#lol they gave us 100 tix at one point right?
If you've been keeping up with your daily login you'll start to get the free coord around now.
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Yep, it's an R.
I was up to 24 tickets so I pulled on Garuru's gacha again.
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Yeah boi! Now I'm missing the accessory but I'm not gonna chase after it.
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gifsbysimplysonia · 5 years
End of Day Shi!t post - August 27, 2019
This post contains spoilers for the SHURI Marvel comic
Not for nothin but
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is 1 helluva lineup to be staring at lol @jillybean1217 you might wanna think about updating to a more recent pic of Gates tho :P 
I have to go back to the office tomorrow and i’m very much not looking forward to it. Not only does my face still ache (it’s just a dull and steady ache) but work has been SO SLOW for us that there’s really NO point to us being in the office. Not that there is one now, mind you, as our jobs can be done perfectly from home but they make us go in. And now my poor co-worker is also injured as her shoulder bones are grinding? She went in to see the doc about it today cuz she said she felt like Quasimodo cuz her shoulder was all swollen. Doc gave her stuff to bring the swelling down and then she had to go for an MRI. We are both falling apart lol. 
This weekend my family is going to a wrestling show on Saturday I spent WAY TOO MUCH MONEY ON. And I’m a bit bitter about it cuz one of the matches we were most looking forward to seeing isn’t happening cuz someone is unavoidably injured. It’s absolutely NO ONE’S fault, but I’m just bummed and it makes the ridic amount I spent on tix to the show seem WAY LESS REASONABLE now. Luckily they have a killer replacement match and there are other matches we are looking forward to seeing. It just ... I’m not as excited as I wish I was. But I also know that has a lot to do with me just feeling bad cuz I got my tooth yanked and then got my GT right after so it’s been a super pleasant time at my house lol. 
I’m glad it’s a 3 day weekend too. Any week where I have 1 less day of work is always something to be grateful for. 
I miss writing! But every time I open up 1 of my thousands of Google Docs, my imagination won’t move on anything. It’s so discouraging. I don’t know why I bother. 
Well ... that’s a lie. I do know why. Because I feel amazing when I’m writing. When I get an idea and my fingers start going to town on a keyboard and I’m in the middle of a creative wave? It’s just ... there’s no real way for me to describe how content I am. And I don’t get that feeling at any other time in life? So like ... I wish I could be feeling that way all the time. Unfortunately my brain is fickle, I guess? And trying to force myself to write or staring at that cursor blinking on a screen only makes me feel the TOTAL OPPOSITE of that euphoria. Suuuuuuuuuuucks. Cuz I WANNA write I just ... can’t. That’s how I know I’m not “a writer.” Cuz a writer would be able to make something work. I just go devoid of creativity for long periods of time and lose the joy from that process. Such is life, I suppose. 
Panels of Clint Barton and Bucky Barnes have been coming across my dash so I finally looked up Tales of Suspense since my bro has a Marvel comics account. I just read through #100 and I’m like pissed? LOL cuz Clint is SO much more entertaining than he is in the MCU! I don’t even know how you comic fans handled the MCU, to be honest, cuz WOW is MCU Clint/Hawkeye generic and bland compared to this ONE ISSUE I read where he was an absolute DISASTER but wonderfully sarcastic and funny. And it makes more sense to me that he and Nat are exes as well. 
I always thought they’d be a thing but then the MCU tried to force Nat with Bruce? Which was THE WORST but then even WORSE THAN THE WORST was Clint’s fake family. That’s how I refer to it cuz I fcking HATE that trope so much ... oh yeah, I’ve had a family for years but all you people had no idea even though you’re supposed to be collegues and intelligence and wtf EVER. I HATE IT SO MUCH. And then that this family was used to justify NOT sacrificing Clint but sacrificing Natasha at the end of everything ... fcking ... I already got started but don’t get me started. 
Anyways, #100 of Tales of Suspense was good, I blew through it and I imagine I’m going to blow through the other 4 issues before 7pm tonight. I’m fcking annoyed that’s all they are, but I’m anxious to see how Clint and Bucky interact since they are both Nat’s exes and are both looking for her. But I got upset IMMEDIATELY and my brother was like “Your breathing changed, you sound upset” and I had to laugh that he noticed. But Clint describes Steve Rogers as the head of Hydra and I’m like nooooooooooooooooo :( I know that happened in the comics but not being a comic reader, I didn’t think I’d ever have to confront it but there was just that little bit and then it got WAY WORSE and I just hate it a lot. I don’t know when I got attached to Steve Rogers but apparently I am :S
I also read the first 4 issues of Shuri and I GOT ONE OF THE TEAM UPS I SO DESPERATELY WANTED IN THE MCU
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😍 My heart is FULL!!!!
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