#longy post
mjwritings · 1 year
for @longiings ; continued from ( x )
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the strike across her cheek came hard and fast, his hand leaving a faint blush along her fair skin. gemma's eyes sparkled with opposition and she lifted her chin to meet his gaze, her lips parting slightly to let out a soft whimper at the hard thrust that followed his command. she should have felt wrong or some level of regret for fucking her older, married neighbor, but gemma couldn't get enough of the thrill of it all. boys her own age lacked the confidence and assurance that mr. whitney had and knowing that he was one of the most powerful men in the city and he wanted to give his attention to her made gemma swoon. " i just had a sip... " she pouted, attempting to defend her behavior, even if wasn't entirely the truth. gemma was guilty and there was no way to hide it now. " i'm not going to apologize for what i had to do to make being around your wife more tolerable until you came home. " wrapping her small hand around the arm he was using to touch her with, gemma desperately wanted to ensure he didn't pull away. she needed him to relieve the ache building up in the pit of her belly, the fiery need to fall apart beneath him over and over again. " please, mr. whitney. " gemma pled, squirming beneath him, her hips lifting from the couch to press against him harder. " faster. " her words were low and breathy, her other hand digging her fingers into his shoulder blades, clinging to him desperately. " i need to come. "
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silverspringed · 1 year
for @longiings , cont . from .
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will   let   her   body   fall   onto   the   couch   ,   bare   legs   stretched   out   in   quiet   invitation   ,   isn’t   bold   enough   to   make   the   first   move   despite   every   inch   of   her   skin   begging   to   be   touched   .   takes   a   sip   from   her   glass   ,   tongue   swirling   over   plump   lips   to   relish   the   taste   .   ‘    i’d   hate   to   keep   you   too   long  .   ‘  a   lie   .   ‘   bet   you’ve   plenty   of   ...   interviews   lined   up   .   ‘
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ojbrush · 6 months
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I fucking LOVE THEM I AAAHHH AHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHHHHH they're two gays who are violently in love
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parker-d-bloodrose · 11 months
The Horror of having a Body.
This is kind of a longy inspired by a spiral rant I had on BlueSky just now. It's a bit more personal than I'd like but here's a rant about having a chronically in pain body, and also a trans body. And also how much I actually don't like having a body in general!
The horror of having a body is inescapable. I sometimes do not *want* to be confined to this flesh. And yet, here I am piloting this meat suit. If my body were a house it would be one that's been abandoned and now its windows are smashed and there's a rickety staircase missing half the steps. The previous owner was not kind to it. He did not care to be. It was simply functional to him. His ghost is still there sometimes. I see it in the way I smile with my crooked teeth. He never smiled that way, I know, but that's fine. He didn't *know* what smiling was except that it was a thing that other people did. I try and treat this house nicer. I replace the windows. Fix the stairs. I don't change the way my voice sounds - I like it! I don't like how other people react to it.
Because it's another manifestation of his ghost to them. They can't see that I'm not him - I am me. I live in a house haunted by myself. This is the horror of the body that I find the most distressing. I don't want a body because of how others perceive that body. I also don't want the body because of how it's so fucked up. Like, imagine if you will. If he had cared to take care of his teeth they wouldn't be crooked fence posts. If I had taken care of my teeth.
There's other problems with my body that I've only recently realized I had too. For as long as I can remember my knees have always given out from under me randomly at times. I just assumed this was normal and everybody's knees buckled and they fell. This, I have learned is not normal. It happens a bit more frequently now with the various parts of my body that I've damaged. I've fallen down at work because my bad knee gave out on me after standing on it for 8+ hours doing my work because my left knee is bad. I think that injury is actually a result of my knees already being bad!
The falling thing was never painful btw, just a nuisance because I'd be walking along like normal and oops, guess I'm falling down and on one knee. I've become quite the expert at falling down as a result. my back is still trying to recover from the injury I caused when I crashed my bike a few months ago. I slept without my pillows under me properly last night and my entire lower back and abdomen are unhappy with me. But I'm still here piloting this meat suit. This horrifying thing I don't want. I never asked for it! But I've got it anyway. Yesterday I was struck by how much I hated it. This body of mine filled me with such violent rage and despair that all I could do was watch body horror videos and stew under a soft blanket. But sometimes I think it would be nice to not have a body at all, or at least one that’s not made out of meat.
