrolled through the songs, your anger quickly forgotten. 
“y/n, give it back!” tsukishima gritted his teeth and swiped at the phone in your hand. he could feel his own face heating up from embarrassment at his secret being revealed. 
“why are you embarrassed about it? it’s cute! you should have told me way sooner and we could have listened to folklore together,” you grinned at him. “and i love this song. ‘you said let’s get out of this town--’”
“give it!” tsukishima grabbed the phone out of your hand while you were distracted singing. 
“no, no, no! don’t pause it! i love this!” you whined, grabbing at his arm as he sat down. tsukishima was one press of a thumb away from ending your enjoyment. but, it was exactly that which stopped him from pressing ‘pause.’ now that he thought about it, when was the last time he heard you laugh.
and besides, ‘Wildest Dreams’ was a good song.
“come on tsukki,” you grinned cheekily. “look! it’s about you! ‘he’s so taaalll and handsome as heeeellll,’” you sang, trying to reach taylor’s high notes. 
“do you realize how embarrassing you’re being right now?” tsukishima sighed, but the hand over his mouth hiding the grin on his face betrayed how flattered he was.
“sing with me! sing with me!” you chanted, jumping up and down on the balls of your feet. “come on, nobody’s watching! in case you haven’t realized it, it’s literally been just us here.”
tsukishima looked at you. he wasn’t that unhinged from the lockdown yet that he would start singing taylor swift out loud.
but the ecstatic look on your face was something that he undoubtedly missed, along with his favorite strawberry shortcake at the cafe you two frequented. and you were right. it was just the two of you.
“...say you’ll remember me,” he sang softly. the grin on your face widened and you let out a giggle before joining him.
“standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe,” you sang. tsukishima smiled freely as he sang and watched you enjoy yourself. and then, you held at his hands and tugged him from the chair.
“what are you doing?”
“we’re going to dance. duh.”
“wh-what? no!” tsukishima shook his head even as you successfully tugged him out of his chair. “singing is one thing and dancing is another thing.”
“think of it as more like, you already sang so might as well dance,” you smirked at him. tsukishima stubbornly kept still even while you held his hands and swayed from side to side. “tsukkiiiiiii,” you whined when he still refused to move. you kept swaying while pouting up at your boyfriend. finally, he let out a sigh and put a hand behind your back before pulling you closer to him.
“that’s not how you dance, idiot,” he muttered. 
“so... you’re going to show me how?” you smiled cheekily. tsukishima rolled his eyes but proceeded to sway you back and forth as he hummed along to the music. you enjoyed the slow dance before, without warning, tsukishima grinned and spun you around.
“hey!” you laughed, feeling yourself stumble before being pulled back into tsukishima’s arms. 
“what? i thought you wanted to dance?” this time, it was his turn to smile cheekily at you. 
“yeah but--” you were cut off with tsukishima spinning you around again. “tsukki-- i-- stop!!” you attempted to say in between your boyfriend laughing and repeatedly spinning you around. 
“stop! i’m dizzy!” you erupted into fit of laughter as you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend to stop him from spinning you again. “where the hell did you learn that?”
“mom always had this thing where she would suddenly dance during christmas and new years when she had too much to drink,” tsukishima smiled at the memory as his hands circled around you. “usually, it was akiteru who she pulled to dance. i kind of, picked up a thing or two.”
“hmmmm, a new fact about tsukki,” you hummed and looked up at him. “i’ve learned two new facts today.”
“two new facts that you’re going to keep secret,” he emphasized, flicking you lightly on the forehead. 
“yeah, yeah. you can stop burying yourself in your headphones now and blast your favorite artist on loudspeaker,” you sang. 
“fine,” he muttered, wrapping his arms around you tighter. tsukishima realized that he hadn’t hugged you like this in a while. hell, you two hadn’t had this kind of break in a while. after weeks of feeling like he was ‘putting up’ with you, tsukishima remembered what he was doing sharing a living space with you in the first place. 
