justjams2003 · 10 months
Can you write a dark!Thor fic, with fem!reader (Medieval AU), where the reader is taken as a slave, when her village was destroyed. I LOVE your writing so you can do whatever plot or theme you want :)whenever you can. I hope you're safe and I wish you a great day/night. xxx
Sweet Savagery
So... I loved this request so much! And it gave me so many ideas and motivation that I decided to make this a series! Hope you enjoy it!
Paring: Dark!Thor Odinson x Slave!Reader
Summary: All your life, Thor's blue eyes have haunted you. You believed you outran him, but now all your hopes come tumbling down.
Warnings: Death of loved ones, violence, nightmares, non-con, p in v, degradation. Tell me if I missed any.
Word count: 2k+, Unedited
1st Divider by: @firefly-graphics
2nd Divider by: @cafekitsune
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Are you cursed by the Gods? Or is it entirely only him? You were only just a small thing when it happened. The violently blue lightning striking down on your father’s wheat fields. You can remember it as though it was yesterday. Even after years of trying to forget.
When the dark consumes you, the light of the colossal fire takes over your mind. Your mama had scolded you just the same evening, pleading with you not to wander too far into the forest. Repeatedly saying that she wanted you home before sundown.
Like always, your mind floated into the sky, only to be vehemently struck down to earth, by that lightning bolt.
The one that started it all. Your little legs carried you as fast as you could, and still, the flames had engulfed the little farmhouse you had lived on for so long. The wall of fire had long since cleared any sign there ever was of your family’s only income. Leaving only a black streak of ash as it made its way further into the village.
If only you could’ve cried so much that it put out the fire. If only it didn’t burn down Aunty Cathy’s house, who was practically your second mother. Or the local baker’s house, who always gave you a free loaf, unable to resist your doe-eyes. Or even the blacksmith’s house, which you only saw on occasion. At least you knew him.
There are a lot of regrets surrounding that night. The most prevalent one is; not listening to your mother. The gods might have been merciful and have let you die with your parents. They might have spared you from looking into those blue eyes. The same shade of blue that caused this all.
The fire still roared; the moon was full and round; even the stars twinkled and yet those aggressively blue eyes lit up the dark of the night more than any of the previously mentioned. You remember the fear that surrounded you, praying to the gods you knew at the time, that those eyes weren’t searching for you in the night.
And you couldn’t help but wonder if the man with the eyes was the one to cause the lightning. Or maybe you were cursed by the gods. If they were laughing in their ivory towers at the cruel joke of a coincidence.
At that time, you thought that these deaths would be the worst of your worries. That those eyes wouldn’t surround every part of your fate. The gods did laugh.
Thieves found you hiding in the woods. They tied you up and used you as they saw fit. Only to grow tired of you, purely just because you became too old for them and sold you off to a slave trader. Which is where you find yourself now. Just barely clothed, waiting in the throne room.
Your bones are clattering and you’re unsure if it’s from the cold or utter fear. You’ve heard many stories of this deranged king. Crimes are punished harshly in a superfluous manner. The circles from which you’ve spent your formative years, the best thieves on the globe, could only speak in terrified tones.
And when they did, they spoke of a man who defies god’s creation. Some even mentioned that the fates and time itself dare not touch him. A king, with the stature of a giant, unmissable and unmistakable. The people who made other people shake in their boots, questioned if this king is just maybe an ancestor of the Titans.
Bred to raise an army and challenge the gods' thrones.
Judging by the extreme size of the throne, all rumours seem to be true. With each passing moment, your anxiety only grew. Until, finally, you can feel the vibrations through the floor. Slow and steady steps, no need to rush. Each of the slaves would stand there waiting for however long they are told to.
The doors open, again; slow. The men that enter are huge, yes, but none compare to him. The king, no doubt. Nevertheless, his size is the least of your worries. All you can see is that night flashing before your eyes once more, the same eyes.
What scares you most is that you haven’t made up his power, or just how much his eyes remind you of storms. His gaze follows from your far left until it finally lands on you. The storms in his eyes are steady, he remains stoic and unreadable.
The room stays silent. His gaze does not move from you, but he does. You can hear his throne creak, which now looks small in relation to former imaginations. Your eyes meet the floor and soon after his perfectly polished boots. He doesn’t dare look as silly as the other kings, with no tights and no pointy shoes.
His breath is heavy, you can’t help but fear breathing. He towers over you, and you can feel his gaze burning holes through your skull. Suddenly his hand grips you by the neck, forcing you to meet him face to face. At first, he seems to scan your body, what for, only the gods know.
Then finally his eyes meet yours. If he recognises you, he certainly doesn’t show it. He gives nothing away. At the same time, it feels like those blue eyes are burrowing themselves deeper into your mind. As if he’s saying, “Remember. Remember what I did? I fucking loved it.”
The king lets go and the second he does your shackles are undone. Maids shuffle all around you and the last you see of him is his blood-red cloak dragging across the floor.
You can hear the slave trader audibly sigh in relief. You can hear the few coins that your life and body was traded for being handed to him. That’s it, it seems. The end.
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Once more, you feel barren. Exposed in the little amount of clothes you were given. This is his chambers? You wouldn't be able to tell it from any other room in the castle. To such a degree that you wouldn't be able to see a difference from any other bedroom in any other castle in the world. It's almost entirely empty.
There is no smell that lingers, no portraits, no trinkets. There is no soul. It's kept pristinely clean, so much so that you wouldn't even know a man of his size stays here. The bed, yes, is huge to match his stature, but the bedding is one you would expect from any other.
A sudden thump erupts in the room, this causes you to jump. His hammer, his weapon of choice hits the ground. The wooden floor is dented, in the spot you presume where the hammer is placed every night. Once again, he's quiet, yet somehow you know exactly what to do when he turns his back to you.
Your hurried, shuffling steps can be heard across the oak floor. Like the mouse running to the cat. You unclip his blood-red coat from his steel shoulder plates. Now, after the initial shock, you can truly take in all that is him.
His blonde luscious hair that falls just below his shoulder is kept loose. It’s covered in dirt and grime but still, somehow it looks like golden threads, each placed perfectly. You then unbuckle the mentioned shoulder plates. They each carry a heavy weight from their sheer size. You fold it all neatly together and place it by the cupboard next to the door.
The mighty king turns to you, and with one quick shrug, he throws off his shirt. Could he indeed be a giant? Was he made to overthrow the gods? Or perhaps he was made by the gods himself, made alluring and beautiful to gain the human's trust.
You've experienced the lies of beauty before. Beauty earns trust that years of friendship can't compare to. Just the same, it stabs you in the back. At least with beauty, there's a pretty sight while you bleed.
Heavy footsteps shake you from the past, his presence forcing you all the way with your knees against the bed. The king's hand engulfs your neck, all around. He's warm against your icy skin, your body leans against him, for the heat. At the same time your mind fights, fights the need to give in and want this.
The man in front of you bends his neck low, his nose grazing from your collarbone all the way to your ear. A sudden storm begins to rumble in his chest, shivers form up and down your body as he speaks his first words to you.
"I know who you are." A rash of emotions hits your mind. He knows. He knows. He knows. The words reply in your head. The little hope you had that he would use you as just another whore is defenestrated. His wrath is not limited by time and his grudge will not fall.
"I remember that night. How can I forget how your parents screamed?" It's as if he chuckled, but at the same time, it can be heard as a growl. Like that of a clap of thunder. "They begged and pleaded for me to save your life."
The cruel king takes the thin straps of your night dress and pushes them off your shoulders and onto the floor. The wind sweeps through the windows, cold air making your body perk up.
"I was merciful, was I not?" That same cold air clashes with his hot breath. Now comes the time to decide. Would it be worth it to run?
Is there a point? He-His hot tongue is pressed against the base of your neck. It follows the curve of your tendons all the way up to your lips. "Now you must pay the debt of your life." Those plump lips ghost against your own. -He will catch you. "Yes, my king."
He is not soft; you have decided so. The thoughts that swim behind those icy-blue eyes, those which the world cannot see, do not contain mercy.
Yet, somehow, his hands are soft on your upper arms. “You will learn to love it.” He furrows his brows ever so slightly. The corners of his mouth are pulled down, just barely. As though he is seeing your future, the future he will cause, and is somehow saddened by it.
As if he suddenly realises that he’s shown more than the rock wall around his heart, he twists you around and throws you on the bed. You can hear his bottoms hit the floor and know it’s started.
His hands are rough, and huge, surrounding all of your waist. And just like every other part of him, his cock is immense. And in one harsh stroke, he impales your insides. There is no possible way to hold back the gasp that escapes your lips.
Your hands grip the sheets and already, you can feel the tears form in your eyes. On top of all that, he grabs you by the shoulder and pulls you even further down on him.
Sweat beads down your back after many violent thrusts. Grunts escape from the man, but not another word. There is no halting the moans that free themselves from your body.
Not soon after you can feel his dick grow even bigger somehow. His legs pull himself closer to yours and the liquids between your bodies soon are joined by steaky loads of cum.
Everything rocks and shakes your body. Your legs are raw and littered with bruises from the brutal beat of bodies. There are red marks all over your back and an ache in your shoulder.
Exhaustion is heavy weight forcing you down onto the mattress. Fire burns between your legs when he pulls himself from you. He seems to lay you down gently, still on your stomach.
You can feel his hot breath on your back. In contrast to the earlier savage fuck, he places gentle kisses on your neck. His beard tickles your skin, and you can feel his long hair graze against you.
“Thor. You may call me Thor.” You furrow your brows but before you can protest, the giant man is gone. Not that it matters, fatigue has taken over you and like every time before the dark is filled with bright blue eyes.
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steele-soulmate · 6 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 526, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death, abandoned baby
WORDS: 1163
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I smiled as Peter pulled into the garage, killing the ignition before looping around to collect me and whisk me up the stairs.
I laughed as the adorable child raced in from the sunroom, skidding to a stop at the sight of her beloved godfather carrying me up the stairs. He set me down before sinking to his knees to collect the happily bubbling little girl into his arms.
“Hello little girl!” he laughed as Daisy wandered in and sat by the back door, clearly indicating what she wanted.
“I got the dog, my love!” I told him with a humming laugh as I waddled over to the back door, which I opened before standing aside to let the Doberman/ mastiff go outside to do her doggy business.
“Hey there, I thought I heard you come in!” James greeted us, popping his head into the kitchen.
“Well, you heard correctly!” I smiled, turning to waddle into the sunroom for a sit down. “Hihi, Linda Wu.” I noted that the floor was a jumbled mess of blocks and Match Box toy cars, indicating that little girl had been having a ball of a time playing with Baby Tommy’s toys.
Peter came into the room, having nipped back downstairs to grab the two babies. Baby Tommy on one hip and Baby Eve nestled up to his burly chest.
“Liddle gurl!” screeched Baby Tommy joyfully wriggling out from his daddy’s arms and racing over to tackle his big sister in a hug.
“Baa bee Tom Tom!” little girl yelled, the two babies promptly falling onto the carpet.
WOOF Daisy looked as nonplussed as a dog could possibly look while Mittens went up to the two and sniffed at them.
MEOW The motherly cat began to rub herself against the two fallen babies and purr like a motorboat on crack, just one long continuous PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR as Primrose jumped out from underneath Peter’s chair and tackled little girl’s foot with a chitter.
“Liddle gurl, met Pwimmy!” Baby Tommy introduced his big sister to the skunklet.
“Alright then, I’ll take this as my cue to leave, in that case then!” James said his goodbyes, kissing little girl’s braided head and then leaving.
“Alright, so if I can now have everyone’s attention?” Linda Wu quickly redirected everything. “Now, I know that you, Peter and Mary Claire, adopted Katie and officially made her a member of the Ratajczyk family. Is there a possibility that you would like to adopt Baby Eve?”
Peter and I both exchanged looks.
Linda Wu opened her mouth to speak only to have Baby Tommy throw a plush tiger at her face.
“Shhhhhhhh!” he glared at her. “Mommy daddy tinking!”
“Baa bee Evesies?” little girl toddled up to Peter and broke out into a happy grin when he presented the small human for her. “Baa bee Evesies!”
“My love?” I hummed, causing us to have a communication using just our eye and facial expressions.
“Yeah?” he chuckled.