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preyandhunter · 9 months
Flesh and Blood [The Masterlist]
Hey hi howdy.
here's a list of absolutely everyone ever that is going to be taking part in this story
[warning. looooong post ahead]
For reference:
Ghouls are ranked C - SS: C is the lowest, SS is borderline godlike.
Doves (not canon to tg) are ranked Tier's 1 - 4: 1 is the lowest, 4 is virtually unstoppable.
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Disclaimer: we will not be using the hermits'/others' irl names. decided if it was funnier to make fake names for all of them based on usernames.
(in the actual story we will be using the names in quotation marks lol)
Buford "Bdubs" O'Hunred [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Machete Quinque - Wears a ghillie suit and thinks it looks cool
Bos "Beef" Vintage [Ghoul :: B Class - "The Butcher" Kokaku: Horns + Six legged Bull Kakuja - Dude wash your apron
Ben "Bigb" Biggie [Ghoul] :: B Class - "The Frog" Triple orange rinkaku tails - Teenage Mutant Ninja . . . froggie grown man!
Cub Goodfan [Ghoul] :: C Class - "The Magician" Ukaku vex wings - Of the two of them, really you'd think this one would be the crazy one
Cleo Zombie [Ghoul] :: A Class - "The Gorgon" Tiny wings + six snake tails - Her name could have led to some good brand opportunities
Dr. Maddox Sevensven "Doc" [Ghoul] :: A Class - "The Goat" Bone kokaku + Goatskull kakuja - The career change really made things complicated
Ethos "Etho" Lab [Dove] :: Tier 3 - Sniper quinque with high caliber Q bullets. - y'know what they call me? call me ladders. cuz i go up real high...
Fals "False" Symmetria [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Sword quinque, morphs into winged broadsword. - Oh her and Wels go waaaay back!
Fhwip "Fwip" Taylor [Dove] :: Tier 3 - Sickle quinque - Y'know what they say about younger siblings growing up to replace you? Yeah. That.
Gemini "Gem" Taylor [Dove] :: Tier 3 - Whipsword quinque. - Youngins these days kick butt way harder than they used to
Grian Spurman [Human] :: S Class* - Red wings quinque backpack - Some would say that's cannibalism O-o
Haech "Hbomb" Bomber [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Yknow back in my day
Hels Gnitte [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Spiderman pointing meme
Hypnos "Hypno" Tizzede [Human] :: n/a - Going once, going twice, sold to the man with no front teeth!
I Jevin Aquamarine Gaimen "Jevin" [Ghoul] :: A Class - Two bright blue bikaku tails - They say surfing is a sport in California. Don't know where the couches came from.
Impulse Essve [Human] :: n/a - Occupational hazard or not, he's getting his goddamn coffee
Iskall Eigh Fivva [Dove] :: Tier 1 - Non Newtonian bikaku blade quinque - (floppy)HAMMERTIME
Joel Beans Smallish [Human] :: n/a - Cast iron pans work wonders
Joseph "Joe" Hills [Human] :: n/a - Journalism just got way more dangerous
Kera Liss "Keralis" [Human*] :: n/a - Hmm, how'd you get there?
Lizzie D Shadowlady [Ghoul] :: C class - "Housecat" 3 toed talons kokaku - No officer, there's no one here, just this very cat like cat...
Martyn LilWood [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Standard sword quinque. Possibly with a rocket on the end. - Not quite taking the lone wolf schtick to heart
Mumbo K. Jumbo [Ghoul] :: B Class - "The Suit" Double kokaku claws - Mondays amiright
Pearl Escentmoon [Human] :: n/a - Worst. Field trip. Ever.
Pix Elrif [Ghoul] :: C class - "Automaton" Single tail bikaku - The cat distribution system but he is the cat
Ren Thedog [Ghoul] :: S class - "The Red Wolf" Single tail Rinkaku + wolf head kakuja - oh hey how you doing nice to meet- SQUIRREL???
