bookns · 9 months
what the fuck do you mean Can I Be Him is coming out a day early. This is for you @ethereal-maia you are amazing as a friend and as an editor.
“Let's just go once more, Annabeth.” A voice from the sound booth echoed in the stadium. Her long time friend and her sound system operator, Will Solace's voice rang through the sound speakers.
Eyeing him from the stage, Annabeth nodded and adjusted the volume of her headset to her latest song Out Of The Wood. Hearing the queue of the backtrack playing in the echoes of the stadium, the memory of her and her producer, Clarisse La Rue creating it, made her smile as she started to sing. 
Although this was just a rehearsal for the show that she was going to perform tonight, Annabeth sang as if she was already performing for the thousands that would arrive. The ending of the song surpassed all too soon for Annabeth as she was too caught up in her performance and the music to notice. 
“Well done, Annabeth.” Will exclaimed through the speakers. 
“Well done, indeed,” said a voice beyond the stage's eye. 
Annabeth’s eyes scanned the grounds, searching for the voice. Percy Jackson came into view, clapping as he did so. 
Annabeth grinned when she saw him.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to get a taste of the stage, and was welcomed by a voice that was serenading me.”
“Very funny. The show isn’t until tonight. We were just finishing rehearsals for my part. You and the rest of the band have rehearsals later tonight.” 
“Perfect timing on my end, then. Are you ready for a break?”
“I am,” she said, “Just let me finish up with the sound check, then we can leave.”
Sound check, to Percy, was a funny thing. It wasn't always needed. Before the band joined Annabeth, back when they were on their tour, they used to only soundcheck once a city. 
However within the past few weeks of getting to know her, he realized that Annabeth is a perfectionist. Whenever he, or anyone else in the band is looking for her, her manager Silena would lead them to the recording booth. She would always be writing a new song, or adding some hidden detail to an already produced song to surprise that night of fans. 
He knew that Annabeth was born for the stage. Anyone with ears would be able to tell you that but being alongside her, working with her and the rest of the band has been the best experience Percy has had. 
She knew what she was doing, and it was evident with the packed bleachers and the screaming fans that listened to them play each night. 
“You ready?” Percy called as he knocked on her dressing room door.
The door swung open and Annabeth stood there, a smile growing on her face. 
Last he saw of her before she had disappeared into the outskirts of the stage, she was still wearing her costume that would be for the show that night. It was bright blue, extremely sparkly, and impossible to miss. Now she was dressed more casually with a pair of jeans and a white sweatshirt with the words ‘Harvard 1989’ printed on it. 
“Yeah let’s go,” she replied. 
Percy smiled and they guided each other out of the stadium. 
Once they got outside, the raging autumn air felt chilly against his cheeks.  
“Oh god, I do not remember Philadelphia being this cold.” 
Percy chuckles at her weak attempt of warming her hands. 
“You’re from California, right? I guess that they don’t get winter like we do here.”
Annabeth smiled. 
“Well, I’m originally from Virgina but I moved to California when I was younger.”
He whistled. 
“That had to be a big change.”
Annabeth nodded. 
“I don’t really remember it that much. I was only seven when we moved to California, so it wasn’t like I was all that in touch with my southern roots. I wasn’t even that in touch with my Califronian self despite looking like a California surfer girl. I moved away to New York when I was 16.”
“Sixteen,” Percy gaped at her, “That’s just a kid.”
“I know, but it was needed. I was stuck at a house that wasn’t going to support my career,’”
Percy stared at Annabeth shockingly.
“Damn, I always knew I got lucky with my mom always supporting me, but I never knew that you had to go through that.”
“My dad’s a History professor at Harvard. He doesn't care about music”
“But you do?” 
His question wasn’t accusing like she thought it would be. Most people would immediately judge her for her ‘impossible’ dream, but Percy didn’t. Then again, Annabeth realized Percy wasn't like most people. He understood her drive for making people listen to her music. After all, he was in the same industry. 
Annabeth knew that Percy would understand her need for sharing her music. 
“Music is permanent. People have always loved music, whether it be a folktale from the thirteenth century to Mozart or hell, current day pop. It creates stories and allows truth to be told.”
Percy nodded along. 
“I get that. I got into music to tell my own story, the story of the lost kid that listened to music on his single mom’s radio while she took care of me all on her own. It helped me calm down, and got me to stop getting into trouble. Writing lyrics gave me a vision. I never thought I could do this as a career,but I’m so glad it did happen. Meeting Beckendorf, Thalia, and Grover changed my life. I wouldn’t have made it through middle school, much less anything else without them. 
She smiled. 
“Meeting Thalia changed my life too, so I understand it. Thalia always had a thing for finding the troubled. She is the one who took care of me when I ran away from home, you know?”
‘You ran away? I thought that was just some sort of metaphor that is in your music.” 
She nodded. 
“I wish. When I was 16, my dad didn’t take music seriously. He didn't think I could make it as a career. So I ran away. I hung out on Thalia’s couch for months, writing and practicing.”
“How did you even know who Thalia was? She never mentioned that she knew you.’
“Thalia was my babysitter when I was younger on top of taking care of me when I was 16.”
“Thalia babysat?” His shock made Annabeth realize that, despite being in a band with her, maybe Percy didn’t know Thalia at all. 
“She did for years. She used to watch me for days on end when my dad was too busy studying for his exams to notice me. Most of my childhood was at Thalia's house and the sundaes she used to feed me for breakfast. 
“That sounds like Thalia. She never really did give a damn about the rules. Growing up, she was the reason me, Beck, and Grover got in trouble so much.”
Annabeth giggled.
