#lololol 3 sentences XD
isekai-crow · 4 months
Mashle 2 Episode 2
Other Episodes-> ep1 ep3 ep4 ep5
This episode was a riot. It was so much fun.
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SO many random HP easter eggs and we get some new fun characters!!
Specifically, Margarette Macaron!!
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I love them. Non-binary, music magic, and a love of tartar sauce (and a motorcycle in the ending credits!). (It me? maybe.) Despite seeming like an overused Okama-trope, I have hope based on the spoilers I went searching for. I'm so hype for more of them in the next episode.
VA Squee: They're voiced by Koyasu, Takehito!!! The voice of Dio Brando! Touji Fushiguro! Faust VIII from Shaman King! and Clayman from TenSura!!! A very masculine voice that can also take on feminine tones and a perfect fit for Margarette. Manga Spoiler: I wonder if they'll have another va...
Ep 2 Spoilers Under the Cut! Warning IT'S SO LONG THERE'S SO MUCH.
We open in the middle of the decision to execute Mash or not, and Dumbledore, Harry, and Draco having a stand off lmao
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We learn that Whalberg/Dumbledore is a famous wizard because he fought with Innocent Zero in his youth.
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Does this mean the shadowed Innocent Zero who was called father by Cell War is the equivalent of Grindelwald, and Evil Jesus(Cell War (or cell wall if you wanna be a pun) is Voldemort? (Also is it father or Father lololol)
We get a little speech from Wahlberg reminiscent of one of Dumbledore's speeches, but more importantly, WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF RAYNE ALSO BOWING???
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Also his protecting the headmaster is a cute touch
I get that he is one of the Divine Visionaries, but is he more important than the others? He's still a student, wait, HOW DO STUDENTS HAVE THIS MUCH POWER IN THE GOVERNMENT?? NO WONDER ITS FUCKED UP??? Did I miss something??? (His reasoning for not wanting Mash dead also being the flashback to Rayne thanking him for taking care of his little brother?)
And of course Mashle can't be executed, so they set they give him a task to delay his sentencing...
The original goal Mash had in the first place, so ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAS CHANGED.
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Them backing the fuck up as Mash punches the floor is fricken hilarious. The best parts though...
1) Innocent Pero / Innocent Gyro - Thats a great subtitle translation choice, because they can't do a straight translation. Mash calls them Innocent Pero, with pero being the onomatopoeia for LICKING something in Japanese (WHATS THAT IMPLYING :EYES:), so Innocent Gyro is a good choice XD
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and 2) the scene cuts to the bad guy's lair... which also seems to be shaking...
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(I went and installed a gif maker for this >.>)
DON'T TELL ME. IS THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS UNDER THE BUREAU OF MAGIC????? (This is my theory and I'm sticking to it. Season 1 semi-stuck with random Philosopher's Stone plot points and the secret rooms, so it can be a semi-safe bet that season 2 might follow Chamber of Secrets?)
We then jump to an outing at the near by town to celebrate Mash Avoiding Death.
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↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ The normal one ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
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Finn is the only actual normal one, WITH STYLE AT THAT, and I love him for it. (However he might also be the target of a Brother Complex and end up on the receiving end if Rayne can get over himself>o>)
The fucking Koalas...
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What The Fuck Lmfao. That's all I have to say (but also this is a common gag for Japanese comedians and high school boys so... Still WTF. (This had my Beetle killing himself with laughter))
3 Wizards and a Macho walk into a wand shop and...
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And the Macho is the one to get a wand. I'm so fascinated by this. How much damage is this thing going to do when Mash finally yeets it at someone???
The entire second half episode is so cute. Mash is so happy to have friends... I'm so happy for him....
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But Also. Poor Finn. Look at these Freaks (affectionate).
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YOU'RE ONE TO TALK. But Also Poor Finn.
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The last bit. Our introduction to Margarette Macaron.
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The fucking... shrimp.