Saus "Sausage" J Mythica [Human] :: n/a - The world's best chewy stress toy
Scar Goodfan [Ghoul] :: SS class -"The Vex" Ukaku vex wings + 2 bikaku tails + Perfect Kakuja - no chill having, no leg having, no craps given, no fear having ass
Scott Dangtha Longie Major [Dove] :: Tier 1 - Spear quinque - Doing his best ;w;
Skizz LeMann [Ghoul] :: C class - "Lucifer" 4 feathered rinkaku tails - One beer away from getting in the maid outfit
Tress "Stress" Monstre [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Warhammer quinque - Holds all of the tea. And yeah, that's a lot.
Tango Tekk [Ghoul] :: C class - "Helios" Single wing, combustible, ukaku - Is absolutely not compensating for anything
Tin Foilchef "TFC" [Dove] :: Tier 4 - Double edged scythe, polymorph, quinque - Judge, Justice and Executioner
Timothy "Jimmy" Solidarity [Ghoul] :: C class - "Canary" Deformed wing Ukaku - The vibe is strong with this one. That vibe was wet cat.
Wels K. Nite [Ghoul] :: B Class - "The Knight" Reptilian wing Ukaku - huh, well that's awkward
Xb Crafheld [Ghoul] :: A Class - "Guardian" Fused double tail bikaku - If he had a nickel every time he was friends with a suspicious man, he would have two nickels.
Xisuma "X" Vhoide [Dove] :: Tier 3 - Multiple quinques - Has one and a half eyeballs
Amusix "eX" Vhoide* [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Crossbow quinque - There's a crime here about to be committed...
Zed Aphlays [Ghoul] :: C class - "The Ram" Bikaku Sheep's foot - One good day away from committing arson
Zloy Exphee [Human] :: n/a - These journalists seriously need to chill.
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virromanus · 6 months
Latin Fairy Tales Series: 'Rapunzel'
Regina, quae in villa proxima habitabat, magnam desiderium habebat plantarum, quae crescere in horto eius non poterant. Hinc, cum vidisset in horto vicino magnam rapunculam, animum cepit, ut eam habere vellet. Sed hortus erat custoditus a mago malo, qui rapunculam colere solebat.
Regina marito suo narravit de suo desiderio, et ille, amore suae uxoris adductus, adhortatus est eam, ut magum roget. Mulier, animo praesumpto, magum invocavit, sed ipse iratus respondit, "Rapunculam non potes habere, nisi pro filio tuo."
Tempore postea regina peperit filiam, quam Rapunzel nominavit. Mox magus, ut filiam acciperet, venit. Regina Rapunzellem tradidit et magus eam in alta turri clausit, ubi nullus aditus erat.
Rapunzel crescebat in turri solitaria et pulchrior fiebat die post die. Crines eius longi et aurei erant, et vox eius dulcis erat.
Veniebat magus per funem, quem in fenestra iaciebat, ut Rapunzellem visitaret. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, pecten tuum ad me iace," dicebat ille. Tum Rapunzel crinem suum demittebat, et magus ad fenestram ascendebat.
Haec ita fiebant per multos annos, donec unum diem princeps per silvam transiret. Audito cantu dulci, sequebat sonum ad turrim, ubi Rapunzel habitabat.
Princeps vidit magum, qui per funem ascendebat, et curiosus erat. Itaque, cum magus discessisset, princeps ad turrim ascendeit. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, pecten tuum ad me iace," clamavit. Rapunzel non illum noverat, sed tamen pecten suum ad eum iacuit.
Amor princeps et Rapunzel inter se crescebat, et princeps eam saepe visitabat. Tandem, in conspectu princepis, Rapunzel suam veram originem cogitavit.
Unum diem, in quodam colloquio, Rapunzel principi de sua vera origine dixit. Princeps magnopere commotus est et rapunculam utrici suae desideravit.
Princeps, cupiens reginam reconciliare, ad magum perrexit et eum in custodiam tradidit. Rapunzel et princeps matrimonium contraxerunt, et rex et regina eis benevolentiam praestabant.
