#lolol shenmue
aych-bee · 3 months
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Sailor Master Post (Part One of Any)
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noirenia · 2 years
Mk. I'm caught up on Shenmue and Made In Abyss. Now that I actually understand shit, I'm much more invested in their stories~ especially MIA!
Can I just say...YIKES lol. I see why that episode was TV-MA 😅😅🤢
I'm just itching to know what's the deal with Reg (don't actually tell me though!) My current head-theory is that Liza made him and sent him up to ensure Riko makes it down to the bottom alive. He called Ozen "irredeemable," which is weird IMO until I recalled a flashback where Liza also says Ozen's personality is "irredeemable." I'm sure everyone already thought of that lol.
On the topic of Ozen...that's the kind of lady I like. Dear goddess. 😍
And...bunny person!!! Bunny person is either my 2nd or 3rd favorite character behind Ozen & Reg.
I haven't marinated on Shenmue as much. I never played the game, so I assume that's why things feel like they are missing. The pacing bugs me just a bit. Like the way that Hazuki masters wude in like two seconds is hilarious 😂 He's flat as hell but I don't hate him. And I hope he doesn't forget about Nozomi.
The homie that killed his pops has the most interesting story for me so far. I wanna know what his deal is (again, please don't actually tell me). And WHAT is with the girl in the village lolol
I still need to catch up on AoT, One Piece, and...maybe AssClass and Nart. I have 5G UC but yanno, it's still easily defeated if you happen to be near a moderately tall or thick cement structure 😑 So sometimes getting through episodes takes WORK.
The good news is that I've been avoiding watching anime for a super long time because I was afraid I wouldn't really be able to enjoy it, much like all other things in my life. But I have been choosing it over live tennis this week, so woohoo :D Hopefully I won't be too tired to watch Toonami live this Saturday.~~
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chiyoumen · 6 years
Ah-ha! So you wrote that wonderful fanfic! Thank you for it,it was a great read! If you have more I would love to read it!
Thank you! c: I don’t have anything at the moment (I’m working on my original series, Losayam doing nanowrimo right now and procrastinating lolol ) but I promise I’ll update y’all once I do post another chapter. It’ll probably be a long time though cause... Shenmue III comes out in august next year. So unless we get the beta early? It’ll probably be around then. But again, thank you for the kind words. ^^
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