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It took Too Much Time for my ace-ass to realize they're THRUSTING the shrimp into the tartar sauce.
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I love them? I love tartar sauce too. It's delicious.
They are so over the top. I love everything about them.
I've added too many photos to this post and tumblr is yelling at me.
So I will leave off with my hype for Rayne vs Margarette in the next episode!!!
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↑↑↑↑Imagine me making this same face in anticipation↑↑↑↑
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bobbyhelpme · 7 months
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MY FRIEND TELLS ME SHE LOOKS LIKE VRISKA I WANT TO DIE..... the worst is that she does....
(the pronouns are they/she :b!!)
HERE IT COMES A SUPER LONG TEXT ABOUT HER CHARACTER SOOO man if you really read it i will be impressed
Ok a little bit of context about them, her name is Bonniq Piroux (the reason of the name is coz my 3 internet names are "Bobby bot", "Piromano canadiense (canadian pyromaniac, i am not canadian lol)" and "Roux", the surname clearly comes from Piro + Roux, and Bonniq is the variation of Bobby + Q, qoz of her quirk xd), she's "indexTrafficker" (IT) since they talk a loot about this "index", which herself doesn't know what are they refering to, just saying "the boss tells me to sell it an i do lol". I haven't thinked of her color while chatting but perhaps it would be like #0076E4 (?) She's a blood aspect and prospit dreamer (since i am too a blood and prospit fella!!!), so her sign would be Scorcer (not trying to be like a scorcer oc or something like that, it was more directed about "what if i was a troll" since a friend pushed me to!!!). She's a Witch of Blood and uses Needlekind and Wandkind, since that's what I play as and use in the Genesis Project (y'know, the game) and well she's 6 sweeps coz i know shit about sweeps so if the characters are 6 sweeps then she is too xd....
About their typing quirk, is basically how I write (at least in spanish, pa los qe sepan español, maomeno asi ablo XD oviamente se esqribirnsolo esqribo mal aproposito www). They change the C and K for a Q, USUALLY SPEAKS IN QAPS WHEN THEY ARE ANGRY, EXCITED, SCARED OR LAUGHING, has a lott of mistaqes of grammar, misclixks and mispellls. almost never capitalizes or punctuates their sentences, and uses a lotti of abrev. n contractions, coz they be typing very fast brum brumm!!!
(añado qosas en español, en los "que" y "qui" se come las u tipo "qe" y "qiero", tampoqo asentua sus palabras, a las "ce" y "ci" las esqribe como "se" y "si" y ps bueno habla asi bien pinche naqote como yo lololol)
More about their personality; they are basically me since it's my oc lol? but I guess I dont actually show my personality here that much so I'm going to describe it a lil' bit. They change emotions very fast and intentionally exaggerate them for comedic purposes, swears a lot and can be rude sometimes but not trying to hurt someone, just annoy them a lil' bit. As stated in the image, they open chat by asking them to buy their "index", this is actually something i do in instagram XDDDDD i open dm just for tellin them im giving "ficheros", the direct translation would be like folders or sumthing like that, but the thing is that "fichero" is not a common word and without context nobody knows what that means, so index would be a good translation since its a word that a lot of people know about but without context it loses meaning or because very weird, exactly like "fichero". Now, talking about Bonniq, they are overly empathic (me) and always try to make people feel better (same) and would feel terrible knowing they caused actual harm to someone they didn't mean to (twins!!!), in any case i dont think they would murder someone, less if they don't deserve it lol...!!! also can feel emotion through text, not a psychic ability or anything just an instinct (unless i am a psychic and i didn't know...)
Going to talk a lil bit about their design here...
