#lollie mckenzie
krokodile · 7 years
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...and a few more times they completely nailed it
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hangfiretales · 4 years
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Mckenzie Morgan, aged 14. 
He’s Rom and Alec’s younger step-brother. He spent his holidays with them as a small child but they haven’t seen him for a few years until they’re forced to spend their summer break with him. He’s wealthy and well-educated. He’s also stubborn, precociously brilliant, manipulative, and too observant for his own good. For somebody so quiet he manages to attract a lot of chaos. 
Rom doesn’t approve of the way he treats the entire world like a scientific experiment. And she doesn’t like the way he talks about his teacher, either-- Mr Prideaux, the assistant form-master. 
Morgan is currently a boarding student at Charterhouse School. His father intends him to either inherit the family engineering business or join the military in some strategic capacity.
Morgan has other ideas. Morgan always has other ideas.
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Morgan was waiting, hands in pockets, by the open taxi door. That was his father's pose, Harry Morgan's pose, that straight-backed stance in a short man and both hands dug deep.
He'd look like Harry too with that bony face. The deep-brown colouring, the break in his strong-bridged nose. But he had barely any of his father's softened Welsh sound, and not even a suggestion of his humour.
Five facts:
He was born in Cairo, travelled through South Africa with his parents when he was a child, and spoke German and French better than English when he first visited Britain at the age of seven.
He has several given names and doesn’t much like them. Everybody has always called him by his surname.
He’s lazy. Sometimes he takes shortcuts, and they get him into trouble. 
He’s very fond of his father but doesn’t see much of him; he spends most of his time in England, shipped between boarding school and his hated aunt. 
He has a weakness for lemon drop lollies.
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jessicamckenzie · 7 years
Rules: answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
Thank you for tagging me @craighsiao !!!
1. Drink: Coffee because I need to stay up for GoT later!! 2. Phone call: My lil’ bro 3. Text message: My friend in a group chat tell us not to turn up to our GoT premiere party before 7 lol 4. Song you listened to: The Louvre by Lorde- soooo good! 5. Time you cried: This morning from a Titanic documentary 
6. Dated someone twice: No
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No
8. Been cheated on: No 9. Lost someone special: No 10. Been depressed: Yep 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope
12. Blue-grey 13. Forest green 14. Coral pink (basically millennial pink)
15. Made new friends: Yeah! 16. Fallen out of love: Nope 17. Laughed until you cried: Yep 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Someone recently told me that a friend use to always bitch about me and another girl when we were 11 but I’m pretty sure it was harmless haha 19. Met someone who changed you: Yeah, I suppose 20. Found out who your friends are: Oh yeah definitely 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most 23. Do you have any pets: A chow chow called Cashew!! 24. Do you want to change your name: I really don't love my name but I don't know what I would change it to
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I went out for sushi with some friends
26. What time did you wake up: 9ish 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Reading I think 28. Name something you can’t wait for: ES on friday ayeeeeee 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: few hours ago before she left for work 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Oh jesus, too many things 31. What are you listening to right now: Imagine Dragons 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: My brother is called Thomas so yeah? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The dishes which realllllyyy need to be done 34. Most visited Website: Tumblr ofc 35. Mole/s: On my left knee 36. Mark/s: Yeah but I’m not about to talk about every single mark on my body? 37. Childhood dream: Go on an adventure I guess haha, probably why I love ES so much 38. Hair color: Brown 39. Long or short hair: Long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Uhhh does Jake McKenzie count? 41. What do you like about yourself: I can be pretty damn determined and persistent if I want to be? 42. Piercings: Just one in each ear but I’m too lazy to wear earrings 43. Blood type: idk but I want to find out! 44. Nickname: Jess, JLo- not because I can sing or dance but because my last name is literally Lo haha, JLo may as well be my name because I have some friends which legit forget my first name is Jessica sometimes qwertyuiosdfghjk 45. Relationship status: Very single  Virtually dating Jake McKenzie 46. Zodiac: Taurus 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show/s: GoT, The Flash, Stranger Things and Riverdale 49. Tattoos: Nope 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: Nope 52. Hair dyed in different color: Last year I accidentally dyed my hair wayyy too light but was too socially awkward to actually do anything about it in the salon 53. Sport: Not sporty at all but I do like badminton sometimes
55. Vacation: I want to go to Japan so bad!
56. Pair of trainers: 3 but 2 I never wear
57. Eating: Nothing right now but I had an ice lolly last 58. Drinking: Waterrrrr 59. I’m about to: Practice harp (yeah I play the harp!) 61. Waiting for: GoT S7 premiereeee (can you tell I’m hyped?) 62. Want: To get fit I guess 63. Get married: One day!