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iepurasdepraf · 1 year
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Salutare prieteni dușmani și cleri - I am Iepuraş de praf or Dust Bunny. I am a writer and this is, ah,
The dust bin, yeah?
My own little place to post writing which is fairly unfit for anywhere my uncle might find by typing my name in Google. He does that sometimes because it's the only way he can find my A03 or professional writing. He's supportive, but I don't want him to know how I fuck nasty.
This is an uncle and minor free space, 18+ only please. I am not pretty enough for jail. I'd never be able to afford anything from the canteen.
If you like my work and want to donate, don't donate to me. Donate to feed a bear. Proof of donation gets you a personalized fic with any character in my wheelhouse just how you like. If you adopt a bear you will get three special requests a month!
I adopted Paddington myself, he is a good boy.
Requests are open!
I write Batman Rogues fiction mostly! Though I might branch out once I'm braver! Jervis Tetch is my Special Tea. My specialty. X Readers, x ocs, x inserts, just stories too! Shorties, longies. Might post my personal story here a bit later? Who knows! We'll see, won't we?
To find my writing! - Click here
To find my rambles! - Click here
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vampcubus · 1 year
If anything I'll contact staff or just cave and post it in two parts. But I'll get the post done up now, okay? And of course I'll give ya the link! -Snippet Anon
if i've learned anything about posting fic on tumblr, is that tumblr really hates the longies :((( so splitting stuff up into parts is madatory sometimes. eeee i am so excitedddd! i hope i don't pass out before you post it that'd be so embarassing edbajshedba
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ovid-daily · 2 years
Have some excellent lines from the Cacus vs Hercules episode found in the Jan 11 entry of the Fasti:
Fierce Cacus had dragged the bulls backwards into his cave, Cacus the terror and the shame of the Aventine wood, to neighbours and to strangers no small curse. Grim was his aspect, huge his frame, his strength to match; the monster’s sire was Mulciber. For house he had a cavern vast with long recesses, hidden so that hardly could the wild beasts themselves discover it. Above the doorway skulls and arms of men were fastened pendent, while the ground bristled and bleached with human bones. The son of Jove was going off with the loss of part of the herd, when the stolen cattle lowed hoarsely. “I accept the recall,” quoth he, and following the sound he came, intent on vengeance, through the woods to the unholy cave. But the robber had blocked the entrance with a barricade of crag, scarcely could twice five yoke of oxen have stirred that mass. Hercules shoved it with his shoulders—the shoulders on which the sky itself had once rested—and by the shock he loosened the vast bulk. Its overthrow was followed by a crash that startled even the upper air, and the battered ground sank under the ponderous weight. At first Cacus fought hand to hand, and waged battle fierce with rocks and logs. But when these naught availed him, worsted he had recourse to his sire’s tricks, and belched flames from his roaring mouth; at every blast you might deem that Typhoeus blew, and that a sudden blaze shot out from Etna’s fires. But Alcides was too quick for him; up he heaved the triple-knotted club, and brought it thrice, yea four times down full on the foeman’s face. He fell, vomiting smoke mixed with blood, and dying beat the ground with his broad breast.
traxerat aversos Cacus in antra ferox, 550
Cacus, Aventinae timor atque infamia silvae,
non leve finitimis hospitibusque malum.
dira viro facies, vires pro corpore, corpus
grande: pater monstri Mulciber huius erat:
proque domo longis spelunca recessibus ingens, 555
abdita, vix ipsis invenienda feris.
ora super postes adfixaque bracchia pendent,
squalidaque humanis ossibus albet humus.
servata male parte boum Iove natus abibat:
mugitum rauco furta dedere sono. 560
“accipio revocamen” ait, vocemque secutus
impia per silvas ultor ad antra venit.
ille aditum fracti praestruxerat obice montis;
vix iuga movissent quinque bis illud opus.
nititur hic umeris (caelum quoque sederat illis) 565
et vastum motu conlabefactat onus.
quod simul eversum est, fragor aethera terruit ipsum
ictaque subsedit pondere molis humus.
prima movet Cacus collata proelia dextra
remque ferox saxis stipitibusque gerit. 570
quis ubi nil agitur, patrias male fortis ad artes
confugit et flammas ore sonante vomit;
quas quotiens proflat, spirare Typhoea credas
et rapidum Aetnaeo fulgur ab igne iaci.
occupat Alcides, adductaque clava trinodis 575
ter quater adverso sedit in ore viri.
ille cadit mixtosque vomit cum sanguine fumos
et lato moriens pectore plangit humum.
