#bad parent yoshi btw
Remnants of a Family - "High School/Normal lives" AU
The Hamato Family.
Leo, Mikey, Raph, Donnie, sons of the notorious olympic champion and renowed martial artist Hamato Yoshi.
Mikey is into music, art, and everything colors and emotions involved. Aspires to become an actor and a teacher. He is a social butterfly and is widely popular because he never seems to judge anyone for anything.
Donnie is the math-science-tech genius, straight A's, but allergic to sports and crowds - even though he is good at martial arts because of his father. Aspires to create his own tech empire and leave his mark with his revolutionary ideas. Is driven by passion and spite.
Raph likes fighting. Box, street fighting, roughousing. Doesn't care about school as much, but keeps his grades afloat to avoid Yoshi's nagging. Doesn't always work. Secretly very much into gardening. Wants to open his own flowershop.
Leo is a martial arts prodigy, perfectionist, focused on following Yoshi's footsteps. Popularly reffered to as Yoshi Jr.
Yoshi strives for perfection and expects nothing less from his sons. He became bitter after the divorce (but was he even that different before it happened?) and distanced himself from his younger sons after a fight between him and Raphael when he became 16.
They live in New York. Their mother, Tang Shen, divorced Yoshi and went back to Japan. She didn't keep contact with the boys. Yoshi is the owner of a multinational dojo, with branches in many places, which he wishes to pass on to one of his children. Donnie doesn't care because he doesn't even like fighting that much and has plans of his own, Mikey kinda feels hurt because it's not really fair to expect so much of them, but Raph is very vocal about his opinions on Yoshi pushing that bs on them to justify his favoritism towards Leo, which earns them both some very crazy training sessions. Until he stops training him alltogether.
Yoshi hired an old friend to mentor/babysit his sons when he was busy (which is most of the time), a pilot veteran who learned martial arts with Yoshi after leaving the military. He leaves the boys' training on his hands after that, but tests them from time to time. Leo is still required at the official dojo for one on ones with Yoshi, though. Raph scoffs every time their training is as much as mentioned. The veteran allows them to call him by his old nickname in the forces, Splinter. 'Cause he was small but a pain to get rid of.
Fun facts:
Raph's best friend, Casey, let's him grow plants on his yard. To keep them safe from Yoshi and his brothers (Raph doesn't need anymore teasing, thank you very much). Casey does complain about his little sister's crush on Raph though. They usually play videogames, complain about life, roughouse/fight and garden when Raph comes around, and Lisa is often around when they do so.
Donnie has his whole life planned and tunes out most of the things he doesn't care to keep around for the future. He loves animals but couldn't have any because Yoshi hates furr - especially from cats. His best friend is Timothy, who is a few years older but shares his interest for machinery. They are in the same university, which Donnie got in ahead of his time.
Mikey is in almost every club possible in his school, but his favorites are the theatre and cooking clubs. Sometimes after his actvities he hangs out with his best friends: Armando Guillermo, known as Mondo, and a school dropout called James Peterson, who they call Leatherhead because of his pointy teeth and taste for tight clothing. He soon introduces René Tabitha to the group. (He'd had been calling her Renet for 6 months when she explained that René T. was just her signature. Everyone mocked him but the nickname sticked).
Leo has a pet turtle called Spiky, and is gifted an unnamed mouse later on, he just calls it little bud or baby friend. His closest friend is his rival Oroku Karai from the martial arts competitions. He likes to make up stories and doodle but doesn't do it much (not Yoshi approved).
The boys are close, but some relationships are a bit more closed off than one would expect. Raph doesn't talk to Leo in private except arguments (which usually become non private after the first few yells); Donnie isn't close to Mikey because he envies how almost scot-free his brother's childhood was when compared to his own, but they aren't bitter towards each other; Mikey holds a grudge towards Raph for all the jabs he takes on Leo, but still has a nice relationship with him - even though he takes Leo's side almost every time. Donnie is mostly indifderent and thinks their fights are a waste of time since father would agree with whatever Leo said and Raph would always disagree with whatever was decided.
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shen and yoshi
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
“2012 Shredder wasn’t all that bad! He cared about Karai.”
Yeah, cause 16 years of psychological abuse REALLY shows that you care about someone. 
Shredder didn’t care about or even love Karai, he loved what she represented, his revenge and the agony he knew he would inflict on Hamato Yoshi because he is raising Yoshi’s daughter to believe that Yoshi killed her mother, allowing Karai to curse her real father’s name and live her young life in a lie. The second Karai started to break the mold he put her in to represent, he lost it and couldn’t accept Karai being anything else then just his puppet in his plan for revenge.