“Yeah,” I sighed as he placed a hand over the happily summersaulting Ratajczyk triplets, calming them down almost at once. He then turned to Linda Wu. “We would love to adopt Baby Eve, but first we would need to get the other kids’ thoughts on the matter, is that alright with you?”
“Sounds completely reasonable,” she agreed. “And might I ask when the girls will be getting back?”
“My love, what time is it?” I asked him as little girl toddled up to me with outstretched hands.
“It’s a little past noontime, sweetheart,” he told me. “Are you hungry? I can go put some chicken nuggets and Bagel Bites into the oven, do you want anything more?”
“No thank you, my love,” I said, smiling as he vanished into the kitchen, leaving me with Linda Wu and the babies.
“Kick kick kick?” little girl asked me, bouncing on her feet as Baby Tommy joined her, pressing his little man hand to my tummy. “Mama Wen Wen, baby goes kick kick kick!”
“Yes, that’s right, little girl!” I cooed. “There are three babies in my tummy. That’s called triplets!”
“Wowee,” her blue eyes went wide with shock and awe. “How do babies get in there?”
“Well, you see now little girl,” I smiled at her as Linda Wu simply looked on with great amusement. “Your Papa Pete and I really wanted another baby, so he ate a blueberry and then kissed me. He had swallowed the seed from the blueberry, and that kiss planted the blueberry seed into my tummy.”
“And seed became baa bees?” she asked me, amazing me with how advanced her sentence structure that become. “Wowie…”
“Mama Wen Wen hurtsies?” little girl meeped at the look of discomfort that crossed over my face.
“Mommy needsies kissies!” Baby Tommy insisted, prompting the two weeks babies to lift up my t-shirt and pepper my popped out tummy with loud kisses.
I giggled at how stinking adorable the babies were being as Linda Wu smiled before going off into the kitchen to collect Baby Eve from my soulmate.
“Such darling babies,” she cooed as she came back into the sunroom with Baby Eve nestled in her arms. “Peter is a very strange man.”
“You’re telling me!” I laughed, holding my arms open for her. “When most people first meet Peter, him, they automatically assume that he’s a manly man who’ll say no to playing dress up and chasing fae folk in the backyard! But once they get to know him, they’ll find out that he is truly a family man who loves his girls and his babies!”
“Ah,” she hummed good humoredly at my words. “Touche.”
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
I'm gonna leave this here for when you have the strength and mood to answer it:
Can we have some more of Vax's adolescence, or perhaps something about how he changed around Mama Welles and Vik? You mentioned addiction and my brain hasn't shut up ever since 👀
Stay frosty 💜
Me screaming because I love love love talking about Vax, no matter how many OCs I make for this damn game Vax will always be number one💗❤️✨
So I’ve thought about how I’m gonna answer this, and decided to give a general time line of how I’ve seen and thought about Vax’s childhood.
So, born 2049, Vax was born to Melissa Kane with his twin sister Vex. They were born identical, but Vax came out as trans around the age of 13, and changed his name to Vax Florence Kane. They spent years in and out of homes and squats until around the age of 13 as well, when Vax started stealing and pickpocketing for money (have a hilarious moment were he steals from Kovachek, Kerry’s manager), until the infamous age of 15.
15 is when he got into his physical fight with Low, and got the scar over his eye. Viktor Vektor found the twins huddled together after, holding each other close. Obviously Vax wasn’t the most trusting at first, not trusting this man to help. But after some convincing and Vex saying it would be okay, they went with him so Vax didn’t lose his eye. (Also Vex is pregnant with Victoria at this time, and has her a little after the twins turn sixteen). After Vex as her baby, she disappears. And Vax finds her years later working for Arasaka. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Sixteen is when Vax starts taking a notice in merc work. Vik a little iffy at first, but then takes Vax out to the badlands to shoot his first gun. Vik teaches him to shoot, box, fix cars, and is even the reason V is into Samurai and Kerry Eurodyne during his teen years. He really steps up into the Dad role without even realizing it.
(Tw: Vax’s life goes to shit here)
17 is when shit really goes down and stays down until V meets the Welles. It’s the first time he gets introduced to drugs without Vik being there to stop him. It gets him into some serious trouble with some dealers that end up kidnapping him. It’s then the first time Vax meets Rogue, who Vik went too for help. Due to massive College Au Spoilers I cannot share, Rogue agrees to help the panicked father in helping him find his son. She finds Vax wandering a the streets with a body face that’s not his own and smelling of fire. When she touches him he freaks out until he realizes she’s there to help him. And she finds a scared boy high out of his mind and a burnt hand.
She takes him back to Vik and the two embrace and Vik cleans him up and his hand. The drugs seem to get worse after that, like V is trying to forget whatever happened in that warehouse. Around the age of 20 is when he goes to Atlanta to try and turn his life around. It doesn’t work, and he comes back a year later. And the night he comes back, who does he meet? Jackie Welles.
Mama Welles knows what’s going down the second she sees V, and also knows this is Vik’s kid. She calls him and tells him she has him, and she’s gonna try to get him clean. Vik feels he’s failed his boy but Mama Welles shuts that down and tells him to just be patient.
V was ashamed as to what he had done to himself and found it hard to face Vik, which is why he disappeared like he did. Even sleeping on Mama Welles’s couch felt like he was intruding. But they helped, Jackie became Vax’s partner in the merc world, the two slowly making a name for themselves. Becoming brothers and making a family out of the four of them.
It’d be a same if anything bad happened to them👀
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sumecienta · 9 months
Fic Ideas (Or WIPS I will probably never get back to): BNHA Version
I've got so many ideas and I honestly have them as WIPs in my Google Docs but I-
How can I continue working on them if I can't stop thinking about t h e m.
Villain/Vigilante BAMF!Inko (because I had a period in my life where motherhood was romanticized so heavily that I project my lack of ass-kicking capabilities onto her) -> Aizawa is her crime fighting nemesis -> Retires when she's preg with Mido -> Enters Mido in self-defense courses = confident and confrontational child -> UA!Arc for Mido -> Skip to Baku Rescue & Villain!Inko is at. the. scene! WOOP WOOP! -> UA Dorms, Aizawa & A/M meet her, Aizawa figures her out and they both wait for Mido & AM to have a "secret" talk outside and cOnFrOnTaTiOn WoOoO -> SHE DIES AT THE END (I have it written down... I just like my closure in my fics, and this one is wonderfully, depressing)
Soulmates AU! Where they are bound to hate, detest, absolutely loathe each other -> It's not a well-known fact but like everyone has just that person they cannot stand
Amnesiac!Inko -> Inko-centric, no one realizes something's wrong, especially since Midoriya is at UA and dealing with villainy (Post-UA Dorms), Meets villains & proceeds to dismantle the LOV through the power of god and anime on her side (+ and a little of friendships w/ a Custody Battle bc I stan Lawyer!Inko) [Crack-Fic]
(Is this fruity? Is admiring Midoriya Inko in a position of power fruity? [does it help that I admire Mirko? Am I gonna have a crisis about this? Of course not])
Uni Professor(Quirk Research)!Midoriya -> LOV is in a downlow, Shigaraki joins his class as Tenko -> months/years pass and blackmail's him to join LOV -> Oh no, look at that he doesn't want to kill heroes- BAM, have a nonconsensual quirk transfer that makes you ferally berserk (Naruto as pre-kurama w/ chakra poison cloak, feral fucker) -> Kills heroes, debuts as Jester (royal, entertainer to the big boys) -> LOV & Precepts alliance -> ERI- oh no, Mirio died- oh damn, Eri has OFA- huh
Eri!Timetravel Fic, Mido rescues her from Mid-OFA v AFO battle after AFO tries to go after her (I do not question the quirk capabilities nor limitations but Eri somehow does not disintegrate herself and ends up near Toddler!Mido (Infant Baku v Mido at the park scene) -> Lost and exchanges with Mama Mido to babysit Baby Mido for temporary housing until she can find an apartment, get a stable job & financial stability -> Tries to find Younger!Eri, does and oh look, Baby Eri is gonna delete her father- oop nope, Future!Eri stops it ("I recommend you get some help from Aizawa Shota, his quirk is erasure and under his supervision Eri could control her quirk") -> Somehow, she goes years without touching her Younger!Self so it ends with her patting her head kindly and just disappearing- INTO BABY ERI'S MEMORIES
This is bad, I did paragraphs but I need to get these on here so some poor wandering soul could adopt them and give them the life they deserve. Grow little ones, be one with society and flourish with your mistakes and ambitions. Take your potential and yell it out to the world, silent and echoing since all that should be loved by you is your own existence.
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wandercr-arc · 5 years
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     Tracking down moving targets is rapidly becoming one of Eliana’s least favorite activities. No matter how accurately Carrington pinpoints a synth’s location, they always move long before she arrives to help them. Part of her wishes the Railroad could be a bit more blatant about its existence. It would make some of these synths more stationary, and her life much easier, if they realized that help was on the way.
     Giving a glance down towards her Pip-Boy every few seconds, Eliana picks her way down the street. At the end, she rounds the corner, surprise crossing her face when she spots someone else moving slowly down the street. Given their lack of uniform, Eliana surmises that she hasn’t found her synth, yet.
     Hand resting on the laser pistol strapped to her hip, she speaks up, “Hey. Can I keep walking this way, or should I assume you’ll shoot me if I do?”
     @longthoughtlost   ---   sc.
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wandercr · 5 years
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“No, no, please don’t cry.” She watches Josh’s face contort into an expression she’s come to know well over the past few weeks. “You aren’t hungry, your diaper isn’t wet, so what do you want?” Eliana asks as she bounces him in her arms. She paces the small bed space the Brotherhood has afforded them, eyes bleary with sleep. Tears begin to trail down Josh’s cheeks as his mouth parts in a loud wail.
She closes her eyes, wincing at the sound and the way it echoes off the walls. It’s moments like this that she misses Chris more than ever. If he were there, he’d probably have something uplifting to say, or he’d crack a joke that would make her forget how exhausted she is for just a few moments.
But Eliana is alone. It’s just her and Josh, and that’s her fault. The thought makes tears come to her own eyes, and she settles down in the rocking chair in the corner of the room. Lips thinning, she adjusts the buttons on her son’s onesie.
“Shh, it’s okay,” she whispers, holding him close. “It’s okay, mommy’s here. I’m not going anywhere. Ever. I promise you.” Josh blinks up at her with green eyes that closely match her own, his face unscrunching as he sniffles. One of his hands reaches to clumsily grasp at the soft fabric of her shirt. His tears slow, then come to a stop altogether. 
“There you go, sweetie. See? There’s nothing to cry about. I’ve got you.”
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ackermansupremacy · 3 years
Random Headcanons I have about the Marley kids if you parented them in a Modern au:
I love my kiddos 🥺
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• A handful
• From her very babyhood you knew she would be a handful, but v fun!!
• The type of baby to try to stick forks and keys in electrical wall sockets when shes unsupervised for 0.2 seconds
• Also wildly strong??
• Picks up furniture n shit
• When she gets older she 100% would be addicted to a gaming console
• A roblox kid
• Spends all her allowance on robux
• On her schools soccer team and in band
• She gets a note sent home from school with her at least once a month
• Has a very messy room with multiple band posters strewn about
• You later find out all the posters are covering holes in the wall
• “...Gabi?” “Yes?” “Is that a hole in the wall?” *Throws another poster over it* “NO???”
• Super sporty
• The kid that all the other moms are like “I wish my kid was like that!”
• You just smile cuz they don’t know the chaos you deal with at home :’)
• The quietist baby...never cries
• The only times she did cry were BLOOD CURDLING SCREAMS OF AGONY
• You took her to the doctor as a toddler cuz you thought she was deaf only for her to just be ignoring u lol
• Shes so quiet that you never hear her walking around so sometimes she’ll be right behind u and u have no idea and it scares the hell out of you everytime
• When she gets older shes a straight A student
• Starts ballet and is really committed to it
• Also joins a club at school, probably the debate club
• Reads a lot
• Practically lives at the library
• Really wants another sibling but won’t ask.
• Loves spending time with you (watching tv, doing puzzles, etc...)
• Watches a lot of reality tv but will never admit it
• Just a really good kid
• Dramatic baby
• Like,,,,
• Sits on the floor and starts crying cuz he thought he fell*
• Likes his big brother Colt more than he likes u
•Very mobile...He goes missing every ten seconds cuz hes always crawling or running away.
