#lol I did bubbles and Buttercup forever ago
aclosetfan · 4 years
“Jeez,” you’re obviously thinking, “what could she possibly say about Blossom that hasn’t already been written about by a fic writer who specializes in either romance, angst, or a cheap combo deal of both genres??? Gonna analyze how she’s not actually perfect? Inherently flawed? Gonna reduce her to a bitch? Gonna tell us how she’s the perfect boss girl? Maybe say she’s awkward? OCD? Stoic? Motherly? All knowing?? That no one but the male character you’ve paired her with can outwit her? That’s all been done. What possible take could you make that is a new refreshing look at Blossom that I haven’t already seen?”
And I’d be like damn, chill, dude. Take a breath. It’s not that deep. I’m not gonna say any of that. Nah, ima do you ya one worse and list all the reasons why Blossom Utonium would be The Most Annoying Sibling anyone could ask for.
Like yes. She’s bossy. And yes. She’s a know-it-all, but everyone already KNOWS that. It’s the OTHER stuff she does that drives her sisters mad.
“Well, I’m the oldest!” “You are not the oldest! We were created simultaneously! You are literally NOT the oldest!” “Well, if we go by the order we were named in, I’m-“ “THAT DOESNT MAKE YOU THE OLDEST!” “Tch. That is such a youngest sibling thing to say, Buttercup.” [temper tantrum that coincidentally proves Blossom’s point]
Blossom’s motto is she’s right 100% of the time, even when she’s wrong. It’s some mightier-then-thou bullshit that has lead her to be on the receiving end of a few wedgies when she was little
She’s the fun-police. No fun allowed! Until, of course, she wants to annoy you, and then everything’s fair game.
she’s a dorky nerd 👏 not in the “she can’t cook, lol” or the “haha Blossom likes to read” but in the “oh so when you said you knew about the Second Bulgarian Empire’s first war with the Latin Empire in the year 1204, you really meant you know about the Second Bulgarian Empire’s first war with the Latin Empire in the year 1204” kind of way and guess who has the privilege of hearing about it at 2am????
Bad jokes. Bad jokes. Bad jokes. She’s got the cheesiest one liners! And the worst part is she always says them right before they start fighting the bad guys
No! Wait! Actually the worst part is the fact that Blossom doesn’t seem to realize the oneliners are so incrediably cheesy they even make the bad guys cringe. So despite her sisters protest, she just keeps doing it because she thinks her word play is so clever.
When Blossom gets laughing, like really laughing, she’s got the ugliest, snortiest laugh that’s so damn funny if her bad pun didn’t make you laugh, you’re certainly laughing now
On her days off from being a superhero, catch my girl numbing her brain with the absolutely worst soap operas the world has ever produced, and after they’re done she makes you sit there and psychoanalyze every scene
She’s a big movie talker but lord forbid you have anything to say during the movie 🙄 she bites your head off
For someone so freaking smart, she sure does fuck up laundry. It’s her least favorite chore. the amount of times the WHOLE family has had to pitch away articles of clothing because something very pink or very red bled through all the whites again is ungodly.
Speaking of clothes, she’s the one that’s always magically finding things “on her side of the closest” so obviously “she thought it was okay to wear” and “really you’re making a big deal out of nothing.”
Bathroom hog. Bathroom hog. Bathroom hog. She’s got too much hair not to be, and speaking of hair!!!! It is everywhere! She sheds like a freaking cat. One time Buttercup had a hair in her mouth, pulled it out, and to her horror, kept pulling until the long red strand was safely pinched between her fingers. It left her overdramatically gagging for days.
The epitome of elegance and grace until she falls flat on her face. It seems like on top of all of Townsville, Blossom needs a great deal of saving herself.
“Can you please stop comparing everything to the Bulgarian conflict of 1204?”
Oof you remember that one girl from high school that was just too nice?? Was always so attentive to anyone who was talking to her? A VERY active listener?? And the evil part of you would go “god what the fuck is her problem?” That girl you’re thinking of right now is actually Blossom Utonium.
At the same time, she’ll blackmail the hell out of her sisters when she’s being petty and doesn’t feel like doing a chore or saving the day, leaving them to wonder if the “everything nice” is just one big ruse. Blossom’s always just there for the worst and most embarrassing moments. She caught one of them making out with a movie poster. She caught the other in the closest sobbing to the latest Disney soundtrack. She’s got things in her back pocket that would ruin them
And they don’t have any freaking dirt on her!!?!?!??! It makes them scream!🤬🤬
And no one believes them!! No one believes Buttercup or Bubbles when they (loudly) complain about how awfully annoying Blossom is. No one believes that sweet, nice, mild-mannered Blossom could ever be vindictive, or talkative, or mean. No one! And when BC and Bubs look over at Blossom, after another person has laughed them off, she’s wearing a shit-eating grin, because they all know no one will ever, ever, believe them.
