#lolo cod playthrough
scimitar-and-longsword 3 months
I have now officially played a Call of Duty campaign all the way through.
I understand that this has been a very unexpected fandom path for me lol But also with favorite movies like Kingsman, The Old Guard, and Baby Driver. Does this make no sense? Or does it make ALL THE SENSE?
Ah wait... The ending picture:
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scimitar-and-longsword 3 months
Lolo plays Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) for the first time, part 7! (Final part!!)
(this is an fps. Warnings for war, guns, violence and death. Dead dove etc etc.)
Mission 12: Old Comrades
What does this title mean???
I already said this in the previous post, but Price without a beard is so funny to me 馃槀
I love that like... Deep sniff??? That price does sometimes. Lol.
I had to restart because a door wouldn't open lol
I died.
Try 2: "I'm tracking you" "how?" "By gunshots of course" 馃槀 ok Nikolai, I didn't really know anything about you, but I'm feeling it.
I wrote almost nothing. That was so stressful!!
Yeah I opted out of that...
No way I was gonna watch them threaten a kid if I didn't have to.
You tell 'em Kyle. I mean, I get it Price... But also...
Mission 13: Going Dark
Price. You can't just send me in alone! I am a tiny baby! I don't know what the fuck I'm doing!!!and I died.
Try 2: fuck i died again...
Try 3: and again
Try 4: and again
I gotta say, I do love all the little canned responses Price has when he sees you kill someone or when he takes out a light.
Me: uses 10x more ammo than needed to take out a single guy.
Price: good shot.
Me: thanks I'm actually a pro.
Try 5: ok I got a lot further this time. But having to toggle the night vision goggles is really hard lol.. so I got blinded and died.
Try 6: they keep surrounding me!!!!
Try 7:ok I finally got to Hadir!
Why do people I'm playing keep falling off of burning wreckage????
And in Tunnels that are collapsing!!!!
Ok but we got Hadir out.
Mission 14: Into the Furnace
Look at Price's slutty little walk with his arms out lol
Price knew Alex would be with Farah... We all know. 馃槑
"If barkov there. He's mine." Girl me too!
NICEEEE I'm playing Alex again.
Ok I got very far before dying lol
Try 2: listen I already know how this ends.... So each time I die as Alex I'm just a little sad...
Try 3: holy shit this big dude is impossible to kill!!
Oh no no no 馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶
Alex 馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶
(do I know that in some way, he comes back in another game.... Yes... But do I know the particulars? No. And I really like Alex... I don't want to watch him die)
"you're a freedom fighter Alex"
"you're a born leader Farah. Say the word."
Ok back to Gaz!!
I died twice in rapid succession. So uh...
Try 5: i-
Try 6: lol
Oh gosh dang it!!
Try 7: this really is the last level, huh??? Lol
Oh my GOD!
Try 8: I can't even move a STEP.
Try 9:
Farah you clever clever girl!!!!!!
Ah, too quick lol
Try 10: dang it again???
Try 11: So crawling towards Barkov is no... Running toward him is no.... Maybe just wait???
Try 12: ok that didn't work lol
What do I DO???
Oh. I feel stupid now lol
Got em!!
Buh bye Barkov.
Did I... Did I just finish that game??
Oh Alex... He's got a stellar mustache, I'm sad to see it go...
Ohhhhh task force 141 being formed 馃挄馃挄馃挄
Gaz, Soap, and Ghost. There they are!!!
Final thoughts???
I had a lot of fun!
Thank you for indulging me lol
Now I know more about that characters... Still feel like I have to play the second game before I write any fanfic, but hey. I guess I could write some Alex/Farah??? Or Price/Gaz???
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scimitar-and-longsword 3 months
Lolo plays Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) for the first time, part 6!
(I'm playing an fps, so all the warnings for violence, war, etc. dead dove etc etc.)
Mission 10: The Wolf's Den
Oohhh team up moment. Love that hero shot of Alex, Price, Gaz, and Farah!
The night vision levels have both been slow building clearing missions, they're very tense. My heart is beating so fast!
Oh my God Farah????? Ah!!
Ok. We're fine. She's fine.
"we're cut off, it's just us." "Just like old times" listen I'm just saying I can see why people ship Farah and Alex...
"show your face and die!" Jesus Farah... I mean I get it, but damn.
