#lockwood and co flash fiction challenge
lockwoodandcoff · 7 months
Lockwood and Co Flash Fiction Challenge 17:
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and we are back! as a reminder, this is a very lowkey, low stakes flash fiction challenge. you have 48 hours to write something Lockwood and Co based on this photo! or, if this isn't sparking any creativity, you can always use our previous prompts. you can post it to the ao3 collection and/or tag us here on tumblr!
happy writing!
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thethinkingcloth · 1 year
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and the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love
Lucy/George/Lockwood, ~2k, 1/1
A cot3 rewrite of the scene in book 5 where Lockwood brings Lucy to his family’s graves.
“Oh good, you’re both here,” Lockwood says. “ Don’t suppose you’d like to join me for a bit? Take our minds off tomorrow?”
George turns to Lucy, splayed out on the couch, her legs across his lap, and raises his eyebrows.
Lucy shrugs in return as she shoves herself off the couch. “Might as well, right George?”
“I’m not getting anything else out of this rubbish,” He says, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Might as well.”
Written for this week's @lockwoodandcoff image prompt
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needles-and-witches · 9 months
Hello again dear Locknation,
Here's my attempt at partaking in the Lockwood & Co flash fiction challenge #13 by @lockwoodandcoff, which is focused on the upcoming holidays. I might be a little late and I'm actually not as satisfied with it as I'd like to be, I had a vague idea that sort of slipped my mind in the exact execution I would have liked and I'm sort of a perfectionist when it comes to that, but I tried to make it work anyway. And, as it happens, this fic just kept growing, so it turned out a lot longer than I anticipated and, to me, feels a little bit cobbled together and not as in the flow as I would have liked. But I still liked the ideas and hope you'll enjoy it even though I don't consider it my finest piece of writing. Guess that's happens when you need quiet to write but are currently visiting family. :P
Take care and happy holidays if you're celebrating!
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dappledwrites · 1 year
Here’s my piece for prompt #2 of @lockwoodandcoff‘s flash fiction event!
Love, first kisses, and Georcy reassuring each other after a case.
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ohmyoverland · 1 year
Dreaming In Monochrome by ohmyoverland
Lockwood & Co. flash fic, pre-Locklyle fluff written for the second prompt of @lockwoodandcoff
Lockwood had always been a light sleeper, but until recently he’d never faced the reality of what that meant. He loved having roommates, truly, but in a competition over what could lose him the most sleep, Lucy was giving his insomnia a run for its money.  This time, Lockwood awoke only a couple hours after collapsing into his bed. It was still dark outside— their most recent case had been harrowing but quick, and for once he had fallen asleep before midnight. A thump echoed through the ceiling just as the grandfather clock chimed on the hour.
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twiilys · 10 months
love (i just couldn't let go)
Written for @lockwoodandcoff's Flash Fiction challenge #12. Link to the ao3 thing
Very little plot, mostly vibes about Lucy and Lockwood making-up after a fight while stranded.
“You’re back early,” Lucy noted.
“Yeah, well, not much to do around these parts, is there?” Lockwood shot back, dropping his armful of dry wood next to her.
Lucy grunted. There wasn’t much else to say; they were stuck in the middle of nowhere after the motor of their car had given way, with no means of communication, and the night had already fallen.
There were also the remaining shouts of their row lingering in the air, the weight of all the hurtful words they didn’t quite mean yet flung at each other nonetheless. Lockwood had stomped off into the dark before they could get really ugly, and Lucy had focused all her remaining fury in the sorry excuse of a campfire.
She felt drained now, restlessness quelled into stillness. Her head had cleared as the fire rose to life, as if it had been fuelled by her resentment and frustration.
It was going to be a long wait until morning.
“At least we have the fire going,” she said after a while. She had tried for a softer tone, but it felt too little too late.
“True enough,” Lockwood replied coolly. He added a branch to the timid flames, then stoked the fire using whatever flat enough surface he had found. “Guess we won’t be cold on top of miserable.”
They fell silent. The fire grew stronger with every offered kindle, filling the air with its merry cracking and popping noises. Somewhere in the distance, an owl hooted. It really could have been a peaceful night, spent in good company. Maybe it would have been a long-awaited, carefully planned trip. Or at least a wanted one, instead of the clusterfuck it actually was.
Lucy shifted her gaze to Lockwood. Her unfortunate companion stared at the fire, blinking every once in a while to protect himself from the dry heat and smoke. Every time he did, his eyelashes drew long shadows across his cheekbones, who seemed even sharper than usual as a trick of the low light. The fire cruelly highlighted the slight hollow in his cheek, the deep line etched between his eyebrows, the dark circles under his eyes. He seemed older than his years, and deeply unsettled.