• When he gets older hes the most responsible kid ever
• Has a pet hamster with some dumbass name like gregory
�� Absolutely distraught cuz he thought it died...soap opera style wailing
• Only for it to be hybernating cuz its cage was in front of a vent in his room
• “Why are you crying?” “Gregory is dead!” “...Falco honey hes asleep,”
• Joins the soccer team cuz Gabi did
• But hes p good at it!
• very musical and plays a lot of instruments
• Super into marvel
• Plays fortnite
• Def helps his elderly neighbors with things and flexes it
• Makes you a really proud mama/papa :)
Udo (my fav :’))
• The biggest mamas boy from birth
• The kind of baby that just...always cries
• But hes so cute you can’t help but feel bad :(
• A very curious toddler, wanders off a lot to look at random flowers, bugs etc
• Separation anxiety
• Probably has night terrors
• Sleeps in ur bed until hes like 11
• A minecraft kid
• Has the creeper backpack and everything unfortunately hes that kid
• A band kid, he plays the clarinet and is super passionate about it
• Lives with Zofia at the library
• Also knows random facts about like everything??
• But theyre cool to listen to :)
• You do everything together :( he loves helping you cook and showing you his band stuff
• All his friends hang out at your house cuz your the “cool mom”
• He’ll never be embarrassed about loving his mom as much as he does :’)
To numb the pain of some of my babies dying :(
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kattestrophe · 3 years
Hans Hermann von Katte’s farewell letter to his family
Because @citizen-zero asked and my friend shall receive! Translation by yours truly, do contact me if you find a more fitting phrasing.
English translation
“In tears I want to dissolve, when I think, my father! that this paper will cause you the greatest grief a loyal father’s heart can feel, that the hope you harboured for my well-being and your comfort in old age have to disappear all of a sudden, that your troubles and diligence for my education to the maturity of the good luck you wished me was for nothing, yes! that I have to wither in my prime before I am able to show you and the world the fruits of your admonitions and my acquired knowledge. How I thought I would rise in the world and live up to your hopes! How I believed that I did not lack my timely happiness and well-being, how smitten was I with the certainty of great renown! But all in vain. How negligible are men’s thoughts, all at once everything collapses, and how sadly does the scene of my life change. How different is my current state from what I imagined. Instead of the path to honour and renown I have to wander the path of disgrace and a wretched death, but how unfathomable, oh Lord! are Your paths and how inexplorable are Your judgements. It is rightfully said that God’s paths are not men’s paths and men’s paths are not God’s paths. Had I continued in certainty, and had I forgotten God over all the happiness and well-being and had I put Him last: Would I not have preferred the path of the flesh, of sins and of lust to the path of God in good days? Yes, surely something like this would have led me away from God instead of to Him. The damned ambition that is fed to one since childhood without truly knowing its meaning would have continued on and on and would have attributed to the vain mind what truly only comes from God. The just and merciful God wanted to prevent this, and since His many and diverse signs were not listened to, He had to catch me in this way to prevent me from falling further into perdition and possibly even into eternal damnation. For this He shall be complimented by me!
So compose yourself, my father! and truly believe that God is involved, nothing can happen without His intention, not even a sparrow can fall to the ground. He is the one who governs and conducts everything with His holy word, so this my fate comes from Him too. While the manner of my death is bitter and harsh, the hope and certainty of future salvation is all the more sweet and pleasant, while it is connected to disgrace and infamy, it is nothing compared to future glory.
Console yourself, my father! since God has given you more sons, whom he might bestow upon more good luck in the world, to allow you, my father, to live to feel the joy about them that you hoped to find with me in vain, which I want for you from the depths of my soul. Meanwhile I thank you with filial respect for all fatherly loyalty bestowed upon me from my childhood to the current hour. May God, the mightiest of all, reward you a thousand times for the love you have shown me and replace with my brothers what I have lacked. May He keep and protect you to an old and grey age. May He feed you with well-being and water you with the mercy of his Christ. 
For all insubordination, unwillingness and recusancy towards you I subserviently ask for your forgiveness, and since it is the last thing that I will ask of you, my father, in this life, I hope that you will not refuse it, since I am sure that God will grant this to me too.
Now nothing is left except to close with this consolation: While you, my father, have never experienced anything high or noble about me in this world, o! be sure that you will meet in heaven all the higher
Son, loyal even in death.
But what should I tell you, most lovely Mama! whom I loved so much as if the band of nature had connected us – and you, dearest siblings! How should I institute my memory for you? My situation does not allow me to show you all that I have in my heart.
I am at death’s door, thus I have to be careful to enter with a clean and holy soul, so I can not waste time and only leave you this quote as a memory: 1. Book of Moses, Chapter 17, Verse 1 when God said to Abraham: walk before me and be pious.”
German under the cut
Entnommen aus Heynen, Walter (Hg.): Das Buch deutscher Briefe. Wiesbaden 1957. S. 96-98.
“In Tränen möchte ich zerrinnen, wenn ich daran gedenke, mein Vater! daß dieses Blatt Ihnen die größte Betrübnis, so ein treues Vaterherz empfinden kann, verursachen soll, daß die gehabte Hoffnung meiner zeitlichen Wohlfahrt und Ihres Trostes im Alter mit einem Mal verschwinden muß, daß Ihre angewandte Mühe und Fleiß in meiner Erziehung zu der Reife des mir gewünschten Glückes sogar umsonst gewesen, ja! daß ich schon in der Blüte meiner Jahre mich neigen muß, ohne vorher Ihnen und der Welt die Früchte Ihrer Vermahnungen und meiner erlangten Wissenschaften zeigen zu können. Wie dachte ich nicht in der Welt mich empor zu bringen und Ihrer gefaßten Hoffnung ein Genüge zu tun! wie glaubte ich nicht, daß es mir an meinem zeitlichen Glück und Wohlfahrt nicht fehlen könnte, wie war ich nicht eingenommen von der Gewißheit eines großen Ansehens! aber alles umsonst. Wie nichtig sind nicht der Menschen Gedanken, mit einem Mal fällt alles über einen Haufen, und wie traurig ändert sich nicht die Scene meines Lebens. Wie gar unterschieden ist mein jetziger Stand mit dem, womit ich in meinen Gedanken schwanger ging. Ich muß anstatt den Weg zur Ehre und Ansehen, den Weg der Schmach und eines schändlichen Todes wandern, aber wie unbegreiflich o Herr! sind Deine Wege und unerforschlich Deine Gerichte. Wohl recht heißet es, Gottes Wege sind nicht der Menschen Wege und der Menschen Wege sind nicht Gottes Wege. Würde ich etwan in der Sicherheit fortgegangen, und bei alle dem Glücke und Wohlleben Gott vergessen und ihn hintangesetzt haben: würde ich nicht vielmehr bei denen guten Tagen den Weg des Fleisches, der Sünden und der Wollust dem Wege Gottes vorgezogen haben? Ja gewiß, es hätte mich solches vielmehr von Gott ab, als ihm zu geführet. Die verdammte Ambition, die einem von der Kindheit an, ohne den rechten Begriff davon zu haben, eingeflößet wird, würde immer weiter gegangen sein, und zuletzt dem eiteln Verstande zugeschrieben haben, was doch einzig und allein von Gott kömmt. Solchem hat der gerechte und gütige Gott wollen zuvorkommen, und da seinen öfteren und vielfältigen Regungen nicht Gehör gegeben, auf solche Art mich fassen müssen, um daß ich nicht weiter ins Verderben stürzete und gar die ewige Verdammnis mir zuzöge. Dafür sein er auch von mir gelobet!
Fassen Sie sich demnach, mein Vater! und glauben sicherlich, daß Gott mit im Spiel, ohne dessen Willen kann ja nichts geschehen, auch nicht einmal ein Sperling auf die Erde fallen. Er ist es ja, der alles regieret und leitet durch sein heiliges Wort, darum kommt auch dieses mein Verhängnis von ihm her. Ist gleich die Art und Weise meines Todes bitter und herbe, so ist die Hoffnung und die Gewißheit der künftigen Seligkeit desto süßer und angenehmer, ist er gleich mit Schimpf und Schmach verknüpfet, ist es doch nichts im Vergleich der künftigen Herrlichkeit.
Trösten Sie sich, mein Vater! hat Ihnen doch Gott mehr Söhne bescheret, denen er vielleicht mehr Glück in der Welt geben wird, um Ihnen, mein Vater, die Freude an denenselben erleben zu lassen, die Sie vergeblich an mir gehoffet, welches ich Ihnen von Grund meiner Seele wünsche. Unterdessen danke ich mit kindlichem Respect für alle mir erwiesene Vatertreue von meiner Kindheit an bis zu jetziger Stunde. Gott der Allerhöchste vergelte Ihnen tausendfach die mir erzeigte Liebe und ersetze Ihnen durch meine Brüder, was bei mir rückständig geblieben. Er erhalte und bewahre Sie bis in Ihr hohes und graues Alter. Er speise Sie mit Wohlergehen und tränke Sie mit der Gnade seines Christus.
Für alle Ihnen jemals erwiesenen Ungehorsam, Unwillen und Widerspenstigkeit, bitte ich in aller Unterthänigkeit um Vergebung, und da es das letzte ist, was ich Sie, mein Vater, in diesem Leben bitten werde, so hoffe ich, Sie werden mir solches nicht versagen, da ich auch dieses von Gott gewiß versichert bin. 
Nun ist nichts mehr übrig, als daß ich mit diesem Trost schließe: Haben Sie gleich, mein Vater, nichts Hohes und Vornehmes in dieser Welt an mir erlebet, o! so sein Sie versichert, daß sie desto höher im Himmel finden werden
Bis im Tode getreuen Sohn.
Was soll ich Ihnen aber sagen, liebwertheste Mama! die ich so sehr, als hätte uns das Band der Natur verbunden, geliebet – und Euch, liebste Geschwister! Wie soll ich mein Andenken bei euch stiften? Mein Zustand läßt nicht zu, alles, was ich auf dem Herzen habe, Euch vorzustellen.
Ich stehe vor der Pforte des Todes, muß also bedacht sein, mit einer gereinigten und geheiligten Seele einzugehen, kann also keine Zeit versäumen, und laß Euch nur den Spruch zum Andenken 1. Buch Moses Kap. 17, V. 1 da Gott zu Abraham sprach: Wandle vor mir und sei fromm.”
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springday-aus · 4 years
Disney Prince!AU with Wonho [Hoseok]
★ Wonho [Lee Hoseok] as Disney’s Hercules ★
moodboard link 
Group: Monsta X
Member: Lee Wonho / Hoseok
Genre: fluff, romance
part of the Disney Prince series 
Type: Bulletpoint AU
Word Count: 1.9k
born a demigod
son of Zeus and a mortal mother
he absolutely adores his mother
he’s not ashamed to say he’s a mama’s boy
on the other hand, he doesn’t really like to talk about his father
especially since he has these powers
the power of physical strength….
he’s not sure if they’re a good thing or a bad thing
like, sure he likes that he can help the elders carry stuff
you know, like their animals when they’ve broken a leg
or moving their houses to more convenient places
the whole village loves him bc they literally saw him grow up as a kid
he turned out so well for someone without a father
don’t be fooled—he can literally physically crush you like a grape, but he’s literally the sweetest boy
he’s been living normally
despite the whole ability to rip off a 100 year old tree
and lift up a wall 
or a house
or a 200 pound horse 
his life has been fairly normal up until the incident
one day, when Hoseok was about 16 years old
a couple of kids were stuck underneath a rock
okay, an understatement
it was a huge ass boulder
these kids were stuck underneath and Hoseok lifted it to let the kids out
since that day, the elders called him Wonho
meaning a brave lion, the protector of the village
since that day, he’s been doing around helping others a bit more 
he started putting himself out there to help people 
it was small but these tasks got gradually bigger
it started from saving kids
to fighting against monsters
to saving the entire universe (but that’s another story)
next thing he knew the entire village was calling him a hero
there were statues made of his figure 
his face was slapped on e v e r y t h i n g 
the gods made a star alignment for his stature
he became one of the most famous faces
some just like to call him a Greek god that fell from the heavens
he still blushes every time someone calls him that
the ladies swoon the hardest when he’s on his Pegasus high in the sky
and the light shines oh so perfectly to emphasize his perfect, chiseled face
geez this man is very attractive and he doesn’t even know it
moving on
it’s important to remember that he did not get to this position alone
he was able to train with/under Hyunwoo
Wonho wanted to understand how he can be a better hero
to protect the ones he loves
and those in the community 
he is such a good boy, I want to cry
he heard about how Hyunwoo trains heroes the best so he made his way over and
here he is
even after completing his training, he continues to work on himself
so if he can’t sleep or when people don’t need help
he would be in the gymnasium to work out
or he’d be doing practice training in an abandoned field that Hyunwoo had set up
as he got older, all he really does is help people and train to be better at what he’s doing
since he’s been helping out, the chaos has decreased significantly and he finds himself wandering elsewhere for adventure
this is how he meets you 
I mean, you wouldn’t say you were in danger
but also, you were in the woods and you didn’t know this one all that well
and you may or may not have ended up messing with this lake monster that you def shouldn’t have been messing with
so there you are
in the middle of a lake
being held hostage by some
ugly troll ass, centaur thing
(tbh, you couldn’t really tell what he was, a river guardian???)
