#lockwood and co ff 2
lockwoodandcoff · 10 months
Lockwood and Co Flash Fiction Challenge 2 Wrap Up
I gave yall a very interesting prompt this time, and you guys delivered!
Safe for Pandas Lockwood gets accepted into a panda conservation program and immediately falls in love with his teammate.
when it was only night that made me afraid Lockwood promised she would love it. She was not loving it. She felt like prey, liked something was tracking her movements, and she did not appreciate it.
It's So Dark Tonight, But You'll Survive When their newest case is locating a Fetch at a fairpark on the boardwalk, Lucy has some reservations about dealing with it. Lockwood attempts to distract her the best way he can.
Dreaming in Monochrome Lockwood knows Lucy has been struggling with nightmares. He has an idea that might help.
lightning conductor They’ve developed somewhat of a routine for the aftermath of the more difficult cases. For when the adrenaline lingers, even after the ghosts are gone. When the shadows stretch, the air feels chilled, and the green street lights seem too fragile a protection from the press of the night. (Lucy and George hold hands. It helps.)
silly snippet
locklyle as parents
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eddie-munson-lives · 1 year
Lord have mercy, THEY'RE GOING TO KILL US
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skayafair · 1 month
I watched 2 episodes of Dead Boy Detectives and I'm sorry but I need to rant on the relationship part for a bit.
It's too early for me to have a proper opinion on it yet, I'm aware, but the tension was so palpable I had to go and check what it results in. And - "importance of male platonic friendships and love"? Yeah no shit it's important, I'm all for it! But "get over your romantic feelings and force it to become platonic"? I can't get behind this take I'm afraid.
First, I don't like the take itself. Romantic can naturally change to platonic, it's a good thing in my opinion (oh I WISH I could control it like that!). But I can't see how whatever Edwin is going through can go this way in a span of a few episodes or even in-series months (he had this crush for decades ffs). It's going to be a very painful journey, and "get over it" is far too real of a struggle for us queers anyway. I really don't wanna see it in media, too.
If they really wanted to write a good close friendship, hell, even something like a QPR, the choice of the way the scenes are set is really not it. It makes me root for the romantic outcome, and I'm usually ALL FOR a platonic one. Even in Resident Alien s1 the main characters relationship were lead as romantic-ish and then turned platonic later, but it didn't feel weird to me because s1 still had enough of a room for this change? It was pretty ambiguos. I mean yeah I'm aroace spec so I'm not great at differentiating, I usually miss any romantic cues even in media, let alone irl, but this only proves my point! Because these 2 episodes I've seen very strongly lead to the romantic route just by the way they are designed?
So of fucking course it's going to feel disappointing if the endgame is "platonic friendship". That isn't how you do it.
There IS a very good example of deep platonic relationship between men (well, sort of - one of them is an entity who's on his way to becoming one... so far at least) and it's Malevolent podcast. It was never intended to be anything but friendship (once it was decided that the entity isn't going to be a complete villain after all), and yup it's a deep loving relationship - just not romantic. I know plenty of people headcanon the characters as gay - that's fine, why not, - but from my aroace-spec pov, the canon never led anyone to think so, explicitly or not. The way it's written is the very definition of QPR in my book (albeit sort of toxic one but they are working on this), and the creator has been saying it's friendship from the very beginning. The fandom is flooded with aro/ace folks for this specific reason - it's platonic, and it reads this way.
THIS I'm very much on board with.
So yeah I really like the DBD series so far - I like the way it's shot, the visuals are just heavenly, it looks so comfy! The dialogues, the interactions - everything's great. That's what I wanted from Lockwood and Co! (I'm a fan of the books.) But this one thing is something I have a beef with.
Ok two things because initially it looked like Crystal was crushing on Niko (Nico?) and it turned out to be just some sprites, ugh(
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kurohaai · 6 years
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Lucy’s Filter
a.k.a Lockwood & Co. but every time Lucy narrated Lockwood’s appearance/his smallest gestures into 1-2 full detailed paragraph it gets faster.