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himi-wiz · 1 year
Btw is no one talking about this on tumblr but Verbal Justice has been out for a week ago and I was waiting for a post to scream about it but no one made a post and I couldn't stand not talking about Nemu, Ichijiku and Otome-sama.
Immaculate vibes! Gosh the rhyming especially Otome's bars, I am worshipping. So. Hard.
Here are some thoughts on favourite parts and screenshot with gorgeous visuals.
Gosh her flower motive always gets me, such a beautiful world she strives for especially in comparison to her brother Samatoki's work as a Mafia Boss which is like, a life full of death, darkness and corruption.
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ICHIJIKU <3333 PLEASE STEP-- I mean, please continue to tell us how you'll wreck wretched men and put them in their place, yes ma'am. Lash out at the despicable patriarchal system you despise with all your heart's content, I'll support your ventures. Muah. 🥰❤💖💖
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THEY REALLY MADE OTOME A GOD AND I CAN'T I AM ON MY KNEES HELP-- Sorry Dice, your mom's way too powerful. Good luck, dude.😔
Jokes aside the visual editing for this is crazy good, especially how she's both coated in shadows and the amber glow of the sun while rapping about her rise to power? What a Queen. Urgh. 🧎‍♀️🙏🌅🔥🔥✨
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Admittedly Verbal Justice is not my fave melody line, the verses slap but the chorus is a bit slow with a haunting mantra-like repetition that can get grating unlike Femme Fatale. I understand it's intentional considering like saviour/path to God references though and it was fun though not something I'll slap onto a playlist I'll listen everyday unlike Magic Transistor or Hoodstars. Also Giga-P's never known for having a bad chorus so tough competition to beat there.
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If only I can figure out how to access the other composers too. Invisible manners for example are tad hard to find in English but they do have a tumblr and twitter updates at least.
Awich's recommended discography:
Queendom is an autobiographical song about Awich's life story here and it's well worth a watch, phenomenal storytelling and I adore it so much.
And so it's like doubly amazing they got the Queen herself to make lyrics for Otome who's in a similar position of climbing to power with her own smarts, resolve and words for a better world in her homeplace like Awich returning to Japan where she moves hearts with her voice too. But well, there are clear differences there storyline wise when Otome is set up to be one of the top villains/antagonists. Very understandable sentiment tho.
And speaking of origin stories, Awich did do a collab with some Oikinawan youths, SugLawd Familiar and CHICO CARLITO called Longiness Remix. comments say they're (I think SugLawd Familiar in particular) in high school? Seriously?? And it's a jam!
(Here's the full song MV, no eng subs yet tho.)
And an article briefly explaining the video details!
I might do a couple of explanation posts on hypmic producers I adore sometime.
With that I'm out, cheers and stan women with amazing music hehe~
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gibbywibbington · 23 days
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Funny enough, this is the only song I like that he’s done. I know, I am an asshole.
Were you up his ass while making this instrumental ….or whatever it’s called? It seems like as if you were probably up his ass for him to like, make it really good…versus his other shit. I’m such an asshole. I’m just truthful though, I’m saying, you have to make it good, you know what I’m saying?
I know for a fact you don’t want to admit that you know what I’m saying, cuz u kinda can’t. Don’t allow yourself brainwashing wifey. O yea, dis bitch (me) getting deep.
Howevz, your soul knows what I’m saying, actually his other shit isn’t really that bad. Im just like not really into it. You know …
Just to acknowledge, the pearls the black hair growth underneath the blonde hair, the larger wings, the dead eye, killing the Demon shit…
Akin to my angry angrl dragon demon killing itself, myself, jealous me, so u can protect yourself from asswipes.