It was her fault, and it was not. It was the pressure of the latter months that had made her lash out, the drop of water that had made her fury overflow and wash over everything. She wasn’t proud of it; but she was too proud to take sole responsibility for this when the fault was shared.
“Are you warm enough?” Lockwood asked.
Lucy quickly diverted her gaze. His eyes were still trained to the dancing flames, but she didn’t want to be caught staring.
“Been colder,” she said with a shrug. Then, to keep a hold of the offered olive branch, “You?”
“Warming up.”
Lucy rummaged through her kit until she found the survival blanket they packed in case of emergencies. This bloody counted as one, so she wasted no time in wrapping it around the both of them.
Lockwood muttered a thanks and moved to sit closer to her, keeping a hold of his side of the cover.
“I’m sorry,” he said. Lucy felt drawn to meet his eyes, which twinkled in the firelight. “Forgive me?”
“Sure, if you forgive me,” she whispered. Lucy held his gaze just for a few moments more, then leaned her head on his left shoulder. “I’m sorry too.”
Lockwood sighed, and some of the tension in his shoulders melted away. After a beat, his cheek came to rest on the top of her head. Lucy closed her eyes. She felt warmer now, the blanket surely doing its part, and she was so tired.
Tomorrow, they’d sort it all.
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almostlikequake · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Lockwood & Co. (TV), Lockwood & Co. - Jonathan Stroud Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Mentioned Lucy Carlyle/George Cubbins | George Karim/Anthony Lockwood, Lucy Carlyle & Quill Kipps & Holly Munro, Lucy Carlyle & Quill Kipps, Lucy Carlyle & Holly Munro, Quill Kipps & Holly Munro Characters: Lucy Carlyle, Quill Kipps, Holly Munro, Mentioned George Cubbins | George Karim - Character, mentioned Anthony Lockwood Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad with a Happy Ending, Sad, Emotions, Emotional Hurt, Grief/Mourning, Lucy Carlyle needs a hug, Sad Lucy Carlyle, Friendship, Canon - Lockwood & Co. (Books), Post-Book 05: The Empty Grave (Lockwood & Co.), No Beta We Die Like Lockwood And George In This Fic Summary:
Grief hurts worse when you try to ignore it. Lucy loses the boys, loses herself and learns to live again.
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fandomscraziness22 · 1 year
L&Co Flash Fiction Challenge 1
Hunting down ghosts is just a job for some, but not us As we enter the house, never hesitating on the threshold, the psychic pressure deepens Under the floorboards, in the walls, behind a cabinet; we never know just where a source will be hidden Night is our day, and day our night The shing of a rapier drawn and the blast of a salt-bomb thrown the only sounds heard to outsiders Even in this place, filled with visitors, we are confident
Death stalks around every corner, but we are ready Hours pass by, and we fight each spirit as it comes Our time is running short, but we make each second count Uncovering each source and covering it in silver, rendering the visitors inert Sunrise dawns as we secure the final piece Everything is still and silent; we breathe, and grab each other to remind ourselves that we are still here, in the end
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neevedafoe · 1 year
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I'm sorry. I know I'm a tad late. But today is my birthday and I had a lot to prepare and my laptop broke so I had to write this on a small Lenovo tablet. Sorry in advance for all the typos. For @lockwoodandcoff Lockwood and co Flash fiction challenge.
The Aldham case
It was a normal looking house in this area of Aldham. This old Village was surrounded by Mansions big and small. And most of them had been converted into flats. So really, the only odd thing about a Gentleman coming home with the groceries, opening the door and yelling "Honey, I'm home!" and getting a faint but happy answer of "Welcome back darling." - was that it occurred an hour after curfew.
So Lucy shock off the feeling of strangeness and tried to focus on the Job at hand. Lockwood and co had been offered the cleansing of an old and overgrown churchyard on the outskirts of town which would not only later on be used to build new housing but would also stabilize the Agency's financial situation enormously and on top would allow everyone a desperately needed two week vacation in summer.
Information were sparse, so this evening it was all about observation. Lucy and George were the first Group and everything went smoothly. They encountered two whisps and Lucy heard something like scratching far away - but nothing really complicated so far. Second Group of Holly and Lockwood also had nothing really worrying to report at Breakfast the next morning.
As Holly and Lucy went to get some shopping and preparing done in the villages small and only Hardware store they were instantly rolled over with information by the older Mrs. Wilderbee at the register.