When Karai did think Shredder was her father, he still wasn’t good to her. He raise her to be a weapon, already going against Tang Shen’s wishes, like bruh, I thought you loved Shen why are you raising her daughter to be something she didn’t want her to be. Also Shredder would disregard Karai most of the time, ignoring her suggestions, ideas and concerns, and goes as far as to threaten her life if she doesn’t do what he says (this was all just in S1 btw).
And then when Karai does learn the truth, Shredder locks her up keeping her in a prison, gaslighting her and saying he’s doing this out of love, putting her in danger, locking her in a cage hanging above mutagen all so he can get his revenge/set a trap on Splinter and the Turtles (he didn’t plan on mutating Karai, it just happened, but the argument is still strong because he still put her in danger), brainwashed her into believing the lie again and having her attack and try to kill her father and brothers, kidnapping her more than once, sending his minions to kill her multiple times, mutating himself so he can kill her, her friends, and family and killing both her mother and later her father.
If Shredder truly cared about Karai, he would have raised Karai Miwa as her Uncle and not lie to Miwa her whole life. Instead, keeping the memory and legacy of both of her parents alive and known to her, with him just being there for her as her Uncle. It could’ve been his way to show is regret for his past actions and sins and trying to, in some way, redeem himself for what he did to his brother and the woman he loved. 
But no, Shredder continued to live in constant denial and blame others for his actions. 
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the Mario Movie Post
ok SO heres a more expansive post listing my Thoughts on the mario movie. HUGE spoiler warning under the cut btw
it was....good! i keep comparing it to the sonic movies in my head bc thats what ive seen a lot of other ppl doing, and i think, compared to those movies, this one is a “safer” adaptation of the source material; and ofc this isnt an inherently good or bad thing, but it may influence ur opinion if u were expecting a more derivative adaptation like the sonic movies, which take more risks and creative liberties. id rank the mario movie below sonic 2 (the greatest movie of all time btw), but idk if id put it above or below sonic 1; ultimately, like i said, it depends on whether u prefer the adaptation thats “safer” or “riskier” in terms of what its trying to accomplish.
anyway, here r some things i rly liked abt the movie!! warning for me gushing abt bowser bc im in love with him btw ASDLJKADS
bowser is the greatest character in the entire thing ofc. not surprising at all ASLKJDSLKJDS my big beautiful monster husband he is SOOOO GOOOODDD like.....hes the most expressive, full of personality, and jack black gives an AMAZING performance as him. his fucking song???? the princess peach love song??? beautiful. lovely. i love bowser so fucking much......like yeah he “kidnaps people” and “tries to kill innocents” or whatever but errmmm he does it in the name of love so its ok uwu my big strong cuddly ferocious teddy bear i love him I LOVE HIIMMMMM KLASJDKLJASDLKJ HES SO PERFECT HES A SWEET LOVEY DOVEY DORK BUT HES ALSO FUCKED UP EVIL AND POWERFUL AND WILLING TO CRUSH ANYONE WHO STANDS IN HIS WAY GOOOODDDDD I WANT HIM SO BAD
animation is gorgeous, including the environments and character models. say what u want abt illumination but u have to admit their actual animation game is pretty damn good and this film is no exception
i rly appreciate all the references and easter eggs! i like how they used music from the games in various ways, and how they incorporated the different worlds/levels.
i LOVE the little additional bits of lore they added!!! ive been a huge Mario Lore Enthusiast pretty much since i first learned how to use the internet so this was very satisfying to my autistic brain ALSKJLKDASJ
as far as specific lore elements go, i loved getting to see mario and luigi’s parents (+ extended family!!!). u dont understand for the longest time the only CANON picture we had of mario and luigis parents were these images from the end of yoshis island ASKLDJSLAKDJ so im very happy we got more detailed designs for them
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i love the backstory they gave princess peach!! ive always wondered why she rules the mushroom kingdom despite not being a toad. i hope they expand on her story more if they ever make a second movie bc i think it would be rly interesting to know more abt where she came from!!