The two finger longy finger thing. I just dunno what image that is on the top of the lab top is.
Reminds me of that weird picture you posted of like some Victorian girl on a computer with a dragon behind her. Like a neo classical or (basically medieval) whatever the fuck it’s called… dragon behind her.
Yas, acknowledgment
Btw this is the only song that you sing in your actual real voice. Likey
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youth-liberation-june · 2 months
ok, genuine, unpopular opinion. a longie
i think we should dismantle this society of white supremacy, that favors making excuses for sexualizing children,
and heal into a society that teaches adults to not sexualize kids, or certain kids (like teens) to not sexualize other kids (like tots or kids in elementary) for almost any reason (unless they're fully naked, i guess).
a teen should be able to post a body positive tiktok without a bunch of grown-ass adults accusing them of “oversexualizing” themselves.
a teen should be able to post about loving their body!
and if they were sexualizing their body, they were most likely either making it for themselves and they just wanted to make it public, or kids their age. and that's okay! definitely none of your biz.
and i don't think it's your place to surveillance a kid posting about their body’s account like you're a detective to find out if that's the case or not. don't do that.
i think the most you should do, if anything besides keep scrolling, would be to just DM them reminding the kid it's only safe & okay to make vids like that for kids their age and not adults, and report any pedos or ephibis commenting weird stuff.
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rausule · 1 year
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Fidenter dicere possum me scire: sine omni quod praeterit, nullum futurum tempus praeteritum; sine ullo futuro, nullum futurum tempus; sine omni quod est, nullum esset tempus praesens. Duo ergo horum temporum, praeteritum et futurum, quomodo sunt, cum illud iam non sit, hoc nondum est? praesens autem, si semper esset praesens, quin se transferret in praeteritum, iam non esset tempus, sed aeternitas. praeteritum, quomodo etiam de eo quod est dicere possumus, si causa est, quod non erit? Ergo de esse temporis veraciter loqui non possumus, nisi secundum quod tendit ad esse non.
Dicimus tamen de longis temporibus et brevibus temporibus et ad praeteritum et ad futurum. Tempus praeteritum longum dicitur si est, verbi gratia ante centum annos; et sic futurum longum, si centum annis posterius est; breve ergo praeteritum est, quando ante decem dies est, et post decem dies futurum breve est. Quomodo autem, quod non est longum aut breve? praeteritum iam non est, futurum nondum est. Ideo de tempore non dicamus quod longum est, sed de praeterito dicamus quod longum est, de futuro quod longum est. Mi Domine, lux mea, nonne etiam hic hominem tuum irridebit veritas? quare praeteritum tempus, quod longum erat, cum iam praeteritum esset, aut cum adhuc praesens esset? Non potest esse diu, cum aliquid esset quod longum esset. Olim iam non erat, et ideo nec longum esse potuit, quia omnino non erat. Non ergo de praeterito tempore dicamus quod longum est: nihil enim reperiemus, quod longum esset, cum non sit, quod praeteritum est. Dicimus autem illud tempus praesens longum fuisse, quia, cum praesens esset, longum fuit. Ergo non iam praeterit, ut non sit; unum erat, quod longum esse posset. Quae ubi decidit, ilico diu desiit, quia esse desiit.
Consideremus ergo, anima humana, quoniam datum est tibi sentire et metire tempora, utrum praesens tempus possit esse longum. Quid respondebis mihi? Estne centum anni praesentes longum tempus? Primum vide num centum anni praesentes esse possint. Si primum horum centum annorum continuatur, praesens est, sed ceteri nonaginta novem futuri sunt, ergo nondum sunt. Si vero secundus annus in progressu est, primus iam desinit, secundus adest.
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storymaker14 · 1 year
TMW despite thinking the spicy stuff you write is just a side project, you find out that the SFW thing people in the real world are allowed to know you wrote is beaten by 10k words by one completed spicy work, and by one spicy first draft that you intend to make a good deal longer 😳
Wait, hang on, let me check another SFW work... Nope, that's even shorter.
Am I... Am I a spicy writer, who does SFW on the side?