I literally mean held btw
you were literally in this creep’s hand bc he’s the size of a giant
so Wonho was walking around the forest with Pegasus, trying to find a new place and see if anyone needed his help
and very faintly he hears something from the distance
“if you don’t put me down, I swear to cut off your balls and rip off your—”
oo he didn’t wanna hear that
but he still rushes towards it
that’s when he spots you in this monster’s hand, struggling to get out
he slowly approaches you two
Wonho: “uh, excuse me? sir? could you, um, let them go?”
you speak up first, without taking two glances at him
You: “keep moving junior, I can handle this—have a nice day”
you flash him a sarcastic smile, hoping he’ll move along with his day
but he doesn’t 
instead his shoulders kind of drop for a second, slightly disheartened, but only for a second
because he stands up straighter and pulls out his sword
Wonho: “you might be too close to his situation—I’m sorry to do this without your consent, but I have to do my job”
before anyone can say anything else, Wonho dives in and does what he does best
he fights off the bad guy
next thing you knew, you fell into the water and it’s all a blur
you fished yourself out, trying to dry off
Wonho managed to punch the living daylights out of the river guardian so he was just passed out and drowning in the river
but who cares about him
after Wonho ensures he’s not dead, but unconscious
(and Pegasus does his little cheer for him)
he moves over to you
Wonho: “..... hey”
You: “hi”
Wonho: “are you okay?”
You: “after getting all the water out of my ears, I’ve decided that I’ve been better”
Wonho: “sorry… about that—it was kind of stupid, I should have thought that out better”
You: “you think?”
you eye him up and down as you try to dry off your shoes
You: “they give you a name with those rippling pectorals?”
Wonho flushes, laughing rather awkwardly
Wonho: “they call me Wonho, but you can just call me Hoseok…”
you look at him again
he turns into a deeper shade of red under your eyes
You: “I prefer Wonder Boy”
he lets out another small laugh
Wonho: “what’s—what’s your name?”
you give him yours, as you wring out the bottom of your shirt into the water
he repeats it, with a small smile on his face
Wonho: “soooo, how’d you get mixed up with the—”
you finish for him
You: “the pinhead with hooves?”
he lets a little laugh out
it’s kind of cute
You: “well, you know how men are, they think no means yes and get lost means take me, I’m yours”
you let out an airy laugh as Wonho stands there confused
You: “don’t worry about it, Wonder Boy, you’ll figure it out eventually”
you stand up, ignoring the water that continues to drip down
You: “well, Seok, thanks for the help, but I gotta bounce”
Wonho: “ah…”
he can’t really hide his disappointment: “where—where are you going?”
You: “oh, you know, here and there”
you flash a smile at him: “I’ll see you around”
Wonho: “how?”
You: “life has its ways… bye bye Wonder Boy”
you walk off and disappear into the woods
Wonho finds himself still looking off, even as your figure disappears
Pegasus huffs at him, almost mockingly at how mesmerized he is at your presence
he turns to Pegasus and points a finger at him, as if he’s scolding him
Wonho: “not a word”
he continues to go on and eventually stumbles into a little town
…. your little town :)
obviously he didn’t realize
until he saw you again about a week later
you were hanging around a fruit stand that belonged to your friend’s 
you looked just as beautiful as he remembers 
and less angry 
Wonho: “hey” :)
You: “Wonder Boy, back to me so soon, miss me that much?”
Wonho: “yeah, I did”
you didn’t expect him to be so straightforward
You: “so, you’re just hanging around town?”
Wonho: “it’s kind of like that”
You: “I heard some hero killed the monstrous lion, I should’ve realized it was you Wonder Boy”
Wonho: “ahhh…”
he flushes once again, rubbing the back of his neck
Wonho: “I—I’m no hero”
You: “sure you are, just remember, you are in a new town, take a break while you can”
You: “I will warn you though, it’s hard to find pretty sights in this dump”
Wonho: “I don’t think it’ll be that hard…. not without a guide at least…”
you look at him with a raised eyebrow
Wonho: “tHAt’S iF yoU wANT…. yoU don’T hAVE TO….”
you let out a laugh as he continues to flush into a darker red
he’s a cute boy, might as well shoot your shot
you wave to your friend as a silent goodbye and slowly start to walk off
without looking behind you, you shout out
You: “you coming, Wonder Boy?”
Wonho snaps out of his daydream that’s right in front of him
Wonho: “yes ma’am”
and thus the start of a beautiful relationship
Disney Prince!Wonho is as wonderful as it sounds
he already adores the life out of you
and he basically worships the ground you walk on
(as if you were the one with Greek god genes)
you, on the other hand, think he’s like a little puppy
a puppy that can kill you with his strength 
but a puppy
he loves praise
he needs attention
he loves affection
he’s basically a soft, gigantic puppy
this view kind of changed when you saw him in action
I mean you did see him in action that one time
but his life wasn’t really in danger
and lowkey he looks hot fighting
but like….
when he killed the Stymphalian Birds…
when he captured the cattle of Geryon….
I guess you kind of drew the line when you saw Cerberus on your front lawn
(he’s absolutely more adorable than people said, but it is still a three headed giant dog)
you were just concerned for him and the danger he was putting himself in
and Wonho kind of ate that shit up
but he did console you
he became a lot more careful to consider your feelings
that did mean more official training with Hyunwoo
but anything to make you happy
most of the time,  he stays to help the village
the elderly and kiddos there have grown to love him
I mean what’s not to love but
sometimes he does have to travel a bit farther for the king or something
but he always brings back some type of souvenir for you
he loves to spoil you
when he went to the Amazon, you got the most gorgeous flowers
another time, he brought some golden apples for you
he says it’s to make up the time away from you
and your heart absolutely melted
his presence makes up for it
he’s great okay
so you know how Pegasus is like his sidekick?
you two bonded 
he’s not sure how but 
Wonho loves that you and Pegasus get along
but y’all bonded a bit too much 
like you two won’t say anything but it’ll be on your faces when you’re judging him
moving on
you haven’t stopped calling him Wonder Boy
some days he prefers it
others, he prefers it when you call him Seok
so, affection 
this man needs it
whenever he’s in the same space as you
he’s like touch
it’s not like you’re gonna reject it
even if you roll your eyes, you always run into his arms
when he gets back from his trips
he doesn’t let you go for days
**cue you two waddling around because he’s backhugging you**
humor—while most of yours is dry
he still laughs and goes with it
he tells jokes unknowingly
like some of the stuff he says is ridiculous
and you just burst out laughing
you two are just very attuned with one another
very harmonious
very cute
Wonho: “when I’m with you, I don’t feel so alone”
You: “good thing you’re stuck with me then”
Wonho: “I wouldn’t have it any other way”
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Conjecture |9|
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Idol Reader Au, Enemies to Lovers AU
Summary: Your management refused to renew your contract unless you collaborated, so you ending up working with Min Yoongi. A guy you’d disliked from before both of your debuts. There is more to their past than meets the eye.
Links to all other parts in my masterlist :)
Warnings: SMUT!! (BDSM themes, restraints, toys, oral m recieving, masturbation, Sub Yoongi with a tiny bit of Dom), Swearing.
It’s finally here guys! God it’s been too long since i worked on this! Love this chapter because of that!
if you want to be tagged let me know :)
Reblog, Like, Comment pwwwweeasse :)
//Yoongi obeyed and dressed albeit heavy with amusement. The way panic grew across your face tickled him and forged a drowsy grin on his face. He drew back the long black curtains and introduced the bright beams of the sun slowly ascending the skyline. As much your mum could be terrifyingly blunt Yoongi had always had a good relationship with her, quite often he’d find himself at one of your shows and end up chatting to your biggest fan and the one who brought you into this life. He slowed his pace nearing the junction to the living room and heard your mum giving you relationship advice before stepping into the situation.//
 “Y/N!” Yoongi exclaimed when you’d grabbed his hand and pulled him into a harsh kiss as the elevator doors closed. His cheeks flushed rose when you let yourself pull away, your smirk thoroughly enjoying his embarrassment and awkwardness.
The meeting lasted a few hours and as soon the topic changed from the MAMAs to your relationship your mood soured incredibly quickly;  the list of restrictions on your new relationship grew and grew like unwanted thistles over a perfect lawn. You knew this was going to be the case especially seeing as the situation concerned a member of BTS but it still grated you the wrong way. You couldn’t even hold hands in public! The air was thick with unease. You’d also been told to do a joint V-Live later on and announce the MAMA performance; an official statement regarding dating status was going to be released tomorrow morning.
Yoongi being Yoongi wasn’t sure how to deal with you in this agitated state, the only comfort he could offer was squeezing your hand with gentle pressure when you were finally alone in the elevator. The action so small actually bloomed into a lot of comfort.
“I’ll go get Charlie from Kook and make a phone call and I’ll be back okay baby” The way he looked at you, calling you baby with those contemplative gooey eyes somewhat soothed a little more of the turmoil in your mind.
“Sure, don’t be too long” offering a weak smile.
You gave the receptionist a smile which prompted they keys at her computer to stop emitting the tapping sound and make her way over to you, the unsure smile and never focusing eyes were the unmistakable signs of a fan approaching a celebrity
“Excuse me Miss YL/N” The politeness of when we first entered the building remained unaltered.
You replied with a soft smile beckoning her to continue, she towered above you as you were sat; she realised this and knelt down to your height after bowing.
“I just want to say that I’m a huge fan and so is my daughter we saw you in Seoul at your tour kick off, it was incredible”
You beamed at her with wide appreciative eyes.
“Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed it, how old is your daughter? You replied
“Exam week for her right?”
“Yeah it’s been a tense week for sure”
“What’s her name?” you asked
“Annabelle?” her tone was now quizzical.
“Would you mind if I recorded a video on your phone for her?” She swallowed hard as if her throat had just played victim to drought
“Oh my god, that would be amazing” her words stumbled out as did her hands giving you her phone.
You recorded a message of good luck and encouragement and promised that next time you toured she could have VIP passes to one of your shows for all her hard work. You took the receptionists details and sent them straight to your manager. Her face morphed from ecstatic to petrified when a door to the left of her desk opened.
She’s obviously not supposed to be fazed by the guests here
Thankfully it was only Yoongi accompanied by Charlie who was walking patiently by his side
“I didn’t know you was a y/n fan” Her only response was a guilty smile and returned to her desk.
Yoongi really needed to stop wearing skinny jeans with rips in, the just looked too good on him; not to mention how his oversized black t-shirt sat on him in such a way it emphasised how small he actually was. His skin always glowed even bare faced and tired; you were both jealous and in awe of this.
“Earth to Y/N, you don’t need to daydream about me ya know” he teased placing the lead in my hand. “I’m yours now remember”
You’d been busted
“That maybe but sometimes one imagines things not entirely appropriate” you shot back. His eyes grew wide as did his smirk.
“You going to let me in on the daydream then? Need to live up to my expectations now don’t I”
He visibly huffed before carrying on walking you both out of the building
“Fine, come on I want to show you something”
We arrived down a quiet street occupied by what looked like old factory buildings. Half of the street was shrouded in un-moving shadows, it blanketed the few of the cars left on the street. Yoongi pulled up and bursting with chivalry came and opened the door for you; as much as it felt odd you accepted his hand and stepped out the car. He pressed the buzzer at a Tuscan red bricked building, the door was a large factory one. All the while your head was turning and searching for anything that indicated where the hell you were and for any potentially impending paparazzi
“It’s me” He confirmed to the crispy, crackling voice of the intercom, a click reached your ears and Yoongi hauled the door open.