i LOOOVE the kongs so so much......ty mario movie for finally ending the debate abt whether or not dk is cranky kongs son or grandson SALKJDALKSJ also i love dk’s characterization in this too, his friendly rivalry w mario was rly funny
i love love LOOOVVE the sibling dynamic between mario and luigi. Bro They Are Bros
i like the incorporation of the power-ups and how they work
king bob-omb is there. i like him :)
and now for some criticisms (note that these r all pretty minor, there wasnt rly anything i Disliked abt the movie which is admittedly more than i can say abt the first sonic movie actually LKSAJLKD):
a lot of the characters just kinda felt flat, especially compared to bowser who has the most personality. luigi is the only one i can think of who has any kind of significant “arc.” peach, toad, and dk dont rly have any kind of significant character growth, while mario’s arc is just kinda....He Learns To Get Better At Fighting And Navigating The Mushroom Kingdom i guess. to be fair mario games in general arent rly known for focusing on character development (w some exceptions like the rpgs, but none of that development is rly focused on mario himself), but that ultimately just made this movie’s writing pale in comparison to the sonic movies (which arent perfect (except for the second one) but still)
luigi didnt rly do much throughout the whole thing.....i liked him a lot in the beginning, but he spends most of the movie being captured. i DID like the fight scene at the end where mario and luigi team up to beat the shit out of bowser tho!! i just wish we got to spend a little more time with luigi so his arc had a more satisfying conclusion
Why didnt they credit grant kirkhope for the dk rap. wtf nintendo/illumination
but yeah those r my Thoughts. overall it was a pretty good movie, id maybe give it like....7/10? 7.5/10? it wasnt Great but it was good. definitely better than the Other mario movie thats for sure LKASJFLKJS
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wooahaes · 2 years
so i got tagged again by both @bfwonu and @twogyuu sooo....
game: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
aight buckle up. this is gonna be long. (also ft some fics that i didnt talk about last time, this list has changed a little i promise)
sick fic where reader gets taken care of by felix
lost & found
uts wz
flower fics sequels svt edition
seok uts
five shots sequel (wonwoo edition)
untitled hoshi fic (inexperienced at love!reader, ft bestie!gyu)
cheollie plot for uts
svt reactions - ldr
uts shua
owie period (wz)
uts gyu
yoshi fic bc i miss writing soft shit for him
hannie but under da sun
ww **uts but i didnt mention it in the file**
svt (video game) streamer!so hcs
uts poly edition [4] / shadow
modern sequel cindy fic
ldr meeting parents for the first time fic w parental abuse victim reader **slight vent fic jsyk**
comforting bc fic w chubby!fem!reader
touch starved bitches!! (svt edition)
single dad chan time
untitled vn fic **chubby!fem!reader, multi-part, vaguely spoken about here before, sequel to en/lhc**
asahi college au where he has a reputation on campus of being a heartbreaker bc he’s rejected every single person who’s confessed to him, all bc he’s in love with you (his bestie)
seungkwan being a clingy drunk (requested)
mutual bad mood night w b*ng ch*n
trsr realizing they love you
sorry for the chan angst **bang chan btw not dino**
jj: one-sided enemies 2 lovers
broken hearts club
bc soulmate au (tattoos)
idk but its hot inspired
mg: sweet night [plans]
shared college universe dk fic
sugar daddy gyu (but like. in a friendship way)
svt - when i grow up
boy w love (ysh)
thats almost 40. i purposefully left off a couple last time lol sorry
im not even gonna tag anyone this time tbh if you wanna do it and say i tagged u, feel free to <3
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mallorykeen · 4 years
yay thank you we can:
my boi bi ace
he’s autistic and i will be making a separate post as to why i think that
also has adhd and dyslexia bc it doesn’t make sense to me that norse demigods don’t
seems like he has braincells but if you dare him to do something he will do it in a heartbeat
has been to therapy to deal with his issues from being at war and stuff
speaks three languages as well as english
can swear in at least twelve though
his mom taught him creole french
his favourite poets are seamus heaney, audre lorde and maya angelou
he’s great at video games but when he feels overwhelmed he likes to read
once met hazel levesque and sammy valdez in louisiana in the thirties while on a quest
was very surprised to meet her again in the twenty first century as well as leo
they’re friends btw <3
still can have a testy relationship with halfborn
the real reason they hated each other before mallory showed up is they had a very bad breakup in the 1870s
is one of the valhalla champions for mario kart
always plays as yoshi
has killed over it
he dms when hall 19 play d&d
halfborn and him once saw thor ragnarok as a joke and use get help on the battlefield
tj is loki most of the time but one time he took out five einherjar by crushing them under a 1146 year old bitch with axes
he’s lowkey pissed there wasn’t a character for tyr in thor: ragnarok
kinda has a crush on chris hemsworth though
and tessa thompson
and mark ruffalo
and all the actors in it it’s his favourite movie at this point
likes to help out at the chase space and teaches the kids self defence if they ask for it
has threatened the parents of some of the kids more than once
as he should :)
hates taking off his uniform but in reality he has four versions of that same outfit
does love weird t-shirts though like the hawai’ian shirt mentioned in Hammer of Thor 
thanks for the ask!
