#also. like obviously the romantic part is important to edwin at least. but its not the be all and end all and i fucking love that!!!!
automatonwithautonomy · 5 months
it doesnt matter if theyre in love because they love each other. do you understand. do you get it.
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who-is-muses · 5 months
@distant-wcrlds | Send me ‘Shipping and Handling’ for romance advice regarding my muse(s)! [ ACCEPTING ]
Shipping and Handling for Winnie, Jon, and Bro'Dee?
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[ adding in the Misters Dent from your other ask :^) ]
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While Edwin tries to not be that shallow, he truly does grow bored and even frustrated in dealing with people that aren't on the same intellectual level as him. Ego aside, his brilliance really is a curse sometimes, having been one reason he was alienated at various points in his life. So someone that not only isn't intimidated by his smarts, but can also understand him in full nerd-talk (or at least can ask the right questions to understand) is definitely going to catch his attention.
Edwin is case in point for the saying "the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach-" alongside books and small machinery, good food is one of his biggest passions. However, he himself is a disaster in the kitchen, so a man that can cook and/or bake is extra attractive to him.
This could be called a non-answer, but Edwin is a sucker for romance. All the cheesy, tooth-rotting classics; flowers, picnic dates, even things simple as opening and holding doors for him. It makes him feel special, of course, but moreso it plays into his longstanding fantasy of a fantastical courting, like something out of a fairytale.
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It's absolutely a common theme of most muses here, but patience is so extremely important for Jon. He's an incredibly difficult man that already both distrusts people and doesn't think himself worthy of love. Proving him wrong, refusing to let him chase you off will at the very least (eventually) make him second guess not believing you about loving him. But keep in mind it will take longer still before he actually lets you in.
Check on him, force him to put whatever he's working on down and take care of himself. It doesn't matter how close you are, he will bitch and moan, hem and haw about it as long as he feels necessary- but ultimately, he does appreciate it. Especially if you make it clear you aren't interrupting him for your own personal needs- besides him not working himself to death.
Do not try to force him to do anywhere or do anything- but invite him to accompany you on outings or to keep you company on errands, even if it's something he obviously can't agree to for whatever reason. As silly as it is- and he absolutely scolds himself for it- he's genuinely touched whenever someone expresses an honest desire for his company. (Although, again, it will take time before he believes that it's honest.)
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Bro'Dee is an absolute sap, especially when he's in a romantic relationship. Tell him you love him, even for no other reason just to say it, and he'll be in awe every single time. He'll return it as well, of course, it just might take a second or two for his brain to let go of you saying it and catch up.
Presents are a large part of a traditional Astonian romance- but nothing expensive or even necessarily grand. In yet another bizarre similarity to Earth, gifting someone a particular species of flower was customary in asking them to become one's partner. It was also typical for couples consisting of at least one walker (the traveling holy profession Bro'Dee had before Astonia was destroyed, hence the surname) to trade small trinkets at a journey's beginning and when they were reunited at its conclusion. Sometimes these were handcrafted trinkets, other times they were interesting small pieces of nature discovered and kept as a surprise.
The reverse of Edwin, Bro'Dee simply adores cooking for people. This one is also kind of a cop-out because one doesn't necessarily need to be romantically involved with him for Bro'Dee to get fulfillment out of it, but they certainly aren't excluded.
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It goes without saying, but one treating Harv just the same as they treat Harvey matters immensely. Even just being friendly with Harv- they share a body and head, so it's nice to be able to agree on at least one thing. Especially if that's a person one of them cares about.
Though it gets downplayed a lot (and I admit the stylization of my icons doesn't help), their scars are extensive and horrific. Both understand being shocked when one discovers just how far the scars reach, but it still hurts after all this time when someone recoils every time they lay eyes on them. This doesn't mean you need to prove how unphased you are by them by touching all over their scarring- some places are completely dead nerve-endings wise, others are extra sensitive. Just learn to accept all them, and that the scars are part of that all.
On a related note, make sure they're taking care of themselves. Both of the Dents are gifted in self negligence, and while Harv is decent at remembering- he can’t remind Harvey to moisturize their wounds if he's just as fixated on something.
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