She blows a kiss their way and waves her fingers in hello, but it’s okay, because three seconds later she trips over her own feet and sports a bruise on her forehead the whole rest of the day. (Still BC and Bubs get in trouble for laughing)
The most annoying part about Blossom, though, is that despite it all, somehow, Buttercup and Bubbles love her anyways. What’s a seemingly perfect “older” sister if they don’t bug the shit out of you???
“If you don’t shut up RIGHT NOW and go to sleep, I’ll ship your dead body to Bulgaria, do not push me!”
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aclosetfan · 2 years
Okay, sorry, last post about outlining, but I’m looking through my Acting Normal stuff, and I found this snippet that I guess I wrote forever ago, and shit dude it hit me for some reason and I figure I’d share. I have no context to give you because I wrote it and gave myself no context either lol 
Blossom and Buttercup are sitting together at one of those drive-up lookouts, overlooking the City. 
“I—I didn’t mean to hurt Bubbles.” Blossom sighed, plopping down next to her on the lookout. An awkward look passed over her face, “I can’t say I, well, regret it though, I guess.”
“That’s shitty, Bloss.” Buttercup shook her head, pulling weeds.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“I mean, I don’t think she actually loved him, but she thought she did and you kind of fucked that.” She pointed out, dropping the weeds over the ledge and watching them float in the wind, “Why would you do—“
“I’m gay, Buttercup.” Blossom admitted, stare focused solely on tracing the skyline of the City, ���I needed to prove it though, just in case, and Boomer was there, and dumb, and desperate.”
The calm admission made her pause for a brief moment. Buttercup didn’t know what to say as she traced her sister’s side profile. Blossom had always had an incredible poker face but Buttercup could see easily through the cracks. Her jaw line was hard and tense, her lips twitched downwards, and most damning, her eyes glistened with unshed tears.
“I’m scared.” Blossom again spoke calmly into the crisp clear night, “I don’t know what to do.”
Buttercup thought that was a funny thing for Blossom—all knowing Blossom—to say. It wasn’t like she of all people would know any better either, but she had never liked when her sisters cried.
“Well,” Buttercup heard herself say, “that much is obvious. Who in their right mind would chose Boomer as their beard?”
This made Blossom laugh. It sounded thick with tears, but it was still a laugh.
“Yeah, that was dumb.” Blossom agreed, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. “But who was I gonna kiss? Brick?” She asked, wrinkling her nose.
“That’s what everyone was figuring anyway. What with all the naps,” Buttercup shrugged with a smile.
“He’s too smart.”
Buttercup thought of the way Brick’s eyes had lingered on Jeff when they had first met and this made her smile grow, “Yeah, you two’ve got too much in common.”
“You never thought we were, ya know, being inappropriate?”
“You mean having sex, right?” She snorted as Blossom blushed, “No. Not really. You’re not good at lying.”
“Maybe you’re just perceptive.”
“You are.” Blossom nodded, “Did you know? About me.”
She tilted her head in thought, “Looking back on it, it makes sense, but I can’t say I ever cared too much to think about it. You’re just Blossom, Blossom. Being gay doesn’t change that.”
“And you shouldn’t be scared either.” She continued, finding the words, “The people who don’t love you for you aren’t the people who you should waste your time loving.”
Blossom smiled, “I still don’t think I’m ready to tell people yet.”
“Then don’t. Not their business anyway.”
“But I think I’ll set things straight with Boomer.”
“And tell Bubbles.” Blossom added with a wince.
She patted Blossom on the shoulder, “Godspeed.”
They were silent for a few minutes after that until Buttercup spoke up again, “You could have kissed Butch.”
Blossom hummed in thought, “I considered it.”
“Oh? No go, huh?”
For the first time, Blossom pulled her gaze away from the City to stare at her. Her eyes were devoid of tears but they still carried some kind of grief—maybe the same Buttercup carried in her own. Blossom gave her a soft smile, reaching for her hand and linking their fingers together, “No go. I couldn’t separate him from you.”
She raised an eyebrow, “Boomer was Bubbles counterpart too. And boyfriend.”
Blossom shrugged, leaning back on her free hand to look up at the stars, “Boomer was looking for an out. Butch—“ Blossom paused, unlinking their hands so she could push a strand of hair behind Buttercup’s ear, “—he’s just yours, is all.”
The admission made her heart flutter and even though she had a million questions—specifically, about what that meant exactly—she didn’t pry.
Blossom looked back up at the night sky, holding her hand again, “It’s beautiful up here.”
Buttercup looked up too, “yeah, but the bugs are loud.”
“What bugs?” Blossom frowned.
“Usually,” Buttercup corrected with a smile, “Usually, they’re loud.” She looked around the lookout, then at Blossom and their hands. “Yeah, usually, but right now… they’re quiet, right now.”
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