You certainly was not expecting to be welcomed into a large white room, the white walls were beaming; the tint of fresh paint aroma was hanging weak in the air. The only thing gracing the walls were a variety of shapes and sizes of photographs to be illuminated by the lamps that sat off above them. More central in the room were benches and small podium like stands with animals’ models shown proudly off them.
Before you could ask what you were doing here, Yoongi replied to the vacant look on your face.
“My friends opening an exhibition next week, I remember how much you like photography so here we are.
You were approached by a young faced man, bright face tarred with the lines of stress. He was dressed in navy trousers and a loose shirt.
“Oh I’m actually so glad you’re here” he rushed “Could you please hold the fort here for like 30 mins, the security people are running late but I’ve got to go and meet with the caterers” his face was flushed a red pink, poor thing.
“Uh Sure, yeah of course” Yoongi stuttered back.
“Also absolute pleasure to finally meet you Y/N, please enjoy” He offered you a bow down to his waist and placed a light respectful kiss on the back of your hand before zooming off.
“Nice to meet you too” your voice chasing after him.
“So I guess it’s just us then” your words slowed as they escaped you.
“Looks like”
You took his hand and moulded it to yours
“Guess we can look around the gallery like this then” you quipped bright as a button with the opportunity.
“Can also do this” he added yanking you to a kiss which then moulded you against his body, before you’d allow yourself to set you pulled yourself apart and focused your attention to the beautiful photographs at your personal viewing.
You’d spent about thirty grand in your mind already window shopping, it would be reality as soon as you worked out where on earth you’d hang them. One of them already would look perfect in your studio.
“He’s really talented”
“Yeah, even at college he was annoyingly talented, he beat me at every class” ….
“Well I’d say your both winning at life, just different departments. Reckon he has more in the back?”
“Probably yeah” he followed your lead, not that he had a choice, he was too content secured in your grip. The main back room was cluttered with debris of packaging and boxes, the only thing that was clear was a low sofa and a small table and chairs; the table was only lightly littered with food packets and wrappers. Along the far wall was a rack holding a stack of large prints all protected with a protective film for transporting.
You wandered off, releasing his grip and aimed straight for the rest of the prints. There was an expulsion of air from the leather sofa as Yoongi relaxed his weight to it; allowing you to browse excitedly with a content smirk resting on his face. You managed to catch the end of the sparkle of amusement trying to flicker away as you turned.
“Nothing you’re just so adorable when you’re in your element”
“Call me adorable once more and BTS will need a new rapper” you warned.
“Ado……ra” he began, your eyes glistened with ‘you dare’; your uncontained smile only provoked him
“Ble” he finished looking smug.
 “Is this adorable?” you breathed, teeth nipping at his neck, hand feathered at the back of his neck gripping at his hair. Your palm applying pressure through his trousers just underneath the apex of your thighs
“You know damn well it isn’t” he managed trying to keep all breathy moans from escaping to coax you more.
“You’ve gotta stop” he pleaded.
“Why?” lips enveloping his, delaying the response you knew was coming.
“You are going to get us into sooo much trouble and we really can’t have a scandal someone could be back any minute” his grip loosened at the outside of your thighs, further informing you of his sincerity.
“You mean you can’t! My reputation is quirky and beautifully tarnished at best. Yours is the squeaky clean one” You pouted, slumping back onto your legs shifting your weight to his legs.
“Put that bottom lip away before I call it adorable” you chuckled at his statement slapping his chest in amused disapproval.
The knock of the door almost jolted you on your ass as it made you jump and had you scrambling off Yoongi to an innocent position. A calm smile camouflaging the rapid panicking of your heart. After checking the window and confirming the work men you opened the door to an immediately flustered couple of guys. They definitely weren’t expecting two idols to greet them.
“Umm…I’m looking for..Mr” he stuttered. One pair of eyes was noticeably on you a hell of a lot more than Yoongi.
“He’ll be back any minute” Yoongi piped up, slightly stepping in front of you and pulling the door open from you. The protective gesture didn’t go unnoticed.
Hurried footsteps bombarded from behind to a flushed looking …
“I’m here, thank you” You and Yoongi wordlessly thanked him as the security guys were already going over plans like they couldn’t wait five god damn minutes.
The pair of you worked on some of the arrangement on the song until you both sub-misssed into your room at Yoongis and curled up together in comfy spoon and napped. The weight of your arms draped at his hips, your face nestled into the back of his neck was the perfect catalyst for sleep.
Everything was set for the V-Lives, you’d both wanted to air it from your own accounts so you’d managed to push two screens together in his studio and placed two cameras where each of the screens met so you’d be looking in the same direction.
The genius compromise came from you. Obviously.
“Ready?” he asked swivelling in his chair to your direction behind him faffing with your hair and fine tuning your makeup in a small mirror by the door.
“You’re shitting it aren’t you?” pushing himself up and out of his chair and wrapped himself around you from behind, head resting on your shoulder looking all bright and doey eyed at your reflection.
“Just nervous about the reactions we’ll get tomorrow more than anything” You confessed.
“It will be fine, we know they’ll be both good and bad, people will get over it. Anyway just see it as we’ll be the K-Pop power couple everyone will want to talk about”
You chuckled under your breath “Power couple? We’re not Jay Z and Beyonce” you quipped.
Both of you had thousands of viewers in minutes, watching the comments explode with excitement asking what’s going on had you wearing an amused smile leaning forward hand supporting your chin as your eyes scanned the influx of fans. Some of which were already saying you’d look like such a good couple.
After you’d made the performance announcement the V-live quickly deteriorated into a snowstorm of questions, you both did your best to control the blizzard without revealing any secret snowflakes.
“A lot of Army are asking what your favourite BTS song is” Yoongi directed at you with beautiful curious eyes.
“I think whatever it is you should totally sing some” he added knowing full well the power of army would make the peer pressure unbeatable. Even your fans comments turned on you and wanted to hear you sing.
“Seriously?” you asked bemused.
“Yep! Look literally everyone wants it and you can’t tell me as an artist you’ve not sung or prepared a version of it” he rolled his chair back and dragged out the mic stand and placed it defiantly in the room.
“I’ll play the piano for it” he encouraged. Your face felt the rush of blood tainting your cheeks.
“Erm, it’s so hard to pick just one, I guess either Tomorrow or House of Cards, you choose from them” you demanded, from the fans or Yoongi would do.
“We’ll do House of Cards, I think your vocals will be perfectly beautiful for that” Normally a compliment would be accompanied by a sugar coated gaze In your direction, not on live though, he turned without a moment’s hesitation and set up his keyboard. Fingers caressing the keys with such gentle precision as he warmed them up. The grey hoody slumped on his frame, his expressions hindered shielded underneath his black baseball cap.
“Hope you guys enjoy this” you stood tight, microphone facing side on to the camera allowing you to observe Yoongi from behind. The song had always sounded such a sexy ballad but under the keys of gentle fingers the piano made the song feel so sad, you inhaled as you nodded to Yoongi who played you into the song.
After a few bars the surroundings dissolved into the safe haven of your own room as if you were casually singing around the house. You’d even recorded a cover of this song.  Just before the last note as Yoongi finished playing his smile and shimmering eyes reached you and shoved you straight back into shyness, you laughed through the flushness once again and gave a timid bow and scurried back your chair and shrouded yourself with your hood and scanned the screens for the comments. Yoongi just chuckled and joined you back at the computer.
“That was alright” he said as non chalantly as he could through his grin which he was attempting to squash.
You flung your wrist out and flicked it across the top of him arm with wide eyes and mouth.
“Ow” he exaggerated. His pout only encouraged you to do it again.
“They keep saying we’d be an awesome couple” his hands pointing at the pair of computers. You’d both agreed to not mention any comments hinting at anything like that. Without skipping a beat, as if you’re brain hadn’t just completely panicked.
“Can you imagine?” you managed through a giggle
“Ultimate power couple” you added reflecting on Yoongi’s comment earlier. The comments were flooding in on both feeds, flashing too quick to read but you got the gist of agreement and compliments.
You ended the session after minutes of sending your love and appreciation to fans and getting caught up in another few questions. It’s worse than leaving a house party and having to say your goodbyes to everyone on the way out.
“Thought we were avoiding any couple comments?” you glared at him returning the mic stand to its home behind the electronic keyboard.
“There were just too many to ignore” he defended tugging at your belt loop leaving you falling into his chest as he lent against the desk
“Don’t creep, we said not too! And you made me sing!” your fist curled into weak fist and rested at his chest, his hands rested at your lower back but they quickly started falling out of place and slid to cup your ass.
The sheets were ruffled into a hot mess, his fists were bound behind his back, beautifully decorated with black silk. His whines and pants were muffled by the mattress. The muscles at his shoulder blades were deliciously twitiching as he writhed under any contact you gave him. A pillow was under his hips raising his behind which was now a precious pink taking the shape of your hand. The quiet hum of the prostate massager just only audible over Yoongi’s tired moans, the hair around his neckline was damp and refused to move when he moved.
“Had enough?” the ache between your own legs becoming unbearable, you could feel the extent of your arousal as you moved. Tugging at his hair yanking his head up from the mattress.
“Yes, god please!” satisfied with the level of desperation saturating his voice you clicked and powered down the massager stealing a relieved groan into the mattress. The soft silk tie found a new lace on the floor freeing Yoongi’s arms as the fell to his sides
“Roll over” you ordered, leaving him no time to catch his breath.
“You look so sexy all fucked out” you breathed, fingers ghosting a teasing pattern down his thighs as your body soon followed your tongue gliding in so slow whirls around his throbbing cock. You allowed the hand that had ruffled into the top of your hair to stay, the tighter the ministrations of his grip only motivating you further.
“If you don’t want me to cum you gotta…” His hips bucked slightly even under the weight of one of your arms, his grunt catching is his throat. Your eyes shot upwards beneath the smirk growing at your lips swallowing him down. Your eyes were met with a regretful satisfied glance.
“What did I say would happen if you came before I said you could?” before relishing in a cup of water at the bedside.
“That I couldn’t make you cum and you’ll do it” the pangs of disappointment oozed into his voice, the confliction of what he knew was going to happen frustrated  him yet sent a new wave of tingles rushing southward
This was fast becoming your favourite punishment for Yoongi for two reasons
1.       His pride and selfishness made it torture for him if he wasn’t the one causing you to writhe in pleasure
2.       To him it was the sexiest thing to watch and he’d end up frustrated and turned on again.
“You got it, you’ll have to listen to me moaning and touching myself when it could have been you if you did as you were told”
His body heavy with defeat against the bed as his eyes hollowed with dread and anticipation as they followed your every move as you shuffled up and laid down next to him, lightly pushing him on his side, he took your hint and rolled on his side facing away from you.
“You only deserve to hear me baby” you tease littering his shoulder blades with heavy kisses.
“You’re such a tease” he breathed.
“Mmhmm” you murmured already tracing your fingers through yourself. Fuck you were so wet honing in on your clit as you put yourself on your side and got as close to him as you could. He was going to feel every ministration of your hand as your hand brushed against his skin and your hips pushing forward slowly driving him up the wall of tease you loved to make him climb. He was going to hear all the explicit sweet nothings of you whimpering how much you much you wanted it to be his cock feeling your walls instead. How you wanted his fingers massaging your clit.
“Christ” he mumbled, barely audible through his face diving into the pillow as you cried out his name as you came over your own fingers. Your body jerking and your legs muscles tensing riding out your high.
 “I’m going to take a cold shower before you make me do something you’ll only punish me for” he announced with a sense of exhausted cheekiness, chucking himself away from you leaving you with the devilish smirk. He didn’t complain about his punishment, at all. Opting to just try and cool down, you waited a few minutes before shuffling your way through the damp covers and followed him to the bathroom.
His main bathroom was exquisite, failing to find a different word worthy of the bathroom. Even the shower was majestic. The cubicle itself was large and oblong, at one end was a sauna like wooded slated bench just out of reach of the water; that was unless you turned a separate shower head on above the bench. The main waterfall shower head was centre of one of the longer walls surrounded by grey marble tiling only covered partially by the gold coloured shelving with copious bottles of skin, hair and body washes.
 All that luxury was nothing compared to a bare Yoongi with his back to you dousing himself in water, the particles coating his skin. His behind still bearing your marks was sculpted by years of dancing; whether he like to dance or not you were certainly grateful.
