#loml etc
zamsandwich · 10 months
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Tritzie bday
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jokermoreau · 6 months
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if u need me i'll be in my bunk. screaming
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hurlockomega · 2 years
alistair for the ask game 😌
BLESS YOU. Also I apologize for the rant in advance.
first impression: honestly i thought he was a little annoying at first? i thought this was just some strange, funny frat boy assigned to me by handsome beard man, but then all of a sudden halfway through lothering im heart eyes in a wheat field?? i was like how tf did we get here i thought i didn't care about you?? so then i talk to him some more in camp and i find out he has Childhood Trauma™ and he's a little awkward and then i was in deep so fast. 13 years later i'm still here. mentally i'm still in that wheat field in lothering talking to this man about griffons.
impression now: first of all i would go to war for this man, my socially inept disaster boy. he's only grown on me more over the years and it's not stopping i love him so much. he's kind, he has a good heart, he's patient, he's petty, he's hilarious, he's childish (he's 19 he's forgiven) he's smart, he's insecure, i love him, i love him, i love him. i romance this dude once a year. i am beyond help.
favorite moments: god where to start. Uhhhhhh. paraphrased bc idr exactly: - when he mimicks morrigan's voice in the swamp. "First it's [I like you], then zap, frog time." - Put on a dress and dance the Remigold scene at Duncan's campfire - "Now that the warm, fuzzy part of the day is over with we can get back to the ritual dismemberments. Oh, wait, it's not Tuesday, is it?" - When he goes "Yeeeeees???" when you click on him at like 80 approval and he's romanced - "The reason I said I was lucky." line before u enter Redcliffe (after he tells u about his father) - "Why do they call it a 'brothel?' There's no broth, is there?" - When u enter the Denerim market and he goes "You can get almost anything here. I once got pickpocketed." - His banter with Dog. - Any of his nervous rambling.
idea for a story: Listen. I have So Many. I write him every day. It's Zevistair/surana hours all day every day in this house. He's one of the mains in my 200k+ words personal fic I use for creative therapy writing. I also want to write warden Alistair meeting Anders in Awakening together with a Surana or Amell that knows Anders. I'm also working on a modern AU dog walking fic. I want to write dialogue for him visiting the kennels when you sneak into Redcliffe castle. What if he had the warden's Sloth dream in the Tower, with Duncan. I want to write his first weeks as king. Stuff like that. unpopular opinion: Idk if it's still unpopular to think this but Alistair is biracial and brown. That is not a white man and Bioware whitewashed him to hell and back. Also he is bisexual. One Hundred percent. He gets so jealous when a male warden doesn't romance him (it's the most obvious when u romance Morrigan, but when u romance Zev he basically admits it when u ask him directly.) Again, idk if these opinions are still unpopular bc i exist in a carefully constructed echo chamber.
favorite relationship: romantic: Tabristair, Zevistair, Suranastair. non romantic: Sten, Duncan, Leliana.
favorite headcanon: This man is ND. Sometimes I write him more autistic leaning, sometimes adhd. Either way this man is ND. Also he is bi, but I consider that canon.
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jeong-guwon · 2 months
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Sam Reid as Lestat de Lioncourt Interview with the Vampire — season 2
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chimielie · 7 months
cw: a lot of discussion of suggestive / nsfw topics, no actual nsfw, nonsense
related to this but can be read standalone
Hajime thinks he’s getting the hang of this.
Yeah, you’re annoying, much touchier than usual, wearing clothing entirely unsuitable for early November, trying to get him to snap, but it’s been manageable. Only a couple of times he’s had to rip himself away from you before things went any further than he trusted himself to go.
He’s rediscovered the simple pleasure of making out like teenagers, keeping all your clothes on and varying your paces. Just spending hours breathing each other in and kissing slow.
He might even—might—add that there seems to be a kind of emotional benefit to this weird mandated sex break. It lets the both of you talk about your desires with literally no expectation and a lighthearted, joking air that eases Hajime’s intense inclinations exponentially. It’s not something that either of you would ever want to do any longer than you have to or even next year (you’ve been very clear that you see it as some sort of strange extended foreplay, on your end), but its been… better than he’d thought, in some ways.
In some ways it was still hell.
Still, as the days pass and he doesn’t die of blue balls, he starts to figure that this whole challenge might be really doable.
Hajime lies in bed with you, eyes half-shut as the both of you wind down for the evening with your new routine.
Your lips are soft against his, his left hand cupping the back of your neck, the other rubbing slow, light circles into your back. It’s gentle, sweet kissing, not the frantic and heated interaction of more carnal relations. It makes Hajime feel—
His fingertips are buzzing where they touch you, strings playing in his head, his head fuzzy with your scent. Content, like he could stay here forever.
