kvtiemcgrv · 5 years
Please share!
I’m not the type of person to ask for donations, but an emergency surgery has thrown my life off kilter and I need help. 
Last week I had an emergency surgery. Wednesday morning (6/5/19) I woke up sweating, with a temperature of 101 F, and severe abdominal pain that made me almost pass out when I stood up, and that caused profuse vomiting. My roommate took me to the emergency room.
I had labwork done, a CT scan, a pregnancy test (even though I explained that I’m a lesbian), internal and external pelvic ultrasounds, six attempts at an IV catheter, and multiple doses of Toradol and Fentanyl that barely touched my pain. After almost seven hours laying in triage literally screaming and writhing in pain, it was discovered that I had an ovarian torsion. 
Basically, I had a grapefruit-sized hemorrhagic cyst on my left ovary, and the weight of this cyst caused my ovary to twist several times. Because my ovary had gone so long without blood flow, the surgeon had to remove my left ovary and fallopian tube, along with the giant cyst. The surgeon said that had I NOT had the surgery in time, the cyst most likely would have ruptured and caused me to internally bleed to death. After my surgery, I had to spend the night in the hospital for observation.
Because this surgery couldn’t be done laparoscopically, I have multiple abdominal incisions, including a Pfannenstiel incision - the same pubic incision used in C-sections (and gynecological procedures). I’m looking at 6-8 weeks of recovery before my surgeon will release me back to work. I’ve been working two jobs since last year (on top of school full time). This summer was supposed to allow me to save up enough money to help put me through my last year of nursing school. Plus, on top of that, I have my regular bills coming due and I’m expecting a bill from the emergency room, surgery, and hospital stay at some point.
If you can’t donate, please share. I appreciate each of you.
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