She has those 2 horns with what seems to be an additional horn growing in them, i did it because it looks cool that's the only explanation :b... Decided she was a blue-blood coz my bday is 5/11 and that makes me a blue blood (i hate it, was thinking about indigo-blooded but, eh, the character looks like a blue-blooded lol). She uses make up because I LOVE MAKEUP... and making my own oc without make up feels like a crime!!! her pupils are divided in 2 coz my favourite number is 2 :b! About her outfit, I chose that because it's what I wear to school (i changed the colors duh...) and I love it!!! The neon red belt is because i fuckin love that color and i would av used it if i wasn't a blue blood :v... gloves because i love gloves, i would use them everyday!! I gave her a shady look and pose to show the "indexTrafficker" part of them XD
Anyways a super long post but I loved drawing her and i wanted to show them to the rest...!!! thanks for reading if anyone did???
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vagrantblvrd · 6 years
The Moon and Its Eclipse (1/1)
Summary: Gavin’s patrolling the forest when he hears the sound of rattling bones followed by a startled yell.
Notes: Prompt fill for @miss-ingno from who asked for Freewood Minecraft Kings AU.
Gavin’s patrolling the forest when he hears the sound of rattling bones followed by a startled yell.
His clothing allows him to blend into the forest around him, and he creeps forward to see a figure backed up against the base of a cliff. To Gavin’s surprise there are several wither skeletons ranged around him, keeping to the shadows cast by the towering trees.
It’s rare for them to cross over from the Nether, but not unheard of.
The ground where the wither skeletons have stepped hisses softly, corruption dripping from the blackened bones burning the fragile grass. Gavin can see spots on the man’s armor that have come into contact with the corruption, metal pitted scored, leather scorched.
He seems to have held his own so far. The bodies of zombie and scattered piles of bones from skeleton archers attest to that much, but the wither skeletons present an added difficulty with their corruption.
A single touch enough to afflict a living creature, doom them to a painful, lingering death.
The man is clearly tired. Breathing hard and a fine sheen of sweat on his brow, moving sluggishly when one of the wither skeletons feints towards him.
Gavin draws his bow and fires in the same motion. His arrow flies true as it lodges in the skull of a wither skeleton, snapping the tether of dark magic animating it. He takes a second arrow form his quiver and targets a second wither skeleton,and another after that, as the mob turns to face the new threat.
The man wastes no time, taking advantage of the distraction Gavin’s provided him as he engages the wither skeletons. Between the two of them they make short work of the wither skeletons in a matter of moments.
Gavin jumps down from his perch, and stops short when the man swings around to face him, sword at the ready.
Gavin holds his hands up, and can’t help the smirk when he sees the man’s crown.
One of the great and mighty kings, in his forest? Interesting.
“Your majesty,” he says. “You’re a long way from home.”
The king’s eyes narrow, chin lifting at his tone.
“And you are?”
Gavin lowers his hands when it becomes clear the king isn’t going to put his sword to use in attacking him just yet. (Poor form, he supposes, when Gavin’s just saved his life.)
“Just a simple archer,” Gavin says, because titles and royalty aren’t much use out here. Tend to cause more trouble than they’re worth.
He can see the king wrestling with his sense of decorum. All sorts of manners and etiquette that have been drilled into since birth, and his too-human nature as he regards Gavin.
As moments pass without the the king speaking, Gavin shrugs and turns to leave. His patrol is only half done, and he’d like to be home before dark falls and the mobs come out in force.
He’s at the edge of the clearing when the king finally speaks, sounding as though the word’s been torn from him.
Gavin’s tempted to keep walking. Slip into the forest and leave the king behind to whatever task has brought him well bast his kingdom’s borders, but there’s something very close to desperation in his voice. (Sound of a man swallowing his pride and cursing the need for it.)
Looking back at him, the king seems very small in that moment.
Shoulders bowed by exhaustion and the burden of whatever weight he’s carried with him all this way.
“My horse was killed when the wither skeletons attacked, and I’ve lost my way,” he says, and there’s the annoyance Gavin expected, although it’s directed at himself rather than the scruffy archer before him. “I don’t suppose you could point me towards the nearest village?”