“I would like to say I don’t see it from you,” but she eyed him up and down, “trouble is all I see.” 
He chuckled. 
“Seems like you aren’t an angel yourself, Miss Chase.”
“I’m plenty angel. Ask anyone? Hell, ask Silena” 
“Speaking of Silena, how did you two meet?”
“Me and Lena met when I just started in the industry. My first album had just come out, and I was in desperate need of a manager.” 
Annabeth snorted. 
“It was actually my ex-boyfriend who introduced us.” 
Percy raised an eyebrow.
Annabeth sighed.
“His name was Luke Castellan. Silena used to manage him before she became full time for me. 
“Wasn’t that a little weird? At least for you, I mean, when you and Luke stopped going out?”
She scrunched her nose. 
“Not really. By then, me and Silena had finalized the papers for her to work for me, and he was so toxic. He’s actually the one who I wrote my songs "Would've, Could’ve, Should’ve and White Horse about.”
Percy sighed in relief. 
“At least it worked out for the best. You get to create songs over awful guys, and Silena gets a job out of it.”
“It’s been only a few years of Silena working with me. She’s still new to the managing world, and we’re learning together, I guess.”
“Well it seems she might have a new band to manage if her and Beck continue forward” 
Annabeth laughed.
“Why do you call him that? Beckendorf? I know it’s his last name, but it’s odd. I thought only sports players only called their friends by their last name.” 
“Well, a long time ago, when we were kids, Grover, Beck and I all went to the same summer camp, and we used to have homemade jerseys that my mom would sew up for us. One day I just started calling him Beckendorf, and it just stuck.”
“That was sweet of your mom.”
Percy smiled.
“My mom was always doing stuff like that during my childhood. It was just me and her growing up, and we didn’t have much money. She would always figure out how to sew jerseys for us, or bake blue cookies each time I would come from camp.”
“Blue cookies?” 
Annabeth’s puzzlement made Percy laugh even harder, making the cold air flush against Annabeth’s skin .
“I lied about saying that it was just me and my mom. I had a step dad, but he was more of a monster than man. He didn't believe in blue food, so she used to dye everything blue. I’m surprised that my teeth aren’t permanently indigo. It was like our little act of rebellion against him.”
Sympathetically, Annabeth said, “Step parents are rough. Believe me, I know.” 
She stopped to look at him as the red of the stop light glowed in the night.
“Gabe was one for the dramatics. Always begging for money for his poker games, and other addictions. Was yours like that?” 
“My stepmom was never a horrible person to anyone else. She treated me like I was, though. They got married when I was seven like i said, and ever since then, I was treated like i don't belong in that house. I was on my own, for at least it felt like it, the rest of my life.”
“My mom saved me,” Percy says, “I can’t imagine what it must’ve been like to grow up in a house where you felt so alone.”
Annabeth grew quiet as they stopped at a corner, the harsh lights of a diner in their rearview being the only thing that allowed Percy to see her gentle shivers in the cold.
“It got better as I got older. I met Thalia, started creating music, and suddenly they didn't matter. I created my own family. What’s the word?”
“A found family?”
“That’s it.”
“How does one become a part of this found family?”
“I won’t kiss and tell.”
“You have to kiss me to tell me, is what I’m hearing,” Percy said slyly. 
“If that’s what you want?”
Annabeth leaned up on her tip-toes as Percy wrapped one of his arms around her waist.
His lips nearly touched hers, he could almost taste her lips on his.
Using what was left of her height, Annabeth met his lips with an urgent reverence. 
Within the safety of his arms now fully wrapped around her, Annnabeth explored his mouth.
He bit down on her lip causing her to gasp, and groan.
She broke away from the kiss, her hands still on his chest, heaving as she began to process what had just occurred. 
 Days of writing about a first kiss that leaves her breathless, Annabeth realizes that this green-eyed boy had a lot more than she realized.  
“Percy, do that again.”
Hoarsely, Percy chuckled and Annabeth felt it in her core. 
“I will do whatever you want, Beth.”
Can I Be Him is my Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson as Taylor Swift and 5 Seconds of Summer - 2nd chapter out now.
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bookns · 10 months
Taylor really is the one who knows me the best, partially with her vault she created a universe with a plethora of songs. Two songs I have a deep connection, for a very specific reason is 'I Can See You' and 'Is it Over Now?'. Both of these songs remind me so heavily of Can I Be Him - I Can See You because it is them. It's the sneaking down the hallway and secret relationships, and just when this fic is finished you'll see.
Is It Over now? because I heard 'was it over when he unbuttons my blouse" and screamed because That is CIBH - it is the confusion that Annabeth feels and the actual shit that I put her through is so sad but at least there is a Taylor swift song for everything.
Can I Be Him is my Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson as Taylor Swift and 5 Seconds of Summer
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bookns · 9 months
Can I Be Him chapter 2 comes out tomorrow - it continues the story of Percy and Annabeth getting to know each other
Can I Be Him is my Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson as Taylor Swift and 5 Seconds of Summer
And this is the first era playlist <3 enjoy my darlings
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bookns · 10 months
Because in the end, when the group chats faded away and the quiet got more loud, I went to them. I went to 5SOS’s ghost of you. I went to Can I Be Him’s Annabeth Chase. I went to the books I adore . I went to the characters I created. I went to the girls that influenced who I've become people who influence me. and somehow that turned silence into an uproar
(Can I Be Him is my Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson as Taylor Swift and 5 Seconds of Summer)
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bookns · 9 months
worst part of Can I Be Him is going is this creepy or cute because Lola has never flirted with a boy so how the fuck do you write it-
Can I Be Him is my Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson as Taylor Swift and 5 Seconds of Summer
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