“You can turn the cold off” your hands soaking up the contact from his sides, the freezing splashes rebounding off you, goose bumping your skin instantly. His hair flat against his forehead water using the strands as a runway before it landed on his chest and trailing down even further to his half erect member. This was soon remedied to full as your hands teased him
“Please don’t tease me anymore” he voice desperate and energy drained passing through a pleasing sweet smile.
“I’m done” he conceded, your skin left his as you feigned shock.
“Well I came here because I was going to let you sort that out” head dropping in the direction of his groin. “Any way you wanted seeing as you accepted your punishment with such grace but if you’re done then…” you turned in a deliberate slow movement to leave.
“Well that changes my status of done” his hand slid to secure yours, the pair of you had mirrored smug grins.
“I thought it might!” you detached yourself from him again and took a few cautious steps over to the sauna style seating at one end of the shower.
“So how do you want me” you toyed teasingly bending over hands resting on the bench giving him an eyeful he enjoyed.  After a light chuckle diffused into a hungry glare he answered
“Right there” he affirmed through a groan as he pressed into you from behind, hands trailing up your back finding their grip at the back of your neck and hair.
“And I want you crying my name out” he added with a hard thrust knocking your forward through your own pleasurable whine.
“You better make me then”
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steele-soulmate · 6 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 528, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death, abandoned baby
WORDS: 1232
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“Goodbye my love,” I hummed as Peter pressed a sweet kiss to my temple, dressed to head out with the girls. “Goodbye Elizabeth, goodbye Elle, goodbye Katie, goodbye Jing. See you all in a couple of hours.”
By this point, I was about twenty two weeks pregnant and the Ratajczyk triplets were approximately the sizes of three papayas each. The three babies were growing bigger by the day and I was becoming more and more uncomfortable as well.
“Goodbye mommy! Goodbye Baby Tommy! Goodbye little girl! Goodbye Baby Eve! Goodbye Baby Mattie! Goodbye Baby Teddy! Goodbye Baby Jojo!” Katie said her goodbyes as she waved her farewells to us before skipping out the door, her American Girl mini me in arm.
Elizabeth followed behind, a bit more tentatively. When presented with the possibility of staying home today, she had automatically rebuked the offer, saying that she wanted to be there for Katie.
The very moment that the group of five had left, Isabelle wandered into the master bedroom, on the clear hunt for something to scratch that ever pesty itch in between her thighs. I had my doting husband dress me for the day in a loose fitting nightgown and he had a loving quickie with me, his engorged length impaling me as he grunted and panted from up above me before shooting his manly spunk deep within me.
I had asked him not to clean me up, wanting to save his spilled seed for my lesbian lover’s wicked tongue.
“Hihi,” giggled Isabelle as she bounded up to the bed, where she waited for me to give her the go ahead. I only spread my legs for her, inviting her in to feast upon my pregnant elixir.
Round after round of passionate love making later, Isabelle redressed herself before disappearing into the bathroom. She reemerged about fifteen minutes later with a damp washcloth, which she began to use to clean me up.
“So what do you want to do today?” she asked me nonchalantly.
“I think I’ll spend today baking bread and knitting,” I answered her in a lazy voice, craning my head to take a glance at the clock on my bedside table.
9:47 AM
“That plus the babies will be waking up shortly,” I finished up my statement with a simple shrug. “Little girl is here.”
“Little girl is here,” Isabelle repeated after me, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips before helping me up out of bed and down the stairs and then nipping back off upstairs to collected Baby Eve and bring her back downstairs for some morning milk.
“Good morning, sweet Baby Eve!” I crooned as I took a seat on the couch and fitted her to my tit. “Nom nom nom!”
Baby Eve looked up at me with giant chocolate brown eyes as she reached out and fisted at my red curls. A soft coo escaped out my mouth as I brushed back her thick baby curls, still a pale blonde coloring.
“Mama Wen Wen?”
I looked up and saw little girl and Baby Tommy, both standing at the top of the stairs holding each other’s hand as they both waited for Isabelle or I to come and help them down.
“Mama Wen Wen, Baa bee Tom Tom rolled out of bed!” she tattled on her little brother as Isabelle reached them.
“Is Baby Tommy alright?” I asked concerned as the chubby little man jumped the final two steps before bounding over to me and climbing up onto the couch next to me with his dollie friend in hand.
“Mesies fine,” he told me, leaning over to tug the hem of my shirt up to press sweet baby kisses to the three Ratajczyk babies growing within.
“I’m going to bake bread today, do you want to help me?” I asked them, knowing that the kitchen would end up a mess with the two “helping” me.
“YES!” the both screamed with joy, bouncing up and down on their feet with glee.
“Mama Wen Wen? Can wesies makesies sin man bread?” little girl meeped, hugging her cloth dollie to her chest. “Pleasies?”
“Cinnamon bread?” I clarified, laughing at her amped up anticipation. “I don’t see why not!”
“YAY YAY!” cheered the two babies before doing a sort of war dance around the sunroom as Baby Eve unlatched herself and began to lightly fuss as I handed her over to Isabelle for a burp.
Little girl and Baby Tommy both ceased celebration and looked at each other in disbelief before turning their eyes onto a happily settled Baby Eve.
“Baa bee Evesies urpies,” little girl declared, wrinkling her tiny baby nose. “Ew.”
Isabelle and I both burst into amused laughter as I heaved myself up and waddled into the kitchen to get started on baking bread.
“Little girl, be nice now,” I clucked as I began to pull out the needed ingredients to measure and dump into my bread machine to mix the dough. “You and Baby Tommy both would burp right after feeding from a helping of mommy milk!”
“Mesies mommy milk?” Baby Tommy asked me, brightening as Isabelle opened the refrigerator and took out a milk bag, which she then poured into two sippy cups and handed to the babies. “Yum yum!”
“Mesies likesies Mama Wen Wen milky milk!” little girl announced happily as she guzzled down her milk with a happy baby grin across her face.
“Mesies too! Mesies too!” agreed Baby Tommy, offering his dollie some mommy milk as I got out the measuring spoons and cups.
“Alright now babies, how about if we make cinnamon bread and blueberry oatmeal bread?” I asked them, deciding to stick to the two simple bread recipes for today.
“YAY YAY!” the both screamed, bouncing up and down on their feet once more as they both showed how excited they were.
“Okay!” I announced as Isabelle took a seat in a chair at the island, Baby Eve in one arm and her cell phone in her other hand. “I’m going to show you two how to use liquid measurements first…”
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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doom-dreaming · 5 years
College AU - Margaritas, Mal, and Moze
@marigold-magpie HERE IT IS AND IT’S....it got away from me. and it’s more the girls making fun of Troy than anything else, honestly. also i’ve edited and edited this and i’m still not totally happy with it, but   w h a t e v e r
(Read it here on Ao3!)
“Ooh…margaritas!” Sasha practically pounced all the way from the door to the nearest blender.
“Courtesy of your selfless donations…” Tyreen tapped her knife against the edge of each as she listed them. “We got strawberry, lime, and…” She dipped her finger into the last one. “…peach! If you want some variety.”
“Straight tequila shots?”
Tyreen snatched the bottle away from Fiona’s wandering hand. “Nuh uh. We wanna have fun, not get shitfaced. Besides…” she tilted the bottle, frowning. “Miiiight not have enough for the rest of the mix—”
“What’s up, nerds?!”
“Funny, coming from you.” Tyreen raised an eyebrow, but didn't look up from the lime she was slicing.
Gaige huffed out a half-offended sound. “At least I’m not majoring in sociology, or whatever.” She dumped her backpack beside the couch. “What’re you gonna do with that, anyway?”
“Start a cult?”
“Yeah, good luck. I’ve seen your ECHOgram, you’ve only got, like, 500 followers.”
“Compared to your…what, fifty?” Tyreen leveled a smug grin at the redhead’s pout. “Nice try.” She licked the lime juice from her fingers and waved the knife at Moze, who was still standing semi-awkwardly near the door. “Just make yourself comfy, hon. Nothin’s off-limits. Except Troy’s room, but you don’t wanna go in there, anyway.”
“Uh…speaking of Troy…“ Sasha’s voice drifted over from the couch. "He’s got more followers than both of you.” She held up her phone. “743.”
Simultaneous cries of indignance flooded the small room.
“What the FUCK—”
“How in the hell—” Gaige beelined for the couch, her drink forgotten. Without hesitation, she vaulted over the back and landed next to Sasha. “I didn’t even know he had one! Lemme see. Oh, Ty, it’s you!”
Tyreen pinched the bridge of her nose. “Drunk karaoke? Yeah…” She moodily garnished her drink and joined the rest of them. “I just don’t get how he has more…” She mellowed into grumbling as she curled up on a chair in the corner of the room. “…fucker.”
Gaige snickered, popping back to her feet to retrieve her drink. “The fatal weakness in your perfect sibling relationship, huh?”
“I’m not that jealous, I just, y’know, spend hours doing tutorials and editing the videos and he records thirty seconds of me singing 'Hey, Mama’ after a dozen shots and…” She glowered at Sasha. “You and Fi would never—”
Fiona’s loud laughter cut her off. “Oh, I definitely would.”
Sasha agreed with a disappointed nod.
Tyreen sighed. “It’s petty and it shouldn’t bother me, but…”
“But that’s why we’re here,” Fiona reminded. “To drink and bitch!”
“To drink and bitch!” the rest of them echoed, raising their glasses.
“Or just drink,” Moze piped.
Fiona smirked. “I knew I liked you.”
“I mean, I just got here and so far? No complaints.”
Gaige plopped down beside her on the floor and patted her arm. “Valid.”
“Okay, then I’ll start.” Fiona took a long drink before setting the glass carefully onto the coffee table. “So...my ex—”
A collective groan rose from the group.
“—yeah, he swore up and down that he wouldn’t start shit with Rhys, but what does he do?” She didn’t let the question hang long. “Starts shit with Rhys!”
Sasha kicked her feet up. “Guy’s a fucking asshole. I don’t know what you ever saw in him, honestly.”
“Yeah, that makes two of us. Rhys is a dumbass, but at least he’s not a lying, cheating—”
The front door of the apartment opened just loudly enough to bring the conversation to a halt. Troy shuffled in with his bag hanging off of one arm and his jacket bundled in the other, oblivious to anyone else. He kicked the door shut, abandoned his bag next to the kitchen counter, and made it halfway across the apartment before Tyreen cleared her throat.
“…what’cha got there, bro?”
“You look kinda...guilty.”
“No, I, um…” He tossed his hair. Readjusted his glasses. Heaved a defeated sigh. "...it's a cat.” Sure enough, the jacket mewled.
Instant mayhem.
“A cat?!”
“Don’t get it near me! I forgot to take my allergy meds!”
“I hope you don’t want to keep it—”
“Everybody shut the fuck up, you’re scaring him.” Troy elbowed his way past his sister, toward the coffee table. “I found him around the back of the building. We don’t have to keep him, I just figured I’d get him outta the cold." He set the jacket down, pulled back a few loosely-folded layers, and extracted a wiggling orange kitten. “Buuuut…I might’ve named him already…“
He tucked the kitten to his chest, looking offended. "Just for tonight, Ty, I promise. In the morning I’ll take him to the shelter—don’t look at me like that.” He grabbed his jacket from the table and turned on his heel. “I’m gonna give him a bath.”
“Troy, you know campus policy—”
“Fuck campus policy! I’m not putting him back out!” The slam of the bathroom door sounded like an exclamation mark.
“Don’t get rabies!” Sasha called after him.
“Bold of you to assume he doesn’t already have it…” Tyreen dropped her head into her hands. “Fuckin’ idiot.”
Gaige’s grin was too wide to be innocent. “Hey, Troy! What’s his name!?”
“Mal!” came the muffled reply, followed by a sharp, “Oh, shit—ow!”
“Stop encouraging him,” Tyreen groaned. “I’m at least ninety percent of his impulse control and I don’t need you making things worse.” She paused, then let her head fall back with a weary sigh. “But I guess as far as breakup behavior goes, rescuing a cat is better than rebounding…”
“How bad was that breakup, anyway?”
“Lethal, based on how he’s acting.” She rubbed at her eyes. “I…shouldn’t be mean. Troy gets invested. I think he was waaaay more into it than August was—”
Sasha nearly choked on her drink.
“You good?”