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misssophiachase · 5 years
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Thanks for reviewing part 1 on FF HERE So, I do have a question. Not that we want to see Jodice with anyone else but I need some ideas for potential love interests (not their current spouses). Some that would make for an interesting and possibly humorous, jealous scenario, let me know. 
Give Me Love
Actors Candice Accola and Joseph Morgan don't like each other at first but being forced to act together means they can't avoid the simmering attraction developing behind the scenes. Fast forward 8 years and they're due to appear in two fan conventions but given all the baggage and unresolved issues things aren't going to run as smoothly as organisers would hope.
Part 2: All of the Stars
June - 2019 – London, UK
It's just another night and I'm staring at the moon...I saw a shooting star and thought of you.
Joseph wasn't sure how long he'd been staring out the window. One minute the sun was setting in brilliant streaks of bright pink and orange on the horizon and the next it was dark and the sky filled with a shower of stars.
He was due to fly out the next morning but no amount of cocoa or sleeping pills were going to help him relax knowing what the next day held in store.
Candice Accola.
Two words that had the ability to mess with his composure.
Two words that stirred up more memories than any other.
Two words that meant more to him than anything and anyone.
A shooting star emerged moving through the sky breaking him from his thoughts and filling Joseph with a familiar warmth. She loved astronomy so much so that she'd researched the best place to observe it in its full glory. Like Caroline Forbes, Candice Accola had researching down to a fine, but only slightly neurotic, art. 
They were camping in Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. As promised the heavens were putting on a brilliant show as they lay on the ground his arm securely around her. She'd squealed excitedly when the shooting star appeared unexpectedly and Joseph would never forget the way she berated him for not wishing on it when he had the chance.
Maybe if he had things would be different. Tonight, he wasn't taking any chances and quickly made his wish. Not that he was holding out much hope but the fact it had appeared within days of their reunion seemed almost fitting.
Although they weren't together anymore and hadn't seen each other in eighteen months, he still thought about her incessantly. What she was doing, who she was with and if she ever thought about him like he did her. It just about drove him crazy.
He read the tabloids trying to find out anything he could and every time a new 'love interest' was mentioned Joseph found himself more and more worked up about it. Of course he usually didn't take stock in media reports because they had been wrong about him so many times but it didn't stop him from obsessing and devising strategies on how to break them apart.
Of course Joseph never acted on it, he had a reputation to protect after all, but he kind of wished he could. His mother had told him as a young boy warring with the girl next door that one day he might find someone that he didn't just see as an adversary. Of course he'd asked what that meant and she'd said he'd fall madly in love when he was older and not expecting it. Being eight and extremely scared of 'girl germs' Joseph didn't think that was remotely possible.
Until he ran into Candice at the craft services table with rice stuck to her cheek. Of course he wanted to tell her, in fact his first instinct was to rub it away just to check that her creamy skin was as soft to touch as it looked. But he didn't. Joseph prided himself on being the gentleman his mother raised.
Turns out not telling her about the rice was actually ungentlemanly. Go figure. But that's what he liked about Candice. The fact she had no qualms in telling him just what she thought. Joseph knew then that he was in trouble. Beauty and brains was a tough combination to beat.
It didn't help that just as his attraction grew so did the number of scenes they shared together. It seemed like the viewing public could sense the chemistry between them that Joseph had felt since that first day. Not that he was complaining about spending more time with Candice and hopefully getting to know her better. 
The cast and crew raved about her, apparently there was no one she didn't share chemistry with but Joseph hoped he could change that and be the only one. He'd always been competitive so saw it as a professional challenge. Nothing else.
Famous last words.
March - 2012 - Atlanta, GA
Joseph found himself missing home for the first time in a while. Although he'd been working in the States for close to a year now it didn't stop him wanting all of the familiarities from home. He'd spoken to his mother and thoughts of her amazing cooking had infiltrated his brain which he carried with him onto set.
This was the day he saved Caroline from Alaric's clutches at the high school and Joseph was excited about reminding her just how many times he'd saved her now. He could just imagine the cute, exasperated look she got when she was attempting to argue back. Social media had erupted as Candice had predicted after their first scene together and fans were delirious about their onscreen and offscreen characters giving into their feelings. Joseph would have laughed if it wasn't so true.