So old legend had it that an illegitimate child had been buried alive in the middle ages and that the once holy ground had been cursed by it. Their conversation was abprubtly disturbed by a middle aged man buying some iron chains and demanding information on the iron curtains he had ordered. While his gaze on Holly and Lucy was Condescending at best, Lucy tried to figure out if he was indeed the man she had seen last evening returning home after curfew.
"Dennis, these two remarkable Ladies are helping to clean the old churchyard across your flat. Be good and keep an eye out for them." The old woman said.
Holly flashed him a gorgeous smile and Lucy tried her best smile as well. "Thank you so much for your concern Mrs. Wilderbee." Holly beamed " We are Members of Lockwood and co, please let us know if you have any information or questions regarding our work in your lovely town." She said while handing him a business card. Holly was so smooth at this, Lockwood wouldbe impressed - Lucy thought and with that the man left the shop.
"Poor Dennis" Mrs Wilderbee sighted " His wife Amanda died last month, real tragedy." She shook her head.
"Does anyone live with him at the moment?" Lucy asked
After noticing the questionable looks she got from Holly and Mrs. Wilderbee she quickly added "Because it's such a difficult situation to lose someone you love, so it's best not to be alone is all.."
"poor Lad is all alone since his parents died 10 years ago. Never had it easy"
"Would you mind telling us his last name, only so we can check in with him later and ask about any disturbances from the churchyard?" Holly asked, for which Lucy was really greatful.
"Sure, it's Henriks. Dennis Henriks"
After they had left the shop with their purchases, they went back to their accommodation in silence. As soon as they had entered and closed the door Holly cornered Lucy. "So, what's going on with this guy Lucy? What's bothering you?"
"please, Holly!" Lucy cried"Let me place these heavy bags. I'll tell you, although it might be nothing really."
"What's probably nothing?" Came Lockwood's voice from the entrance to the kitchen Lucy let out a deep sigh took in a lot of breath and begann rapidly
"Last night a guy living in the flats across the old churchyard came home after curfew and greeted his wife. Which I heard answering him. But today we learned that his wife died last month and that supposedly no one is living with him at the moment. I thought it was strange in the moment but what if there is a ghost at his flat and he doesn't know..." Lucy was out of breath looking pleadingly at Lockwood.
"I'll get George and we'll go to his place this afternoon. Ask a few questions and get a look. Don't worry we'll let him know if there is any reason to suspect a ghost at his home." Lockwood sounder reassuringly.
Afternoon turned into evening and as a restless Lucy finally saw Lockwood and George coming towards them at the old Gates of the Church instead of relief she instantly fell, that something was off.
"Luce, listen " Lockwood begann as he took her by the arm and led her away from Holly and the Gate "He knows about the Ghost, and he wants to keep it near. He kicked us out the moment we figured out that he has sectioned his flat off with iron chains and that he is keeping everything he considers could be a source of his late wife in the living room. His neighbour told us that Mr Henriks is apparently acting out his last night with his wife while she was still alive. She died in Hospital and he did not only loose her but also their -"
"Oh god, that's so horrible" Lucy heard herself interrupt him with a whisper.
"Luce, let's contact Deprac and let them handle this. He doesn't want to let go and we can't make him! " Lockwood tried to tone down his own emotions while still tugging at the sleeve of Lucy's jacket.
"I could go to London first thing in the morning and get Skull. Maybe he could tell us if her ghost is really there?!" Lucy pleaded
"You said you heard her answer, didn't you? So there is something there. Please let Skull and Kipps stay in Portland Row, they both deserve to look after the house this time and - anyhow, please Lucy, don't go there. I know you want to, but please.." Lockwoods tone grew softer and after taking a long look at Lucy who looked at him with big sorrowful eyes, he finished with "Alright, we can go once this job is done. But we go together!" "Yes!" Lucy excitedly exclaimed and made a little jump while grabbing his free hand in both of hers. Lockwoods hand, which was still holding onto her sleeve, lazily Trailer down to her hands clasping his and gently rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. He gave a little chuckle and opened his mouth to speak as they both heard a breathless Holly shouting at them from the Gate.
This evening a total of 6 sources including an old buried barrel could be secured and so all participating members of Lockwood and co were not only proud of a job well done but also tired and therefore allowed to sleep in the next morning. All that was left to do was Paperwork and an evaluation of the place the next night.