(PS See pinned post to links to spicy stuff; three shorties and a longie, with another longie on the way)
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parrucutia · 2 years
1 - A Giostra 2 - Vuci 3 - Aria di na jurnata 4 - Parru 5 - La to passiuni 6 - Canciari 7 - Illusione 8 - Na matri 9 - La pizzica di Palermo 10 - Parru cu tia
Targa Tenco - Finalista Miglior Album in dialetto 2022
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Parru Cu Tia (Live) 01.05 FESTA PRIMO MAGGIO - Capo d���Orlando (Me); 16.06 Estate folk ZONA 3 (Mascalucia) 01.07 Nuove Vibrazioni Festival (Patti) 22.07 Musica dai Balconi (Naso) 24.07 evento pvt ( Barcellona) 31.07 Festival Baglio,olio e mare (San Vito lo Capo - Tp) 12.08 Estate di Longi (Longi- Me) 22.08 Espressivamente Festival (Parco Jalari - Me) 27.08 Circolo della Cultura (Sciacca) 03.09 Estate Molisana ad Ururi (Molise) 10.09 Botteghe d’autore (Albanella) 16.09 Estate Monrealese (Monreale-Pa) 13.11 Festival etneo Zona 3 (Mascalucia - Ct)
"Manutsa (…) sviluppa un discorso musicale che comprende l’innesto di sonorità elettroniche in un tessuto tradizionale, quasi filologico. Il risultato è un concept album di buon livello, gradevole da ascoltare ma che suggerisce anche nuove vie musicali alla tradizione. Non è certo il primo tentativo del genere. I risultati sono a volte riusciti e altre molto meno, questo esordio di Manutsa credo possa essere inserito nella prima categoria". Michele Neri – Vinile "Aprite la porta a Manuela Di Salvo, artista di Palermo. Lei ha davvero il fuoco nel cuore e una voce rasposa e limpida allo stesso tempo. Può passare disinvoltamente dalla tarantella al reggae, sa essere drammatica e sensuale, rilancia la denuncia di Ignazio Buttitta ed evoca l’oscura magia del suono di Bristol. Lei è Manutsa, «mano piccola, un nome d’arte che mi rispecchia fisicamente: io sono una donna minuta», sorride. Una piccola, grande donna dagli occhi di cerbiatta, con la forza di raccontare il presente con tutte le sue storture, con il coraggio di ribellarsi e l’urgenza di 'canciari'". Giuseppe Attardi - Sicilian Post "Manutsa si muove bene con la sua tessitura vocale, giocando sulle emozioni attraverso i respiri, i graffi, creando un ponte tra il mondo popolare e quello lirico, teatrale. Gli arrangiamenti sono efficaci e vestono dei giusti colori i brani che non sono affatto scontati nei contenuti. Un disco passionale, una dichiarazione d’amore alla propria terra, un canto universale dedicato alla forza delle donne". Marco Sonaglia – Il popolo del blues “…questo spiazzante progetto di Manutsa, nome d’arte di Manuela di Salvo, cantautrice siciliana, artisticamente parlando, straordinariamente agguerrita. Una cantante-autrice dalle idee chiare e dalla personalità artistica (forse anche umana) molto forte, qualità che riesce a comunicare grazie a musiche accattivanti che ben si amalgamano con la fonetica del dialetto siciliano, da lei scelto per gran parte dei brani di questo suo album. Sto pensando a ‘Vuci’, per esempio, che vagamente rievoca le canzoni più intimiste di Bono Vox. Oppure il reggae di ‘Aria Di Na Jurnata’, ritmo che da sempre è simbolo di un’attitudine combat". Mauro Furlan - Musicmap "(…) confermo il forte potere civilmente resistente di un album politico, nell’accezione più poetica del termine. Un album genuino, denso degli odori della Sicilia, delle sue mille anime, dei suoi mille incontri". Giuseppe Provenzano – Blogfoolk “Gli arrangiamenti, accurati e che accostano in modo spesso sorprendente strumenti antichi e moderni (come nel dialogo fra theremin e chitarra classica di Na matri), valorizzano testi altrettanto profondi e significativi, che, ascoltati con attenzione, costituiscono davvero un modo efficace per mettersi in contatto con la più sincera voce delle donne, potente e sensibile, magistralmente interpretata dalla voce di Manutsa”. Laura Bianchi - Mescalina