The scene at the school went off without a hitch which was becoming the norm between them. Even Julie Plec had pulled him aside a few episodes ago and mentioned just how explosive the chemistry between them was. He wasn't going to argue given his ever growing feelings for his beautiful, blonde co-star.
"What's wrong?" She asked, approaching him at the lunch table.
"Excuse me?"
"You haven't boasted about the fact you saved me yet again," she drawled. "I know you were thinking it, Morgan."
"I was," he admitted. "But I'll admit, I was kind of distracted by a bad dose of homesickness." Joseph couldn't believe he was admitting it to her of all people.
"Missing the Queen and Prince Harry?"
"I'll assume that Prince Harry reference was just for you, Accola," he joked. "While her Majesty certainly holds a dear place in my heart I was thinking of my family, if you must know."
"It must be difficult to be this far from home." She murmured. "My family may be in Florida but at least the flight doesn't take that long."
"And without the jet lag," he joked. "I guess I just miss my family and the food."
"I was actually thinking of having a dinner party to celebrate the wrap of season three next week. I can't promise you England but hopefully a pretty good time at least?" Joseph knew declining was madness. He knew this was her way of trying to welcome him and spending time together off set was something he'd been craving for a while.
What Joseph wasn't expecting was the array of English delicacies on her dining room table that night and as he helped himself greedily to the Beef Wellington, he couldn't help but send her a smile of gratitude. The fact she'd thought of him was only making him like her that little bit more.
"Don't ever let my mother taste this," he said pointing to the Yorkshire pudding on his plate.
"Why" She squeaked, self consciously.
"She might not like the competition," he shared. "I can't believe you did all of this."
"I know better than anyone else how difficult homesickness can be, Joseph." His heart almost stopped beating as she uttered his name for the first time since they'd met. "But I couldn't imagine having my family that far away so it was really the least I could do."
"Well, thank you, love," he smiled. The fans seemed to think that was a Klaus term but Joseph had been the one to suggest it to the writers. He was starting to realise he only wanted to use it on one person though, acting or in real life. "You have no idea what this means." He noticed her blush slightly as he said it. If Zach hadn't interrupted their conversation right then who knows what she might have replied?
September - 2012 - Covington, GA
"Now, you both know what you're supposed to do this episode?"
"He's supposed to shamelessly chase me as usual?" Joseph sent her a sideways glance. Ever since her impromptu dinner in March, their relationship had elevated to an extremely flirty friendship. Not that he could recall when they'd ever really been friends. She delighted in teasing him but Joseph would be lying if he didn't delight in exactly the same thing.
"Last time I checked Caroline was the one who suggested a date?"
"Yeah to a movie where I can put at least three seats between us," she quipped.
"Glad to see you two know your lines," the director drawled. "How about we get this show on the road?"
"Happy to buy you a drink later, you know tell you all about being the bad guy," he whispered in her ear tauntingly. "Only the best Moet too. None of these cheap, alcohol props."
"Easy tiger," she joked using British terminology he'd bestowed upon her in the make-up trailer earlier while moving away to her starting point in front of camera.
After the director called cut for the day, Joseph made his way towards the porch where the cast would relax between scenes. It was extremely peaceful overlooking the lake at the fictional Lockwood Mansion at the end of the day. The other actors were filming elsewhere and he found it quite relaxing sitting there and drinking in the Fall afternoon.
"It's days like this which make the job a little more bearable."
"Oh come on, you love it, Accola," he teased. "In fact, I have a souvenir just for you." She cocked her left eyebrow curiously, he obviously had her attention as he placed it on the table between them. She picked it up and read it briefly, a sly smile tugging at her lips.
"I think you should keep this," she announced, placing it back on the table and rocking back in her chair. "I wouldn't want you to forget me or anything."
"How could I with the mention of perspiration? You realise I could write a much better Miss Mystic Falls application? As much as I love Caroline, I don't think everything needs to rhyme."
"Hey," she growled, slapping him from her chair. "We can't all come from the birthplace of William bloody Shakespeare."