It was discussed in the team that while George and Lockwood would tend to official busines while Lucy and Holly would try figure out in which room Mrs. Henrik's Ghost was most likely to be. But just after 2 Minutes of observation they heard the boys coming after them.
"So, change of plans." George stated "Deprac is on it's way to officially evaluate our work and maybe clean out Mr. Henrik's Flat if it's true that his neighbours reported him. Holly and I get everyone out of the building to the save rooms on a ruse so you two get inside and try to locate Mrs Henrik's source before Deprac does it. " While looking at Lucy and Lockwood.
A lot of nodding was exchanged and then Holly and George went off.
The clearing of the building went on smoothly and so Lockwood and Lucy had no difficulties to get into the Henrik's Flat. Just as soon as they had closed the door behind them they saw Amanda Henriks ghost in the living room.
Lockwood drew his rapier while Lucy simply said "I understand. But you can go, it's alright. It's not your fault you know." Hot tears ran down her face. Lockwood looked between the ghost and Lucy and made sure that Lucy and him were still secure in the iron chains Mr. Henriks had laid out. As Lucy began to lift her arm as if to reach out to the Ghost of Amanda Henriks, Lockwood took her Hand with his left and squeezed it once before firmly holding it down and putting both their hands in the pocket of his Trenchcoat. "What is her source?" He gently asked.
Lucy, as if in a silent conversation shook a bit in surprise at Lockwoods voice. She looked at him, still crying and said with a shaky voice : "She wants to leave but he's still so, so sad. He mourns not only her but also the future they never had. She feels so guilty - I feel it all, Lockwood." She now sobbed uncontrollably.
Lockwood pressed her onto him while still holding the Rapier and also squeezing her hand which was still in his pocket "Luce" he murmured into her ear "her source, do you have any idea?" "Yes" Lucy gulped, "probably her wedding ring." She whispered and then buried her face in his shoulder not daring to look again in fear of being overwhelmed once more.
Lockwood scanned the site and decided at the distant flashing of red and blue light he saw that there was no time to solve this on his own. He needed to get Lucy to safety too. "We are out of time we need to go." he decisively remarked and guided them slowly backwards out of the flat onto the street. There he leaned his rapier against the fence and took Lucy's free hand which had clung to him and softly whispered to her "this are not all your feelings. Now's your chance to let them out - I won't judge."
Lucy tried to brave it up. "Or you can cry later with Holly or to George while he takes notes and pictures of your crying face" Lockwood teasingly said and simultaneously drew circles on her hands with his thumbs.
Lucy looked up at him and while her demeanor was seemingly gaining back power and good posture while she slowly let go of him she stubbornly begann "Don't be so s-" her voice broke the moment she had let go of his hands and was trying to get her right hand out of his damn coat pocket - she shook it in frustration. Lockwood let out a small laugh. "Looks like it caught something again" he said with a grin. As he took a look at Lucy his grin faded and his features softened. He released her hand from his coat and held it softly in his while he put his right hand on her shoulder. He looked at her patiently, warmly, with soft appreciation and waited till she had sorted her inner turmoil. Without words he understood. He took her in for a hug and placed his head on hers. She silently sobbed onto his shirt "Don't leave me" Lucy mumbled and didn't know why she was saying that but before she could react she heard a low whisper from Lockwood simply stating "Never."
Deprac reported on the supreme performance of Lockwood and co regarding the cleansing of the old churchyard and even praised the handling of the Henrik's Ghost - " because it was turned over to them!", George huffed.
Lucy sometimes though about Amanda Henriks and had to face the reality that she couldn't help every Ghost or Human. But thanks to her she had found another thing to make her happy and get Skull in the weirdest moods when they were about on a case. Whenever a case was over, Lucy would sometimes find a way to sneak one or both hands in a pocket of Lockwoods Trenchcoat, stating that getting cold hands was stupid while grinning brightly. Everyone grinned knowingly, except for skull who demanded "GET YOURSELF SOME GLOVES!!"
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luckylolabug · 1 year
I was supposed to work on some other stuff today, but spent a few hours writing this instead. Flash Fic challenge for @lockwoodandcoff! Making up for the last one that I missed by making this one extra long, I guess! (Also because Im incapable of writing less than 1500 words I am so sorry)
Angsty Locklyle but it still has a happy ending I swear.
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legolasghosty · 1 year
Lockwood has never been overly fond of lavender. Sure, it's nicer looking and smelling than most of the other tools used to separate the living and the dead, but he's always felt a bit annoyed at it. He rarely brings it up though, because there's not really a reason for his dislike.