Oop- I died
Try 2: and again almost immediately...
Try 3: oh god I fell down a hole.... Farah? Farah? I don't know what I'm doing lol
Ok Farah saved me 馃┓馃グ
Oh bomb defusal!!
I died... But I think that was Farah's fault! "Cut exactly when I say! 3-2-1-" me:*cuts* "cut" *we explode*
I feel like maybe we could have established that this was a "3-2-1-go" situation lol
Try 4: whew... We defused it... 馃槹馃槹馃槹
Mission 11: Captive
Alex and Gaz little bro moment. Love it.
Alex: I'm staying with my new girlfriend 馃槍
Price... My gosh... 馃槼
I love how Farah and Price have this history of trust.
Barkov can eat shit. I hate this man.
Me just walking around this cell block with a chair and no idea what to do with it: 馃槉馃槉馃槉
Oh man I got so far before dying!
Try 2: this slide mechanic is fun- and I died.
Try 3: this damn sniper!!
Oh my God Price saving me 馃槼馃グ
Ahahaha beardless Piece 馃槀
Stopping here for now.
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scimitar-and-longsword 3 months
Lolo plays Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) for the first time, part 3!
(this is an fps and has lots of guns and violence. Including terrorism. Dead dove etc etc)
Mission 4: Proxy War
Ooohhhhh flying level??? Hell yes!
Storming the airbase... And I died.
Try 2: ok we got the armory.
I just got in trouble for being in the way. Someone said, very angrily "MOVE ALEX" lol. I'm sorry I've never done this before!!! This is like when You have a nightmare that you are doing some kind of job that you weren't prepared for.
Alex really likes to say "boxed in". This is the third time I've heard it from him.
Ah! That was way more intense.
Mission 5: Clean House
Back to playing as Gaz 馃グ馃グ
It's interesting that we are playing basically two parallel parts of the story. One with Alex and Farah, and one with Price and Gaz.
Night vision time!
Sargent Moody I am getting a little tired of staring at you while we move as slow as molasses...
I promise I'm not joking, I wrote that, unpaused and then watched Moody die... I actually feel kinda bad 馃槵
Ok he's not dead, just injured.
"You take point sargent" UM NO? Price, I am not ready for this kind of responsibility. Don't you remember two missions ago when I died twice???
Hey. I did it! Go me.
Okay, I think I'm done for tonight.
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scimitar-and-longsword 3 months
Alright... Starting the Modem Warfare (2019) campaign for the first time. Let's see how dumb of a decision this was.
(this is an fps... So just ALL the trigger warnings for guns, death, etc... dead dove etc etc)
First mission: Fog of War
Playing my boy Alex! My mouse 5 button isn't working, so I can't mount my gun 馃槀 also I keep accidentally shooting my friends. I am SO good at this. 馃槍
I am laughing like a mad woman in this dark warehouse. Like nervous cackling as I try not to die. I'm playing on the easiest difficulty here, and I'm still finding fun ways to accidentally explode people by tossing grandes in the wrong direction.
Welp. All my friends are dead now so it didn't matter that I was shooting them anyway. Cool.
Well I played a single mission but now I have dance rehearsal... So idk maybe I'll play more later, we'll see.
Gotta fix my mouse 5 button first though.
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scimitar-and-longsword 3 months
Lolo plays Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) for the first time, part 5!
(this is an fps game. Tw for violence, and war. Dead dove, etc etc)
Mission 8: Highway of Death
That's not an ominous title...
Farah as my spotter 馃槍
She's great but I am 100% going to fail this mission many times. I am so bad at precision stuff like this.
I got Molotov cocktail-d
Try 2: I got further, but then the truck got us...
Try 3: same thing... I can NOT get the hang of this gun.
Ok. Woof. I did it. That was very difficult for me... On the easiest difficulty 馃槵
Annnd I got shot by a sniper...
Try 4: Hadir it how could you???? (I knew because I've been spoiled lol)
Mission 9: Hometown
Ohhhhh flashback??? Oh no.... This is bleak...
Oh gosh... Oh gosh... So I'm crying and they expect me to keep playing????
I tried to help father and that was the wrong choice 馃槶馃槶
Try 2: This is so fucking nerve wracking!!!! Jesus Christ!