“hey... i’m actually not that bad at grading papers. like, i know grammar and how to write a proper argument. also, i had to tutor two idiots throughout high school,” tsukishima said. you looked up at him with a relieved smile on your face. tsukishima felt a knot in his chest loosen. maybe he should have offered that weeks ago.
“that would be great, tsukki,” you smiled. “i’ll... try not to click my pen too much.”
“yes please,” tsukishima sighed with relief and let you go. “i’m getting some water from the kitchen. need anything?”
“some tea would be great right now,” you nodded and sat back in your chair.
“got it,” tsukishima nodded and started for the door. but before he left, you called out to him.
“love you, kei.” 
tsukishima smiled as he reached for the doorknob. “love you too, y/n.” 
taglist (still open to anyone who wants in): @montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart@akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan@therainroguefanfiction@atetiffdoesart@stephdaninja@oikaw-ugh @charliefredb @dramaqueenweeb1469@tremblinghearts @applepienation also you @janellion because you’re responsible for any swiftie!tsukki content that i write from now on
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caxsthetic · 4 years
Stuck With U
Oikawa Tooru x F!Reader
So lock the door and throw out the key. Can't fight this no more it's just you and me. And there's nothing I can do, I’m stuck with you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. GRAND MASTERLIST .* :☆゚. ───
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I'm not one to stick around One strike and you're out, baby Don't care if I sound crazy
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"Ugh," You were frustrated when you heard the news, a frown appeared on your face as you threw the television remote at the couch, plopped yourself there immediately, "I couldn't believe that 2020 would be like this."
Your husband was just grabbing some snacks from the kitchen when he heard all of the commotion you made. He looked at the screen, curious for the cause of his wife’s moodswing.
“Lockdown?” He asked you, and you just nodded there while your eyes glued on the screen. Oikawa knew how much you love going out. Either it’s to meet your family and friends, or just to enjoy the atmosphere outdoors.
He put down the popcorn that he grabbed from the kitchen on the coffee table before sitting down next to you. His eyes pierced into your figure, asked you to look at him without saying a word. With a frown still plastered on your face, you turned towards him, questioning his stare.
Reassuring smile formed on his lips, your shoulder that was tense before started to relax at the smile. He opened up his arms, inviting you to fall on his embrace. Your frown has now disappeared completely thanks to him, changed to be a sincere smile, joyful to have him here with you.
He tilted his head to the side, wondering why you didn’t fall to his arms already. You giggled at his expression and decided to just give in. He closed his eyes once you were in his embrace, sniffling at the citrusy scent that your hair shampoo produces.
“You are such a dork,” Your voice sounded muffled as you drowned your face on his chest. When he laughed, the vibration that his body created made you laugh too. And the two of you were now a giggling mess in each other’s embrace.
“At least I am your dork,” He tightened his embrace, kissing the top of your head and rocked your body, “Let’s fill this lockdown with a lot of memories, my queen.”
You closed your eyes, wondering what did your past life went through to make you have a wonderful husband by your side. A happy tear slipped from your eyes,
“That would be my pleasure, my king.”
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But you never let me down, no, no That's why when the sun's up, I'm stayin' Still layin' in your bed, singin'
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You immediately opened up the window as he turned off the oven. The smoke made the two of you cough at the moment. You turned towards him, he was there still whopped his chest as he coughed.
Once the two of you calmed down, he looked at you too, jolted when he found the menacing glare on your eyes. But in a split second, you laughed, and the sight of you made his heart swarmed with joy. He couldn’t help but laughed too and walked up towards you.
“You stupid,” You snickered as you remembered his face when you asked about the cake, “This is why we should have continue our make out session on the kitchen.”
“Wha- We haven’t cleaned up the kitchen island yet!” He pouted and folded his arms across his chest, “I don’t want my ass to be coated with flour!”
“I am sorry, Tooru. I love you, but what ass?” He gasped, clutched his hand on his chest when he heard your sarcasm. A look of betrayal was visible on his face,
“You are evil, (Y/n)!” You laughed so hard at this, it’s been so long since the last time you spent all day long laughing with him - though at the end you were the one who usually laughed at him.