She brushed off Fiona’s back-patting. “Yeah, I’m good, I’m good. Just—” cough “—went the wrong way. All good.”
“You should let him have a couple drinks with us,” Moze suggested. “Maybe—”
Four voices shouted, “No!” in unison.
Tyreen huffed. “You know how most people have an alcohol tolerance? Troy has an alcohol intolerance. That first day you met us? Yeah, he was fucking trashed ‘cause he spent the whole night trying to drown his broken heart.”
Troy’s voice drifted out from behind the bathroom door. “…I heard that!”
“It’s not a secret!” Tyreen yelled back.
Troy grumbled something inaudible, then emerged. Shirtless. The kitten squirmed inside a towel. “Little dude scratches like a motherfucker… Someone wanna hold him while I…?” He motioned to the red slices across his chest with his free hand.
Tyreen glanced around the group. Fiona was still holding her hand over her nose and mouth, shaking her head. Moze was…definitely focused on Troy’s abs. “Anyone?” Gaige and Sasha just shrugged. She narrowed her eyes. “If you’re trying to trick me into keeping this cat, I swear to God… Fine. Hand him over.”
“You don't have to make such a huge fucking deal out of it,” Troy complained.
Tyreen's glare was downright scathing. “Then apparently you don't remember the baby bird. Or the snake. Or the—”
“Yeah, okay, whatever. Just take the cat.” He pushed the towel into her hands. “I swear it's only for tonight.”
“I don't believe you…!” she sang at his retreating back. He flipped her off before shutting the bathroom door again. She rolled her eyes.
Moze's voice was the first to break the silence. “So, uh...didn't know Troy wears glasses.”
“He doesn't, usually. But—oh no, no way—” Tyreen intercepted the kitten as it made an attempt to escape. “—he's blind as shit—”
“Heard that too!”
“—and wears contacts most the time.” She cocked an eyebrow at Moze. “But be honest, that's not what you were lookin’ at.”
The younger girl's face flushed a shade darker. She stirred at her drink, mumbling, “Just didn't expect he'd be…”
“Like that?” Gaige filled in. “Yeah, I didn't expect it either the first time—” She cut herself off abruptly. “Uh.”
“The first time what...?” Sasha asked cautiously.
Tyreen rolled her eyes, aware that she was the only one not acting like Gaige had just confessed to murder. “They hooked up. It was, like, a year ago.”
“It was at an engineering thing! We were both drunk!” Gaige shrieked in an attempt to defend herself. “Neither of us remember anything about it! It just sorta..." She gestured helplessly. "We woke up with, like, half our clothes on the floor and honestly I wouldn't have believed anything happened except I had dried c—”
“OH MY GOD, SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Troy yelled. “Literally no one needs to know the details!”
“Yeah, I'm with him on that,” Sasha admitted, her expression sour.
Tyreen attempted to hide a snicker behind her hand. Her unoccupied hand. The hand that wasn't scratching the kitten behind the ears. “The only reason I found out was ‘cause as soon as he got back and had his head in the toilet, he started cryin’ about it—”
Troy stalked out of the bathroom, scowling. “I was not crying—”
“You were crying and puking and—”
“And now I'm leaving. Gimme the cat—wait, are you petting—?”
“Shut up. Take him.” The kitten, lulled by Tyreen's attention, gave a confused ‘mrrrp?’ as he was roused by yet another handoff. “Go...listen to some music or something.”
“So you can tell more lies about me? I see how it is.”
“Oh my God, would you just take your emotional support animal and go, already? Please?”
“C'mon, Mal,” Troy sniffed. “We don't need them anyway.”
Tyreen gulped down the rest of her drink as he disappeared into his room, half in an attempt to not snark back at him and half in an attempt to get buzzed. “Anyone want refills?” she sighed once he closed the door.
Fiona silently raised her empty glass.
“You know, you're the only one here with a brother,” Gaige mused.
“And ain't I lucky,” Tyreen drawled, taking Fiona's glass and slouching back into the kitchen. “I mean...I love him, obviously. But he's a pain in the ass.” She paused, cocking her head toward his bedroom door. “Okay, I think we're good. He can't hear us. What'd you have, Fi? Lime?”
“So...should I or should I not try to...y'know.” Moze clicked her tongue and nodded in the direction of Troy's room.
“If you wanna go out with my brother, you have my blessing. Or...whatever. But...maybe don't go for the kill immediately? Give him some time. Get to know him first.”
“More like know what you're getting into,” Gaige joked.
“I...think I've got a pretty good idea.”
Tyreen tuned them out and took another long drink of her margarita. Troy's follower count was starting to make sense.
****** @corpseyb0nes @afterthedreamer @mischiefsilvertongue @tricerathotss @vanderlinde-exe @ayilachan @zipp0flare @luxury-of-insanity @vanillabuttercreamm @anni000001 @imchaoticnerd @pepper-demon 
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wandercr-arc · 6 years
@longthoughtlost liked for a starter.
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          “I don’t suppose you have any idea why my son’s full of sugar and bouncing off the walls, do you, sis?” Eliana inquired lightly, her eyes glinting with bemusement. “I know that you wouldn’t spoil him with Fancy Lads, of course, but maybe you saw something.”
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wandercr · 5 years
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“C’mon, sweetie, not that much farther now.” The faint light of dawn peers over the edge of the horizon, painting the sky muted shades of blue and yellow. Out here, in the middle of downtown D.C, Josh looks smaller than ever. At three-years-old, he remains quite a bit smaller than most kids his age should be. He clings to the leg of her pants like it’s all that’s holding him upright, his wide green eyes focusing on the wide world around him.
She keeps her eyes peeled for Brotherhood patrols, but figures they haven’t noticed their absence, yet. Thanks to their rigorous patrolling of the area, most of the Super Mutants are gone   —   those that remain seem to be smart enough to keep their heads down. Their trip has been easier than Eliana expected.
The museum that harbors the community of Underworld looms in the distance. “Mama? Carry me?” Josh asks, reaching up to her. She smiles at him, and holsters her laser pistol.
“Come here, big guy.” She lifts him up, her footsteps hurried as she heads to Underworld. “You’ve been so brave for me. And we even won the game. No one knew that we left.”
He beams at that, leaning forward to snuggle into her neck. “We won, we won!” he chimes.
When they near Underworld, Willow spots them almost immediately. The ghoul’s eyes widen when they rest on the little boy cuddled safely in her arms. She doesn’t speak for a moment, then asks, “What brings you here this time, tourist?”
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londone-fog · 6 years
Friday, Never Hesitate- Reddie Soulmate AU
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The next day, his mother told him to swallow a new pill. Oblong, slightly pink in color. It was bitter on his tongue, and he didn’t like it. The back pain went away after a couple of days.
But his Mama told him to keep taking them.
He didn’t want to upset her.
Chapter Two- Tuesday
Eddie ran for one of the first times in his entire life, limbs awkwardly flailing in an attempt to escape the pounding of feet behind him. He finally caught sight of a bathroom, screeching around the tight corner and slamming the door behind him. He clambered on top of the toilet seat in one of the stalls, hugging his knees tight to his chest. The footsteps of his pursuers thundered in moments later, followed by the sounds of fists banging on the door.
It was a Tuesday. Eddie was 11.
The pounding and shouting faded on down the hall eventually, but Eddie stayed put, trying and failing to keep his face dry of tears. He took a quick puff from his inhaler, trying to dispel the panic still lingering in his chest.
“Eds? You in here?” a voice asked, echoing off the tile walls of the bathroom.
“Don’t call me Eds, Richie. You know I don’t like that.”
“There you are. What happened?”
Eddie could see Richie’s large eyes through the crack in the stall door, magnified through the thick lenses of his glasses. He sighed, pushing the door open, forcing Richie aside. He stared at himself in the mirror, swiping at the drying tear tracks adorning his cheeks.
“Nothing. Just those kids in gym being jerks.”
It was not nothing. They saw something while they were all in the showers, or rather, a lack of something. Eddie didn’t have a soulmark. And, by extension, Eddie didn’t have a soulmate.
“Come on, Bill’s probably wondering where we are,” Richie said, giving Eddie a gentle pat between his shoulders.
“Yeah, right. Let’s go.”
Eddie usually wasn’t allowed out of the house much once he got home. His mom was still worried about him getting hurt, and he still took all of the same pills he did when he was younger, maybe even a few more. And he took them diligently. He didn’t want to make her upset.
But today, he was going to a sleepover for the first time at Richie’s house. He’d had to beg his mom over and over, and she finally cracked. And so, after school, she loaded him up with all his medication and several pairs of everything he could possibly need. With a big smacking kiss to the forehead, he was on his way.
The air was cool, whizzing through his short hair as he pedaled his bike through the streets of Derry. A few straggling pedestrians wandered around on the sidewalks, shuffling on their way back home from school and work.
When he pulled into Richie’s yard, he recognized both Bill and Stan’s bikes leaning against the side of the house. Sure enough, inside they sat, already starting a movie and chattering amongst themselves. Richie caught sight of Eddie through the screen door, cracked a grin and leapt up to let him in.
“Howdy Eds, thought you’d never show up.” He tried to make his voice sound funny, but it just sounded really weird.
“My mom told me I needed to take all my medicine. She doesn’t want me to get sick.” Richie wrinkled his nose.
“You won’t get sick. That’s crazy.”
“Is not. It’s flu season, anyone could be sick.”
“Flu season? You can get a flu any ol’ time. That’s dumb.”
“Is not.”
“Is too!”
“H-h-hey, the good p-part is coming u-up,” stated Bill from the other room, barely getting the sentence out. Stan nodded in agreement, blowing a loose bit of hair out of his eyes.
They all sat in relative silence for most of the movie, only making the occasional comment of telling Richie to please stop making fun of the characters and just enjoy the show. Eddie looked around at his friends, happy to be sitting surrounded by company, rather than sitting alone in his room.
“Hey, did you guys hear?” Stan asked, eyes not leaving the television as the credits rolled across the screen.
“Of course, Stan-the-man, I did hear. I’m doing it now!”
“Shut up Richie. Greta met her soulmate today. In the cafeteria.”
Greta was the pharmacist's daughter, and she was possibly one of the worst human beings to grace the earth. In the grade above them, she thought it appropriate to make their lives hell for simply existing. Eddie, who had to go to the drug store on a near daily basis, was quite familiar with her antics. To think someone like that could have a soulmate was very jarring.   
“W-w-who was it?” asked Bill, shock laying low beneath his features.
“I dunno. One of those jerk guys from gym, I think.”
Eddie’s skin crawled, thinking back to earlier that week when he was chased out of the gym and into the boy's bathroom. The skin between his shoulder blades itched, and he swiped his nails across it a few times.
“I can’t tell if finding your soulmate young is a good thing or not. I mean, you know sooner, but what about the bad stuff?” Eddie inquired, more thinking aloud than expecting an answer.
“I guess I know what you mean. Like, what if you decide as a kid you want to just be platonic but then change your mind? Or vise versa? It’s pretty young to make a decision like that,” said Stan, scratching at his nose. Eddie caught a glimpse of his soulmark, a colorful, sweeping feather shape. It rested comfortably over the hollow of his slender wrist, winking, taunting.
“I-I-I dunno? I think having s-someone like that from the time you’re little w-w-would be nice?”
“Of course you would think that, Billy Boy, you ol’ sap,” Richie crooned, jokingly thumping Bill on the back. Eddie itched again.
The flashing lights from the television screen danced and blinked against the white walls of Richie’s living room. It was very late, and Eddie was the only one awake. Stan and Bill lay on the ground, sound asleep, backs pressed against each other for warmth. Richie’s head drooped against the back of the couch, legs curled beneath him and soft breaths puffing from his parted mouth.
Eddie thought back to the other day, and the kids who taunted him for being different. Catching a glimpse of his colorless body in the showers, pointing and making a scene.
Forever alone!
Little Eddie doesn’t have a soulmark!
He scratched at his shoulder blades again, running his nails across the skin there over and over again.
A loud crash emitted from the TV, causing Richie to jolt awake. He looked around in mild panic  for a moment, before he scrubbed his eyes under his glasses and looked at Eddie.
“Why are you scratching like that? It looks like it hurts.”
“I dunno, my back itches like that sometimes. I think it’s allergies.”
“Let me see.”
Eddie hesitated for a moment, nervous energy bubbling up in the pit of his stomach. He finally relented though, turning enough so Richie could lift up the back of his shirt and examine the offending skin.