No towns or villages for miles, just a rough settlement half a day’s walk to the west.
The king might be able to barter for a new mount there, if he loses that haughtiness he wears like ill-fitting armor.
“For a fee,” Gavin says, and grins at the wary look it gets him as he walks back towards the king. “Something, simple, your majesty, for a simple archer.”
The king tips his head to the side.
“Somehow,” he says, “I doubt that.”
Gavin laughs, because this king is a clever one, it seems.
“Fair play,” Gavin says, and steps closer still. Smiling at the way the king refuses to give ground to him. “Then I’ll settle for the pleasure of knowing your name.”
Stories say there’s power in a name, that the fae would trick foolish humans into handing their names over and come to regret it all too soon.
Gavin doesn’t know that he believes in any of that, but it’s always interesting to see how people will react when asked for such a simple thing.
The king hesitates only briefly.
“Ryan,” he says, and no more, wry twist to his mouth as he waits to see how Gavin will react.
Gavin laughs as he sketches a little bow to this king, this Ryan.
“Well then, King Ryan, allow me to act as your guide this lovely day.”
Ryan huffs as he sheathes his sword.
“I’m honored,” he says, and though his voice is flat, devoid of humor when he speaks, Gavin can see the reluctant amusement in his eyes.
It’s a long way to the settlement from here, but Gavin has hope he’ll be able to satisfy his curiosity along the way. Discover what brings a king like Ryan this far from the safety of his kingdom.
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idk who follows me on ao3 and also here, but i’m working on getting back to comments! D: also slow slow slowly writing so probs wont get an update of All Sales Final as fast as the last between-times but im trying to get there! <3
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ilytyun · 3 years
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how does txt text? (v realistic and accurate)
txt as gen z boys you started texting over quarantine😔💔
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for so long... it’s literally so bad but i thought i was kind of funny  LOLLL💀💀 it’s not like what i usually write but hope it’s at least a bit enjoyable !! (also tysm for 100+ followers !!!!!!! teehee<333333)
warnings: some swearing, overuse of emojis, dated trends bc i wrote this three months ago LOL
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honestly ??? seems like a dry texter ... doesn’t reread his texts so sometimes they come out confusing even though he keeps spell check on, also never sends a text with more than ten words
lowkey dad texter if you’re not having an actual conversation ... lots of ‘k’, ‘thx’, ‘👍’, ‘idc/k’ and ‘lol’ ... also uses 💯, 😂 and ❤️ unironically 😔😔😔
also ‘???’
you can never read how he’s feeling over text but sometimes he’ll sprinkle in a :) or a ;)) just to keep you on your toes
either no punctuation at all or an unnecessary overuse of punctuation ... if there is punctuation it?s , bad punctuation . ???????!!??~~~~ which is how most of his texts transfer emotions i guess ?? lol
he’s only like this because he genuinely sees texting as a quick last resort type of communication...
if you want to talk with him just give him a call... he prefers to hear your voice anyways🥺
standard gen z texter, has good spelling, keeps his letters all lowercase for no reason other than because he thinks it looks nice ?? turns caps lock on for when he feels scandalized
texts like a bisexual......... u know with a ‘ !!’ or ‘ ??’ at the end...(the space between the last word and the punctuation is the most important part), uses a lot of ~~~~~ and ;;;;;;; and ^^ or >< too because he doesn’t want to sound monotone
‘lololol’ and ‘lolllllllllllll’.... also maybe ‘haha yeah’
super inconsistent when it comes to replying rip... like you’ll be able to hold a really good conversation for at most an hour and then he’ll leave you on delivered until the next day when he continues the conversation like nothing happened
only double texts when he needs to !! is a good boy and sends one longish text rather than a lot of short texts at once; good at paraphrasing, understands that not everyone views texting as a tool for conversation
looks like he’d be pretty good at using emojis, probably hip enough to use 😭😭😭 as a laughing emoji, also keyboard smashes
frequent user of this emoji as well: 😰
probably gets really lazy sometimes too so he ends up sending you a lot of voice memos
just overall extremely chaotic neutral
seems the most normal/trendy texter imo😭
really great at using emojis... his best hits include: 😳, ���, 🥰, 🤗 and 🥺 (ESPECIALLY 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺), also is a frequent user of all the pink heart emojis most notably 💕, texting him is never boring and he does his best to come off nice !! and he can tone down how he texts too... versatile king
definitely calls yeonjun a boomer for using 😂
but he’s also probably on tiktok or smthn A LOT so if you’re close to him he’ll pull the: 👁👄👁, 😀, 🥴, 💀💀💀, 😻, 🤡, 🧍....... used ‘no❤️’ and also ‘🧚✨’ before it got annoying...
