#long lost friend; outhbound responsibility { wendy }
crimsonbathed · 1 year
❝ Do you want to play a game? ❞
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A game. Now there was a fun thought to cure this illness of boredom that had been clinging to the small folk like a second skin all day. A brow arched as sage hues narrowed in on the Darling girl. "What have you in mind?" Surely their ideas of a 'game' were fairly different.
Carrion wanted to hear screams ringing out in the forest, as if a tormented Lost Boy or Pirate was being used like wind chimes. To bite at their eyelids until the stinging sensation of the wind was unavoidable, forced to watch with terror as the smallfolk carved in to their flesh, using a wide variety of tools to enhance the experience. For her, at least. To feel how their bodies would vibrate from the rapid beating of their heart within their ribs. The very thought had sent goosebumps cascading over her body. Wings flapped in uncontrolled delight at the idea.
Though, the rush of adrenaline that had been building within her own chest was silenced as Carrion remembered one important thing. The Darling girl. Not quite as frail and gentle as she once had been upon her first visit, and yet . . .not curious enough to explore such . . unique interests. Did she not wish to see how muscles pulled and twitched? No. Not Wendy. Not the Mother. The poor thing could barely swing a dagger or punch without the smallfolk fearing over the girl breaking her wrist. What must that giant brain of hers consider to be a 'fun game'. Collecting seashells and painting them with smashed berries? It wasn't an idea that Carrion was all too fond of, but, if the Darling girl wanted to be entertained, then Carrion would step up. A jester, putting on an act to keep the King happy. To keep Peter happy, and if that meant keeping Wendy happy, well, long live the Queen.
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"I can think of some places where flowers bloom rather lovingly, should you wish to use them in a craft. A girl such as yourself must want to get a break from all of those . . . reckless, boys?" If there was anything Carrion had learned from her travels, it was how to put on a facade. The words were softened as they rolled off of her tongue, a false smile adorning her lips as she moved closer to the Darling girl. "Tell me, what would you like to do today? I will do what I can, to see that you have a rest today."
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crimsonbathed · 1 year
“What was that- that you just did? What did you do that for?”
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Ruby lips twisted up in a wicked smirk. "What ever do you mean? Just now?" Carrion mused with socratic irony, desperate to hear the Darling girl ask about how the path before them had changed with just a blink of the eye. It was fun to play with Wendy, to see just how much she was truly paying attention. Nothing more than just minor illusions of course, Pan had made himself clear as crystal when it came to what wasn't acceptable in regards to the Darling girl. To anger the god and island that protected her, was a foolish decision that she aimed to avoid making when possible. Carrion's gaze lazily dragged across the ground before them. Something with a gorgeous ivory color, mixed with flecks of brown and burnt orange caught her attention. "If you must know, I JUST spotted a beautiful spine, simply laying out. How very peculiar." She mused, making her way towards the piece in question in order to inspect it. Stealing a glance back at the young woman caused a wave of amusement to ripple throughout the small folks body. The look upon Wendy's features told Carrion all that she needed to know. "Twas that not the answer you wished for? For it was what you asked. Truly, you must be more careful with your wording. So hard for people to say what they mean."
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Slim digits picked up one of the fragmented facet joints. "They look like butterfly wings, don't they?" Sage hues narrowed as Carrion drank in the state of the bone, small holes bore in to the surface, weakening its structure. They could prove useful yet. Playing the role of an oblivious fool was one that Carrion had grown far too used to back when she wandered the Other Place. Moving from colony to sad little colony. A weakened traveler who meant no harm to those who allowed her to stay. Which she honored. No harm came to the small folk who allowed her to stay within their home. The rest of the colony? Well, that was a different story. "Tell me, do you not enjoy such fun things? I thought that giants liked to solve puzzles and such? Don't you wish to see if you can navigate this little trick all your own?" An unnatural amount of canines peeked out from beneath the woman's lips as they curled up in a challenging grin. "Different perspectives are all you need, surely Pan has taught you how to survive on your own? Keeping your nose to the ground will only help you so much."
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crimsonbathed · 1 year
‘ i have to. ’
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A scream rang out, bouncing off of the trees in each direction. Feral. Angry. A lone wolfs howl in the moonlight. Fists banged against the glass enclosure the young girl had trapped the woman in, knuckles white from tension. "Let me out this instant!" Carrion's voice boomed on either side of Wendy. A demand that dripped venom. She had been told to keep an eye on the Wendy girl whilst she ventured the island, while she met with this silly little pirate that would corrupt her mind, taking her away from Peter. The pirate that wanted to see Peter's demise. How was she meant to do so, to protect the Darling girl, from within this unjust prison!? Red crept in to view, taking over the corners of the woman's eyes as the threat to her pride dawned on her. Did the girl truly believe such a pathetic holding cell was meant for the likes of her? That it would do much to keep her contained? Carrion was not some pathetic, mischievous pushover as some of the small folk had proven to be before the fires took their lives.