“It’s really red. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
A beat passed between them. But, slowly, Eddie felt the cool palm of Richie’s hand press gently against the irritation, rubbing small, gentle circles.
“Are you sure it wasn’t something those guys from gym did?” His voice was uncharacteristically gentle, worry ever present in his expression and tone.
“No, I’m sure. They mostly just yelled at me a bit.”
“Why were they so upset in the first place? I’m sure our Eddie Spaghetti wouldn’t just start a fight.”
Eddie tore a bit of dried skin off his bottom lip, the tang of blood singing on his tongue.
“I don’t have a soulmark.”
“A soulmark. I don’t have one. I never have.”
Richie was deathly silent.
“I’ve never heard of that happening before. What’re you gonna do?”
He shrugged, feeling his face heat up with shame just a little.
“I guess I’ll just be alone forever.”
“No, you won’t,” Richie scoffed, raising his voice almost loud enough to wake up their sleeping friends. “You have your family. And Bill. And Stan. And me.” Eddie smiled a bit at that statement, embarrassment leaving to make way for something warmer.
Then Richie went quieter for a moment.
“Do you want to see a secret?” Eddie nodded.
Richie shimmied up his shirt a little bit, exposing his bare back. And sure enough, on the top of his back, sat a soulmark. But it was much different than any Eddie had ever seen. It was not grey, like someone whose soul mate had died. But it was not colorful at all.
It looked like it had sat in the sun too long, fading from constant exposure. Now it was only just barely darker than the skin surrounding it. The lines were thin and swirling, forming something that resembled a deep V shape.
“What’s wrong with it?” Eddie asked, words forming shocked and breathy.
“I dunno. It’s been like that since I first got it.”
They looked at each other, silent understanding passing between them. Eddie felt less alone in that moment, less like he was stranded in his struggle.
In that moment, Richie became his best friend.
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gaiyofanfiction · 7 years
Save Me
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Chapter 1: Second Time? - Chapter 2: Awake - Chapter 3: First Love - Chapter 4: Mama - Chapter 5: Reflection - Chapter 6: Lie - Chapter 7: Stigma - Chapter 8: Begin - Chapter 9: Taken - Chapter 10: Torture - Chapter 11: The Plan - Chapter 12: The Escape
Reader X Jungkook
Mental Hospital AU
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. We did take their personalities and match as best we can with illnesses, however we do not claim that the boys from BTS have these mental illnesses! Also, we did as much research as we can on each disorder. We are not meaning to offend anyone who has these illnesses at all. ALSO, WE DO KNOW BTS CHANGED THEIR ENGLISH NAME TO BEYOND THE SCENE BUT WE’RE USING BULLETPROOF BOYSCOUTS CAUSE IT FITS THE STORY BETTER.
Trigger warning: Mentions of mental illness, hospitals, self harm, suicide attempt and abuse. Both Gaisho and I recommend, if you feel like you need to go to the hospital for ANY reason, please don’t be afraid to do so. It can help. If you EVER feel like you need to talk to anyone, vent, or need advice on anything, please do not hesitate to msg us! We’ve been through it all.
Chapter 1: Second Time?:
        “The Ambulance is on its way,” your foster mother sighs as she sits down in front of you.
        You look out the window of the living room, your body shaking as you hold the blood stained towel to your arms. The expressionless look on your face tells her you’re either not paying attention or you don’t really care.
        “Hunny, this is the second time this week you’ve done this.” She looks at you with worry.
         You don’t even glance her way making her sigh again. ‘Second time this week? What is she talking about?’
        She stares at you when suddenly she yells out in frustration, startling you. “Why do you do this, Y/N?! You always act like you’re not ever here! Like your mind is somewhere else and then you go and do something like this! Don’t you think that after every other foster family passed you off, you would have stopped by now?!”
        You stare at her wide-eyed, but continued to stay silent. Why argue with someone you weren’t even sure was real? Your head turns back to the window, making your foster mother throw her hands up in defeat. You hear in the distance the sirens from the ambulance. Suddenly your vision starts to turn black as your consciousness fades.
        You start to regain consciousness. Loud sirens go off as you are jostled around. You try to look around and figure out where you are.
        “Ahhh, there she is! Thought we lost you for a second,” says the front driver as he gives a smile in your direction.
        “W-what?” you stutter, completely confused. You lazily look around trying to refocus your vision. You are able to make out a bunch of medical equipment and you feel yourself strapped to a gurney.
        “Yeah, you lost a lot of blood back there. But, luckily we were able to control the bleeding and you should be alright,” says the driver, as he stays focused on the road.
        The other man in the passenger side leans in to whisper to the driver, “Dude, this is the second time this week.”
        ‘Second time this week? What do they mean?’ You blankly stare outside the window of the rig. You’re not sure what to think, there are no other words on your mind. However, you start to slowly doze off.
         Time passes. You wake up to the noise of beeping machines around you. You shift your heavy body to sit up and see where you are. ‘The hospital? Why am I here?’
        You see a man and a woman talking to a doctor outside the doorway of your room. Disappointment filled their eyes as the doctor walks away. They quickly enter your room and the woman gets uncomfortably close to your face.
        “Seriously, Y/N? This is the second time this week, let alone how many times this MONTH! You realize how much of an inconvenience you’ve been?” says the angry woman. ‘Who is she and why is she so close to my face? Are they…Are they my parents?’
        The woman sighs and crosses her arms, taking a step back. “Stop giving me that look! You look really stupid right now. You know what, I’m done. There’s a reason why you’ve bounced around so much in the foster system. I can’t do this anymore.” With those words she storms out of the room. The man that was with her looks at you with sadness and follows suit.
        ‘Well, that was interesting’. Confused by her statement you cock your head. Just then the same doctor as before comes into the room. “Hi there, my name is Dr. Samuels. I am going to ask you a series of questions and then we’ll go from there. Is that okay?” You give the man a small nod.
        “Good. Do you know where you are?” You nod your head, not speaking, although your eyes wander.
        “Do you know why you’re here?” You start to nod, but you end up shaking your head fairly hard and start to clench your eyes closed.
        “Y/N, you attempted suicide. You had cut your wrists pretty badly. It seems like you knew what you were doing with the way you cut. You also left a note for your foster parents.” You start to nervously scratch your neck and with your other hand you clench the railing of the cart, not making eye contact with the doctor.
        He notices the beginnings of an anxiety attack, but continues anyway, “based on your history of suicide attempts, chronic depression, bipolar behavior, derealization disorder and dissociative amnesia, I had recommended to your foster parents that it would be wise to put you in an inpatient facility to get you back up on your feet. We’re working on you getting processed right now. The psychologist will be coming in to talk to you soon. It’s going to be alright, Y/N.”
        Your face shows no sign of life as you slump into the stiff mattress. ‘Who am I? Who are these people? Attempted suicide? I don’t understand! I can’t remember a damn thing!’
        You start to scream and thrash. “NO! NO! NO! GET ME OUT OF HERE! AHHHHHH!” Nurses immediately rush to your side and try to hold you down. The doctor quickly hands over a syringe to the nurse and orders for you to be sedated. Though you fight them, you feel the pinch in your arm and the room around you starts to fade away into darkness.
        Once again you slowly come to, but this time you’re in a wheelchair. You try to move your arms and legs, but they’re tightly strapped in. You sigh in defeat, clearly not getting anywhere. You look up to notice a very unusually happy woman.
        “Hi there! Welcome to one of the best behavioral facilities in the nation: ‘Be Free Behavioral’.” The woman speaking to you is quirky and extremely smiley. It actually annoys you and slightly creeps you out. You just give her a grim facial expression as she continues to talk to you.
        “At ‘Be Free Behavioral’, we encourage all of our patients to freely express themselves during the process of healing. Hence our name, ‘Be Free’, hehe, get it?” She says with an intense smile.
        “Yeah, I don’t feel like I’m ‘free’ here,” you raise a brow as you look down at your restraints.
        “Haha! You’re so funny! C’mon now, it’s time for proper introductions!” The lady pushes you into the lounge where you’re surrounded by several other patients. Your hands clench the arm rests of the wheelchair as your eyes rapidly survey the room. You try to relax your breathing. You are not usually around this many people at once.
        “Alright everyone! We have a newbie here with us today! Hehe. Let’s all go around the room and state our names. Remember, no last names!” This lady is way too perky for your liking. “Let’s start from the left side of the room and work our way around. Shall we?” She motions to a cluster of seven good-looking men.
        Something about their presence makes you feel at ease. Your eyes move to the first one.
        “Hi, I’m Rap Monster, ah I mean Namjoon, haha. You can call me either name!” the purple-haired boy cracks a sweet smile. His dimples make you blush.
        “Ah, I’m Yoongi, but everyone calls me Suga. It’s nice to meet you,” his eyes smile, though his face remains fairly expressionless. His skin was ivory soft, and it paired well with the black hair with blue highlights.
        The next boy with light brown hair with salmon pink highlights butts in with a lot of energy, “Hi! I’m so happy to meet you. My name is Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi. I hope we can be good friends!” The very smiley boy was full of life, but that didn’t turn you away. Actually his demeanor made you feel more light-hearted.
        Next up was this cocky boy with darker brown hair. “And my name is Jin! I’m the good-looking one of the bunch. I’m really the only one you should try to remember, HA, HA, HA!” ‘Wow, this boy really cut to the chase about how he feels about himself’. His introduction makes you giggle. You also notice the others shake their heads and roll their eyes.
        “Jin, you ruin everything. Ah, my name is Jimin! I hope we make you feel more welcomed here,” he smiles and puts up a peace sign. It was very adorable.
        Coming down to the last few of the group, a light brown-haired boy speaks next. His voice is a bit deeper like the first two, “Hi, uh, my name is Taehyung, but you can call me Tae or even V. That’s what my hyung’s and dongsaeng call me.” He smiles more so with his lips without baring his teeth. His smile was sweet and comforting.
        Finally, it was the last boy to say his name. All of a sudden he became really reserved and shy. He didn’t even look at you when he says his name in a low whisper, “J-jungkook. That’s my name.” He hides behind Taehyung like a little boy. Your lips crack a smile for the first time since you arrived and chuckle at his cuteness. ‘He must not be too familiar with talking to girls’.
        There were others sounding off their names, but you don’t hear the rest because you’re so focused on the first seven boys. They stood out more to you out of everyone else here. Your memory is still foggy, you still don’t understand the events that lead you to be in this situation. You barely even knew who you were, who your parents were, or anything really. But even with all of that, those boys seem to have welcomed you with no issues, making you feel slightly more at ease.
        The overly happy woman claps her hands. “Wonderful! Now, why don’t you tell everyone your name and a little bit about yourself,” she motions to you.
       At first you weren’t really sure what to say. You bite your lip and start to tap nervously on the armrest. “I-I…I don’t know who I am…Can you tell me?”
        The lady nervously laughs, “Why, you’re Y/N, of course!” a bell dings as the clock turns two, interrupting the woman. “Well, will you look at that? Everyone, it’s free time! Please ‘be free’ and productive! Hehe.” She finally exits the lounge. ‘Jeez, how annoying can you possibly be.’
        The seven boys slowly gather around you, making you nervous. Rap Monster notices and gives a small comforting smile. He proceeds to speak calmly, “the restraints are only temporary. If you at least show that you’re on good behavior, they’ll eventually give you more autonomy.” Again he smiles. ‘Ah! Those dimples!’
        You let out a small peep and say, “I don’t… know why I’m here…” your eyes start to water up, suddenly a hand reaches out to touch yours, making you flinch slightly. It was Suga, though his face still remains expressionless. He looks off into the distance, but says to you, “don’t worry, everyone needs someone, right? We’re here for you. They call us seven the Bulletproof Boy Scouts”.
        All around you the boys smile in agreement, even Jungkook, who is still hiding behind V, smiles without looking directly at you.
        “Everyone, it’s time for medication. Please head over to the nurse’s station for your timely medications. No exceptions.” A man says, standing down the hallway at a distance. He wore a white coat and was jotting down notes on his clipboard. He was very stern and authoritative. ‘Why do I get this terrible vibe from him?’
        “W-who is he?” you whisper to the boys.
        Rap Monster lets out a shaky breath and swallows the lump in his throat, “that is Dr. Seung Ho Choi. The founder of Be Free Behavioral.”
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