the one who sends you very obscure memes he finds off the internet as replies to your texts but they somehow always just work..... sth like those badly edited facebook memes or sth LMAOOOOOO😭😭
his one downfall: will definetly accidentally type out the wrong your/you’re... same with there/they’re/their and no matter how much it annoys you he really could not care less
i lied here’s another downfall: he’s SUPER bad with replying. leaves you on read accidentally a lot and it kinda hurts ngl💀
i lied again here’s one last downfall... even if he’s bad with replying he will not hesitate to text you to get your attention...... he does not give a single shit. if he needs you he’ll text each individual letter of H E L L O, also double texts if he’s excited but you let it slide because he’s cute😔
another good texter but maybe... too good.....
his spelling and grammar are on point... you will never ever catch him slipping. periods at the end of every sentence. him and hyuka are probably the only ones who still use auto capitalization
but something about his texting seems so robotic....... you find yourself honestly wondering if he’s being dry with you or if he’s just being super polite
it’s also definetly because he somehow always finds the perfectly specific emoji to include at the end of his message💀
and they’re always obscure ones too... he used the 🚏 emoji once when he told you he was ‘Waiting for the bus. 🚌🚏 Cannot wait you see you. 🤓’ and it made you go huh...
overall pretty articulate over text but when you’re acting a bit questionable his favourite emoji to use is simply 🤨 he also genuinely believes 🤓 is cute... like ok taehyun
lowkey dry texter so it’s somehow satisfying when he uses exclamation marks... it shows that he’s excited lol
he’s unpredictable and distinct... unique king
huening kai:
texting god.... but wbk
if gyu has bruh girl energy hyuka def has big hii girly! :) energy LMAOOOO
genuinely the sweetest texter, you can hear his voice and feel his energy through his messages🥺
takes the time to use the japanese emojis... (๑╹ω╹๑ ) it’s super duper adorable... some of his favourite emojis are 🤩, 😊, 🕺 and 🙈
but if it’s struggle hours you know he’s going 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
uses coloured heart emojis !! 🧡💛💚💙💛💜
definetly uses uwu and xD unironically but it’s really cute when he does it....
ofc >3< is his signature
uses ‘BAHAHAHAHA’ and ‘Hehehehee’ instead of just lol..... also an avid keyboard smasher esp if you are too (he’s never felt more alive than when using sksksksk was still a trend... emits highkey vsco girl energy on top of his hii girly energy lol)
another kid who overuses punctuation ???? but just to emphasize !!!!! his !!!!!!! point ,,,..,,,!!!!
sends you motivational texts throughout the day... ‘You’ve got this!!!!! (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ I hope you have a good day today!!!!!!!!!(๑>◡<๑)💛💛💚’
tried to turn off auto capitalization but thought it made him come off as too aloof/impolite so he turned it back on😭😭 doesn’t have a problem when other people don’t use it though !!
