#look! somehing non filthy!
illfoandillfie · 4 years
Hey i hope you're enjoying your time off work so far! Id like to request a roger blurb please, it's not from a prompt list but I had a thought the other day I couldn't get out of my head! So I was reading something on The Cross and the other lads in the band were like 22, and I just imagined being one of their friends and they offer to bring you into the studio for a day because youre interested to see how they record but you're a bit nervous to meet roger and when are introduced you can't get over how hot he is in the flesh and he thinks youre really cute and takes a liking to you and theres a bit of flirting and loads of chemistry 😍 honestly would love to read a whole fic on this but a blurb would great! 😁 p.s sorry this is so long! 😂
This is such a cute idea! I hope I did it justice!
You’ve known Peter for years. Watched as he’s picked up the bass as a hobby and then got seriously into it. You went with him when he went to audition for a band, waited out the front of the building they held them in and asked him how it went when he was done. The rumour was that a musician who was already quite famous was looking for people to join a new band so your first question was actually…
“Who was it?”
“Roger Taylor!”
“From Queen! Y’know, the drummer,”
Less exciting than you’d imagined. If it had been Freddie himself you would have been more impressed. And the guitarist (whats-his-name, tall fellow with all the hair) might have been worth a exclamation and maybe tempted you to turn back and try and catch a glimpse. But the drummer? Who cares. But the good news was that Peter was in. Rodney or whatever his name was had clearly liked what he saw and you couldn’t blame him, Peter was the best bassist you knew, best musician you knew. You were proud of Peter and happy for him.
There were a few perks to being besties with the bassist in a proper band. He gave you copies of all their albums and you got to meet the rest of the band. Well most of them. The singer, the famous one, had never been able to make it, always busy with Queen or his family. But he seemed like a top bloke from everything you heard about him and you did like his style, his voice. You’d thought you might finally get to meet him when you went and saw them play on the tour but unfortunately you’d had to back out at the last minute after catching a flu-like bug.
It wasn’t until they were working on the next album that it happened. You were hanging out at Peter’s place, his first day off since they’d finished recording, when he got a phone call. As he put it, some fucking moron had fucked up one of the tapes and they had to go in and re-record a whole fucking song. He was apologetic for ruining your day together but you waved him off. You could see him again tomorrow or the next day or whenever.
“Unless you wanted to come with me? Hopefully it won’t take more than a couple of hours and then we can go see a movie or something. And you can see how we make an album.”
“All that shit you’ve told me about it might actually make some sense,” you laughed but agreed to the plan.
Spike was the first to see you, pulling you into a hug but the rest of the band was soon saying hi too and waving as they plugged in instruments and tuned them. Peter left you to find Roger and ask what had been lost so you ambled around the studio, looking at the records that hung on the walls and all the equipment. The numerous buttons and dials and adjustable slides made you feel a little like you were in a space ship in a sci-fi movie. You were just beginning to wonder where Peter had vanished to and when they’d be getting on with it when the door behind you opened and in he walked with Roger. You smiled and waved and he said something to Roger before they came over to your corner of the room.
“So you’re Y/N? I’m sorry I haven’t been able to meet you earlier, Peter’s told me so much about you.” He reached out to shake your hand as he spoke and you were struck by how charming he was.
“He has, has he?”
“All good I promise,”
“Of course it’s all good. He knows how much dirt I have on him.”
Roger laughed as Peter rolled his eyes.
“Sorry, I’m Roger by the way.”
“Nice to finally meet you Roger,”
“I’ll try not to keep your boy too long. But please, make yourself comfortable. There’s a couch over there or you can sit and watch what they do at the desk.”
You thanked him for letting you be there and wished them luck as they turned and went through the second door into the recording space. And then you kicked yourself for saying something so stupid. No one had told you Roger was hot. That was crucial information and no one had thought to inform you. You’d heard he was funny and a great musician and all this other stuff and not once had they said he was hot! You tried to remember if you’d noticed it on any of the record sleeves but you couldn’t say you’d really paid much attention. You’d been much more focused on Peter. But now, after having met Roger, you felt like you were regressing to a giggly teenager again and had to turn around so no one would see you grinning.
After a bit of discussion half the band left the recording space, leaving the drummer to lay down his part first. Peter came over to talk to you, but your eyes were firmly stuck on Roger as he bent over one of the mixing boards.
“Y/N, did you hear me?” Peter said, tapping you on the shoulder.
“Can you stop drooling over Rog for a second,”
“I’m not drooling,” you wrenched your eyes away from Roger and turned to face Peter instead.
“Might as well be,”
“What’s his deal anyway?”
“I’m curious, sue me,”
“Divorced. Kids. Twice your age,”
“Any downsides I should know about?”
“Twice your age isn’t a downside?”
“Course not. Means he’s experienced and mature,”
Peter laughed and you took the opportunity to look over at Roger again, though you quickly brought your gaze back to Peter.
“Seriously though, is there any reason I should be wary?”
“I’ve known Rog for a few years now and he’s a really great guy, if a little busy. Plus, if Spike’s stories about Queen tours are to be believed, you’re right to say he’s experienced,”
You laughed and this time when you looked back at Roger your eyes met. You smiled, the sort of flirty smile the boys in the local pub liked. He smiled back before turning to the desk again.
