#lol nothing new my mom gets vip passes every year so she can sit in the shade and drink a beer as she says
minibunz · 1 year
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Yesterday’s concert fit/look was really cute tho
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feelthepainofdodick · 5 years
Addicted - Chapter 2 (D.D. x Reader)
Summary: You and David are dating but you get some devastating news that causes you to relapse and make bad choices. Consequences are bound to happen in both your relationship and your life.
Notes: Okay everyone so this is the next part. I got some notes on my first chapter and I was so happy and surprised that anyone even read it so thank you! Here is the next part and there will definitely be probably at least one or two or more parts. Let me know what you think! Good or bad lol. Enjoy! - Julie
Word Count: 1717
David’s POV
You were trying to get the right angle for filming Zane and Stass dancing on the table when (Y/N) came to you. She leaned towards your ear and said she was going outside to get some air. You nodded and she walked off. Your focus was on getting footage, as always. How were you supposed to know your girlfriend’s life was being blown during such a mundane moment?
It may not have seemed like it to most people but this was a normal night for you. It was Zane’s birthday which meant it was a going out night. During these kinds of nights when you and your friends go out is when all the good stuff happens for the vlogs. So, that is where your focus was. After (Y/N) left to the balcony you continued filming; trying to get your friends more drunk and more carefree. You barely even noticed that you hadn’t seen (Y/N) in an hour. You just assumed she was dancing with the girls. If you were filming the girls then you assumed she went to the VIP section to take a break. 
It wasn’t until you and multiple of your friends were sitting down around the booth taking a break when you realized how long it’s been. 
David: “Hey guys. Where is (Y/N)?”
Corinna: “She went to get some air like over an hour ago. I don’t know where she went after that. I just assumed she was with you.”
Little did you know she was at an airport bar getting drunk off margaritas and tequila shots before a flight back to her hometown.
David: “Shit. Where is she?” I asked concerned.
You immediately grab your phone and call (Y/N). It went straight to voicemail. 
David: “Guys. It went straight to voicemail. Her phone must of died.”
Zane: “Don’t worry too much David. She probably went home for all we know. Chill out.” He said drunkenly.
David: “She wouldn’t leave without telling me! She knows I would worry.”
Then a thought popped into his head.
Isn’t today her two years sober anniversary? Shit. Shit. Shit. Maybe she shouldn’t have come out with us tonight. Maybe it was too much for her to handle today of all days. But she would have told me if it was too much for her. She always let me know when things were too much to handle for her especially when it came to her sobriety. This doesn’t make sense. Something is wrong; I know it is.
I called (Y/N) again. Straight to voicemail, again. Everyone was distracted not thinking about where (Y/N) could be and talking amongst themselves. That made me think I was overthinking the situation. But, I had this gut feeling something was wrong. I got up and walked over to the balcony where she told me she would be last. No one but a couple drunken people were wobbling around on the balcony. You went over to one.
David: “Hey, I’m David. I wanted to know if you saw a girl. About this tall.” He moved his hand to the side to approximate how tall you were in comparison to himself. “She has (Y/H/C) hair and (Y/E/C) eyes. She was wearing some jeans, a red tube top, and some red heels. Have you seen her?”
Drunk Guy: “Yeah! I saw her like an hour ago. She was just over there on her phone” He pointed in a random direction drunkenly. “She looked hella sad man. Super hot but super sad. Then she just left. Poof. Just like that.”
David: “Did you see where she went?” He asked more concerned now.
Drunk Guy: “Not really. I saw her walk towards the exit but not much else. I think I overheard her call some dude named John and said she was coming over. I don’t really know man. Sorry.”
David: “It’s cool. Thanks for letting me know.”
He turns back around to go tell his friends that he knows something is wrong with (Y/N). As he walks out back into the club he hears the drunk guy yell back at him good luck man! Be fucking careful. The hot ones are always the most dangerous. 
You return to the group and stare at everyone. They’re all sitting around the booth laughing and talking. This was supposed to be Zane’s night but now you were ready to stop everyone's fun because you thought (Y/N) might be hurt or something. But you weren’t sure what was going on with her. You debated just telling them you felt sick and that you’ll take an uber home. Give the keys to Corinna since she was sober.
