champmorado · 2 months
Now presenting, the official 8 best Piston Cup racers of all time!
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Happy Chick Hicks Day (8/6)!!!!
center design by me
front left design by @longjiaojiao
far left design by @krasnyel
center left design by @wankadoodles
front right design by @feketeribizli
center right design by @kornblume814
far right design by @illusbyaf
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shengmingzi-rochu · 6 months
This sideblog is running by 龙角 @/longjiaojiao to post the Hetalia rochu art works from a Chinese artist 生命籽. You can find her works on Chinese app 小红书@/有机生命籽 or Lofter@/无糖生命籽
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myceliumbean · 11 months
Someday, sometime, Zil will have his partner in the Agents AU
And despite all the effort Zil has made to be serious, he couldn't help smiling after a snowy night scouting
Zil's partner: Sir, you might want to take a look at me!
Zil: *look
Zil's partner: *waits for three seconds and turns on the headlights
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And that scene is like sun shading warm light all over him and Zil can't help smiling.
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myceliumbean · 1 year
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And here're the four forklift OCs!
Boris' chaotic-and-over-energized little partners
The five of them, Boris, Eva, Daniil, Alyona, and Michaele, are the teammembers of the Special Operation Team 76-B, or SOT 76-B
Some details I've come up with, and a doodle featuring Boris, in his rescue aircraft paint job, loading the forklifts up for a mission!
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myceliumbean · 1 year
Some short clips happens between my Cars OCs and some canon characters who become more and more like OCs
Take I: Zil and Boris and the four medics saving Siddeley along with three C.H.R.O.M.E. agents
Boris: I thought I was just stopping by the airport for fuel and look at me now. What, a Gulfstream V who was modified to be able to hover in the air, was down because he flew into Russian from the Arctic? You've got to be kidding me
Eva: Stop complaining and get to work! Zil promised he'll pay for the bill once we get these idiots to safety
Alyona: *hanging around trying to wake Finn and Rod up and gave Holley her cocoa (with too much caffeine)
Daniil & Michaele: *Trying to make Siddeley stable while Eva gave the spy plane some transfusion and medical treatment
(After they were back in the hangar)
Zil: *typing the bill with an extremely experienced way
Finn: *Noticed
Finn: You're quite good at doing that
Zil: Believe me, I'd rather not be this good
Take II: Leland's reunion with the C.H.R.O.M.E. agents (if only it's single-sided)
Leland, back in his usual red paint and without his frame disguise: Finally, this is what I called freedom
Boris: You've been in here driving in circles and trying to climb the hangar walls for over an hour, why don't you get to explore the hangar next to this one? Zil gave you the permission
Leland: You putting things like that makes me not wanting to go
Boris: The lunatics will be back in no time, I don't want the five of you blowing up our cover
Leland: Fine… but you did know that they can held a party inside you, right?
Boris: *Stares
Leland: I'm leaving!
(After a single glance into the door of the next hangar)
Leland: *ran back the where Boris stays, and now with four forklifts pressing close onto his belly, sleeping soundly
Leland: You didn"t tell me it was THEM!
Boris, with his default bored expression: Figured you'll get it when you saw Siddeley
Leland: Sid was almost the only plane sticking around! He could've pick anyone else!
Boris: Shouldn't this be a happy reunion?
Leland: No. I'm not ready to be not-dead, and if I didn't explain good enough, Finn will probably- bloody hell, I don't even know what he'll say
Boris: You're overthinking. They will be awake in the afternoon, you'd better ready to be NOT-DEAD by then
Leland: Thanks for the support, MATE.
Clips like this are what make me wanting to write the stories that bring the characters up!
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myceliumbean · 1 year
Listing some flight ideas from what I knew so far (and this definitely DOES NOT fit in any real world airliner route, so please don't take it serious, and if you have any better ideas, I totally appreaciate the comments!)
