#lockwood being the number one y/n and George shipper
sandy-the-glader · 1 year
George x reader. Enemies to lover. Whatever situation you want to write, it's totally your choice. I just want to laugh. That's it.
I Like Your Lips Better When They're Not Talking
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Character: Georgie Karim x Gn!Reader
Type: Guys I don't even know
Length: 1.3k words
Summary: You and George have been at a constant war of who's the better researcher. One ups, sabotaging, etc... After a disastrous trip George lets something go even you couldn't read
Trope: Enemies to lovers
A/n: Ignore how I forgot about my requests until like a few days ago and I've been a writing machine. So yeah 💀
"You're joking." I scoffed and crossed my arms.
"You two need to get along and besides I already told our client you and George would be there." I let out a long and dramatic groan.
"Lockwood, I swear you don't pay me enough to be around him." He scoffed, wandering to the fridge for another cold beer. I'm gonna need 5 of those if I want to get through this case semi-happy.
"I pay you both just as well as you work." I heard bottles clink together as he shuffled around.
“At least get me to work with Lucy! Or even you I mean come on Lockwood we can pretend you’re George.” Lockwood scoffed and opened the beer and tossed the opener back in the fridge.
“You know that house will end up worse than the time you and Luce ended up burning down that other house in Sheean Road? You're asking for something that's ultimately going to fail.” A hand went through my hair.
What was Lockwood thinking? Usually when all four of us went on missions me and him were split up because we couldn’t work together in the slightest. He always made sure to show off his touch in front of me which he knew very well I was weaker in. Much like Lucy I was more of a listener which I think is way cooler than touch.
George had coincidentally walked into the kitchen and glared at me. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Lockwood.
“Come on. This is one case.“ He pleaded. Yeah, one too many.
“What case?” George budded in. I mentally groaned. Lockwood locked over to the kitchen table.
"You two are going to this address." He tapped part of the thinking cloth which had a house and a time.
"What day are we going?" I sighed.
"Tonight." Lockwood winced because he knew I'd explode.
"Tonight? Lockwood, I had plans tonight. Why didn't you tell me ahead of time?" George rolled his eyes.
"Why are you never prepared?" He complained.
"Why don't you have other friends?" I argued.
"Okay, guys, let's calm down." Lockwood tried to settle the dispute. "Look just realize your romantic feelings for each other and get the job done." He teased.
"WOAH!" Me and George burst out at the same time.
"This is absolutely NOT what this is about." George flailed his arms around.
"Are you on something Lockwood because this" I motioned between me and the stupid boy with glasses. "is not happening." For once in his life he agreed.
"Exactly." Lockwood scoffed at both of us.
"Yeah sure whatever you guys say." He raised his eyebrows. "Remember. Tonight." He spoke before exiting the room. I looked back at George and I narrowed my eyes.
"Ugh gross." I winced before exiting the room. I only wish that's how I actually felt.
“Oh come on how was that my fault!? You didn’t bring enough salt bombs!” I grumbled at the stubborn boy. We barged back into 35 Portland Row. Home finally. The night was so long I never thought it would end. George slammed the door basically shaking the house.
“Don’t give me that! How was I supposed to know that we needed more? I barely knew what we were dealing with. I didn’t know they were gonna be wraiths other than phantasms!” He rolled his eyes throwing his rapier into its place by the front. I tossed my jacket onto the hanger. And tossed my rapier into the same spot.
We got attacked by a lot more than we thought we had coming. It really wasn’t his fault but I was just so upset with him. He’s been so Unbearable lately. I don’t know why he was so frustrating to work with.
The client we had said there was one ghoul they knew of and that was a phantasm then there were 2 wraiths…
"Also, you were too busy feeling the walls and easily got distracted." I shouted.
"I was trying to know what we were dealing with. I didn't give you shit about you using your listening."
"Well, I'm sorry listening is more helpful than touch."
“I specifically told you to get more. I thought you were smarter than that.” I rolled my eyes. It was pretty early into the morning and we didn’t care we were being loud. Lucy and Lockwood have learned to live with our constant bickering.
“Well, you were in charge in chains!” He threw his hands up. “My first mistake.” I rolled my eyes.
“This whole trip was a mistake.” I sighed deeply. I stormed off to the kitchen. I rummaged through the kitchen and found a beer I knew I was going to want earlier.
I sat down at the table and started to scribble doodles of George getting attacked by a wraith on the thinking cloth just to aggravate him more. It was fair because he’s drawn many of me. More than He’s drawn off Lockwood. George stormed in because he obviously wasn’t ready to end our disagreement. His eyes scanned me. Brows furrowed and I focused on the stupid doodle.
“What are you doing?" He referred to my drawing.
“What does it look like? Piss off. You really don't need the last word.” I spat. I usually tried to ignore him but I’d really had enough of his pissy personality and damn attitude.
“Asshole!” He blurted. I stood up.
"Jesus for someone so ‘smart' you’re so ignorant!” I dropped the pen back on the table. He stood with his arms crossed. And his face was red. I mean red. He was absolutely fuming.
“At least I’m smarter than you’ve ever been. You don’t think before you do things.” His jaw tensed. My eyebrows furrowed. I laughed shocked. “Oh, you think this is funny? You know you have such a horrible attitude.”
Then we were close. I don’t know who stepped forward or if we both did but we were so close. So close.
“Then fix it for me.” I grumbled.
My lip quivered out of anger. He took notice of it because he was staring at my lips.
Then It just happened. Our lips were together. I don’t know who went for it but I wasn’t complaining. All the anger washed away immediately. My hands immediately tangled into his dark curls. I pulled myself away.
"Okay. Um whoah." I blinked a few times trying to determine if that actually happened. Did we just kiss? Me and George Karim out of all people? Holy shit.
"Yeah, I don't know where that came from. I'm sorry." I'm pretty sure that was the first time I heard him say this without sass and sarcasm. "I-I didn't mean to kiss you. W-well I did but-" He stammered.
"Just kiss me again." I rolled my eyes and kissed him again. He melted into the kiss and let out a small groan as he was taken aback by the kiss. He slowly pulled away looking confused and shocked that I kissed him again.
"I thought you hated me why did you.. kiss me!?" His eyes were wide beneath his thick frames.
"Oh my god, I could ask you the same thing! But George, I don't hate you. I hate how smart you are! You always have good idea's and I just wanted to be better." I smiled sheepishly.
"You've interested me the day you got to Portland Row." He confessed. "And um... I am pretty smart aren't I?" He teased. I playfully smacked his arm.
"Oh shut up I like your lips better when they aren't talking." I teased back. He smiled ear to ear and his cheeks were flushed. Then we heard Lockwood shout from upstairs.
Lockwood had wandered downstairs to try and stop the yelling and bickering so early in the morning. We didn't have a case for the rest of the day and he wanted to sleep in. Lockwood inched closer to the kitchen door and he was almost scared they had killed each other from the quiet environment.
The door was slightly ajar and he saw them smiling at each other then they kissed. Lockwood's eyebrows rose. He almost thought this was a dream. He quickly rushed upstairs with loud footsteps.
"Lucy, you owe me 15 pounds!" He yelled extremely loud with a grin on his face.
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