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winterune · 5 years
A belated happy birthday to one of my favorite seiyuus, Nobuhiko Okamoto. Here it is, my Top 5 Nobuhiko Okamoto Roles that I can think of right now :)
#1: Karma Akabane - Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
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Come on, Nobu as Karma was awesome! I still consider him one of Nobu’s best work. Karma as a character is so cool and I love him and he’s my favorite among the Assassination Classroom cast, but Nobu really brought him to life. His deep voice really makes you go kyaaaa >///<
#2: Mikoto Mikoshiba - Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
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The dorkiest of the dorks. Seriously. Nozaki was a hilarious! And Mikorin was AWESOME! lololol First fell in love with Nobu’s voice through Mikorin. I mean, seriously, the guy’s a wreck XD Acting cool one moment and then blushing deep red the next. A secret otaku at heart with all those bishoujo figurines and visual novels he keeps. His friendship with Sakura and Nozaki is so precious. This boy is precious! I just love him so much! (why aren’t they making more anime??? ><)
#3: Yuu Nishinoya - Haikyuu!!
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I’m not actually a fan of Haikyuu. Have only seen the first season and liking what I saw. I remember liking the friendship and bonds between the characters. The story was, well, your typical story centered around high school sports club, but the characters were quite refreshing. I’m currently rewatching it as I suddenly have the urge to see the second season, and I once again like how Nobu voices Noya :D 
#4: Katsuki Bakugou - Boku no Hero Academia
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OK, I am not a fan of Bakugou, and I didn’t plan on putting him on the list, but I feel like I have to commend Nobu for voicing this hot-headed teen. The amount of screams he had to do! Not to mention how Nobu sounds like he still needs to strain his vocal cords even with Bakugou’s “normal” voice. It’s great and all, and he’s awesome but I just can’t help but wince every time Bakugou ends all of his sentences with a scream. Like, chill, kid xD Anyway, I liked his arc in the first season where he finally learned a bit of modesty and got off his high horse. 
#5: Harunobu Nikaido - Sangatsu no Lion
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Putting him on the list for the sake of the anime. Seriously, I feel like I watched a lot of his shows back then and I liked him a lot but I really can’t think of any other of his roles that had quite an impression on me right now. I did like Nikaido, though. Sangatsu was an awesome drama and I miss it and I really wish they’d make a season 3 because it’s worth it.
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rimalupin · 7 years
50 More Interesting Questions
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
Thank you for tagging me @theempresskaizer & @kakihoden! :D <3
1. What kind of food can’t you stand?: Anything fermented. Like, ew. Also brussel sprouts (Then again, I have yet find someone who can cook brussel sprouts “well.” :b)
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick?: Public transit schedules. They’re so darn inconvenient (And yet I’m commuting for the remainder of my uni career. At least I’m saving money..?). -.-’
3. Have you got any useless talents?: I try to make use of my talents, so I’m gonna say no. :b
4. If you could be really really good at one thing, what would it be?: Taking (good & worthwhile) risks because I’m always so darn careful so I end up not trying new things sometimes.
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking: ALL THE FRIENDS AND FAMILY I KNOW AND LOVE. <3 Oh, also Emma Watson, Gal Gadot, Shawn Mendes, Tom Holland, and all the other celebs I tend to fangirl about (I can’t name them all rn, haha sorry~. :P).
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid?: Singing all the Disney songs (Which I still do nowadays, haha~.). I would also read books, write my own stories, and act as if I was on a Disney Channel show (I was quite the Disney fangirl back in the day. xD)
7. What is something you’re proud of?: My friends who are just starting college/uni this year. Most of them are already setting up their dorms and getting ready for classes. They’re growing up so fast! :’)
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate?: Dishonesty. I don’t associate with phonies.
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower?: I’m a bit of both. Then again, being a follower makes you a kind of leader: you essentially lead people to follow your leader, if that makes sense Okay I’ll shut up about leadership theory sorry y’all. :P
10. What kind of student are/were you?: The diligent one (but people often claim I’m the overachiever even tho I’m not always a straight A student lololol).
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life?: Ohhhhh yes. This kind of thing has happened to me many times (In like the best ways possible, thankfully.).