“Aww, I am sorry, baby! Did I hurt you?” He pouted at you, but when he saw you extended both of your hands towards him, he couldn’t help but tackled you to the ground immediately.
He was tall, and it always made you feel so small when he was engulfing you. You didn’t know what expression that he had right now since he hid his face at the crook of your neck, “I am sorry, baby. Let me bake you some milk bread, how about that? As an apology?” He didn’t answer and it made you worried,
Is he really that sensitive when it comes to his ass?
“Okay,” He answered around twenty seconds after you offered him the milk bread. Slowly, he pulled himself away and stared at your face. There’s a pout on his face, “But I am still angry with you!”
You giggled, cupped both of his cheek and pulled his face towards you, pampered him with kisses,
“Such a pouty king~”
“I-I am not!”
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There's nowhere we need to be I'ma get to know you better Kinda hope we're here forever
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You were awoken in the middle of the night. The moon shone so bright in the sky as it lit the room that you shared with your husband. When you opened up your eyes, you would usually see the soft brown locks and the calmed state of the said man as he snored a little beside you.
But he was nowhere to be found right now. You sat up, looked around the room as you searched for any kind of trace that you could notice. A little frown appeared on your lips when he was nowhere to be seen in the room.
While your body wrapped around the comfortable blanket, you decided to take a walk outside the bedroom. All the windows that were placed all around the house let the moon accompany you on the mission to tuck your husband back on the bed.
It was chilly, and the fact that the two of you had a house on the mountainside made everything worse. It felt so wrong to fall asleep and wake up the next morning without him, so you need to find him, as fast as you can.
And here you were now, leaned your body on the door frame of the cinema room. Oikawa was there, seated on the black bean bag. His brown eyes glued to the record that he played. Familiar songs and people talked made you know immediately what the record was.
Slowly, you walked up towards him and dropped the blanket on the carpeted floor. You decided to put yourself on his lap, knowing it would be the most comfortable place to sit.
He was startled at first, didn’t expect to see you here. Especially suddenly plopped down on his lap like this. But he didn’t complain,
“Did I wake you up, hm?” Oikawa asked with a little hint of guilt, his fingers ruled out the hair that was falling on your face. You only shook your head and laid your head on his shoulders, eyes focused on the screen too.
“Why did you watch this?” You smiled a little at the scene, “Goodness, I am a crying mess that day.” It was a video of your wedding day, if only waterproof makeup wasn’t invented yet, maybe your face would be black already from the cascading mascara.
“It’s just-” He let out a long sigh, “There’s a lot of things that I miss from our wedding day.” His arms wrapped around your waist, “I am so selfish, just because it was near the national tournament, I poured all of the burden at you.”
There's sadness in his eyes as he said it out loud. From his voice only, you could see that he started to blame himself again, and you didn’t want that.
“I don’t know why you chose the ceremony near the waterfall,” He bit his lips, thinking about how strong you were to think about all of this alone, “I don’t know why you chose tulips to adorned the wedding arch. Hell, I don’t even know why you chose me at this point.”
“Well,” You took his hand on your lap, caressed it gently as you tilted his head to look at you, “Then ask me now, we have all the time in the world at the moment, Tooru.” You brought his hand on your lips, kissed it while your eyes glued on his face, “Throw me anything that was inside your head, I will answer them all.”
His brown eyes were now filled with gratitude as he stared at you. He could never have asked for a better significant other. You were so patient, accompanied him from time to time as he embarked on his journey.
So he did exactly what you told him to. He asked you all of the questions about the wedding, about what you usually did in the house when he was not around, what you think about children, overall it were questions that he was afraid he would miss from you.
“I am such a jerk, huh?” He huffed and looked to the screen once again when he realised he didn’t know that much about you, the one who was always there for him, “Didn’t know a thing about our wedding was the worst!” Oikawa was frustrated by now, and every reassuring word that you blurted apparently didn’t get inside his heart.
“Hey, look at me.” You pleaded, wanting him to understand that it was your choice, to be with him, “Tooru, my king, look at me.”