"First easy tiger and now the emphatic use of bloody as a makeshift middle name, I'll make a Brit of you yet, love."
"We'll see, Morgan," she muttered. "So, apparently you promised me a really expensive drink." Joseph wasn't sure whether to mention it, he didn't want to come across too eager or anything. But the fact she brought it up was a good sign.
"Well, of course. It's the least I owe you after having to put up with me all day."
"Not sure your thousands of twitter followers would agree, they seem extremely excited about you sharing so many scenes with 'you know who'."
"I didn't realise you followed me on twitter, love?"
"Call it professional courtesy," she shot back, her left eyebrow cocked lazily. "And you really didn't know?"
"Fine, you got me. I've been following you since the beginning for exactly the same reason," he lied. "Dana?" Her face broke into a gorgeous smile as he recited her cheeky reply to one of his tweets.
One drink had led to more at Red Phone Booth whiskey bar in Atlanta. Joseph said the establishment's name was part of her British transition. He was trying to ignore just how gorgeous she looked as they talked across the bar and felt himself slowly losing all his inhibitions. He remembered brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear and placing a chaste kiss on her cheek before escorting her to her accommodation. Who knew he had such impeccable manners? His mother would be proud even if he did have to take a cold shower when he returned to his hotel.
January - 2013 - Atlanta, GA
"There's been two massacres. Pastor Young's farm is here, and the old Lockwood cellar, where you spitefully slaughtered 12 of your own hybrids, is here. According to the book, the expression triangle is equilateral, putting it here."
"Somebody's been skipping their geometry classes. There are actually two places where the third massacre could be." He drew the extra lines on the map as she watched him curiously.
"Well, you didn't let me finish." They held each other's gaze because the scene called for it but Joseph knew it was the built up tension between the two co-stars who couldn't resist each other any longer. He could sense it in her eyes, her demeanour and the fact that her breathing had quickened slightly.
He could barely wait until they called cut and once they finally did he silently signalled her to his trailer with his eyes. They'd missed each other over the holidays, their acting reunion had more than conveyed that, and he couldn't wait to embrace her after all the time apart. Joseph couldn't quite recall whose clothes came off first but before he knew it the beautiful blonde was straddling him naked and he was sucking on her nipples hungrily.
She was moaning now given the pressure he was placing on her left nipple while his other hand found its way south to her wet centre. This was the moment he'd been waiting for and, given the whimper she emitted, so too Candice. He looked into her eyes silently asking for permission but her blue eyes were begging him to continue and before Joseph knew it they were one. It felt effortless as their bodies writhed together, their intermingling cries sounding out as she rode him to climax.
Joseph held her for a long time afterwards, he wasn't one to get attached to anyone but he couldn't let her go. He could feel her heart beating rapidly against his chest as they laid together and decided it was the single best sound he'd probably ever heard. His hand found its way through her golden waves as he placed butterfly kisses across her jaw and onto her collarbone.
"I'm usually more of a gentleman, I promise," he mumbled against her bare skin.
"Like you keep saying, Morgan." She joked. "I'd usually reprimand you but for once I'm not entirely annoyed by your behaviour. Well, as long as this stays just between us."
And suddenly he snapped out of his dream, looks like they were back to professional reality. Joseph had made his fair share of escapes in the middle of the night and it seemed like Candice was giving him a free pass. But did he really want one?
"Of course, we certainly can't risk this coming out." He didn't mean a word of it of course, but this was Hollywood afterall.
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lockwoodandcoff · 10 months
Lockwood and Co Flash Fiction Challenge 2:
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Alright, so this needs a tiny bit of explaining. A panda was requested by the lovely people in the Lockwood Chaos server (come join us!), where there is an inside joke of minors being called pandas.
So good luck! You have 48 hours to write something Lockwood and Co related inspired by this photo! You can use the picture as much or as little as you would like.
When you finish you can post on tumblr and tag us, and/or add it to our ao3 collection!
Happy writing!
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lockwoodandcoff · 10 months
Time's up! Thank you everyone for participating in round 3 of the flash fiction challenge! I'll post a wrap up soon, and feel free to continue to upload your fics to ao3 or tag us on tumblr!
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