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madstermojo2000 · 3 years
Lucy! I heard of them through a mutual, and since I have weaknesses for both bands and violins, I decided to check them out. Actually after first listening to some of their music, I had to step back for a couple days to reset my preconceived ideas about them, because you know how pop music, especially K-pop I think, tends to use violins to create an epic or sad feeling? Combining that with the two other K-bands I listen to regularly being Onewe and Day6, when I heard "K-band with a violin," you can guess how I was expecting something very different. But I did come back to them after recalibrating, and quickly fell in love with their music. It's so sweet and comforting! It's very warm, if that makes sense? It can feel like sunshine and a fresh breeze, or a cozy blanket and a cup of tea by the fireside. Like TXT, I think Lucy not being among my ults is more about my relative lack of familiarity with them than anything else.
Like I said, I don't know much about Treasure. I know they debuted fairly recently, although with my time perception, a "fairly recent" debut could be any time from 2018 to last month, I've seen the name Bang Yedam around a lot, they have several Japanese members? several of them are very cute and round, and it's been too long without a comeback, because it's YG, but that's pretty much it.
I do have a lot of fun talking about music! I love analyzing things and picking out little details in general, and my parents are both very musical people and I took a few semesters of music theory, which have helped me really Listen to music.
The next mission is about ult biases, which is going to be. A little difficult for me. I very rarely have only one bias in a group, and in a lot of groups (including four of my six ult groups I mentioned), I can't even narrow it down to two or three. But I guess I might as well start by saying that my biases in Pentagon are Yuto, Kino, and Wooseok, and in Oneus, they're Leedo and Xion. If I get into why right now, this ask will probably get a little unmanageably long, but who are your biases in your ult groups?
I totally understand that about violins in kpop!! Like the pure essence of string instruments is there for the epic dramatic effect. I always think about Lucy in comparison to the score for Peter Pan, specifically the James Newton Howard one for the 2003 live action movie (one of my favorite btw not to nerd out about Peter Pan in a kpop post) but the like magical sound that I associate with Peter Pan is what I associate with Lucy. They just have that like happy, fairy-like, bright tone to their music and I love it.
Treasure does have Japanese members!! 4 to be exact!! They are very cute and round!! At least I have their variety show to carry me over until their next comeback.
That's so cool!! My parents aren't musical at all, other than just really liking music lol but I did do a lot of musical things growing up. I played the clarinet and tenor saxophone. I also took a semester of music theory in high school!! That's how I found out I'm tone deaf, like for real. I just thought I was bad at singing but now I know I'm like actually tone deaf and that's why I'm terrible!! I still love music a lot though (**cough cough** i'm in love with film scores **cough cough**)
I've always been pretty steady with my biases (which is a shocker given how much I love every member of every group I stan but its true)! With Boyfriend I've biased Kwangmin practically from day one but in the past like 3 years I've started to be bias wrecked by Youngmin. You know, you bias one twin and you can't get away without being bias wrecked by the other. With Seventeen I bias Vernon (overall group and hip hop unit), Hoshi (performance unit), and Woozi (vocal unit). With TXT I'm a toss-up between Yeonjun and Soobin. I could be Yeonjun leaning one day and the next Soobin leaning. With verivery I bias gyehyeon but minchan is very much bias wrecking me all the freaking time. With onf I bias e.tion!! (i have to explain why in a later message but he acted like an idiot once and I was in love). With treasure I have like bias levels I just love them so much. My top tier biases are Junkyu and Yoshi and my second tier biases are Asahi and Yedam!! And I don't have a bias in Lucy as I haven't gotten to know the members very well yet. And sam kim is a solo artist so he's my bias too.
I'm excited to hear why your biases are your biases!!!
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clownkiwi · 4 years
Ruby’s Thoughts on the Super Mario Bros 35th Anniversary Direct Earlier This Morning
ok!!! let’s talk about those silly mario announcements today, because, if ya know me, i love me my marios so much. in fact, some of my favorite games of all time include super mario world 2: yoshi’s island, super paper mario, super mario galaxy, mario & luigi: bowser’s inside story, super mario rpg, & super mario odyssey; it’s safe to say ive been a mario fan for a long time, and i love him alot.
and considering its marios big year (shhhhhh, hes turning 35 this year!!!), you’d expect a lot of big things. and, like i said, we got a bunch of mario announcements!!! some of them huge!!! and some of them i’m mixed about, but we’ll get to that once we start talking about them. so, let’s start with the very first announcement down below!!!
1) Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros
So like, as the first announcement, ummmmmm. This doesn’t look too bad. and I know this was made as a collectors item for like the most extreme Mario fans & game collectors/”historians”. And I’m one of those, a huge Mario fan. So like, I really really want it, even though it’s just a Game & Watch with Mario 1, The Lost Levels, a clock, & a Game & Watch game, priced for $50. And I’m on the fence. Like, ehhhh??? Should I pay $50 for games I could easily emulate on my laptop for free??? But also, this is a collectors item, and I know Nintendo fans will buy these in bulk and sell them for a higher price on Amazon & eBay, so like. Maybe I will get this. Just to see all the Mario stuff on there!!! And I’ll keep the box as well as the thing itself, and yea, I might actually get it for Christmas. yay :)
2) Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury
Now this was definitely an exciting announcement!! We all knew this was happening, from all the rumors, just to the fact that this was inevitable. I’m very glad Mario 3D World will get another chance on the Nintendo Switch!! If you’ve heard from many Mario fans & Wii U owners, it has to be one of Mario’s most underrated adventures in recent years; and that’s coming from someone who’s favorite underrated classics happen to be Super Mario Land 2 & Super Mario Galaxy 2! So it’s very exciting that we got one of the best Wii U games ported on the Switch! And this time it’ll have online multiplayer, but I don’t think that’s what I’m excited for the most. What I’m really interested in has to be Bowser’s Fury. What is that? Will it be harder levels, will it just be more of what we already loved from the game, or will it be a whole new campaign/story after beating the main campaign? Nintendo has been very vague about it, and we can only really know once it get’s close to coming out next year. So I’m very excited to see what that’s about!!
And yes, I should warn you, this is the only bit of new Mario content to come out that I can actually play. Everything else will be pure nostalgia bait, for both good and bad reasons. We’ll talk about that later, but all things considered: I’m very excited for this game, and I can’t wait for it to come out on Switch :)
3) Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit
OK, so like. If I was 7-11, I would be very excited for this, and I’d be begging my parents to get this. This would be something fun to play with if I was younger. But not only am I not in the age group appropriate for this, our house is messy as fuck. If I wanted to properly play this, I’d have to clean everything up our house, which will take a lot of work. So, this will be one I will pass on. Not to say it isn’t cool as fuck and I’d love to get it, I just won’t be able to play it ever in my house. Plus, it can only be played indoors, meaning I can’t make cool as fuck courses outside. This’ll be one of those Nintendo Labo things to me personally, where I’ll see it, go “Wow!! Cool as fuck, wish I had that,” I won’t get it, and I don’t think my life will be personally too affected. Still really cool though, I’ll admit that.
4) Super Mario Bros 35
OK OK, so this was another one of those “WOAH, WACKY NINTENDO COMING AT US FROM LEFT FIELD” things that like, seemed so obvious. Why hasn’t Nintendo conceived a Mario Battle Royale? Well, only because they were holding it for Mario’s 35th Anniversary, and, I love it!!! This seems like a game I’ll play alot, and I’ll have to play as much as I can, because compared to these other games, this one will be limited!!
Yea, would you believe it?? If you have a Nintendo Switch with Nintendo Switch Online, you can only play this from October 10th to March 31st. Which seems very dumb!!! Why would you get everybody excited over a cool game that alot of people might love, only to take it away from us, like, barely six months after it came out? This makes no sense! But trust me, we’ll go more in-depth on this soon. Before we talk about that, let’s talk about the other stuff!
5) The other stuff
I wanna get those cute new Mario overalls. I also wanna get those Splatfest keychains when they come out, as well as those Mario pins!! Sadly, you have to buy one of the new $60 Mario games when they come out, which sucks! Because I don’t have much money on my Nintendo account, and I don’t even have a job, so I can’t get it right away. Also seems real greedy to give out something for free when you also have to buy something in order to obtain it. But trust me, this is only a setback; I will get those pins if it’s the last I do.
But, of course, it’s time to talk about the most controversial announcement that was made today. The final announcement Nintendo made today regarding Mario’s 35th Anniversary, and that’s
6) Super Mario 3D All-Stars
That’s right! The highly rumored, highly hyped up, highly exciting announcement yet! The one everyone has been talking about, the one we’ve all been getting excited over! And even though I was first excited by this, I was also a little bit disappointed. Now, however, I’m even more mixed on this one!!
Let’s talk about the Pros & the Cons about this one.
Mario 64, Sunshine, & Galaxy are finally on Switch!!! Wow, that is very exciting!!!
Wow, Mario Sunshine looks so beautiful in HD!! Probably because of the widescreen thing, but that makes it better!!!
