#look at these great transparents i found im living.... im so awful at making them
yourfaveneedsahug · 5 years
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Abby Griffin from The 100 needs a hug!
requested by anon
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alluraslion · 7 years
OKAY SO. i found your blog and im so glad bc finally someone who shares the same opinions! im asian, the whole reason i got into voltron was bc of shiro. and im so disappointed that the writers are probably going to replace him with keith, i mean how often do you get asians in leadership positions? amd not to mention shiro was missing for so much of s3, and i.was so mad that fandom wasnt being as angry about it as they are about keith being gone. and everyone keeps praising voltron (1)
for makig the show about keith because hes “east asian” SHOW ME WHERE. listen id love if keith was east asian (the only thing better than 1 asian character is 2 asian characters) but theres literally no canonical evidence that keith is asian. heck, i didnt even know keith was “”“asian coded”“” until interacting with fandom. casual voltron fans probably think keith is white. every keith stan pats themselves on the back for being “"progressive”“ and a ”“champion of diversity”“ for liking keith (2)
all while ignoring the ACTUAL, CANONICALLY CONFIRMED east asian character. the voltron fandom is so transparent, they dont care about asian rep at all. this fandom has made me, an asian, absolutely despise the asian keith hc. amd you know what? im pretty sure the voltron writers will never confirm keith ethnicity and ill have to live with ”“keith is asian coded so its perfectly okay to sideline confirmed characters of colour like lance, hunk, and allura for him!” till this show ends.(3)
also shiro doesnt get sidelined in the show, but his treatment in fandom is nowhere near as good keiths. keith joined the bom and everyones crying over their “"poor baby keith uwu”“ while ignoring the fact that shiro got tortured for a year and has possibly bee n cloned. and ive seen so much hate for shiro, because he was ”“"mean”“”. just say you hate asians! stop using my ethnicity to defend liking and hating all other characters for a (possibly, and very likely) white boy! (4)
OKAY so much of this ask is just… pure mood like… you hit so many nails on the head!! like keith being asian would be great but to just anyone watching? unless they suspect broganes being canon on their own, KEITH IS SOOO WHITE???  a fandom wide headcanon being largely accepted doesnt make it canon. i got into voltron because i was sick of fandoms that prioritized and glorified white boys and voltron was largely advertised by fans as having a nonwhite cast (aside from pidge) and i was like well…. no white boys lets go take a look!!! and for a long time despite no canon confirmation i really just assumed keith was ofc nonwhite when…. we don’t know, and where other characters have clearly been shown/coded their races, we all act like keith is a mystery when to the average viewer he… really isnt. like its insane. in the exact same damn situation!!!! in another fandom that prioritizes and glorifies a white boy!! pointing at keith and collectively saying “hes asian” doesnt make it canon anymore so than putting a shirt and shoes on a dog makes it a human. we’ve done so much work for advertising voltron to other like minded people looking for diversity its insane lmaooooo….
and youre so right abt people being so much more upset abt keith being gone than shiro!!! finding just regular shiro stans is so hard bc most of them are weirdos that either ship him with kids or just straight up fetishize and abuse him and its so awful… everyone acts like you have to ship him w someone to like him and thinking of him as a character is halted beyond that. 
like white ppl def get “well i like keith and hes not white so im not racist!!!” cred and try to use it when thats like. not how it works. its insane. and im not trying to call out ppl who hc keith as asian and create content w that in mind? i like keith a lot and i see him as nonwhite too but up to a certain point i just wish we’d be more critical, of ourselves and of the show, for being so keith centric without really remembering that his race isnt confirmed… and that to a lot of watchers it probably isnt even a question. 
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