And that’s exactly what you did. You told everyone you were feeling dizzy after filming Stass and Zane for so long and that you needed to catch up on some sleep. You gave the keys to Corinna and got an uber to leave back to your house.
The second you got into the uber to go home is when it hits you. All your worries about  (Y/N) started kicking in.
Where the fuck would she go without telling me?
Did something bad happen on the phone?
Who is John?
Why was she going to John?
Was tonight too much for her?
Why the hell did I not acknowledge that today was her two year sobriety date? 
She never talked too much about that stuff anyways.
Where is the love of my life…
You got home more freaked out than ever. You ended up calling (Y/N) over 15 times. Each time ended the same way; with a voicemail, and every time you left a voicemail. Each sounding more and more desperate to know where she is.
Voicemail #1...
Hey baby girl. You left the club without telling anyone. Can you call me back to let me know where you are. I’m just worried. Or maybe just drop by the house? I left the club so I’m here if you need me.
Voicemail #5...
Honey. You’re seriously starting to worry me over here. It’s been hours since I last saw you. Some drunk guy at the club told me he saw you on the phone really really sad. Baby, I don’t know what happened and if you’re not ready to tell me then that’s fine but I really just need to know you’re okay.
Voicemail #15…
(Y/N). I’m really fucking scared. I don’t know what to do. Do I call the police? Do I call your Mom? What the fuck do I do? I just need to know you’re okay. You know what? I’m gonna call that hometown friend of yours, Sarah, I think. Maybe she knows something… Call me back. Please!
Your night carried out like that. You called her friend. Called her mom. No answer from anyone. You were scared shitless and didn’t know what to do. You debated calling the police but you knew they wouldn’t file a missing person until 24 hours have passed. At some point you passed out on the couch scared out of your mind about where your girlfriend could possibly be.
(Y/N) POV:
It was nearing six in the morning and you were sitting on that raggedy couch John never got rid of surrounded by your old hometown friends. More and more people started showing up. The sun was barely going to rise soon and yet the party was barely going full swing. Alcohol flowed back and forth between your friends. Coke all over the coffee table available for anyone to do lines whenever they wanted. You turned around and saw into the backyard that some kids you knew from high school where dancing around on some hallucinogen. You had already done a few lines and shot up; you were not feeling anything and you were grateful.
This is how it always was two years ago. Show up to Johns. Do drugs. Fuck around. Sleep. Repeat. And now you were here again, like nothing had changed.
Sarah: “Hey (Y/N) I just got some call from that rich boyfriend of yours.”
(Y/N): “No shit. What did he say.” You said without actually wanting to know. You were completely numbed out and nothing mattered to you, including a call from David.
Sarah: “Didn’t have time to answer.”
(Y/N): “Cool”
That was that. You didn’t think about what he was doing or what he wanted. You didn’t know he was worrying about you. You just knew you’re mom was dead and you didn’t want to feel that loss. Not right now. Not ever.
That was the last thing you remember thinking about when you woke up to a car honking at you. You woke up to the sun on your face and pavement under you instead of the couch you remember being last. Did I pass out here? You looked around and found yourself laying on the parking lot of your local animal shelter. What the fuck am I doing here? Fuck. I always did love petting the kitties when I was high out of my mind. You chuckled. It felt wrong. Then you remembered everything you didn’t want to feel.
Your mom was dead... Your mom was dead and you relapsed….
You got up, dusted yourself off and walked back into the direction of Johns house. It was probably around noon based on the heat hitting you and you felt thoroughly embarrassed as cars passed you by because of how shit you felt and probably looked. You finally made it back to Johns, the door was open, and found him knocked out on the couch as you made your way to the bedroom to find a charger to charge your phone.
When you finally turned on your phone, every message from David showed up. Over 30 phone calls, 20 voicemails, and 50 texts. I stared at my notifications not sure if I was ready to deal with the repercussions of everything that happened last night. If I listened to him talk to me, everything would be so real. 
I put my phone down, got dressed in some of my old clothes I left at Johns from forever ago, and walked to the police station to see my mother one last time.
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