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion: Being alone/left out (Even though “I’m never really alone” ((Which I know I’m not. Hence the “irrational” part of this particular fear/aversion.)).)
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable?: Yup. Plenty of ‘em.
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties?: I don’t drink... Yet. My Canadian friends are trying to get me to drink with them since I’m now legal in Canada but I’m scared heeeeeelp. :b I’m usually the wallflower if I don’t know anybody too well at a party. However, if I find people I’m comfortable hanging out with, I’ll stick with their squad throughout the event, talking, eating, dancing and taking pictures/SnapChats to our hearts’ desires~. ^-^
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone?: Nope. I have to get to know the person before I “fall in love” with them, let alone having a crush on them. Which is why the biggest crushes I’ve had were on some of my closest friends. But I’ve never told them because I didn’t want to risk our friendships IDK I’M A NOOB WHEN IT COMES TO LOVEY-DOVEY THINGS. :b
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends?: One close friend. <3
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak?: Neat-freak. Definitely a neat-freak. xD
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy: 
Both of these locations are places where I’d have more than enough room to move or think. ^-^
Outdoors: Somewhere near the sea, where I could feel the sand on my toes, hear the waves splashing onto the shore, smell the ocean breeze, and watch the orange sunset glowing along the horizon.
Indoors: An empty practice room. Wooden floors, large mirrors in front of the room, dance barres along the side walls, a few windows displaying the outside world, and a speaker/stereo system perfect for blasting the music around the room.
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday?: No kids atm, but I love working with them! Yes, I’d like kids someday~.
20. What was your favorite book as a child?: I read many books as a wee child. But one book I can clearly remember is Stellaluna. It’s an adorable story about a bat who discovers who she truly is thanks to both her adoptive and biological families (The former being a family of birds and the latter being a family of bats.).
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about: Fidget spinners. I’m still seeing people freak out about those things. Didn’t the trend die a month or two ago?
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated: Myspace. *evil laughs despite the fact that I never had a Myspace account* :P Sorry I couldn’t think of anything else bahaha~
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose?: I mean, I’ve never met MYSME’s 707 IRL, so I’ll stick with him And we can visit his space station, haha~ ^-^
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday?: Act in a theatrical production. I haven’t done theatre in a year and I already miss it. T.T
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat?: I’ll definitely speak my mind if I’m well-versed in the topic and if I’m passionate about it. If I want to present a controversial opinion, I have to be sure that I can articulate my POV eloquently and professionally. I’m also more than willing to listen to the other side, as long as they fully know what they’re talking about (Frankly, I will not take any B.S. if I suspect B.S.).
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in?: I’m blanking... Yeah, IDK, but I’m pretty sure I got caught up in some kind of dumb fad back in middle school. *shivers b/c I don’t want to relive those years*
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for?: When I was younger (like elementary/middle school-age), I dreamed of becoming a singer. In order to accomplish that dream, I joined my school and church choirs: however, that turned out to be a pretty toxic experience since almost everyone I was singing with treated every single practice and performance as a singing competition. Like, c’mon you guys: we aren’t on Glee. -.-’
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable?: Honesty: I admire people who are genuine and true.
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.): Books (people know I’m a huge bookworm), clothes (b/c I’m usually too lazy/don’t have time to shop for my own clothes, LOLOL), stuffed animals (I’m a child at heart and I love cuddly & cute things), sweets (especially chocolate).
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones?: 
English is my mother tongue.