⒈ Siddeley took off from London with Finn and Holley and headed straight for the meeting point to pick up Rod, then the four of them trace the great circle and entered Russian from the coast side of the Arctic Ocean. This, as I want, will bring them straight into the wild of Siberia
2. For some unknown reason to the agents of C.H.R.O.M.E., Siddeley's right engine suddenly malfuctioned, and he had to do an emergancy landing on the icy wild with no backups and instructions. Luckly, they survived almost without any damage- Sid's front tires were flat
3. They managed to hide in the forest not far away, while Finn argued with Siddeley about lowering Sid's cabin temperature. Eventually, Finn convinced him to do so, and sent out a emergencu message to the Russian agent they were supposed to meet at IKT (in IATA code)
4. Into the 5th hour after their emergancy landing, Finn, Rod, and Holley got into some little fight, but everyone was too cold to even talk. Then, they found Siddeley stop responding to their calls.
5. Even Finn was losing consciousness, while Rod went silent ten munites ago and Holley was starting to panic. After waiting for like forever, the radio cracked to live and a voice start talking to her. Holley answered the question right, and Siddeley's cabin door was forced open from the outside
6. The forklifts burted in, one of them woke Finn and Rod up, and Holley got a few cup of cocoa, pressing tightly onto her teammates, watching the forklifts trying to get Sid out of danger
7. Boris finally dragged Siddeley out of his coma. The forklifts pushed the three agents into Boris' cabin. He guided Siddeley to turn to the temporary runway they just cleared, and fly with him to YKS (in IATA)
8. There, they finally met Zil, the Russian agent who got their emergency call and arrenged this specific rescue mission. It took three entire day before Siddeley truely woke up and another five days for the doctors to confirm that he was capable of going on the mission
9. At that, they finally were ready to start their action (which is the main part of this AU)
Dropping some real locations into fanfic really takes a lot of background research and studies, sure hope me and my friend can get this done! @longjiaojiao
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myceliumbean · 1 year
Boris putting on his default bored expression watching Leland pacing back and forth trying to come up with an explanation for the whole "He survived and is now working with Zil on tracking the Lemons" thing to both Finn and Siddeley is the most hilarious scene I've thought of for the Agents AU so far
Got to think of some cute (and maybe too cute) stories about how Boris knew Leland
Or how Leland knew Boris
Or it may just be Zil putting the three of them (himself, Boris, and Leland) in a hangar then sit there chilling or making his reports while Boris and Leland experiencing one of the most awkward moment in their lives
Though we probably won't see Boris showing his awkwardness since he's too good at wearing his default bored expression, Leland, unfortunately, despite all his professional spy skills, can't hide his feelings good enough because he's facing a huge IL-76 that can EAT HIM WHOLE with his single turbine engine
@longjiaojiao their dynamic is so entertaining even I'm just thinking about it, and don't forget the stories about how Boris met Zil!
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myceliumbean · 1 year
Where do all these dead-outside-the-screen OCs popped up?
It's not fair to give Zil some comrades (or even friends), make them go well together, and kill them off.
(Well my brain says absolutely YESSS)
(Can I blame Finn for saying "friendships can be dangerous in our line of work" right after he dug into the oil rig to save Leland and might hang out forever with Tomber in Paris? Cuz Finn was doing a terrible job standing for this line)
(People can never resist making friends with agents working well and close to them, it's natural, and the brain will simply ignore the fact that they should keep some distance and yell "GO BE FRIENDS YOU IDIOTS YOU ALL NEED SOMEONE'S SUPPORT!!")
Afterall, they face the darkest side of the world, hiding in shadows and watching those that are shining in the sun.
It can be really cold if you're on your own.
(Still deciding to make this "Zil's comrade" either change side and work with the Russian government or got killed cuz this OC's cover is blown)
@longjiaojiao some new entertainment coming! Building up these OCs is so fun I can't resist on adding more of them into the stories!
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myceliumbean · 11 months
Starts to think of what if Julia joined in the drinking party of the SOT-76B after one sccessful backup mission
This is not gonna be chaotic
This is gonna be far beyound chaotic, or even insane
Boris prabably can only locked them all inside his cabin until they're completely drained or when the backups arrived
Yeah, this SHOULD happen
But for the sake of Zil and Boris' sanity, let's just make this heppened ONCE
Well, Leland almost triggered the second one, though, almost.
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