Maybe it's that the purple stalks are everywhere, all the time. Along every London street, in every garden, in every room where mortals fear those who have passed beyond. Even in the winter, everyone has dried flowers in their homes and sprinkles the oils over their doorsteps. There's no way to get away from the stuff.
Maybe it's because lavender water is one of the weakest tools in an agent's toolkit. Lockwood barely ever uses it for anything other than reassuring clients that their home is safe after a job. For all the discussion of it, it's nothing in comparison to some sturdy iron chains and a rapier when it comes to battling ghosts. It's just a waste of space in his coat during a job.
Maybe it has to do with the way the scent sets people at ease. Somewhere in George's research, Lockwood remembers him mentioning how lavender water used to be used to treat insomnia before the Problem. Even now, with it being used to protect mortals from everything that goes bump in the night, he doesn't miss how the smell of lavender tends to cause people to loosen up, laugh a bit more, and let their guards down. Any kind of weakness can mean death for an agent, even when it comes from one of their own weapons.
Or, if he's being honest, maybe it goes deeper than that. Maybe it's because Jessica's room is always covered in the stuff, and has been since the day he failed to save her. Maybe it's because the flowery scent is all he can remember from his parents' funeral. Maybe it's because the stupid plants kept tripping him when he ran away from his old agency. Maybe it's just too many bad memories.
Regardless of the reason, Lockwood has never really liked lavender.
However, it's hard to hold onto those thoughts with Lucy sitting on the grass nearby, surrounded by night watch children, with a sloppy crown of purple flowers on her head.
She's had a soft spot for them for as long as Lockwood has known her. She claims it's because of how close she became to being one of them when she first got to London. Lockwood suspects that's not the whole story. But today, her kind heart has led them to a park down the street from Portland Row, at the beckoning of a group of children who had pooled their meager earnings to have a picnic.
Lockwood has stayed on the outskirts of the little gathering, unsure as to what would be expected of him if he joined in. But Lucy is right in the middle, regaling the kids with stories of the ghosts she's defeated. They're hanging on her every word. Lockwood can't blame them for it, Lucy is a good storyteller when she wants to be. Even if she glazes over his parts in some of her tales.
But one of the older ones had gotten restless and begun plucking sprigs of lavender from a nearby bush. Lockwood had been about to reprimand them for the needless destruction of public property, but they'd begun weaving the stems together into a chain before he could speak. It was barely five minutes before they looped the chain into a circle and plopped it onto Lucy's head without a word.
And now, staring at Lucy, her eyes bright in the sunshine, her hands waving around as she described the Greenhouse Ghoul, and those flowers shining like gemstones in her hair, Lockwood can't quite remember why he doesn't like lavender.
In fact, he thinks he very much enjoys how it looks right now. Maybe it's not so bad after all.
(For the most recent Lockwood and Co Flash Fiction Challenge by @lockwoodandcoff!)
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lockwoodandcoff · 10 months
Lockwood and Co Flash Fiction Challenge 11:
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very interesting! you could take this as music in general, or get specific like Lucy's tapes to Norrie from the show. have fun! or if this isn't working, feel free to use previous prompts (also found as the pinned post)!
you have 48 hours to write something Lockwood and Co inspired by this photo! then you can post it here on tumblr and tag us, and/or add it to the ao3 collection!
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thethinkingcloth · 1 year
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i think your house is haunted (you should come live with me)
Pre-Lucy/Norrie, 2k, 1/1
An abandoned house sits on the outskirts of Lucy's town. Local legend says it's haunted, but no one really believes it. No one except for Lucy, who has seen the ghost that lives there.
Written for @lockwoodandcoff and their first image prompt
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dangerously-human · 1 year
Written for @lockwoodandcoff flash fiction challenge - finally, a prompt I actually had time to tackle! Five drabbles about Jessica Lockwood looking out for her little brother, each inspired by smoke or smoke-adjacent imagery.
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dappledwrites · 11 months
Here’s my piece for prompt #8 of the lockwood flash fiction challenge by @lockwoodandcoff. This was loads of fun :]
Rainstorms, research, and Georcy catching a night-cab.
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ohmyoverland · 9 months
L'erreur de l'escalier
Written for the @lockwoodandcoff Week 15
“She’s the best client we’ve ever had. If only all our jobs were this easy,” George said. “So what am I supposed to do all night?” she asked. “Sit around and pretend to Listen?” His answering shrug was interrupted by a sound of pure jubilation upstairs. “George, Luce, come up here!" *** Lockwood & Co. has a simple case for once. Not even they can screw it up... right?
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