He finally turned his attention towards you once again. Right now, he looked like a puppy who was lost in the street, didn’t know where to go, “I have something that I want to share with you…”
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There's nobody on these streets If you told me that the world's ending Ain't no other way that I could spend it
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Oikawa stood nervously at the end of the staircase. His hair was down and slicked backwards at the moment. He didn’t know why he was anxious, he had been through this before anyway.
The whole house was adorned by tulip petals, right from the front door to the backyard terrace. One sound that filled the air was the waterfall audio from the television, it was a clip from some National Geographic video that you cut and put it on a two hours loop.
You called out the florist the next morning after your deep conversation with him. It was a miracle that they could deliver a lot of tulips. The flower was a symbol of your wedding, and you couldn’t recreate that moment without it.
“Alexa, play Oikawa Playlist.” You said it once you were standing near the staircase on the second floor. White wedding gown wrapped perfectly around your figure, the same wedding dress that you wore at your wedding day with the professional setter one year ago.
It was a silly concept, to recreate the wedding, the wedding that your husband thought he missed so much. So you decided to throw the wedding once again, just the two of you, inside the house that had now become home.
Oikawa looked up at the top of the staircase, mouth agape when his eyes laid on you. It was a sight to behold, the sight when the love of his life finally fell to his embrace. The moment that would never make him tired.
The same wedding songs that you save on your phone played in the background as you took step after step to go down the stairs. He looked angelic with the white suit and a stalk of tulip on his breast pocket.
He looked so ready now, a hand outstretched towards your figure once you were already on the last staircase. It was like magic when your hand finally grabbed his, interlacing together like a sign that the two of you would stuck together with each other.
“You were crying, Tooru.” You smiled when you saw tears glimmering on his eyes, “I never thought that you would cry again,”
“Say you!” He didn’t even bother to wiped his own tears since his thumb was now gently erased the tears that were prickling on your eyes, “You looked so beautiful though,”
“Yeah?” The two of you just stared at each other, absorbed every tiny detail that could be found on each other’s face at the moment.
“Yeah,” He cupped your cheek with one hand, caressing your cheek that now had a little stain from the tears, “Can I kiss the bride now?”
“No! We should share our vows first, and then exchanging the ring, after-”
He shut you up immediately with a gentle kiss, closing his eyes when his lips finally touched yours. From how you ramble and the goofy looked that you throw at him, he knew that you were just joking around. And he made you sure to never joke around when he asked to kiss you.
The two of you swayed your body together, following the beat that was now played around your house. The entire floor had become your own personal ballroom as both of you danced around the floor while keeping each other close.
“I could stay here for a lifetime, my queen.” He put his forehead on yours while his hand put on your waist, “Who knows lockdown could bring such a miracle?”
“Well, my king, I still want to submit a complaint...” You smiled at him even though your voice sounded annoyed, both of your eyes falling into each other, “You know you drove me insane sometimes by not taking care of yourself, right?”
“Pfft, yeah.” He’s not going to lie, he knew he hurt you numerous times already by neglecting his own health, “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you like that.”
“It was nothing,” You tiptoed, gave him a gentle peck on his lips, “I still wouldn’t change a thing even if someone gave me a chance.” He twirled your body around, grateful to have you here as his wife.
When he realised the songs were coming to an end, he decided to dip your body gently to the ground. His arm wrapped on your waist, securing you as you stop midair.
It was like the time stopped at that moment. It was just you and him, and there’s nothing else that the two of you could do right now except bathed yourself in each other’s love.
“We got all that we need, huh? Together.” His breath touched your lips as he spoke, the deep brown eyes twinkled with adoration as it pierced on your face. And right at this time, there’s nothing else that filled your mind except him.
“Don’t be bored, then.” You gave him a little smirk, “You are going to be stuck with me forever, mister.” He chuckled, then answered the statement with another smirk from his face,
“I wouldn’t want anything else.”
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I still wouldn't change All this lovin' you, hatin' you, wantin' you I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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