#lol that pjsocks post had me thinking LMAO
ittydoor · 2 years
Alright so picture this 💀
I’m forced into shark week because #jeffsucks but I explicitly state to Johnny I’ll ring his neck if he tries to put me into any actual shark stunts.
“It’s shark week, how’re you spost to preform without the sharks doll?”
And then I look around quick and nab poopies hand pulling him out of his conversation, “well poopies and me will stick together, we’re afraid of sharks and he doesn’t need anymore trauma!” And he just looks around like ‘what did u just drag me into’
And since the entire premise of the special was to get poopies over his fear of sharks, Johnny does his EVIL ass laughs and goes “oooookay sweetheart” not letting in on to the plan.
Cut to me and poopies on the boat never detaching from each other and always on edge with hawk eyes looking around for any pranksters, and then suddenly.. IT HAPPENS.
It’s all lighting fast, they take poopies down and I hear his strangled scream, only to turn around and get grabbed by Johnny,
Hagfish stanks so bad and I try to barf on Johnnys face so he lets me go but he’s surprisingly resilient,
Instead of Chris they throw my kicking and screaming body into the shark cage with poopies ‘willingly’ shaking his way in, and then there we are
I’m like hopping from foot to foot in the cage making squeaking whining noises “aaughhhhAhhh hey hey ITS LOOKING AT ME,” literally jumps onto poopies and shoves us into the corner of the cage, and he’s screaming too clutching for dear life
Johnny and the others are just up on the boat wailing with laughter 😑
Meanwhile me and poopies are yelling in eachothers faces holding onto eachother
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