The Music Player is cool, I’m glad I’m now able to listen to the whole soundtrack of Mario 64, Sunshine, & Galaxy on the comfort of my Switch!! :)!!!
I’m glad they’re all together in one collection!! That’s super cool too!!
And hey, it’s coming out real soon too, that’s cool!!
OK, that’s all I have on the Pros, let’s move onto the Joycons. Cons, I mean.
OKAYYYYYY, where can I even start??? The title is very misleading. It is called “Super Mario 3D All-Stars” right?? Why didn’t these games get beautiful HD remastered graphics, or better yet, full on remakes?? With updated graphics, stuff missing from the original prototypes added in there (like playable Luigi in Mario 64), or, hell, even stuff added from the DS remake onto the Switch remake?? Playing Super Mario 64 on the Nintendo Switch in an All-Stars-esque package should mean a total upgrade!! All we’re really getting is like, “Higher Resolutions” (even though fans have been able to port Mario 64 onto PC at 60 FPS & in 4K widescreen resolution, and the way the game looks on Switch just seems to be barely emulating, but whatever) and updated controls for the Switch. Now, it’s not to say that the novelty isn’t cool. I’m glad we’re able to play Mario 64 & Sunshine on Switch, but like, if these are just straight up ports of the original games with nothing added to it, why even release physical copies of it when you could just release them seperately through Virtual Console, or, ya know, just separate releases on eShop?? It didn’t seem too hard to just port them on Switch, why not rerelease them on the platform for a cheaper price? And speaking of,
The price of this. How are you able to justify 3 games that are all more than a decade old for $60 if you’re not even gonna add in any new content besides a music player?? This kinda seems very cheap and reeks of Nintendo trying to make as much of quick bucks as possible from this. You gave the fans what we wanted, you did the bare minimum, and now you will earn in the reapings. And I wouldn’t even harshly complain about this!! Yea, sure, fans are making more beautiful upscalings to Mario 64 on PC for free, but suuuuuure, make your loyal fans pay $20 for a 25 year old game you can easily emulate on your PC. And that’s not even my biggest complaint.
Oh yea, before I go to my biggest complaint: why didn’t you include Mario Galaxy 2?? I know Galaxy is a pretty long game, but at the very least the $60 would’ve felt a lil bit more justified (not totally justified, btw!!! $60 still feels too much to play 4 games that are all a decade old at least). And as it is now, it feels very bare bones. You can’t just rerelease Mario Galaxy onto the Switch without it’s sequel,,, and again, these would’ve been my biggest and only complaints, if not for this one,,,
Nintendo’s “Vault”
Limited Release. Not just limited physical release, but limited digital release too. You can only legally purchase this game when it comes out on September 18th, 2020 til March 31st, 2021. After March 31st, 2021, you won’t be able to legally purchase this game ever again. And this isn’t just a weird thing for the United States. The whole world will get affected by this too. You aren’t safe if you’re in Britain, Japan, Europe, or anywhere else where this game is legally sold.
Out of all of Nintendo’s anti-consumer practices they’ve done in the past half-decade, out of every greedy way Nintendo tried to make money off of your nostalgia, this has to be the most greediest and the most uncharacteristic ever. And I am absolutely anti-capitalist, all of yinz should know this by this point! But even then, this just seems incredibly shady.
Why would you hype up your fanbase over the anticipated rereleases of fan favorite games onto your console, ones that could rank in fans old and new, and only release it for a limited amount of time, before putting it back into a hypothetical “vault”, never to be legally released for an unknown period of time?
And why, as a company trying to heavily protect their image, take down ROMs & ISOs & emulators, but not even clearly release your classics onto modern consoles without doing something weird about it?
You all know what I’m talking about: stuff like “Nintendo Switch Online Nintendo Entertainment System” and “SNES Classic Edition”!!!! Like, limited edition stuff like NES Classic or SNES Classic are at the very least justifiable because they were made to make a quick profit for Christmas by nostalgia-baiting your audience!! Sure, that kinda makes sense. But this is moment that Nintendo seriously crossed the line.
The one chance, the one chance Nintendo could get every Mario fan happy & excited, and they did the bare minimum, in the most cheapest way possible, in the least consumer-friendly way possible, in order to make up for potential losses during this pandemic.
And honestly, we could’ve gotten something better. You could either chalk this to Nintendo’s results from being terribly impacted by a pandemic that forced everyone way from each other, or Nintendo was really planning this all along. And they could easily do this again as well if this game sells well.