 For the next few hours you watched as each band member took a turn in the booth, playing their part over and over and over until everyone was satisfied with how it sounded. It was a little boring, the novelty soon wearing off, but there were things to keep you entertained. Peter talked to you while he wasn’t preoccupied, sometimes joined by one or two of the others. Occasionally they’d interrupt whatever they were saying to comment on how the person playing sounded, and Roger would make adjustments based on the feedback, or talk into the little speaker and relay the advice. Mostly you amused yourself by fantasising about Roger, watching him over the shoulder of whoever was talking to you. You caught him look at you a few more times too. It happened more frequently once Peter was in the booth and you decided you might as well make a move. Afterall, how likely was it you’d see Roger again any time soon?  
He’d said you could sit closer to the desk if you wanted so you sidled up next to him and asked him to explain what you were looking at. He beckoned you closer still, wrapped his arm around your waist as he pointed out different slides and buttons and explained what they did. There was a definite tension between you, something electric, something that made your skin tingle where his hand lay. You nodded along, asked questions. He seemed impressed by that, happily answering everything in great detail. Until he turned back to watch Peter, his hand slipping from your waist and his voice becoming much more serious. When Peter was done, you hugged him and said he sounded great.
“I saw you practically sitting on Roger’s lap just now,” he whispered, double checking Roger himself wasn’t listening in.
“I think he likes me,”
“You’re young and pretty of course he likes you,”
“You’re the worst person to talk to about this,” you laughed, “But would you care if I…”
“What, seduced him?”
“I was going to say asked him out but same diff,”
“Y/N, you’re a grown woman and I’m not your keeper,”
“Okay but you’re in a band with him, I don’t want to like, get in the way.”
“If you want to go for it then go for it.”
“Even with the age gap?”
“It clearly doesn’t bother you and lord knows I hope that when I’m 40 something I can still pull 22 year olds.”
You laughed, your mind made up.
There wasn’t much chance to put your plan in motion inside the studio. Too many people and Roger became distracted as it was his turn to record his vocals. Hearing Roger sing what was obviously a love song made your breath catch and your heart race. If you’d felt unsure about him, those doubts were gone. You found yourself standing by the desk again, not to see how they adjusted the levels but just to be closer to the glass between you and Roger. He smiled at you between verses and you desperately wanted to be the person he was singing about. As he re-sang the final verse, adjusting based on feedback from the others, you felt like you needed some air. Slipping out the door you headed down the corridor and stepped out of the building. Two vending machines were there and you dug out your purse for some change. As you were crouching down to collect the bottle you heard the door open again. It was Roger.
“I’m sorry this is taking longer than we thought,”
“Oh, it’s fine I feel like I understand what Peter does now. But maybe can make it up to me after with a coffee?”
Roger opened his mouth to respond and then paused.
“Doesn’t have to be coffee…”
“I’m flattered but I’m not sure that’s a good idea,”
“Why not? Is it because I’m younger than you?”
“No, no, that’s not it. I’m just not in the habit of taking my bandmates girls’ out on dates,”
Realisation dawned on you and you began to laugh, even more so once you saw Roger’s confused expression, “Me and Peter aren’t together. We’re just mates,”
“Really? But he talks about you a lot and Spike said-”
“Spike doesn’t know what he’s on about. Did you not wonder why I was flirting so much?
“No, I definitely wondered. But that’s, that’s good.”
“Well, what I mean is, you’re cute. I would have asked you out already expect that I thought…But that’s by the by, um,” he scratched the back of his head, “So you still want to get that coffee?”
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shir-ai · 5 years
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Tagged by @thegrumpyjournalist! Thank you for tagging me, those games are fun xD
1. Are you named after someone?
My name is Max, and no, I'm not
2. When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago. I was thinking about my future, which led me to the present and it went downhill fast
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. Although, I have my flowers, which I love, and I like calling them my children xD
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yeah! Usually in jokes, but sometimes it's required to show the other person just how stupid is their idea
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Body language. It can surprisingly tell a lot about someone
6. What’s your eye colour?
Deep blue
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Why not both? They don't cancel each outher out ;)
8. Any special talents?
I can draw with a cartoonish style. I tried ones with more details, and sure, they look cooler, but the simplified drawings just give me somehing close to comfort xD
I'm also good at ignoring all my problems which leads to bigger problems! Yeehaw!
9. Where were you born?
Lower silesia, Poland
10. What are your hobbies?
I think my main two hobbies are gardening and drawing. But, other than that, I like reading manga, reading fanfiction, playing skyrim, dating sims, games, and making theories about stuff xD I don't know if it counts as a hobby but I also like watching ice skating
11. Do you have any pets?
I have a perfect fluffy man beautiful pup named Albert. He's literally made of glass, superb delicate treat with caution. But he's also super friendly and soft and loves pats!! When he drinks water his ears fall into the bowl so today we tried giving him a ponytail. He didn't want me to take photos.
And my kitty cat!! My bastard!! My filthy 'have a dead mouse' love! The light of my life!! I found her when she was a kitten while buying bread, she wouldn't stop following me. So I took the ugly rat home. I love her!! ( yes she has a tail )
12. What sport do you/have you played?
I ocasionally run around the village. But I have a black belt in taekwondo ( yeah. i am 100% bragging). Other than that I'm rather lazy
169cm // 5'6 I think
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in school?
English, arts and IT. Weird trio but they're the most fun ones
15. Dream job?
Tagging: @jooniesbear kapow mimo że wątpie że to zrobisz xdd
No. Idea. Absolutely. Nada. Non.
The loose ideas though, are 1) that one flower shop in town, 2) that one coffee shop in town, but neither of those are really well paying in the log run ugh
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