#look i obviously dont begrudge any shipping but they love each other!!
automatonwithautonomy · 5 months
it doesnt matter if theyre in love because they love each other. do you understand. do you get it.
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crmsndragonwngss · 4 years
For the ask character meme, my boy Goku.
Imma preface this by saying that I have some opinions about Goku that might be considered controversial. I ask that you respect that my opinions are different than yours, and that I am allowed to think what I want. I do not and will not invalidate anyone’s opinions on this character or any character, and so I ask that you give me the same courtesy. I love Goku, but Goku is far from my favorite character in this series
Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them
There’s a lot that I really like about Goku. I like how freely and openly he loves, I like how sweet and kind and caring he is, I like his relationships with his friends and family. I like how he doesn’t offer respect to anyone just because of title or status, and I like that he is quick to give his respect and concede to stronger opponents. I like how easily he forgives too, to an extent. My favorite thing about Goku, though, is how much he loves his family. He’s not perfect, and hell sometimes he’s downright dangerously stupid, but he would and does happily give his life for the people he loves. He’s endearing and easy to love, and I truly do love Goku a whole lot, despite all his flaws
Why I don’t
Goku is actually one of the most problematic characters on the whole show for me. Just as there is a lot that I like about him, there is a LOT that I don’t like about him. As I said above, sometimes he is dangerously stupid and foolish and reckless. He routinely puts himself and everyone else in impossible situations and he NEVER learns his lesson. So many villains came about because of his misguided need to spare villains who cannot be redeemed, and his incredibly naive penchant for seeing good where there is none. Frieza and Dr Gero come immediately to mind in this regard. His sense of honor is also quite warped sometimes, one moment claiming he will never forgive an opponent for what they’ve done and ganging up on them and using dirty tricks, and the next moment offering a senzu bean to an (objectively worse) opponent in the interest of fairness. His recklessness is one of my main issues with Goku. Another serious issue I have with Goku is how everyone is so quick to praise him for saving the world, often forgetting anyone who helped or actually did more, and how heavily they rely on him to fight their battles for them. Every character is just waiting for Goku to come and save them, even when they don’t necessarily need saving. It’s infuriating. But at the end of the day, in many ways, I view Goku like I would my own child. I love him and I root for him always, but sometimes I’m just so goddamned disappointed in some of his choices lol
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
My favorite Goku moments are always the moments in which we see him being a loving and attentive father and husband. The days before the Cell Games where he spends his afternoons with Gohan come to mind. I love how he interacts with Chi Chi, and he always thinks of her first when shit gets real. But hands down my favorite Goku moment is an episode I just watched for the first time last week, when his ki is all out of whack and he and Chi Chi are helping Piccolo babysit Pan. I love how Goku interacts with Pan, and I LOVE his conversation with Piccolo on the roof. We see a very vulnerable, introspective side to Goku, and it’s so damn easy to fall in love with him all over again in this moment
Favorite season/movie
I’ll do movie for this one. My favorite movie for Goku is actually DBS Broly. I like how this movie showcases all of his flaws as well as his strengths, instead of just focusing on his strengths. This is also one of the rare moments where he doesn’t save the world soundly and decisively all on his own. He makes mistakes and he immediately gets punished for them, and I really appreciate that.
Favorite line
“YOU FOOOOOOL!!!” I also like any time he says anything that lifts Gohan up
Favorite outfit
I do like that jacket when he and Gohan are just walking around in SSJ lol, but I think my favorite outfit is what he’s wearing in the driving school episode. He looks so good in casual clothes, and I wish he’d wear them more
Gochi. I’m very partial to canon ships lol, but I also just really don’t ship him with anyone but Chi Chi
Goku & Vegeta
Head Canon
Interestingly, I don’t have any head canons for Goku in particular. Everything I think about Goku is either canon or based entirely on canon. One head canon I guess I have is that I personally think he is ace, which I’ll detail below in the unpopular opinion section
Unpopular opinion
I do not view Goku as a particularly sexual creature. I think of him as ace. He loves Chi Chi and he has sex with her because he knows that it’s something she enjoys and he likes being close to her, but I don’t think he seeks out or initiates sexual interaction or intimacy. This is actually why I’m not a kakavege shipper. I do think there is definitely a great deal of sexual attraction and tension on Vegeta’s end (that man wants Goku so bad, and that’s basically canon), but I don’t think that Goku feels the same way. He likes Vegeta, and he admires and cherishes him, but I don’t think he’s particularly sexually attracted to anyone. That said, I do not begrudge kakavege shippers, and depending on the artist/author/creative, I do enjoy kakavege on occasion (what self-respecting individual who is sexually attracted to the masculine form WOULDN’T be into two hot, immensely powerful dudes tearing each other’s clothes off and fucking each other’s brains out????), but it is not something I actively ship
A wish
I just want Goku to learn for once lol
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
That he makes some reckless mistake that ends in real permanent damage to any member of his family (though obviously in DB there are no real, lasting consequences lol)
5 words to best describe them
Sweet, gentle, naive, himbo, and reckless
My nickname for them
Dumbass mostly lol
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