64. Career: I honestly don't know right now 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs! 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: Taller 68. Older or younger: Older? 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Definitely hesitant haha
74. Kissed a stranger: No 75. Drank hard liquor: Few times but only a little  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No 77. Turned someone down: Onceeeee and it was awkward af 78. Sex in the first date: Nooo 79. Broken someone’s heart: Doubt it 80. Had your heart broken: Do movies count?  81. Been arrested: NoO 82. Cried when someone died: Once again only during movies 83. Fallen for a friend: No
84. Yourself: Once in a blue moon 85. Miracles: Sometimes 86. Love at first sight: I think I want to but thats the hopeless romantic in me 87. Santa Claus: My parents never bothered haha 88. Kiss on the first date: Yeah? 89. Angels: No opinion tbh
90. Current best friend’s name: MY DOG IS MY BEST FRIEND- LOVE YOU CASHEW!! 91. Eyecolor: Brown 92. Favorite movie: I think I recently decided that Titanic is my favourite movie!! Such a gorgeous and heartbreaking movie 
This was soooooooooooooooooo long but fun too!
I tag: @mermaidwarriorqueen, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @michellenguyens, @pixelchoices, @punexpectedly, @choochoochoosy, @firefly-hwufanficwriter, @shazrystyles, @boyscoutmckenzie, @annyvil, @tkxo-ashton, @joyfulchoices, @zaddysloan, @zahranamazis, @jakesmckenzies, @heart-drake, @endlessraj, @endlesszig, @krystas, @everythingchoices
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jeupi · 7 years
five things tag
so i was tagged by @alwaysanotheroc @jakemckenzie and @roseplayschoices @pixelbatsy and @michellenguyens to do this!! thanks y’all!
rules: after answering the questions, tag 15 people.
- five things you’ll find in my bag
1: school books because im an actual child
2: probably a phone charger
3: pencil case
4: some youtuber book most likely connor frantas
- five things you’ll find in my bedroom
1: a one direction otra tour booklet lol rip me
2: a flower necklace thing that looks endless summer af
3: my primary school graduation bear
4: flyspray cause being an australian is hard
- five things i’ve always wanted to do
1: go. to. egypt.
2: be 100% fluent in italian so my nonnA DOESNt WhIP MY ASS EveRYTIMe I DON’T unDERstAnD SOmethiNG
3: start an art blog so i’m more motivated to practise
- five things that make me happy
1: being outside early in the morning
2: drawing something really well
3: jake mckenzie,, of course,,,
4: fairy lights
5: my friends
- five things in currently into
1: rupauls drag race
2: my spotify playlists lmaoo
3: orphan black,, an amazing show,,
4: digitalartbutimnotverygoodatitoops
5: using my actual name irl and online lol #fake #bitch
- five things on my to do list
1: cLEAN MY FUCKIN ROOM BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE COMING OVER TOMORROW AAANNnd i’ll have to pRETEND like everything is okay because endless summer will be out the same time i have to deal with people BYEE
2: prepare for school in a week.. ew
3: find a purpose on tumblr i do NOTHING lmao
4: do anything productive i am the laziest
5: go outside i haven’t left my house in 4 days probably
woah this is long!! everyone’s done this already i know,, so ignore this if u’ve done it haaaaa
i tag @ohmymaxwell @pixelchoices @ducitora @princessmckenzie @heart-jake @choicesaf @noa-keawe @endlessxchoices and @asfhdj !!
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Bash with Amybeth McNulty, Bel Priestley and Lollie McKenzie (13 May)
📸 lolliemckenzie
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musicalfanatic4life · 7 years
Matilda the Musical production photos
So a while back when there was a bunch of pictures accidentally released from the West End show and they all got taken down I had saved them but I lost them when my computer crashed. Did anyone happen to save them that could send me the link? Lollie Mckenzie is my all time favorite Matilda and there were many pictures of her.
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little--maggot-blog · 8 years
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Lollie McKenzie in the new short fictional film “Catch”.
CATCH is a short fictional film about a father and daughter quarantined in their home in a post-antibiotic world.
Credits to the facebook page of CATCH.
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curiouslythoughtful · 9 years
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Lollie McKenzie in 'Catch'
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lyrabelcquas · 9 years
CATCH is a short fictional film about a father and daughter quarantined in their home in a post-antibiotic world.This is the CATCH teaser trailer. Starring Henry Douthwaite and Lollie Mckenize.
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jeupi · 7 years
when you get this, answer with five things that make you happy then send it to the last ten people on your recent activity!
aw this is cute!! thank you!!
1: the sims 4 2: waking up early and being alone in the morning3: jake mckenzie4: grape flavoured lollies5: sketching :))
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Bash with Amybeth McNulty, Emily Carey, Bel Priestley and Lollie McKenzie (13 May)
📸 theemilycarey
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tickofaclock · 9 years
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Matilda Favourites [10/?]: Solo Song // Naughty
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incandescentlmj · 9 years
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thought i’d share these pictures i found :) please don’t take without credit
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toofunktastic · 9 years
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"Through this window, I can watch the seasons change..." 2 Matildas' playdate: Eliza with Lollie McKenzie... #elizahollandmadore #elizahollandmadoreable #lolliemckenzie #matildathemusical #westendmeetsbroadway
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jaketheescapologist · 9 years
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Bash with Amybeth McNulty, Emily Carey, Bel Priestley, Lollie McKenzie and others (13 May)
📸 harrisonpresenter
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