Work Not yet Begun
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by Christina Rossetti (1830–1894)
His master replied, “You wicked, lazy servant!” - Matthew 25:26
Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes: work never begun.
“Well begun is half done,” says our English proverb.
Whilst the Italians say: “Il più duro passo è quello della soglia” (The hardest step is at the threshold); and again, “Cosa fatta capo ha” (That which is done has a beginning).
True, the final verdict depends on the ending: but neither good nor bad ending can ensue except from some manner of beginning.
I have heard tell of a painter who sought far and wide for an atmosphere wherein to paint. At last he found an available atmosphere in Italy: and returning thither he worked? Not so: he died.
A bad beginning may be retrieved and a good ending achieved. No beginning, no ending.
It is bad to work loiteringly: it may be worse to loiter instead of beginning to work at all.
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I won’t mention it, answered Chambers earnestly. Much obliged. Dan nodded and Chambers hurried away. For a moment Dan stood there at a loss. He had not the least doubt that Gerald had left school. He recalled his manner before breakfast, that mysterious remark of his. But he could easily make certain. He hurried across to Clarke and raced up the stairs. The top of Gerald’s chiffonier was clear of toilet articles, many of his shirts and undergarments were missing from the drawers, his suit-case was gone from the closet shelf. Dan looked at his watch, went to his top drawer and took out a little japanned tin box which he unlocked with a key on his watch chain. From the box he took a little roll of money. Placing this carefully in a vest pocket, he made his way downstairs again. Once outside he walked slowly and loiteringly to The Prospect and turned into the path leading across the railroad track and through the woods. But once out of sight of the school he broke into a trot. Versace Dog Print Leather Slides Black Where the wood paths diverged he kept to the right, and was soon hurrying along beside a high rustic fence which marked the boundary of the Pennimore estate. Presently he reached a spot where a number of the palings had been torn away. In the Fall Gerald and he had used this route to and from the school as it was much shorter than the way which led around by the roads. Dan squirmed through the hole and sped across the turf. Presently he was on the drive and the big stone residence was in front of him. The curtains were down at all the windows and the place looked utterly deserted, but he crossed the terrace and rang the bell beside the wide door. After a while the door opened and a wrinkled caretaker put her head out.
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