#longthoughtlost: ona.
wandercr-arc · 5 years
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     Tracking down moving targets is rapidly becoming one of Eliana’s least favorite activities. No matter how accurately Carrington pinpoints a synth’s location, they always move long before she arrives to help them. Part of her wishes the Railroad could be a bit more blatant about its existence. It would make some of these synths more stationary, and her life much easier, if they realized that help was on the way.
     Giving a glance down towards her Pip-Boy every few seconds, Eliana picks her way down the street. At the end, she rounds the corner, surprise crossing her face when she spots someone else moving slowly down the street. Given their lack of uniform, Eliana surmises that she hasn’t found her synth, yet.
     Hand resting on the laser pistol strapped to her hip, she speaks up, “Hey. Can I keep walking this way, or should I assume you’ll shoot me if I do?”
     @longthoughtlost   ---   sc.
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fictitioussouls · 4 years
@longthoughtlost said: ☹ For Emily and Ona
Kiss Meme // Accepting
☹ - for an angsty kiss
“So...Jack finally came forward to help. He’s paying for my lawyer, pulling the strings...” Emily’s voice is soft, only between the two of them, eyes darting nervously around the courthouse. She only had a couple minutes before Jack returned... “The way it’s looking now, I’ll be able to go home today, maybe tomorrow at the latest.” Finally, after weeks of being held in the jail. Ona’s quiet and, with a glance over at her, Emily can see what she’s thinking. Please don’t say anything. I know. I know this is stupid. I know we talked about this. I know I shouldn’t do this- 
Emily continues before Ona can speak, wanting to get everything out. “I...thank you for being there. Jail would’ve sucked a lot more if I didn’t have you visiting me.” She tries humor, but it falls flat. She needs to go before Jack comes, before she messes this - whatever this is between her and Ona - up as well. 
“I gotta go before he gets back. I’ll...talk to you later.” She turns to walk away, but Ona reaches out for her hand. She thinks it’s just to stop her, but no, she feels something slip into her hand - a piece of paper? 
“Stay safe, Emily.” Ona’s words, as many times as she had heard them, still threaten to bring tears to Emily’s eyes, so she doesn’t respond. Instead she just nods, offers her a small smile, and leans in to press a kiss to her cheek. Her lips linger there for just a moment, wanting more, almost giving in- 
But she doesn’t. Ona releases her hand and Emily, slipping whatever Ona had given her into her pocket to look at later, turns and walks away. 
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poisonpicked-a · 4 years
@longthoughtlost​ said: Ona to Emily “What time is it?” 
Morning After Sentence Starters 
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“Hmm?” Emily mumbles, rubbing her eyes against the light coming in from the window. She was by no means a morning person and this morning was absolutely no exception. It takes a minute, but Ona’s question finally registers and Emily finally moves her hand to grab her phone off the bedside table. She look at it, groaning in disgust before all but tossing the phone back on the table once the blurry numbers finally take form. “Too fucking early.” She rolls over, towards Ona, and wraps an arm around her, curling back against her side. “Let’s go back to sleep...” 
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fictitioussouls · 4 years
@longthoughtlost​ said: “ you’re claiming responsibility for one count of arson , one kidnapping , and fourteen murders . ” - Ona to Jax
Murko.ff Account Sentence Starters // Accepting 
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“Yeah, that’s all I’m takin’ responsibility for, but I just wanna make it clear that I most definitely did more, but C can take responsibility for those because it was her idea and she also took part in it.” Not to mention, Jax knew Ona was way less likely to kick Celia’s ass than his. 
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fictitioussouls · 4 years
@longthoughtlost said: & for Ona and Emily again 😇
Trace My Muse’s Scars // Accepting 
Emily flinches instinctively when she feels a hand against her arm, even on the verge of unconsciousness. Her eyes open and immediately find Ona lounging next to her on the couch, dimly illuminated by the light of the TV, enough for Emily to see the other woman watching her. She sighs, her own hand absently moving to cover the scars scattered on the inside of her arm. Of course Ona knew of her drug abuse in the past, but the elephant in the room had yet to be fully acknowledged. “Sorry, I...I-” She didn’t really have anything to say. Ona’s fingers had been so soft, barely there, not trying to hurt her, but still she flinched away as if she expected something bad to happen. Slowly, she moves her hand away and looks down at the scars, shaking her head. “They’re pretty ugly, aren’t they?” 
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fictitioussouls · 4 years
@longthoughtlost​ said: “I love you with all of my heart and soul, but why on earth did you think that was a good idea?” Ona and Emily 
Some Meme // Not Accepting 
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“...Can I use ‘I’m gay and measuring is hard’ as my excuse?” Emily says, looking between the large painting at her feet and the much smaller open space on the wall, then finally, after as much hesitation as she could reasonably have, her girlfriend. “Look, I saw it online the other day and it was really cheap and so beautiful and I thought it would fit on this wall, but I think I misread ‘feet’ and ‘inches’ in the description.” 
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fictitioussouls · 4 years
@longthoughtlost​ said: “No, McDonalds is not a state, in fact.” Ona to Jax for funsies 
Some Meme // Not Accepting 
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“How the fuck would you know? You may be smart from your Institute days, but you also have the life experience of a child. Come talk to me once you’ve traveled across the whole damn country on foot.” 
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fictitioussouls · 5 years
@longthoughtlost said: “What is wrong with me, it’s what’s wrong with you.” Ona to Vivian 
P!.nk Starters // Not Accepting 
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“But there’s nothing wrong with me. There never was anything wrong with me, no matter what they said back in the Institute or out here.” As Vivian talks, she finds herself tracing the tattoos lining her hands and arms absently. “I thought being a synth was bad for the longest time since it caused us all so much pain and hurt, but it’s not. It’s who we are and if people don’t like it? It’s not my problem.”
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