“In piedi signori, davanti ad una Donna” e non importa se l'abbia detto davvero Shakespeare o chi per lui, in piedi, davvero, quando abbiamo a che fare con loro. Manuela Di Salvo, prima ancora di diventare Manutsa, è cresciuta, come persona e come donna, respirando musica, cultura e passione; la Sicilia di queste cose è ricchissima e lei ha avuto la fortuna di avere in casa ottimi esempi, a partire dal padre Gioacchino, chitarrista autodidatta. Terra votata all'intensità, la Sicilia respira forte dentro la storia artistica di Manutsa, che ha pubblicato un album ambizioso, che già dal titolo chiede attenzione, perchè si rivolge “a tia”, a ognuno di noi e lo fa in modo diretto e ovviamente intenso e passionale. Parru cu tia è a tutti gli effetti un disco di “world music” se davvero vogliamo relegarlo ad una categoria, perchè da diversi mondi arrivano parole e suoni che lo compongono. È decisamente siciliano nel dialetto, nella cadenza e nello sguardo che rivolge all'esterno, ma porta con sé l'Inghilterra elettronica e figlia di Portishead e PJ Harvey, con la sua tensione a non restare ingabbiata ad un genere, ma in continua esplorazione. Da queste premesse e visto il “sottotitolo” La voce delle donne, Parru cu tia si pone come album allo stesso tempo tradizionale e di rottura, perchè affonda piedi e mani in melodie antiche, ma le porta all'oggi e sembra quasi accompagnarle verso un domani dove molte delle parole e delle storie presenti in questi 10 brani dovranno per forza essere solo cattivi ricordi. È un disco femminile, un disco “donna” per il modo orgoglioso in cui si espone, per la forza che traspare dalle protagoniste dei suoi solchi, alternata alla dolcezza e a quella fragilità che troppo spesso diventa pretesto per altri. Dalla vittima di violenza domestica all'anziana che paga con il manicomio la sua voglia di poesia, Manutsa regala la sua voce a chi purtroppo non sempre riesce ad usare la propria e riveste avvenimenti e consuetudini di un suono che sa di riscatto e ripresa, anche nella cover di una siciliana celebre e mai troppo rimpianta come Giuni Russo, suo primo amore musicale, di cui agli esordi creò anche una cover band. È un disco che è madre e figlia, che vive dentro le contraddizioni e le difficoltà di essere donna in Sicilia, madre pronta a sacrificarsi per i figli, figlia che vuole scappare da una terra immobile e cristallizzata; è una Madonna che assiste rabbiosa ed impotente al sacrificio del suo primogenito e al tempo stesso è un'amante abbandonata ad un primo appuntamento forse solo immaginato. Manutsa si prende una bella responsabilità a trattare di “voce delle donne”, ma per quanto, comprensibilmente, l'argomento sia vasto e difficilmente esauribile in mezz'ora di musica, ci offre uno spaccato chiaro e convincente della forza di chi parla attraverso le sue note. Rari gli uomini in questo disco, quasi mai positivi; non a caso l'unica voce maschile appare nella bonus track ed è quella di Salvo Piparo, che interpreta magistralmente la poesia di Ignazio Buttitta che dà il titolo all'album; versi pesanti come macigni, che puntano il dito contro la Sicilia stessa, la parte peggiore, quella che subisce e non reagisce, quella che si lascia vivere e si fa scivolare addosso ogni torto subito, senza provare a controbattere. Manutsa incarna invece una Sicilia nuova, diversa, forte e ovviamente femmina, donna. Una Donna davanti alla quale, signori, non è solo giusto, ma doveroso alzarsi in piedi. Alberto Calandriello
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dramaism · 4 years
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I think that's why we're meant to be. You're patient, and I'm volatile. Like a bomb and its safety pin. We go hand in hand. We're meant to be together.
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