More tears. Oh my God....
I am just a tiny child! This is horrific...
That was so scary!! I hated that!
Me, playing Alex a big strong fighter: Good. Price and Gaz are here to save me!!! 馃槶
Alright. That's enough for tonight. I mean... Amazing storytelling but wow... It's a lot.
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scimitar-and-longsword 3 months
Lolo plays Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) for the first time, part 4!
(once again: all the trigger warnings for blood violence and war. Dead Dove etc etc.)
Mission 6: Hunting Party
God I love Farah. She has such conviction in her way of speaking. Like she could tell me the sky is purple and I would be like, "yes ma'am it is, and it always has been."
Ok back to playing Alex!
I have nothing to say, this mission is very intense and the Americans won't shut the fuck up lol
Ok we're in the hospital.
Oops... I shot a friend. Haven't don't that in a while 馃槄
Try 2: this hallway part where we're slowing pushing through with the big gun on us is really good. Probably my favorite bit so far.
"Nicely done echo" thank you. This is totally not my second day doing this, and I am a pro 馃槍
I really liked this mission! Intense but really well designed. The hallway part and disabling all the trip wires really made me feel like I was doing something not just running around like a chicken with my head cut off.
Mission 7: The Embassy
Oh shit? Escape escort mission??? Hell yes, this is gonna be equal parts annoying and exciting. Escort missions always are.
I know like half of the story from fandom stuff lol, so it's interesting being able to pick up on twists before they happen lol
Oh- Gaz and Price are here??? Yay will the gang be together now?
Side note, this was happening while paused... Idk it made me laugh.
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Price is having a helicopter disco party.
Ok- back to the game lol.
I- damn. Gaz does not have good luck with helicopters 馃槄
NVM it's not an escort mission lol. Man I was kind of excited to listen to Farah and the wolf snipe at each other the whole way. Excited to be back with Price and Gaz though 馃グ
Ok... Wow. The fact that they give me the option to open the doors for the butcher is kind of fucked up. Like I love it, but woof. I -as in me, the player- just had to choose to let those civilians die. Bruh.
Oop- I died.
Try 2: aw fuck- I almost immediately shot a civilian
Try 3: oh- Oh my god... The way Price just took that man down... I am- I am speechless. 馃槼
Oh my gosh, Alex, Farah, Price, and Gaz all together!!
Wait this is so cool??? I love the mechanic of going from camera to camera and guiding this woman through the building!
Ugh damn it she died right before the exit.
Try 4: we made it out. Fuck that was intense.
Ok ok a little tower defense moment. Hanging with Farah and Price.
Oh god! I'm dead 馃槄
Try 5: And- died again immediately.
Try 6: dead again...
Try 7: So fun story, turns out I was supposed to be falling back... They told me to hold the wall so I was!!!!
That is a lightsaber. I don't care what you call this laser pointer, it looks like a lightsaber.
Oop- dead.
Try 8: off the building... Died almost immediately 馃槄
Try 9: I did it...
You know what they say, 9th times the charm 馃槄馃槄
That was wild and a way longer mission than any of the previous ones.
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scimitar-and-longsword 3 months
First time Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) playthrough. Part 2 lol
Annnnddd I'm back! If anyone is following along, I did not fix my mouse, I'm just binding to different keys. Ok, let's do this!!!
(once again: this is an fps with guns and violence. Dead dove etc etc)
Second Mission: Piccadilly
Oh hey Gaz 馃グ AHHHHH!!!! OH MY GOD SO MUCH IS HAPPENING!!! annnnnd I killed a civilian.... Ok let's just try that again 馃槄
Ok round two- I got exploded by a terrorist....
Third try! Aw I didn't know that this was how Gaz and Price met! I- oh... That was a lot...
Well I didn't die that time 馃槄馃槄
Third Mission: Embedded
Aw Alex and Farah meeting! Alex can speak Arabic? I did not know that.
Ok this mission is the first one I haven't felt like I'm just running around with no idea what I'm doing. Farah is a good teacher 馃槣馃グ
Jesus. Barkov is just monologuing ad nauseam...
Farah: I'm more of a dog person.
I knew I liked her for a reason 馃┓
We did it. Good job me.
Hey! I did not die or kill anyone accidentally this time! I think I'm getting the hang of this. 馃槑
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