You push yourself up on your elbows suddenly, smoothly, and settle your weight more heavily on his stomach, your knees squeezing his sides. Your pupils are dilated but your gaze is tender, and he can almost feel rose-colored glasses sliding over his face as he stares up at you.
“I’m in love with you,” you say, voice low and throaty from long minutes spent exploring his mouth slowly, excruciatingly so, like you hadn’t since the first months you’d been dating.
Hajime moans.
Loudly and unmistakably and completely involuntarily.
He sits up immediately, pitching you off of him as you collapse in a heap of giggles. His face is burning, he can feel it, but your laughter is surrounding him like a too-deep featherbed.
“I think,” you can hardly breathe, let alone speak through your mirth. He’d throttle you but that would only make things worse right now. “I think you just failed No Nut November.”
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enden-k · 1 month
ahgh hold on WAIT HO AHhhHH HE
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how am i supposed to focus when HE SWAYS SO CUTELY IN THE BACKGROUND HELP ME
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beauvilliers · 8 months
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vancouver canucks @ edmonton oilers | october 14, 2023
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colbertt · 10 months
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Charles-Haden Savage - 3x02 "The Beat Goes On"
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seokmatthewz · 1 year
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best side profile in the industry (real)
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elordistar · 3 months
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this photoshoot is so important to me i think about it everyday
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ugh-my-back · 8 months
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Thank you @vessnelle for his new luxurious hair <333, I'm dead now
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preseriesdean · 1 year
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sweater paws
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kharonion · 3 months
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That's Charon. Let's just say... well, he's a loyal employee. Don't mess with me, and he won't mess with you.
It's been Too Damn Long since I've drawn this adorable grumblefuck of a ghoul. 🥴🖤
⊹ available as a print! ⊹
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unhinged-nymph · 3 months
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guardiolas · 2 months
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chimielie · 8 months
cw f!reader , iwaizumi’s pectorals , this post was sponsored by Big Adobo
you do it in front of the whole gang.
other people, too, but he never pays attention to anyone but his team at the gym.
mattsun is spotting hajime while oikawa heckles him (hyping him up, he’d say, but the music slamming in hajime’s ears makes the claim unverifiable). makki’s squatting beside him, sweat trickling down his temple, but he manages a smile and, when he rises again and puts down his weights, a wave.
hajime doesn’t notice, eyes trained intensely on the middle distance ahead of him, until you appear in his line of vision.
you look pissed, eyebrows scrunched together and hands on your hips.
he drops his weights. they land heavy, clanging against the catches loud enough that he can hear it even before he rips his earbuds out.
“what’d you say?” he furrows his brow.
“shirt off,” you say, pointing at him and flicking your finger in the air. “thanks.”
around you, his friends react with varying degrees of shock and laughter. you stay stone-faced, staring at him, folding your arms across your chest. you’re wearing a sports bra, like you’d just finished your own workout. sometimes you and he go to the gym together, but team activities are team activities, and oikawa likes to accuse you of trying to edge in on the boy’s team’s secrets, as though your own team isn’t reaching new heights of success under your captaincy. hajime feels his pupils expanding the longer he looks at you.
he complies, quirking a brow as he hooks his fingers in the back of his tank’s collar and yanks it over his head. you nod, looking satisfied, then hold out a hand.
“can i see your instagram real quick?” he bares his teeth in a smile at you, guessing where this is going, even if he’s not sure why. as much as you’ve danced around each other the last three years, neither of you have made a move.
something about the way he feels about you just doesn’t feel… urgent. like he’s just waiting for the universe to throw you together, for the right moment where everything clicks. he’s always wanted to take his time with you.
he guesses this is that moment.
he hands it to you, unlocked. you hand it back.
“your other profile.”
ah. it had started as a progress tracker, just a way to remember his exercises and maybe connect with others who were into that kind of thing. to his surprise, he had accumulated followers quickly.
a lot of followers quickly. oikawa called it his thirst trap account. hajime argued that he was just jealous because his beach volleyball videos hadn’t taken off yet.
he taps into his second profile, sliding open the camera function for you and giving you the phone back.
“good,” you say, stepping into his space, over the forgotten bar, and for a second there’s nothing but light shared between the two of you, looking into each other’s eyes with pure fondness. then your lips curl into a coy smile and you put the hand not holding the phone on his chest and squeeze.
his pecs jump in surprise. you take the photo.
“thanks,” you say, letting go of him, but not stepping back. his skin burns where you touched him. he’s sure he’s gone deaf from the ringing in his ears. oikawa could be dead from shock behind him and he wouldn’t know. “my mom said you should come over for dinner later. she’s making adobo. see you then?”
“yeah,” he manages, “but tell her we’re going out for dinner friday. reservation’s at seven.”
“is it?” you eye him appraisingly. he pauses, glancing away from you to hit post on the photo. your phone lights up with a notification.
“it will be,” he promises, and reaches out to catch your chin in his hand, tilting your face back to him. “see you then.”
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