Heat assaulted the woman's features, burning the skin upon her face as sage hues followed Wendy. Carrion wanted to trap the girl. To ground her in place by wrapping her ankles up in roots and vines, to throw her voice by making her believe Peter was coming nearer to them, anything that might give her enough time to talk it out or at the very least, plan an escape that allowed her to keep an eye on the girl. She had watched Wendy when she was younger, and the girls brush with death then had been but a silly accident in her mind, but now, Carrion cared for her, or at least, she cared about her importance. Should she get hurt, she would not be able to forgive herself, and there's no telling what Peter might do. So why could she not bring herself to trap the Darling? To entangle her limbs until she calmed down and saw things rationally?
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Perhaps it was out of fear for what she might tell Peter. That Carrion attacked her. No harm must come to Wendy. Carrion howled, screaming out with raw emotion as she continued to bang her fists against the glass. Thick. Too thick for her own strength to even put a dent in, it was a fruitless task, but damn did it feel good to wail on something until the red from bloodied knuckles smeared against the smooth surface. It stayed this way until Wendy had left her field of view. "It must be done." Carrion mocked, beneath her breath, mimicking Wendy's voice. "Such a vile excuse that offers none in all truth. A trick way to say that it just felt right. To justify actions." A huff escaped from the woman as she allowed her hands to fall to her side. "Lucky she is that I cannot wring her neck like a wet fabric. The noise would be so pleasant, and only fair after THIS treatment." There were small holes bore in to the lid, too small for her to fit her own hands in, but vines? Now those could do something. It took some time, but slowly, vines had begun to cover the glass prison, wrapping around the metal lid. No sooner than it fell to the ground, did Carrion take to the air, following after Wendy's stench.
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crimsonbathed · 2 years
A Guardians Gift
Trigger warnings: Animal Death.
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Deep breaths. That’s what she needed. Deep, slow breaths to calm the raging fire in her chest that threatened to consume her very being. Burning her up until no more than ash remained and her last breath stolen. Leaving her fingers covered in soot from her own charred remains as the skin of her past sheds, falling off like a husk. Heat bubbled in the woman’s chest, bosom rising and falling in rapid unison with shallow, sporadic breaths. Warmth, uneven in placement and slowly trailing down to the small folk’s neck, where the brisk thumping of her pulse, swayed the crimson streams paths, splitting off in multiple directions and pooling in her collarbone.
Sage green hues stared, narrowed on the now lifeless orbs before her. Yellow. Giant, vibrant yellow circles stared at her like two miniature suns with slits down the middle. Surrounded by a vibrant green, arrow head shaped cranium. Pointed fangs on display and dripping with venom. Sweet, enticing poison. Something that such a creature could make on its own, and yet she was helpless. Having to rely on berries and magiks to create such a thing. How easy life must be for something like the viper before her. An easy life though, was not a good way to live. Comfort led to laziness, and this poor snake had not once stopped to survey its surroundings before it pounced at the small folk. Even now, blood dripped from its pierced mouth, held open by a makeshift spear Carrion stored on her person. Had her reaction been but a moment late, its fangs would have ripped her in half. A brutal, unsatisfying end for all she had done in life.
The vipers tail had finally stopped whipping around and now coiled in on itself. Breath would no longer pass through its lungs, and Carrion could allow her arms, a moments rest. Propping the spear up so that her weight was no longer needed to keep it stationary, she tilted her head back, allowing the crimson splattered on her features to sink in to her skin. Calming. A reminder that she was to live for another day. That she had been given another blessing from the island, one that she intended to release the full potential of. Sucking in a slow, steadied breath, she stepped forwards, placing her hands on either side of the vipers face, resting her head against it’s upper jaw. A beautiful gift, indeed.
Few hours passed, and Carrion held a peculiarly shaped object, wrapped in the petals of an orchid. Arms adorned by a red stain, it was hard to ignore the fact she had been up to something. Wings, delicate and clean, fluttered, carrying the gory mess of a woman, across the island.
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For she was on the hunt for someone. A familiar face from years ago. A return most unexpected, but oh so delightful. Her return would mean Peter would surely begin his antics again, battles would take place, pirates would be left to rot and feast upon. The very thought made her mouth water. Shaking the idea from her head, Carrion hummed quietly, searching for the young, Darling girl.
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