#lol im so gonna prank ppl with yhis
Remnants of a Family - "High School/Normal lives" AU
The Hamato Family.
Leo, Mikey, Raph, Donnie, sons of the notorious olympic champion and renowed martial artist Hamato Yoshi.
Mikey is into music, art, and everything colors and emotions involved. Aspires to become an actor and a teacher. He is a social butterfly and is widely popular because he never seems to judge anyone for anything.
Donnie is the math-science-tech genius, straight A's, but allergic to sports and crowds - even though he is good at martial arts because of his father. Aspires to create his own tech empire and leave his mark with his revolutionary ideas. Is driven by passion and spite.
Raph likes fighting. Box, street fighting, roughousing. Doesn't care about school as much, but keeps his grades afloat to avoid Yoshi's nagging. Doesn't always work. Secretly very much into gardening. Wants to open his own flowershop.
Leo is a martial arts prodigy, perfectionist, focused on following Yoshi's footsteps. Popularly reffered to as Yoshi Jr.
Yoshi strives for perfection and expects nothing less from his sons. He became bitter after the divorce (but was he even that different before it happened?) and distanced himself from his younger sons after a fight between him and Raphael when he became 16.
They live in New York. Their mother, Tang Shen, divorced Yoshi and went back to Japan. She didn't keep contact with the boys. Yoshi is the owner of a multinational dojo, with branches in many places, which he wishes to pass on to one of his children. Donnie doesn't care because he doesn't even like fighting that much and has plans of his own, Mikey kinda feels hurt because it's not really fair to expect so much of them, but Raph is very vocal about his opinions on Yoshi pushing that bs on them to justify his favoritism towards Leo, which earns them both some very crazy training sessions. Until he stops training him alltogether.
Yoshi hired an old friend to mentor/babysit his sons when he was busy (which is most of the time), a pilot veteran who learned martial arts with Yoshi after leaving the military. He leaves the boys' training on his hands after that, but tests them from time to time. Leo is still required at the official dojo for one on ones with Yoshi, though. Raph scoffs every time their training is as much as mentioned. The veteran allows them to call him by his old nickname in the forces, Splinter. 'Cause he was small but a pain to get rid of.
Fun facts:
Raph's best friend, Casey, let's him grow plants on his yard. To keep them safe from Yoshi and his brothers (Raph doesn't need anymore teasing, thank you very much). Casey does complain about his little sister's crush on Raph though. They usually play videogames, complain about life, roughouse/fight and garden when Raph comes around, and Lisa is often around when they do so.
Donnie has his whole life planned and tunes out most of the things he doesn't care to keep around for the future. He loves animals but couldn't have any because Yoshi hates furr - especially from cats. His best friend is Timothy, who is a few years older but shares his interest for machinery. They are in the same university, which Donnie got in ahead of his time.
Mikey is in almost every club possible in his school, but his favorites are the theatre and cooking clubs. Sometimes after his actvities he hangs out with his best friends: Armando Guillermo, known as Mondo, and a school dropout called James Peterson, who they call Leatherhead because of his pointy teeth and taste for tight clothing. He soon introduces René Tabitha to the group. (He'd had been calling her Renet for 6 months when she explained that René T. was just her signature. Everyone mocked him but the nickname sticked).
Leo has a pet turtle called Spiky, and is gifted an unnamed mouse later on, he just calls it little bud or baby friend. His closest friend is his rival Oroku Karai from the martial arts competitions. He likes to make up stories and doodle but doesn't do it much (not Yoshi approved).
The boys are close, but some relationships are a bit more closed off than one would expect. Raph doesn't talk to Leo in private except arguments (which usually become non private after the first few yells); Donnie isn't close to Mikey because he envies how almost scot-free his brother's childhood was when compared to his own, but they aren't bitter towards each other; Mikey holds a grudge towards Raph for all the jabs he takes on Leo, but still has a nice relationship with him - even though he takes Leo's side almost every time. Donnie is mostly indifderent and thinks their fights are a waste of time since father would agree with whatever Leo said and Raph would always disagree with whatever was decided.
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