Compared to Disney, which tons of people made comparisons to, I can’t currently pirate these Mario games! I lost important buttons from my keyboard for the D-Pad, and the PS4 controller I borrowed from my bro won’t work on my laptop anymore because I lost the proper cord, and other cords I tried using won’t work as well. So, I can’t really boycott this game. Mario is very close and dear to my heart, and I’m willing to buy this game.
However, what scares me the most is that Nintendo could do this again. Zelda’s 35th happens to be next year. What happens if they released the Zelda 64 games for a limited amount of time on Switch as well??? Or what if they released the Gamecube & Wii Zelda games as ports for the Switch in a collection for a limited amount of time as well??? I’ve seen someone predict that Nintendo could possibly do this again, and I can’t really stop it because I want to play Mario Sunshine on my Switch, I want to play Mario Galaxy on my Switch! But I absolutely despised the way Nintendo went along to do this. And I’m gonna hate it even more when they do it again, thinking they could easily fool us again just because it has the “Mario” name on it, or the “Zelda” name on it.
And that’s what I’m more scared and excited for all at the same time.
At the very least, more people are starting to notice.
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gemturtle · 7 years
The Ninja Turtles and the Louds (TMNT/TLH Crossover) - Summary and Ideas
Hello everyone, this is gemturtle here saying that what I'm planning to do here is a TMNT and Loud House crossover series called "The Ninja Turtles and the Louds". Here's the summary:
In this AU, the Loud Family have moved over from Michigan to New York about 3 months ago. Lincoln Loud, who is the only boy in a family of 10 sisters, is feeling very stressed and uneasy about his new life in Manhattan and having new friends like Clyde and April. But one day while being chased by purple dragons, he was saved by 4 weird strangers who turn out to be 4 giant talking mutated turtles who can do ninjitsu! With these new friends/brothers, Lincoln, his sisters, April and the turtles will embark on living with the difficulties of normal life and going on numerous adventures and battling against ninja, mutant, alien, and mystical threats, all while remembering the importance of family. This is a crossover series that shows the bonding between 2 unusual families.
Major TMNT Characters: Leo, Mikey, Donnie, Raph, April, Casey, Hamato Yoshi/Splinter, Shredder, Irma, Karai, Kimiko, Ice Cream Kitty, Tiger Claw, Hun, Leatherhead, Old Hob, Krang, Eric Sacks, Bebop, Rocksteady, etc.
Major TLH Characters: Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, Lily, Clyde, Lynn Sr., Rita, Howard, Harold, Bobby, Ronnie Anne, Mr. Grouse, Agnes Johnson, etc.
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Coming-of-Age, Slice of Life, Friendship, Family.
Rating: T (For drama, dark violence, blood, etc.)
Pairings: Leo/Karai, Lincoln/Ronnie Anne, Lori/Bobby, Splinter/Tang Shen, Lucy/Rocky, Rita/Lynn Sr., Howard/Harold, onesided Lori/Clyde, onesided Lincoln/April etc.
Author's Notes:
- The idea to make this crossover series was influenced by MiniJen's Universe Falls story, which is a crossover series between Gravity Falls and Steven Universe. Just like her story, it also takes place in another universe where the 2 series co-exist with one another. I first thought of this idea when I saw the LH episode "One of the Boys" (Hated that episode btw) where the oldest brothers had the voices of the turtles and plus, they all love PIZZA! So I thought to myself, what if Lincoln and his sisters actually met the turtles? At first I wanted to be a simple one-time crossover, but I just wanted them to interact as much as possible and see how well they work off one another. I could picture Lincoln seeing the turtles as the coolest "brothers" with them being pretty much like superheroes, and they would most likely have the same interest (Reading comics, playing video games, watching cartoons, etc.), and I also picture the Loud sisters being jealous of the turtles for spending a lot of time with their only brother. But the more the sisters spend time with the turtles, the more they see that they're not so different. I want to see the Loud Siblings trying help out on the turtles' adventures in fighting evil while interacting with each other in various 'slice of life' situations, which it's a hard thing for the turtles since they have to remain in the shadows. So I thought about doing something similar to Universe Falls and came up with this idea. Plus they're both properties of NICKELODEON, so it's possible we might actually see a crossover with these 2 someday. But for now, I would like to create this series.
- I figured what's going o be different from this series between TMNT and the Loud House is that instead of Royal Woods in Michigan, the LH characters will all live in New York since it is a important setting for the TMNT characters.