I apparently used to speak Tagalog fluently when I was very young, but then I stopped speaking that language once I started preschool; however, I’ve picked up some terms over the years, so I can sort of dissect my parents’ conversations w/ the other adults (”Yes, Mom, I knew that you were talking about my uni stuff with Tita *insert name here*.” :P), plus I’m going to take a Tagalog 101 class in Autumn Quarter, so I’ll (hopefully) learn how to say complete sentences instead of just the names of foods, holidays, and Filipino Folk Dances. xD
I learned Spanish throughout my high school career, so I’m okay in that department even though I haven’t practiced speaking/listening/writing in that language recently. I’m still fluent enough to help my sisters with their Spanish homework, so that’s something. :P
I tried learning some French, Japanese, and Korean through various language learning apps, but to no avail.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside?: Can I choose like a little town instead? Big city: the countryside would be MUCH too quiet for me (Plus I’d be much too tempted to run atop every hill Sound of Music style and start singing at the top of my lungs - which would probably annoy a lot of people, myself included. :P).
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving?: Giles Christophe a.k.a my Midnight Cinderella bias. Ironic, huh? xD <3 Also Jumin Han from MYSME. :P
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else?: I will hide from the spotlight like I’m a friggin vampire unless there’s a damn good reason for me to be under it.
34. Favorite holiday?: CHRISTMAS!!!
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously?: If I’m in charge of scheduling something, then I MUST have everything carefully planned. If I’m leaving the scheduling to someone else, then I’ll just go with the flow~.
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.): My first trip to Hawaii: I’d love to explore the islands and swim in its oceans again.
37. What hobbies do you have?: Reading, writing, singing, dancing, listening to music, playing the guitar or ukulele, checking social media (JKJK :P), drawing/arts & crafts (If I’m EXTREMELY bored), playing video games, watching TV/YouTube, exploring places both old and new Yeah, I do too many things, haha~
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have?: “Mildly useful?” (O.o) I guess the ability to learn things VERY quickly - like, master an activity on the first try. I actually have a friend with that ability, which has allowed him to almost effortlessly master almost every sport he’s ever learned: he’s basically a superhuman and I admire and envy him for his “superpower.” :P <3
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you: My age: people think that I’m much younger than I actually am, mostly because of my shorter-than-average height and my baby face. I’m basically an adult stuck in a teenager’s body. xD
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out: How to apply the Unit Circle to various math problems eff you precalculus and calculus never again ugggghhhhh.
41. Worst injury you’ve had?: My broken heart (JKJK, sort of. :P) I got burned by the metal tip of a very hot glue gun. Thanks to that, I have a tiny scar on my upper right arm.
42. Any morbid fascinations?: Does watching playthroughs of horror games through YouTube count?
43. Describe your sense of humor: Clever/witty, sarcastic, sassy. Oftentimes unintentional: jokes will usually come to me naturally through conversation. If we’re close, plenty of embarrassing stories, inside jokes, and horrible puns will be part of our daily doses of humor.
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose?: I’d want to be born in Canada, mostly because I’ve got a lot of family living up there, plus I’d love to live in a place that isn’t completely messed up rn. #SorryNotSorryAmerica *crosses to the Canadian border like a badass*
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at: LOL, WHAT’S A SPORT? :b
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through: Freshman year of high school. I first moved to my new home that year, so being the new kid sucked for a while, but I eventually made some friends and found more opportunities to grow as a person (through writing and theatre).
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.): Ugly tat. At least I’d have a place to hide it. xD
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist?: Realist. Leaning on the pessimist side. However, I do try to believe that things will get better, that there’ll be more bigger and better opportunities out there, etc. etc.
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you?: That I’m a hardworking and genuine person. Then again, I don’t do well compliments anyway: I’ll definitely blush and stutter and try to hide behind some kind of an object while complimenting you back. xD <3
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you: I’m often quiet and reserved when I’m meeting new people. Some may think I’m naturally calm and composed, others take it as slightly intimidating. But I’m just quiet because I’m awkward, plus I don’t usually start conversations. :b
Tagging: @princessofwysteria, @sukio-sakamaki, @allforthecrown, @o0w0o, @widzzicles, @rizosrojizos, and anyone who wants to do this! (I would’ve tagged more peeps, but I didn’t know if they had been tagged already. So please join in if you haven’t done this already~.). ^-^ <3
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