lofileft · 3 years
** TW (spoilers): title_pending features the age-old indie horror game trope of reading your drive name to use your "real" name to freak you out. this means it dead named royal in-game and on stream, at 2:34:55. his dead name has obviously been blurred out, but please be aware of this if you play title_pending or if such content could trigger you. **
royal wonders why every horror game he picks is either puzzle or stealth based, both of which he hates. neil enables royal's bad behavior by helping him solve the aforementioned puzzles.
3 games 3 weeks 3 dudes (maybe another life | PSYCHOPATH | veinless property): https://triality-games.itch.io/triality-horror-games he needs his medicine: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1590360/He_Needs_His_Medicine/ the rocket stop incident (DEMO): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1587460/The_Rocket_Stop_Incident/ title_pending (DEMO): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1288900/Title_Pending/ perishment. (DEMO): https://ohm-ena.itch.io/perishment
more LOFILEFT: https://www.twitch.tv/lofileft https://twitter.com/lofileft
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