- Just like Universe Falls, this series will be divided into arcs with about 10-12 stories each instead of being 26 episodes each per season like TMNT. I plan to adapt some stories from the Loud House into my series and actually re-write them so that way they would have more of an accurate continuity unlike the actual show and hope not to add so much "Lincoln Torture" since I want to make this less mean-spirited and more genuine, I also plan to reduce the amount of toilet-humor (I mostly dislike that trope). So there will be some I won't do that I mostly dislike (Such as Making the Case, The Green House, Brawl in the Family, No Such Luck, etc.). As for the TMNT side of things, what will be very interesting about this crossover I won't be using any previous TMNT incarnations (Mirage, 1987, 2003, 2012, etc.) but to make it a brand new incarnation, so I can create my own version of the TMNT characters to interact with TLH characters. Now I don't know how many arcs will be created, it all depends on how long the TLH show can go or how many TMNT stories I can adapt.
- I have a lot of ideas I want to use and some that I'm not sure of; for one, I asked a DeviantArt user LeaderinBlue84 if I could borrow some of his TMNT ideas to use for this series.
- Leo in this series will be more influenced by his 2012 counterpart, but he is also an extreme anime lover, mostly listens to classic music, creates fan art with his username LeaderInBlue84. He would kinda be like the "Star-Lord" of the TMNT series, so he and Luna would get along well. Also, he will also have a wonderful bromance with Lincoln, as he would likely look up to Leo as his personal hero and a genuine role model and Leo would look up to him for never giving up for a child his age.
- Mikey is also the same goofball prankster we all know and love, and will be the most open-minded character in the series. He would give names to new mutants and bad guys and collect stickers to put on his shell.
- Raph will be the same sarcastic hot-headed bad ass he's always been, but he does have a soft and friendlier side for Lincoln and April.
- Donnie would be the lovable nerd with a big brain. For him, I figured he would be a little smarter than Lisa but would more of a nervous wreck and a clean freak like Double D from Ed, Edd, n Eddy. I also think would could also have gynophobia (Fear of females) from a traumatic experience. While he will be used to April, it would give him a hard time with Lincoln's sisters.
- April would be a teenager like her 2012 counterpart as well, she will be at the age of 15. Unlike meeting them like in previous incarnations she would have met the turtles at the age of 10 and is an orphan girl that is taken in by Splinter. She would also have developed some training as a kunoichi. She would also have a pretty developed busty chest for her age amking her socially insecure and making some of the Loud sisters jealous, but she would still be friends with them. And instead of Cristina, I was thinking Lincoln would have a unrequited crush on April for the first few episodes, until he hooks up with Ronnie Anne.
- Casey for the beginning of the series will be a juvenile delinquent and working for the Purple Dragons like Danny from the 1990 movie, but will soon quit and become a vigilante against them.
- I'm still wondering whether to make Splinter Yoshi who was mutated into a rat or have Yoshi and his sons be reincarnated into turtles and a rat like in the IDW comics, as well as Shredder's origin. Splinter will also not just bring wisdom to the turtles, but also to Lincoln and his sisters.
- There will be some street violence, blood, and intense battles in this crossover.
- And just like most of the fandom, I hope to actually make Luna and Leni be Lincoln's closest sisters being more of motherly figures to him so it is said that they have the closest relationship.
- As the romance for this series will go, I really don't mind Anthro/Human relationships like Leo/Karai. As long as the relationship is developed like Goliath/Elisa from Gargoyles. I want to try taking a crack at having Raph/April in this series, and I figure that maybe she and Casey would date only for a while. I was also thinking of one of the turtles hook up with one of the Loud sisters, I won't say who but it might be the most ironic relationship.
- I will also have some loud siblings to have a close relationship with each turtle: Leonardo (Lincoln, Lori, Luna), Michelangelo (Luan, Lana, and Lily), Donatello (Leni and Lisa), and Raphael (Lynn, Lucy, and Lola).
- I was also thinking of having Lincoln and April keeping the turtles a secret from his sisters until the end of the first arc and the parents wouldn't find out until the second.
- I figured Lincoln would be trained by Splinter to become a ninja, and MAYBE some of his sisters, specifically Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, and Lucy.
- Like I said before, there will be some stories I will adapt from TMNT; like I plan to do the Search for Splinter arc but differently. Instead, April and the turtles will live with the Louds until they find Splinter.
- I also want to do multiple crossovers in the future as well; such as Ghostbusters, Batman, Usagi Yojimbo, etc.
So that's basically it. What are your thoughts on this? Think this might be a good idea? How do you think the Loud siblings will react to meeting the turtles? How will they're interactions be? What TMNT characters would you like to see in this crossover? Could you see Splinter giving the Louds wisdom? How will Rita and Lynn Sr. react to the turtles? What kind of stories would you like to see? Let me know in the reviews.
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rethalavin1350-blog · 7 years
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